School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)

School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)


  • To be a leader in imparting world-class education in Mechanical Engineering, with a vision to nurture scientists and technocrats of the highest caliber engaged in global sustainable development.
  • To create and maintain an environment fostering excellence in Instruction & Learning, Research and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and allied disciplines.
  • To equip students with the required knowledge and skills to engage seamlessly in higher educational and employment sectors ensuring that societal demands are met.


  • To be a leader in imparting world-class education in Mechanical Engineering, with a vision to nurture scientists and technocrats of the highest caliber engaged in global sustainable development.


  • To create and maintain an environment fostering excellence in Instruction & Learning, Research and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and allied disciplines.
  • To equip students with the required knowledge and skills to engage seamlessly in higher educational and employment sectors ensuring that societal demands
    are met.

The School of Mechanical Engineering is amongst the premier schools of VIT started functioning right from 1984. The school has got a team of highly qualified faculty members, many holding PhDs from the elite institutes across the globe, to teach and train the best minds of this country.The pride of the school lies in the significant research funding received from several Government agencies such as DST, DRDO, MNRE, CSIR, CVRDE, CPDO, IE, AR&DB, CVRDE, BRNS, ISRO, UGC, NRB, AICTE etc., Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with various Industry Research Organisations and leading Universities. The Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has recognized the school for its research activities and supported in 2003 and 2010 under FIST scheme. The School has modern facilities, enabling cutting edge research in a wide spectrum of technological areas. The school actively assists local industries in product design, complex-part manufacturing and Computational Fluid Dynamics. The courses offered cater to the needs of Aerospace, Defense, Manufacturing, Energy and Automotive industries. This has enabled the students to pursue higher studies in leading Universities in India and abroad. Three of the Bachelors Degree Programmes offered by the School, B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering, B.Tech.Mechanical with Specialisation in Automotive Engineering and B.Tech. Mechanical with Specialisation in Energy Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering are ranked in the top 8-10 in India and top 201-250 worldwide as per QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. In Engineering and Technology "Mechanical Engineering" Specialisations are ranked within the top 501-600 in the world as per THE World University Ranking by Subject 2024.

Dean's Message

Dr. Devendranath Ramkumar


School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)

Welcome to the School of Mechanical Engineering!

The School of Mechanical Engineering at VIT is one of the renowned schools and began operating in 1984. Our school has a team of elite faculty members from institutes of repute across the globe to augment the skills of the students. The School of Mechanical Engineering offers 3 undergraduate and 5 post-graduate programs. These programmes are specifically tailored to meet the needs of the aerospace, automotive, defence, energy, and manufacturing industries. Furthermore, the school is providing two distinctive undergraduate programmes specifically tailored for industry professionals, which are exclusively offered as a blended learning mode.

Our school's knowledge-centric ecology is supported by its sophisticated infrastructure, industry-sponsored centres of excellence, and state-of-the-art lab facilities. There are 43 academic and research labs with in the school, all of which focus on the latest industry trends. It is with great pleasure that I share with you that the School of Mechanical Engineering has been at the forefront of advancing research in numerous cutting-edge fields that bring together experts from different fields, such as additive manufacturing, electric and hybrid vehicle technology, hydrogen storage, advanced materials and processing, material characterisation, robotics, mechatronics and automation, industry 4.0, and countless more.

Our School's multidisciplinary approach to engineering education and research gives us a distinct advantage in training future engineers and equipping them for multiple career opportunities and disciplines. We have signed many Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with internationally reputed academic and industry partners. Collaborations enable us to co-develop curriculum, value-added courses, seminars, and trainings. Furthermore, our ties with these outstanding academic and industrial partners enable our students to participate in internships (industry/research) and semester-abroad programmes, respectively.

The MoUs have also enabled our students to pursue higher studies and do research internships through prestigious scholarships such as MITACS, DAAD-WISE, and others. The School regularly hosts an "Industry-Academia Networking Conclave (IANC)” to actively address and bridge the gap that exists between industries and academia. The conclave includes Design-a-Thons, Hack-a-Thons, Technical Challenges, Panel Discussions, and Technical Talks, all aimed at enhancing students' technical and professional abilities. I am pleased to inform you that 75+ industries participated in this year's IANC 2024, and we signed 11 Memorandums of Understanding with industry partners.

