Arts and Cultural

Arts and Cultural


Anchoring on a stage is not an easy task, It is not a cakewalk to address a large crowd, making a connect with them and at the same time wearing multiple other hats and performing other duties too. How to do anchoring on stage is a question which is often asked by people who have never done it. The Anchoring group trains its members the best way to become an interesting anchor. Sessions are organised for how to engaging your audience, identify your audience, use relevant examples and dialogues to which your audience can relate to and understand easily. The use of a backup plan and helps to practice until you become perfect.


VIT Animation Club promotes animation as a viable art form and to expose the general public to this Art form. The aim of the club is to express the creative pragmatist mind set of those who want to think “Out Of the Box”. Club groom the designers all across VIT, who not just contain talent in areas in their specific domains but also have an enthusiasm to learn more in the field of animation. Sometimes it isn't always your skills put into action that almost everybody will be talking about today, but the thought that you channel inside you and follow your heart. You can only do well if you lead your soul, your passion with sheer determination, so that when the time comes you do what you can and dazzle us with the skills you had acquired throughout. Club organizes workshop in different areas of animation.


The main idea of the Beat Boxing club is to have fun being creative with music. Beatboxing Club trains the members in a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum machines, using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Club organize workshops for newbies, host battles at college fests, organise jams and battles at weekends or just meet up to get better acquainted with the art of beat boxing.


The comedy club the members to act as an open platform for aspiring comedians and seek out and comedic talent in VIT. Encourage the contemporary creativity that is constantly emerging in this field and strive to enlighten people about the vast history and potential of this genre. Promote and give platform for students of VIT who have inclination towards satire and stand-up. To emphasize on importance of comedy and bring out the satirical aspects from our daily lives.

Anchoring Group

VIT Animation

Beat Boxing club

The comedy club


VIT Community Radio (Teamspeak) Vellore First Community Radio Station, for the empowerment of the community people who lives in and around the VIT campus. This is the radio under the frequency of 90.8. Basically, we aim to uplift the community people through our small attempt of speaking in the radio. It also helps VIT people for equipping themselves in-terms of personal and career. Here we do live shows, where we try to bring out everything about the world under the one roof for benefiting the people. We cover the events in VIT, there we interview the participants, external people and guests. During fests, we take live bytes from the students, faculties, guests etc. We also conduct some outreach programs for the benefit of the community people. We speak the voice of the people.


Creativity Club provide a platform for students to display their creative side in various academic and non-academic fields. To develop an ‘out-of-box’ thinking in students essential for problem solving in a working environment as well as in daily life. The goal of the Creative Arts Club is to promote creative arts on campus through activities that bring students together. Our purpose is to give students who are not art majors a way to explore their creative side and participate in the college artistic community. To equip students with life skills and tools required to lead a happy and satisfactory life. Club organizes variety of programs like educational, social, cultural, and recreational and entertainment programs. These programs gives an opportunity for students to develop their interactions among groups, helps enhance their creative and leadership skills.


The Debate Society is the place to be if you want to test your mettle in the art of debating. Armed with logic & a love for the spoken word, we battle it out in a myriad of topics from the world of pop culture to the realms of international affairs & economics. We promote a culture of greater thought, and free but inoffensive speech. We encourage the student body to engage with the bigger questions – political, social and cultural – and to see the basis for varied viewpoints and multiple valid opinions. The club has left an indelible mark on the Indian debating circuit as a whole by being a tour-de-force at every tournament it attends, breaking at & winning most of them. From organising events like DebScope to running our intra-VIT tournament 'MAKA,' DebSoc offers everything a person with an interest in debating could ever want.


Dance Club promote the dance art form both regional and western and give opportunity for students to perform. Dance Club also helps the students of VIT to explore themselves in terms of their dancing talents and encourages them to participate in all on-going events by conducting routing workshops which are held by trained and professional dancers with highly prosperous backgrounds. This motivates the students to grow in terms of their dancing abilities and in turn helps them to develop their dancing skills. Members have been so victorious with regard to competitions that are held across the country and have managed to triumph in all of them. Club consists of six major teams of varied dance forms across India. They are Namely BBC, Chargers, JnJ, Maya, Mirage, Unitrix. ACHIEVEMENTS Pegasus 2019 Spandan 2019

Community Radio

Creativity Club

Debate Society club

Dance Club


Dramatics Club exists for the sole purpose of promoting and reviving the art of theatre through various events on campus. We train in promoting cultural learning of acting among students, start act, plays and to perform. Apart from stage play, street play and mono-acting, we conduct acting workshop open to all. The talented members put up plays on days of importance to spread awareness. Members also get chance in participating (and winning) in stage play and street play competitions in various other universities throughout the southern circuit.


The Fine Arts Club (TFAC) is the arts club where students can discover, nurture and promote artistic talent at VIT. We provides an opportunity to the students to let their imagination run wild and provides them with the sight to see things in a different way in the area of drawing and painting, crafts, displays etc. Students learn from one another and share their prowess in different aspects of art. We conduct art events, art exhibition, art workshops to inspire young artists and display their talent. We handle the campus decoration make numerous large scale artworks and creative installations. We also participate in external college fests at their art competitions and win numerous prizes. TFAC is responsible for promoting art in campus and making it colourful


Film Society promote awareness about the actual cinema and that will judge the students ability to understand the movie. To learn the basic skills in film making, script writing, editing, video coverage etc. Club is mainly learning through entertainment. The activities encourage students to develop a different perception regarding the films. The movies managerial skills like leadership, team spirit, group dynamics, creativity, self-motivation etc are developed by the way of film making sessions. Scripting, Shooting, Lighting, editing, sound mixing etc are the part of the club activity. At a regular basis, organize quality events like workshops on script-writing, cinematography, movie-making, movie-analysis and other activities related to appreciation of films. Promote group discussions and panel discussions in the presence of technical experts in the area of movie making with the intent of imbibing taste for quality films.


