School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC) - UG

School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)

Apart from a generic Undergraduate programme in Mechanical Engineering, the School offers specialized UG programmes in all core areas of Mechanical Engineering such as Production & Industrial, Automotive and Energy.
  • About the Programme
  • Discipline Linked Engineering Science Courses
  • Discipline Core and Elective Courses
  • Infrastructure
  • Scope of employment
  • Curriculum

The B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering is a 4-year professional undergraduate program that provides an intellectual foundation and experience of the most fundamental of all engineering disciplines, preparing the students for a variety of careers in engineering, technology, management, and as entrepreneurs. The program is designed to cater to mechanical engineering students to acquire inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary skills.

Program Educational Objectives [PEOs]

  • PEO1-Graduates will apply their knowledge of engineering, analytical reasoning, problem-
    solving skills, computation skills, and sustainability aspects with ethical standards in
    Mechanical Engineering and allied disciplines.
  • PEO2-Graduates will continue to advance their knowledge base and professional
    competencies through higher studies or other professional development activities.
  • PEO3-Graduates will work in multidisciplinary teams and pursue careers in the mechanical
    and related sectors including government, public, commercial, and non-profit
  • PEO4-Graduates will succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavours and foster initiatives that
    promote sustainable growth.

Materials Science and Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering Lab / Engineering Optimization / Artificial Intelligence / Control Systems / Microcontrollers and Interfacing Lab.

Discipline Core Courses

Mechanics of Solids / Mechanics of Solids Lab / Engineering Thermodynamics / Fluid Mechanics and Machines / Fluid Mechanics and Machines Lab / Machine Drawing Lab / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Lab / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Lab / Design of Machine Elements / Metal Casting and Welding / Metal Casting and Welding Lab / Thermal Engineering Systems / Thermal Engineering Systems Lab / Metal Forming and Machining / Metal Forming and Machining Lab / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis Lab / Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab / Heat and Mass Transfer / Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.

Discipline Elective Courses

Numerical Analysis/ Quality Control and Improvement/ Industrial Engineering/Renewable Energy Systems/ Automotive Vehicles/ Automotive Electricals and Electronics/ Manufacturing Planning and Control/Product Design and Development/Lean Manufacturing/ Supply Chain Management/ Welding Engineering/ Engineering Tribology/ Non-destructive Testing/ Mechanical Vibrations and Acoustics/Micro-Electromechanical Systems/ Industrial Robotics/ Mechatronic Systems Design/ Fluid Power Systems/ Advanced Materials Characterization Methods/ Composite Materials/ Engineering Failure Analysis/ Gas Dynamics/ Turbomachines/ Internal Combustion Engines/ Power Plant Engineering/ Refrigeration and Air-conditioning/ Noise, Vibration and Harshness/ Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems/ Autonomous Vehicle Systems/ Technical Answers to Real Problems Project/Design Project/ Laboratory Project/ Product Development Project/ Computer Project/ Reading Course/ Special Project/ Simulation Project/ Vehicle Dynamics/ Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology/ Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press Tools/ Design of Transmission Systems/ Industrial Automation/ Advanced Manufacturing Processes/Additive Manufacturing/ Computational Fluid Dynamics/Industrial Revolution 4.0/ Society 5.0/ Manufacturing Systems Design/ Design of Chassis Components/ Vehicle Body and Aerodynamics Engineering.