Our School has received significant research funding from several National and International agencies such as DST, DRDO, MNRE, CSIT, CVRDE, CPDO, AR&DB, BRNS, ISRO, NRB, Royal Academy of Engineering, British Council etc. The Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has recognised the school for its research activities and supported it in 2003, 2010 and 2022 under the Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program. As another milestone, the school has also received institutional funding from DST under the Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) scheme in 2021 for establishing the centre of excellence in additive manufacturing.

I am also elated to inform you that the “Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering” program is ranked within the top 8-10 in India and top 201-250 in the world as per QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024.

Welcome you to the elite School of Mechanical Engineering!

  1. Apart from a generic Undergraduate programme in Mechanical Engineering, the School offers specialized UG programmes in all core areas of Mechanical Engineering.
  2. At the Masters level, the school offers programmes in CAD/CAM, Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Automotive Specializations.
  3. The school has active research groups in almost all areas of Mechanical Engineering including Composite Materials, Welding, Metal Cutting, Surface Engineering.





Academic Faculties

Number of students


No. of Programmes Offered


Events Conducted





The school regularly organises various programs like

The school also has vibrant Clubs Chapters of Professional Bodies such as ASME, SAE, ISHRAE & IEEE and they organise various competitions and workshops for students.

There are currently no events.



Collaborations and MOU's



Innovations in Teaching and Learning

Notable Alumni

116182Dr. Srinagalakshmi NammiSERB International Research Experience (SIRE) DSTFujio TSUMORI at Aerospace Structures and Structural Dynamics,Kyushu University ,(Japan )Jun. 2022 6 Months
214463Dr. ThangarajaSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Energy conservation in Aerospace Technology, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany01/08/2022 6 Months
316342Dr. Deepak kumar BiswalSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Automated Manufacturing of Advanced Composites, University of new south Wales, Sydney, Australia01/07/202230/10/20224 Months
416215Dr. Lalit Kumar BansalSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Aix-marseille University, France01/08/202231/01/20236 Months
514032Dr. Bibin JohnNAWA UlamPolish National AgencyDec. 2022 6 Months
613611Dr. VijayaLakshmiNAWA UlamPolish National AgencyDec. 2022 6 Months
Adjunct Professor
No.Pre.NameDepartment / DesignationInstitute / University NameFull AddressCountryExpertisePhoto
1Prof.Okada YoshitakaProfessor, New EnergyThe University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)The University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, JapanJapanAdvanced concepts in photovoltaics, Quantum nanostructures1
2Dr.M. Jeya ChandraAdjunct Professor Sr. Professor EmeritusPennstate UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University College of Engineering University Park, PA 16802-4400 Phone: 814-865-7601USAIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2
3Prof.Ndy EkereProfessorUniv. of WolverhamptonProfessor of Manufacturing Engg. School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of WolverhamptonUKManufacturing Materials and Technology, Electronics Interconnection and Assembly, Engineering reliability3
4Dr.Andrew OrrClimate ModellerBritish Antarctic SurveyHigh Cross, Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 OET United Kingdom?UKFluid Dynamics, Radiative Transfer4
5Dr.Raghu EchempatiProfessorKettering UniversityKettering University Flint, MI ? 48504, USAUSAKinematics, Dynamics and Vibrations of Machinery, Mechanical Engineering Design, Computer Aided Engineering (Solid Modeling, Assembly and Finite Element Analysis), and Metal Forming Simulation5
6Dr.Mahesh C. AggarwalSt. Department of Mechanical EngineeringGannon UniversitySt. Department of Mechanical Engineering Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania 16541 USAUSADevelopment and improvement of cooling system for various locomotives6
7Dr.Prof. Dato? Dr. Rosli Bin Abu BakarInternal Combustion EngineUniversiti Malaysia PahangFalkulti Kejuruteran Mekanikal, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan,PAHANG, MALAYSIAMalaysiaComputational and Experimental Investigation of IC Engine7
8Dr.Prashanth Konda GokuldossProfessorTallinn University of Technology, EstoniaPaldiski Maantee 42B, 10612 Tallinn, EstoniaEstoniaAdditive Manufacturing9
9Dr.Xizhang ChenSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wenzhou UniversityChashan Area, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, Zip Code 325035,ChinaChinaWelding Engineering, Material Processing, Additive Manufacturing and Laser Processing10
