Industrial consultancy

Industrial Consultancy

1 Dr. Anthoniraj A,CC:Mr. Dinesh Kumar R,Mr. Kamalanathan S Building interactive virtual and augmented reality apps with unity HCL Technologies Ltd 1.44 VELLORE
2 Dr. Uma K office automation monitoring and control using cloud and Machine Learning Nigus Systems Private Limited 2.36 VELLORE
3 Dr. Rama Mohan Rao P,CC:Dr.Prasanth S Evaluation of Concrete Footings using Non-Destructive Techniques for PRP-C block Phase-II Kalpataru Projects International Ltd 0.83 VELLORE
4 Dr. Jeevitha G C,CC:Dr. Siva R Characterisation of fat developed using oil structuring technology Fattastic Technologies Pvt Ltd 1.50 VELLORE
5 Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy D,CC:Dr. Edwin Sudhagar P,Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra,Dr. Arun Tom Mathew Composite BUTT joint Knockdown factor Estimation Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt Ltd 17.85 VELLORE
6 Dr. Swarnalatha P,CC:Dr. Sujatha R Design and Development of Kavach Iiot Wristband for Work Safety Management Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd 1.95 VELLORE
7 Dr. Rama Mohan Rao P,CC:Dr.Prasanth S Integrity of Concrete using Non-Destructive Techniques – Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Rebound Hammer Testsin Raft Footing Elite Contractors (chennai)Pvt Ltd 0.77 VELLORE
8 Dr. Mohana Priya A Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for hyper production of Citric acid Wisecorner Laboratories Pvt Ltd 0.60 VELLORE
9 Dr. Hareesh M Investigation on Structural Design adequancy and construction practise of a G+2 Steel structure. Team Tech Environment Health & Safety Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
10 Dr.Parthasarathi T,CC:Dr.Saiyyeda Firdous Evaluating the Impact of BioStimuli on mitigating greenhouse gas emission and yield improvement in Maize String Bio Private Limited 7.74 VELLORE
11 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Project Management,Interpersonal and Team Management Skills for B & B Staff B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
12 Dr. Hareesh M Peer Review of Structural design of a G+1 Cold-formed Steel Building Med Stratus Pvt Ltd 0.47 VELLORE
13 Dr. Thirumalini Selvaraj NAVO LIME (LIME CLAY MORTAR) Novaday Sciences Pvt Ltd 1.22 VELLORE
14 Dr. Ramesh Kumar C,CC:Dr. Rammohan A,Dr. Padmanathan P,Dr. Suresh Kumar,Dr. Satheesh A Design and Development of Vortex Sustainer (Accelerator Unit) under Engine Low Speed and Idling Conditions for Centri Air Flow Device Nakshathra Energy Pvt Ltd 5.00 VELLORE
15 Dr. Balaji K,CC:Dr. Praveen Kumar G Pond Loop Surface Water Cooling System Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd 2.38 VELLORE
16 Dr. Thangaraja J,CC:Dr. Babu S Estimation of oil cooking on different coated specimens Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt Ltd 11.08 VELLORE
17 Dr. Rama Mohan Rao P,CC:Dr.Prasanth S Evaluation of Concrete Beams using Non-Destructive Techniques for PRP Phase -II C Block Kalpataru Projects International Ltd 0.10 VELLORE
18 Dr. Ganesan K,CC: Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Activity Based Learni9ng for B&B staff B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 1.08 VELLORE
19 Dr. Parthasarathi T,CC:Dr. Saiyyeda Firdous Evaluating the Impact of BioStimuli on mitigating greenhouse gas emission and yield improvement in Maize String Bio Private Limited 6.56 VELLORE
20 Dr. Parthasarathi T,CC:Dr. Saiyyeda Firdous Evaluating the impact of cleanrise on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and yield improvement in paddy String Bio Private Limited 8.17 VELLORE
21 Dr. Sasanka Bhushan Pulipati Accident Risk Reduction strategies at Road sites with High Accident Risk in Ranipet Dist. Superintendent of Police 0.59 VELLORE
22 Dr. Rajagopal D,CC:Dr. Karthikeyan S,Dr. Akella Siva Rama Krishna,Dr. Meenakshi S Research on sustainable approach for developing advanced functional materials for various applications Aries Science and Technology,LLC 8.39 VELLORE
23 Dr. Muthukumar M Preparation of DPR for the work of formation of by pass around Aranthangi Town Dream Shell Constructions 1.24 VELLORE
24 Dr. Thirumalini S Material sample collection , testing and characterization of , State Central Library, James Street Police Station , Tank bund police station and Khursheed jah baradari Kshetra 2.83 VELLORE
25 Dr. Satheesh A,CC:Dr. Padmanathan P,Dr. Ramesh Kumar C Computational Studies of Exhaust Gas of inline Centri Air Flow for IC Engines Nakshathra Energy Pvt Ltd 3.00 VELLORE
26 Dr. Aju D,CC:Dr. John Sushil Packiaraj,Dr. Manoov R, Dr. Kakelli Anil Kumar Electronic Data Capture and Clinical Research Data Analytics Christian Medical College 0.45 VELLORE
27 Dr. Jabez Osborne W Eradication of Microbes causing damage in textile garments Otto clothing Pvt Ltd 0.65 VELLORE
28 Dr. Rammohan A,CC:Dr. Yeddula Pedda Obulesu,Dr. Raja Singh R Corporate Training on Electirc Vehicle Modelling Vitesco Technologies India Pvt Ltd 7.02 VELLORE
29 Dr. Arjun Singh K,CC:Dr. Elangovan D Autonomous RFID- Enabled Drone for Efficient warehouse Inventory Management Pedigri Technologies 1.50 VELLORE
30 Dr. Karthik Kiran Sarigamala Agro-derived Biomass Materials for Hybrid Zinc-ion Supercapacitor CTRLZ Environmental Technologies LLP 10.00 VELLORE
31 Dr. Rohit Mathur Conceptual Design of Fog Penetration Radar Edgeforce Solutions Pvt Ltd 3.75 VELLORE
32 Dr.. Malathy J, CC:Dr. Vignesh Rajkumar L Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for the proposed construction of an Industrail Building Samco Metals and Alloys PVT ltd 0.30 VELLORE
33 Dr. S. Murugavelh Characterization and Value addition for Specific Pulses PathraKali Amman Agro Pvt Ltd 0.24 VELLORE
34 Dr. Sakthivel P Quantification and Investigation of Oil Pump Gear Noise of SDF Tractor Engines on Test Cell SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA (P) LTD 2.20 VELLORE
35 Dr. Jabez Osborne Antimicrobial activity of Essential Oil TUORRA 0.65 VELLORE
36 Dr. Thirumalini S Premixed plaster made from Jarosite NAVODAY SCIENCES PVT LTD 0.75 VELLORE
37 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Leadership skills for B&B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 1.08 VELLORE
38 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Leadership for Accelerated Performance (LEAP) for B&B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 1.18 VELLORE
39 Dr. Christopher Clement J,CC:Dr. Sriharipriya K C Mobileapp Oriented Service session request and Diagnosis H2O Solutions 0.20 VELLORE
40 Dr. Jacob Raglend I,CC:Dr.K.Palaniswamy,Dr.J.Belwin Edward,Dr.M.Monica Subashini,Dr.S. Albert Alexander, Dr. K.Ravi Energy- Environment and Green Audit Process Holy Cross Hospital 0.89 VELLORE
41 Dr. Meenakshi S P,CC:Dr. Sasikala R,Dr. Sendhil Kumar K S Enable Conversational AI over Knowledge Graph (KG) Siemens Healthineers 3.96 VELLORE
42 Dr. Kathirvelan J Technical Consultant for PD & E and COE SKF India Ltd 3.54 VELLORE
43 Dr. Gayathri N,CC:Dr. Meenakshi S,Dr. Christopher Rajasekaran W Improving Communication skill B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.74 VELLORE
44 Dr. Valarmathi J,CC:Dr.M.Manimozhi,Dr.Jaganatha Pandian,Bagyaveereswaran,Dr.Chitra ,Dr. Razia Sultana,Dr. Gerardine Immaculate Training for Manufacturing Staff Royal Enfield 4.03 VELLORE
45 Dr. Bikas Routh Design Development and Testing of Indigenous strain wave Gear DRDO 9.90 VELLORE
46 Dr. Hareesh M Peer Review of Structural design of a G+2 Cold-formed Steel Building Med Stratus Pvt Ltd 0.47 VELLORE
47 Dr. K. Uma Promoting Digital India by Utilizing a Federated Learning Approach to Detect Online Cybercrime PORTSTAY Technologies Pvt Ltd 5.00 VELLORE
48 Dr. Arulmozhivarman P,CC:Dr. P. Sasikumar, Dr. P. Swarnalatha,Dr. Pulidindi Venugopal,Mr.E.T. Sathish Kumar Detailed Project report on Intelligent Plate (i- Plate) GloballyGi Experiences Pvt Ltd 10.62 VELLORE
49 Dr. Shantha Kumar Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with a Total Capacity of 450 KLD Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.48 VELLORE
50 Dr. Paul Mansingh J,CC:Dr. Gunji Bala Murali,Dr. Balaji K Neem seed collection machine development Coromandel International Ltd 5.00 VELLORE
51 Dr. P. Sakthivel Development of Active Suspension and its Contraol on Road Vehicles Bosch Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd 3.54 VELLORE
52 Dr. M. Hareesh Stability assessment and Design check for ware house and pilot shop and technical centre Neo Heights Builders and Promoters Pvt Ltd 2.18 VELLORE
53 Dr. K. Palanisamy,CC:Dr. K. Balaji Engineering Energy Audit Charges Caplin Point Laboratories Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
54 Dr. S. Prasanth, Dr. P.Rama Mohan Rao Evaluation of Concrete Rafts using Non-Destructive Techniques for E-Block Kalpataru Projects International Ltd 0.83 VELLORE
55 Dr. Rahamathunnisa U,CC:Dr. Akash Mohanty Prognostic monitoring and analysis of hydrogen storage vessel using AI techniques SI TECH 5.02 VELLORE
56 Dr. Subhashini R ChatBot for Pro learn Platform AdroIT Technologies 5.05 VELLORE
57 Dr. Abdul Azeez E P status and functioning of early childhood care and education in Rural Jharkhand. Helping Hand Welfare Society 0.50 VELLORE
58 Dr. Suresh Kumar T R Design and Development of Test Method for shielding effectiveness measurement of Glass samples Saint Gobain India Private Limited 2.36 VELLORE
59 Dr. Praveen Kumar G,Dr. Balaji K , Dr. Palanisamy K Designing a Vacuum dryer Thermal study SUN BEST 0.15 VELLORE
60 Dr. Thirumalini Carbon Capture Novaday Sciences Pvt Ltd 1.24 VELLORE
61 Dr. Thirumalini Phase Composition ALCOLAB India LLP 0.19 VELLORE
62 Dr. Vasumathi A,CC:Dr. Ganesan K EMDP on Enhancing Project Management skills for B&B Management. B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
63 Dr. Shantanu Shandilya French Language Training Global Languages Solutions 0.50 VELLORE