Laboratory Significant facilities
Advanced Materials Processing and Testing Lab CNC Lathe Machine, High Speed Lathe Machine, Force Dynamometer, Electric Discharge Machine(Spark Erosion), MQL System, Hybrid Laser GMA Welding Power Source With Robot, CNC Vertical Milling Machine, Heavy Duty Lathe, Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine, Surface Profilometer, Contact Angle Measurement System, CNC Wirecut Electro Discharge Machine
Automotive Chassis Components Laboratory Light and Heavy Duty Leaf Spring Tester, Radiator Performance Test Rig, Computerised Two Wheeler Chassis Dynamometer
Automotive Electronics Lab Calibration and Training kit for Automotive Accelerated Pedal Sensor Kit, Engine Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Kit, Mass Air Flow Sensor Kit, Automotive Standard GPS, AVL Cruise Software, Calibration and Training Kit for Automotive Engine Fuel Injector Sensor Kit, Coolant Temperature Sensor Kit, Automotive Oxygen Sensor Kit, Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Kit, Industrial IOT Educational Kit based on NI MYRIO
Composite Lab Micro Tensile Machine-Computer Controlled, High Temperature Split Tube Furnace, Humidity Chamber, Hot Press Machine, Injection Molding, Twin Screw Extruder, Flat Sheet Casting Machine, Charpy Impact Testing, Ultrasonic Liquid Processor, Tripple Roller Milling Machine, Heat Deflection Temperature Tester
Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab ANSYS Academic teaching CFD version-15 (512000 nodes), DELL T1650 mini workstation, , HP Z840, Z4, Z230 SFF workstation s, ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical & CFD version-15, Comsol Multiphysics 5.5, CONVERGE Studio V2.3
Computer Aided Design Lab Solidworks 2018-19, MDO-Web ver.4.0, LSDYNA 971, ANSYS 20, DFMA 10.2
Cyber Physcial Systems Lab Occulus VR, AI IOT INTEGRATED PLATFROM, IOT smart health care lab, IOT smart home, Robotic vision system, Intelligent biped robot, AI and IoT PLATFORM, Digital twin software -Thing work-IoT
Digi-Man (Digital Manufacturing) Lab Metal 3D printer (SLM), 3D Scanner, SLS 3D Printer, FDM 3D printer, SLA 3D Printer
Dynamics and Vibration Lab Universal vibration apparatus set up, Whirling of shafts apparatus, Universal Governor, Coriolis component of acceleration, Balancing of Reciprocating Masses
Engine Testing Lab Single cylinder 4S petrol Engine with Electric Brake dynamometer, Data acquisition system, Air Nozzle Testing Rig, Vortex tube setup, Brookfield viscometer, Open ECU, Air Conditioner test Rig, Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with DC motor generator & motoring test; & rope brake dynamometer; & Eddy current dynamometer, Stack monitoring kit, Refrigeration test rig, Wind Tunnel with Data acquisition system, Cut Model of four stroke Single cylinder Diesel Engine, Double Stage Air Compressor, Wind Tunnel Test Rig (Variable Speed), CRDI engine with eddy current dynamometer, Bio-diesel unit
Fluid Mechanics Lab Orifice meter Apparatus, Pipe Friction Apparatus, Venturimeter meter Apparatus, Triangular Notches, Mouth Piece Apparatus, Orifice Apparatus, Bernoullis Equation Apparatus, Cavitation Apparatus, Reynolds Apparatus, Determination of Losses in Pipe (Minor Losses), Impact of Jet on Vanes, External mouthpiece setup, Orifice meter Test Rig, Venturimeter and Orifice meter Apparatus, Metacentric Hight Ship Model, Verification of Bernoulli?stheorem Apparatus, Rectangular Notches
Foundry Shop Universal Strength Machine, Stir Casting Furnace(Tilting Furnace 1200 Degree C), Sand Mixer Machine, Sand Muller Machine, Vacuum Furnace, Stir and hydraulic casting furnace, Horizontal rotary centrifugal casting machine
Instrumentation and Control Engineering Lab Vibration platform shaker and accessories kit, National Instruments, LMS Test Xpress, keysight dsox3014t
Machine Shop CNC Advanced Micro Machining Station, CNC Milling machine, Turnmaster-40 All Geared Head Lathe, Batliboi-Shaping Machine, Batlibio FA3U Universal Milling M/c, HMC/SURAJ Geared Head Universal Milling Machine, EIFCO make Gear Hobber, Eifco ? Slotting Machine, EIFCO Radial Drilling Machine, Tool and Cutter Grinder (SG3), Hydraulic Surface Grinding Machine, Vertical Ram Turret Milling machine, Batliboi make Radial Drilling Machine (BR-515), Syscon Lathe Tool Dynamometer
Materials Engineering Technology Lab Metallurgical Microscope, Hot Mounting press, Polishing Machine Fully Automatic, Optical Microscope Camera and Software, Vickers Hardness Tester, Electronic Tensometer, Binocular Metallurgical Microscope, Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Tubular Furnace, Weighing Balance, Digital Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine, Double Disc Polishing Machine, Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope Camera and Software, Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester, Metallurgical Macroscope, Electro Chemical Work Station, Optical Microscope, Indfurr Inert Atmospheric High Temperature Tubular Furnace, Double Disc Polisher Machine, Double Disc Two Speed Grinder Polisher
Mechatronics Lab Bldc Servomotor, Automatic Electronics Control System With Accessories (Scada), Modular Automation Production System, Ni-Pxie Kit, Amesim Multi Domain Mechatronics Simulation Software Bundel, Beckoff Automation Soft Plc Trainer Kit, Electro Hydraulics Kit, Hydraulic Simulation Software, Regulated Power Supply, Hydraulic Gear Motor, Comsol Multiphysics, Module, Plc Trainer Kits And Accessories, High Speed Image Processing, Electro Hydraulics And Plc Kit, Box High Precision Flow Sensor, Pressure Sensor,Ci Sensor Reader, High Resolution Image Processing, Ai Nvidia Robo X, Vission Development Module, Sushma Rotary Torque Angle Sensor,Signal Conditioner, Pneumatic System With Plc, Electromagnetic Clutch Brake And Rotary Encoder, Pneumatic Simulation Software, Electric Cylinder System, Flow Sensor, Hm20-2X/250
