Centre for NanoBiotechnology (CNBT)

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1 FY202425 21234 – Prof. PRANAV (PI) Chiral Carbon-based nanohybrids system as a bifunctional theranostics platform against neurodegenerative diseases RES0163 04-10-2024 2812096
2 FY202425 12526 – Prof. PRIYANKA SRIVASTAVA (PI)13681 – Prof. RAUNAK KUMAR DAS (CoPI) Fabrication of sheet nanoemulgel for treating open surface wounds particularly for subjects presenting delayed wound healing and pressure sores DBT 27-06-2024 1048870
3 FY202425 10798 – Prof. CHANDRA SEKARAN N (PI)10371 – Prof. SRIDHARAN T B (CoPI)13638 – Prof. JOHN THOMAS (CoPI) Essential Oil Nanoemulsion encapsulated Biopolymer as an effective delivery system towards stored pest control AICTE 17-05-2024 200000
4 FY202324 10798 – Prof. CHANDRA SEKARAN N (PI)12175 – Prof. GEORGE PRIYA DOSS C (CoPI) Formulation and characterization of diabetic wound healing gauze using PDGF-eugenol nanocomposites for Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) ? A 3D bioprinting approach ICMR 15-02-2024 4921736
5 FY202324 10798 – Prof. CHANDRA SEKARAN N (PI)14802 – Prof. JAYAKRISHNA K (CoPI)16352 – Prof. ARULVEL S (CoPI)13638 – Prof. JOHN THOMAS (CoPI) Preparation and characterization of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)/Nano-hydroxyapatite/ZnO nanocomposite coating for reducing bio- leaching and bio-film formation in SS316L orthopaedic implants ICMR 15-01-2024 6146546
6 FY202324 13728 – Prof. JITENDRA SATIJA (PI)11848 – Prof. SENTHILKUMAR S (CoPI)13735 – Prof. DEBASISH MISHRA (CoPI) Bimetallic Plasmonic Nanoparticles based Ultrasensitive Fiber-Optic Immunosensor for Chlamydia Trachomatis Detection. ICMR 01-11-2023 3079454
7 FY202324 13728 – Prof. JITENDRA SATIJA (PI)11848 – Prof. SENTHILKUMAR S (CoPI) Biocatalytically Triggered Plasmonic Nanoparticle Etching based Fiber Optic Immunosensor for Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Disease Biomarker. DST-SERB 28-08-2023 3032820
8 FY202324 10798 – Prof. CHANDRA SEKARAN N (PI)10371 – Prof. SRIDHARAN T B (CoPI)11071 – Prof. AMITAVA MUKHERJEE (CoPI) Ecotoxicological studies of micro & nanoplastics, on its vectorization of other pollutantsand synergistic impactof nanoplaslics and oceanacidification-A microcosmApproach MoES 10-08-2023 2477120
9 FY202324 10378 – Dr. Mrudula P (PI) Development of Nano-Fe3O4/Allicin Chitosan composites for mitigation of biofilm development in membrane based water purification processes VIT 23-06-2023 150000
10 FY202324 13638 – Dr. John Thomas (PI) Development of a marine bioactive feed for treating bacterial infections in shrimps VIT 23-06-2023 200000
11 FY202223 10798 – Prof. CHANDRA SEKARAN N (PI) Development of a high efficacy antibiotic-loaded in eugenol nanoemulsion as a nano delivery system against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) ICMR 01-02-2023 2168439
12 FY202223 11848 – Prof.SenthilkumarS (PI)13728 – Prof. JITENDRA SATIJA (CoPI) Biofunctionalized Mxene based Electrochemical Immunosensor towards Early Detection of Alzheimer`s Disease. ICMR 03-06-2022 2811832
13 FY202122 13690 – Prof.AmitKumarJaiswal (PI)13728 – Prof.JitendraSatija (CoPI) Hydrogel Loaded 3D-Printed Hybrid Bone Graft for Reconstruction of Segmental Bone Defect DST 04-01-2022 2834120
14 FY202122 10798 – Prof.ChandraSekaranN (PI)12175 – Prof.GeorgePriyaDossC (CoPI)16442 – PDFGopinathP.M (CoPI) Spatio-temporal distribution of microplastics,a vector in the sludge-laden soil environment DST 27-12-2021 1412000
15 FY202122 13728 – Dr. Jitendra Satija (PI) Gold-Nanorod Etching based Signal Amplified Immunosensor Platform for Early Detection Clinical Biomarker VIT 01-11-2021 400000
