School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) - Publications

School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)


Books and Chapters
Book Chapters(upto 2017-18)
S.No. School Name of the Faculty Title of the Book/Chapter Publisher & year ISBN No.
1 SENSE Dr. Vinoth Babu. K, Dr. Ramachandra Reddy. Prof. G, Arthi .M. Digital Communications Sruthi Publishers & 2015 13978-81927609-8-8
2 SENSE Dr. Vinoth Babu. K, Dr. Ramachandra Reddy. Prof. G, Arthi .M. Communication Engineering Magnus publishers 2015 India
3 SENSE Dr.Anand S Advanced Image Processing Techniques and Applications IGI Global, & 2017 1522520538
4 SENSE Dr.Gerardine Immaculate Mary Simulation and Test-System of Vehicle Body CAN Bus – A Project Report LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121 Saarbrucken, Germany, 978-3-659-63009-5
5 SENSE Dr.Arun Manoharan High Speed Signature Detection Architectures for Network Applications – FPGA based Reconfigurable Architectures LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, First Edition, 2012 978-3-659-24982-2
6 SENSE Prof. Sureshkumar Nagarajan, Prof. Arun Manoharan Accuracy Analysis of Satellite Image Classifiction Techniques LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, First Edition & 2016 978-3-330-01382-7
7 SENSE Prof. Sureshkumar Nagarajan, Prof. Arun Manoharan, Prof. Arunkumar S, Prof. Anand S Advanced Image Processing Techniques and Applications IGI Global Publications & 2017 9781522520535
8 SENSE Dr.Gerardine Immaculate Mary Wireless Technology – Fundamentals and Applications Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd & 2011 978-8183714518
9 SENSE Dr.Thanikaiselvan Random Image Steganaography-Spatial and Transform Domain approach LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, First Edition & 2016 3659898023
10 SENSE Dr. R.Sivakumar Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications Springer International Publishing AG, Germany & 2017 978-3-319-44889-3
11 SENSE Dr. Bhaskar Murari Design of low cost blood glucose sensing System using diffused reflectance NIR Springer Singapore & 2016 10.1007/978-981-10-4585-1_17
12 SENSE Prof..Sharmila N Machine Learning and IoT Biological Perspective, Chapter Title: Segmentation and Clinical outcome Prediction in Brain Lesions CRC Press & 2018 9781351029933.00
13 SENSE Dr. R.Sakthivel VLSI Design S.Chand Publishing & 2008 9788121930093

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