64 Dr. P. Sakthivel Corporate Training on Vehicle Dynamics Bosch Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd 1.18 VELLORE
65 Dr. S. Prasanth, CC:Dr. A. Abdul Rahim, Dr. J. Visuvasam Condition Assessment of UCO Bank Building The United Commercial Bank Ltd 2.32 VELLORE
66 Dr. Arun Kumar P,CC:Dr. Loganathan Rangasamy Design and fabrication for Microfluidic device Molpath Diagnostics Pvt Ltd. 10.03 VELLORE
67 Dr. Jabez Osborne W,CC:Dr. Pragasam V Studies on microbial community dynamics during pilot/field scale bioremediation explosives DRDO-CARS 24.11 VELLORE
68 Dr. Raja Singh R,CC:Dr. K. Selvakumar Oil Pump Unit- Motor Control Development Amara Kosha Technologies Pvt Ltd 6.17 VELLORE
69 Dr. Ajitha D,CC:Dr. Prabin S M Software Development for including both from-end and back end One Compiler Pvt Ltd 0.50 VELLORE
70 Dr. R. Subashini,CC:Dr. G.Velmurugan UAV and its application for precision agriculture-I West Mount Agritech 1.00 VELLORE
71 Dr. Prasanna S,CC:Dr. K. Sumangali,Dr. U.Senthil Kumaran,Dr. C. Navaneethan,Dr. S. Meenatchi,Dr. N. Asha Online weighing scale system for real time monitoring and tracking OHMS Weighting System 2.00 VELLORE
72 D.r John Thomas Effect of Algal Feed on Rotifers Sahyadri Farms Post Harves Care Ltd 1.89 VELLORE
73 Dr. S. Prasanth,CC:Dr. P.Rama Mohan Rao Concrete Integrity in the Grouted Area on the Raft Footing Kalpataru Projects International Ltd 0.30 VELLORE
74 Dr. S. Balamurugan Arriving the mixture proportion for M42 grade concrete for Electricity Pole TNEB RR Prestress Industries 0.18 VELLORE
75 Dr. P. Rama Mohan Rao,CC:Dr. S. Prasanth Integrity of Concrete lift zone using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Elite Contractors (chennai)Pvt Ltd 0.60 VELLORE
76 Dr. Meenakshi,CC:Dr. Gayathri Employe Skill Development Training solistaa pharmaceuticals private limited 0.11 VELLORE
77 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Project Management skills for B&B Management. B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.54 VELLORE
78 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Project Management skills for B&B Management. B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.54 VELLORE
79 Dr. Ganesan K,CC:Dr. Dr. Vasumathi A EMDP on Enhancing Project Management skills for B&B Management. B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 1.18 VELLORE
80 Dr. Deepak Kumar Biswal TPMS-based Heat Exchanger Design Model and Simulation Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt Ltd 8.19 VELLORE
81 Jayanthi Abraham ETP treatment by phycoremediation-microbes solistaa pharmaceuticals private limited 1.23 VELLORE
82 Rajasekaran C ETP Microbes Capline Point 1.00 VELLORE
1 Dr.Gitanjali J, CC:Dr.Karthikeyan J Tool for Identification of Paper Citation KAS Innovative India Pvt Ltd 0.28 VELLORE
2 Dr.Thirumalini S,CC:Dr.Hareesh M Damage Assessment of Central Mandapam Dwarakadhish Temple,Gujarat Heritage India 4.15 VELLORE
3 Dr.Divya Priya B Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for stability and design of Foundation Arulmigu Aravamudha Perumal Temple 0.15 VELLORE
4 Dr.Thirumalini,CC:Dr.T.Shanmugapriya Clay Sale as SCM FLSmidth Private Limited 11.40 VELLORE
5 Dr.Manikandan M,CC:Dr.Gokul Kumar K,Dr.Senthil Kumaran S Investigation of characteristic performance of armour weldments under sub-zero temperature CVRDE 9.77 VELLORE
6 Dr.Lokesh Kumar R,CC:Dr.Jothi K R,Dr.Ponnusamy P,Dr.Balakrishnan P Academic Certificate Registration and Verification using Blockchain Roni Analytics LLP 0.89 VELLORE
7 Dr.R.Vasudevan,CC:Dr.M.Ganapathi,Dr.K.Anandavel Training on Finite Element Analysis Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd 4.72 VELLORE
8 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Comprehensive Hydro-geological Survey and Investigation to Arrest Water Logging issue in and around in Ultra marine and Pigments Ltd – Ranipet Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd 1.77 VELLORE
9 Dr.Anthoniraj A,CC:Dr.Kumar K 2D Barcode generation for the given string (Address) (UC#2) HAPLET Technologies 0.16 VELLORE
10 Dr.S.Balamurugan Arriving the mixture proportion for M20 and M25 grade concrete. AKB Readymix Concrete 0.35 VELLORE
11 Dr.M.V.Chilukuri,CC:Dr.K.Palanisamy,Dr.N.Rajasekar Advance Power Quality Study to identify Solar PV Plant Duty transformer failure International Copper Association India Ltd 10.62 VELLORE
12 Dr.Vinod kumar sharma Polymer Testing in Hydrogen Environment (Phase – 2) DOVER India Private Ltd,Bagmane Laurel 1.24 VELLORE
13 Dr.Mohanasundaram R,CC:Dr.Sureshkumar N,Dr.Prabakar S,Dr.Gopinath M.P,Dr.Dinesh Kumar S,Dr.Boominathan P Application Development Chota Dhobi Laundry Service Pvt Ltd 1.00 VELLORE
14 Dr.Paul Mansingh J,CC:Dr.Gunji Bala Murali,Dr.Balaji K Design and Development of Neem Seed Plucking Machine Coromandel International Ltd 5.13 VELLORE
15 Dr.Gunji Bala Murali,CC:Dr.Ranjeet Kumar Custom 3D printer development for printing polymer matrix composite (PMC) Aditya Institute of Technology and Management 0.30 VELLORE
16 Dr.Geetha Manivasagam Design development and surface engineering of additively manufactured low modulus coaxial porous Ti-6AI-4V GYVO (Gyroid and Voronoi) structures for orthopedic application Tata Steel Limited 19.22 VELLORE
17 Dr.Vinod Kumar Sharma Polymer Testing in Hydrogen Environment – Phase -3 DOVER India Private Ltd,Bagmane Laurel 0.71 VELLORE
18 Dr.Vanmathi C Blue Cross Blue Shield – Health Insurance Perficient India Pvt Ltd 1.10 VELLORE
19 Dr.D.Ruby Developer support for Java Kafka Perficient India Pvt Ltd 1.21 VELLORE
20 Dr.Sumaiya Thaseen I Blue Cross Blue Shield Perficient India Pvt Ltd 4.15 VELLORE
21 Dr.V.Priya Blue Cross Blue Shield Perficient India Pvt Ltd 2.68 VELLORE
22 Dr.Sendhil Kumar K S CIGNA-Python AWS Glue Perficient India Pvt Ltd 1.48 VELLORE
23 Dr.N.Manikandan Developer support for Sales Force Java Perficient India Pvt Ltd 1.32 VELLORE
24 Dr. Shashank Mouli Satapathy Developer Support for Data Engineering Boot Perficient India Pvt Ltd 2.15 VELLORE
25 Dr.Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra,CC:Dr.D.Mallikarjuna Reddy Design and Development of Aortic valve replacement in heart surgeries PMG Integrated Communications Pvt Ltd. 1.00 VELLORE
26 Dr.Mallikarjuna Reddy D,CC:Dr.Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra,Dr.Arun Tom Mathew Design and Development of Digital Twin for rotating machinery fault diagnosis in smart manufacturing PMG Integrated Communications Pvt Ltd. 1.00 VELLORE
27 Dr.Arunkumar G Modified coupled indctor based SEPIC DC-DC converter with switched capacitor Raana Power Solutions 0.24 VELLORE
28 Dr.Boominathan P Information extraction and storing with block chain technologies HAPLET Technologies 0.96 VELLORE
29 Dr.Yeddula Pedda Obulesu,CC:Dr.Raja Singh R,Dr.E.Porpatham Design and Development of Smart Inverter for PM Synchronous Motor based Air Compressor for EV ZF Commercial Vehicle Control Systems India Ltd 16.62 VELLORE
30 Dr.Prasanna S,CC:Dr.Navaneethan C Handling customer data securely using new technologies Mk Systems and Hosting Solutions 0.30 VELLORE
31 Dr.Pounambal M,CC:Dr.Sumathy S,Dr.Dhinesh Babu L.D,Dr.Gitanjali J Tool for Identification of Paper Citation KAS Innovative India Pvt Ltd 0.40 VELLORE
32 Dr.Sarveswari S,CC:Dr.Vijayakumar V Mercury sensing portable testing strips (MePTS) SIDDHA CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1.25 VELLORE
33 Dr.Bhaskar Das,CC:Dr.Srimuruganandam B,Dr.Saravana Kumar M P,Dr.Parimala Renganayaki S,Dr.Shantha Kumar S Assessing and promoting low-cost methods for detection of lead in soil to support identification of contaminated sites.(10500USDX79.88) PURE EARTH 8.39 VELLORE
34 Dr.Vasumathi A,CC:Dr.Ganesan K MDP on Enhancing 10X performance in the corporate world STAR BOXES INDIA PVT LTD 0.59 VELLORE
35 Dr.Jayaprakash N S Production of polyclonal antibodies Lamark Biotech Pvt Ltd 0.24 VELLORE
36 Dr.Siva Rama Krishnan S,CC:Dr.Jayakumar S,Dr.Nallakaruppan M.K.,Dr.Srinivas Koppu,Dr.Sweta Bhattacharya,Dr.Senthil Kumaran U AWS and relevant Technologies Training for DT3 employees PHASE-I Digital T3 software services (DT3) 0.19 VELLORE
37 Dr.Deepakkumar R,CC:Dr.Naveen J WTG Blade & Tower Cleaner ReyNa Buildmat 0.40 VELLORE
38 Dr.Vijayakumar M,Dr.Christopher Rajasekaran W Activity based training Sigma Forging and Forming Private Ltd 0.13 VELLORE
39 Dr.Rammohan A Training on Electric Vehicle Modelling and Simulation Vitesco Technologies India Pvt Ltd 10.30 VELLORE
40 Dr.Balaji K,CC:Dr.Prakash R,Dr.Kamatchi R,Dr.Immanuel Selwyn Raj A Develop a Calculator to Calculate Renewable Energy Credits for Geothermal/GSHP systems installed in the United States GeoPotential Consulting ,LLC (GPC)-USA 3.98 VELLORE
41 Dr.Vasantha Kumar S Total Station Survey and calculation of Waste Dumped at G.H Executive Officer -Pennathur 0.35 VELLORE
42 Dr.Sumangali K,CC:Dr.Asha N Improving Crash Recovery from Web Databases Mk Systems and Hosting Solutions 0.12 VELLORE
43 Dr.Uma K,CC:Dr.Iyapparaja M, Deep Learning Based Model for Detecting the Employee’s Activities in Working Environment Nigus Systems Private Limited 0.30 VELLORE
44 Dr.Palanisamy K,CC:Dr.Balaji K Energy Audit -I Malladi Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd – Unit-3 0.59 VELLORE
45 Dr.Divya Priya B Documentation of 117 year old law college Building Aptsorbh Private Limited 1.77 VELLORE
46 Dr.Vijayaraghavan R Decontamination of Industrail effluents using nano-materials for recovery of water Tata Steel Limited 13.63 VELLORE
47 Dr.Dr.Sampath Kumar T,CC:Dr.Jeeva P.A,Dr.Karthikeyan S Finding the Root cause for the Problems encountered with the Rose Gold Coating TITAN Company Ltd 0.94 VELLORE
48 Dr Arivarasu M Product life determination of aluminaglass composites used for rice polishing by accelerated AI2O3 Erosion testing Saint Gobain India Private Limited 1.18 VELLORE
49 Dr.Zachariah C Alex,CC:Dr.Prakash R,Dr.Abraham Sampson Development of Food Spoilage Detector Euro Exim Bank 6.70 VELLORE