Metal Forming Lab 2 Hi Hot & 4 Hi Cold Roll Mill, Hydraulic Press, Tensile Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Fatigue Testing Machine, Ericson Cup Tester
Metal Matrix Composites Lab Hydraulic press, Ultrasonic liquid processor, Dry aberration tester, Portable X-ray Spectroscopy, Planetary ball mill
Metrology Lab Universal bevel protractor, Profile projector, Vernier height gauge 0-300mm, Electronic comparator, Vernier depth gauge, Magnetic stand, Cylinder bore gauge, Mitutoyo outside micrometer series 103 (0-25 mm) range, (25-50 mm) range, (50-75 mm) range, Mechanical comparator, Thread gauge 55 deg / 60 deg, Surface plate 18?x18?, Screw pitch gauge 55 Deg G8, Slip gauge 83 pic, Outside micrometer, Gear tooth vernier caliper, Ultrasonic thickness gauge - 0.5- 350mm, Inside micrometer (5-30 mm) range, (25-50mm) range, Surface roughness tester, Digital Micrometer (range: 0 to 25mm; Resolution: 0.001mm), Digital Vernier Caliper (Least count 0.01mm), Analog Vernier caliper - 0-150mm 3 nos., Gear tooth Vernier caliper (1-25mm,) range (5-50mm) range, Toolmakers microscope
Noise Vibration Harshness Lab Modal Analysis Software, Velocity measurement sensor, Laser Triangulation sensor, Low-Velocity impact setup, Ultrasonic Sonicator, Resin transfer infusion system, Data Acquisition System, Electrical industrial oven, Impact Hammer, DIC Image Capture, Honeycomb corrugated Structure Die, Non-Contact Vibro Meter, 8 Hole honeycomb Die, Miniature accelerometer, Vibration Controller with Sine and Random control, DEWESoft, Ultrasonic cutter, Triaxial accelerometer,, Vibration Test System (Shaker), Miniature impulse hammer, strain gauge amplifier
Non Destructive and Testing Lab Ultrasonic C scan immersion Equipment, EDDY CURRENT FLAW DETECTOR, Magnetic particle testing yoke kit, Dye penetrant testing (PT) KIT (Both visual and fluorescent method), Ultrasonic Equipment (conventional) with Probes and calibration blocks & Phased array
Renewable Energy Sources Lab Single fuel cell test station manual operation without cell, Wind energy Training system, Electric Analytical Balance, Semiautomatic Bomb Colorimeter with parts, Junker?s Gas Calorimeter along weighing balance & LPG cylinder, Programable fuel cell Test-Station, Probe sonicator(basic model 120w) with sound proff box, Hydro-genius fuel cell demonstrator kit, Solar PV Simulation Setup with Necessary Accessories
Robotics Lab Formula All Code Deluxe Class Set, 4- Channel Universal analog input, Makit- Master Creative Engineers Kit, Adams software, Fanuc Rob guide Academic Package, Beck off motion control module with I/O Terminal, Function Generator, Mobil Robot -I, 4- Channel Current output module, Industrial Robot-II, Compact Dates Acquisition Chassis, Analog i/o Module for Fanuc Robot, 5 g PK Tri -Axial Accelerometer, Mobil Robot -II, Kuka robot, Collaborative Robot (universial robot), Industrial Robot-I, 2- Channel Oscilloscope-Digital Storage
Solar Thermal Engineering Lab Thermal Energy Storage system, First Class Pyranometer, Thermal Incinerator Experimental setup, Experimental setup for MRCPE collector for wings, Sun Simulater lamp setup, Water lens solar colecter, Evacuated tube water heater, Solar air heater Experimental setup, Hukes flux second class Albedometer with readourt unit L119, Pyrradiometer, Shading Ring Pyranometer(LP PYRA 12 ), Data Acquisition System 20 channel, First class ISO Pyrheliometer DR01& Mounting and other, Parabolic Solar concentration trough collector & Dig Indicate, Albedometer, Pyranometer
Thermal Engineering Systems Lab Airconditioning Test Rig (Vapour compression), Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Test Rig, Bomb Calorimeter, Centrifugal air blower, Multistage Reciprocating Air Compressor, Variable compression Ratio Engine setup with smoke meter and exhaust Gas analyzer, Refrigeration Test Rig (VCR), Diesel Engine Test rig with Electrical dynamometer. With Exhaust gas calorimeter, BioFuel Injection system at Engine air manifold, Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Petrol Engine, Vapour compression air conditioning test rig, Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Diesel Engine, Steam Turbine, Petrol Engine Test rig with Electrical Dynamometer (AC Generator), Open Circuit Wind Tunnel, Vapor Compression Test Rig
Vehicle Dynamics Lab Tri-axial accelerometer, Mobile precision 7510 Laptop, Steel Almirah, Cuplock Assembly frames, Modal Shaker, Tri-axial Seat pad accelerometer, 8 Channel LMS SCADAS Mobile enhanced, Virtual Lab software, Microphone calibrator with adaptor, Tachometer, CarSim Software, Mid-High Frequency Q source (1 no)+ power amplifier (1 no) +Tri-axial Seat Pad Accelerometer (2 nos) + microphone (2 nos) + Low noise blue coax (3nos), Impedance head Force accelerometer, LMS Test Lab Academic Bundle, Siemens Data acquisition system 8 channel, Modaly tuned Impact hammer
Welding Shop TIG Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine (KEMPI), FRICTION STIR WELDING MACHINE -NC
  • The students specialized in Mechanical engineering often enter careers in the automotive, aerospace, heavy machinery, medical device, defense, consumer product, or food production industries.
  • In areas of Research & Development, Design, Testing and Evaluation, Manufacturing, Operation and Maintenance, Marketing, Sales, and Administration and also in Public Sector Units.
  • About the Programme
  • Scope of Employment
  • Curriculum