10Dr.Arvind ChandrasekaranAssistant Professor (Bioengineering)North Carolina A&T State University USANeutrophils Engineering and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), Acoustofluidics, Biomimetics, Organ-on-Chip Engineering, 3D Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials11
11Dr.Mohammad T KhasawnehProfessor, Department Chair, Graduate Director,Binghamton UniversitySystems Science and Industrial Engineering, Waston Institute for Systems Excellence (WISE)New Yorkhealthcare systems engineering, operations management, and data science12
12Dr.Dr. Vikas KumarDirector (Former), Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, HyderabadDefence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)HyderabadIndiaMechanical & Metallurgical Characterization13
13Dr.Sang Won YoonProfessorBinghamton UniversityState University of New YorkNew YorkSystem Science and Industrial Engineering14
14Dr.Steffen Gerhard ScholzProfessorKarlsruhe Institute of Tehcnology (KIT)Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 Eggenstein-LeopoldshafenGermanyManufcaturing15
15Dr.Abhijeet GhadgeAssociate ProfessorCranfield University, UKCranfield, UKUKSupply Chain Manangement16
16Dr.Supriyo GangulyProfessorCranfield University, UKCranfield, UKUKAerospace, Transport & Manufcaturing17
17Dr.Mohamed Emad FarraggProfessor, Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringGlasgow Caledonian UniversityGlasgow, UKUKSustainable Development Goals18
18Dr.Sunith BandaruAssociate Professor, Division of Intelligent ProductionUniversity of SkövdeHögskolevägen 1, 541 28 Skövde, SwedenSwedenKnowledge discovery, data mining and machine learning, multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithms, simulation-based optimization, and industrial optimization19
19Dr.Mikael EricssonProfessorUniversity West, SwedenUniversity West, SwedenSwedenResearch in Engineering and technology & production technology
20Dr.Eral BeleAssociate ProfessorUniversity College LondonUniversity College London, Torrington Place, London, UKUKFinite Element Analyses of Failure Mechanisms and Structure Property Relationships in Microtruss Ma20
21Dr.Kyu-Jung Kim California State Polytechnic UniversityBuilding 17, Room 2633, 3801 west Temple Avenue, Pomona, USAUSA  
22Dr.Andre Danonu Lignanmateh BATAKOFaculty of Engineering & TechnologyLiverpool John Moores University34 Seddon Road, L19 21J, LiverpoolUKMechanical & Manufacturing Process19
23Dr.Surya PrakashAssociate ProfessorUniversity of WarwickWMG, University of Warwick, UKUKMechanical & Manufacturing Process19
24Dr.Jose Arturo Garza ReyesProfessorUniversity of DerbyDerby, DE22 1GB, UKUKOperations management, Supply Chain Improvement19
25Dr.Hitesh D VoraAssociate ProfessorOklahoma State University599, Engineering North, Stillwater OK 74078OklahomaMaterials Engineering Technology & Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Technology
26Dr.Jose MachadoAssociate ProfessorUniversity of MonhoCampus of Azurem, 4800-058, Guimaraes, PortugalPortugalMechanical Engineering & Mechatronics 
Students Achievement
19BMA0020Manav RohatgiManav Rohatgi (19BMA0020) has presented a research work on “Demand and Future prospects of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle” during a competition organized by Global Automotive Research Centre (GARC) and secured third position in the paper presentation competition.
19BME0694Kavin PrabhuKavin Prabhu (19BME0694) innovation was published in the New Indian Express. Mr. Kavin designed the cheapest and smallest four-axis Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) machine using locally-sourced scrap.
18BME0545Havish KaranamHavish Karanam (18BME0545), Madhumitha R (18BME0392) and Saiteja Erra (18BME0063) participated in TOYCATHON 2021 – GRAND FINALE (physical edition) and secured the “First Position and Winner”. The game has a holistic educational approach as per the NEP guidelines and is a 3D trading game aims to teach geographic features of India , Rivers of India, states and cities with their actual location. It also includes Vedic math’s, India’s Art, Ethos, History and Culture , science and technology.
18BME0392Madhumitha R
18BME0063Saiteja Erra
19BME0392Soham PhatarphodSoham Phatarphod (19BME0392) was offered the prestigious Mitacs Globalink Research Internship. He works at the Ontario Tech University under Dr. Atef Mohany. The work is related to energy harvesting from flow-induced vibrations and noise.
19BME0495Pranav ShrikantPranav Shrikant (19BME0495) got selected for a fully funded research internship in Canada under MITACS GRI from University of Sasktchewan. Mr. Pranav will work with Prof. Jerzy Szpunar for a project entitled “Role of texture of pipeline steels in optimizing performance in hydrogen and corrosion environment”.