50 Dr.Thippa Reddy G,CC:Dr.Rajeswari C,Dr.Nancy Victor,Dr.Sweta Bhattacharya,Dr.Praveen Kumar Reddy M Development a robust deep neural network for Atrial Fibrillation Detection University of Hail 8.00 VELLORE
51 Dr.Neelu Khare Mathematical Epidemic Modeling and Forecasting of CoViD-19 using Deep Learning Techniques. KACST,King Saud University 2.63 VELLORE
52 Dr. Elangovan D Software Development for Hospital Management System Sri Thirumala Physiotherapy and Pain Relief Clinic 0.59 VELLORE
53 Dr. Shantha Kumar S Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) & Grey Water Treatment Plants (GWTPs) with a Total Capacity of 550 KLD and 639 KLD Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 5.90 VELLORE
54 Dr. Ramesh Kumar C,CC:Dr. Rammohan A Digital Twin for Air Conditioning Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt Ltd. 1.17 VELLORE
55 Dr. Viswanathan T.S Analysis of polymer concrete made of vinayl ester resin Carborundum Iniversal Limited 0.25 VELLORE
56 Dr. Senthil Kumaran S,CC:Dr Vincent Herald Wilson Environmental impact on the durability of FRP rebar Grentech Industries 0.20 VELLORE
57 Dr. Senthil Kumaran S,CC:Dr S.Jose Experimental analysis of carbon FRP at varied temperature SymMat Structures & Consultants Pvt Ltd 0.20 VELLORE
58 Dr. Thirumalini S Restoration of Stpewells-The Naganna baavi Ligampet stepwell The Rain Water Project 1.30 VELLORE
59 Dr. Thirumalini S Restoration of Stpewells-The Bikanoor stepwell The Rain Water Project 0.65 VELLORE
60 Dr. Bala Murugan S Arriving the mixture proportion for M20 and M25 grade concrete. Elite Contractor 0.18 VELLORE
61 Dr. Varalakshmi M Web Application and Mobile application for School Management System and E-Commerce system RENOVATIO DESIGN SOLUTIONS 0.35 VELLORE
62 Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Leadership skills for B & B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
63 Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Leadership skills for B & B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
64 Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Leadership skills for B & B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
65 Dr. Shantha Kumar S,CC:Dr. Ganapathy G.P Providing knowledge support and Environmental Training and Awareness to schools and villages Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 18.27 VELLORE
66 Dr. Muthukumar M Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for the Construction of Marriage Hall at Temple Executive Officer, Arulmigu Selva Vinayagar Temple 0.15 VELLORE
67 Dr. Raja Singh R,CC:Dr. Ramesh Kumar C,Dr. Palanisamy K Performance Testing of PMSM DRIVE Igarashi motors India Ltd 1.11 VELLORE
68 Dr. Amitava Mukherjee Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care.- phase-II Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd 4.72 VELLORE
69 Dr. Shantha Kumar S,CC:Dr. Punitha Kumar A,Dr. Jayaprakash J Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with a Capacity of 2 MLD and Structural Stability of existing buildings for a township Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 7.08 VELLORE
70 Dr. Shantha Kumar S Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) & Grey Water Treatment Plants (GWTPs) with a Total Capacity of 760 KLD and 65 KLD Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 2.95 VELLORE
71 Dr. Paul Mansingh J,CC:Dr. Nisha A Awarness programme about Neem Contract farming Coromandel International Ltd 0.80 VELLORE
72 Dr. Paul Mansingh J,CC:Dr. Gunji Bala Murali,Dr. Balaji K Designing and Fabrication of Harvester Coromandel International Ltd 6.43 VELLORE
73 Dr. Saboor S Testing of Energy Efficient Concrete Blocks AL ADWA MUTHAMAYAZA TRD & CONT CO 2.00 VELLORE
74 Dr. Kathirvelan J Technical Investigation for TWCOE SKF India Ltd 3.00 VELLORE
75 Dr. Edison Gundabattini Detailed characterization of the compressor joint in R& AC application to increase the service life-Analysis of the residual stresses developed in the compressor joint Akella Systems 0.32 VELLORE
76 Dr. Manikandan N,CC:Dr. Anthoniraj A,Dr. Kumar K,Dr. Senthil Murugan B Single page App development with backend support Digital T3 software services (DT3) 1.31 VELLORE
77 Dr. Kali Kishore Reddy Tetala Identification of the efficient dose for tumor regression using PEO dendrimer drug conjugate delivery system King Abdulla University of Science and Technology(KAUST) 16.39 VELLORE
78 Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Leadership skills for B & B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
79 Dr. Vasumathi A Enhancing Leadership skills for B & B staffs B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
80 Dr.S.Balamurugan Arriving the mixture proportion B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 1.77 VELLORE
81 Dr.S.Balamurugan Arriving the mixture proportion Elite Contractor 1.24 VELLORE
82 Dr. Praveen Kumar G,Dr. Balaji K , Dr. Palanisamy K Designing a Steam Condensate return System on a boiler SUN BEST 0.15 VELLORE
83 Dr. Renold Elsen S,CC:Dr.Arunkumar Palaniappan,Dr.Sunita Nayak Development of Bioceramic 3D scaffolds by extrusion-based printing technique using Cellink BIOX system. Altem Technologies(p) ltd 0.39 VELLORE
84 Dr. Balaji K Development of the thermal conductivity and heat transfer rig-Phase_I Air Treatment Engineering Pvt Ltd 2.20 VELLORE
85 Dr. Manikandan N Development support for issue resolution and new enhancement Perficient India Pvt Ltd 0.53 VELLORE
86 Dr. Prabhu J,CC:Dr.Prasanna s,Dr.Vijay Anand R,Dr.Jayalakshmi P,Dr.Alagiri I,Dr.Sumangali K RO water plant ERP Digital Transformation 0.00 VELLORE
87 Dr. Sathya Swaroop N.R Optimization of Laser Shock Peening Parameters on the base of Deep Machine Learning Methods LLC Factor of High Technologies 3.00 VELLORE
88 Dr. Anbalagan M,CC:Dr. Sudhakaran R Effect of phyto compound PHY-XXI on Nucleolin levels in TAXOL and Cis-Platin resistant HeLa,MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 cell lines Phyto Specialities Pvt Ltd 1.49 VELLORE
89 Dr. Benedict Thomas Studies on the influence of hydrogen exposure on mechanical and absorption behavior of polymer composites DOVER India Private Ltd,BANGALORE 5.53 VELLORE
90 Dr. Vasumathi A, CC:Dr.K.Ganesan EMDP on Enhancing Marketing Statergy Learning and Development in Business B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
91 Dr. Vasumathi A, CC:Dr.K.Ganesan Project Management and Digital Marketing Skills B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.59 VELLORE
92 Dr. Vasumathi A, CC:Dr.K.Ganesan EMDP on Enhancing presentation skills and Project planning B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.63 VELLORE
93 Dr. Vasumathi A, CC:Dr.K.Ganesan EMDP on Enhancing Project Management and Decision Making skills B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 0.63 VELLORE
94 Dr. Karthikeyan S Combating Corrosion of Steel Balls DANLY India Pvt ltd 0.18 VELLORE
95 Dr. Senthil Kumar A,CC: Dr. N.S. Jayaprakash Development of a protype biosensor for Blood-Insulin analysis Nanenana Wellness Pvt Ltd 12.70 VELLORE
96 Dr. Vijayakumar M,CC:Ms. Gandhimathi S.N.S,Dr. Senguttuvan M,Dr. Abhishek Kumar Singh,Dr. John Sushil Packiaraj Communication Training for employees M/s.Schwing Stetter India Pvt Ltd 0.42 VELLORE
97 Dr. Jose S,CC:Dr. D Vincent Herald Wilson Corporate Training – Executive Development Program M/s.Pacific Tools Pvt Ltd 0.55 VELLORE
98 Dr. Rammohan A,CC:Dr. Yeddula Pedda Obulesu,Dr. Raja Singh R Corporate Training on Electirc Vehicle Modelling Vitesco Technologies India Pvt Ltd 1.03 VELLORE
99 Dr. Manikandan N,CC:Dr.Jayakumar S,Dr. Senthil Murugan,Dr.Jothi ,Dr.Mohan,Dr. Thanapal, Dr.Chellatamilan , Dr. Siva Shanmugam Corporate Training – Worldline engineers M/s.World Line 6.63 VELLORE
100 Dr. Manikandan N Corporate Training – Worldline engineers M/s.World Line 1.92 VELLORE
1 Dr. R. Manoharan, CC: Dr. N. Govindha Rasu Stress and Rotary Dynamics Analysis for Three Types of Pumps Central Tool Room & Training Centre. 15.17 Vellore
2 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Chennai City Partnership: Resilient Urban Mobility and Services in Chennai Taru Leading Edge Pvt. Ltd 1.60 Vellore
3 Dr. R. Sudhakaran Studies on Antiviral and antibacterial efficacy of PD009 in Penaeid Shrimp Model Kyntox Biotech India Pvt. 2.20 Vellore
4 Dr. S. Karthikeyan, CC: Dr. P. A. Jeeva, CC: Dr. D. Rajagopal Trouble shooting on electrodeposition of precious metals and tri metal coatings on RF connectors. Srinar Electronics Pvt.Ltd. 0.94 Vellore
5 Dr. T. Parthasarathi, CC: Dr. Saiyyeda Firdous Evaluating the effect of Clean Rise on mitigating greenhouse gas emission and yield improvement in Paddy String Bio Pvt Ltd 5.59 Vellore
6 Dr. Arivarasu M Metallurgical Investigations on Various Alloys Subjected to Resin and Vitreous Bonded Grinding Wheels Saint Gobain India Private Limited 0.77 Vellore
7 Dr. Elangovan D, CC: Mr. Manikandan N S Enhancement of nuOCR project phase – 1 Nuvento Systems Private Ltd 1.40 Vellore
8 Dr. Edison Gundabattini Leak proof weld joint made by laser weld technique for the efficient transfer of refrigerant ? Analysis of the residual stress. Akella Systems 0.17 Vellore
9 Dr. M. Arivarasu, CC: Dr. Arivazhagan N, CC: Dr. Nageswara Rao Thermit Welding as an Additive Manufacturing technique for Refurbishing Worn parts. FLSmidth Private Limited 10.18 Vellore
10 Dr. Paul Mansingh Dr. Lency Dr. Babu S Dr. Sathyanarayanan K Dr. Mary Saral Scientific interventions to improve stability and to detect azadirachtin in neem products. M/s.Naruveli Ventures 2.10 Vellore
11 Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma Polymer composite Testing in Hydrogen Environment (Phase – 1) DOVER India Private Ltd,Bagmane Laurel 3.66 Vellore
12 Dr. Thirumalini S Study of Limerete , Udaipur Palace, Rajasthan, India Maharana of Mewar Cheritable Foundation 0.31 Vellore