The B.Tech. Mechanical with Specialization in Electric Vehicles is a 4-year professional undergraduate program that provides a broad, intellectual foundation in the fields of design, manufacturing, automation, thermal engineering, automotive engineering, electric vehicles, battery and motors used in EV. The program allows the students to study the relevant areas associated with automotive systems associate with the Electric Vehicle designs and development. The courses in this program are designed specifically to address the new and emerging technology in the automotive industry towards the futuristic smart mobility.

Program Educational Objectives [PEOs]

  • Graduates will apply their knowledge of engineering, analytical reasoning, problem-solving skills and computation skills in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on future mobility
  • Graduates will get involved in the design of novel products and strategic solutions to real-world challenges in future mobility that are technically sound, economically viable, and socially feasible.
  • Graduates will practice professional ethics, and work in multidisciplinary teams to develop a sustainable green environment.
  • Graduates will continue to advance their knowledge base and professional competencies through higher studies or other professional development activities

Type of Industry which hire them:

  • Automotive OEM's
  • Automotive Tier 1 & Suppliers
  • Electric vehicle Manufacturers
  • Automotive Electricals and Electronics Industry
  • Automotive Software Industry
  • Automotive testing and Certification Organization.
    • About the Programme
    • Discipline Linked Engineering Science Courses
    • Discipline Core and Elective Courses
    • Infrastructure
    • Scope of employment
    • Curriculum

    The B.Tech. Mechanical with Specialization in Automotive Engineering is a 4-year professional undergraduate program that provides a broad, intellectual foundation in the fields of design, manufacturing, automation, thermal engineering, and automotive engineering. The program allows the students to study the relevant areas associated with automotive systems. The courses in this program are designed specifically to address the new and emerging technology in the automotive industry.

    Materials Science and Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering Lab / Engineering Optimization / Artificial Intelligence / Control Systems / Microcontrollers and Interfacing Lab.

    Discipline Core Courses

    Mechanics of Solids / Mechanics of Solids Lab / Engineering Thermodynamics / Fluid Mechanics and Machines / Fluid Mechanics and Machines Lab / Machine Drawing Lab / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Lab / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Lab / Design of Machine Elements / Metal Casting and Welding / Metal Casting and Welding Lab / Thermal Engineering Systems / Thermal Engineering Systems Lab / Metal Forming and Machining / Metal Forming and Machining Lab / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis Lab / Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab / Heat and Mass Transfer / Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.

