
Training program on Bio-analytical Instrumentation (HPLC,UPLC and AAS)


 TT012, BIRAC-BioNEST Lab,Technology Tower Building, VIT-Vellore
Topic HPLC &UPLC Training Programs Include:- 1) Fundamentals of Liquid Chromatography and Empower-3 Software handling. 2) Column choosing and Optimization such as base particle size, bonded phase for reverse phase and normal phase columns, 3) Selection of the Mobile phase, Mobile phase tuning, and Sample Preparation and Testing for good peak resolution. 4) Basics of UV-VIS and PDA detector Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Training Programs Include:- 1)Fundamentals of AAS and Spectra-AA Software handling. 2)Preparation of standard solution and samples, selection of UV range of the selected metal. 3)Applications.
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