13 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for the proposed Construction of Commercial Complex at Thotapalayam, Vellore Executive Officer,Arulmigu Tharakeswaraswamy Thirukoil 0.15 Vellore
14 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for the proposed Construction of Dining Hall at Arulmigu Margabandheeswarar Temple, Virinchipuram, Vellore Executive Officer,Arulmigu Margabandheeswarar Temple 0.15 Vellore
15 Dr. Punitha Kumar A Structural Design for Annathanakoodam at Arulmigu Margabandheeswarar Temple Executive Officer,Arulmigu Margabandheeswarar Temple 0.18 Vellore
16 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Comprehensive Hydro-geological Survey and Investigation to Arrest Water Logging issue in and around in the Ultra marine and Pigments Ltd, Ambattur Plant premises, Ambattur Taluk Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd 4.96 Vellore
17 Dr. Sovan Sundar Dasgupta, CC: Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra, CC: Dr. Vasudevan, CC: Dr. Ganapathi M Dynamics of cage for High Speed Ball Bearing Analytical Study Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, DRDO 15.22 Vellore
18 Dr.Stephan Thangaiah I. S Dr. Jose S Designing of Heating System for Drying Rubber Latex Products S.M.J & Company 0.50 Vellore
19 Dr.Ramakrishnan R, CC: Dr.Sathish G. P Digital Number Lock for Gas & Electric Fire Appliances Haplet LLC 5.60 Vellore
20 Dr.Jabez Osborne W Antimicrobial activity of the effective molecules against pathogens Manushyaa Blossom Private Limited 0.56 Vellore
21 Dr. Thirumalini S, CC: Dr. Divya Priya B, CC: Mr. Hareesh M Documentation,Materials and structural assessment of the Mail Building-Madras 1921 Aptsorbh Private Limited 2.07 Vellore
22 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer, CC: Dr. Babu S, CC: Dr. Parthasarathi T Sub-Irrigational Supply of TIMAC AGRO Plant Nutrition Solutions on Tomato and Brinjal Crops under Salinity and Drough Stress. TIMAC AGRO India 1.77 Vellore
23 Dr. Sharmila Banu K, Dr. Vijayarajan V, CC: Dr. Maria Sebastin A Rediscovering Thamizh Kalvettu Ezhuthukkal with Advanced Computational Models. ELCOT 4.93 Vellore
24 Dr. Divya Priya B Documentation of Old Dutch Bungalow Restored and Re-Designed to Tourist Home Stay Building at Fort Kochi Aptsorbh Private Limited 1.23 Vellore
25 Dr. Kumar K, CC: Dr. Anthoniraj A, CC: Dr. Rajkumar S Semantic and Machine Learning Model for the Form Fields and data for Contract Management Haplet LLC 1.04 Vellore
26 Dr. Karthikeyan J, CC: Dr. Md. Sahul Hameed M A, CC: Dr. Gayathri N, CC: Dr. Prasantha Kumar N.S, CC: Dr. Dunstan Rajkumar A Mid Intensive Program – Supported by US Consulate, Chennai & RELO Dr.Major Syed Shahabuddeen, Vaniyambadi Muslim Educational Society, 0.93 Vellore
27 Dr.Sofi A Carbon Capture and uses in SCM FLSmidth Private Limited 1.80 Vellore
28 Dr. Shanmuga Priya T Mine tailing as SCM FLSmidth Private Limited 1.80 Vellore
29 Dr. Thirumalini S, CC: Dr. K. Srinivasan Mine tailing for Geopolymer Production FLSmidth Private Limited 1.80 Vellore
30 Dr. Shantha Kumar S Assessing the Adequacy of Grey Water Treatment Plant (GWTP) of Capacity of 175 KLD Eco Service India Pvt Ltd 1.18 Vellore
31 Dr. Mohankumar K V Modeling and experimentation of Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of Tyre Rubber Apollo Tyres Ltd 21.24 Vellore
32 Dr. Amitava Mukherjee Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care. Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd 14.16 Vellore
33 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for the proposed Construction of Oil Refinery and Packaging Industry at Arcot S.P Traders 0.71 Vellore
34 Dr. V. Devi Rajeswari Herbal-Nano based Bio application studies Xcellogen Biotech India Pvt Ltd 0.19 Vellore
35 Dr. Cheralathan K. K. Characterization of Samples by HR-TEM,: Imaging, Diffraction 9SAED, EDS with Mapping Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research 2.03 Vellore
36 Dr. Sujatha R, CC: Dr.Anitha A Deduction of Cardiac Arrest using the Data Set (MI,Deep Learning,AI) Scope Tech Solutions 0.30 Vellore
37 Dr. Arivarasu M Investigation on High Chrome Steel FLSmidth Private Limited 1.56 Vellore
38 Dr. Arivarasu M Investigation on full road pre mature failure in ATOX 27.5 LINE 3 Coal mill FLSmidth Private Limited 0.33 Vellore
39 Dr. Akash Mohanty, CC: Dr. Rahamathunnisa U Geometric dimension measurement of industrial products through image processing techniques STRYDO Technologies Pvt Ltd 0.30 Vellore
40 Dr. Rahamathunnisa U, CC: Dr. Akash Mohanty Visual-based defect detection using the machine vision approach SI TECH 0.27 Vellore
41 Dr. K. Palanisamy, CC: Dr. Sitharthan, CC: Dr. Rajasingh, CC: Mr. Srinivasan GRUNDFOS-optimization of Solar Generation SWELECT Energy Systems 1.48 Vellore
42 Dr. A. Vasumathi National Education Policy 2020: Accreditation as an Enable for Regulation in Higher Education Centre for Educational and Social Studies 0.25 Vellore
43 Dr. P. Sakthivel Quantification & Investigation of Gear Train Whining Noise on SDF Tractor Engine SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA (P) LTD 0.65 Vellore
44 Dr. P. Sakthivel Quantification & Investigation of Engine Timing Gear Noise on SDF Tractor Engines on Test Cell SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA (P) LTD 2.60 Vellore
45 Dr. M. Muthukumar Design of Proposed Construction of Porch at Arulmigu Dharumaraja Draupadiamman Temple, Velapadi, Vellore Distrcit Arulmigu Dharumaraja Draupadiamman Temple 0.15 Vellore
46 Dr. Sundara Rajan C R Data Management and IT training Development District Collectorate,Vellore 0.78 Vellore
47 Dr. Parthasarathi T, CC: Dr. Saiyyeda Firdous Evaluating the effect of Clean Rise on mitigating greenhouse gas emission and yield improvement in Paddy – Rabi Experiment. String Bio Pvt Ltd 6.77 Vellore
48 Dr. Jayaprakash N S Production of polyclonal antibodies IIT Mumbai 0.53 Vellore
1 Dr. Zachariah C Alex Development of Cuff less BP Monitoring Device. Aries Biomed Technology Private Ltd. 1.00 Vellore
2 Dr. Denish Ashok S Study of smart parking management system. Honey Well 1.00 Vellore
3 Dr. R. Sujatha Transcend Solar System and Solutions Consultancy TSSS 0.25 Vellore
4 Dr. Ramalingam Oleogels for prototypes melting at 37c with a good sensory chocolates (project Elixir) ITC Bangalore 22.20 Vellore
5 Dr. Nagamalleswara Rao Consultancy Work from Petrochemical Company (Concept: Vapour liquid flash calculations) Gayatri Petro Tech Engineering Services 0.10 Vellore
6 Dr S Renold Elsen Dr Senthil Kumaran S Dr Jagan Mohan Obbineni Dr Seenuvasaperumal P Development Of Autonomous Seed Planting Bot System For Agriculture Application Autodesk, Bangalore 1.20 Vellore
7 Dr. Badal Kumar Mandal India against IUPAC Microplast. National Tsing Hua University 1.87 Vellore
8 Dr. Punitha Kumar Dr. Sofi Rev. Security Shed of Sri Prammapuriteeswara paruman temple Kanchipuram Sree Brammapuriswara peruman temple, Kanchipuram 0.30 Vellore
9 PI: Dr Amitava Mukherjee, Dr Mrudula P Fate and Transport Studies of Nanomaterials in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems DRDO 54.90 Vellore
10 Dr. Akella Sivaramakrishna Dr. Rajagopal Desikan Synthesis And Supply Of Organic Phosphonates IGCAR 1.75 Vellore
11 Dr. Punitha Kumar Structural drawings of 3MLD STP project @ VIT, Vellore B&B Developers & Builders PVT. Ltd. Vellore 0.59 Vellore
12 Dr. Thirumalini Dr. Magesh Ganesapillai Dr. Arivarasu Minaralogical studies on clay shale as supplementary cementing metrial: Investigation of Thermal treatment, grainding, pigmentation, pozzolanic activity and strengh FLSmidth Private Limited FLSmidth House, 34, Egatoor, Kelambakkam (Rajiv Gandhi Salai-Chennai), Tamil Nadu, 603 103 11.9 Vellore
13 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation for Safe bearing capacity and suitable foundation for the construction of temple chariot shed for Sri Chennakesava Perumal Temple, Vadacheri village, Tirupathur District Temple Trustee Sri Cheenakesava Perumal koil Ambur 0.06 Vellore
14 Dr. Thirumalini Mineralogical studies on clay shale as supplementary cementing material: Investigation of thermal treatment, grinding, pigmentation, pozzolanic activity and strength FLSmidth Private Limited FLSmidth House, 34, Egatoor, Kelambakkam (Rajiv Gandhi Salai-Chennai), Tamil Nadu, 603 103 3.00 Vellore
15 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Scale Up Of Microbes For Liduid Bioferilizers. OmniActive Health Technologies, Pune. 1.47 Vellore
16 Dr. S.Sasikumar Consultancy on microbial Analysis Ultramarine & Pigments ltd. 0.12 Vellore
17 Dr. Thirumalini characterization of Alagankulam excavation soils State Archaeological department, TN 0.50 Vellore
18 Dr. Punitha Kumar Temple chariot shed Temple Trustee Sri CheenakesavaPerumalkoil Vadacheri village AmburTaluk Thirupathur District 0.30 Vellore
19 Dr. K. Palanisamy Power Quality, Measurement and Analysis Ms Hatsun Agro Product Ltd 1.35 Vellore
20 Dr. M. Muthukumar Geotechnical Investigation for the construction of check dam at Ranipet District Mr. A. Sivashanmugam, Ranipet 0.71 Vellore
21 Dr. Jose Swaminathan Modify water cooler and to develop a sustainable business model. Eco Effectus Pvt Ltd 13.66 Vellore
22 Dr. S. Shantha Kumar Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage treatment plants (STPs) with total capacity of 760 KLD (1 No. of 160 KLD & 1 No. of 600 KLD) location in a Residential cum commercail development project. Eco Effectus Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.50 Vellore
23 Dr. S. Shantha Kumar Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage treatment plants (STP) with a capacity of 520 KLD location in a Residential building complex at sundaracholavaram village, poonamallee, thiruvallur District – 600 077 by M/s. RKM Constructions & Housing. Eco Effectus Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.00 Vellore