    Discipline Elective Courses

    Automotive Vehicles/ Automotive Electricals and Electronics/ Internal Combustion Engines/ Noise, Vibration and Harshness/ Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems/ Autonomous Vehicle Systems/ Vehicle Dynamics/ Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology/ Design of Transmission Systems/ Computational Fluid Dynamics/ Design of Chassis Components/ Vehicle Body and Aerodynamics Engineering

    Chassis Components Laboratory

    • Radiator Performance Test Rig
    • (A) System of Automobile Electrical wiring (B) Pannel Test bench for Dynamo, Alternator & starter motor
    • Maruti MPFI engine on a Rotatable stand
    • Computerised Two-Wheeler Chassis Dynamometer

    Vehicle Dynamics Lab

    • Tri-axial accelerometer
    • Modal Shaker
    • Tri-axial Seat Pad Accelerometer
    • CarSim Software

    Automotive Electronics Lab

    • 30 MHZ Standard Oscilloscope
    • Calibration and Training kit for Automotive Accelerated Pedal Sensor Kit
    • Calibration and Training kit for Automotive Engine Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Kit
    • Calibration and Training kit for Automotive Mass Air Flow Sensor Kit
    • Automotive Standard GPS
    • AVL Cruise Software
    • Function Generator (3 HZ)
    • Calibration and Training Kit for Automotive Engine Fuel Injector Sensor Kit
    • Industrial IOT Educational Kit based on NI MYRIO

    Engine Testing Lab

    • Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with DC motor generator & motoring test
    • Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with rope brake dynamometer
    • Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with DC motor generator & motoring test
    • Single cylinder 4s petrol Engine with Eddy current dynamometer
    • CRDI engine with eddy current dynamometer
    • Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with eddy current dynamometer
    • CRDI engine with eddy current dynamometer

    With the multi-disciplinary knowledge about electronics and computer software, students can find employment and internships in major automotive industries like BOSCH, Volkswagen, Delphi, TVS, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, VALEO, Nissan, Ather Energy etc.

    • About the Programme
    • Discipline Linked Engineering Science Courses
    • Discipline Core and Elective Courses
    • Infrastructure
    • Scope of employment
    • Curriculum

    The B.Tech. Mechanical with Specialization in Manufacturing Engineering is a 4-year professional undergraduate program that provides a broad, intellectual foundation in the fields of design, manufacturing, automation, industrial engineering, and thermal engineering. The program develops the relevant engineering fundamentals, includes various experiences in their application, and introduces the important methods and techniques of engineering practice. The program is devised to cater to the manufacturing engineering students becoming familiar with basic and advanced fabrication processes including additive manufacturing (3D printing), automation, and “smart factory” concepts.

    Program Educational Objectives [PEOs]

    • Graduates will apply their engineering knowledge, analytical reasoning, problem-solving skills and computation skills in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on advanced manufacturing technologies.
    • Graduates will continue to advance their knowledge base and professional competencies through higher studies or other professional development activities
    • Graduates will pursue careers across mechanical and allied industries including government/public/private/ and non-profit organizations.
    • Graduates will collaborate in cross-disciplinary teams to design and develop products and processes that contribute to society at large.

    Materials Science and Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering Lab / Engineering Optimization / Artificial Intelligence / Control Systems / Microcontrollers and Interfacing Lab.

    Discipline Core Courses

    Mechanics of Solids / Mechanics of Solids Lab / Engineering Thermodynamics / Fluid Mechanics and Machines / Fluid Mechanics and Machines Lab / Machine Drawing Lab / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Lab / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems / Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Lab / Design of Machine Elements / Metal Casting and Welding / Metal Casting and Welding Lab / Thermal Engineering Systems / Thermal Engineering Systems Lab / Metal Forming and Machining / Metal Forming and Machining Lab / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis / Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis Lab / Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab / Heat and Mass Transfer / Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.

    Discipline Elective Courses

    Quality Control and Improvement / Manufacturing Planning and Control / Product Design and Development / Lean Manufacturing / Supply Chain Management / Industrial Robotics / Advanced Materials Characterization Methods / Design of Jigs / Fixtures and Press Tools / Advanced Manufacturing Processes / Industrial Revolution 4.0 / Manufacturing Systems Design.