19BMA0024Kathan Jigarbhai BhavsarKathan Jigarbhai Bhavsar (19BMA0024) and Jessica kartha (20BME0082) attended the 7th edition of the Bengaluru Space Expo 2022 – An International conference and Exhibition at the Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre and represented VIT, Vellore as a delegate in the 3- Day conference with theme “Nuturing the New Space in India.
20BME0082Jessica kartha
21BMM0030Darsh KansagaraDarsh Kansagara (21BMM0030) has presented a Research paper on “Voice Interaction and other Technologies” in a National Conference
20BME0685Dhruv Kumar DhimanDhruv Kumar Dhiman (20BME0685) has presented his research work on “Analysis ofd Composite Levele Gears” during ICRAIT 4.0 organized by NIT Puduchery which has been accepted for the publication in AIP (Scopus) publication.
19BME0514Chinmay KapuranChinmay Kapuran (19BME0514) has received India Glory Award at IGA conference held on 11-09-2021.
20BME0358Madhura V ShettyMadhura V Shetty (20BME0358) has brought laurels to VIT by wininng the Gold Medal in the Vellore District Junior Athletic Championship held on 01.10.2022. She has been selected to participate in the Tamil Nadu Junior Athletic Championship
19BMA0018Aditya LadAditya Lad (19BMA0018) has participated in the 13th International Conference on “?Redefining Business Strategies: New Age Business Models” held at Acharya Bangalore B-School (ABBS), Bengaluru, Karnataka on January 05-06, 2023 and bagged the “Best Paper Award”.
19BME0963Azam AliAzam Ali (19BME0963) has successfully completed the Stanford SeedSpark South Asia Cohort – 5 where around 200 startups from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka participate. At the end of the cohort, a pitch competition is held to reveal the top 5 winners who are judged by Industry veterans all over the world on the basis of the Pitch Video, Pitch Deck and the Business Model Canvas. The top 5 pitches are also showcased on the official SeedSpark website.
20BME0358Madhura V ShettyWon Gold in 1500 Mts & 800 Mts Athletis for women in the District Level Inter Collegiate tournaments for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Trophy.
Faculty Achievement
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been appointed as Guest Editor in the journal titled “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ( Impact Factor: 7.632), Elsevier Publications” for the Special Issue “Reshaping the built environment in the light of renewable and sustainable energy technologies”.
Dr. SakthivadivelBest Chapter Newsletter – VIT Students Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) led by Dr. Sakthivadivel has won the International Division: extending its wining run by being one of the renowed AEE Student chapters worldwide.
Dr. B. AshokDr. B. Ashok has sucessfully completed the post – doctoral fellowship at the Biofiels Engines and Emission Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He worked on the thesis titled “Calibration Pedagogy for Vehicle Powertrain System and Consumer Perception towards Future Electric Mobility”for receiving this post doctoral fellowship.
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been awarded with the “BRICS Young Scientist” from BRICS Forum 2022 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) , New Delhi to harness knowledge for solving common societial challenges through research and innovations.
Dr. SakthivadivelDr. Sakthivadivel has been awarded with the “BRICS Young Scientist” from BRICS Forum 2022 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) , New Delhi to harness knowledge for solving common societial challenges through research and innovations.
Dr. Gunji Bala MuraliDr. Gunji Bala Murali has received the “Distinguished Paper Award at the IPDIMS – 2022 conference held at NIT Rourkela on 25 and 26 November 2022.
Dr. S. VijayalakshmiDr. S. Vijayalakshmi has been awarded the NAWA Ulam fellowship by the Polish National Agency forAcademic Exchange (Ref.No.BPN/ULM/2022/1/00123). The maximum amount of fellowship is PLN 94000. This fellowship will enable Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi to carry out collaborative research in the field of biofuel at the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland for a period of six months.
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been appointed as “Editorial Board Members” of the Internal Journal titled “Advances in Building Energy Research” from Taylor and Francis.
Dr. Bibin johnDr. Bibin john has been awarded the NAWA Ulam fellowship by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The maximum amount of fellowship is PLN 104000. Through this fellowship Dr. Bibin will be carrying out collaborative research in the field of aerodynamics at the Lublin University of Technology in Poland for a period of six months.
Dr. Gunji Bala MuraliDr. Gunji Bala Murali has received a guest appreciation plaque at the ICOFT held at NIT Puducherry.
Dr. P. PadmanathanDr. P. Padmanathan has been awarded The prestigious Bharatheeya Vikas award by Institute of Self Reliance, Odisha, for his contributions in teaching and research.
Students’ Team Accolades in National / International Competitions


