
Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (CDMM)

Geographical Information System (GIS) and NDT lab

1. GIS lab – GIS and image processing open source software

2. NDT Lab

3. Laser Precipitation Monitor

4. AWS with ultrasonic anemometer

5. Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)

6. Rock rebound hammer

7. Analogue in situ vane shear

8. Vibrating wire

9. Blast monitoring system

10. Digital Rebound Hammer

11. SR05-A1-TMBL-03 with LI 19 UNIT (Pyranometer)

12. Concreate crack monitoring

13. Handheld GPS receivers

14. Aqua Meter

15. Core case and drilling machine

16. Crack monitoring Device

17. DSS-500 Tool Kit, C-104 Hydrolic Pull Machine Test

18. Handheld distance meter

19. DYNA Pull off tester

These facilities give a fillip to R&D and Consultancy Services at the National, regional, local and International levels. It helps the Centre to launch Training Programs for the Trainers, Planners and Administrators in disaster mitigations and management. The infrastructure enables building up capacity in the area of Mapping of Natural Hazard Zonation, Vulnerability Analysis and Risk Assessment for Disaster Management. The GIS laboratory imparts training on diverse aspects of Disaster Management using the GIS & related Technologies.

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