Beware of VITEEE fake websites
We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.
VLSI Design & Test Symposium (VDAT) was initiated as a workshop in 1998. However, has attained the status of a Symposium from the year 2005 due to the progressively rising participation each year by VLSI-related professionals and academia. Since then, VDAT has been held annually and has established a significant and valuable event for people working in the field of VLSI.
Beware of the illegal/fake websites misusing the name of VIT. Please visit only or for admissions.
B.Tech. Admission to all the four campuses of VIT are open. Admission is based on VITEEE Exam and Qualification in +2 / Pre-University marks . Admission is only through counselling. Eligible candidates may select specific campus and programme during counselling.
We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.