16 FY202122 10798 – Prof.ChandraSekaranN (PI) Isolation and characterization of Microplastics from consumer products and its chemodynamics in animal and human cells with special reference to carcinogenicity, cellular response, and chronic toxicity. ICMR 23-07-2021 1940000
17 FY202021 14844 – Prof. Everette Jacob Remington N (PI)12526 – Prof. PRIYANKA SRIVASTAVA (CoPI) Development of alginate-silver nanocomposite embedded with adipose-derived stem cells for the healing of deep burn wounds. DRDO 02-03-2021 3812000
18 FY202021 10798 – Prof.ChandraSekaranN (PI)10371 – Prof.SridharanTB (CoPI) Early detection of bacterial contamination in food product under emulsified environment using quorum sensing based flow strip system. ICMR 14-10-2020 2924048
19 FY202021 13728 – Prof. Jitendra Satija (PI)13728 – Prof. Jitendra Satija (CoPI) Development of A Point-of-care Fiber-optic Biosensor (P-FAB) Device for Rapid Detection of COVID-19 DST 27-05-2020 486000
20 FY201920 00000 – Dr. Ankita Jagannath Lakade (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) NPDF DST 22-11-2019 1920000
21 FY201920 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (PI) Essential Oil Nanoemlsion Encapsulated Biopolymer As An Effective Delivery System Towards Stored Pest Control VIT 27-08-2019 100000
22 FY201819 13638 – Dr.John Thomas (PI) Identification and Characterisation of Phytochemicals from Indian Medicinal plants for their Potential Application in aquaculture industry VIT 15-10-2018 150000
23 FY201819 13728 – Dr Jitendra Satija (PI) Plasmonic-ELISA based optical nanobiosensor for naked-eye detection of histamine in food samples VIT 15-10-2018 150000
24 FY201819 10378 – Mridula.P (PI) – Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Scale up of biogenic bimetallic core shell Pd Fe nanoparticles synthesis and their application to waste water treatment BRNS 03-08-2018 1982500
25 FY201819 11071 – Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Mridula.P (CoPI) Preparation of biogenic bimetallic core shell PdFe nanoparticles for waste water bioremediation applications. BRNS 03-08-2018 3446400
26 FY201718 13728 – Jitendra Satija (PI) Development of low-cost, filter-free optical waveguide-based platform for easy use of Foldscope as fluorescence microscope and its applications to characterize biosensor matrix development, and various microorganisms DBT 28-03-2018 800000
27 FY201718 11071 – Dr Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr Jitendra Satija (CoPI) A Rapid and Field Deployable Portable Sensor for Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Detection. DRDO 06-03-2018 2131000
28 FY201718 13728 – Dr. Jitendra Satija (PI) Design, Development and Application of Filter-free Fluorescence Foldscope VIT 14-09-2017 150000
29 FY201718 13638 – Dr John Thomas (PI) Marine Nutraceuticals for controlling bacterial infection in aquaculture VIT 14-09-2017 150000
30 FY201718 11071 – Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – N Chandrasekaran (CoPI) Green materials for clean environment: Green synthesis of iron based nano materials using food wastes for antibiotic removal from water DST 07-08-2017 4666860
31 FY201718 00000 – Mr. P. Prabu (PI) – Dr. N. Chanderasekaran (CoPI) Folic acid conjugated meth methotrexate loaded albumin functionalized gold/iron naanpartocles for in vivo therapeutic effects on rheumatoid arthritis and contrast enhancement in MRI/CT. DST 05-06-2017 1920000
32 FY201617 15380 – Dr Gopinath P M (PI) – Dr N Chanderasekaran (CoPI) Formulation of theranostic chitosan gold nano composite towards real time cancer diagnostic and treatments DST 23-03-2017 1920000
33 FY201617 10378 – Dr.Mrudula Pulimi (PI) Fate and transport of alumina nanoparticles in the sub-surface environment. DST 21-06-2016 2701600
