VIT-Grant Seed

The VIT seed grant is a funding initiative to encourage faculty to pursue competitive research in emerging areas of national and international importance. The research activities are supported under the following schemes:

1. Multidisciplinary/Transdisciplinary Research

2. Process/Product Development

Seed Grant List

1 Dr. Ganesh Babu S SAS Synthesis and characterization of transition metal thiospinel-supported on reduced graphene oxide: Facile and efficient materials for supercapacitor studies 400000 Vellore
2 Dr. Gowrisankar A SAS Fractal Interpolation Methods for Analysing Global Climate Dynamics Based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions 200000 Vellore
3 Dr. Prasanth S CDMM Developing seismic hazard map based on Collapse Probability of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Chennai 250000 Vellore
4 Dr. Vidya R VAIAL roduction of C3N4 nanofertilizer 250000 Vellore
5 Mr. Mallampalli K Chaitanya V-SIGN Musculoskeletal Ailments and Ergonomic Design Intervention in Manual Cashew Kernel Separating Task 250000 Vellore
6 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer VAIAL Circadian clock based chloroplast proteomics and gene regulatory network in Spinica oleracea under drought and salt stress 170000 Vellore
7 Dr. Radhika V Nair SAS Modulated plasmons in graphene-wrapped metal nanostructures for sensing peptide agglomeration in neurodegenerative diseases 300000 Vellore
8 Dr. Devi Rajeswari V SBST Microneedle Patches for the Treatment of Triple Negative Breast Cancer loaded with Encapsulated Exosomes with microRNA targeting Hypoxia and Wnt signalling 350000 Vellore
9 Dr. Sathish Kumar P SAS Sonophotocatalysis ? An integrated approach for the degradation of Endocrine disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) 500000 Vellore
10 Dr. Arjun Singh K TIFAC Design and Development of Portable Solar Power Station 290000 Vellore
11 Dr. Sankar Ganesh S SENSE Novel Image Processing Strategies to Diagnose and Futuristic Farming Technology for Rehabilitation of Banana Plant Diseases by Engaging Electro-Culture Treatments 150000 Vellore
12 Dr. Tapas Ghatak SAS Sustainable Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Alternative Fuels: An Energy Incentive Metal-free Approach 350000 Vellore
13 Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura SMEC Experimental investigation of thermal performance of floating solar PV module using Nano-enhanced PCM 430000 Vellore
14 Dr. Prabhakaran D SAS Strategically Modified Metal-Organic Frameworks Intercalated on Translucent Monolithic Polymers as New Generation Visible Light Responsive Catalysts for the Photocatalytic Reduction of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions and Organic Pharmaceutical/Personal Care Products. 350000 Vellore
15 Dr. Sai Saraswathi V SAS Evaluation of Heavy Metals in the Surface and Groundwater, Ranipet District, Tamil Nadu 250000 Vellore
16 Dr. Dhritiman Gupta SAS Developing the processing condition for ordered metal-oxide nanotube structures through anodization and fabrication of multifunctional device prototype 325000 Vellore
17 Dr. Ashwint TR VAIAL Green Synthesis and loading of Allelochemicals onto the Silica Nanoparticles and its Evaluation for Control of Weeds 250000 Vellore
18 Dr. Saravanan S V-SIGN Design And Development Of A Deep Learning Algorithm For Fragmented Object Reconstruction Using Real Time 3D Scanning 175000 Vellore
19 Dr. S M Farooq SCOPE Security and Privacy Scheme for Smart Meter Communication using Blockchain Technology 200000 Vellore
20 Dr. Vijayaraghavan R SAS Day-Night Catalysts for removal of Emerging Contaminants from Water 300000 Vellore
21 Dr. Kannadasan S SAS Concise Synthesis Of Braf Inhibitor Vemurafenib, DYRK1A Inhibitor Analogues Molecules And Their Biological Studies 450000 Vellore
22 Dr. Jagadeeswari M SAS Improving Decision-Making Processes with a New Fuzzy Tool for Defuzzification 200000 Vellore
23 Dr. Soumya Chakrabarti SAS Cosmic Variation of Masses of Fundamental Particles 250000 Vellore
24 Dr. Ganesh Moorthy I SCHEME Bio-refinery perspective for sustainable production of biodiesel from microalgae 390000 Vellore
25 Dr. Abhinav Anand SAS Inorganic Scintillator based Detection Technology using Colloidal nanoplatelets 500000 Vellore
26 Dr. Sangem Rajesh SAS Unraveling 3D structure of proton by studying azimuthal asymmetries in the prompt photon-jet production in electron-proton collision process at the EIC 240000 Vellore
27 Dr. Kalaiselvan N TIFAC Design And Fabrication Of New Dye Sensitized Solar Cell With Supercapacitor For High Solar Applications 400000 Vellore
28 Dr. Gopal SAS Investigating the Dark Matter Environments Surrounding Black Holes and Its Effect on Gravitational Waves 300000 Vellore
29 Dr. Shweta R Panchal SBST Defence priming in tomato plants against bacterial speck disease using indigenous endophytes 400000 Vellore
30 Dr. Kuldeep Roy SCHEME Mechanistic Features of Hydrodynamic Cavitation-Assisted Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Process for Removal of Pharmaceutical Pollutants 200000 Vellore
31 Dr. Kanhaiya lal pandey SAS A theoretical study to understand the formation of supermassive black holes in the early Universe and their demographics 250000 Vellore
32 Dr. Senthur Pandi R SAS Manganese-Rich Magnetocaloric Materials For Eco-Friendly Refrigeration Technology 400000 Vellore
33 Dr. Mahamood Usman SAS Estimation of Population Parameters in Sample Surveys and Their Use in Predictive Analysis 300000 Vellore
34 Dr. Vivek Kumar Barnwal SMEC Development of Ultrasonic assisted Incremental Sheet Forming Process for Automotive and Aerospace grade Metallic Sheets 500000 Vellore
35 Dr. Samir Ranjan Meher SAS Development of self-cleaning electrochromic smart windows 350000 Vellore
36 Dr. Ethiraj K R SAS Design and Development of Aurone based visible range fluorescent probes for Bio macromolecules 400000 Vellore
37 Dr. Muchenedi Hari Kishor SCOPE Realization of sensing devices through development of AI based system 250000 Vellore
38 Dr. Anjaneyulu U CBCMT 3D Bioprinting Assisted Cell-Laden Hydrogel Implants: A Solution to Overcome Infections and Osteointegration Failure in Orthopaedics 330000 Vellore
39 Dr. Poonam Sharma SSL Knitting Safe Nests: Promoting Child Safety and Fostering Meaningful Healing amongst Adults with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) 200000 Vellore
40 Dr. Mallikarjuna Golla SELECT Design and Development of High Gain Interleaved Boost Converter for Renewable Energy Applications in DC Microgrid 260000 Vellore
41 Dr. Yazar K U CIMR Enhancing the longevity of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V-ELI alloy for gas turbine blade application 400000 Vellore
42 Dr. Gopi R SAS Radiation Induced Reactions Of Trapped Molecules In Amorphous And Crystalline Water-Ice: The Origins Of Life On Icy Surfaces 400000 Vellore
43 Dr. Tarun SAS Development of HfO2 based MIM Devices for Resistive (RRAM) and Ferroelectric Random-Access Memories (FeRAM) 200000 Vellore
44 Dr. D Dsilva Winfred Rufuss SMEC Design And Development Of Advanced Forward Osmosis Desalination With Enhanced Performance And Efficient Regeneration 500000 Vellore
45 Dr. Satyajit Mohanty SELECT Design and Development of an On-Grid Reliable Solar Energy Applications Scheme: Seed Grant (RGEMS) for the year 2023-24 240000 Vellore
46 Dr. Venkataramana B SAS Analysing maize yield and estimating its parameters under water stress conditions employing image processing 275000 Vellore
47 Dr. Albert Alexander S SELECT Design And Development Of A Novel Universal Modular Inverter (Umi) With Improved Power Quality And Fault Tolerant Ability 350000 Vellore
48 Dr. Pradeesh Kumar T VAIAL Green synthesis and characterization of nano-silicon dioxide and testing their efficacy on rice seeds germination and salt stress response 195000 Vellore
49 Dr. Shivam Prakash Gautam TIFAC Design, Development, and Validation of Novel Switched-Capacitors Converters used in Electric Vehicles 350000 Vellore
50 Dr. Debaroti Das SAS Cost analysis of 3rd generation biodiesel production: An experimental and numerical investigation 150000 Vellore
51 Dr. Sasmita Mohakud SAS Theoretical exploration of electronic, magnetic and transport properties of intercalated organic materials 300000 Vellore
52 Dr. Arup Sinha SAS Development of New Catalytic Systems for Direct Late Stage C?H Bond Fluorination 350000 Vellore
53 Dr. Abul Kalam Azad Mandal SBST A targeted dual-drug delivery system 450000 Vellore
54 Dr. Amrita Dey SAS Development of Wide Bandgap 2D Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Polarized Optoelectronics 300000 Vellore
55 Dr. Madhvesh Pathak SAS Synthesis and characterization of novel metallacyclic derivatives of Ti, Zr, Cu & Al and their relevant clinical, catalytic and nano-ceramics/PVDF based functional materials 400000 Vellore
56 Dr. John Thomas CNBT Development of a marine bioactive feed for treating bacterial infections in shrimps 200000 Vellore
57 Mr. Piyush Das VSPARC Book Proposal: Ginjee Fort: A cultural Landscape 200000 Vellore
58 Mr. Mrutunjaya Panda SELECT Energy efficient control strategy for Microgrid in domestic and EV charging application. 460000 Vellore
59 Dr. Vijesh V Joshi SMEC Design and development of a personalized container for small scale mushroom indoor farming 315000 Vellore
60 Dr. Sriraghavan K SAS Development of New Therapeutic Agents for the Treatment of Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Infections 400000 Vellore
61 Dr. Sreetama Ghosh CO2 Development of non-precious metal nanoparticles encapsulated N-doped CNTs as efficient electrocatalysts for green hydrogen production 500000 Vellore
62 Ms. Vidhya S SENSE IoT Enabled Soil Nutrient Prediction in Sugarcane Cultivation (Saccharum officinarum L.) 220000 Vellore
63 Dr. Ravikanth K SAS Catanionic/Neutral Liposomes as Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Biophysical Characterization, and Drug Entrapment/Release Studies 250000 Vellore
64 Dr. Pankaj Sheoran SAS Testing Einstein’s Theory of Gravity with Black Holes Using the Event Horizon Telescope 300000 Vellore
65 Dr. Chandru M SAS Geophysical Applications Of Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations And Their Virtual Element Analysis 250000 Vellore
66 Dr. Arunava Ray CDMM Experimental investigation on the strength, failure mode and hydrological properties of bimrocks under varying matrix types and matrix water content using laboratory tests 200000 Vellore
67 Dr. Karthikeyan K SAS Development of self-poled piezoelectric nanogenerators for health care monitoring 300000 Vellore
68 Dr. Sathyanarayanan P SENSE Modified synthesis of MAX phases and MXenes towards energy storage applications 163000 Vellore
69 Dr. Vijayakumar V SAS Synthesis Of Chemo-Sensors Development Of Diagnostic Test Kit To Sense Picric Acid 475000 Vellore
70 Dr. Sarveswari S SAS Design And Synthesis Of Quinoline Based Small Molecules To Sense Toxic Cyanide Ions And Designing Test Kit 400000 Vellore
71 Dr. Anand Prabu A SAS Development of Electrospun Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Aromatic Hyperbranched Polyester Nanofiber-based Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices 500000 Vellore
72 Dr. Ashirbad Swain SMEC Development of a cost-effective, dynamic mechanical analyser 500000 Vellore
73 Dr. Mahenthiran S SCE A Comprehensive Investigation of Microplastic Abundance and Distribution along Muttukadu Backwater Estuary 375000 Vellore
74 Dr. Kannan P SBST Genetic Engineering Approach to Enhance Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice 450000 Vellore
75 Dr. Madeswaran S CFM Solid polymer electrolytes from eucalyptus gum for proton battery applications 250000 Vellore
76 Dr. Jambeswar Sahu SMEC Development of formability setup and formability study of foils 160000 Vellore
77 Dr. Mohana Roopan S SAS Photo Assisted Synthesis Of Cu3Tio4 Nanocomposite And Its Photocatalytic Approach In A3 Reaction 450000 Vellore
78 Dr. Madhumitha G SAS Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using CD/g-C3N4 heterogeneous photocatalyst 340000 Vellore
79 Dr. Rohit SBST Tackling prevalence of antibiotic resistant pathogens in the in-built environment framework and disinfection strategies 250000 Vellore
80 Dr. Ashok Kumar S.K SAS Developing Pyridinium, Dihydronaphthalene and Azonia based Fluorophores for Ferroptosis Applications 350000 Vellore
81 Dr. Satish Kumar G SAS An industrial approach for the decontamination of real textile industry effluents through a continuous process using single atom catalysts supported on mesoporous g-C3N4 450000 Vellore
82 Dr. Arun N SELECT Fuel cell fed soft switched high gain power converter for sweeping machine application 250000 Vellore
83 Ms. Zahra Yasmoom VSPARC Tiny Homes Of Vernacular Architecture In India 240000 Vellore
84 Dr. Amit Roy SAS Charge transport studies on semiconducting polymers and copolymers Devices 500000 Vellore
85 Dr. Sandeep Chakraborty SAS AI-powered miniaturized virtual differential interference contrast microscopy for label-free biomedical imaging 400000 Vellore
86 Dr. Jitendra Kumar Goyal SELECT Elliptical Segment Approximation Based Output Feedback Pole-Placement in Damping Region for Discrete-Time Uncertain Polytopic Systems: An Experimental Study 200000 Vellore
87 Dr. Shanmuga Priya T SCE Evaluation Of Corrosion Inhibition Capability Of Ternary Blended Nanocomposite Coated Rebar Incorporated In Concrete 275000 Vellore
88 Dr. Sankar Ganesh D SBST Kairomone identification from captive felids to develop formulations for rodent pest management 500000 Vellore
89 Dr. Sumeetha M SSL Remittances and the Growth of the Gold Loan Market in India:A Case of Select States 200000 Vellore
90 Dr. Aanchal Mittal SBST Valorisation of agro-food waste in developing bioactive food packaging film 400000 Vellore
91 Dr. Devasri Fuloria SMEC Design and Development of Multi-Axis Curved Layered Deposition AM System 500000 Vellore
92 Dr. Aravind Raj S SMEC Development of light weight armor vest with high resistance against blast waves 400000 Vellore
93 Ms. Akansha Singh VITBS Pilgrimage, Religious Diversity and Marketing in India: A Comparative Study of the Pilgrim?s Perception of the Social Cause-related Promotions during Kumbh Mela 200000 Vellore
94 Dr. Punitha Kumar A SCE Fire analysis of restrained steel columns under real temperatures 350000 Vellore
95 Dr. Tulsi Anna SAS Development of portable Mirau-based full field optical coherence tomography (FF-OCT) system for biological imaging 500000 Vellore
96 Dr. Ashish Kumar CIMR Developing Phenological model to predict microstructure and texture conditions for Improving sustainability of TiAl at high temperature for aero engine application 240000 Vellore
97 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Sabbasani SAS Developing Biomass Derived Porus Materials for Removal of Toxic Chromiun Waste from Industrial Area of Ranipet, Tamil Nadu 450000 Vellore
98 Dr. Sripathy B SAS Mathematical analysis of the morphology of the cornea through fractional derivatives. 165000 Vellore
99 Dr. Mrudula P CNBT Development of Nano-Fe3O4/Allicin Chitosan composites for mitigation of biofilm development in membrane based water purification processes 150000 Vellore
100 Dr. Sunantha G SBST Development of sensor for the early detection of Perfluorooctanoic acid and Perfluorooctane sulfonate in drinking water 500000 Vellore
101 Dr. Vijayanand C SAS Production of metal nanoparticles, entropy-stabilized materials (high entropy-metal alloys, metal oxides and metal carbides) by using shock waves 500000 Vellore
102 Dr. Deepika Rani Sona SENSE Autonomous Navigation Floor Cleaning Robot 300000 Vellore
103 Dr. Selvakumar K SELECT DAQ 4.0: Configurable Edge AI Platform for Automated Health Diagnostics of Industrial Drive System 300000 Vellore
104 Dr. Mukul Chankaya SELECT Unified Power Quality Conditioner based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic-Battery System under Weak Grid Conditions 300000 Vellore
105 Dr. Naveen Kumar P SBST A novel tumor suppressor miRNA-3154 attenuates Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) through inhibiting Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) propagation by targeting multiple oncogenic drivers YAP1, KRAS, MYC and RELA 400000 Vellore
106 Dr. Sheela A SAS Design of Nanostructured Metal Oxides from Metalloorganic Complexes and their interactions with Serum Proteins (BSA) 400000 Vellore
107 Dr. Rajkishor Kumar SENSE Internet-of-Things Based System for Monitoring and Processing RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems for 5G & sub-6 GHz: A Virtual Battery 200000 Vellore
108 Dr. Kanagavel Deepankumar SBST Micropatterned suckerin protein biofilm for the induction of skeletal myotubes formation 450000 Vellore
109 Dr. Sangeetha D SAS Synthesis of Drug Derivatives and Carriers for Effective Wound Healing and Cancer Therapy Applications – Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence 400000 Vellore
110 Dr. Namrata Deka SAS Waste-derived metal-carbon composites as hybrid electrodes in energy storage devices 480000 Vellore
111 Mr. Pratik Bhattacharya VSPARC Soft Toy design for Children with scientifically assessment 500000 Vellore
112 Dr. Shiva Shankar M SAS ?Synthesis of Schiff bases and their application in Sensing and bioimaging? 500000 Vellore
113 Dr. Podili Koteswaraiah SBST Evaluation of Antioxidant activity and inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation by herbal medicine Pterocarpus marsupium 350000 Vellore
114 Dr. Faisal Usmani SSL Economic Policy Uncertainty, Volatility in Gold Prices, and Stock Market 200000 Vellore
115 Dr. Rasool M SBST Unravelling the therapeutic potential of natural IL-17 inhibitor in resolving psoriasis 500000 Vellore
1 Dr.Chandan Maity SAS Development of Coloured Ink and Rewritable Paper 250000 Vellore
2 Dr.Parvez Alam SAS Modelling and Simulation of Surface Wave regulations through the Stratified-layered Geo media 250000 Vellore
3 Dr.Shobana M K SAS Pulsed laser deposited gas sensor based on gold functionalized metal oxide heterojunction nanocomposite for exhaled breath analysis 150000 Vellore
4 Dr.Sumathi S SAS Reflective coloured paint from inorganic pigments for the building 200000 Vellore
5 Dr.Abhishek Kumar Singh SAS Fabrication of Metal Oxide Nanostructured Electrode Materials For High Performance Supercapacitor Applications 150000 Vellore
6 Dr.Barnali Maiti SAS Design and Synthesis of Novel Poly(Ionic Liquid)s Polymer for Waste/Hard Water Purification 150000 Vellore
7 Dr. Abir Sarbajna SAS Bifunctional Approach towards Acceptorless (De-)hydrogenation and Dehydrogenative Coupling 250000 Vellore
8 Dr.U. Vijayalakshmi SAS In vitro electrodeposition of various metal ion substituted hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti-6Al-4V for improved corrosion resistance and biocompatibility properties 250000 Vellore
9 Dr.Kaushik Chanda SAS Regioselective Sustainable Approach to Lead Candidates from 2-Aminopyridine Targeting Chorismate Mutase of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. 100000 Vellore
10 Dr.Cheralathan K.K. SAS Development of multifunctional catalysts for selective conversion of biomass derived furfural to value-added chemicals 350000 Vellore
11 Dr.Clement J SAS Development of Graph Theoretical QSAR/QSPR Models and their Applications to the Large Extents of Crystals and Nanostructures 360000 Vellore
12 Dr.Amit Kumar Tiwari SAS Design of polymer brushes and to study the effect of surfactants over the properties of polymer brushes 200000 Vellore
13 Dr.Sridhar S SAS Development of Ultrathin MoS2 Nano-layer coated photosensitive single mode fibers 300000 Vellore
14 Dr. Deepak Bhat SAS Characterization of DNA replication using non-equilibrium statistical physics-based modeling 250000 Vellore
15 Dr.Manju S L SAS Design, development and tablet formulation of novel 5-LOX inhibitors as promising anti-inflammatory drug candidates 250000 Vellore
16 Dr.Sanjay Kumar Mohanty SAS Analytical, Numerical and Experimental study of Glioblastoma 250000 Vellore
17 Dr. Vishwa Bandhu Pathak SAS Computational modeling of nonlinear laser-plasma dynamics for plasma-based particle accelerators 250000 Vellore
18 Dr.Sovan Roy SAS Development of anticancer drug based on transition metal complex 100000 Vellore
19 Dr. Logesh Mathivathanan SAS Examination of redox-active trinuclear Cu-pyrazolato complexes as catalysts for C-H activation reactions 150000 Vellore
20 Dr.Asharani I.V SAS Designing An Efficient Pilot Reactor For The Photocatalytic Degradation Of Industrial Dye Effluents Under Visible Light Using A Cost-Effective Catalyst 150000 Vellore
