The Dr.M.G.R. Block is the heart and soul of VIT. It includes the Chancellor’s Office, Admissions Office, Finance Office, the Director of Student Welfare Office and the International Relations Office which guide the students in their academic journey at VIT. Apart from these, it consists of well-equipped classrooms and well-designed labs providing the best facilities to students. One would also see the Dr. M Chenna Reddy Auditorium ( Capacity-469, Area-4885 sq. ft), and the Rajaji Hall (Capactiy-120, 1283 sq. ft. ) in the Main Building which are used for grand scale events and discussions. The garden which is located at the centre adds aesthetic value and helps to keep the atmosphere green and clean. The statue of ‘’Bharat Ratna’’ Dr. MGR unveiled by Mr. Venkatraman, the Former President of India on 7th September 1998, earns the building, its name – Dr. MGR Block. Since then this building has been the central to all VITians. The Mail Building consists of 5 floors (Basement to Third Floor).

Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
B01 PG Admission Office 753 70 Admission
B02 UG Admission Office 743 69 Admission
B03 V2 Office 194 18 Admission
B04 V2 Office 195 18.12 Admission
B05 Event Co-ordinator 86 8 Event Management
B06 Ambal Office 398 37 Administration
B06A Faculty cabin 398 37 Common
B07 Student Record room 743 69 Record section
B08 UG Admission Office 753 70 Admission
B09 UG Admission Store room 753 70 Admission
B10 & B11 Chancellor memento room 807 75 Common
B12 Chancellor memento room 807 75 Common
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
G01 VP office 1130 105 Administration
G02 VC office 1119 104 Administration
G03 Registrar Office 1119 104 Administration
G04 Administrative Office 743 69 Administration
G05 Interview room 484 45 Common
G06 Power room 161 15 Electrical Maintenance
G07 Pro-VC Office 484 45 Administration
G08 Visitors room 635 59 Common
G09 UG Admission Office 1313 122 Admission
G10 Finance Office 1313 122 Finance
G11 PRO Office 1098 102 Public Relations
G12 & G13 Exhibition hall 2616 243 Common
G14 Student Record room 1585 147.23 Common
G15 Power room 269 25 Electrical Maintenance
G16 Gents Toilet 65 6 Common
G17 Accounts Record room 194 18 Finance
G18 & G19 VP office Store room 474 44 Administration
G20 Channa Reddy Auditorium 4887 453.99 Auditorium
G21 Green room 743 69 Common
G22 Power room 237 22 Electrical Maintenance
G23 VP office 1092 101.48 Administration
G24 VP office Pantry 60 5.57 VP Office
G25 Gents Toilet 257 23.88 Common
G26 Chancellor Office 1092 101.48 Administration
G27 Chancellor Office ( Waiting Area ) 710 66 Administration
G28 Waiting Hall 257 23.83 Common
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
101 HR Office and Purchase office 2797 259.85 HR & PO
102 Department of Student Welfare 1292 120 DSW
103 Purchase Board room 377 35 PO
104 RAAC Office 476 44.24 Administration
105 International Relations Office 2407 223.62 IR
106 Class room (UG Admission) 787 73.1 Admission
107 Computational fluid Mechanics Lab 2282 212 SMEC
108 SMEC
109 Computational Engineering Mechanics Lab 743 69 SMEC
110 Engineering simulation Lab 743 69 SMEC
111 product design lab 743 69 SMEC
112 Engineering design visualization Lab 743 69 SMEC
113 Power room 118 11 Electrical Maintenance
114 Women rest room 186 17.27 Common
115 Gents rest room 186 17.27 Common
116 Estates Officer room 743 69 Estates
117 EO Office 743 69 Estates
118 Channa Reddy Auditorium 670 62.2 Auditorium
119 Class room 753 70 SMEC
120 Academic Research office 156 14.49 Academic Research
121 Academic Research office 389 36.18 Academic Research
122 Academic Research office 313 29.07 Academic Research
123 Academic Research office 221 20.52 Academic Research
124 Ladies rest room 43 4 Common
125 Gents rest room 32 3 Common
126 Director of Quality Assurance Accreditation 233 21.63 IQAC
127 Faculty cabin 441 41 Common
128 Faculty cabin 732 68 Common
129 HR Office store room 129 12 HR
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
201 Alumini Office Board room 753 70 Alumini Office
202 Alumini Office 753 70 Alumini Office
203 VP office 2627 244.06 Administration
204 Visitors room Common
205 AVP Office Administration
206 VP Office Pantry 246 22.88 Administration
207 IQAC office Dy. Director (DQAA) 255 23.7 IQAC
210 Academic staff college Training Hall 1496 139 Academics
211 Class room 743 69 SMEC
212 Class room 743 69 SMEC
213 Class room 743 69 SMEC
214 Class room 743 69 SMEC
215 Universal higher Education Trust 603 56 UHET
216 Finance office Store room 743 69 Finance
217 Finance office Store room 743 69 Finance
218 Class room 743 69 SMEC
219 Class room 743 69 SMEC
220 Ideation and Design Thinking lab 743 69 SMEC
221 Person Vue testing centre 743 69 Centre
221A Ladies Toilet 194 18 Common
221B Gents Toilet 194 18 Common
222 A&B Pro office and ST. welfare office 118 11 Administration
223 Power room 223 A,B,C Power room 97 9 Electrical Maintenance
224 Class room 776 72.09 SMEC
225 Class room 776 72.09 SMEC
226 Class room 776 72.09 SMEC
227 Class room 776 72.09 SMEC
228 Staff Room Faculty cabin 367 34.09 Common
229 Class room 776 72.09 SMEC
230 Rajaji Hall 1206 112.06 Common
231 Faculty cabin 553 51.33 Common
232 Contracts and tender Division 543 50.42 Estates
233 Security & Vigilance 233 21.63 Security
234 Faculty cabin 215 20 Common
235 Staff Room Faculty cabin 444 41.24 Common
236 DQAA 560 52.03 Administration
237 Store room (HR) 129 12 HR
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
301 Ladies Toilet 236 21.92 Common
302 Gents Toilet 236 21.92 Common
303 Accounts Store room 377 35 Finance
304 Accounts Store room 377 35 Finance
305A Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
305B Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
306 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
306A Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
307 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
307A Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
308 Store room for House Keeping 793 73.67 House keeping
309 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
309A Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
310 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
310A Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
311 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC
312 Class room 793 73.67 SMEC

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only https://vit.ac.in for admissions.