School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)

SENSE at VIT was established for imparting state-of-the-art knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied areas. B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Students who are eligible are placed on campus and many of them are placed in core companies every year.The school has set up laboratories with excellent infrastructure in the areas of Electronics, Communication, VLSI, Embedded, Sensors and Nanotechnology.SENSE at VIT was established for imparting state-of-the-art knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied areas. B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Students who are eligible are placed on campus and many of them are placed in core companies every year.The school has set up laboratories with excellent infrastructure in the areas of Electronics, Communication, VLSI, Embedded, Sensors and Nanotechnology. The latest simulation tools are used to cater to various specializations and are equipped with facilities for measurement, characterization and synthesis of experimental as well as theoretical results. Students are encouraged to take up their final year projects abroad too. The School has many industry sponsored advanced laboratories for carrying research and development. MoUs with many Foreign Universities, Research Organizations and Industries facilitate student and faculty exchange. Faculty are actively involved in R&D activities and are working on research projects funded by government organisations like DRDO, ISRO (RESPOND), BRNS and agencies like DST.

Dr. Jasmin Pemeena Priyadarisini M
School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)
We believe here at the School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) that the mission of education is to promote value based growth.Design of our programmes are aimed to meet societal and industrial needs. Feedback from all the stake holders, discussing and collecting thoughts and ideas help us to remain relevant and create the desired perception about our education system. The faculty is known for their dynamism, openness to learning, pedagogic innovation, teaching ability and updated knowledge through a variety of faculty development programmes. We promote enhanced engagement with alumni, corporate and other stake holders. All of this leads to develop our unique and distinctive path in education.
Our commitment to the future of Electronics and Communication Engineering disciplines drives us to work persistently, while exploiting all possible venues, and the relative advantage of India’s industry in today’s competitive market place and ensure the quality of the next generation of Electronics Engineers in Industry and Academia. This ongoing effort is expressed through the launch of various new programmes which aims to spearhead Faculty-Industrial relations efforts. Leading companies are already part of these programmes focusing on exploiting opportunities in the sphere between Academia and Industry.
The  Faculty of the School of Electronics Engineering engage in cutting-edge technology teaching and research in fields such as: Wireless communication and Networking, Signal processing, Microwave Imaging, Antenna design, MEMS and Microstructures, Free space optical communication, Robotics and automation, Computer vision and machine learning, Sensors and IoT, Chemical and bio sensors, Automotive sensors, Biomedical Instrumentation, Flexible and wearable electronics, Heterogeneous computing, RTOS and Embedded systems, Analog and Digital IC design, System design with FPGA, Cryptography and reversible data hiding.
We give high importance to student-faculty interaction beyond class room, analytical and integrative thinking through case studies, study tours, internship within India and abroad & onsite projects. Special attention is given to sensitize the students to the problems of rural population and the underprivileged section of the society . Similarly development of strong professional values, work ethics, and mutual respect for diversity in the society is consciously integrated in the curriculum.
Driven by interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial spirit, our students and faculty venture into activities that are useful to the society. We continue to successfully commercialize through invention disclosures, patents, and ultimately, start up companies.
We have remained innovative in our approaches to improve and excel in teaching, learning and research resulting in a sizeable number of our alumni being employed in leading organizations globally. Many of our alumni are entrepreneurs too.
We remain as eager as ever to continue marking milestones in our transformational growth during the years to come.
Dean, School of Electronics Engineering
- The School offers Bachelor’s programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering (Biomedical Engineering), Electronics Engineering ( VLSI Design and Technology).
- The School offers Master’s Programmes in Automotive Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Embedded Systems, IoT and Sensor Systems, Nanotechnology and VLSI Design.
- Research Programmes leading to M.S. and Ph.D. are also offered.
The School has many industry sponsored advanced laboratories for carrying research and development. MoUs with many Foreign Universities, Research Organizations and Industries facilitate student and faculty exchange. Faculty are actively involved in R&D activities and are working on research projects funded by government organisations like DRDO, ISRO (RESPOND), BRNS and agencies like DST.
Academic Faculties
Number of students
No. of Programmes Offered
Events Conducted