21 Dr. Sanghasri Mukhopadhyay SAS Mathematical modelling of soap film to disinfectant a reusable face mask ? a new approach to pollution control 250000 Vellore
22 Dr. Pratheepkumar Annamalai SAS Sustainable New Methodologies for Value Added Chemicals and Biologically Important Organic Molecules 306000 Vellore
23 Dr. Jitendra Kumar Behera SAS Simulation Study to Design Tunable Plasmonic Devices for Emerging Photonics Applications 350000 Vellore
24 Dr.Priyankar Paira SAS Lanthanide and Transition metal based mono/bimetallic complexes for target-specific contrasting and phototheranostic agents 250000 Vellore
25 Dr.Krishna Chandar N SAS Two-Dimensional Interconnected Framework of MXene-Sugarcane Bagasse-based nanoporous carbon as a monolithic electrode for high-performance supercapacitors 200000 Vellore
26 Dr.Prakash M SAS Complex Dynamical Neural Networks Prediction, Control via Mathematical Models and Game Theory-based Learning Approaches 250000 Vellore
27 Dr. Premkumar S SAS An Investigation to Identify the Potential of Structurally Modified 2D-MXenes for Hydrogen Storage and Insights on their Characteristics: A Density Functional Theory Study 250000 Vellore
28 Dr.Sumangala T P SAS Internet of Things based Room temperature chemiresistor Ammonia sensor using Polyvinylidene Fluoride/ Graphene/ Polyaniline conducting polymer composite powered with Tribo Electric Nano Generators 250000 Vellore
29 Dr. Samuel P SAS Development of red emitting double perovskite phosphors with better colour purity for white light emitting diodes 150000 Vellore
30 Dr.Dhanoj Gupta SAS Electrostatic ion beam trap as a precise mass spectrometer 250000 Vellore
31 Dr.Laxmi Narayan Tripathi SAS Development of Au-NPs/Cu2O-NPs/hBN-QDs photocathode for photocatalytic process-based hydrogen production through water splitting 100000 Vellore
32 Dr.Jeevitha G C SBST Ultrasound and microwave assisted extraction of pectin from onion and garlic peels by using Natural deep eutectic solvents 145000 Vellore
33 Dr.Priti Talwar SBST A novel therapy for retinal degenerative diseases. 150000 Vellore
34 Dr.Faraz Ahmad SBST The effects of ageing on the neuromodulatory effects of phytochemicals on synaptic functions 150000 Vellore
35 Dr.Gayathri M SBST Optimisation and preclinical evaluation of polyherbal formulation against obesity associated diabetes mellitus 150000 Vellore
36 Dr.Shanthi C SBST Development of Functionalized Polyglucuronic Acid Scaffolds by Incorporation of Bioactive Collagen Peptides for Application in Tissue Engineering 317000 Vellore
37 Dr.Suresh P.K SBST ?Process Optimization Of Fusogenic Liposomes-Based Encapsulation Of Different Model Natural Molecules And/Or Crude Extract -Poc Approach For Validation In A Breast Cancer Cell Line-Based 2D And 3D Model System ? 216000 Vellore
38 Dr.Godwin Christopher J SBST Metabolomic target of pharmaceutical product from Streptomyces sp. VITGV156 (MCC4965) 158000 Vellore
39 Dr.Sivakumar A SBST Development of first in class novel PROTACs degradation technology against the undruggable KRAS G12D mutant in cancer 163000 Vellore
40 Dr.Gnanasambandan R SBST Neuroprotective efficacy and enhancement of neuromelanin in substantia nigra by selected medicinal plants: exploring a remedy for Parkinson?s disease 200000 Vellore
41 Dr.Mythili S SBST Quorum Sensing Inhibitor-Based Molecules For Biofilm And Drug-Resistant Infections 150000 Vellore
42 Dr.Satarupa Banerjee SBST Transcriptome profiling and understanding of signaling pathways following sesamin treatment in triple negative breast cancer cell lines 250000 Vellore
43 Dr.Sudesh R SBST Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Schizophrenia and its implication in treatment 300000 Vellore
44 Dr.Ramesh Pathy M SBST Duel biofuel cell for bioenergy production 200000 Vellore
45 Dr.Gothandam K.M SBST Development of subunit and probiotic vaccine for Tilapia lake virus infection 300000 Vellore
46 Dr.Rahul Vashishth SBST Development of Rapid Methodology/Equipment for the Determination of Flour Stability 150000 Vellore
47 Dr.Venkat Kumar S SBST Antipathogenic effect of tin oxide and silver doped tin oxide nanoparticles from fruit extract of Averrhoa bilimbi against Xanthomonas oryzae, the rice pathogen 200000 Vellore
48 Dr. Shobha Rekh SCOPE Lab For Industry 4.0 250000 Vellore
49 Dr. Dheeba J SCOPE New Product Development: An Adaptive Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (Cpr) Machine For Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (Ohca) 200000 Vellore
50 Dr. Mohsin Khan SSL Effects Of Socio-Psychological, Physical, And Financial Factors On Cognitive Status Of Corporate Employees. 130000 Vellore
51 Dr. Biji C L SCOPE Computational Investigations Into The Diagnosis And Development Of Drugs For Triple Negative Breast Cancer 200000 Vellore
52 Dr. Rasi R A SSL Practicality Of Formal Care Services To Older Adults In Vellore District 100000 Vellore
53 Dr. Sharmila Jagadisan V-SPARC Documentation Of Indigenous Expression Of Christian Architecture In Tamil Nadu 100000 Vellore
54 Dr. Vijayarajan V SCOPE Development Of Ai Incorporated Image Processing Tool To Non-Invasively Quantify Saprophytic Fungi Within Fruits And Vegetables 300000 Vellore
55 Dr. Annapurna Jonnalagadda SCOPE Federated Machine Learning For Privacy Preserving Personal Healthcare Recommendation 200000 Vellore
56 Dr. Krishnamoorthy A SCOPE Early Identification Of Deterioration And Handy Medical-Assistance For Eldercare With Efficient Storage Utilization 200000 Vellore
57 Ms. Renuka Devi V-SPARC Safety Of Children In Traditional Indian Settlements – A Case Of Traditional Settlements In Karaikudi 100000 Vellore
58 Dr. Priyankar Sen CBST A direct method for the early detection of dialysis related amyloidosis (DRA) 200000 Vellore
59 Dr. Priyadharshini B VAIAL Commercialization of bioactive molecules from cordyceps militaris to manage fusarium wilt -root knot nematode and leaf miner in tomato 140000 Vellore
60 Dr. Dhanasingh Immanuel CBST To combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Vibrio cholerae: Generation and Development of Specific Inhibitors against Multiple Protein Targets critical for their Pathogenicity 150000 Vellore
61 Dr. Kariyanna B VAIAL Evaluation of the F1 sterility of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) by gamma radiation 100000 Vellore
62 Dr. Utpal Das VAIAL Evolution And Evaluation Of Arka Microbial Consortium For Sustainable Organic Production Of Elavambadi Brinjal 130000 Vellore
63 Dr. Arun Kumar P CBCMT Microfluidic Needle Patch For Combinatorial Diabetic Therapy 300000 Vellore
64 Dr. Kali Kishore Reddy Tetala CBST Development of a Protein A hybrid porous polymer column for antibody purification 200000 Vellore
65 Dr. Ayesha Noor CBST Role of Pinitol from Desmodium gangeticum in the alleviation of diabetes 150000 Vellore
66 Dr. Sushma Kumari CBCMT 3D bioprinting of skin substitutes for reconstructive surgery and scarless wound healing 300000 Vellore
67 Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan CBCMT Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) coated green synthesized carbon dots (CQDs) based nanocomposites as point of use (PoU) platform for the specific detection of heavy metal ions in water 325000 Vellore
68 Dr. Suya Prem Anand P CBCMT Biomechanical Evaluation Of Cellular Ss316L Implant For Patient Specific In Orthopedic Application Fabricated By Selective Laser Melting 150000 Vellore
69 Dr. Parthasarathi T VAIAL AMF and DSE mediated phytoremediation of Chromium (Cr) contamination for Spinach cultivation 150000 Vellore
70 Dr. Sajan George VAIAL Screening of inhibitory effect of linear alkyl benzene sulfonates, mono-n-octyl phthalate and di-n-octyl phthalate on Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, a major animal and human pathogen 150000 Vellore
71 Dr. Govardhan K SENSE Smart Distribution Power Line Fault Detector 195000 Vellore
72 Dr. Muthu Raja S SENSE Design Of Nanocomposite Sensors Based On Titanium To Recognize H2S Traces In Vit Environment 150000 Vellore
73 Dr. Debashish Dash SENSE Defect study and Combined effects in aperiodic complex hexagonal BN-graphene Nanoribbons 250000 Vellore
74 Dr. Srihari Mandava SELECT A Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Drives using GoogleNet 300000 Vellore
75 Dr. Ananthakrishna Chintanpalli SENSE Deep Neural Network Model for studying the effects of Age and Hearing Loss on Speech Recognition Scores. 250000 Vellore
76 Dr. Rajasekar N SELECT Intelligent self-powered autonomous solar PV cleaning robot 500000 Vellore
77 Dr.Palanisamy K SELECT Design and development of energy-efficient hybrid portable Chulha 500000 Vellore
78 Dr. Revathi S SENSE Development of Surface Plasmon Resonance Photonic Crystal Fiber(SPR-PCF) based Uric Acid portable biosensor probe for Medical diagnosis 300000 Vellore
79 Dr. Saurabh Nagar SENSE Fabrication, Characterization and Circuit Design of Oxide-based RRAM devices for Security Applications 130000 Vellore
80 Dr. Arun S L SELECT Development of Intelligent Electronics Node (IEN) for Smart Grid Applications 240000 Vellore
81 Dr. Vijaya Priya R SELECT Sensorless Speed and Rotor Position Computation PLL Module for Electrical Machines 157000 Vellore
82 Dr. Jayakrishnan P SENSE FPGA Based Automatic Electronic Gate System With Detection Of Bikers Without Helmet And Automatic License Plate Detection 82000 Vellore
83 Dr. Manikandan M SMEC Design and Development of Surface Engineered solution to Thermal battery for solar energy storage container 500000 Vellore
84 Dr. Thirumalini S SCE Nano Lime grouts for Heritage applications 500000 Vellore
85 Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta SMEC Development Of A Flexible And Wickless Heat Pipe For The Thermal Management Of Electronics Using Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material 210000 Vellore
86 Dr. Kamatchi R SMEC CNT based perovskite structured nanocomposite coated on 3D printed solar evaporator for enhancing the solar desalination 375000 Vellore
87 Dr. Shanmugam R CO2 Production of valued products from carbon dioxide 250000 Vellore
88 Dr. Raja Sekhar Y CDMM Development Of Stable Semi-Transparent/Transparent Perovskite Thin-Films For Source Integration Applications 400000 Vellore
89 Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Bal SCHEME A novel method to capture absorbed CO2 and H2S from polyacrylamide gel for a possible reuse in the low?cost biogas to bio?CNG purification process 100000 Vellore
90 Dr. Sridhar V G SMEC Design and Development of an Intelligent Ergonomic Chair 300000 Vellore
91 Dr. Kuppan P SMEC Development of Process Window for the Additive Manufacturing of SS316L Lattice Structures 350000 Vellore
92 Dr. Ramesh Kumar Singh CO2 Development of the Ni-based Hydrogen Oxidation Catalysts in Alkaline Electrolyte 500000 Vellore
93 Dr. Santanu Kumar Dash TIFAC Active thermal management based Smart charge controller for EV application 200000 Vellore
94 Dr. Sreethul Das SMEC Development Of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Burnishing Set-Up For Post Processing Of Additively Manufactured Materials 410000 Vellore
95 Dr. Abinash Mohanta SMEC Exploration of Breach Geometry and Flood Hydrograph during Embankment Dam Overturn 400000 Vellore
96 Dr. Sreekanth M. S SMEC Development of High-Performance Sandwich Composites based on Polyether Ether Ketone/Carbon Fiber core and Epoxy/Carbon Fiber/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube facesheet using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Optimization Technique 425000 Vellore
97 Dr. Bhaskar Das SCE A clean energy kit for sustainable hydrogen production from wastewater through Hybrid Microbial-Photo-Electrochemical 390000 Vellore
98 Dr. Thirumurugan C TIFAC Nano-Insulating Liquids for Improved Insulation Performance: Partial Discharge Measurements 140000 Vellore
99 Dr. Abdul Rahim A SCE Effects on Long Term Behaviour of Concrete using Different Mineral Admixtures and Aggregates 193000 Vellore
100 Dr. Praveen Kumar G CO2 Air-conditioning Through Sky Radiative Cooling 350000 Vellore
101 Dr. Surendar M CDMM Monitoring and Mapping of Landslides using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS-InSAR) Technique: A Case Study in Nilgris, Tamil Nadu 250000 Vellore
102 Dr. Jitenjaya Pradhan SMEC Design and development of acoustic based sensing system for early fault detection in the operational wind turbines 375000 Vellore
103 Dr. Sakthivadivel D SMEC Design and Development of a Biomass Steam Gasification System for Hydrogen Rich Syngas fuelled Spike Assisted Porous Radiant Burner for Cooking Applications 400000 Vellore
104 Dr. Muthukumar M SCE Formulation of Prosophis Juliflora and LPDE based modified bitumen for Construction of Pavements 375000 Vellore
105 Dr. Chinmaya Sahu SMEC Modular Agriculture Robot 300000 Vellore
1 Dr. Balaji Balakrishnan SBST Targeted gene delivery into CD117+ haematopoietic stem cells using capsid modified targeting Adeno associated virus (AAV) vectors 300000 Vellore
2 Dr. Pragasam V SBST Quantitative profiling of soluble CD36 associated with renal diseases for the plausible development of a prognostic marker for diabetic nephropathy 354000 Vellore
3 Dr. Manish Kumar Mishra SAS Improving Mechanical Properties of Pharmaceutical Drugs Through Crystal Engineering 500000 Vellore
4 Dr. Vijayaraghavan R SAS Development of Antimicrobial Surfaces 450000 Vellore
5 Dr. Ravikanth K SAS An Investigation on the Interaction of Serum Proteins (BSA & HSA) with Bioactive Fatty Acid Amide: N-acyltaurines 300000 Vellore
6 Dr. Uma Sathyakam P SELECT Surface Tuned Tin-Selenide Based Supercapattery 327000 Vellore
7 Dr. Nishant Tiwari SMEC Thermal Management Of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Binary Fluid In Multi-Microchannel Heat Sink For Electric Vehicles 398000 Vellore
8 Dr. Karpagam S SAS Fluorescent Conjugated Micro Porous Polymer Thin film/Powder for Higher Capacity/Selectivity of CO2 Capture 400000 Vellore
9 Dr. Bikash Routh SMEC Design and development of precision rotary actuator for mechanical power transmission 500000 Vellore
10 Dr. Marimuthu R SELECT An Analytical Measure of Hydrogen Production using PV-TEG 347000 Vellore
11 Dr. Kannabiran K SBST Actinomycetes Mediated Biodegradation Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons 218000 Vellore
12 Dr. Kuvar Satya Singh CDMM Development of a Numerical Modeling System for the prediction of Very Severe Cyclonic Storms over the Bay of Bengal region in a moving nested domain 300000 Vellore
13 Dr. Senthil Kumar S SMEC Development of ionic conductivity based sensor printed bio-compatible breathing mask for patient health monitoring 134000 Vellore
14 Dr. Immanuel Selwyn Raj A SMEC Performance Studies on Nano Coated Based Adsorption Cooling System 299500 Vellore
15 Dr. Alka Mehta SBST Development of anticoagulant peptide VITPOR-AI as therapeutics. 250000 Vellore
16 Dr. Sarveswari S SAS Designing A New Product To Detect Trace Amount Of Harmful Ions And Diagnostic Kit Development 350000 Vellore
17 Dr. Tapas Ghatak SAS Design and Syntheses of d-f HetDesign and Syntheses of d-f Heterobimetallic Complexes of Amidinate and Guanidinate Based Ligands: Assessment for Bimetallic Catalysiserobimetallic Complexes of Amidinate and Guanidinate Based Ligands: Assessment for Bimetallic Catalysis 350000 Vellore
18 Dr. Prabhujit Mohapatra SAS Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines in Tamil Nadu Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms 150000 Vellore
19 Dr. Sasanka Bhushan Pulipati SCE Spatio-temporal analysis of wrong-way driving using automated sensor data: causes and prevention measures 121000 Vellore
20 Dr. Sriraghavan K SAS Design, Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of p-Quino-Benzodiazepines and p-Quino-Imidazoles as Potent Antimicrobial and Anticancer Agents 400000 Vellore
21 Dr. Chitra A SELECT Design And Implementation Of Economically Reliable Inverter Fed PMSM Drive For Ev Applications 274000 Vellore
22 Dr. Rajyalakshmi G SMEC Design and Modelling of an Improved MCDM Tool for the development of Gas Turbine Nickel Based Super alloys. 200000 Vellore
23 Dr. Ramesh Babu Vemuluri SMEC Acoustic analysis of activated carbon fiber laminated composite structures 90000 Vellore
24 Dr. Sofi A SCE Synthesis of pozzolanic nano materials and nano alloys 157000 Vellore
25 Dr. Arunkumar G SELECT Multi-Input Multi-Output Power Converter based Hybrid Topology for Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries 500000 Vellore
26 Dr. Palanisami N CFMS Ferrocene-Appended Multidimensional Chiral Chromophores: Precursor for NLO-Active Polymeric Films and their Applications in Optoelectronic Devices 494000 Vellore
27 Dr. Ramalakshmi V-SIGN Adoption of ?Violence at Home Signal for Help? Gesture to Seek Assistance for Domestic Violence 300000 Vellore
28 Dr. Suresh Kumar ARC High-rise Buildings Firefighting using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 175000 Vellore
29 Dr. Raja Annamalai CIMR Advanced Techniques of Sintering Applied onto Prospective Giant Permittivity Ceramic Systems 75000 Vellore
30 Dr. Kowsalya M SELECT Design and Development of Solar water pumping system with BLDC 80000 Vellore
31 Dr. Vijayakumar V SAS Synthesis Of Chemo-Sensors Development Of Diagnostic Test Kit To Sense Toxic Ions 400000 Vellore
32 Dr. Anusha P T SAS Design of high sensitive Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering substrate for chemical sensing and applications in Non-Linear Optics 250000 Vellore
33 Dr. Senthur Pandi R SAS Magnetic and Structural Studies of Ni (1-X)-Mn-Z(X=Fe, Co; Z= Sn, In) Heusler Alloy for Room Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration Applications 400000 Vellore
34 Dr. Amrit Das SAS A hybrid approach with Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for demand prediction during natural disaster 400000 Vellore
35 Dr. Arunprasad M SAS Environment friendly electrocatalytic production of high-pure hydrogen and oxygen using bifunctional electrocatalysts from aerobic neutral pH water 400000 Vellore
36 Dr. Chinmaya Prasad Mohanty SMEC Experimental Investigation and Parametric Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Process Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques 150000 Vellore
37 Dr. Satish Kumar G SAS Process intensification towards removal of pharmaceutical pollutants by Al-doped magnetite foam in continuous mode: A step forward in heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for industrial use 496000 Vellore
38 Dr. Kamini Mishra SAS Examining Biomolecular Adsorption Models at Interfaces by using Various Spectroscopic Techniques 350000 Vellore
39 Dr. Jagadeesh Sure SAS Preparation and characterization of novel entropy-based alloys for orthopaedic implants applications 400000 Vellore
40 Dr. Ganesh Babu S SAS Reduced graphene oxide-based metal chalcogenides: Sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors for the detection of drug molecules 465000 Vellore
41 Dr. Madhvesh Pathak SAS Super-Hydrophobic Functional Materials based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Nano-Structured Oxide Ceramics Blend as Coating Materials on Solar Panels 400000 Vellore
42 Dr. Sivagami K SCHEME Studies on Catalytic pyrolysis of non recyclable plastic wastes to value added products from Vellore 400000 Vellore
43 Dr. Thirumanavelan G SAS Immobilized Metal-NHC Complexes on a reduced Graphitic Oxide and graphitic Carbon Nitride: Refining the process to yield efficient heterogeneous catalyst 500000 Vellore
44 Dr. Jitendra Satija CNBT Gold-Nanorod Etching based Signal Amplified Immunosensor Platform for Early Detection Clinical Biomarker 400000 Vellore
45 Dr. Devendiran S SMEC Application of Machine learning algorithms in Optimizing process parameters and defect detection by acoustic and vibration signals in 3D printing of Ti54M alloy 266000 Vellore
46 Dr. Sheela A SAS Design of mononuclear / binuclear metal complexes as diagnostic agents and nucleases 410000 Vellore
47 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer VAIAL Effect of Silicon on physiological modulations and key signaling pathways in legumes under salinity stress (Si-Salt) 300000 Vellore
48 Dr. Charles Beromeo Bheeter SAS Supramolecularly controlled site selective C-H borylation of secondary/primary amides 500000 Vellore
49 Dr. Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS Applications of Phosphine Oxide Functionalized Foam Materials in Spraying Technology and Reusable Catalysts in Organic Synthesis 500000 Vellore
50 Dr. Suthindhiran K SBST Development Of Wound Dressing Material And Topical Oinment Using Magnetosome Conjugated Lemon Grass Extract (Mlge) 350000 Vellore
51 Dr. Arup Sinha SAS Development of New Transition metal Catalysts for Pseudohalogeantion of Câ??H Bonds 350000 Vellore