    Laboratory Significant facilities
    Advanced Materials Processing and Testing Lab CNC Lathe Machine, High Speed Lathe Machine, Force Dynamometer, Electric Discharge Machine(Spark Erosion), MQL System, Hybrid Laser GMA Welding Power Source With Robot, CNC Vertical Milling Machine, Heavy Duty Lathe, Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine, Surface Profilometer, Contact Angle Measurement System, CNC Wirecut Electro Discharge Machine
    Automotive Chassis Components Laboratory Light and Heavy Duty Leaf Spring Tester, Radiator Performance Test Rig, Computerised Two Wheeler Chassis Dynamometer
    Automotive Electronics Lab Calibration and Training kit for Automotive Accelerated Pedal Sensor Kit, Engine Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Kit, Mass Air Flow Sensor Kit, Automotive Standard GPS, AVL Cruise Software, Calibration and Training Kit for Automotive Engine Fuel Injector Sensor Kit, Coolant Temperature Sensor Kit, Automotive Oxygen Sensor Kit, Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Kit, Industrial IOT Educational Kit based on NI MYRIO
    Composite Lab Micro Tensile Machine-Computer Controlled, High Temperature Split Tube Furnace, Humidity Chamber, Hot Press Machine, Injection Molding, Twin Screw Extruder, Flat Sheet Casting Machine, Charpy Impact Testing, Ultrasonic Liquid Processor, Tripple Roller Milling Machine, Heat Deflection Temperature Tester
    Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab ANSYS Academic teaching CFD version-15 (512000 nodes), DELL T1650 mini workstation, , HP Z840, Z4, Z230 SFF workstation s, ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical & CFD version-15, Comsol Multiphysics 5.5, CONVERGE Studio V2.3
    Computer Aided Design Lab Solidworks 2018-19, MDO-Web ver.4.0, LSDYNA 971, ANSYS 20, DFMA 10.2
    Cyber Physcial Systems Lab Occulus VR, AI IOT INTEGRATED PLATFROM, IOT smart health care lab, IOT smart home, Robotic vision system, Intelligent biped robot, AI and IoT PLATFORM, Digital twin software -Thing work-IoT
    Digi-Man (Digital Manufacturing) Lab Metal 3D printer (SLM), 3D Scanner, SLS 3D Printer, FDM 3D printer, SLA 3D Printer
    Dynamics and Vibration Lab Universal vibration apparatus set up, Whirling of shafts apparatus, Universal Governor, Coriolis component of acceleration, Balancing of Reciprocating Masses
    Engine Testing Lab Single cylinder 4S petrol Engine with Electric Brake dynamometer, Data acquisition system, Air Nozzle Testing Rig, Vortex tube setup, Brookfield viscometer, Open ECU, Air Conditioner test Rig, Single cylinder 4s water cooled diesel engine with DC motor generator & motoring test; & rope brake dynamometer; & Eddy current dynamometer, Stack monitoring kit, Refrigeration test rig, Wind Tunnel with Data acquisition system, Cut Model of four stroke Single cylinder Diesel Engine, Double Stage Air Compressor, Wind Tunnel Test Rig (Variable Speed), CRDI engine with eddy current dynamometer, Bio-diesel unit
    Fluid Mechanics Lab Orifice meter Apparatus, Pipe Friction Apparatus, Venturimeter meter Apparatus, Triangular Notches, Mouth Piece Apparatus, Orifice Apparatus, Bernoullis Equation Apparatus, Cavitation Apparatus, Reynolds Apparatus, Determination of Losses in Pipe (Minor Losses), Impact of Jet on Vanes, External mouthpiece setup, Orifice meter Test Rig, Venturimeter and Orifice meter Apparatus, Metacentric Hight Ship Model, Verification of Bernoulli?stheorem Apparatus, Rectangular Notches
    Foundry Shop Universal Strength Machine, Stir Casting Furnace(Tilting Furnace 1200 Degree C), Sand Mixer Machine, Sand Muller Machine, Vacuum Furnace, Stir and hydraulic casting furnace, Horizontal rotary centrifugal casting machine
    Instrumentation and Control Engineering Lab Vibration platform shaker and accessories kit, National Instruments, LMS Test Xpress, keysight dsox3014t
    Machine Shop CNC Advanced Micro Machining Station, CNC Milling machine, Turnmaster-40 All Geared Head Lathe, Batliboi-Shaping Machine, Batlibio FA3U Universal Milling M/c, HMC/SURAJ Geared Head Universal Milling Machine, EIFCO make Gear Hobber, Eifco ? Slotting Machine, EIFCO Radial Drilling Machine, Tool and Cutter Grinder (SG3), Hydraulic Surface Grinding Machine, Vertical Ram Turret Milling machine, Batliboi make Radial Drilling Machine (BR-515), Syscon Lathe Tool Dynamometer
    Materials Engineering Technology Lab Metallurgical Microscope, Hot Mounting press, Polishing Machine Fully Automatic, Optical Microscope Camera and Software, Vickers Hardness Tester, Electronic Tensometer, Binocular Metallurgical Microscope, Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Tubular Furnace, Weighing Balance, Digital Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine, Double Disc Polishing Machine, Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope Camera and Software, Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester, Metallurgical Macroscope, Electro Chemical Work Station, Optical Microscope, Indfurr Inert Atmospheric High Temperature Tubular Furnace, Double Disc Polisher Machine, Double Disc Two Speed Grinder Polisher
    Mechatronics Lab Bldc Servomotor, Automatic Electronics Control System With Accessories (Scada), Modular Automation Production System, Ni-Pxie Kit, Amesim Multi Domain Mechatronics Simulation Software Bundel, Beckoff Automation Soft Plc Trainer Kit, Electro Hydraulics Kit, Hydraulic Simulation Software, Regulated Power Supply, Hydraulic Gear Motor, Comsol Multiphysics, Module, Plc Trainer Kits And Accessories, High Speed Image Processing, Electro Hydraulics And Plc Kit, Box High Precision Flow Sensor, Pressure Sensor,Ci Sensor Reader, High Resolution Image Processing, Ai Nvidia Robo X, Vission Development Module, Sushma Rotary Torque Angle Sensor,Signal Conditioner, Pneumatic System With Plc, Electromagnetic Clutch Brake And Rotary Encoder, Pneumatic Simulation Software, Electric Cylinder System, Flow Sensor, Hm20-2X/250
    Metal Forming Lab 2 Hi Hot & 4 Hi Cold Roll Mill, Hydraulic Press, Tensile Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Fatigue Testing Machine, Ericson Cup Tester
    Metal Matrix Composites Lab Hydraulic press, Ultrasonic liquid processor, Dry aberration tester, Portable X-ray Spectroscopy, Planetary ball mill
    Metrology Lab Universal bevel protractor, Profile projector, Vernier height gauge 0-300mm, Electronic comparator, Vernier depth gauge, Magnetic stand, Cylinder bore gauge, Mitutoyo outside micrometer series 103 (0-25 mm) range, (25-50 mm) range, (50-75 mm) range, Mechanical comparator, Thread gauge 55 deg / 60 deg, Surface plate 18?x18?, Screw pitch gauge 55 Deg G8, Slip gauge 83 pic, Outside micrometer, Gear tooth vernier caliper, Ultrasonic thickness gauge - 0.5- 350mm, Inside micrometer (5-30 mm) range, (25-50mm) range, Surface roughness tester, Digital Micrometer (range: 0 to 25mm; Resolution: 0.001mm), Digital Vernier Caliper (Least count 0.01mm), Analog Vernier caliper - 0-150mm 3 nos., Gear tooth Vernier caliper (1-25mm,) range (5-50mm) range, Toolmakers microscope
    Noise Vibration Harshness Lab Modal Analysis Software, Velocity measurement sensor, Laser Triangulation sensor, Low-Velocity impact setup, Ultrasonic Sonicator, Resin transfer infusion system, Data Acquisition System, Electrical industrial oven, Impact Hammer, DIC Image Capture, Honeycomb corrugated Structure Die, Non-Contact Vibro Meter, 8 Hole honeycomb Die, Miniature accelerometer, Vibration Controller with Sine and Random control, DEWESoft, Ultrasonic cutter, Triaxial accelerometer,, Vibration Test System (Shaker), Miniature impulse hammer, strain gauge amplifier
    Non Destructive and Testing Lab Ultrasonic C scan immersion Equipment, EDDY CURRENT FLAW DETECTOR, Magnetic particle testing yoke kit, Dye penetrant testing (PT) KIT (Both visual and fluorescent method), Ultrasonic Equipment (conventional) with Probes and calibration blocks & Phased array
    Renewable Energy Sources Lab Single fuel cell test station manual operation without cell, Wind energy Training system, Electric Analytical Balance, Semiautomatic Bomb Colorimeter with parts, Junker?s Gas Calorimeter along weighing balance & LPG cylinder, Programable fuel cell Test-Station, Probe sonicator(basic model 120w) with sound proff box, Hydro-genius fuel cell demonstrator kit, Solar PV Simulation Setup with Necessary Accessories
    Robotics Lab Formula All Code Deluxe Class Set, 4- Channel Universal analog input, Makit- Master Creative Engineers Kit, Adams software, Fanuc Rob guide Academic Package, Beck off motion control module with I/O Terminal, Function Generator, Mobil Robot -I, 4- Channel Current output module, Industrial Robot-II, Compact Dates Acquisition Chassis, Analog i/o Module for Fanuc Robot, 5 g PK Tri -Axial Accelerometer, Mobil Robot -II, Kuka robot, Collaborative Robot (universial robot), Industrial Robot-I, 2- Channel Oscilloscope-Digital Storage
    Solar Thermal Engineering Lab Thermal Energy Storage system, First Class Pyranometer, Thermal Incinerator Experimental setup, Experimental setup for MRCPE collector for wings, Sun Simulater lamp setup, Water lens solar colecter, Evacuated tube water heater, Solar air heater Experimental setup, Hukes flux second class Albedometer with readourt unit L119, Pyrradiometer, Shading Ring Pyranometer(LP PYRA 12 ), Data Acquisition System 20 channel, First class ISO Pyrheliometer DR01& Mounting and other, Parabolic Solar concentration trough collector & Dig Indicate, Albedometer, Pyranometer
    Thermal Engineering Systems Lab Airconditioning Test Rig (Vapour compression), Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Test Rig, Bomb Calorimeter, Centrifugal air blower, Multistage Reciprocating Air Compressor, Variable compression Ratio Engine setup with smoke meter and exhaust Gas analyzer, Refrigeration Test Rig (VCR), Diesel Engine Test rig with Electrical dynamometer. With Exhaust gas calorimeter, BioFuel Injection system at Engine air manifold, Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Petrol Engine, Vapour compression air conditioning test rig, Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Diesel Engine, Steam Turbine, Petrol Engine Test rig with Electrical Dynamometer (AC Generator), Open Circuit Wind Tunnel, Vapor Compression Test Rig
    Vehicle Dynamics Lab Tri-axial accelerometer, Mobile precision 7510 Laptop, Steel Almirah, Cuplock Assembly frames, Modal Shaker, Tri-axial Seat pad accelerometer, 8 Channel LMS SCADAS Mobile enhanced, Virtual Lab software, Microphone calibrator with adaptor, Tachometer, CarSim Software, Mid-High Frequency Q source (1 no)+ power amplifier (1 no) +Tri-axial Seat Pad Accelerometer (2 nos) + microphone (2 nos) + Low noise blue coax (3nos), Impedance head Force accelerometer, LMS Test Lab Academic Bundle, Siemens Data acquisition system 8 channel, Modaly tuned Impact hammer
    Welding Shop TIG Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine (KEMPI), FRICTION STIR WELDING MACHINE -NC

