On Going Projects
Completed Projects

Sponsored Research Projects

  • Prediction of rapid intensification and inner core structure of intense tropical cyclones (TCs) over the North Indian Ocean (NIO) using cloud-resolved WRF model. P.I. – Kuvar Satya Singh, DST/(SERB), Amount:16.82 lakhs, 2023 – 2024
  • Development of an atmosphere-ocean modeling system in a gray zone scale (1 km to 5km) for prediction of severe tropical cyclones over the Arabian Sea. P.I. – Kuvar Satya Singh, Co-PI – Parvez Alam, DST/(SERB), Amount: 21.19 lakhs, 2023 – 2026
  • Development of Forewarning System for Landslides in The Nilgiris, Western Ghats,P.I. Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran,/Co-PI .Dr. G.P. Ganapathy, Dr. K Ganesan, Dr . S Renuga Devi Amount : 48.67 Lakshs,  Funding Agency – DST/NRDMS, 2021-2024 – Ongoing.
  • Prediction of extreme severe cyclonic storms over  North Indian ocean using high resolution numerical modeling system for disaster preparedness. P.I  Kuvar Satya Singh, DST/(SERB),Amount:13.76 lakshs 2020 –2023- Ongoing
  • Development of self healing concrete contains cementitious materials P.I. Dr Rama Mohan Rao .P Amount – 6.7 Lakhs Funding Agency -AICTE (2020-2023) – Ongoing.
  • Natural hazards and monitoring for mountain territories in Russia and India, P.I. Dr G.P. Ganapathy/Co-PI Dr S.S. Chandrasekaran,Dr.S.Shanta kumar, Dr.S.Prabhu, Dr.Kathiravan, Amount – Rs.68.67 Lakhs under Indo Russia Bilateral Collaboration – Funding Agency : DST- RFBR (2019) – Ongoing.
  • Estimation of crop water productivity (CWP) in the major river basins of Tamil Nadu using geospatial technology. P.I. Prof. N. Vaani/ Co-PI Dr. Porchelvan, Amount – .19.64 Lakhs Funding Agency ISRO ( 2019-2021) – Ongoing.
  • Urban seismic risk Assessment  P.I. Dr S.S.Chandrasekaran/ Co P.I. Dr G.P. Ganapathy, Amount – 19.8  Lakhs Funding Agency ISRO (2019-2022) – Ongoing.
  • Appraising Risk, Past and Present: Interrogating Historical Data to Enhance Understanding of Environmental Crises in the Indian Ocean World (2018), One of the Collaborator- Dr. G.P.Ganapathy– USD 2500000- Funding Agency: Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), UK – Ongoing
  • Detection of Flood Affected Areas Using Airborne SAR data: A Case study on Brahmaputra and Mahanadi Rivers, P.I. Dr Kiran Yarrakula. Amount – 15.55 Lakhs Funding Agency – ISRO (2017-2020)- Completed.
  • Enhanced vegetation monitoring Rapid SCAT and SCATSAT-1 P.I. Dr Kiran Yarrakula. Amount – 4.51 Lakhs , Funding Agency – ISRO (2017-2019)- Completed.
  • Development of Real Time Flood Forecast Model for the Nagavali River through through Hydrological Modelling Approach, P.I. Dr Kiran Yarrakula. Amount – 0.50 Lakh, Funding Agency – NRSC, Hyderabad (2017)- Completed.
  • Geotechnical  Investigation on Landslides In Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu ,P.I. Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran, Amount – 24.85 Lakh, Funding Agency – DST/NRDMS, (2014-2017)- Completed.

Consultancy Projects

  • Resilient Urban Mobility and Services in Chennai – World Bank Project,  Taru Leading Edge(2021-2022), Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Subsurface 1D soil Investigation using Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) of selected sites in Mumbai, Sarathy Geotech &Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai.(2020-2021), Faculty: Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran/Dr. G.P. Ganapathy
  • Preparation of Comprehensive Hydro Geological Mapping/Survey and Feasibility Study for Rain Water Harvesting System For M/S. Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd., Ranipet, Vellore. (2019-20). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Preparation of School Disaster Management Plan for Balsam Academy Ranipet. (2018-19). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Preparation on Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Cuddalore District for Anna Institute of Management. (2018-19). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Preparation of Seismic Hazard Reference Map for the Commercial Complex Site at Thillai Nagar, Trichirapalli Corporation. (2018-19). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Development of Flood Forecast Model for The Lower Krishna River for MSR Constructions. (2017-18). Faculty: Dr. Kiran Yarrakula.
  • Developing Flood Early Warning Model for The Nagavali/ Mahendratanaya for NRSC. (2017-18). Faculty: Dr. Kiran Yarrakula.
  • Hydrological study of Brahmani River at 2×600 MW Power Station Odisha for National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee. (2017-18). Faculty: Dr. Roshan Kumar Srivatsav.
  • Iron ore Mapping Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for MSR Constructions. (2017-18). Faculty: Dr. Kiran Yarrakula.
  • Potential Water Resources Around Multistoried Construction site for M/S. Sumana Enterprise. (2017-18). Faculty: Dr. Roshan Kumar Srivatsav.
  • Spatial Temporal Analysis of Ground Water for L and T Construction. (2016-17). Faculty: Dr. Roshan Kumar Srivatsav.
  • Preparation of School Disaster Management Plan for Balsam Academy, Ranipet, Vellore. (2016-17). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Perparation of School Disaster Management Plan for Balsam Academy, Ranipet, Vellore. (2016-17). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.  
  • Preparation Of GIS Based Map of Vellore Division for Department of Post Government of India. (2015-16). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Spatial Variability of Rock Depth for Structural System Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, South Korea. (2015-16). Faculty: Dr. Pijush Samui.
  • Preparation of Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Government of Tamilnadu. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Pullout capacity of Ground Anchor for Structural System Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, South Korea. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. Pijush Samui.
  • Modelling of Reservoir Induced Earthquake for Structural System Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, South Korea. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. Pijush Samui.
  • Digitization of Palar River Map, Sponsored by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB). (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • International Consultancy Updating Loss Database for UNOPS ISDR GENEVA. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Preparation Of Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Government of Tamilnadu. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Rebound Hammer Test and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity tests for Srinivas Gupta, Vellore. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. Rama Mohan Rao P.
  • Centre for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) & CDMM for UNISDR. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. G.P. Ganapathy.
  • Prediction of Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete for Structural System Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, South Korea. (2014-15). Faculty: Dr. Pijush Samui.

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