52 Dr. Ankur Rastogi CFMS Oxide and 2D materials-based photo detector and pure spin current generator 500000 Vellore
53 Dr. Ashok Kumar S K SAS Design and Synthesis of Efficient Heavy-atom-free Squaraine Substituted Fluorophores for Detection and Imaging of Cellular ROS 337000 Vellore
54 Dr. Raja Sellappan CNR Solution processable slot-die coating of flexible perovskite solar cells for indoor applications 150000 Vellore
55 Dr. Anoop Kumar SMEC Development of energy efficient evaporative – vapour compression hybrid cold storage system for agricultural products 114000 Vellore
56 Dr. Vijayalakshmi S CO2 Development of Bionic catalytic material by using 3d printing technology for sustainable biofuel production 365000 Vellore
57 Dr. Madeswaran S CFMS Rare Earth Free Hard Magnetic Materials for MEMS application 201000 Vellore
58 Dr. Tarun G SAS Dual Stimulated Self-Biased Flexible Magneto-electric Multiferroic Energy Harvesters 123000 Vellore
59 Dr. Shanmuga Priya T SCE Production of sustainable building products using micronized biomass silica from rice husk 124000 Vellore
60 Dr. Prabhakaran D SAS Molecular Ion-Receptor Based Metal Organic Frameworks: A Novel Approach towards Optical Ion-Sensor Fabrication for Eco-toxic And Industrially Precious Heavy Metal Ions 208000 Vellore
61 Dr. Thirumoorthy K SAS Development of VIT-Cheminformatics Platform for the Process of Drug Design and Discovery 350000 Vellore
62 Dr. Sri Adibhatla Sridevi SENSE FPGA Based Fibroid Detection Using CNN Technique 17000 Vellore
63 Dr. Susanta Kumar Bhunia SAS Carbon Nanostructures Based Flexible and Wearable Breath Sensor for Human Respiration Monitoring 200000 Vellore
64 Dr. Lakshmi Priya G G V-SIGN Design, Development, and Deployment of Immersive 360 degree Virtual reality Tours to Document the Heritage of Vellore, Tamilnadu, india 287000 Vellore
65 Dr. Akhila Maheswari M SAS Development of Functionalized Polymer Monoliths for Fast Chromatographic Separations and Assay of Lanthanides in Uranium and Thorium Matrix 450000 Vellore
66 Dr. Lincy Kirubhadharsini B VAIAL Black Soldier Fly: The Next Generation Feed For Poultry Enterprises 313000 Vellore
67 Dr. Kannadasan S SAS Tetraarylethenes : A conjugated molecular system as Fluorescence sensing and OLED materials 450000 Vellore
68 Dr. Jambeswar Sahu SMEC Development of formability setup and formability study of Aluminium foil for Lithium-ion battery structure 280000 Vellore
69 Dr. Loganathan Rangasamy CBCMT Developing Multi-targeting Ligand Functionalized Microfluidic Device as Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) based Liquid Biopsy Tool for Cancer Detection 499000 Vellore
70 Dr. Deepakkumar R SMEC Design and Development of Sustainable Solar Air Heater for Residential Space Heating 148000 Vellore
71 Dr. Joseph Nathanael A CBCMT Low-Cost Paper Based Disposable Sensor For Cea Detection For Cancer Screening 400000 Vellore
72 Dr. Palla Penchalaiah SENSE Infrared Image Sensor Based On Bandgap Engineered Graphene/Quantum Dotsâ??CMOS Integration 500000 Vellore
73 Dr. Jakeer Hussain SELECT Development of Efficient Small Scale Wind Turbine for Residential Roof-top Power Generation 465000 Vellore
74 Dr. Kalaiarassan G SMEC Design and Development of Compliant Gripper to Handle Cutting Tool Inserts With Robotic Vision Assistant for Coating Application 150000 Vellore
75 Dr. Suprava Chakraborty TIFAC-CORE Design And Development Of Solar Powered Unmanned Multipurpose Vehicle For Agricultural Applications Along With Business Model To Address Farmer Welfare 189000 Vellore
76 Dr. Reena Rajkumari B SBST Development and Evaluation of Nanofiber Scaffolds loaded with Linum Water Soluble Heteropolysaccharide as a novel multi-functional wound dressing for diabetic wounds | An in-vivo study 225000 Vellore
77 Dr. Madhumathi A VSPARC Enhancing the Heritage Tourism of Vellore city through an interactive digital application 265000 Vellore
78 Dr. Nalini E SBST Role Of Triphala In Modulating The Outermembrame Vesicle Cargo Of Lactobacillus Species After Antibiotic Stress 400000 Vellore
79 Dr. Venkatraman M SBST Anti-inflammatory Application of Benzydamine in Acute Pancreatitis and associated Lung injury Models, a Repurposing approach 200000 Vellore
80 Dr. Selva Rani B SITE Designing a Higher Education Recommender System to Promote Awareness among Rural Learners 100000 Vellore
81 Dr. Boopalan G SENSE Development of Restricted Autonomous Electric Industrial Trolley 397414 Vellore
82 Dr. Sathish Kumar P SAS Solar light-driven photocatalytic mineralization of b-lactam antibiotics/pharmaceutical pollutants in the presence of recyclable magnetic nanocomposites 400000 Vellore
83 Dr. Jayasri M.A SBST Pharmacological Evaluation of a Polyherbal Antidiabetic formulation 350000 Vellore
84 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Sabbasani SAS Naturally Derived Sugar Based Ionic Liquids for Seed Germination 500000 Vellore
85 Dr. Krishnakumar K V-SIGN Fire Detection application Based on Deep learning 150000 Vellore
86 Dr. Satheesh A SMEC Design and Development of Double-Stage Metal-Hydride based Hydrogen Compressor 275000 Vellore
87 Dr. Srinivasan Latha SAS Antimicrobial, antiviral and self-disposable chitosan- based composites for food packaging applications 300000 Vellore
88 Dr. Vijayanand C SAS Production of pure and heteroatom (nitrogen, boron, sulphur, iodine, phosphorus and oxygen) doped crumpled graphene using shock wave 500000 Vellore
89 Dr. Chiranjeevi C SMEC Development of a Self-Sustained Novel Trigeneration system to produce Electricity, Desalinated Water and Hot Water 314000 Vellore
90 Dr. Anandavel K SMEC Development of fretting fatigue test setup for fretting fatigue characterisation of Magnesium alloy 295000 Vellore
91 Dr. Sivaprasad Darla SMEC Development of Optimized Process for Fabrication and Analysis of Carbon Black Reinforced Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Structures 100000 Vellore
92 Dr. Karthika S SCHEME Enhancing the bioavailability of Celecoxib – an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) using Sonocrystallization 400000 Vellore
93 Dr. Gunji Bala Murali SMEC Custom Wear: IoT Enabled and Vision Assisted Customised Functional Additive Manufacturing Framework for Next Generation Footwear 396000 Vellore
94 Dr. Suganya Om SCE Light Weight Pozzolanic Paddy Straw Concrete Production by Pyrometallurgy and Property Investigation by Incorporation as Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement 363000 Vellore
95 Dr. Aravind Raj S SMEC Development of additive manufacturing composite for space Re-entry vehicles 375000 Vellore
96 Dr. Ethiraj K R SAS Design and Development of an Antimicrobial urinary Catheter by Surface Modification using Natural Agents 400000 Vellore
1 Dr. Arpan Kumar Nayak SAS Development of Hybrid Energy Materials for Photocatalysis: EnvironmentRemediation and Energy Production 200000 Vellore
2 Dr. Amit Kumar Tiwari SAS Self-Assembly of Cationic Gemini Surfactant Directed Mesoporous SilicaParticles 200000 Vellore
3 Dr. Tapas Ghatak SAS Lanthanides Mediated Hydroelementation Reactions Bearing Highly BasicN-heterocyclic iminato Ligands 200000 Vellore
4 Dr. Kaushik Chanda SAS Identification and development of high efficiency multi-epitopetargeting biosensor probes for the detection of infectious bacterialpathogens â?? Biosensor probes 200000 Vellore
5 Dr.PriyankarPaira SAS Target specific photoactive cyclometalated Iridium(III) complexes forthe early diagnosis and the treatment of fatal COVID-19 and colon cancer 200000 Vellore
6 Dr.Tamas Kumar Panda SAS Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) a Platform for Water Oxidation PhotoCatalysis (WOC) 200000 Vellore
7 Dr. A. AnandPrabu SAS Design and Development of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based onPolyvinylidene Fluoride â?? Hyperbranched Polyester Blends 100000 Vellore
8 Dr. Manju S L SAS Design and development of novel COX-2/5-LOX/mPGES1 inhibitors: A newdirection towards inflammatory and Cancer therapy 200000 Vellore
9 Dr.Susanta Kumar Bhunia SAS Optimum fluorescent carbon-based nanomaterials for mitochondrialtargeting and imaging 200000 Vellore
10 Dr. S. Kannadasan SAS A Concise synthesis of clausenaline d and its hetero analogues viaaryl-aryl coupling reaction 200000 Vellore
11 Dr. Ethiraj K R SAS Investigation of Perilladehyde and its synthetic derivatives for theattenuation of virulence and biofilm production of CRITICAL pathogens 150000 Vellore
12 Dr.AnkurRastogi SAS Unveiling the novel states at the interface between oxide and 2D van derWaals materials 200000 Vellore
13 Dr. S. Karpagam SAS Highly Conjugated Hole Transporting Materials to replace PEDOT: PSS forthe development of Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 200000 Vellore
14 Dr. M. AkhilaMaheswari SAS Real-time Ion-Imprinted Polymer Based Sensitive Chemo Sensor Strips forthe Detection of Toxic Metal Ions 200000 Vellore
15 Dr. D. Prabhakaran SAS Fast Separation of Transition and Post-Transition Metals Ions usingNovel Chelating Organic Receptors anchored on Reversed PhaseSilica/Polymer Monolithic based Chromatographic Columns 200000 Vellore
16 Palanisami N. SAS Second Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of(Ferrocene/non-Ferrocene)-Integrated Linear, X-, Y-, V- and H-shapedHeteroaromatic Push-Pull Chromophores 200000 Vellore
17 Dr.PadalaKishor SAS Metal Catalyzed Chelation-Assisted Remote Câ??H bond Functionalizationof Substituted Aromatics 200000 Vellore
18 Dr. S.K. Ashok Kumar SAS Design and synthesis of benzothiazole-substituted quinolines asreceptors for ion recognition and anticancer agents 200000 Vellore
19 Dr. Tarun Garg SAS PMN-PT Thin Films on Flexible Ferromagnetic Substrates for EnergyHarvesting 200000 Vellore
20 Dr. Barnali Maiti SAS Design and Synthesis of Novel Task Specific Ionic Liquids for SmallMolecules Synthesis in Green Pathway 100000 Vellore
21 Dr. Vijayanand C SAS Breathe analyser using Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy and machinelearning algorithm for diseases diagnosis and continuous patientmonitoring 150000 Vellore
22 Dr.Sovan Roy SAS Anticancer activity of Pt(IV) and Ru (II) polypyridyl complexes bytargeting mitochondria 150000 Vellore
23 Dr. Ganesh Babu S SAS Robust, Air-Stable and Efficient Graphene-Based Ni Nano- CatalyticSystem for Methanation Reaction 150000 Vellore
24 Dr. Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat SAS Bronsted acid functionalized Bioinspired Polymer SupportedImidazolium/Benzimidazolium immobilized Porphyrin andPhthalocyaninePhotosensitisers: Heterogeneous Photocatalysts for VariousOrganic Transformations under Visible Light Irradiation at ambientconditions [I shall apply under BIRAC scheme] 200000 Vellore
25 Dr.Cheralathan K.K. SAS Preparation of Carbon Materials with Improved Properties from BiomassDerived Sugars for High-Voltage Supercapacitor Applications 150000 Vellore
26 Dr. S. Senthilkumar SAS Ionic liquid functionalized ultrasmall metal nanoclusters for controlledelectrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to value added chemicals 200000 Vellore
27 Dr.Leema Rose Viannie SAS Development of zinc oxide based electrochemical sensors for rapidbacterial detection in polymer catheters for monitoringhealthcare-associated infections in ICUs 150000 Vellore
28 Dr. Sumangala T P SAS Novel stand-alone films for Microwave Absorption and ElectromagneticInterference Shielding 200000 Vellore
29 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Sabbasani SAS Developing a Nature-Inspired Sugar Based Poly Ionic Liquids asOrganocatalysts for the Synthesis of Therapeutically Important Compounds 200000 Vellore
30 Dr. Charles BeromeoBheeter SAS Supramolecular controlled selective C-H bond functionalizationfunctionalization reactions 200000 Vellore
31 Dr. Arup Sinha SAS Development of New Catalysts for Câ??H Bond Halogenation 200000 Vellore
32 Dr. Rajasekar P SAS Thermoelectric studies of Si/beta-FeSi2/PEDOT:PSS based micro andnanocomposites 150000 Vellore
33 Dr. Ramesh Thamankar SAS Detection of charged defects in h-BN and analysis 100000 Vellore
34 Dr. Vasu Kuraganti SAS Transition Metal Doped 2D Semiconductor Nanostructures forElectrochemical Energy Related Applications 200000 Vellore
35 Dr. AkellaSivaramakrishna SAS Synthesis and Applications of Functionalized Chitosan-based cross-linkedPolymeric Materials 200000 Vellore
36 Dr. A. Sheela SAS Design of heterobinuclear Ruthenium (II)-Vanadium (IV) complexes asChemical Nucleases 200000 Vellore
37 DR.Sathiyananrayanan. K SAS Synthesis of heterocyclic based NIR-TADF emitter compounds andinvestigating their lasing application 200000 Vellore
38 Dr.Shobhana. MK SAS Enriched hybrid ferrite nanocomposites as an electrode to enhance thepower density and durability in supercapacitors 175000 Vellore
39 Dr.K.Ramanathan SBST Drug Repurposing Strategy for the Management of COVID-19 infection: TheCombined Machine Learning and Molecular Simulation Perspective 200000 Vellore
40 Dr. RadhaSaraswathy SBST Exploiting DNA condensation and DNA repair mechanisms to investigatesynthetic lethal interactions for cancer therapy 100000 Vellore
41 Dr. W. Jabez Osborne SBST Biodegradation and bioremoval of pesticides, heavy metals, NaCl andreactive textile dyes using effective microbe (Bug Ultimatum): Ametabolomic based phyto-rhizoremediation approach 150000 Vellore
42 Dr. KavithaThirumurugan SBST Impact of ellagic acid mediated autophagy and aging in Drosophila brain 200000 Vellore
43 Dr. R. Rajasekaran SBST Designing and development of rational based peptide inhibitors againstalpha-synucleinaggregates for the treatment of Parkinsonâ??s disease 200000 Vellore
44 Dr. Alka mehta SBST 1. Ammonia reduction from wastewater by partial and complete nitrifyingbacteria. 2. Cytotoxicity test for Pseudomonas putida treated AFB1 onhuman liver cell lines (HepG2, Huh 7) 200000 Vellore
45 Dr. M. Anbalagan SBST Novel Therapeutic peptide to block T cell receptor signalling 100000 Vellore
46 Dr. C Shanthi SBST Comparative biochemical and molecular characterization of dehairingproteases 100000 Vellore
47 Dr. R Tamizhselvi SBST Molecular mechanism of retinoblastoma protein during acutepancreatitis-to-pancreatic cancer transition. 200000 Vellore
48 Dr Venkatraman M SBST Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibition by indazole derivativesand potential application in sensitizing the metallo anti-cancer drugefficacy 150000 Vellore
49 Dr. V.G. Abilash SBST Mechanistic investigation of Lauric acid against Alcohol- induced Liverinjury via Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 alpha 200000 Vellore
50 Dr. Godwin Christopher. J SBST Exploration of Antibiotic Gene Cluster and novel drug target in a Novelstrain Streptomyces lycovit 200000 Vellore
51 Dr. AbulKalam Azad Mandal SBST Identifying the role of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) modulatedmiRNAs in regulating breast cancer-related genes 200000 Vellore
52 Dr. Ramesh N SBST Phage therapy for treatment of Gram-positive bacterial infections inhuman 200000 Vellore
53 Dr. Everette Jacob Remington N SBST Retargeting of lentiviral integration into the heterochromatin for safergene therapy applications 200000 Vellore
54 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer VAIAL Target based chloroplast proteomic discovery, cross-talk, signaling, andtolerance mechanism under drought stress in okra genotypes(Abelmoschusesculentus L.) 200000 Vellore
55 Lincy Kirubhadharsini, B VAIAL Biological control of Fall Armyworm using beneficial microbes anddevelopment of Biopesticidal formulation. 200000 Vellore
56 Dr.Saiyyeda Firdous VAIAL Vermicomposte amendment effect on growth, yield and quality of tomato 75000 Vellore
57 Dr. T. Sonai Rajan VAIAL Development of novel formulations of entomopathogenic fungi,Isariafumosorosea against key and invasive pests of agriculturalimportance 100000 Vellore
58 Dr.Jagan Mohan Obbineni VAIAL Fast, reliable and accurate detection of plant badnaviruses usingmolecular methods 200000 Vellore
59 Dr. Parthasarathi T VAIAL Microbiome-mediated drought stress mitigation in rice 200000 Vellore
60 Dr.Immanuel Selvaraj. C. VAIAL Characterization of low Glycaemic Index (GI) Indian Rice (Oryza sp.)andChicory Root & its Blend (Cichoriumintybus) for Health Benefits 200000 Vellore
61 Dr. Priyankar Sen CBST A microfluidic based diagnostic system to detect amyloid in samples 150000 Vellore
62 Dr. Ayesha Noor CBST Bioassay guided active constituent/s from plant extracts and theirtherapeutic effect on DPP-IV inhibition with reference to diabetes 150000 Vellore
63 Dr. V. Sabareesh CBST Identification of DPP-IV inhibitors from the milk proteins of donkey andbuffalo 75000 Vellore
64 Dr.Amit Kumar Jaiswal CBCMT 3D Bioprinting of alginate-gelatin as an epidermal skin substitute 150000 Vellore
65 Dr. MuruganRamalingam CBCMT Formulation of drug-eluting stem cell-laden injectable gel for curingheart attack 150000 Vellore
66 Dr. Satyaprakash Ahirwar CBCMT Photodynamic Therapy using Red Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots 150000 Vellore
67 Dr.Loganathan Rangasamy CBCMT Ligand Targeted PROTAC Conjugates: Chemically Induced Degradation ofDisease-causing Kinases by a PROteolysisTArgetingChimeraâ??s (PROTACs)Coupled with Tumor Targeting Ligands 150000 Vellore
68 Dr. N.Arunai Nambi Raj CBCMT 3D printed tissue equivalent kidney phantom for urinary stonecharacterization 150000 Vellore
69 Dr. SunitaNayak CBCMT Fabrication of biodegradable 3D-printed PCL-HAp-MgO blocks scaffoldinfilled with silk fibroin for repair and reconstruction ofcraniomaxillofacial bone defects 100000 Vellore
70 Dr. JitendraSatija CNBT Design and Development of Tri-partite SERS-active Duplex Sensor Chip forScreening and Monitoring of Diabetes 150000 Vellore
71 Dr.Nirmala Grace CNR Development of stable electrodes for flexible dye sensitized solar cells(dsscs) 150000 Vellore
72 Dr. Niroj Kumar Sahu CNR ROS quantification, Rheology of magnetic colloids and interaction ofmagnetic nanoparticles with serum and cells 150000 Vellore
73 Dr. R Mangaiyarkarasi CNR Exploration on multifunctional hybrid carbon dots for bioimaging andtheranostic applications 100000 Vellore
74 Dr.Vimala R CNR Development of a portable device for monitoring soil nitrogen andmoisture levels and formulation of a smart nanocomposite basedslow-release fertilizer 150000 Vellore
75 Dr. Sathyanarayanan.P CNR Au-Fe2O3 Binary nano-arrays prepared by micellar approach for growth ofaligned Carbon Nanotubes for field emission application 150000 Vellore
76 Dr.Debhasis Maji SENSE Chemically Micromachined PDMS cantilevers for Flexible Humidity SensorDevelopment 40000 Vellore
77 Dr.Arunkumar Chandrasekhar SENSE Development of Wearable TENG as Battery-free Electronic Sensors 107000 Vellore
78 Dr.Sivakumar R SENSE Detection of a surface defect, internal cracks and grinding burn of theground component using the ultrasonic sensor 150000 Vellore
79 Dr.Budhaditya Bhattacharyya SENSE EasyCart: An Android App Based Autonomous hospital cart 150000 Vellore
80 Dr.J.B.Jeeva SENSE Non-contact hand-held optical imaging scanner for real-time assessmentof oxygenation and perfusion changes in wound healing of foot ulcers 72000 Vellore
81 T. Jayabarathi SELECT Optimal design of solar photovoltaic, battery and diesel hybrid powersystem for VIT Vellore Campus 250000 Vellore
82 Dr. P. Ponnambalam SELECT Experimentation to reduce the solar panel size by using PV-TEG systemsfor Electric Vehicles 100000 Vellore
83 Dr.M.Monica Subashini SELECT Low Cost Device for Recognition of Human-Being and Measurement of BodyTemperature in aid to COVID-19 detection 32000 Vellore
84 Dr. R. Raja Singh SELECT Design and Development of Energy Optimal Switching Mechanism for DoublyFed Asynchronous Machine Based Renewable Energy Generation System 300000 Vellore
85 Dr. M.Natarajan SMEC Studies on developing smart energy building concept for energysustenance 170000 Vellore
86 Dr. Y.Raja Sekhar SMEC Experimental investigations on PV/T (photovoltaic/thermal) system withbio-inspired flow design using PCM and nanofluid 186000 Vellore
87 Dr. Somasundharam S SMEC Design and development of Transient Hot-Strip Sensor for simultaneousmeasurement of thermal conductivity and diffusivity of solid materials 150000 Vellore
88 Dr. Darius Gnanaraj S SMEC Investigations on the application of advanced materials, frictionlessbearings and water cooling in developing lightweight electric motors forautomobiles 170000 Vellore
89 Dr. Sakthivadivel D SMEC Design, development and performance study of a self-aspirated porousradiant burner for smart micro-gasifier cookstove 170000 Vellore
90 Dr. Niranjana Behera SMEC Investigation of Erosive Wear in Graphene Reinforced Composite Materials 165000 Vellore