24 Dr. Bhaskar Das Dr. S. Shantha Kumar Dr. M. P. Saravanakumar Hydro geological setup and geochemical status with respect to the surface and subsurface condition in the specified aub watershed area consisting. M/s. Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd Ranipet 9.25 Vellore
25 Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh Assessing the effect of noise, Vibration & Illumination in the oman aviation industry. AL Barzza Integrated Servies, Oman 7.14 Vellore
26 Dr. Mohana Srinivasan Development of bacteriocin for the food industry application. Salem Microbes Private Limited Salem 4.13 Vellore
27 Dr. M. Arivarasu Analyzing sigma phase precipitation in heat resistant alloy under various heat treatment conditions FLSmidth Private Limited FLSmidth House, 34, Egatoor, Kelambakkam (Rajiv Gandhi Salai-Chennai), Tamil Nadu, 603 103 1.50 Vellore
28 Dr. George Priya Doss C Chemical Characterisation Of Plant Extracts AYUSH 0.21 Vellore
29 Dr. M. Muthukumar Soil investigation and cosultancy report for Solar power plant at Pillipattu, Thiruvallur Dt. Premier Solar Powertech Private Limited 0.27 Vellore
30 Dr. A. Punitha Kumar Preparation of Structural Design and Drawing for Thear Shed Arulmigu Kaleeshwara Thirukoil 0.18 Vellore
31 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam Dr. Amit Kumar Jewal Research perusnnel and technical information exchange. Next Big innovation Lab 1.06 Vellore
32 Dr. Shantha Kumar Assessing the design adequacy of sewage treatment plants for treating the wastewater generated from residential cum commercial complerx – Noombal Village, Poonamalle Taluk & Thiruvallur Dt. – 400KLD Eco Effectus Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.00 Vellore
33 Dr. Shantha Kumar Assessing the design adequacy of sewage treatment plants for treating the wastewater generated from residential cum commercial complerx -Vandalur (Madhur Otteri) Village, Chengalpet Taluk & Kanchipuram Dt. – 300KLD Eco Effectus Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.00 Vellore
34 Dr. Bibin John Co.PI. Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj Dr. Sreeja Sadasivam Effectiveness of Leading Edge film cooling applied to first stage stator blade row of gas turbine engine – A numerical study. DRDO 9.69 Vellore
35 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj Effect of multiple rows of screech holes, hole size and momentum flux ration on discharge coefficient of the screech holes in parallel flows DRDO 9.59 Vellore
36 Dr. Selvakumar Development of OCR/OCV for Industrial Applications Yantra Vision Software Pvt Ltd 4C ? 121, Doctor Layout East of NGEF layout, Kasturi Nagar, Bangaluru, Karnataka ? 560 043 0.25 Vellore
37 Dr. Muthukumar M Recommendation of SBC for the construction of residential buuilding with (G+1) Floors. DIRECT Engineering & Construction Nellorepet, Gudiyatham 0.15 Vellore
38 Dr. P. Balakrishnan Dr. Lokeshkumar R Dr. K. R. Jothi Dr. M. Ganapathi Development of the data-driven model for aero elastic phenomenon to assess the stability of gas turbine engines DRDO – CARS 9.95 Vellore
39 Dr. S. K. Sekar Dr. punitha kumar Development of low cost bricks using foundry waste sand. Samco Metals and Alloys PVT ltd 4.00 Vellore
40 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Climate Resilient Coastal Communities in South Asia: transnational partner-ships, strengthening civil society agency, introducing innovative, climate-adapted technologies, and advocating for policy change and implementation EML Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd. Pitakotte, Srilanka 0.85 Vellore
41 Dr. Punitha Kumar Design mix for M25 & M30 Sattva Engineering Construction private limited 0.29 Vellore
42 Dr. Shantha Kumar Assessing the design adequacy of sewage treatment plants for treating the wastewater generated from residential cum commercial complerx -Vandalur (Madhur Otteri) Village, Chengalpet Taluk & Kanchipuram Dt. – 170KLD Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 1.00 Vellore
43 Dr. S.Sasikumar Analysis for XRD Ultramarine & Pigments ltd. 0.02 Vellore
44 Dr. S.Sasikumar Analysis for XRD Ultramarine & Pigments ltd. 0.04 Vellore
45 Dr.Angalaeswari S Dr.Balamurugan P Online Vision Inspection Poke yoke system with unlimited storage Daewon India Auto Parts Pvt Limited, Thiruvallur, Chennai- 602025 0.20 Chennai
46 Dr.Angalaeswari S Dr.Balamurugan P Drilling Machine for 06M Rear Fender Sekisui Dljm Molding Pvt Ltd, Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram 0.25 Chennai
47 Dr. Mohan Testing of Lennox Hyfra Gamma Unit Lennox India Technology Centre Private Limited, Unit No. 1, 13th Floor, Crest Building, International Tech Park, Taramani Road, Chennai – 600 113 6.79 Chennai
48 Dr. Sivakumar
49 Dr. Joseph Dr. Davidson Dr. Annamalai Dr. Karunamurthy Failure Studies Of A Temperature Door Of Car Hvac Hanon Systems, Chennai 2.93 Chennai
50 Dr. Davidson 2D/3D CAD modelling based on client input CFD & FE study based on the given input conditions Mechanical sample tests as per relevant standards Mock-up tests with client supplied fixtures and tooling Report for tidal turbine ST Advanced Composities Pvt. Ltd., 3.57 Chennai
51 Dr. Sivakumar
52 Dr. Vinayagamurthy
53 Dr. Raghukiran 3D Printing FLSMIDTH 2.77 Chennai
54 Dr. SIvakumar
55 Dr. Lenin Babu Vibration testing of composite materials Mr Ajith Kumar, Appollo Engineering College, Chennai 0.02 Chennai
56 Dr. Lenin Babu Vibration and Acoustic testing of sandwich panels Mr Monesh Kanna, Rajalakhmi Engineering College, Chennai 0.11 Chennai
57 Dr. Lenin Babu Vibration testing of GNP composite Beams Mr Atul, Rajalakhmi Engineering College, Chennai 0.10 Chennai
58 Dr. Lenin Babu Testing Anchored Visco-elastic surface dampers on IC engine front cover Vibromech Advanced Technologies 0.18 Chennai
59 Dr. Jeyanthi Material strength testing Academics/ Industries (for testing in Strength of Materials Lab) 0.10 Chennai
60 Dr. Lenin Babu Vibration Testing of natural fiber compiste beams Mr Senthil Rajan, AVC College of Engineering, Mayiladudurai 0.14 Chennai
61 Dr. Lenin Babu, Dr Lakshmipathi Jakkamputi, Dr Davidson, Dr Annamalai Vibration and Acoustic Testing of Oilsump Vibromech Advanced Technologies 0.21 Chennai
62 Dr. Sivakumar Design and Development of Regenerative Flow compressor VALEO 2.58 Chennai
63 Dr. Sreekanth Manavalla
64 Dr. Annamalai FEA of Transformer tank 16 MVA LV wall after cracking Bolster Engineering Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bhopal -462023 0.09 Chennai
65 Dr. Davidson
66 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement NIT Trichy 0.05 Chennai
67 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement VIT Vellore 0.07 Chennai
68 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Saint Gobin, Pvt. Ltd. Chenna 0.09 Chennai
69 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Bhavani College of Engineering 0.06 Chennai
70 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement VIT Vellore 0.03 Chennai
71 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Mepco Engineering College , Chennai 0.02 Chennai
72 Dr. Sabumon P. C. Vetting the design of STP and Grey water treatment plants Vijay Rajas Homes Pvt Ltd, Chennai – 600119 0.20 Chennai
73 Dr. Usha Kiran Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Mr. Vigesh Ranganathan, Big Bang Boom , Solutions Pvt. Ltd Chennai Test Date: 02-Dec-2020 0.12 Chennai
74 Dr Niraj Kumar Dr Richards Joe Stanislaus Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Mr Desingurajan P, DATA Patterns, Plot H, 4th Main Road, SIPCOT IT Park, Rajiv Gandhi Salai(OMR), Siruseri, Chennai-603103 0.16 Chennai
75 Dr Niraj Kumar Dr Richards Joe Stanislaus Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Mr Desingurajan P, DATA Patterns, Plot H, 4th Main Road, SIPCOT IT Park, Rajiv Gandhi Salai(OMR), Siruseri, Chennai-603103 Test Date: 05-Jan-2021 Ref No: SENSE/AC/2021/Ind/001 0.13 Chennai
76 Dr Niraj Kumar Dr Richards Joe Stanislaus Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Mr Krishna Chennakesava Rao, Asst.Professor , Vignan’s University, AP Test Date: 25-Feb-2021 Ref. No: SENSE/AC/2021/Acad/004 0.06 Chennai
77 Dr Niraj Kumar Dr Richards Joe Stanislaus Anechoic Chamber – Antenna measurement Ms D.Abinaya P G Scholar, M.E Communication System, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University. Test Date: 12-Mar-2021 Ref. No: SENSE/AC/2021/Acad/005 0.05 Chennai
78 Dr Rajasekaran Dr Saradha Rajkumar Dr C Alamelu Business Writing Skills Training US Consulate Chennai 1.94 Chennai
1 Dr. Gajanand Gupta Operation control Centre for Rail Transport Railway and its allied company 1.28 Chennai
2 Dr. Annamalai, Dr. Davidson, Dr. Lenin Babu, Dr. Christo Michael & Dr. Lakshmipathy FEM basic training for VALEO Engineers VALEO India Private Limited, No.63, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Navalur, Chennai 600 130. 0.89 Chennai
3 Dr. Umasankar, Dr. Jeyanthi, Dr. Vinayagamurthym, Dr. Jegadeeshwaran, Dr. Lenin babu & Dr. Tapan kumar NVH training for RANE Engineers RANE TRW Steering Systems Limited, 132, Cathedral Road, Chennai – 600 086. 0.59 Chennai
1 Dr. P. Sakthivel Quantification of Engine timing gearnoise of SAME DEUTZ-FAHR tractor engine variants. Same Deutz-Fahr india (P) LTD, Ranipet 0.20 Vellore
2 Dr. P. Geethanjali Dr. B. Karthikeyan Blind Spot detection DURA Automotive Systems, Hyderabad 4.30 Vellore
3 Dr. Jayaprakash Monoclonal antibody service. Dept. of Biotechnology, IIT Madras 1.18 Vellore
4 Dr. Ganapathy G P Preparation of School Disaster Management Plan for BALSAM Academy BALSAM Academy, Ranipet 0.30 Vellore
5 Dr. Solaman Bobby S Mr. J. Prabhu Consultancy work a foundry laboratory. Other/Industry/Univesity/ College 0.19 Vellore
6 Dr. Anbalagan M Dr.K.M.Kothandam Understanding molecular machanism of anticancer activity mediated by compound A &B. Phyto Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 2.01 Vellore
7 Dr. Denis Ashok S Filament Extruder Euro Exim Bank, London 3.85 Vellore