34 FY201415 10798 – Dr.N.Chandrasekran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Encapsulation of neem oil nanoemusion laced with urea, A noval nanotechnology to control japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus larval population in paddy ecosysyem of India. ICMR 02-03-2015 2717000
35 FY201415 10798 – Dr.N.Chandrasekran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Nano-permethrin formulation and characterization for its application in contolling vector mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) larval population. ICMR 02-03-2015 1738360
36 FY201415 11071 – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (CoPI) Silver nanoparticale based point of care test (POCT) for cysteine level determination in human plasma samples. DST 05-02-2015 1880400
37 FY201415 11071 – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (CoPI) Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) based colorimetric sensing of Mercury and Chromium species in the contaminated waters. DST 03-06-2014 2405200
38 FY201415 11071 – Dr.Amitava Mukharjee (PI) – Dr. N. Chanderasekaran (CoPI) Developing an integrated (nano – bio) technology based approach for Groundwater remediation: A bench scale feasibility test for hexavalent chromium. DST 26-11-2013 4245200
39 FY201415 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI)13638 – Dr. John Thomas (CoPI) Formulation, Characterisation of Biobased Oil Nanoemulsion Towards Controlling Bacterial Infection in Aquaculture (Special Reference to Fish and Shrimp) DST 06-11-2013 2010600
40 FY201415 11071 – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr. Chandrasekaran.N (CoPI) Developing a Colorimetric Assay for cetylcholinesterase and Inhibitor Screening with Plasmonic Nanoparticles Nanotechnology based Sensing of Nerve Gases. DRDO 20-06-2013 2626000
41 FY201415 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI)13638 – Dr. John Thomas (CoPI) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of seaweeds against fish bacterial pathogens. DST 15-06-2013 1890000
42 FY201415 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Bio-degradable Polymer based Neem Nano-emulsion for control release applications in Aquaculture Industries. DST 28-03-2013 2411200
43 FY201415 11071 – Dr.Amitava Mukharjee (PI) – Dr. N. Chandrasekahran (CoPI) A Study on trophic transfer of engineered nanoparticles used in defence applications. DRDO 03-12-2012 1998700
44 FY201415 11071 – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr. Chandrasekaran.N (CoPI) Silver nanoparticle – based point of use test for Cr (III) determination in tannery contaminated waters. DST 16-05-2012 1456800
45 FY201415 11071 – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (PI) – Dr. Chandrasekaran.N (CoPI) Stability and Aggregation of Silver Nanoparticles in Natural Aqueous Matrices Effect of Surface Sapping and Environmental Controls. CSIR 01-04-2012 2238600
46 FY201415 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekaran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Nanoformulation of Pesticide – An Effective Insect Repellant for Military Soldiers. DRDO 22-03-2012 1959100
47 FY201415 10798 – Dr. N. Chandrasekahran (PI) – Dr. Amitava Mukherjee (CoPI) Nanopesticide Formulation Characterization and Chemo Dynamics in Rice Model Ecosystem. CSIR 11-05-2011 1259000
CP22230064 Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care – phase-II Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd, India 472000
CP21220034 Development of Nano silver-based solutions and dressings for application in Wound care. Punit Meditek Pvt Ltd, India 1456000
1 Fate and Transport Studies of Nanomaterials in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems DRDO, India 5490000

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