91 Dr. Balaji Kumar SMEC Experimental investigation of the thermally activated building envelopeto reduce the peak cooling demand in the built environment 157500 Vellore
92 Dr. R. Manoharan SMEC 4D Printed Short Fiber Reinforced Shape Memory Polymer Multi-responseStructures: Numerical and Experimental Investigations 147000 Vellore
93 Dr. P. M. Anil SMEC A tribological investigation into the feasibility of usingtrans-esterified palm oil as a base stock for metal cutting fluid withnanoparticle additives. 100000 Vellore
94 Dr. Kamatchi R SMEC Perovskite Soalr Cells : Eco-Friendly Synthesis Of Electron TransportMaterial For Enhanced Device Performance And Stability 162000 Vellore
95 Dr. Humrutha G SMEC Mixing Enhancement in Supersonic Co-Annular Jets 170000 Vellore
96 Dr. P. Seenuvasaperumal SMEC Effect of bismuth in AZ31 Magnesium alloy to enhance the formingbehaviour 75000 Vellore
97 Dr. Bikash Routh SMEC Design and development of strain wave gear for higher input requirementsand optimizing teeth meshing for maximizing its performance in space 160000 Vellore
98 Dr. Sreekanth M. S. SMEC Development of novel functional polymer nanocomposite for highperformance ballistic protection application 159000 Vellore
99 Dr.K.Venkatesan SMEC Smart machining of superalloy using IoT, Cloud computing and Machinelearning 160000 Vellore
100 Dr. K. Jayakrishna SMEC Reusable bilayer antibacterial electrospun superhydrophobic poly methylmethacrylate (PMMA) / polycaprolactone (PCL) and chitosan nanofiber airfilters for particulate matter capture 117000 Vellore
101 Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma SMEC Performance investigation of CO2 adsorbent based cooling system forspace cooling applications 105000 Vellore
102 Dr. Manikandan M SMEC Development of Metal Polymer / Ceramic Joints for Biomedical andAerospace applications 150000 Vellore
103 Dr. Arivarasu M CIMR Development of coating parameters for two-source evaporation to createsequentially deposited EBC coatings by application of EB-PVD technology 186500 Vellore
104 Dr. Raja Annamalai A CIMR Fabrication, microstructural evolution and properties of HfB2 – SiCceramic composites through spark plasma sintering 145000 Vellore
105 Dr. Shunmuga Perumal P ARC Unmanned Ground Robot For Assisting Soldiers In Counter Insurgency (Ci)/ Counter Terrorism (Ct) Operations 144000 Vellore
106 Dr. Kavitha MS Co2 Efficient biodiesel production from Sterculia foetida using magneticrecyclable algal biochar and its optimization. 50000 Vellore
107 Dr. Vijayalakshmi Shankar Co2 Degradation of Polyurethane by fungi 165000 Vellore
108 Dr. G. Velvizhi Co2 Design of IoT enabled Smart Bins and Smart devices to reduce thecontagious of COVID-19 Pandemic 120000 Vellore
109 Dr. G.S. Nirmala SCHEME Production of 2nd generation bio fuel from Sterculia Foetidia via fastpyrolysis- Catalytic reforming 100000 Vellore
110 Dr. M. Muthukumar SCE Experimental Investigation on Performance of Pervious Pavement usingGeocell Confinement under Drained and Undrained Conditions 143000 Vellore
111 Dr. Thirumalini S SCE Use of Supplementary cementitious material along with recycled cementfrom concrete 170000 Vellore
112 Dr. N. Punithavelan SAS A New Design of Hydro-Electricity Producing System that resuses thewater that is used. 300000 Chennai
113 Dr. G. Muralimohan SMEC IoT based intelligent Hydroonic farming set up 51810 Chennai
114 Dr.C. Sweetlin hemalatha /Dr. R. Manoj Kumar /Dr.B.Rajesh Kanna SCOPE Photonic Disinfection to Combat COVID-19 using Indoor Unmanned AerialVehicle(AVIONIC-19) 500000 Chennai
1 Dr Radha Saraswathy SBST Exploiting DNA condensation and DNA repair mechanisms to investigatesynthetic lethal interactions for cancer therapy 100000 Vellore
2 Dr. S. Asha Devi SBST Understanding the role played by Cortactin – p38 MAPK interaction inmetastasis 200000 Vellore
3 Dr. K. M. Gothandam SBST Overexpression of Or gene in Dunaliella salina to stabilize the keyenzyme in carotenoid pathway 100000 Vellore
4 Dr. Kavitha Thirumurugan SBST Function of RNF213 in adipocyte development. 200000 Vellore
5 Dr. Alka Mehta SBST Understanding the molecular mechanism of inhibition of Aflatoxin B1synthesis by benzimidazole derivatives derivatives. 200000 Vellore
6 Dr. V.G ABILASH SBST Melatonin rescues Cisplatin-induced Male Reproductive Toxicity via PPARγPathway 200000 Vellore
7 Dr A.Sivakumar SBST Molecular studies on regulation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) andApolipoprotein E (ApoE) in Alzheimer’s disease; an approach to developnovel drugs. 85000 Vellore
8 Dr. E. P. Sabina SBST Molecular mechanisms of metabolic memory and long standing effects onoffspring in gestational diabetes and its mitigation by theadministration of Coenzyme Q10. 100000 Vellore
9 Dr. C. Santhi SBST Anti-inflammatory property of collagen derived peptide from fish skin. 200000 Vellore
10 Dr.S.Jayanthi SBST Structural characterization, Analysis and computational studies onanti-inflammatory compounds isolated from marine macro algae 100000 Vellore
11 Dr. S. Venkat Kumar SBST Unravelling the anti-inflammatory potential of green synthesized zincoxide nanoparticles carriers by targeted drug delivery approach 50000 Vellore
12 Dr. Podili Koteswaraiah SBST Evaluation of Antioxidant activity and inhibition of advanced glycationend products (AGEs) formation by Madhumega Churnam, a Polyherbal Siddhaformulation 250000 Vellore
13 Dr. A. Mohana Priya SBST Probing nexus genes and bioactive compounds of chronic obstructivepulmonary disease using next generation sequencing and systempharmacology 150000 Vellore
14 Dr.C.Subathra Devi SBST Cloning and heterologous expression of nattokinase gene from Pseudomonasaeuroginosa VITMS3 in E.coli: An in vitro and in vivo study onfibrinolytic and amyloid disruption therapy 150000 Vellore
15 Dr. Anand Prem Rajan SBST Genetic study of industrially important Pseudomonas putida- arevolutionary chromium degrading bacteria. 200000 Vellore
16 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam CBCMT 3D bioprinting of vascularised liver tissue equivalent using stem cellsand nano gels 150000 Vellore
17 Dr. Raunak Kumar Das CBCMT Induction of EMT in primary oral epithelial cells and HaCaT cellsthrough exosomes derived from HPV infected cell lines 250000 Vellore
18 Dr. Ayesha Noor CBST Efficient polyphenol encapsulation via continuous flow microchip toenhance antioxidant and antidiabetic activities: in vitro and in vivostudies 175000 Vellore
19 Dr. Sanjit Kumar CBST Structural and functional studies of key enzyme (lpx-C(UDP-3-O-acyl-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase) involved in Gram negativebacterial lipid A biosynthesis 100000 Vellore
20 Dr. Priyankar Sen CBST The comparative histological localization of an antineoplastic agentstreptozocin in free and albumin bound states in mouse. 200000 Vellore
21 Dr. Sowbiya Muneer VAIAL Effect ofTemperature Stress on critical signalling pathways andhomeostatic maintenance in graft junctions of Okra cultivars(Abelmoschus esculentus) employing Physiological and proteomic approach 200000 Vellore
22 Dr. Jagan Mohan Obbineni VAIAL Badnavirus pangenome ? a useful tool for fast and reliable diagnosis 100000 Vellore
23 Dr. Karthika Rajendran, VAIAL Salinity tolerance in black gram (Vigna mungo L.) 100000 Vellore
24 Dr.Prof.J.Ranjitha Co2 Green conversion of municipal solid wastes into fuels and chemicals 125000 Vellore
25 Dr. S. Rajasekhara Reddy SAS Deriving the Value Added Products from Sugar Industry waste. 200000 Vellore
26 Dr. Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS Evaluating the Technical Feasibility of Conversion of Waste into LightAlcohol Fuels. 150000 Vellore
27 Dr. S. Sumathi SAS Metal ion doped LnPO4 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Gd and Lu) – Ecofriendly coolpigments for surface coating. 150000 Vellore
28 Dr. S. Kannadasan SAS A concise synthesis of clausenaline d and its hetero analogues viaaryl-aryl coupling reaction 100000 Vellore
29 Dr. Vijayanand Chandrasekaran SAS Development of Wavelength modulated tuneable diode laser spectrometerfor atmospheric gas sensing and quantification 100000 Vellore
30 Dr. Priyankar Paira SAS Synthesis of Ruthenium-Iridium based heterodimetallic biotin conjugatesand their encapsulated MWCNT form for target delivery and cancertheranostic application 100000 Vellore
31 Dr.K.K.Cheralathan SAS Facile synthesis of single atom catalysts supported onMoS2nanosheets@graphenefor valorization of biomass derived levulinicacid 100000 Vellore
32 Dr.S.R.Suseem SAS Mycoremediation of Pharmaceutical products from contaminated water 200000 Vellore
33 Dr. Barnali Maiti SAS Design and Synthesis of Dipyridine Based Novel Ionic Liquid SupportedProline(S) Organocatalyst for Asymmetric Reactions 100000 Vellore
34 Dr. S. Senthilkumar SAS Rational design of redox active ionic liquids for selectiveelectrochemical detection of hazardous chemicals. 150000 Vellore
35 Dr.Tapas Ghatak SAS Lanthanides Mediated Hydroelementation Reactions Bearing Highly BasicN-heterocyclic iminato Ligands 150000 Vellore
36 Dr. Amit Ranjan Maity SAS Development of Smart Subcellularly-Targeted Nano-Drug Delivery System(Nano-DDS) to Improve Anticancer Immunity 200000 Vellore
37 Dr. S. Karpagam SAS Synthesis of new organic sensitizer containstriphenylamine-benzothiazole-schiff base for making DSSC device usingTiO2 nanomaterials for better power conversion efficiency 100000 Vellore
38 Dr. S. Ganesh Babu SAS Core-Shell Structured Reduced Graphene Oxide-based Nanospheres Supportedon g-C3N4 for Visible Light Driven Increased Hydrogen Production viaWater Splitting 100000 Vellore
39 Dr. D. Prabhakaran SAS Multi-functional Grafted Polymers for the Preconcentration of Co2+, Pb2+and Cd2+ Ions in Aquatic Environment 100000 Vellore
40 Dr. Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat SAS Design and Fabrication of Bioinspired Polymer SupportedImidazolium/Benzimidazolium immobilized Porphyrin and PhthalocyanineScaffold: Heterogeneous Photocatalysts for Various OrganicTransformations under Visible Light Irradiation at ambient conditions 150000 Vellore
41 Dr.M. Akhila Maheswari SAS Ion-Imprinted Polymer Based Sensitive On-site Chemo Sensors for theDetection of As3+ Ions in Drinking and Ground Waters. 100000 Vellore
42 Dr. Amit Kumar Tiwari SAS Self-Assembly of Cationic Gemini Surfactant Directed Mesoporous SilicaParticles 300000 Vellore
43 Dr. Tamas Kumar Panda SAS Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) a Platform for Water Oxidation PhotoCatalysis 200000 Vellore
44 Dr. Manju S L SAS Design and development of novel 5-LOX inhibitors and its application inanti allergic and anti-inflammatory therapy 200000 Vellore
45 Dr. Charles Beromeo Bheeter SAS Ligand-controlled Chemoselective C(acyl)-O cleavage of simple Estersthrough Nickel Catalyzed sp2 C-H bond Functionalization for arbonylativeArylation 50000 Vellore
46 Dr. Mausumi Goswami SAS Deciphering the mechanism of Atmospheric reactions of CriegeeIntermediates 300000 Vellore
47 Dr.Ashok Kumar S K SAS Development of functionalized activated carbon and cellulose fromcoconut spathe biomass for water treatment, medical grade carbon, oxygenreduction reactions, paper grade pulp and bioethanol productions 300000 Vellore
48 Dr. A.Anand Prabu SAS Design and Development of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based onPolylactic Acid ? Hyperbranched Polyester Blends 100000 Vellore
49 Dr. Kaushik Chanda SAS Novel synthesis of Potent Ru(II) and Ir(III) Cyclometalated Complexeswith 2H-indaozle and Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine as Ligands for Explorationof Anti-Cancer Activity and Mechanism 200000 Vellore
50 Dr. Ramesh M Thamankar SAS Atomic scale characterisation of singular defects inh-BN andc-BN 100000 Vellore
51 Dr. Kuraganti Vasu SAS Development of p-type Transparent Conductive Metal Oxide Thin Films. 200000 Vellore
52 Dr. D.Rajan Babu SAS Electromagnetic Shielding effectiveness of Polymer/Hard/Soft ferriteternary nano-composite 150000 Vellore
53 Dr. Sumangala T P SAS Investigation on the structural, mechanical, thermal andmagneto-electric properties of ferrite/graphene based polymer nanocomposite 150000 Vellore
54 Dr. Leema Rose Viannie SAS Printable electrodes using vanadium oxide/polymer nanocomposite forenergy storage application 100000 Vellore
55 Dr. S. M. Jaisakthi SCOPE An Automatic tool for Flood Extent Mapping and Road Passability Analysisusing Social Media Posts and Satellite Images for Indian Urban Areas 200000 Vellore
56 Dr. Delhi Babu R SCOPE Brain Computer Interface to analyze EEG Data for Driver DrowsinessDetection System using Deep Learning Techniques 200000 Vellore
57 Dr. P Balakrishnan SCOPE An Intelligent Tutoring System Using Brain Signal Processing andNeurostimulation 150000 Vellore
58 Dr. M. Anand SCOPE A Hybrid Cryptosystem for D2D Communication in IoT Environment 200000 Vellore
59 Dr. P. Boominathan SCOPE Human Activity Recognition Technologies with Sensor Data for MobileUsers 100000 Vellore
60 Dr. Swarnalatha P SCOPE Assessment the effect of Hemoglobin level of the school childrenlearning ability– A pilot study 100000 Vellore
61 Dr.Vimala devi K SCOPE Development of Energy Efficient Wireless Ground Sensor Network based onInternet of Things and Active Networks for Precision Agriculture. 200000 Vellore
62 Dr. Parimala M SITE Assimilation of Satellite data to predict rainfall during tropicalcyclone 200000 Vellore
63 Dr.S.P. Shantharajah SITE BCI (Brain Computer Interface) for Predictive Analysis ofNeurodegenerative Disorders in Geriatric Population 100000 Vellore
64 Dr. Rajesh Kumar M SENSE Development of a Speaker Verification System in Real Time Environments. 100000 Vellore
65 Dr. S Renuga Devi SENSE Hybrid Framework for Real Time Water Quality Monitoring and EarlyWarning System 100000 Vellore
66 Dr. S Abraham Sampson SENSE Quartz tuning fork based sensors for real time determination of personalexposure to atmospheric pollutants 150000 Vellore
67 Dr. Debashis maji SENSE Chemical Micromachining of PDMS elastomer for Flexible sensordevelopment 150000 Vellore
68 Dr.Arunkumar Chandrasekhar SENSE Development of Wearable TENG as Battery-free Electronic Sensors. 50000 Vellore
69 Dr. Kittur Harish Mallikarjun SENSE Lightning Modelling and Simulation. 150000 Vellore
70 Dr. Vagae Naveen Kumar SENSE Elecronic Nose for Paneer quality monitoring in real-time conditions. 300000 Vellore
71 Dr. G.Swati CNR Synthesis and Rational Designing of Sunlight Excitable Red-EmittingPersistent Nano-Phosphors for Strategic Applications 260000 Vellore
72 Dr Ashutosh Mahajan CNR Development of a compact electronic detection system for extremelysensitive odor/gas sensor based on Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy(IETS) of Nanoscale device. 100000 Vellore
73 Dr. S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan SELECT Effective IoT based Energy Management with Grid connected Modified SolarInverter at VIT 225000 Vellore
74 Dr. N. Ruban SELECT Feature Extraction and Differentiating the Characteristics of VariousEmotions from Stimulated and Natural Speech Signals. 30000 Vellore
75 Dr.N Rajasekar SELECT Recovery of chromium from the Industrial Dump using Electro-kineticRemediation 100000 Vellore
76 Dr. P.Rama Mohan Rao CDMM Experimental Study on Graphene Strengthened Cement Composites 100000 Vellore
77 Dr. J. Jayaprakash SCE Flexural Behaviour of High Strength Concrete Beams reinforced withSurface Treated Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer Rebars 300000 Vellore
78 Dr. Dillip Kumar Barik SCE A Comparison of Nutritional and Sensory Qualities between AutomatedDosing Hydroponic Systems (AD-HS) and Locally Available Soil-Grown(LA-SG) Spinach 75000 Vellore
79 Dr. M. Manikandan SMEC Investigation on microstructure stability of wire arc additivelymanufactured Alloy 617 for high temperature application 300000 Vellore
80 Dr. Vijesh V Joshi SMEC Experimental analysis of solid-liquid phase changing characteristics ofvarious materials and their suitability as PCM (phase change material)panels for indoor thermal comfort 150000 Vellore
81 Dr. R. Ramakrishnan SMEC Extreme Learning Machine based Pitch Angle Prediction for Uniform PowerGeneration and Load Mitigation using HIL Simulator of Digital HydraulicPitch System in Wind Turbine 150000 Vellore
82 Dr.Vinod Kumar Sharma SMEC Development of metal hydride based hydrogen compressor 50000 Vellore
83 Dr. A. L. Arthy SITE BCDTI Breast Cancer detection using thermal images. 200000 Vellore
84 Dr. Kishor Lakshmi Narayanan SENSE Virtual Reality and Tactile Sensory Stimulation based Rehabilitation forImproving Motor Function of the Hand 90000 Vellore
85 Dr. S. Vivekanandan SELECT IOT based flexible sensor for diabetes detection using nadi pariksha 117500 Vellore
86 Dr. S. Vidhya SENSE Design, development and comparison of damper based / rack and pinionbased off-loading osteoarthritic knee brace. 150000 Vellore
87 Dr. Arun SENSE Smart Visual Inspection an Fabric Folding Machine. 55000 Vellore
88 Dr. S. Usha Rani SENSE Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Networks. 100000 Vellore
89 Dr. R. Sujatha SENSE LoRaWAN enabled water Leakage Detection in Underground Reservoirs. 250000 Vellore
90 Dr. V. Suganthan SENSE Influence of Tb, Gd/ZrO2 composite on Ti-6Al-4V and its biocompatibilityevaluation for biomedical applications 130000 Vellore
91 Dr. Dhanamjayulu C SELECT A Novel Controller Design and Implementation of BiDirectional DC-DCConverters for Efficient Energy Recovery from Rear Wheel Design withImproved Battery life in Hybrid Electric Vehicles 290000 Vellore
92 Dr. Dhanamjayulu C SELECT A Novel Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer forImproving Power Quality in the Micro-Grid Interconnected System 250000 Vellore
93 Dr. Rashmi M SSL Career Inventory Tool 185000 Vellore
94 Dr K.Lavanya SCOPE Development of IoT KAFKA streaming based ensemble modelling for precisemango disease forewarning using climatological factors 272000 Vellore
95 Dr. Elangovan D SMEC Grid powered Electric Bicycles 183918 Vellore
96 Dr. J. B. Jeeva SENSE Motorized flexichair for rehabilitation 100000 Vellore
97 Dr. G. ArunKumar SELECT E-mobility Grid 80000 Vellore
98 Dr. Arun Tom Mathew SMEC Walker Assembly for Hemiplegic Patients 75000 Vellore
99 Dr. Bikash Routh SMEC Double Inclined Teethed Harmonic Drive with Split Circular Spline andNeedle Roller Bearing 150000 Vellore
100 Dr. N. Chandrasekaran CNBT Essential oil nanoemlsion encapsulated biopolymer as an effectivedeilvery system towards stored pest control 300000 Vellore
101 Dr. S.K. Ashok Kumar SAS Integration of pulp and paper technology with second generationbioethanol fuel production using coconut sapthe biomass 95000 Vellore
102 Dr. Arpan Kumar Nayak SAS Fabrication of hybrid solid state asymmetric supercapacitor device forenhanced energy storage 150000 Vellore
103 Dr R. Vijayaaghavan SAS Water purification using (photo) catalysts 150000 Vellore
104 Dr.M. Ummal Momeen SAS STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) technique, STED microscope; 150000 Vellore
105 Dr. Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS A portable water purification device for the drinking purpose will bedesigned. 100000 Vellore
106 Dr.Sangeetha Subramanian SBST Manganese oxide electrode-based sensor system for detection of milkadulteration. 50000 Vellore
107 Dr. M. Venkataraman SBST Cyclometal conjugated 2H-Indazoles and biological characterization foranti-cancer activities 350000 Vellore
108 Dr. K. Ramanathan SBST Discovery of farnesyltransferase inhibitors using high-throughputmulti-dimensional virtual screening strategy 100000 Vellore
109 Dr.M. Anbalagan SBST Novel therapeutic peptide to block human T cell receptor signaling 200000 Vellore
110 Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan CBCMT Nanoengineered multifunctional cardiac patch for the treatment ofmyocardial infarction 150000 Vellore
111 Dr. Sasanka Bhusan Pulipati SCE Developing an innovative sensor based monitoring tool to characteriseaggressive driving 200000 Vellore
112 Dr. R. Saravana Kumar SAS (Chemistry) Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Efficacy of Hybrids of AnticancerNatural Products Curcumin and Combretastatin A-4 targeting Breast Cancerin silico, in vitro and in vivo 241000 Chennai
113 Dr. Fateh Veer Singh SAS (Chemistry) Selenium-Catalyzed Reactions Based on Addition?Elimination Sequence 150000 Chennai
114 Dr. Krisnendu Biswas SAS (Chemistry) To synthesize chalcogenide based nanomaterials for water splitting 250000 Chennai
115 Dr. S. Geetha (PI) / Dr. Y. Asnath Victy Phamila (Co-PI) SCSE DeepMalSign ? Deep Learning for Intelligent Large Scale MalwareSignature generation and Classification 300000 Chennai