Team UTTEJIT Participated in the static and Dynamic Event FORMULA IMPERIAL 2022 organized by ISIE India, and Secured second place in the points table under the Cost and Business Plan, stood 4th in the Design round of the competition and won 3rd place overall.


Team ROVERX participated in the 7th Bangalore Space Expo held at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre from 5th – 7th September 2022 and had interaction with ISRO Team RoverX, one of the technical teams working in the Projects Lab under the Office of Students’ Welfare, participated in the 3rd International Rover Design Challenge conducted by Space Robotics Society(SPROS) and secured 1st position worldwide among 24 teams from various countries. Chairman


TEAM VIMAANAS Inc, completed for the annual SAE Aero design competition held in US and were ranked 5th in the Design Report Category.

Team RoverX

Team RoverX participated in the 3rd International Rover Design Challenge conducted by Space Robotics Society at Presidency University, Bangalore from 27 January 2023 to 31 Januaruy 2023. Tne team Bagged the Second Position among 18 different countries from across the globe.

Team Assailing Falcons

Team Assailing Falcons participated in the SAE Aero Design East 2023 Competition in the Advanced Class Category held in Lakeland, Florida, USA. The event was conducted between March 10-12, 2023. They secured 3rd rank worldwide in the Design Report and 10th rank worldwide in Technical Presentation and 7th rank in overall world rankings.


Team ALBATROSS participated in the 7th Aero Design Challenge SAE India (Southern Region) held at SRMIST Chennai and won the 3rd position in Best Design Report Award in Regular Class, SAE India Southern Section from 01-03 September 2022.


“VIT SAE Team RotorFPV” for their achievement in Asia D1 X IDRL Championship qualifier held online using Velocidrone (simulator) during 29 June 2020 – 03 July 2020.

Team RotorFPV: It sounds great to know the achievement! Congratulations!

Team Kshatriya

Team Kshatriya, SAE Baja Team participated in All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) organised by BAJA SAE India. The achievements of student members are as follows:

Team Curtiss R/C

Aero-modelling team, under the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in VIT. Placed in the

Team RC Corsa

Team RC Corsa is the only RC Nitro Racing team in VIT Vellore under SAE, founded in the year 2016.The following are the achievements of the student members of this team.

ASME Projects Team

ASME Projects Team mainly focuses on designing and building RC airplanes, quadcopters & small-scale robots to take part in various student competitions across the country. Some of the accomplishments of the team include-:

Team Albatross

Team RC Corsa is the only RC Nitro Racing team in VIT Vellore under SAE, founded in the year 2016.The following are the achievements of the student members of this team.

Team RC Corsa

Team Albatross is the Official Regular Class Aero Design Team of VIT, Vellore. We participate in the International and National level competitions such as SAE Aero Design East

Team ALBATROSS participated in the 7th Aero Design Challenge SAE India (Southern Region) held at SRMIST Chennai and won the 3rd position in Best Design Report Award in Regular Class, SAE India Southern Section from 01-03 September 2022.

Team Celerity

Team Eco Titans

Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams around the world to design, build, test and drive ultra-energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events being held in America, Europe and Asia, team compete internationally to travel the farthest on one litre of fuel. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspires young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency.


Team RC Corsa is a team of car enthusiasts dedicated to the design and fabrication of 1:8 ratio RC nitro car from scratch to race in competitions . Participated and achieved various awards in competitions like Full Throttle Techfest, IIT Bombay , Manipal Institute of Technology and many other events.

Team Curtiss RC

Team Curtiss R/C secured the first place in technical presentation for micro class in SAE-ADC 2021.

We also bagged the podium for TechCrio, organised by aeroclub NITTE and Team Infitude. With our innovative drone applications we were able to achieve both the first and the second place in the competition.

Mech-7 Team

The final year mechanical engineering team (Mech-7) of VIT have successfully designed, developed and manufactured an Electric Go-Cart Vehicle at our institute’s workshop within a period of 6 months. Funded by the prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering, UK & Loughborough University, this is the first time in India, that the students have manufactured & assembled an e-gokart vehicle within the campus.

This e-gocart vehicle can run at a speed of 50 km per hour within the battery range of 75–80 km per charge.