    The students specializing in Manufacturing engineering often enter careers:

    • In the automotive, aerospace, heavy machinery, medical device, defense, consumer product, or food production industries.
    • In areas of Research & Development, Design, Testing and Evaluation, Manufacturing, Operation and Maintenance, Marketing, Sales, and Administration. and in Public Sector Units
    • About the Programme
    • Programme Core Courses
    • Programme Elective Courses
    • Infrastructure
    • Scope of employment
    • Curriculum

    B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Energy Engineering is a four-year undergraduate program that offers awareness and knowledge on Modelling, Design and Analysis of various Energy Systems and components with due consideration to social, economic and environmental implications.

    Materials Science and Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering Lab / Engineering Optimization / Artificial Intelligence / Control Systems / Microcontrollers and Interfacing Lab.

    Design of Mechanical Components / Machine Drawing / CAD/CAM / Internal Combustion Engines / Fuels and Combustion / Automobile Engineering / Alternative Fuels / Energy Systems Analysis and Design / Nuclear Power Engineering / Wind Energy Engineering / Small Hydro Power Systems / Fuel Cells / Solar Photovoltaic System Design / Bio-Energy Technology / Exergy Analysis of Energy Systems / Design and Selection of Heat Transfer Equipment / Conventional and Solar Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Electromechanical Energy Conversion / Remote Sensing and GIS in Resource Management / Solar Thermal Power Engineering / Energy In Built Environment / Energy, Environment and Impact Assessment / Integrated Energy Systems Operations Research / Energy Conservation, Audit and Management / Industrial Engineering and Management / Robotics Instrumentation and Control Engineering

    Renewable Energy Sources Laboratory
    • Solar PV Simulation Setup with Necessary Accessories
    • Wind energy Training system
    • Programmable fuel cell Test-Station
    • Semi-automatic Bomb Colorimeter with parts
    • Junker’s Gas Calorimeter along weighing balance & LPG cylinder
    • Transys software pakage-17
    • Hydro-genius fuel cell demonstrator kit
    Solar Thermal Power Engineering Laboratory
    • Thermal Energy Storage system
    • Vapor Absorption Refrigeration trainer
    • Sun simulator lamp setup
    • Solar air heater Experimental setup
    • Thermal Incinerator Experimental setup
    • Evacuated tube water heater
    • Water lens solar collector
    • Water lens solar collector
    • Pyrradiometer
    • Pyrheliometer
    • Pyranometer
    • Albedometer
    Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
    • HP Z840 Workstation, Intel Xeon, E5-2630 v4 2.2.2133, 10 Core, 64 GB DDR4 Ram, 2TB SATA HDD, NVIDIA Quadro P2000 5GB 4XDP (1 No)
    • HP Z4 WORK STATION PIV - Core, i9-7900X 3.3 10C, RAM 32GB - 4x8GB DDR4 2666 NECC, Hard Disk 2TB,GFX NVIDIA Quadro P2000 5GB 4 DP (4 Nos.)
    • DELL T1650 mini workstation, Intel (R) Xeon processor E3, Quad core 3.20GHz, 8 GB RAM (2slot) DDR3 1TB HDD (7 Nos. )
    • HP Z230 SFF workstation 500 GB HDD, 16 GB Ram DDR3, i7 processor, Nvidia Quadro K600 1GB. (20 Nos.)
    • HP Z210 SFF WS system Intel Xeon E3-1245,3.3 GHZ.8 MB, 4 GB RAM (2X2) DDR3-1333 nEcc Ram Intel HD Graphics p 3000 , 500 GB SATA (10 Nos.)
    • ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical & CFD version-20 (25 license) and ANSYS Academic teaching CFD version-20 (250 license)
    • ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical & CFD version-15 (1 No) and ANSYS Academic teaching CFD version-15 (50 Nos.)
    • Comsol Multiphysics 5.5, Batteries and Fuel cell Modules, CFD Module, Heat Transfer Module, Structural mechanics (30 Nos.)
    • CONVERGE Studio V2.3 CONVERGE Studio 20 license, Solver 4 License, Ensight- 20 license
    Thermal Engineering Systems Laboratory
    • Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Engine with Exhaust Gas Analyzer and Diesel smoke meter.
    • Centrifugal Air Blower
    • Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor
    • Diesel Engine Test Rig with Electrical Dynamometer
    • Petrol Engine Test Rig with Electrical Dynamometer
    • Vapour Compression Air Conditioning Test Rig
    • Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig
    • Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig
    • Bomb Calorimeter
    Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
    • Venturimeter and Orifice meter Apparatus
    • Determination of Losses in Pipe
    • Rectangular and Triangular Notches
    • Pitot Tube and water meter Apparatus
    • Cavitation Apparatus
    • Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem Apparatus
    • Reynolds Apparatus
    • Impact of Jet on Vanes Apparatus
    • Impact of Jet on Vanes Apparatus
    • Industries involved in energy extraction, conversion, transmission and distribution.
    • Energy users like Industrial and Commercial organizations
    • Service organizations like Energy Auditing Agencies and Consultancy Firms
    • Industries engaged in infrastructure, sale and installation of energy equipments
    • Research and Development Organizations.
    • About the Programme
    • Programme Core Courses
    • Programme Elective Courses
    • Infrastructure
    • Scope of employment
    • Curriculum

    The Bachelor of Engineering in Production and Industrial Engineering is a 4 year professional undergraduate programme that provides a broad intellectual foundation in the fields of Industrial, Manufacturing, and Management. The program develops the relevant engineering fundamentals that integrate machines, workers, materials, information, and energy to achieve higher productivity by adopting efficient planning, integrated design and operative systems in any manufacturing system.

    Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Applications of Differential and Difference Equations / Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations / Applied Numerical Methods / Engineering Drawing / Materials Engineering and Technology / Industrial Engineering and Management / Operations Research / Theory of Metal Casting and Joining / Mechanics of Solids and Fluids / Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer / Statistical Quality Control / Machine Drawing / Manufacturing Automation / Theory of Metal Cutting and Forming / Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery / Computer Aided Manufacturing

    Electronics and Microcontrollers / Control Systems / Total Quality Management and Reliability / Lean Enterprises and New Manufacturing Technology / Facilities and Process Planning / Enterprise Resource Planning / Instrumentation and Control Engineering / Robotics / Product Design for Manufacturing / Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems / Non Destructive Testing / Rapid Manufacturing Technologies / Production Planning and Control / Industrial Economics / Logistics and Supply Chain Management / Industrial Corrosion and Tribology / Agile Manufacturing / Finite Element Analysis / Engineering Failure Analysis / Laser Processing / Engineering Metrology / Advanced Manufacturing Management / Tool Design / Advanced Machining Processes / Micro and Nano Machining / Design of Transmission Systems