116 Dr. Sivagami M SCSE Design a Model for Rainfall Prediction in Real Time using Machinelearning for the Optical DisdroMeter in a Distributed Environment 300000 Chennai
117 Dr. O.V. Gnana Swatika (PI) /Dr. Jamuna (Co-PI) SELECT IOT and Cloud Based Data Logger for Stand Alone Photovoltaic Systems 65000 Chennai
118 Dr. R. Gunabalan SELECT Variable frequency drive control for Brushless DC motor drive withregenerative braking in electric vehicle applications by employing supercapacitors 230000 Chennai
119 Dr. M.Suchetha SENSE Development of automated classification techniques to study thecognitive behavior from Scalp Electroencephalogram Signals. 300000 Chennai
120 Dr. M.Jagannath SENSE Detection of Sleep Disorders and Effect of Music on Sleep Quality 130000 Chennai
121 Dr. Vasugi V (Civil) SMBS Development of environmental friendly aggregates using sewage sludge forconcrete and enabling large scale utilization of waste 300000 Chennai
122 Dr. Devaprakasam SMBS Development of Graphene Modified Silicon Flow Sensor 300000 Chennai
123 Dr. Jeyanthi S SMBS Development of functionalized conductive Nano filler reinforcedsustainable foam for EMI Shielding Applications 155000 Chennai
124 Dr. Saravanakumar (PI) /Dr. Sakthivel (Co-PI) SMBS Development of Exo-Skeletal Wearable Robot for assisting Agriculturaland Industrial Workers 300000 Chennai
125 Dr.K.Annamalai SMBS Development of Digital Twin Technology for an automotive Gear box 140000 Chennai
126 Dr. Arockia Selvakumar SMBS Design and Control of a Parallel Architecture Wearable Assistive NeckDevice for Rehabilitation 300000 Chennai
1  Dr. Geetha Manivasagam CBCMT Indigenisation of porous Ti-6Al-4V implant for bone fracture 300000 Vellore
2  Dr. Sunita Nayak CBCMT Novel peptide-modified chitosan-PVA-HA electrospun matrix system to promote angiogenesis with antibacterial effect for skin wound healing applicationss. 150000 Vellore
3  Dr.Amit Kumar Jaiswal CBCMT Development of a biomaterial scaffold as an in vitro model of giant cell tumour of long bones 200000 Vellore
4  Dr. Murugan Ramalingam CBCMT A Gradient Approach for Engineering Interfacial Tissue Constructs using Mesenchymal Stem Cells suitable for Osteochondral Therapy 150000 Vellore
5  Dr. Dwaipayan Sen CBCMT Inferring the potential positive effect 200000 Vellore
6  Dr. N.S. Jayaprakash CBST Developing a rapid diagnostic platform to detect antibodies to Salmonella typhi using a synthetic unique Salmonella specific outer membrane antigen fragment 200000 Vellore
7  Dr. Priyankar Sen CBST Development of Benzthiazole derivative grafted porous polymer incorporated microfluidic chips to screen and detect amyloid proteins and peptides from biological samples 300000 Vellore
8  Dr.John Thomas CBST probiotics as a feed for enhancing growth and diseases resustance  in fresh water orawns Macrobrachium resenbergii. 150000 Vellore
9  Dr. N.S. Jayaprakash CBST Development of Point-of-Care Electrochemical Immunosensor for Human Serum Albumin in Urine Sample 400000 Vellore
10  Dr. T. Kali Kishore Reddy CBST Development of Affinity based Microfluidic chip for biomolecule separation 200000 Vellore
11  Dr.John Thomas CCG Identification and Characterisation of Phytochemicals from Indian Medicinal plants for their Potential Application in aquaculture industry 200000 Vellore
12  Dr Jitendra Satija CNBT Plasmonic-ELISA based optical nanobiosensor for naked-eye detection of histamine in food samples 150000 Vellore
13  Dr. P. Mrudula CNBT Synthesis of nanoparticle embedded PVDF membranes and their application to textile effluent treatment in a membrane bioreactor system 150000 Vellore
14  Dr. Niroj Kumar Sahu CNR In vivo biodistribution of LBL modified magnetic nanoconstruct loaded with multiple drugs to overcome multi-drug resistance (MDR) of tumors 300000 Vellore
15  Dr  V Velmurugan CNR Development of interdigitated 2d microscale supercapacacitors (mscs) towards energy storage applications. 300000 Vellore
16  Dr. A.Nirmala Grace CNR Agricultural waste biomass materials to porous carbon materials for high energy supercapacitors 200000 Vellore
17  Dr R. Vimala CNR Development and evaluation of PEGylated nanoemulsion for improved pharmacokinetics and enhanced antitumor efficacy 300000 Vellore
18  Dr. Velvizhi G CNR Treatment of Solid and Liquid Tannery Waste for the Production of Biofuel and Recover of Metals through Green and Sustainable Technologies 150000 Vellore
19  Dr N Suresh Kumar CO2 Integrated Decision Support System for the Tribal health care 300000 Vellore
20  Dr.J.Ranjitha CO2 Hydrothermal Liquefaction of oleaginous micro- and macro -algal species isolated from industrial waste for biofuel production using a newly fabricated photobioreactor 300000 Vellore
21  Dr.J.Ranjitha CO2 CO2 fixation and Mixotrophic Cultivation of Spirulina species for its potential application in biorefinery and biofuel production. 300000 Vellore
22  Dr. D. Prabhakaran CO2 Fabrication of Ion-Imprinted Monolithic Polymers as Naked Eye Optical Sensors for sensing of Pb2, Cd2, Co2 Hg2 and Cr6 Ions 300000 Vellore
23  Dr S Rajasekhara Reddy SAS Development of nature inspired carbohydrate based separation materials for discrimination of pharmaceutically important enantio and diastereomers. 100000 Vellore
24  Dr. G. Satish Kumar SAS Destruction of Recalcitrant Amoxicillin by an Integrated Clean Chemical and Biological Treatment of Wastewater 200000 Vellore
25  Dr. U. Vijayalakshmi SAS, VAIAL Multifunctional Silica coatings on T 6Al4V and its In Vivo animal study for Optimal Implant Fixation 300000 Vellore
26  Dr. Arpan Kumar Nayak SAS Bandgap Engineered Transition Metal Oxides Synthesis towards Energy Applications 300000 Vellore
27  Dr. S. Senthilkumar SAS Development of Optical and Electrochemical Biosensors for Food and Agricultural Applications using Metal Nanoparticle-Ionic Liquid Hybrid Structures 300000 Vellore
28  D K Sathiyanarayanan SAS Development of fluorescent probes for the detection of cell membrane tension 500000 Vellore
29  Dr Palanisami N SAS, SAS Ferrocene Conjugated Y-type AIE-Active Fluorescent Imidazole Chromophores for Anticancer and Bio-Imaging Applications 900000 Vellore
30  Dr R. Vijayaraghavan SAS High Performing, Low Cost Nanocomposites for Industrial Effluent Remediation and Cleaner Water  Storage 300000 Vellore
31  Dr Manju S L SAS Development of novel COX 1 2 515 LOX  NF KB inhibitors  Mechanistic and peutic studies on inflammation induced carcinogenesis 300000 Vellore
32  Dr Vijayanand Chandrasekaran SAS Development of Wavelength modulated tunable diode laser spectroscopy for atmospheric analysis 290000 Vellore
33  Dr D Prabhakaran SAS of Receptor based Polymer Monolithic Templates for the Optical Sensing of Cadmium Ions for Environmental Applications 200000 Vellore
34  Dr. Barnali Maiti SAS Synthesis of Novel Bi-functional Ionic Liquid Supported Proline Based Organocatalyst and Application in Enantioselective Small Molecule Synthesis. 275000 Vellore
35  Dr S Mohana Roopan SAS Detoxification of expired antibiotic drugs, a medicinal waste using Cocos nucifera extract supported mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride based photocatalysts 100000 Vellore
36  Dr Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat SAS Intensified Photocatalytic Transformation of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Low-Molecular-Weight Value Added Chemicals using Polymer-supported Ionic Liquid tangled Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine 200000 Vellore
37  Dr. Sangeetha P SAS Removal of pollutants from waste water using environment friendly functionalized nanomaterials 200000 Vellore
38  Dr M Akhila Maheswari SAS Designing of Structurally Ordered Monoliths as HPLC Columns for Sequential Separations of Lanthanides and Actinides 150000 Vellore
39  Dr Vijayakrishna Kari SAS Synthesis and Applications of Helical Polymers and Iongels 100000 Vellore
40  Dr Badal Kumar Mandal SAS Synthesis of Novel Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanostructures for Degradation of Pharmaceuticals in Water and Waste Water 300000 Vellore
41  Dr.Sovan Roy SAS Polypyridyl complexes of Pt(IV) and Ru(II)       metal ions towards development of                         mitochondrial DNA targeting anticancer agents 300000 Vellore
42  Dr. Suseem S R SAS Development of herbal dry powder galactagogue from rhizomes and tubers of Cyperusrotundus for Breastfeeding mothers with low or insufficient milk ejection 200000 Vellore
43  Dr A Sheela SAS Studies on vanadate complexes based on functionalized diketones and their derivatives with CN linkage with appended probes and gene expression studies with proposed cell signaling mechanistic pathways towards their antitumor action 200000 Vellore
44  Dr Bhaskar Sen Gupta SAS Mechanical Failure and Stress Propagation in Frictional Granular Materials 280000 Vellore
45  Dr K Sathiyanarayanan SAS Sustainable production of 2nd generation bio fuel from Coconut shell waste via fast pyrolysis-hydrodeoxygenation process 300000 Vellore
46  Dr Kaushik Chand SAS Design and synthesis of Fused heterocyclic Small Molecules via Pictet-Spengler Reaction on soluble Support as Potent Antipsychotics 300000 Vellore
47  Dr S Senthilkumar SAS Designing high performance supercapacitors using novel redox active ionic liquid electrolytes. 300000 Vellore
48  Dr Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS Functionalized Terpyridines and Their Metal Complexes  Synthesis and Applications in MetalExtraction, Chemosensing and Catalysis 300000 Vellore
49  Dr I V Asharani SAS Starburst Dendrimer Encapsulated Silver and Gold anoparticles Ag  Au NPs) for Sensing and Removal of Heavy Metals from Water 300000 Vellore
50  Dr D Rajagopal SAS Commercially viable non-invasive near-infrared biological window of dual fluorophores, design and synthesis toward multimodal imaging and theranostic application for MYELOPEROXIDASE (MPO) mediated inflammation 200000 Vellore
51  Dr Eithiraj RD SAS Magnetism and Spin-Orbital Effects in Layered Compounds: A DFT Study 225000 Vellore
52  Dr. A. A. Napoleon SAS Green synthesis of Substituted 3-Phenyl25dihydro 3H124 triazol 4,3bindazoles  A potent antifungal antibacterial and anticancer agents 293000 Vellore
53  Dr. Krishna Chander N SAS Fabrication of Hierarchical Cobalt Oxide Nanostructures and Mesocrystals for Water Splitting Applications 221000 Vellore
54  Dr. Samir Ranjan Meher SAS Copper Oxide based cost-effective photovoltaics by magnetron sputtering. 100000 Vellore
55  Dr. Kannadasan SAS Synthesis and evaluation of photophysical properties of linear and angularly fused nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen heterocycles. 300000 Vellore
56  Dr. Madhvesh Pathak SAS Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Applications of Metallo-Organic Derivatives of Titanium, Zirconium, Aluminium and Iridium. 100000 Vellore
57  Dr. Charles Beromeo Bheeter SAS Supramolecular C-H boand activation. 100000 Vellore
58  Dr. Buvaneswari SAS A study on natural, substituted and supported apatite phosphates for catalytic properties 250000 Vellore
59  Dr. Anand Prabhu SAS Design and Development of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based on Polylactic Acid Hyperbranched Polyester Blends 150000 Vellore
60  Dr.  Rajasekhara Reddy S SAS Design and synthesis of monosaccharides derived biomolecules for recycling toxic heavy metal e-waste 300000 Vellore
61  Dr.Tadal kishor SAS Metal Catalyzed Chelation-Assisted Remote meta- or para- Selective C -H bond Functionalization of Subatituted Aromatics. 250000 Vellore
62  Dr. Susanta Kumar Bhunia SAS Recyclable porous hybrid nanostruresdesign towardswater remediation. 250000 Vellore
63  Dr. Arup Sinha SAS Bifunctional Iron Based Catalysta for Acceptorless Dehydrogenation Reactions. 250000 Vellore
64  Dr. Tamas Kumar Panda SAS Supramolecular Porous Organic Cage for OxygenReduction Reaction Catalysisin fuel Cell 250000 Vellore
65  Dr.M.Ummal Momeen SAS build the confocal microscope 150000 Vellore
66  Dr. Debasish Mishra SAS Bioinspired organo-metalic compled based reabsorbable 300000 Vellore
67  Dr.S Mythili SBST Utilization of nanoremediated industrial effluent water for edible crop production 50000 Vellore
68  Dr.B.Reena Rajkumari SBST Development of Database for Antimicrobial Peptides based on the assessment of amino acids associated with structural stabilization, membrane penetration and toxicity against antibiotic resistance pathogenic bacteria 250000 Vellore
69  Dr.S Venkat Kumar SBST Chembu Chenduram, a novel nanobased herbal formulation in myocardial infarction treatment and its mechanism of action 250000 Vellore
70  Dr.Jayanthi S SBST Identification and analysis of genes associated with the synthesis of bioactive constituents from marine macroalgae using RNA-Seq 250000 Vellore
71  Dr,V Shanthi SBST Exploring Paradigm of Ovarian Cancer Arising from Endometriosis Using Rna-Seq Data 250000 Vellore
72  Dr.Venkatraman M SBST Organo-protective role of Sulfur containing Natural Anti-Hangover compounds in Chronic Alcoholic conditions, Prophylactic and Therapeutic Significance in Acute Pancreatitis 225000 Vellore
73  Dr.V. Devi Rajeswari SBST Finding the pathway for the anti-diabetic activity of bioactive compound isolated from Faba bean 250000 Vellore
74  Dr.Alka mehta SBST Elimination of the risk of mycotoxin production using benzimidazole  derivatives during fermentation process 250000 Vellore
75 Dr. V.G Abilash SBST Exploring the molecular mechanism of non-classical testosterone signaling pathway during arsenic-induced reproductive toxicity 250000 Vellore
76  Dr.Anbalagan SBST Mechanistic insights into role of p38MAPK in metastasis 250000 Vellore
77  Dr.Vino.S SBST Small molecule modulators for targeting hippo-yap signaling pathway in rheumatoid arthritis 250000 Vellore
78  Dr.Asit Ranjan Ghosh SBST Short chain fatty acids (SCFA) producing probiotics in modulation of gherlin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) acylation to combat obesity 250000 Vellore
79 Dr. R. Sudhakaran SBST Employment of Endolysins as antibiotics in penaeid shrimp against Vibrio parahemolyticus 250000 Vellore
80 Dr.Jayanthi A SBST Characterisation and Optimization of Polymers with antibacterial properties on bioflim forming organisms 250000 Vellore
81  Dr.Asha Devi SBST Role of Stigmasterol in improving fertility in obese male: A mouse model study 250000 Vellore
82  Dr.Priyankar Paira SBST Development on novel Ruthenium and Iridium based monometallic and heterodimetallic scaffolds and their nanoconjugates for photo catalysis, cancer thjeranostic, PDT and intercellular toxic element detection 150000 Vellore
83  Dr.Karthikeyan S SBST Developing technical textiles (Filters) for automobile, chemical water purification. 100000 Vellore
84  Dr.Debasish Mishra SBST Bioinspired organo-metalic complex based reabsorbable tissue fillers for partial prevention and cure of trauma associated antimicrobial resistance 150000 Vellore
85  Dr.N.Ramesh SBST Characterization and genomic analysis of antibiotic tolerance and persistence versus resistance among E. coli, Klebsiella sp. and Enterobacter sp 250000 Vellore
86  Dr.Shanthi C SBST Development of functionalized collagen hydrogel by incorporation of bioactive collagen peptide for application in tissue engineering 250000 Vellore
87  Dr.W. Jabez Osborne SBST Metabolomic networking for the detection of interactive ligands in the textile effluent and application of various biosytems for the biodegradation of toxic compounds in textile effluents An effluent to potable water conversion strategy 250000 Vellore
88  Dr Kavitha Thirumurugan SBST Determination of Mechanism Underlying the Localization of Adipocyte Triglyceride Lipase and UBXD8 during Adipogenesis 250000 Vellore
89  Dr TB Sridharan SBST Edible Insects as a promising source of food for the Next Millennium 250000 Vellore
90  Dr Rajiniraja SBST Preservation of Packed Food Items by Odourless Garlic Extract Preparations   An Alternate to Chemical Preservatives 250000 Vellore
91  Dr M Ramesh Pathy SBST Formulation of Nano based extenders for better preservation of human semen sample and its validation by suitable biostatistical model 100000 Vellore
92  Dr EP Sabina SBST Evaluation of the efficacy of Madhuca longifolia flower in attenuating diclofenac-induced idiosyncratic drug toxicity in Wistar rats 250000 Vellore
93  Dr Kavitha Thirumurugan SBST Efficacy of organically synthesized lipoic acid derivative on Drosophila longevity 250000 Vellore
94  Dr Ramanathan k SBST Discovery of Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Signaling Pathways Inhibitors: A Paradigm Shift in the Cancer Therapy 500000 Vellore
95  Dr Kavitha M SBST Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of probiotic bacteria isolated from fermented fruit juices 250000 Vellore
96  Dr V Pragasam SBST Quantitative assessment of 5-Methylcytosine and 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine  enrichment on DNA for the early detection of Acute Kidney Injury 250000 Vellore
97  Dr Rajashekar R SBST Development of Database for Antimicrobial Peptides based on the assessment of amino acids associated with structural stabilization, membrane penetration and toxicity against antibiotic resistance pathogenic bacteria 250000 Vellore
98  Dr T B Sridharan SBST Sperm preservation with Eugenol containing Essential oil nano-emulsion 225000 Vellore
99  Dr. Padma Thiagarajan SBST Natural oil-Montanov 202 based nano emollient creams as a topical products for sun protection application 300000 Vellore
100  Dr.Pragasam Viswanathan SBST Method of Diagnosing kidney damage in diabetic patients using urinary CD36 ASA biomarker. 300000 Vellore
101  Dr.Priyankar Paira SBST Development on novel Ruthenium and Iridium based monometallic and heterodimetallic scaffolds and their nanoconjugates for photo catalysis, cancer thjeranostic, PDT and intercellular toxic element detection. 300000 Vellore
102  Dr Jayanthi Abraham SBST Microbial mediated management of E waste 250000 Vellore
103  Dr Asit Ranjan Ghosh SBST Ready to eat curd pCurd a step towards rural transformation 300000 Vellore
104  Dr. Priyanka Srivastava SBST In vivo evaluation of interaction of silk fibroin- and alginate- silver nanocomposites with Balb/c mice blood tissue and organs to determine their efficacy as silver coatings in biomedical implants 500000 Vellore
105  Dr. Sunita Nayak SBST Gelatin-based Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Conjugated with Ligand CD80 and VEGF antibody for Targeted Drug Delivery for Osteosarcoma 300000 Vellore
106  Dr. M. Ramesh Pathy SBST Production of Bioethanol from Agricultural Wastes Using Continuous Immobilized Reactor System for CRDI Engine Application to Satisfy BS VI norms (Euro VI) 300000 Vellore
107  Dr. Radha Sarawathy SBST Composition, kit and method of diagnosing asthma 400000 Vellore
108 Dr. S.Thirumalini SBST Ready Mix Herbo-Lime 500000 Vellore
109  Dr.S.Vasanthakumar SCE Extraction of urban green space using very high resolution world view of imaginary for vellore smartcity 250000 Vellore
110  Dr.A.Sofi SCE Behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete using cementatious Materials 300000 Vellore
111  Dr.S.Thirumalini SCE Replication of Ancient Lime plaster for restoration purpose at padmanabhapuram palace, Tamilnadu 200000 Vellore
112  Dr.S S Chandrasekar SCE Investigation on mechanism and remedial measures of landslides in Western Ghats 50000 Vellore
113 Dr. M.Uma Shankar SCE Characteristic of fly ash stabilised expansive clay layer rexisited in chemical environment 210000 Vellore
114  Dr. S. Shantha Kumar SCE Removal of Emerging Pollutants from Wastewater by Oxidation and Phycoremediation 300000 Vellore
115  Dr Jaykumar B Bhasarkar SCE To monitor the level of deforestation using Hyperspectral image processing techniques 300000 Vellore
116  Dr Muruganandam L SCHEME Separation of oil from oil-produced water by inverse fluidization of Graphene aerogels 250000 Vellore
117  Dr. Shishir Kumar Behera SCHEME Production of Biomass and Industrial Waste derived Fuel Precursors employing Sustainable Pathways and Industrial Symbiosis 300000 Vellore
118  Dr J N Swathi SCHEME Deep Learning for Person Re-identification in Surveillance Videos 900000 Vellore
119  Dr. srimathi SCOPE Enabling safe and smart city using IOT. 250000 Vellore
120  Dr.Vinodh Kumar E SCOPE Smooth Switching Control Design for Enhancing the Performance of Linear Systems 300000 Vellore
121  Dr.Sivabalan S SELECT Development of a narrow band optical fiber filter at 1060 nm wavelength 250000 Vellore
122  Dr.Ponnambalam P SELECT Investigation for extracting maximum power from PV-TEG systems 300000 Vellore
