Collaboration for SDG best practice

Collaboration is crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it brings together various groups and resources to address difficult global issues. Here are some best practices followed by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) for productive collaboration:

VIT bring together industries, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and communities to share resources and knowledge. The collaborators with shared goals and clear vision are aligned around recognized SDG targets to sustain focus and direction. Also VIT provides local communities with the necessary skills and expertise to carry out national and international SDG-related projects. We encourage the interchange of ideas and technology solutions to speed up progress. The progress is tracked and monitored ensuring transparency in meeting SDG targets. Digital platforms and innovations are used to improve collaboration and efficiency.

We would like to bring to your attention a list of best practices followed by Vellore Institute of Technology during the 2022-2023 period, for your reference.

VIT’s CO2 Research and Green Technology Centre have been making efforts to utilize biomass-related resources for sustainable and clean energy products. In this regard, our center has been producing approximately 100 KW of electricity power from waste biomass (Juli flora wood-biomass) and 10 KW of electricity from biogas (work in progress) based systems.

Following are some of the initiative research efforts undertaken in terms of international collaboration for the above sustainable goals:

Initiation of International Collaboration:

Collaboration was initiated with Dr. Gill Lacey, MIEEE MIET FHEA, Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, University of Teesside, UK, for a Carbon Zero related project. Interactions with the university are ongoing.

Initiation of International Collaboration:

Collaborative work is underway between the CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre at VIT and Dr. Vinod Kumar, Senior Lecturer in Microbial Technology and Biorefining, School of Water, Energy and Environment Building, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, for biomass-related energy systems. Several email conversations have taken place to prepare a review article in the proposed area.

International Projects

1. Design and Development of surface Engineered solutions to enhance the corrosion Resistance of the Solar Energy Storage Container

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technologies offer unique benefits, such as helping to decouple heating and cooling demand from immediate power generation and supply availability. Thermal energy storage has the potential to be an important enabler of increased renewables penetration in energy systems. Hot corrosion is the major problem associated with the energy storage container. The present research work aims to identify the materials and corrosion resistance coating process for the CSP power plant’s thermal energy storage container materials. Based on the laboratory scale coupon level and prototype hot corrosion study at 1000 hours, the container prototype will be fabricated. The identified coating process during the simulated test studies will be applied to the storage tank. Further, the eutectic molten salt (PCM) will be filled in the container and carry out simulated corrosion studies. Finally, the technology know—how will be transferred to the concentrated solar power plant and process industries to commercialize the technology.

2. Development of fuel cell Three-Wheeler for urban Green Transportation in India:

3. Development of CDIO (conceive ,design, implement and operate) course module on Electric Vehicle Power Trains

The main aim of this proposal to develop the conceive, design, implement mode of course module on electric vehicle powertrain through transdisciplinary research partnership involving group of academic researchers from the Aston University, UK and Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore India along with industry partners like Athers Energy Private Limited, Bengaluru. This course will be jointly delivered by international level team experts from VIT, Aston University, Birmingham, UK and various industry experts. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive exposure to the skill set required for the electric vehicle revolution. This skill set includes electrochemical storage, power electronics and electrical machines. It incorporates fundamental and practical aspects of the relevant devices and technologies. A pathway towards fully electric ecosystem through fast adoption of electric mobility has been developed in the form of workshops, foreign expert lectures, short term course and seminar to the UG, PG and research scholars of VIT Vellore.

Semester Abroad Programme ( SAP ) 2023

The SAP at VIT is unique because the students go abroad only to do the capstone project in the final semester, a thesis work. The students learn to adapt to multicultural working environments and get experienced in working in cutting edge technology with the world leaders in those technologies. More than 90% of the students who opted for SAP end up going for their higher studies abroad in the same host university or other universities. This outcome is directly related to their SAP experience as many of the host universities also offer them direct entry in their Master’s and PhD program to these students. The details about our partner universities in the academic year 2022-2023 are provided.

S.No University Country No. of Students
1 Deakin University Australia 6
2 University of Sydney Australia 3
3 University of Toronto, University health network- Krembil Research Institute Canada 1
4 Polytech Clermont (Clermont Auvergne INP) France 2
5 Clermont Auvergne INP France 2
6 Yokohama National University, Japan Japan 2
7 Kyushu University Ito Campus Japan 1
8 University of Edinburgh Scotland, United Kingdom 1
9 National University of Singapore Singapore 1
10 Agency for Science Technology and Research Singapore 3
11 Slovak University of Agriculture Slovakia 2
12 Lund University Sweden 1
13 University West Sweden 1
14 ETH ZURICH Switzerland 3
15 Yuan Ze University Taiwan 4

Ms. Apala Chakrabarti, ECE Biomedical Engineering from VIT visited Kyushu University, Japan for a semester

Ms.Ruhani, Biotechnology student from VIT visited University of Wolverhampton, United

5th International Higher Education Fair (IHEF) 2022:

International Higher Education Fair (IHEF) 2024″ was organized for the students to get first-hand information about higher study, scholarship, and internship opportunities from the participating universities across the globe.

List of Participating Institutions – September 21, 2022

S.No Institution Name Country
1 RMIT University Australia
2 Macquarie University Australia
3 The University of Queensland Australia
4 The University of Western Australia Australia
5 Monash University Australia
6 The Australian National University Australia
7 The University of Newcastle Australia
8 Deakin University Australia
9 University Technology Sydney Australia
10 Swinburne University of Technology Australia
11 Western Sydney University Australia
12 Edith Cowan University Australia
13 University of Tasmania Australia
14 University of Sydney Australia
15 University of Windsor, CANADA Canada
18 ESIGELEC, Graduate School of Engineering, France France
19 École de Management de Normandie France
21 RWTH Aachen University Germany
22 Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin Ireland
23 National University of Ireland, Galway Ireland
24 Vrije University The Netherlands
25 University of Twente, Netherlands The Netherlands
26 Radboud University The Netherlands
27 Wageningen University & Research The Netherlands
28 University of Groningen The Netherlands
29 Hanze University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands
30 University of Salford United Kingdom
31 ATMC Federation University United Kingdom
32 University of Missouri-Kansas City USA
33 Colorado State University USA
34 Arizona State University USA
35 EducationUSA - U.S. - India Educational Foundation USA
36 Lehigh University, USA USA
37 University of Miami USA

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.