Centre for NanoBiotechnology (CNBT)

Consultancy Projects

Reference No Project Title Funding Agency Amount
CP2425001 Test on carbonization of rock (Olivine and Basalt) samples Hyper Works Imaging Pvt ltd, India 318600
CP23240070 Effect of Algal Feed on Rotifers Sahyadri Farms Post Harves Care Ltd, India 78400
CP22230064 Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care ? phase-II Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd, India 472000
CP21220034 Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care. Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd, India 1456000
1 Fate and Transport Studies of Nanomaterials in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems DRDO, India 5490000

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