123  Dr.Elangovan D SELECT Implementation of Wireless Power Transmission Based Medium Power Electric Vehicle Powered by Renewable Energy Sources 200000 Vellore
124  Dr. Thirumalaivasan R SELECT Development of Static Compensator with Type-1 Controller for Voltage Control 80000 Vellore
125  Dr. Belwin Edward J SELECT Design and Development of  Smart Home Energy Management System 250000 Vellore
126  Dr. Bhaskar Mohan Murari SELECT Development of a sensor system for the detection of secretor antigen in saliva for early prediction of oral malignant disorders. 150000 Vellore
127  Dr. Kathirvelan J SENSE Development of ethylene sensing element. 225000 Vellore
128  Dr. Debashis Maji SENSE Development of Flexible and Wearable Polymer based Skin Mounted Health Monitoring Patch. 200000 Vellore
129  Dr. Zachariah C Alex SENSE Design and Development of cuffless BP measurement system. 50000 Vellore
130  Dr S Renuga Devi SENSE Hybrid Framework for Real Time Water Quality Monitoring and Early Warning System 300000 Vellore
131  Mr. Prakash SENSE W-Viewer View your remote camera mobile phone Wifi without internet support 300000 Vellore
132  Dr. Sakthivel. R SENSE High performance ECC processor Architecture 150000 Vellore
133  Dr. Vaegae Naveen Kumar SENSE Electronic Nose for Paneer quality monitoring in real-time conditions. 250000 Vellore
134  Dr. Elizabeth Rufus SENSE Development of wearable electronics device used for elderly health care monitoring by employing multi-sensor data fusion algorithm. 180000 Vellore
135  Dr. Arunkumar Chandrasekhar SENSE Development of Self-Powered Hybrid Smart Buoy as a Blue Energy Harvester and its Applications. 300000 Vellore
136  Dr. Kittur Harish Mallikarjun SENSE Lightning Modelling and Simulation. 180000 Vellore
137  Dr. J.B.Jeeva SENSE Design and Development of Photoacoustic Endoscopy system 250000 Vellore
138  Dr. Sivacoumar R SENSE Development of linear and non-linear optical materials for optoelectronics and environmental applications. 300000 Vellore
139  Dr. Ch. Aswani Kumar SENSE Intelligent Techniques for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection 300000 Vellore
140 Dr. M Prabukumar SITE To monitor the level of Deforestation using Hyperspectral image processing techniques 300000 Vellore
141  Dr. S. Sumathy SITE Development of an information portal to address the challenges faced by abandoned women in the society with special reference to State of Tamilnadu 250000 Vellore
142 Dr. L.Agilandeeswari SITE Thermal Imaging based Wild Animals Monitoring System 75000 Vellore
143  Dr. Divya Udhayan SITE Investigation on Geo-Information Processing Communication Technologies in Urban Governance Using CityGML in Indian scenario 250000 Vellore
144  Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan M SITE Experimental and Computational investigation of unsteady shock wave boundary layer interactions in high speed flows 125000 Vellore
145  Dr. B. Ashok SMEC Development of a Novel Carbon Capture Device using Doped Organic Compounds for Engine Applications and Recycling the Adsorbed Carbon for Print Ink Generation 300000 Vellore
146  Dr. Bibin John SMEC Computational and Experiential study of heat transfer Characteristics of  Non Newtonian fluids in  in doubly enhanced micro fin recuperator 300000 Vellore
147  Dr. G. Rajamurugan SMEC Effects of friction stir processing on the mechanical and tribological properties of Ti 6AL 4V alloy 150000 Vellore
148  Dr. K. Prabu SMEC A Modern Approach To Improve The Crashworthiness Of A Chassis Mounted Bus Body Structure For Indian Roads 150000 Vellore
149  Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta SMEC Design and development of a jet impingement experimental facility to investigate different parameters for cooling of multiple protruding discrete 100000 Vellore
150  Dr. A.K.Jeevanantham SMEC Deformation Study of Sintered Al and Mg hybrid composite alloys of powder metallurgical compacts during Cold Forging 150000 Vellore
151  Dr. Manikandan SMEC Comparative evaluation of joints produced by GTAW and PAW in 12 mm thick plates of maraging steel MDN 250 for microstructure micro segregation  strength and fracture toughness 175000 Vellore
152  Dr. Venkateshwarlu. B SMEC Development of High Wear Resistant Plasma Sprayed Coatings Produced from Carbon Nano Tube Doped Ceramic Powder Feedstock 150000 Vellore
153  Dr S Renold Elsen SMEC Vision system enhanced source seeking microphone 100000 Vellore
154  Dr. Ramakrishnan SMEC NANBAN 2.0 – A differently-abled friendly wheelchair with automatic transmission and narrow space steeering control by machine learning. 350000 Vellore
155  Dr K Jayakrishna SMEC Experimental and Computational investigation of unsteady shock wave boundary layer interactions in high speed flows 200000 Vellore
156  Dr. Thangaraja J SMEC Development of a low cost continuous emission monitoring system using IOT technology. 120000 Vellore
157  Dr Gaurav Dwivedi SMEC Heterogeneous Catalyst Derived from rice Husk Ash for Biodiesel Production 100000 Vellore
158  Dr Sreekanth M S SMEC Experimental Studies on Developing Water Purification Technologies using Membrane Distillation and utilizing Solar Energy 100000 Vellore
159  Dr. Ahankari Sandeep Sureshrao SMEC Melt Processing Feasibility of Nanocellulose Reinforced Polymer Bio/Green Composites for Mass Production 300000 Vellore
160  Dr Padmanabhan SMEC Development of Swaramandal 100000 Vellore
161  Dr Rajyalakshmi G SMEC Development of mechanical and anti-corrosive properties of titanium alloys through simulation based optimized Laser shock peening process for marine applications 200000 Vellore
162  Dr.S. Renold Elsen SMEC Mechanised waterless  odorless toilets 300000 Vellore
163  Dr. Denis Ashok SMEC Energy efficient Hybrid Human powered vehicle for public transportation and waste disposal 50000 Vellore
164  Dr. P. Anbarasan SMEC A study on the technology transfer process through farmers field Schools(FFS) in Vellore District. 100000 Vellore
165  Dr. Gomathy K VAIAL Ohmic heating of tomato paste 150000 Vellore
166  Dr. Saravanan S VAIAL Evaluation of soil compaction effects on crop growth, development and yield: A case study in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu. 150000 Vellore
167  Dr. Annie Jennifer M VAIAL Modeling of spatial and temporal variability of groundwater level in vellore District, Tamil Nadu. 150000 Vellore
168  Dr. Biswajitha Mohanty VAIAL Ground water (GW) quality monitoring of northern tamilnadu using hyperspectal remote sensing (HRS) techiques. 150000 Vellore
169  Dr. Lincy Kirubhadharsini VAIAL Biological control of perilous insect pests by beneficial microbes and elucidation of the probable mechanism. 150000 Vellore
170  Dr. Firdous VAIAL Assessment of soil ferility status in VIT Farm. 150000 Vellore
171  Dr.G.Kalaichelvan VAIAL Pest Infestation Classification in Tomato Plants with Deep Neural Networks 150000 Vellore
172  Dr. Jagan Mohan Obbineni VAIAL Efficient Detection of Plant Nutrient Deficiencies using Deep Neural Network and Neutrosophic Logic 300000 Vellore
173  Dr. T. Parthasarathi VAIAL Whole genome sequencing of indigenous rice genotypes from coastal Tamil Nadu with reference to salinity and ionic stress tolerance. 300000 Vellore
174  Dr.Sowbya Muneer VAIAL LED lighting technology in controlled environment-Fuelling the agricultural productivity 300000 Vellore
175  Dr. Saleem Ahmed S VAIAL Design and Development of An Ergonomically designed workstation For Cobblers 150000 Vellore
176  Dr. Ben Guida Djamil VSIGN Prototyping of an innovative biomaterial brick using mushrooms for Green Architecture  A transdisciplinary approach 300000 Vellore
177 Dr. Ben Guida Djamil VSPARC Prototyping of an innovative biomaterial brick using mushrooms for Green Architecture A transdisciplinary approach 300000 Vellore
1  Dr. Sunita Nayak CBCMT Cytomodulin functionalized poly chitosan-hyaluronic acid nanofiber based skin graft substitute doped with Neem oil nano formulations: In vitro and in vivo investigation of its angiogenic and antimicrobial effects for wound healing applications 150000 Vellore
2  Dr. V. P. Gurumoorthy CBCMT Vapour-liquid equilibrium of nitric acid-water system using ionic liquids 100000 Vellore
3  Dr. Debasish Mishra CBCMT Cis-Dichlorodiaminoplatinum (II), Antineoplastic Drug, Conjugated with Resorbable Polymer Repurposed as Antibiofilm agent coupled with Antibiotics for in situ Management of Diabetic Osteomyelitis: In vitro and rodent model based study 150000 Vellore
4 Dr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal CBCMT Development of Tissue Engineered Scaffolds for Reconstruction of Giant Cell Tumor Resected Bone Defects 150000 Vellore
5  Dr. Geetha Manivasagam CBCMT Engineering Superhemophobic nanostructured surfaces on superelastic Ni-free Ti based alloys for stent applications 100000 Vellore
6  Dr. Roshan Srivastav CDMM Effect of Climate Change on Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves 120000 Vellore
7  Dr Kiran Yarrakula CDMM Utilization of differential INSAR for slope monitoring in open cast mine 50000 Vellore
8  Dr. Arivarasu M CIMR Process Development For Critical Components In Boilers For Conversion Of Municipal Solid Waste To Energy 150000 Vellore
9  Dr. Jitendra Satija CNBT Design, Development and Application of Filter-free Fluorescence Foldscope 150000 Vellore
10  Dr John Thomas CNBT Marine Nutraceuticals for controlling bacterial infection in aquaculture 150000 Vellore
11  Dr  Penchalaiah Palla CNR High performance graphene quantum dot based hybrid photo detector 150000 Vellore
12  Dr  Raja Sellapan CNR Unassisted Solar Water Splitting for Hydrogen Production Using Nanostructured n-BiVO4 and p-Cu2O Tandem Photoelectrochemical Cell 75000 Vellore
13  Dr Krishnamoorthy CNR Development of efficient magnetic hyperthermia materials for cancer treatment 140000 Vellore
14  Dr. Veera Venkata Ramesh E SAS Solid Phase Chemical Synthesis of Homogeneous N Glycopeptides their Novel Analogues for Prospective Immunotherapy and Conformational Studies 300000 Vellore
15  Dr. Asharani I V SAS Textile Industry Waste Water Treatment   Development of Photocatalytic Process using Dendrimer Encapsulated Nanomaterials 100000 Vellore
16  Dr. Senthilkumar S SAS Ionic Liquid Functionalized Ultrasmall Metal Nanoclusters as High Performance Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation and Carbon Dioxide Conversion 300000 Vellore
17  Dr. Priyankar Sen SAS Development of Benzthiazole derivative grafted porous polymer incorporated microfluidic chips to screen and detect synthetic amyloid proteins and peptides from biological samples 50000 Vellore
18  Dr. N. Krishna Chandar SAS Fabrication of Hierarchical Cerium Oxide Nanostructures and Mesocrystals for Energy Storage Applications 100000 Vellore
19  Dr. Kaushik Chanda SAS Discovery of Potent Cyclometalated Heterocyclic Ru(II), Rh(III) and Ir(III) Complexes as Cancer Targeting Agents 150000 Vellore
20  Dr. Akhila Maheswari M SAS Designing of Ion Imprinted Polymers as Sensitive Chemo Sensors for Hg2 Ion Detection 300000 Vellore
21  Dr. Shobana M K SAS Improved nanomaterials as an anode meterial for lithium batteries 100000 Vellore
22  Dr. Madhumitha G SAS Indian fruits exocarps preparation of metal nanoparticles encapsulated in biological matrices as pesticides and its toxicological effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms 150000 Vellore
23  Dr. Ethiraj K R SAS Synthesis and Evaluation of new carbohydrate tethered analogues of 6 hydroxy 7methoxy 2 4 methoxy phenyl ethyl chromones for NF kb Inhibition 100000 Vellore
24  Dr. Madhvesh Pathak SAS Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Applications of Metallo-Organic Derivatives of Titanium Zirconium and Germanium 100000 Vellore
25  Dr. Sumathi S SAS Bismuth and Cerium doped spinel aluminates for environmental remediation 100000 Vellore
26  Dr. Palanisami N SAS Ferrocene Conjugated Y Shaped Chromophores as Potential Sensitizers in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with innovative Redox Mediators 285000 Vellore
27  Dr. Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat SAS Disruptive innovations in Lubricants and Greases 100000 Vellore
28  Dr. Rajagopal D SAS Versatility of ferulic acid scaffold: Fragment based discovery and characterization to interrogate MPO inhibition for cardiovascular disease (CVD) 100000 Vellore
29  Dr. Ramesh M Thamankar SAS A study of metal-insulator transition (M-I-T) at Nanoscale for sensing applications 25000 Vellore
30  Dr. Satish Kumar G SAS Fabrication of economical and long lasting heterogeneous fenton catalytic filter using iron based MOF for destruction of recalcitrant pharmaceuticals 300000 Vellore
31  Dr. Kannadasan S SAS Synthesis and Evaluation of Photophysical Properties of Linear and Angularly Fused Nitrogen, Sulphur and Oxygen Heterocycles 100000 Vellore
32  Dr. Karpagam S SAS Fabrication of DSSC device using new conjugated polymer functionalized schiff base sensitizer/TiO2 nanofiber for excellent PCE 150000 Vellore
33  Dr. Sarveswari S SAS Development  of  anti-mycobacterial agents: synthesis  and screening of novel Purine appended azaspiro analogues 100000 Vellore
34  Dr. Suresh Kumar V SAS Energy efficient green refrigeration by magnetic cooling 50000 Vellore
35  Dr. Manju S L SAS Design and development of novel COX-2/LOX inhibitors:  A new direction towards inflammatory and Cancer therapy 100000 Vellore
36  Dr. Sathiyanarayanan K SAS Production of pyrolysis oil from coconut shell by fast pyrolysis and finding the possibility of converting it into gasoline and diesel 150000 Vellore
37  Dr. Prabhakaran D SAS Structurally Designed Mesoporous Monolithic Framework as Smart Photo-catalysts for Visible Light Induced Photodegradation of Toxic Organic Pollutants 300000 Vellore
38  Dr. Sovan Roy SAS Anticancer activity of Ru(II) and Pt(IV) complexes in    apoptotic pathway by attacking the mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) 300000 Vellore
39  Dr. Mohana Roopan S SAS A marine analogues and its membrane damage mechanism on fish pathogens-design and cChemical transformations of penipanoid C and Luotonin F 150000 Vellore
40  Dr. Dhritiman Gupta SAS Solution Processed and Cost-effective Silicon-Organic Hybrid Solar Cell: A HIT (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thinlayer ) Solar Cell Analogue 300000 Vellore
41  Dr. Cheralathan K K SAS Fluoride and hydrofluoric acid free synthesis of conventional and hierarchically porous Sn containing zeotypes using  mesoporous silica and biomass 250000 Vellore
42  Dr.  Barnali Maiti SAS Microwave assisted synthesis of thiazolo 4 5 gquinoxalinone pyrazino2 3 pyrrolo1 2 a quinoxalinone and pyrrolodiazepino quinoxaline using novel bi functional ionic liquid support for anticancer therapeutics 150000 Vellore
43  Dr.  Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS Smart Organometallic Catalysts for Selective Olefin Oligomerization Reactions with Homo-, Hetero- and Functionalized Olefins 290000 Vellore
44  Dr.  Napoleon A A SAS Regio and sterio selective synthesis of hexahydro 5phenethyl 3phenyl pyrazolo pyrazolo 4 3 c pyridin 1 yl)(pyridin 4 yl)methanone derivatives as potent antibacterial and anticancer agents 100000 Vellore
45  Dr.  Sheela A SAS Design of Vanadate complexes based on Hydrazone and Semicarbazone ligands and their Antioxidant, Cancer cell cytotoxicity, Enzyme Inhibition and Gene expression studies 150000 Vellore
46 Dr. Himaja Malipeddi SAS Isolation and Identification of phytoconstituents Responsible for Antiurolithiatic Activity of Edible flowers of Phlogacanthusthyrsiformis 100000 Vellore
47  Dr. Ummal Momeen SAS Development of nanoscale magnetometry using Nitrogen vacancy center in Diamond 300000 Vellore
48  Dr. Vijayanand C SAS Shock processing of interstellar dust particles and materials 100000 Vellore
49  Dr. Priyankar Paira SAS Development of novel organoruthenium-biotin conjugates for biological imaging, sensing, and target delivery 150000 Vellore
50  Dr. V. Devi Rajeswari SBST Comparative proteome analysis of ulcerative colitis using Dextran Sodium Sulphate (DSS)-induced animal model: An access to drug targeting through biomarker 100000 Vellore
51  Dr. V.G.Abilash SBST Restoration of polycystic ovary syndrome condition by regulating the expression of ppar gamma in adipose tissue using palmitic and linolenic acid 100000 Vellore
52  Dr. M. Gayathri SBST Green synthesis of nanoparticles and evaluation of antidiabetic activity by in vitro and in vivo toxicological studies of the plants Hemidesmus indicus and Hygrophilaauriculata 200000 Vellore
53  Dr.  Vino.S SBST Pharmaco therapeutic evaluation of cheriya rasanadi kashayam an ayurvedic formulation for the mechanism of parp 1 regulation in tackling rheumatoid arthritis an integrated approach 150000 Vellore
54 Dr. V Shanthi SBST Development of Biomimetic Collagen  Hydroxyapatite Interface Material for Bone Implants 150000 Vellore
55 Dr.  Venkatraman M SBST Role of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) derived External Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in Toxicity Reduction and Sensitization of Antitumor Efficacy of Cisplatin, Implications in Therapy 200000 Vellore
56 Dr. Patel Trupti Navinchandra SBST Diet Related Incidence of Gastric Cancer in India A Diagnostic Relevance to O-6-methylguanine- DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) Mutations NSTMIS-CHORD 150000 Vellore
57  Dr. V. Mohanasrinivasan SBST Investigating the bioactive potential of fermented Beta Vulgaris using probiotic bacteria: Targeting vitamin B12 deficiency and human liver cancer cell lines hepG2 150000 Vellore
58 Dr.  W. Jabez Osborne SBST A metabolomic and metagenomic studies on the biodegradation ofreactive textile effluents a biofilm based bioreactor approach 200000 Vellore
59 Dr. Podili Koteswaraiah SBST Screening and Evaluation of Herbal Medicines for Inhibition of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and Identification of Novel AGE Inhibitors 200000 Vellore
60 Dr. R. Rajasekaran SBST Computational identification and experimental characterization of potential natural polyphenols derived from food sources to inhibit the accumulation of amylin amyloid in Type II Diabetes Mellitus 200000 Vellore
61 Dr. R.Vidya SBST Characterization of total and fractionalized chromium accumulation of different soilparticle sizes surrounding to tannery effluent discharge area and their probableremediation 150000 Vellore
62 Dr. N.Ramesh SBST Phage therapy to prevent the establishment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the infant gut 150000 Vellore
63 Dr. S. Venkat kumar SBST A biomimetic synthesis of selenium nanoparticles conjugated with nicotine for improving the chemotherapeutic efficacy against lung cancer and its application in Nicotine replacement therapy 200000 Vellore
64 Dr. Sajitha Lulu S SBST Exploration of novel molecular targets from inflammatory pathways for tackling arthritis associated dementia – a systems biology approach 200000 Vellore
65 Dr. R. Siva SBST Functionality Study of Ketocarotenoids on Melanin Synthesis: Deciphering the Inhibition Mechanism 200000 Vellore
66 Dr. R. Sudhakaran SBST Understanding of Microsporidian Parasite Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei in Penaeid Shrimp 150000 Vellore
67 Dr. R Tamizhselvi SBST Modulatory effect of hydrogen sulfide in acute pancreatitis and associated lung injury, through TGF Beta and Substance P pathway. 150000 Vellore
68 Dr. C Shanthi SBST Development of Biomimetic Collagen Hydroxyapatite Interface Material for Bone Implants 200000 Vellore
69 Dr. Padma Thiyagarajan SBST Alkyl polyglucoside – castor / neem oil based metal nanoformulations for delivery of Monocrotophos and Carbendazim to control stem borer and sheath blight induced infections in susceptible varieties of Oryza sativa L. 150000 Vellore
70 Dr. Asha Devi SBST Relative gene expression analysis of TGF-beta1 and CTGF of Biosynthesized Zinc oxide nanoparticles from Syzygium cumini L. in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy rats 150000 Vellore
71 Dr. Ramesh Pathy SBST Optimization and validation of suitable semen extenders preparation by biostatistical and artificial neural network models for long term cryopreservation of human semen sample 100000 Vellore
72 Dr. Anilkumar G SBST Metagenomic analysis on the microbial population of the High Background Radiation Area (HBRA) of Chavara-Neendakara placer deposit (Kerala) and Manavalakurichi (Tamil Nadu): a molecular approach on the adaptive strategies through transcriptomics 150000 Vellore
73 Dr. Sridharan T B SBST Leukocytospermia reduces semen quality in human -cause analysis and possible therapeutic study 150000 Vellore