8 Dr. Ganapathy G P Hydro Geological Survey for M/S Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd, Ranipet, Vellore M/S Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd, Ranipet, Vellore 2.26 Vellore
9 Dr. N. Govindha Rasu Dr. R. Manoharan Mathematical Modelling of Centrifugal Pump for Combat Aircraft Fuel System applications. Central Toom Room & Training Centre 9.42 Vellore
10 Dr. Thirumalini S Department of Archaeology – Analysation and dting of Algankulam excavation Antiquities. Tamilnadu Department of Archaeology 1.34 Vellore
11 Dr. K. Palanisamy Power Quality, Measurement and Analysis Ms Hatsun Agro Product Ltd 3.66 Vellore
12 Dr. P. Sakthivel Quantification of Engine timing gearnoise of SAME DEUTZ-FAHR tractor engines on the test Cell. Same Deutz-Fahr india (P) LTD, Ranipet 0.95 Vellore
13 Dr. Delhi Babu Automation Tools for Financial Markets. Factentry Data Solutions PVT. LTD, Vellore 5.00 Vellore
14 Dr. Sudhakaran R Risk assessment of microplastics in the environmental samples. Practical Environmental Technologies, Coimbatore 1.00 Vellore
15 Dr. S. Karthikeyan on Process modification in the rolled sugar cones to refrain from quality defects. M/S. Kristal Food Pondicherry 0.10 Vellore
16 Dr. K. Ganesan Development of vision-based medicine recognition system. Cleveron Tech works, Vellore 1.50 Vellore
17 Dr. K. Ganesan Developing face-recognition based HR automation solution. Cleveron Tech works, Vellore 0.50 Vellore
18 Dr. Kathirvelan Transformers, UPS, Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizers, High current Regulated Power supplies. M/S Instrument Technologies, Secunderabad 0.00 Vellore
19 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer Mulching Sheet Application for Crop Improvement and water Conservation in arecanut (Areca catechu L.). Balalji POLY PACK. Simoga, KA 26.93 Vellore
20 Dr. George Priya Doss C Development Of Antimicrobial Stewardship Kpi The Hilda Lazarus Core Research Chair, Christian Medical College and Hospital 0.41 Vellore
21 Dr. Suneel Kumar Annathana Building, Arulmigy Sri Ellaiamman Thirukoil, Vetuvanam Arulmigy Sri Ellaiamman Thirukoil, Vetuvanam 0.15 Vellore
22 Dr. R. Manoharan Dr. N. Govindha Rasu Damage tolerance Analysis, Life prediction etc of carious fuel jet pump configuration. Central Tool Room & Training Centre 5.66 Vellore
23 Dr. R Sudhakaran Innovated mobile feeding cum drug delivery device, and an automated aeration device for shrimp farming. Bariflolabs Private Limited 1.10 Vellore
24 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Preparation of Comprehensive Hydro Geological Mapping/Survey Feasibility study for seepage Barrier and Rain Water Harvesting System for M/S. Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd. Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd 3.19 Vellore
25 Dr. Karthikeyan S Development of bio fertilizers and feed additives for poultry. V.K. Palappa Nadar Poultry Farms Pvt. Ltd Dhalavaipuram, Viruthunagar 34.60 Vellore
26 Dr. Arivarasu M High temperature corrosion testing equipment M/s FLSmidth Private LTD 7.08 Vellore
27 Dr. M. Muthukumar Soil analysis is and recommendation of depth of raft foundation for the proposed structure. Aiga Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai 600 050 0.08 Vellore
28 Dr. S. Balamurugan Concrete Mix Design M/S Rohan Builders (1) Pvt.Ltd 0.77 Vellore
29 Dr. G. K. Rajini Dr. N. Amutha Prabha Identification of discontinuities in housing equipment?s using image processing techniques M/s. Veejei Automation 0.24 Vellore
30 Dr. Muthumeenakshi M A Report on Feasibility study on Employmnet Mapping in the identified aread of research. Farida Shoes Private Ltd, Ambur 0.89 Vellore
31 Dr. Vijayalakshmi International Consultancy Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic, Sokoto 4.54 Vellore
32 Dr. M. Muthukumar Suitability of material for filling. Elite Contractors (Chennai) PVT LTD 0.09 Vellore
33 Dr. M. Muthukumar Suitability of material for filling. Rohan Builders (India) Pvt. Ltd. 0.18 Vellore
34 Dr. S. S. Chanderasekaran Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Subsurface 1D Soil Investigation using Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) of Selected sites in Mumbai. Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. 1.77 Vellore
35 Dr. M. Muthukumar Identification of suitable foundation type and safe bearing capacity Sri Bharathi Velu Arts & Science College 0.09 Vellore
36 Dr. A. Punitha Kumar Mix design for School Building in Vallalor, Vellore A.Vajjiram & Bros. 0.18 Vellore
37 Dr. Rajagopal D Synthesis of novel small molecules for cardiovascular drug development The Case Western Reserve University 3.00 Vellore
38 Dr. Vasantha Kumar S Prevention of road accident in the district conducting of awareness Programmes. TN Police, Vellore, District 0.00 Vellore
39 Dr. Punitha Kumar A Structural Design Sri Subramaniya Swami Temple 0.30 Vellore
40 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation of SBC and suitable type of foundation YUBE Prime Infra, 0.15 Vellore
41 Dr. M. Muthukumar Recommendation of SBC and suitable type of foundation Sri Renugambal Amman Temple, 0.08 Vellore
42 Dr. Vasantha Kumar S Total station Survey and calculation of earthwork volume for a tank inVilapakkam,Ranipet Executive officer i/c Vilapakkam Town panchayat Ranipet District 0.15 Vellore
43 Dr. Mohan Testing of Lennox Hyfra Gamma Unit Lennox India Technology Centre Pvt Ltd, Chennai-600113 0.80 Chennai
44 Dr. Sivakumar Design of PM motor for ceiling applications Stonelink Designs Lab, Chennai-600028 1.50 Chennai
45 Dr. Davidson ST Advanced Composities Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai ? 600 095 2D CFD Study of floating vertical axis tidal turbine 0.10 Chennai
46 Dr. Sakthivel 3D Printing Rennova Solution, Hosur,Krishnagiri-635109 0.07 Chennai
47 Dr. Raghukiran 3D Printing FLSMIDTH, Chennai-603103 0.50 Chennai
48 Dr. S. Geetha Development of AR based Car Owner Manual Mahindra Research Valley, Chengalpattu – 603002 3.00 Chennai
49 Dr. S. Geetha ADAS Platform Development with Fog and Obstacle Detection for Enhanced Driver Assistance Mahindra and Mahindra, Chennai 1.50 Chennai
50 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna testing in Anechoic chamber and VNA Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi 0.07 Chennai
51 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna testing in Anechoic chamber and VNA VIT Vellore 0.12 Chennai
52 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna testing in Anechoic chamber and VNA Bhavani College of Engineering, Chennai 0.07 Chennai
53 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna testing in Anechoic chamber and VNA BSACIST, Chennai 0.07 Chennai
54 Dr. Usha Kiran Testing and calibration Velammal engineering college, Chennai 0.06 Chennai
55 Dr. Usha Kiran Testing and calibration M. G. R College, Chennai 0.05 Chennai
56 Dr. Usha Kiran EMI Shielding Test using VNA VelTech Engg. College, Chenna 0.02 Chennai
57 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna Testing in Anechoic chamber VEL Tech, Chennai 0.05 Chennai
58 Dr. Usha Kiran Antenna Testing in Anechoic chamber Annamalai University 0.05 Chennai
59 Dr. John Kennedy Optmisation and charactization of biomaterials Life Cell International Private limited, Chennai 0.28 Chennai
1 Dr.Ramaseshan H Executive Development Programme for Senior Prison Officers Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration , Vellore. 0.06 Vellore
2 Dr.Karthikeyan J Platform Skills – PMKVY-NSDC Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. 0.15 Vellore
3 Dr.Syed Khalid Perwez and Dr. Ramaseshan H MDP on Change Management for Senior Prison Officers. Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration , Vellore. 0.10 Vellore
4 Dr.Syed Khalid Perwez and Dr.Ramaseshan H Executive Development Programme in Management for DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL (D.I. G) of Prison. Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration , Vellore. 0.15 Vellore
5 Dr. Karthikeyan J Platform Skills – PMKVY-NSDC Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. 0.12 Vellore
6 Dr.G.Bhuvaneswari & Dr.Rashmi Rekha Borah Spoken English Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd., Kothari Buildings, 115, Uthamar Gandhi Salai, Ch – 34. 0.15 Chennai
7 Dr.N.Subhashini &Dr.A.Sivasubramanian Industrial training Programme on ?Networks, network Security and Cloud Computing? Redington India(P) Ltd 0.97 Chennai
8 Dr. Lenin Babu, Dr. Jeyanthi, Dr. Jegadeeshwaran & Dr. Vinayagamurthy 3-day Technical Development Traning Programme on Noise, Vibration and Harshness VALEO India Private Limited, No.63, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Navalur, Chennai 600 130. 1.06 Chennai
9 Dr. Janardhan Reddy Dr. Annamalai 3 -day Technical Development Training and Workshop on Strength of Materials VALEO India Private Limited, No.63, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Navalur, Chennai 600 130. 1.06 Chennai
10 Dr. Umasankar Dr. Janardhan Reddy Dr. Annamalai Make a Pitch – workshop FLSMIDTH 0.33 Chennai
11 Dr. Umasankar Dr. Janardhan Reddy Dr. Annamalai Dr. Mohan R Workshop on Design Thinking FLSMIDTH 0.53 Chennai
12 Dr. Lenin Babu, Dr. Jeyanthi, Dr. Jegadeeshwaran & Dr. Vinayagamurthy 3-day Technical development training programme on ?Finite Element Methods (FEM)? for employees of Valeo VALEO India Private Limited, No.63, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Navalur, Chennai 600 130. 0.89 Chennai
13 Dr. Umasankar, Dr. Jeyanthi, Dr. Vinayagamurthy, Dr. Jegadeeshwaran & Dr. Lenin babu Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) for RANE Group Executives RANE TRW Steering Systems Limited, 132, Cathedral Road, Chennai – 600 086. 0.47 Chennai
1 Dr. C. Padmavathy Breast Cancer Screening Beliefs – Development of Empirical Model in Social Marketing. J.V.GOKAL CHARITY TRUST, Mumbai 1.00 Vellore
2 Dr.V.Shanti Molecular stimulation studies Sathiyama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India 0.15 Vellore