    Laboratory Significant facilities
    Advanced Materials Processing and Testing Lab CNC Lathe Machine, High Speed Lathe Machine, Force Dynamometer, Electric Discharge Machine(Spark Erosion), MQL System, Hybrid Laser GMA Welding Power Source With Robot, CNC Vertical Milling Machine, Heavy Duty Lathe, Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine, Surface Profilometer, Contact Angle Measurement System, CNC Wirecut Electro Discharge Machine
    Composite Lab Micro Tensile Machine-Computer Controlled, High Temperature Split Tube Furnace, Humidity Chamber, Hot Press Machine, Injection Molding, Twin Screw Extruder, Flat Sheet Casting Machine, Charpy Impact Testing, Ultrasonic Liquid Processor, Tripple Roller Milling Machine, Heat Deflection Temperature Tester
    Computer Aided Design Lab Solidworks 2018-19, MDO-Web ver.4.0, LSDYNA 971, ANSYS 20, DFMA 10.2
    Digi-Man (Digital Manufacturing) Lab Metal 3D printer (SLM), 3D Scanner, SLS 3D Printer, FDM 3D printer, SLA 3D Printer
    Foundry Shop Universal Strength Machine, Stir Casting Furnace(Tilting Furnace 1200 Degree C), Sand Mixer Machine, Sand Muller Machine, Vacuum Furnace, Stir and hydraulic casting furnace, Horizontal rotary centrifugal casting machine
    Instrumentation and Control Engineering Lab Vibration platform shaker and accessories kit, National Instruments, LMS Test Xpress, keysight dsox3014t
    Machine Shop CNC Advanced Micro Machining Station, CNC Milling machine, Turnmaster-40 All Geared Head Lathe, Batliboi-Shaping Machine, Batlibio FA3U Universal Milling M/c, HMC/SURAJ Geared Head Universal Milling Machine, EIFCO make Gear Hobber, Eifco ? Slotting Machine, EIFCO Radial Drilling Machine, Tool and Cutter Grinder (SG3), Hydraulic Surface Grinding Machine, Vertical Ram Turret Milling machine, Batliboi make Radial Drilling Machine (BR-515), Syscon Lathe Tool Dynamometer
    Materials Engineering Technology Lab Metallurgical Microscope, Hot Mounting press, Polishing Machine Fully Automatic, Optical Microscope Camera and Software, Vickers Hardness Tester, Electronic Tensometer, Binocular Metallurgical Microscope, Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Tubular Furnace, Weighing Balance, Digital Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine, Double Disc Polishing Machine, Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope Camera and Software, Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester, Metallurgical Macroscope, Electro Chemical Work Station, Optical Microscope, Indfurr Inert Atmospheric High Temperature Tubular Furnace, Double Disc Polisher Machine, Double Disc Two Speed Grinder Polisher
    Mechatronics Lab Bldc Servomotor, Automatic Electronics Control System With Accessories (Scada), Modular Automation Production System, Ni-Pxie Kit, Amesim Multi Domain Mechatronics Simulation Software Bundel, Beckoff Automation Soft Plc Trainer Kit, Electro Hydraulics Kit, Hydraulic Simulation Software, Regulated Power Supply, Hydraulic Gear Motor, Comsol Multiphysics, Module, Plc Trainer Kits And Accessories, High Speed Image Processing, Electro Hydraulics And Plc Kit, Box High Precision Flow Sensor, Pressure Sensor,Ci Sensor Reader, High Resolution Image Processing, Ai Nvidia Robo X, Vission Development Module, Sushma Rotary Torque Angle Sensor,Signal Conditioner, Pneumatic System With Plc, Electromagnetic Clutch Brake And Rotary Encoder, Pneumatic Simulation Software, Electric Cylinder System, Flow Sensor,Cable Set,Hm20-2X/250,
    Metal Forming Lab 2 Hi Hot & 4 Hi Cold Roll Mill, Hydraulic Press, Tensile Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Fatigue Testing Machine, Ericson Cup Tester
    Metal Matrix Composites Lab Hydraulic press, Ultrasonic liquid processor, Dry aberration tester, Portable X-ray Spectroscopy, Planetary ball mill
    Metrology Lab Universal bevel protractor, Profile projector, Vernier height gauge 0-300mm, Electronic comparator, Vernier depth gauge, Magnetic stand, Cylinder bore gauge, Mitutoyo outside micrometer series 103 (0-25 mm) range, (25-50 mm) range, (50-75 mm) range, Mechanical comparator, Thread gauge 55 deg / 60 deg, Surface plate 18?x18?, Screw pitch gauge 55 Deg G8, Slip gauge 83 pic, Outside micrometer, Gear tooth vernier caliper, Ultrasonic thickness gauge - 0.5- 350mm, Inside micrometer (5-30 mm) range, (25-50mm) range, Surface roughness tester, Digital Micrometer (range: 0 to 25mm; Resolution: 0.001mm), Digital Vernier Caliper (Least count 0.01mm), Analog Vernier caliper - 0-150mm 3 nos., Gear tooth Vernier caliper (1-25mm,) range (5-50mm) range, Toolmakers microscope
    Non Destructive and Testing Lab Ultrasonic C scan immersion Equipment, EDDY CURRENT FLAW DETECTOR, Magnetic particle testing yoke kit, Dye penetrant testing (PT) KIT (Both visual and fluorescent method), Ultrasonic Equipment (conventional) with Probes and calibration blocks & Phased array
    Robotics Lab Formula All Code Deluxe Class Set, 4- Channel Universal analog input, Makit- Master Creative Engineers Kit, Adams software, Fanuc Rob guide Academic Package, Beck off motion control module with I/O Terminal, Function Generator, Mobil Robot -I, 4- Channel Current output module, Industrial Robot-II, Compact Dates Acquisition Chassis, Analog i/o Module for Fanuc Robot, 5 g PK Tri -Axial Accelerometer, Mobil Robot -II, Kuka robot, Collaborative Robot (universial robot), Industrial Robot-I, 2- Channel Oscilloscope-Digital Storage
    Welding Shop TIG Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Machine, MIG Welding Machine (KEMPI), FRICTION STIR WELDING MACHINE -NC
    • In a wide range of exciting industries, including manufacturing, automotive, construction, transport, banks and services, medical, chemical and agriculture.
    • In areas of research and development, manufacturing, operations and maintenance, retails trades, marketing, sales and administration.
    • In public sectors like railways, ONGC, ISRO, SAIL, NTPC, DRDO, IAF and other PSUs.

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