74 Dr. M.Kavitha SBST Cold active lipase from a novel indigenous bacterium and its utilization in the enrichment of omega 3 poly unsaturated fatty acids PUFAs in select plant and fish oils 150000 Vellore
75 Dr. S .Mythili SBST Ligninolytic enzyme production using solid state fermentation from fungus isolated from rhizosphere soil of prosopis juliflora 132000 Vellore
76 Dr. Radha Saraswathy SBST Potentiation of hyperthermia therapy on cancer cells using magnetic nanoparticles 120000 Vellore
77 Dr. C. George Priya Doss SBST Neuroprotective efficacy and enhancement of neuromelanin in substantia nigra by selected medicinal plants exploring a remedy for Parkinsons disease 150000 Vellore
78 Dr. I. Manjubala SBST Development and Evaluation of hydrogels scaffolds for bonetissue engineering 150000 Vellore
79 Dr. Ravanan P SBST The Role of Interleukin-1 Receptor Associated Kinase 4 (IRAK4) in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress 150000 Vellore
80 Dr. Sonali Sengupta SBST Unravelling the role of SatIII non coding RNA in immortal cell lines and its correlation with p53 protein under cellular stress 150000 Vellore
81 Dr. Alka Mehta SBST Benzimidazolederivatives Application as Anti-Mycotoxins 150000 Vellore
82 Dr. Pragasam V SBST Microencapsulation of oxalate degrading bacterias for the management of Intestinal oxalate 150000 Vellore
83 Dr. Jayanthi A SBST Bioremediation of antibiotics in wastewater using consortium of indigenous fungi 150000 Vellore
84 Dr. Asit Ranjan Ghosh SBST Elucidation of probiotic role of Pediococcus pentosaceus GS4 in epigenetic modulation during colon cancer mitigation 100000 Vellore
85 Dr. Everette Jacob Remington N SBST Editing the coding sequence of the human CD18 gene using the CRISPR/Cas9 system 200000 Vellore
86 Dr. Kavitha Thirumurugan SBST Efficacy of rutin to promote FoxO mediated lifespan extension in Drosophila melanogaster 200000 Vellore
87  Dr Sudandira Doss SBST Theoretical and experimental studies on abatement of ventilation air methane mitigation using methanotropic bacteria 150000 Vellore
88 Dr. M Anbalagan SBST Role of p38 MAPK on IGF2BP1 function 200000 Vellore
89 Dr. B.Reena Rajkumari SBST Comparative genomic approach to reveal virulence gene cluster pattern among Group A Group C and Group G streptococci isolated from acute upper respiratory tract infections 19847 200000 Vellore
90 Dr. Mohana Priya A SBST Systems polypharmacology approach for identification of nexus genes of COPD and fabrication of inhalable microparticle coated drug 150000 Vellore
91 Dr. M. Rasool SBST Investigating the immunological mechanisms that underpin beneficial effects of black tea on rheumatoid arthritis an experimental study 200000 Vellore
92 Dr. K.Kannabiran SBST Characterization of marine actinomycetes derived antibacterial compounds as inhibitors of quorum sensing (QS) and bacterial biofilm formationby the drug resistant bacterial pathogens and to develop a QSnano-inhibitor to control the urinary catheter mediat 150000 Vellore
93  Dr. K Ramanathan SBST High Throughput Drug Repurposing Initiatives to Accelerate the Drug Discovery Pipelines for Influenza and Zika Viral Pathogenesis 150000 Vellore
94 Dr. K.M.Gothandam SBST Title of the project proposal :A molecular approach to study the synergistic effect of Zingiberofficinale (Fresh and Dried) and Terminalia chebula against mammary carcinogenesis 200000 Vellore
95 Dr. C.Subathradevi SBST Discovery of new thrombolytic drugs from marine actinomycetes 200000 Vellore
96 Dr. C. Immanuel Selvaraj SBST Cardio-protective activity of selective alkaloids from Nelembo nucifera Gaertn. against drug induced cardiotoxity using in vitro and in vivo models 150000 Vellore
97 Dr. Babu S SBST, CBST Development and validation of signature peptide-proteome biomarkers for improved and precise detection of root wilt infection in coconut 200000 Vellore
98 Dr. S.Jayanthi SBST Isolation, purification and characterization of bioactive compounds from seaweed (Portieria hornemannii) 150000 Vellore
99 Dr. T Meena SCE Experimental investigation of properties of Ternary blended concrete with Perlite powder and Silica fuma under elevated temperature 100000 Vellore
100 Dr. Bhaskar Das SCE Preliminary Investigation of Constructed Wasteland Microbial Fuel Cell (CW-MFC) using halophyte plants for treating RO Reject water and sustainable power generation 190000 Vellore
101 Dr. S Thirumalini SCE Traditional and scientific study on Calcium CO2 capture technologies of Heritage Materials 100000 Vellore
102  Dr. G.S.Nirmala SCE Characteristics of Immobilised enzyme in a liquid solid circulating fluidized bed bio reactor(lscfb) for Gallic acid production from industrial effluent 300000 Vellore
103  Dr. Dipesh S Patle SCE, SCE A Study on Wrong-way Driving Behaviour and Mitigation Measures to Enhance Road Safety 50000 Vellore
104  Dr. Chitra D SCE Agitation induced coagulation and flocculation process for the treatment of grey water 170000 Vellore
105  Dr.R.Sasikala SCOPE Connecting pediatricians through cloud and early diagnosis of autism in children by pervasive eye tracking and video analytics 150000 Vellore
106  Dr. Rajasekhara Babu SCOPE Design and Development of Digital assistance system for visually impaired persons Impaired Eye 75000 Vellore
107 Dr. J. Anuradha SCOPE Data Analytics Spatial environmental factors for cutting down epidemology 200000 Vellore
108  Dr. Swarnalatha p SCOPE A GIS Cloud based approach for precision farming through wireless sens for vellore districtor 75000 Vellore
109  Dr.Don.Sasikumar SCOPE A CPS Framework For Automated Assessment of Asthma Monitoring in Rural Population 120000 Vellore
110  Dr. Rajakumar SCOPE In Campus Mobile App for Cab Location Identification and Automatic Cash deduction Using Raspberry pi, GSM, GPS and RFID 140000 Vellore
111  Dr. Geetha Mani SELECT Wireless Wearable ECG Prototype Development with Fuzzy Inference System 30000 Vellore
112 Dr. Indragandhi V SELECT Solar Fed PMSM Based Water Pumping and Smart Irrigation System to Farmers in Remote Villages 150000 Vellore
113 Dr. Umashankar S SELECT Prediction and Condition Monitoring of VFD By Machine Learning Algorithm for Pumping Application 120000 Vellore
114  Dr. S Vivekanandan SELECT Brain stimulator and electrode glove for stroke rehabilitation 75000 Vellore
115 Dr. Raghunathan T SELECT Solution of the Dynamic Optimization Problem by Metaheuristic Methods 50000 Vellore
116 Dr. K R Prabhu SELECT Design of Experimental Bed for the Prevention of Decubitus Ulcers 162000 Vellore
117 Dr. Mahendra  V Chilukuri SELECT Smart Microgrid for Transactive Energy Implementation in a Smart Community 188000 Vellore
118 Dr. Sharmila A SELECT A framework of signal processing techniques for the development of pattern recognition algorithms to detect Epileptic Seizure using Electroencephalography (EEG) records 150000 Vellore
119 Dr. Rajasekar N SELECT Real Time Investigation on the Challenges involved in Fault Detection of PV Systems 200000 Vellore
120 Dr. Vinodh Kumar E SELECT Variable Gain Integral Control Design for Performance Improvement of LTI Systems 200000 Vellore
121 Dr. Ruban N SELECT Design and Development of Smart Sensing System for Cardio Pulmonary Sound Signals 48500 Vellore
122 Dr. Prabhakar Karthikeyan S SELECT IoT Based Effective Energy Management From Solar at VIT 132000 Vellore
123  Dr. Debashish Maji SENSE Chemical Micromachining of PDMS elastomer for Flexible Biosensor development. 30000 Vellore
124 Dr. J. Christopher Clement SENSE Smart Communications for Smart Grid 196000 Vellore
125  Dr. Sasikumar P SENSE Internet based Connected City using Secured Smart Network 150000 Vellore
126  Dr. DharaniBai G SENSE Design and Development of a Prototype for Intelligent Home Energy Management System for the Optimization of Energy consumption 150000 Vellore
127  Dr. Elizabeth Rufus SENSE Ultrasonic Characterization and Development of a Sensor System for Detection of Adulteration in Edible Oil 200000 Vellore
128  Dr. R. Sivacoumar SENSE Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration detection of bridges using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 200000 Vellore
129  Dr.Lakshmi Priya G G SITE Human action recognition in unconstrained videos 150000 Vellore
130  Dr. Divya Udhayan SITE Indian Heritage Reconstruction and Augmented Reality Based Rendering Over Real Space 100000 Vellore
131 Dr. Raghuraman. D.R.S. SMEC Energy harvesting from piezoelectric actuators 100000 Vellore
132  Dr. B. Muralidharan SMEC Manufacturing Shape Memory Alloy (Binary composition and Ternary composition) in Single Pulse Shock Tubes 75000 Vellore
133  Dr. K.Venkatesan SMEC Comparative performance analysis based on machinability indices on Nimonic alloy 75 using Nano-fluid in MQL, cryogenic-fluid and laser 150000 Vellore
134  Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma SMEC Characterisation of working pairs to estimate the performance of gas-solid sorption simultaneous heating and cooling system 150000 Vellore
135  Dr. Ananda Babu A SMEC Non-linear Dynamic Characterization of Multi-functional CNT Reinforced Honeycomb Hybrid Tapered Composite Sandwich Plates under Thermal Environment 50000 Vellore
136  Dr.B.Venkateshwarlu SMEC Development of High Wear Resistant Plasma Sprayed Coatings Produced from Carbon Nano Tube Doped Ceramic Powder Feedstock 190000 Vellore
137  Dr.G.Venkatachalam SMEC Dynamic characteristics of sandwich structures with balsawood as core and CNT / woven flax fiber fabric reinforced bio-polymer laminated composite as face sheet 200000 Vellore
138  Dr. Akash Mohanty SMEC CNTs/Graphene/Nano Diamond/Glass Reinforced Polymer Based Hybrid Nano Composites for High Performance Industrial Applications. 50000 Vellore
139  Dr. M. Anthony Xavior SMEC Development and property evaluation of Graphene / CNT reinforced Al-Si alloy matrix functionally graded composites 200000 Vellore
140  Dr. M Rajesh SMEC Hygro-Thermal Buckling and Vibration Behaviour of Stiffener Used in Aero Wing Made of Hybrid Microballoon Reinforced Syntactic Foam Sandwich Composite 125000 Vellore
141  Dr.M.Manikandan SMEC Studies on laser-GMA-hybrid welding of Maraging steel MDN 250 75000 Vellore
142  Dr.C.Pandivelan SMEC Preparation of Cellulose Nano Fibers and Material Characterization of Cellulose Nano Fibers Reinforced polymer matrix Composites 100000 Vellore
143  Dr.A.S.S.Balan SMEC Design and development of magnetorheological damper assisted low plasticity burnishing of super alloys under cryogenic environment 200000 Vellore
144  Dr. Edwin Sudhagar P SMEC Enhancement of First Ply and Progressive Plies Failure Loads of Composite Plates using CNT Reinforcement 50000 Vellore
145  Dr. R. Ramanujam SMEC Development of Cryo-treated Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (C-WEDT 130000 Vellore
146  Dr. Narendra Kumar U SMEC Developing a poly-urethane based composite as smart material. 100000 Vellore
147  Dr. Raja  Annamalai SMEC Microwave sintering of particulate reinforced tungsten heavy alloy composites for defence application 150000 Vellore
148  Dr. M. Ganapathi SMEC Non linear Material Characterization of Multi functional CNT Reinforced Hybrid Honeycomb Core and its Structural Response Assessment in Integrated Sandwich Shells  Numerical and Experimental Study 150000 Vellore
149  Dr. Prashant Kumar SSL Imparting descriptive writing skills to higher secondary school students of vellore district 25000 Vellore
150  Dr. Thenmozhi SSL Womens Empowerment through environment conservation activities A case study  of women self help  groups in vellore district 30000 Vellore
151  Dr. S. Usha SSL The Effectiveness of Environmental and Associated Legislations Concerning Beedi Rolling Industry in Vellore District 50000 Vellore
1  Dr. Geetha Manivasagam CBCMT Effect of shot peening and Laser/shock peening on Low Cycle Fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V(Grade 5) alloy and Ti-6Al-4V-ELI /Grade 23 Alloy. 280000 Vellore
2  Dr. Dwaipayan Sen CBCMT Transcriptome/miRNAome signature change in delta opioid agonist induced survival of murine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) ex vivo- implications in cardiac regeneration following myocardial infarction. 300000 Vellore
3  Dr. Velmurugan. V CNR Chitosan based antimicrobial polymer matrix for pathogenic bone diseases and tissue engineering applications. 283000 Vellore
4  Dr. Anita Sagadevan Ethiraj CNR Synthesis and Investigation of Graphene Quantum dots for Biological Applications. 50000 Vellore
5  Dr. Niroj Kumar Sahu CNR Study of Luminescence properties of Lanthanides doped Phosphors Nanomaterials. 50000 Vellore
6  Dr. Senthil Kumar  A SAS Development of Stable and Redox Active Inorganic/Organic Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Modified Electrodes: In-sight Studies using Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM) and Electro-catalytic/Bio-eletrocatalytic Applications. 300000 Vellore
7  Dr. Rajagopal D SAS Improving neurovascular outcomes with synergistic neuroprotective effects by chemically modified phytoconjugates with administrable nano carrier for focal ischemia / reperfusion induced brain injury. 244000 Vellore
8  Dr. Balamurali M. M SAS Regulation of the Mgm1p GTPase involved in mitochondrial fusion. 300000 Vellore
9 Dr. C. K. Subramaniyam SAS Energy conversion through electrolytic concentration gradients 100000 Vellore
10 Dr. Barnali Maiti SAS Microwave assisted synthesis of novel designer bifunctional ionic liquid and application for small molecule synthesis with important bioactivity. 300000 Vellore
11  Dr. Badal Kumar Mandal SAS Exposure study of metallochlorophyllins and its derivatives via beverages and food commodities after speciation of their metabolites in human biological samples 302000 Vellore
12  Dr. Buvaneswari. G SAS A study on natural, substituted and supported apatite phosphates for catalytic properties 150000 Vellore
13  Dr. Kalainathan. S SAS Growth of CuGaS2 single crystals by vertical Bridgman technique for photovoltaic applications. 300000 Vellore
14  Dr. Madhumitha SAS Annona squamosa fruit peel: Malleable resource for the identification of the biolarvicidal alkaloids and its ecological effects 300000 Vellore
15  Dr. Mohana Roopan SAS Role of Moringa oleifera peel for the preparation of nano photo catalyst towards the degradation of environmental priority pollutant and its ecological effects on aquatic organism. 70000 Vellore
16  Dr. Sarweswari. S SAS Design and synthesis of fluorescent pyrazoline derivatives as OLED materials. 300000 Vellore
17 Dr.  Thirumanavalan G SAS Synthesis and Characterization of Ruthenium and Palladium N-Heterocylic Carbene Complexes Appended with Naphthalimide Naphthalenediimide perylene diimide and fluorene moiety Exploitation of stacking in homogeneous catalysis 299737 Vellore
18  Dr. Sasikumar. S SAS Indo-Egypt Project on Photocatalyst Preparation of Wollastonite from Bio-wastes and its application to Concrete strength enhancement (CSIR). 250000 Vellore
19  Dr. Sathyanarayanan. K SAS Synthesis, photophysical and electrochemical studies of amide-fluorophore dimers. Applications in fluorescence dyes. 290000 Vellore
20  Dr. U. Vijayalakshmi SAS Novel functionally graded strontium phosphosilicate coatings on Ti-6Al-4V and its in vitro corrosion resistance behaviour in Simulated Body Fluid solution for Biomedical Applications. 300000 Vellore
21  Dr. Sumathi S SAS Synergic effect of bismuth and copper (in ferrite nanoparticles) on the degradation of industrial dyes and disinfection of water. 278000 Vellore
22  Dr. Thenmozhi K SAS Development of Potent Solid Dispersion Systems for Enhancing the Solubility of Piperine, Curcumin and Azadirachtin towards Drug and Pesticide Delivery Systems. 240000 Vellore
23  Dr. Vijayaraghavan  R SAS Oxides based New photocatalysts  Antimicrobials. 300000 Vellore
24  Dr. Ethiraj KR SAS Modulation of intracellular production of c-di-GMP by interaction of various triazoles analogues for biofilm inhibition. 100000 Vellore
25  Dr. Karpagam S SAS Synthesis and characterization of low band gap Thiophene based donor-acceptor conjugated polymer for photovoltaic applications. 300000 Vellore
26  Dr. Kaushik Chanda SAS Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Cyclometalated Heterocyclic C-N, N-N Ru(II), Rh(III) and Ir(III) Complexes as Potential Anticancer Agents. 250000 Vellore
27  Dr. Manju SL SAS Novel thiazole based chalcones as 5-LOX/COX-2 dual    inhibitors: Synthesis, mechanistic studies and lead compound identification. 300000 Vellore
28  Dr. Priyankar paira SAS Design, Targeting and PET Imaging of A3 D3 Receptor Antagonists as Antipsychotics and anticancer. 300000 Vellore
29  Dr. Santha Kumar K SAS Organic Semiconductors for cost effective electricity generation: Challenges towards high efficiency and stability submitted to DST- Clean Energy Research Initiative(CERI) project. 300000 Vellore
30  Dr. S. Rajasekhara Reddy. SAS Design and synthesis of nature inspired novel sugar based biomolecules for selective sequestration of toxic heavy metal from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) leachate and its application on fine chemical synthesis. 150000 Vellore
31  Dr.Priyanka Srivastava SBST Response of alginate-encapsulated silver nanoparticles and adipocyte stem cells in the treatment of burn wounds 300000 Vellore
32 Dr.  R. Tamizhselvi SBST Potential therapeutic applications and mechanism of diallyl disulfide in acute pancreatitis and associated lung injury 300000 Vellore
33 Dr. Venkat Kumar S SBST Molecular characterization and screening of novel anti-cancer peptides form the endophytic microbes 50000 Vellore
34  Dr. Shanthi  V SBST Tackling Lung Cancer Drug Resistance in INDIA: An Integrated Drug Repurposing Strategies. 300000 Vellore
35  Dr. Sridharan T.B SBST Studies on antioxidant properties of green tea and its influence on enhancing male fertility 234000 Vellore
36  Dr. Debasish Mishra SBST Chitosan based antimicrobial polymer matrix for pathogenic bone diseases and tissue engineering applications 300000 Vellore
37  Dr. Jayanthi S SBST Development of Macro Algal Function Annotation tool: A web-based database to integrate transcriptome data of marine macro algae to unravel key genes behind its anticancer properties 300000 Vellore
38  Dr. Vimala. R SBST Graphene Oxide Mediated Antocancer Drug Delivery: A Complete Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analysis(In Vitro  In Vivo) 180000 Vellore
39  Dr. Sudhakaran. R SBST Development of electrochemical immuno sensor based detection method for white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) of penaeid shrimp 300000 Vellore
40  Dr. Abul Kalam Azad Mandal SBST Identification of novel microRNAs involved in the modulation of lung cancer related genes by tea polyphenols. 300000 Vellore
41  Dr. Abhilash. V. G SBST Profiling of Circulating  Micro RNAs in  Urinary Exsomes of  Polycystic Ovarian  Syndrome: A Potential non-invasive biomarkers. 300000 Vellore
42  Dr. Babu S SBST Genome-wide antisensing of chitinase miRNA towards developing rice plants pre-resistant to insects and fungal pathogens. 300000 Vellore
43  Dr. Gayatri Gopinath. M SBST Investigation on novel drug from endophytic fungi for superbugs  carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE) in selected mangrove plants of Pichavaram forest, South India. 252000 Vellore
44  Dr. Kavitha Thirumurugan SBST Modulatory mechanism of naringenin on autophagy 300000 Vellore
45  Dr. Siva Kumar A SBST Development of potent inhibitors of specific Elapidae snake venom enzymes through QSAR approaches 182000 Vellore
46  Dr. Ramanathan. K SBST Drug Repurposing Combined with Nanoencapsulation Strategies to Overcome Drug Resistance Pattern in Lung Cancer 300000 Vellore
47  Dr. Asit ranjan Ghosh SBST Molecular characterization of novel pathogen Laribacter hongkongensis causing gastroenteritis. 320000 Vellore
48  Dr. Jayanthi Abraham SBST Degradation of low density polyethylene by microorganisms through biobed and development of low cost powder formulation of the potential strains. 300000 Vellore
49  Dr. Gothandam KM SBST Modulatory effect of glycosylated compounds from marine actinobacteria against Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced inflammation. 300000 Vellore
50  Dr. Pragasam Viswanathan SBST Management of intestinal oxalate by probiotic preparation of oxalate degrading bacterial consortium. 302000 Vellore
51  Dr. Amit Kumar  Jaiswal SBST Scaffold mediated dual delivery of cells and bioactive molecules for bone regeneration in dental and orthopaedic applications 300000 Vellore
52  Dr. Vidya Iyer SBST An in vitro study of the effects of two mitochondriotoxic compounds on ovarian cancer and pre-adipocyte cells 300000 Vellore