Heritage Club is about discovering the culture and heritage of our country as well as other heritage sites around the world. Heritage Club is also an attempt to understand all aspects that makes the identity of our Indian civilization or any other civilization in the world. The main focus of the club is on places of importance of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention; discussions, presentations and activities on world heritage sites in India; importance of monuments, buildings, churches, mosques, tombs etc. and their ‘Conservation’; research on International Heritage Sites and its relevance and awareness programmes in school on how to protect and preserve our monuments and our Heritage Sites. Along with the discussion on these points, the students are encouraged to visit heritage sites so that they can feel close and proud of their own country and its history.

Dramatics Club

Fine Arts Club

Film Society club

Heritage Club


Model United Nations Society, VIT runs on the foundation of social and political awareness. MUNSoc believes in spreading this knowledge and constantly conducts awareness workshops on campus. In collaboration with giant organizations like the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan, Global Citizen India and HeForShe, the club organizes one of the largest MUN in India, VITMUN that is known across the country for its quality of debate and competition. The club sends its delegation to MUNs across the country and has won numerous Best Delegation awards each academic year. The competitions require an extensive amount of knowledge of international and national affairs including fields like politics, economics, law and human rights.


Music Club helps to bring out the musical talents (both vocal and instrumental) and providing them a stage to perform. The club has been teaching music theory in addition to the practical aspects of music. The club support members having multitudes of talent in different spheres. Be it guitarists, keyboardists, bassists, drummers, violinists or vocalists, the club has a very diverse talent in terms of the variety of instrumentalists and a range of different vocalists certainly not bound genres. The Music Club is known for hosting its Flagship event called ‘Monday Music’ where multiple acts (Solo/Duet/Bands) perform on the coveted Greenos stage to an ever increasing crowd. The music club handles sound for various events and even provides the necessary support for their conduction. All in all it is a family of some excellent musicians and wonderful people.


The objectives of the Otaku club is to give chance to the fandom theories of our fans regarding movies, series, animes, etc and help them explore their creativity and help them publish their work via our account and magazines. To promote and encourage the knowledge pertaining to literature behind popular fandoms and providing the space to discuss and analyze them. The club’s purpose is to promote the culture of gaming into a more socially acceptable form of recreation and entertainment and to explore, play and discuss interactive media such as video games, role-playing games, and board games. The club will also guide a student who wants to go into the field of gaming and want to expand their career in the gaming world but due to little knowledge and lack of time to plan for their gaming career they cannot.


Photography Club provides a platform for all photographers to share their ideas, artistic vision, artistic photography, technical knowledge, spirit, enthusiasm with the public. Club promote an interest in all aspects of photography as an art throughout the campus, through exhibition and public events. Promote creativity through photography, to share and critique the photographs of peers, to educate and improve technical skills, and to spread the love of photography throughout the student community. Having an in group critique of photographs that members have taken. Organise various workshops and competitions for enhancing the skill of its members.


Music Club

Otaku club

Photography Club


To train designers in the fields of graphic design, Ul design, UX design and animation, interaction design, product design and branding. To help designers gain knowledge about design principles and guidelines. To increase the overall design standards in internal events by partnering with other clubs, chapters and start ups in VIT who lack design resources for their events or workshops. To represent VIT in design hackathons and events in various colleges all over India. 5. Discover and recruit design enthusiasts and creative minds in VIT and bring them under one roof. 6. To provide support and design advice to students wishing to pursue designing, HCI or User Experience as a career after college.


The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) is a voluntary youth movement which promotes intangible aspects of Indian cultural heritage by promoting Indian classical music, classical dance, folk music, yoga, meditation, crafts and other aspects of Indian culture; it is a movement with chapters in over 300 towns all over the world. Organises programmes for promotion of culture inside college campuses throughout the world to make students more aware about Indian and world heritage. This initiative makes education more holistic and meaningful as it highlights all that is abstract, subtle, inspiring and mystical in the world teaching one to look within oneself. Lecture and workshops are organised while explaining various aspects of the performance.


VIT Spartans is a group of enthusiasts who like to encourage people to bring out their hidden talents and gave them a platform to showcase it. Club is all about providing opportunity to those people who lacks public appearance but instil huge talent. Organize workshop on Effective Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Provide participants with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to express themselves clearly, with confidence and power, in a variety of speaking situations. Encourage the budding talents of the students and develop their creative skills. Provide the right platform to showcase their talents in various fields of art and management.


TEDx promote the ideas that are shared on stage and to facilitate a conversation between thinkers, doers and Change makers. A global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. We're building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's most inspired thinkers and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other around the world, all year long. We organise conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics, from science to business to global issues. These events help share ideas in communities around the world.



VIT Spartans



Quiz Club (V) helps to nurture quizzing as a mind sport among the university students; to foster the university quizzers to win various quizzes at national and international level; and to establish the quizzing culture at VIT at par with other world renowned universities. DBQC regularly participates and wins at some of India's largest fests; the Quiz Club is an envious mix of brilliant people. The club prides itself for its very diverse talent pool, which comprises pop culture aficionados, tech geeks, movie buffs and almost every passion under the sun. The club redefines 'Quizzing' in many ways, attracting not only seasoned quizzers, but anyone with a spark of curiosity.

Quiz Club

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.