3 Ms. Nivetha Anbazagan Dr. V. Mohanasrinivasan Study on bioactive compounds and therapeutic potential of Begenia and Quercus incana extracts for medicininal formulation. BIRAC SRISTI, Ahmedabad 1.00 Vellore
4 Dr. Ramesh Kumar Development of single seater Hovercraft. Euro Exim Bank, London 2.21 Vellore
5 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Rapid Identification of microbial food spoilage by image processing and Neural Networks. Euro Exim Bank, London 13.20 Vellore
6 Dr. Nilanjana Mitra Development of Nano-blended bioplastic for food packaging. Euro Exim Bank, London 8.16 Vellore
7 Dr. Thirumalini Dr. T. Shanmugapriya Department of Archaeology – Analysation and dting of Algankulam excavation Antiquities. Department of Archaeology, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Chennai 2.40 Vellore
8 Dr. K. Palanisamy Grid Malfunction detection study Kone elevator India Pvt Limited, Chennai 1.55 Vellore
9 Dr. Divya Udayan Simulation and Visualization of Cultural heritage. NVIDIA Corporation, 1.47 Vellore
10 Dr. R. Siva Dr.A. Sivakumar Optimizing the extraction molecular characterization bio-activities of chlorella growth factor. E.I.D. Parry (India) Limited, Chennai 3.42 Vellore
11 Dr. Pragasam Viswanathan Extraction and characterization of sulphated polysaccharide and Ca spiyulan from spriulina. E.I.D. Parry (India) Limited, Chennai 6.18 Vellore
12 Dr. Denis Ashok S Multi extrusion and vision sorting machine. ITC Agarbatti, Chennai 9.20 Vellore
13 Dr. Sanjit Kumar Structural Biology Service Facility Sekkei Bio Pvt Ltd, Bangalore 2.75 Vellore
14 Dr. K. Palanisamy Dr. I. Jacob Gaglend Dr. J. Belwin Edward Dr. R. Thirumalaivasan Power quality studies at textile industries Kashyap Consultancy Services, Coimbatore 0.59 Vellore
15 Dr. K. Palanisamy Power quality audit Swelect System Limited , Chennai 3.84 Vellore
16 Dr. Jayanthi Abraham Microbial Analysis Ultramarine & Pigments ltd. Ranipet 0.74 Vellore
17 Dr. J. Karthikeyan Skil development and Training Methods – NSDC Project for Apparel Industry. New Delhi 0.13 Vellore
18 Dr. J. Karthikeyan Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkunar Skil development and Training Methods – NSDC Project for Apparel Industry. New Delhi 0.13 Vellore
19 Dr. S.Sasikumar Microbial Analysis Ultramarine & Pigments ltd. Ranipet 0.08 Vellore
20 Dr. Mohansrinivasan Technical solutions for improving animal health using biothechnologial applications. Vetbiotics Animal Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Mumbai 3.00 Vellore
21 Dr. Jabez osborne Tannery effluent resuse analysis M/s P A Footwear P. Ltd, Ranipet 6.05 Vellore
22 Dr. Jose Swaminathan Quality management, process improvement and technical collaboration for advancement in research and development Gemini Cooling Systems projects Pvt. Ltd. Chennai 0.60 Vellore
23 Dr. Devi Rajeswari Green synthesis of nano particles and applications. Xcellogen Biotech India PVT LTD, Nagerkoil 0.52 Vellore
24 Dr. Thundilkarupparaj Dr. Denis Ashok Dr. Devendranath Ramkumar Development of Innovative Techniques for cabin noise reduction in HVAC system. Valeo, Chennai 4.03 Vellore
25 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Preparation of Earthquake Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment component for cuddalore District, Tamil nadu State. (Consultancy – III) Anna Institute of Management , Chennai 0.15 Vellore
26 Prof. N. Deepa Prof. B. Prabadevi Assessment module of Nexrise Android Application. Nexrise Technology private limited, Chennai 0.25 Vellore
27 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam Development of Nanocoting on Implant surface. CARS – DRDO 1.50 Vellore
28 Dr.N.Ramesh New synthesized compounds antibacterial efficacy against various clinical isolates Vyome Therapeutics LTD. New Delhi 6.20 Vellore
29 Dr. S.K.Sudarsanam and Dr. Neelanarayanan Study, Design and Development of Project Monitoring Software DRDO – CVRDE, Chennai 2.97 Chennai
30 Dr.Arun Kumar Sarma DLC coating on sintered Al Sundaram Fastneres Limited 1.89 Chennai
31 Dr. Geetha and Dr.Asnath Victy Phamila Fog Detection and Vehicle Detection during Fog for Automotive Mahindra & Mahindra 1.50 Chennai
32 Dr. Krishnendu Biswas Ultramarine and pigments Ultramarine and Pigments Limited 0.60 Chennai
33 Dr. Lenin Babu M C Sound Absorption Coefficient Testing and free vibration characteristics testing, Seven different natural fibre materials were tested for sound absorption coefficient using impedance tube, Sound transmission loss characteristics of composite Panel & Sound transmission loss characteristics of composite Panel Pondichery Engineering College and AVC College of engineering Mayiladuthurai 0.45 Chennai
34 Dr. Maheswari R & Dr. Karmel A Fundboon Website Development Fundboon Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd 0.25 Chennai
35 Dr. S. Jeyanthi Testing and Consultancy of Strength of Materials Lab Academics/ Industries 0.14 Chennai
1 Dr. J. Karthikeyan & Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY, No.10, Srinivasa Pillai Street, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore – 607001 0.23 Vellore
2 Dr. G.P. Ganapathy Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Competency Program Chancellory Office, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, The National Energy University, Putrajaya Campus, Jaian IKRAM-UNITEN, 43400 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia, Tel: +60389263990 4.58 Vellore
3 Dr. Sovan Kumar Gupta Training Turbo Energy Private Limited, Pulivalam,Vellore Dist, Banavaram, Tamil Nadu 632 505 3.20 Chennai
1 Dr Vivekanandan InDiaTel-Telemedicine based Diabetic Health Care Unit TMI Systems, Bengaluru, India 0.25 Vellore
2 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Scale up of Microbes for Liquid Biofertilizers OmniActive Health Technologies, Pune, India 8.30 Vellore
3 Dr. Roshan K. Srivastav Potential Water resources around a multistoried Construction site M/s Sumana Enterprise, West bengal, India 0.10 Vellore
4 Dr. Girish M. Joshi Dr. C. Ramesh Kumar Prof. Padmanabhan Development, Preparation, Characterization and testing of high performance polymer composotes. DOVER india private Ltd, Bangalore, India 7.00 Vellore
5 Dr. Kiran Yarrakula Developing flood Early warning model for the nagavali NRSC,Hyderabad, India 0.50 Vellore
6 Dr. Senthilkumar A Experimental Evaluation of MLI systems between 77 – 4.2 K. VRV ASIA PACIFIC Pvt Ltd, Andhra pradesh, India. 6.86 Vellore
7 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Technical solutions for textile effluent treatment using biotechnological applications. Eminent Textile Mills Private Ltd, Tamilnadu, India. 1.25 Vellore
8 Dr Kiran Yarrakula Development of Flood forecast model lower krishna River MSR Constructions, Nellore, India 0.10 Vellore
9 Dr Kiran Yarrakula Iron Ore Mapping Using Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing MSR Constructions, Nellore, India 0.10 Vellore
10 Dr Aslam Abdullah Kinetic Modeling upon Structural Contribution on ULSD and ULNP for the upcoming Bharat VIII Norms. Promantec Consultants PVT. LTD,Gujarat,India 0.15 Vellore
11 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Consultancy Project on Corrosion resistance cotings for pot curing JK Fenner (india) LTD, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. 0.10 Vellore
12 Dr. T.S. Viswanathan Prof. J. Visuvasam Prof. J. Simun Prof. Hareesh T Condition Assesment of school building SMIRHI REKHA FOUNDATION,Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. 1.60 Vellore
13 Prof. Hareesh T Mix design for M30 concrete. TN Water supply and drainage board, Vellore ,Tamilnadu, India. 0.60 Vellore
14 Dr. Manjubala I APR Applied Pharma Research s.a., APR Applied Pharma Research S.A., Balerna, Switzerland. 1.66 Vellore
15 Dr. K. Nagamalleswara Rao Simulation using Aspen HYSYS Software Aspen HYSYS Simulation, Dubai ,UAE. 0.50 Vellore
16 Mr. Muthukumar Proposed Construction of Effluent Treatment & RO plant. Shalimar Tanning Company, Chennai, India. 0.19 Vellore
17 Mr. Muthukumar Construction of Residential building Studio Black Pvt. Ltd., Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. 0.11 Vellore
18 Dr. Arivarasu M Dr.Arivazagan Dr. Sathya Swaroop N R Dr. Nageswara Rao M Improving the fatigue life of API (X70) line pipe steel weld joint by laser peening. TATA Steels Pvt Ltd, India. 8.33 Vellore
19 Dr. S. Karthikeyan Technical Solutions for developing cost effective astaxanthin production. Astamin Biotech, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. 5.00 Vellore
20 Dr. UmaShankar Energy Efficient Optimal Staging and De-staging of caseade pump applications. Danfoss Industries Pvt.Ltd.Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. 1.04 Vellore
21 Dr. Anbalagan Dr.K.M.Kothandam, Dr.R.Tamizhselvi Cell line study for evaluating the efficacy of sample drugs on Apoptosis and cell migration and invasion. Phyto Specialities Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai 0.40 Vellore
22 Dr. Georgy Priya Doss Protein drug binding analysis and drug molecular simulation. CMC-Hospital,Vellore, TamilNadu, India. 0.09 Vellore
23 Dr. S. Vasantha Kumar Measurement of shortest distance,Study of traffic flow,Parking requirements. Other/Industry/Univesity/ College 0.10 Vellore
24 Dr. Suneetha V viral and Actinomycetes assay in Air conditioning missions and air purifiers. Eurka Forbes Pvt Ltd. India. 0.94 Vellore
25 Sugumaran V Fault diagnosis of centrifugal pump HCL technologies LTD 1.51 Chennai
26 Usha Kiran Profession Test Services in Antenna Measurements Using Vector Network Analyzer Ensemble tech . Pvt. Ltd , chennai 0.30 Chennai
27 Karthikeyan K and Prof. Senthilpandian M Material Testing NDVN Properties Ltd 0.21 Chennai
28 Arun Kumar A Cubetesting& Testing of Beam Apollo priyadharshini of Technology 0.13 Chennai