The School has a regular practice of conducting training programmes, workshops, refresher programmes and many more advanced programmes to the faculty. It regularly conducts hands on training and value addition programme to students.
The school has conducted about 35 training programmes, 64 workshops and 29 faculty development programmes in the last five years.Â
Some of the latest workshops include LTE Advanced and MANET Networks using NetSim, Intel Artificial Intelligence Student Developer Programme, Latex for technical report writing, Hardware Verification using System Verilog and UVM, Big Data Analytics, Comsol Multiphysics and Application Builder Workshop, Scan Based Testing using Cadence EDA Tools, Workshop with Telemedicine Society of India in association with SENSE, General Microelectronics & Fabrication Techniques. Innovative Industrial Projects towards PBL, Network Security and Internet Forensics using MONOSEK, One Day Workshop on  Network Simulator-‘NETSIM’.
Some of the latest training programmes include interfacing peripherals with Zybo-FPGA Board, Full Custom and Semi Custom IC Design Flow using SYNOPSYS EDA Tool, Applications of NetFPGA, Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD Tool, SKILL Training Programme using CADENCE Tools for Beginners. Microcontroller Interfacing Applications, RTOS and OS Simulator, Electronic Measurements & Instruments, One day hands on training on Wireless Sensor Communication Kits, RF IC Design & S- Parameter Analysis.

Some of the faculty development programmes include FDP on Network Simulator – Netsim, FPGA Based System Design For Image Processing Algorithms, Mathematical tools for Signal, Image processing and Communications, Principles of Digital Communications, Recent Trends in Embedded Systems, Analog Electronic Circuits, WiCOMM-T – An SDR Platform, Synopsys’s RSoft Solar Cell Utility, Electronic Devices and Circuits.
- Upcoming Event
- Past Event
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Technology Challenges Won
- SHISHIRA PA (20MBE0015) won First place and was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for achievement in the Innovation Tank Certification Program at Imperial College London From 21.02.2022 to 25.02.2022.
- KANISHKAA PRIYADARSHI (21BEC0423) was awarded the certificate for publishing the Anthology titled “Broken and Beautiful” on 15.03.2022 in collaboration with Writer’s Pocket.
- AKSHAT (18BEC618), VANDA MANSUR (18BEC0625), and YASHRAJ MOTWANI (18BEC0762), students of the School of Electronics Engineering, under the guidance of Dr. Sujatha R won the 2nd prize in the Preliminary round YESIST’12 2022 IC Trck, organized by IEEE North Karnataka Sub Section hosted at K.L.E. Institute of Technology, Hubbali-27 on 28.05.2022.
- ADITYA KAKKAR (19BEC0461) and SUKANT JHA (19BIT0359) and SIVA SAI, ABHINAV CHAKKA from DTU and IIT participated in Frost hack 2022 and won coupons from Hover robotix worth Rs.18000. They qualified for the first round and then the next round will be conducted in Dubai.
Conference Publications
- Khushi Singh presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of IoT Enabled Low Cost SPO2 and Heart Rate Monitoring System” in DELCON 2022 (IEEE) at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India, 11.02.2022-13.02.2022.
- Khushi Singh presented a paper titled “Design and Development of DSP Enabled Low Cost ECG Machine” in 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT 2022) IEEE at K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy, India, 16.02.2022-18.02.22.>
- Anjana BS presented a paper titled “Smart Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface with a Discrete Phase Shifter for Next Generation Networks” in International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking ( WiSPNET 2022) IEEE at Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai, India, 24.03.2022- 26.03.2022.
- Aradhana Ghosh presented a paper titled “ATM Services on EMU 8086 for the Technologically Impaired People” in 12th International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics 2022 (IEEE) at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India, 25.01.2022- 27.01.2022.
- Anjana BS presented a paper titled “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface as an Access Point: Probability of Error Analysis for Discrete Phase Shifters” in the 2nd International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communication(ICCWC 2022) Springer at National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India, 09.06.2022-10.06.2022.
- Namrata Singhal presented a paper titled ” An Approach for Restaurant Management System during CoVID-19 & quote; in 12th International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics 2022 (IEEE) at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India, 25.01.2022-27.01.2022.
Dr. Jasmin Pemeena Priyadarisini M
Professor Higher Academic Grade & Dean
School of Electronics Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT),
Vellore – 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India.
- +91 9566656075 /0416-220 2410 / 2411