53  Dr. V. Devi Rajeswari SBST Couroupita guianensis assisted AuNPs synthesis for improved anti diabetic property. 300000 Vellore
54  Dr. Dr. Manjubala  I SBST Design and development of Novel polymeric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 300000 Vellore
55  Dr. Suthindhiran K SBST Construction of Polyketite Synthase, Non ribosomal synthetase gene library and natural product library from cultivable and uncultivable marine actinomycetes for bioprospecting. 300000 Vellore
56  Dr. Sunita Nayak SBST Load Bearing 3D-Printed Biomemtic Silk Fibroin-TCP Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering 300000 Vellore
57  Dr. Ravanan P SBST Synthetic Oleanane Triterpenoids as Targets for Neuroblastoma Differentiation Therapy 300000 Vellore
58  Dr. Ramalingam  C SBST climate change and its impact on the human being. 300000 Vellore
59  Dr. Priti Talwar SBST An in-silico and in-vitro approach to design and validate inhibitors targeting Death Associated Protein Kinase-1 (DAPK1) involved in Endoplasmic Reticulum stress response pathways for neurodegenerative diseases. 190000 Vellore
60  Dr. Sudandira Doss  C SBST Venominformatics approach for identifying new drug leads from anticoagulant Proteins present in snake venoms 300000 Vellore
61  Dr. Ramesh Pathy M SBST Studies on antioxidant properties of green tea and its influence on enhancing male fertility 261000 Vellore
62  Dr. Jayasri MA SBST Development of commercially viable organic fertilizer cum biofungicide from marine algae 300000 Vellore
63  Dr. Jayaraman. G SBST Investigation of flavonoids and sterols as potential inhibitors of selected snake venom proteins of Naja naja atra 300000 Vellore
64  Dr. Everrete Jacob Remington N SBST The role of hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum stress in the development of metabolic disorders 300000 Vellore
65  Dr. Baskar Mohan Murari SBST Design and development of a minimally invasive device for the percutaneous replacement of diseased mitral valve 94000 Vellore
66 Dr. Nirmala G S SCE Hydrodynamics and mass Transfer studies in a Liquid solid Circulating Fluidized Bed using an optical fiber probe. 220000 Vellore
67  Dr. Santhi  A.S SCE Utilising overburden soil of NLC Mines, Neyveli    for construction activities. 295000 Vellore
68  Dr. Vasantha Kumar S SCE Development of knowledge product on road safety education to create awareness for students of higher secondary schools in vellore, Tamilnadu . 66000 Vellore
69  Dr. Roshan Karan Srivatsav SCE Understanding the Effects of Climate Change on Groundwater Levels 135000 Vellore
70  Dr. Hareesh  M SCE Investigation on Post Buckling Strength of Cold Formed Steel Columns affected by Local  Distortional Interaction Mode Instability. 300000 Vellore
71 Dr. Muruganandam L SCE Experimental studies on hydrolysis of complex hydride for hydrogen generation 257000 Vellore
72  Dr. Venkata Ravibabu Mandla SCE En route to sustainable development: An exploratory relationship between vehicle emissions and travel behavior using spatial technology. 50000 Vellore
73  Dr. Dipesh S. Patle SCE Transesterification route to produce biodiesel from microalgae: Synthesis and process design for commercial implementation. 235000 Vellore
74  Dr. Neeraja D SCE Influence of industrial waste water on strength properties of concrete. 300000 Vellore
75  Dr. Saladi S. V. Subbarao SCHEME A Multi criterion vehicle routing plan for solid water management system using GIS based tools 80000 Vellore
76  Dr. S. Prabhu SCOPE A GIS cloud based approach for precision farming through wireless sensor networks for Vellore district, Tamil Nadu 140000 Vellore
77  Dr. Prabhu  K.R SELECT A frugal solar power generation system with modular seven level inverter enriched by efficient control strategies for a tribal school. 300000 Vellore
78  Dr. Sudha  R SELECT Design and development of Wearable Electrocardiography (ECG) systems 300000 Vellore
79  Dr. Subramanian  K SELECT Energy conversion through electrolytic concentration gradients. 150000 Vellore
80 Dr. Saravana Kumar R SELECT Automatic steering using ultracapacitor. 300000 Vellore
81  Dr. Sivabalan. S SELECT Development of a Compact and Stable Hybrid Mode-locked Fiber Laser 298000 Vellore
82  Dr. Meikandasivam  S SELECT IoT based Substation Energy Monitoring 317000 Vellore
83  Dr. Arulmozhivarman. P SELECT Development of SDOCT based high-speed compact OCT Imaging system. 300000 Vellore
84  Dr. Vinod Kumar E SELECT Dynamic Modelling and Vibration Control of Rotary  Flexible Link  Manipulator 50000 Vellore
85  Dr. Umashankar  S SELECT Real Time Simulation of Variable Frequency Drives and Its Performance Analysis on Power Quality Disturbances. 300000 Vellore
86  Dr. Sarath Kumar Sahu SELECT Development of Solar Photovoltaic Air Conditioner 272500 Vellore
87  Dr. Jeeva  J.B SENSE Development of an optical system and software for capillary imaging 300000 Vellore
88  Dr. J. Kathirvelan SENSE Investigation on solid electrolyte based electrochemical gas sensor for multi-gas detection application 300000 Vellore
89  Dr. Rajkumar  E.R SENSE Electrochemical and Optical Imaging Device Technologies. 300000 Vellore
90  Dr. Dr. Sambavi SENSE Development of a low cost PEF device 150000 Vellore
91  Dr. Prasanna M SITE Design and Development of predictive Health aware HEALASAN Kit for yoga practitioners using MetaHeuristics approach 70000 Vellore
92  Dr. Anil PM SMEC Characterization  of Tribiofilms Formed with Zinc Dialkyl Dithio Phosphate (ZDDP) in Bio Lubricants and blends with base oil. 275000 Vellore
93  Dr. Narendra Kumar  U SMEC Developing a poly-urethane based composite as smart material. 300000 Vellore
94  Dr. Mohan Jagadeesh Kumar SMEC Thermo-Hydraulic Measurements in Enhanced Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. 376680 Vellore
95  Dr. Saralasrita Mohanty SMEC Development of Root-Analogue dental Implant System from Yttria-Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal (Y-TZP). 300000 Vellore
96 Dr. Vasudevan R SMEC Structural Optimization and Enhancement of Stiffness and Damping of CNT Reinforced Honeycomb Hybrid Tapered Composite Sandwich Plates under Hygrothermal Environment 300001 Vellore
97  Dr. Raghuraman SMEC Energy harvesting from piezoelectric actuators. 200000 Vellore
98  Dr. Senthilnathan N SMEC Processing of Tungsten Heavy alloys through powder metallurgy route. 213000 Vellore
99  Dr. Venkatachalam  G SMEC Dynamic characteristics of woven aloe vera fabric/ hybrid polymer uniform and thickness tapered shallow honeycomb sandwich composite shells. 155300 Vellore
100  Prof.Senthil Kumar P SMEC Theoretical Investications and modeling of a double acrew Hydrogen extuder. 474000 Vellore
101  Dr.Soumen Pal SMEC Ballistic Performance Evaluation of High Strength and High Damping Capacity magnesium Allooys and Caramic Corposites for futate Armor Applications. 298000 Vellore
102 Dr. Pankaj Balkrishna Tambe SMEC Development and Testing of polytertrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Nanocomposites water lubricated Bearing for marine Applications. 298759 Vellore
103  Dr. Venkatachalam. G SMEC Dynamic characterization and Progressive Failure Analysis of bio composite plate in hygrothermal environment 50000 Vellore
104  Dr. Ananda Babu  A SMEC Structural Optimization and Enhancement of Stiffness and Damping of  CNT Reinforced Honeycomb Hybrid Tapered Composite Sandwich Plates under Hygrothermal Environment 76000 Vellore
105  Dr. Anthony Xavior  M SMEC Investigations on Processing of Aluminum Alloy (AA) based Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) through Metal Injection Molding (MIM) 300000 Vellore
106  Dr. S K Ariful Rahaman SMEC Carbon Nanomaterials Grown on Hollow Glass Microspheres by CVD Technique and their Application in Syntactic Foam 300000 Vellore
107  Dr. Thangaraja  J SMEC Evaluation of Material Compatibility of the Conventional Diesel Injection System with Biofuels 164000 Vellore
108  Dr. Raja Annamalai A SMEC Fabrication of Novel Ceramic Composites by Microwave Sintering 300000 Vellore
109  Dr. Rammohan A TIFAC Design of  IOT Enabled Engine Lubrication Oil Contamination Detection System for Improving Fuel Efficiency. 250000 Vellore
110  Dr. Ganesan. K TIFAC Foot Pressure distribution measurement system. 300000 Vellore
1 Dr. Pijush Samui CDMM Numerical Modeling of chip formation and Rock fragmentation during rock cutting. 300000 Vellore
2 Dr. Shiva shankar M SAS Fabrication and Photorotic Perfermance of Balls batterunching solar CIII and for copy Effecting Convenasion of solar Energy in to Electrcum 300000 Vellore
3 Dr.Kaushik Chandra SAS Aqueous phase synthesis of palladium Nanocrystals with systematics shape Evolution and study ther facet-dependent activitiy in organic transfamation and formic acid electro oxidution. 300000 Vellore
4 Dr. N. Padmavathy SAS Green synthesis and photothermal Ablation study of nanocrystals of CuX, SnX and their composites (x-s, se, Te). 300000 Vellore
5 Dr. K. Santha Kumar SAS Poymer – Fullerene bulk heterojuntion ogganic solar Cells: Challenges towards high effcicency and stability for cost effective electricity generation. 300000 Vellore
6 Dr.Pundlik Rambhau Bhapat SAS Synthesis and cytosoxicity studies of Ag, Au,Cu pt complexes of Imiduzolium based hybrid lonic liquids containing various Heterocycles. 300000 Vellore
7 Dr.U. Vijayalaksmi SAS Development of Strontium Phosphoilicate glass coatings on Ti-6AI – 4V Inplant to enhance the corrosion resistant, bioctivity and bone regeneration for long tern orthopedic applications. 300000 Vellore
8 Dr. Mary Saral SAS Synthesis snd Characterization of Biodegradable Nanoparticle for Vaccine delivery in Aquatic Animals. 300000 Vellore
9 Dr. Bhaskar Rao SBST Apprisal of antiviral activity of marine actinobacterial protease inhibitors Against Chikungunya Virus. 300000 Vellore
10 Dr. K. M. Gothandam SBST Gene Based Screening and Isolation of Potential Compounds from Marine Microoganisms. 300000 Vellore
11 Dr. Sudandira Dass SBST Machine Leaning algorithm development using 300000 Vellore
12 Dr. R. Siva SBST Biotechnological Approach to Biosynthesis of Bixin-An industrially important Natural food colorant. 300000 Vellore
13 Dr. E. R. Rajkumr SBST Design and Development of hand held optical Imaging system for functional analysis of internal organs. 300000 Vellore
14 Dr.V.Devi Rajeswari SBST Couroupita guianensis assisted AuNPs synthesis for improved anti diabetic property. 300000 Vellore
15 DR.I.Manjubala SBST A novel bilayer composite material for bone graft applications. 300000 Vellore
16 Dr. Abudul kalam Azad Mandal SBST, SBST Pre – Clinical Studies on the role of green tea polyphonols / EGCG nanoparticlas for Cancer therapy. 300000 Vellore
17 Dr. Anil Kumar Gopinath SBST Diversification, Physiological Specialization, and Cryptic endemisms incrabs inhabiting the biodiversity and the eco-physiological strategies of branchyuvans in indian and German rivers and mangoroves. 300000 Vellore
18 Dr. Asit Ranjan Ghosh SBST Isolation and Molecular characterization of gastroenteritis causing emerging pathogen, Laribacter Hongkohgenisi from freshwater environs and food samples. 300000 Vellore
19 Dr. W. Jabez Osorne SBST A Metabolomic approach on the bioremoval of Chromium using Hydraponics. 300000 Vellore
20 Dr. Priyaka Srivastava SBST Response of alginate – encapsulated silver nanoparticles and adipocyte stem edls in the treatment of burn wounds. 300000 Vellore
21 Dr. Ramanathan K SBST Drug repurposing combined with nanoencapsulation strategies to overcome Drug resistance pattern in lung cancer and development of Drug Repurposing database. 300000 Vellore
22 Dr. M. A. Jayasri SBST Development of Commercially Viable organic fertilizer cum biofungicide from marine algae. 300000 Vellore
23 Dr.Chandra mouli SCOPE Copyright protection of digital images using game theory and graph theory models. 300000 Vellore
24 Dr. M. Anbarasi SCOPE GIS Based Crop Disease Predicsion using image Processing and mining Technigues. 300000 Vellore
25 Dr. Margret Anouncia SCOPE Web service and Ontology based sematic Information systems for Grid based satellite Image Processing Environment. 300000 Vellore
26 Dr. Arun Kumar SCOPE Geo spatical based big data computational Approch for rainfall indneed landlide Risk Analysis. 300000 Vellore
27 Dr. S. Saravanan SELECT Design and Development of microgrid to reduce the dependability on main grid by coordination Electric spring and super capacitors during generation Uncertaintes. 300000 Vellore
28 Dr.Saratkumar sahoo SELECT Design and development of solar panal cleaning robot for efficient energy producation. 300000 Vellore
29 Dr. R. Sudha SELECT Mobility support for health monitoring at old age Home using wearble sensors for elderly. 300000 Vellore
30 Dr. M. Arun SENSE Inland water Quality monitoring using remote sensing Image and Wriless sensore Network (WSN) Chennai and Tiruvallur Districts.(TN) 300000 Vellore
31 Dr. Vijayakumar SENSE Designing 9mm-Wave Automotive Radar system for driver assistance. 300000 Vellore
32 Dr. Dhramendra singh SITE Computationl Models for content miniting in large web document batabase. 300000 Vellore
33 Dr. Mohan Jagadeesh Kumar SMEC Thermo-Hydraulic Measurements in Enhanced Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. 300000 Vellore
34 Dr.S.K.Sekar SMEC A Novel approach on Recovery of Lithium metal from spent Batteries. Setting up of Demonstration unit for Recycling of valuable metals of battery wastes in india. 300000 Vellore
35 Dr. A.S.Santhi SMEC Utilising overburden soil of NLC mines Neyveli for construction activities. 300000 Vellore
36 Dr.Vasantha Kumar SMEC Development of knowledge Product on road safety education to create awareness for studentser secondery schools in vellore tamil nadu. 300000 Vellore
37 Dr.M.Umashankar SMEC Reuse of waste materials as liner in the landfill – A case study of open dumping yard, Vellore. 300000 Vellore
38 Dr.S.Santhakumar SMEC Remediation of lead and nicel contaminated soil using zero- valent iron nanoparticlas (nZVI) synthesized from green leavas. 300000 Vellore
39 Dr. N. Sundaram SSL Enhancing Research Amoung faculties by motivation with ICT-AN Investigatioin in arts and science Universities of Tamilnadu. India 300000 Vellore
40 Dr.S.Babu VAIAL Development of signature peptide-proteome biomarkers for improved and precise detection of root wilt infection in coconut. 300000 Vellore
1 Dr. Pijush Samui CDMM Geotechnical Site Characterization of Vellore City based on shear wave velocity. 300000 Vellore
2 Dr. Satiyanarayanan SAS Modeling and analysis of MHD boundary Layer flows of ananofluid past a stretching sheet with porous medium. 300000 Vellore
3 Dr. G. Thirumanavelan SAS Cyclomentalated Ruthenium Arene complexes Bearing ferrocene funetionalzed Imidazole ligand – Synthesis, Charaterization, and its Evaluation Towards Anticahcer Properties. 275000 Vellore
4 Dr. S. Srinivasan SAS Numerical simulations of heat and mass Transfer effect on hydromagnetic flowd of Rheological fluieds in regions with contracting and expandind Permeable walls. 275000 Vellore
5 Dr.Akella Sivaramakrishna SAS Polyhedral monocar borane cages Novel Precursors to Bidentate phosphine linkers and metallacarboranes. 250000 Vellore
6 Dr. Vijayakrishna Kari SAS Innovation Lonic Materials for Membrance based Clean water Technology. 300000 Vellore
7 Dr.K.Thirumoorthy SAS Computational Chemistry modeling for Delineatry the metabolites chiralitry drivess cancer projuension. 200000 Vellore
8 Dr. Priyanka Paira SAS Design, Tarageting and PET imaging of D3 Receptor Antagonists as Antipsychotics. 275000 Vellore
9 Dr. Badal kumar Mandal SAS Expoure study of Metallochorophyllins and its derivatives Via bverages and food commodities after speciation of their metabolites in human biological Samples. 300000 Vellore
10 Dr. Anilkumar Gopinath SBST From Taxonomic diversity to diversity of trophic roles, groth and reproduction patterns Comparective investigations of reproduction of coastal bracyuran crab Crustecea Clecapoda – Branchyura in tropical and temperate environments. 300000 Vellore
11 Dr. sabina evam Prince SBST Effect of CAR action and elevated drug clearance on control of sugar levels in diabetes a rt model. 225000 Vellore
12 Dr. V. Subhashree SBST Identification of nitrosylated and glutathionylated proteins in sesbania rostrata due to cadmium stress. 280000 Vellore
13 Dr. Bhaskara Rao SBST Biodegradation of selected AZO Dyea by bacterial Consortium. 250000 Vellore
14 Dr. C. Shanthi SBST Unravelling the role of collagen cryptis peptides in cellular activity. 250000 Vellore
15 Dr. Pragasam. V SBST Management of Intdtinal Oxalaate by probiotic Preparation by Oxalate degrading baeterial Consortium. 300000 Vellore
16 Dr. Sudha Ramaiah SBST In silico gene and protein network analysis of beta Iactamases. 285000 Vellore
17 Dr. M. Rasool SBST Investigating the mechanism of anti-inflmmatory role of noni fruit juice using biochemical and immunological parameters for the possible treatment of acute gouty arthritis – an experimental study. 300000 Vellore
18 Dr. Aunradha J SCOPE Big data Analysis for health care system in rural area of tamilnadu. 175000 Vellore
19 Dr. R. Sutha SELECT Autonomous Mobile Robot for rescue Mission in Underground Mines. 285000 Vellore
20 Dr. Y. Suresh SELECT Real time implementation of Active power filter in Microgrid System. 200000 Vellore
21 Dr. Sivabalan. S SELECT Development of a Compact and cost Eftective Multi-photon microscopy using a fiber laser for Biomedical Imaging. 300000 Vellore
22 Dr. Jagadish C. Mudiganti SENSE Development of high – power Terahertz Radiation Sources – Gyrotrons and their Application to high power Terahertz Technologies. 275000 Vellore
23 Dr. Alex Noel Joseph Raj SENSE Automatic sorting of male and female silkworm cocoons for egg production. 300000 Vellore
24 Dr. J. Valarmathi SENSE Filter design for noise corrupted bladp tip clearance signal gas turbine engine. 210000 Vellore
25 Dr. Ch. Aswani Kumar SITE Investigations on role based access control using fuzzy formal concept analysis and description logic. 300000 Vellore
26 Dr.R.Vasudavan SMEC A study of Structural Damping and Forced Vibration Responses of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced rotating Tapered Hybrid Composite Plates. 300000 Vellore
27 Dr. M. Muthukumar SMEC Use of Waste tyre crumb Rubber in construction of asphalt pavements – An ECO – Friendly way of disposal of waste tyres. 185000 Vellore
28 Dr. G. Velmurugan SSL Social Awareness about herbal food products and its TOXIC Effects. 280000 Vellore
29 Dr. Shihabudeen M Maliyekkal SMBS Development of an affordable and robust disinfection system for rural India 300000 Chennai
30 Dr. B. Sri Revathi SELECT Design and development of high gain DC-DC converter for renewable enerrgy application 338000 Chennai
31 Dr. Anith Nelleri SENSE Compressive Sensing for Digital in-line Holographic microscopy 300000 Chennai
32 Dr. Lenin N C SELECT Linear motor based water agitator 350000 Chennai
33 Dr. Kaustab Ghosh SENSE Synthesis, Characterization and for Optoelectronic Application of Green Precursor based Lead Sulfide (PbS) colloidal Quantum dots 300000 Chennai
34 Dr. Sabumon P C SMBS Biodegradation and Decolourization of textile Azzodye by a Bacterial consortium 300000 Chennai
35 Dr. Prathiba Nalini R SMBS Development of Si Nano-structure based Third Generation Solar Cell for Photovoltaic and Hydrogen Energy Generation 270000 Chennai
36 Dr. D. Prabhakaran SAS Visible Light Induced Photocatylytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants using Novel Monolithic Photocatyltic Materials 300000 Chennai
37 Dr. Atanu Datta SAS Development of lanthanum gallate electrolyte based electrochemical sensors for monitoring NH3 and H2S in air 260000 Chennai
38 Dr. Punithavelan N SAS Fabrication of Micro Acclerometers using Ni2MnGa thin films 300000 Chennai
39 Dr. Saleel Ismail SMBS Investigations on a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine operated on Bio-gas 300000 Chennai
40 Dr. Bornali Sarma SAS Nonlinear structures (Evolution and effects) of oscillating plasma bubbles in various experimental conditions 300000 Chennai
41 Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi SAS Inventory analysis in supply chain management 300000 Chennai
42 Dr. Pankaj Shukla SAS A study of viscous and non viscous fluid flow through porous bodies 300000 Chennai
43 Dr. S.R.S. Prabaharan SENSE Nano-composite LiMnPO4 as new insertion electrode for electrochemical supercapacitors 300000 Chennai
44 Dr. A. Peer Fathima SELECT Design of intelligent controller for solar system 300000 Chennai

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