1 Dr. K. Muthumani Functional training programmes for L&T Engineers on “Bridge Engineering” L&T House, Chennai 15 Chennai
1 Dr. Deepa Madathil Statistical ananlysis and modeling of RO water plants data and development of alternative treatment. Ropure Aquatech PVT. LTD. 5-2-13-/2, II nd Floor,Chaitanya Towers, Hyderbasti, Bansilalper, Secunderabad-500 003 3.00 Vellore
2 Dr.K. Meenakshi Support in Development skills for rural background students Power Mech Projects Ltd Plot No 77, Jublee Enclave, Opp. Hitex, Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500081 1.75 Vellore
3 Dr.C. Subathra Devi Dr. Mohanasrinivasan Screening the neuraminidasa inhibition activity of polyherbal formulations. Siddha Central Research Institute, Central council for research in Siddha, Anna Govt. Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106 0.50 Vellore
4 Dr. Thundilkarupparaj Dr. C. Ramesh Kumar Simulation studies on Zeolite bed for Oxygen Generation. Kavia Engineering Private Ltd. 86-1, Phase I, Jigani Industrial Area, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore-560 105 1.38 Vellore
5 Dr. S. Umashankar Dr. Palanisamy K Mesaurement of Voltage and Current Harmonics on 110 kV end at traction sub station in Chennai Division. National Productivity Council,DIPP-MCI, 6, Avin Dairy Road,Ambattur, Chennai, India-600098 0.50 Vellore
6 Dr. M. A. Vijayalakshmi Dr.T. Kali Krishna Reddy Synthesis of poly (ethylene oxide) dendrimers and chemical modifications with current cancer drugs. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-23955-6900 19.36 Vellore
7 Dr. Elizabeth Rufus Dr. Zachariah C Alex Development of Electrochemical Biofilm Probe. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Metallurgy and Materials Group Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu-603102 16.50 Vellore
8 Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkunar Dr. J. Karthikeyan Methods – ToT (Skill India Project), National Skill Development Corporation Project. Methods – NSDC Project for Apparel Industry., Ministry of Skill Development And Enttrepreneurship, 301, 3rd Floor, West Wing, World Mark 1, Asset 11, Aerocity New Delhi ? 110037 0.79 Vellore
9 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Perparation of School Disaster Management Plan for BALSAM Academy, Ranipet. Balsam Academy, 5/4-10A, Vanapadi Road, Barathi Nagar Extension, Ranipet-632 403 0.36 Vellore
10 Dr. Roshan K. Srivastav Hydrological study of Brahmani River at 2×600MW power station Odisha. National Institute of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, , Uttarakhand- 247667 0.66 Vellore
11 Prof. C. Shanthi Consultancy Project on Collagen Characterization. Gates Group – Life Sciences Divison, India Office Capital Court, 5th Floor Olof Palme Marg Munirka, Delhi 0.05 Vellore
12 Dr. K. Revathy Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar Dr. J. Karthikeyan Instittutional Development for Madarasa-E-Mufide-Aam School, Vaniyambadi. The Mufide-Aam Educational Society, 1328, Jama Masjid Street, Neeilkollai, Vaniyambadi, Vellore District, Tamilnadu-635715 0.15 Vellore
13 Dr. Suthindhiran K Development of microbial strains. The Kupi Environmental Solutions Pvt., Ltd., 12/38, 1st floor, Deepa Darshan flats, Kodambakkam, Chennai-600038 0.50 Vellore
14 Dr. A.S. Santhi Dr. Mohan Ganesh G Characterization of fly ash samples for NLC Traction Labs , 225 Bush St #370, San Francisco, CA 94104, United States 0.24 Vellore
15 Dr. S. Balamurugan Concrete mix design- M30 Patil construction & Infrastructure Ltd. 3rd Floor, PMPML Commercial Building, No:1, Shankarshweth Road, Swargate, Pune,Maharashtra,411042 0.35 Vellore
16 Dr. S. Arugalai Vendan Welding distortion control during conventional welding of steel for automobile applications Elkayem Auto Ancillaries (P) LTD, 159-B, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Hosur-635126, Tamilnadu 0.25 Vellore
17 Dr. Mohan K TOC analysis of Marine core Sediments Indine school of Mines , Dhanbad 2.29 Chennai
18 Dr Pattabiraman, Dr. Parvathi, Prof.Vijalakshmi A Development of Recommendation System for Financial Advisors Datanet Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd, No: 933A, 21st Main Rd, 2nd Phase, JP Nagar 2.00 Chennai
19 Dr Umamaheswari.E, Dr. Vijayakumar V Lorry Booking System YAAL Enterprises, Salem 0.30 Chennai
20 Dr. Premalatha L Power Quality/Harmoinc Analysis study Fleming Laboratories Limited, Hyderabad 0.25 Chennai
21 Dr. Sivakumar R Development of System Design and Control for Boat Room Heater and Thermal Charactrisitcs Analysis Spurt Innovation, Bangalore 0.25 Chennai
22 Dr. John Kennedy Designing and treatment of spent acid solvent waste water using integrated hetro Fenton nanoporous carbon discharged from AEPL Industries Arudhra Engineers Pvt. Ltd 2.00 Chennai
1 Dr.A. Dunstan Rajkumar & Dr. J. Karthikeyan Methods- NSDC Project for Apparel Industry Methods Apparel Consultancy India Ltd. New Delhi. 0.79 Vellore
2 Dr. K.Revathy, Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar, Dr. J. Karthikeyan Institutional Development The Mufide-Aam Educational Society, 1328, Jama Masjid Street, Neelkollai, Vaniyambadi – 635 715. Tel: 04174-229836 0.15 Vellore
3 Dr. Edison Gundabattini Administrative and Academic Training RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Gummidipoondi, Chennai +91-44-6790 6790 2.75 Vellore
4 Dr. R. Kumaravelu Computer Aided Textile Design Training Aruppukottai Handloom Cluster, Virudhunagar 0.45 Chennai
5 Dr. Uma Sankar and Dr. K Janardhan Reddy Training on New Product development for senior executives Sundaram Fasteners Ltd, Chennai 2.30 Chennai
6 Dr. Menaka Labview for Industrial Engineers Rane (Madras) Private Ltd 1.25 Chennai
1 Dr.G.Buvaneswari Leach Resistance of Fe-9Cr-1Mo-Zr Metallic Waste from alloys. IGCAR,Kalpakkam,Tamilnadu, India 16.40 Vellore
2 Dr.Suneetha V To asses the performance of water and air purification systems Eurekha Forbes Limited,Mumbai, India 0.74 Vellore
3 Dr. Pradhap Reddy CH Mobile application, developed using Microsoft Azure on Android Platform B2 Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, India 1.50 Vellore
4 Dr.R.Sudhakaran Preventive and prophylactic Efficacy of Commercial probiotics in Tilapia Fishes Experimentally Infected with Vibrio parahemolyticus. Organica Biotech Pvt.Ltd, Mumbai, India 1.00 Vellore
5 Dr.S.Karthikeyan Decorative spray coatings on Automobiles Sha Automobiles,Velore, Tamilnadu, India 0.34 Vellore
6 Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Dr.K.Raja, Dr. P.A.Jeeva Corrosion resistant and reflective coatings on metal components AK Finishing Technologies, Chennai, India 0.34 Vellore
7 Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Dr.K.Raja, Dr. P.A.Jeeva Glowing Coatings on Automobiles Sha Automobiles,Velore, Tamilnadu, India 0.34 Vellore
8 Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Dr.K.Raja, Dr. P.A.Jeeva Wear Resistance Coatings on Rollers in Textile Industries Shri Govindharajaa Textiles (P) Ltd, Pulivendula Mandal, AndhraPradesh,India 0.51 Vellore
9 Dr.G. Thippa Reddy Android application for ECG Basics M/s Sree Diabetic Care Center, Andhara Pradesh, India 0.25 Vellore
10 Dr. Aswani Kumar Cherukuri User Intention Modeling using Hidden Markov Model Sriya Dxi, LLC 5.02 Vellore
11 Dr. Neelu Khare Site Management System Ashok Manhar and Associates, Bhopal, India 0.30 Vellore
12 Dr. M.Harish Arni Municipality in Thiruvannamalai district- Design of M30 mix concrete-matel Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, Tamilnadu,India 0.20 Vellore
13 Prof. S.Sankarganesh Training Programme on Image Processing KPIT Technologies, Banglaore, India 0.29 Vellore
14 Dr. R. Vasudevan Study & Development of A Piezelectric Accelerometer. Kavia Engineering Private Ltd.,Bangalore, India 3.21 Vellore
15 Dr.R.Subhashini Market research on Importance of Certification Courses for College Students Henry Harvin India LLP, New delhi, India 0.25 Vellore
16 Dr.R.Subhashini A Study on the impact of Certificate courses for Knowledge Enhancement Henry Harvin India LLP, New delhi, India 0.25 Vellore
17 Dr. C Ramesh Kumar Dr.M S Jagadeesh Kumar Dr. M Uma Shankar Water wading study across the porous media Renault Nissan Technology and Business Center India Pvt (RNTBCI),Kancheepuram,India 4.86 Vellore
18 Dr. Gajendar Kumar Social Impact Audit of the women empowerment work undertaken by GCL in Bangalore Global Concerns Leadership, Canada 0.42 Chennai
1 Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Bharat Silks, No 235 Q, III Phase, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Bommasandra, Bangalore – 560 099 0.48 Vellore
2 Dr. Edison Gundabattini Administrative and Academic Training Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur – 680684, Kerala 2.29 Vellore
1 Dr. Devendranath Ramkumar Mitigating the environmentally induced degradation and improving the ductility of flow formed maraging steel tubes DRDL / CARS, Hyderabad,India 9.85 Vellore
2 Dr. G. P. Ganapathy Updating Disaster Loss Database for the State of Tamilnadu UNISDR, Geneva, Switzerland 2.44 Vellore
3 Dr. J. Valarmathi Dr. Ravindra Dulli Development of Algorithm for Digital Signal Processing for TIP Clearance signal DRDL – DRDO,C.V.Raman Nagar, Bengaluru, India 4.47 Vellore
1 Dr. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Naser Bali (Gloves) Pvt. Ltd, New No-27, Old No-45, Raja Muthiah Road, Periyamet, Periyamet, Chennai, Tamilnadu- 600003 1.02 Vellore
2 Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Bharat Silks, No 235 Q, III Phase, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Bommasandra, Bangalore – 560 099 0.45 Vellore
3 Dr Joseph Sathiaraj, Prof Evangeline Rajasekar, Prof. Subhasri Vijayakumar FORD Apprentices Training (FAT) FORD India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 14.05 Chennai
4 Dr. Sreekanth Dondapati Training Programme to Daimler India Daimler India 1.32 Chennai

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