Tech Connections

Ph.D. scholars Ms. Gecil Evangeline (20PHD0037) and Mr. D. Sachin (20PHD0117) have participated in the Johnson Controls Tech Connections 2022 Global Event – White paper contest. Scholars were presented the white paper titled “Effective recycling of waste printed circuit board through Small molecule approach”. They have been declared as “WINNERS” after iterative rounds of this contest



Team titled “TECH BADGERS” comprising Mr. Havish Karanam (18BME0545), Ms. Madhumitha R (18BME0392) and Mr. Saiteja Erra (18BME0063) had participated in TOYCATHON 2021 – GRAND FINALE (physical edition) and secured the “First Position and Winner”.

Soham Phatarphod

Mr. Kavin Prabhu


Mr. Kavin Prabhu’s (19BME0694) innovation has been published in the New Indian Express. He has designed the cheapest and smallest four-axis CNC machine using locally-sourced scrap. CNC machines, used in the manufacturing industry, carve objects out of plastic, metal, and wood, among others by following a piece of computer code.

Mr. Kavin Prabhu

Three students from SMEC attended the Summer School organized through the British Council, UK under “Going Global” by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and the University of Edinburg in partnership with VIT-Vellore, on the course “Responsible Research and Innovation in India’s Energy-Water-Food-Health Nexus” from 13th June – 1st July 2022 (3 weeks) in IITKGP

Mr. Shaik Rahaman Sharif

Mr. Pranav Joshi

Mr. Debdoot Ghosh

Mr. Debdoot Ghosh (19BME0398) presented his research at the 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar (ADSTCS), Toulouse, France held during 16-19 May 2022. He presented his work titled “Design and Numerical Investigation of a Hypersonic Wave Rider based Entry, Descent, and Landing Architecture Assisted by Supersonic Retro-Propulsion” He was one of the finalists in the Student Paper Competition and received a prize worth USD 1,250 from the AIAA.

Mr. Azam Ali

Mr. Azam Ali (19BME0963) and his team representing a brand by Unlearners Tech Pvt Ltd, incubated in VITTBI has received the First Place and bagged a cash award of Rs.20,000/- in the Business Ideation Challenge held during the E-Summit at Mahindra University, Hyderabad on 28th and 29th April 2022.

Mr. Arth Chowdhary

Mr. Arth Chowdhary (18BME0449), Founder & CEO at Insidefpv Ventures Private Limited featured in robotics India. The team received 10 Lakhs from NIDHI Prayas

116182Dr. Srinagalakshmi NammiSERB International Research Experience (SIRE) DSTFujio TSUMORI at Aerospace Structures and Structural Dynamics,Kyushu University ,(Japan )Jun. 2022 6 Months
214463Dr. ThangarajaSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Energy conservation in Aerospace Technology, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany01/08/2022 6 Months
316342Dr. Deepak kumar BiswalSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Automated Manufacturing of Advanced Composites, University of new south Wales, Sydney, Australia01/07/202230/10/20224 Months
416215Dr. Lalit Kumar BansalSERB International Research Experience (SIRE)Aix-marseille University, France01/08/202231/01/20236 Months
514032Dr. Bibin JohnNAWA UlamPolish National AgencyDec. 2022 6 Months
613611Dr. VijayaLakshmiNAWA UlamPolish National AgencyDec. 2022 6 Months
No.Pre.NameDepartment / DesignationInstitute / University NameFull AddressCountryExpertisePhoto
1Prof.Okada YoshitakaProfessor, New EnergyThe University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)The University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, JapanJapanAdvanced concepts in photovoltaics, Quantum nanostructures1
2Dr.M. Jeya ChandraAdjunct Professor Sr. Professor EmeritusPennstate UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University College of Engineering University Park, PA 16802-4400 Phone: 814-865-7601USAIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2
3Prof.Ndy EkereProfessorUniv. of WolverhamptonProfessor of Manufacturing Engg. School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of WolverhamptonUKManufacturing Materials and Technology, Electronics Interconnection and Assembly, Engineering reliability3
4Dr.Andrew OrrClimate ModellerBritish Antarctic SurveyHigh Cross, Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 OET United Kingdom?UKFluid Dynamics, Radiative Transfer4
5Dr.Raghu EchempatiProfessorKettering UniversityKettering University Flint, MI ? 48504, USAUSAKinematics, Dynamics and Vibrations of Machinery, Mechanical Engineering Design, Computer Aided Engineering (Solid Modeling, Assembly and Finite Element Analysis), and Metal Forming Simulation5
6Dr.Mahesh C. AggarwalSt. Department of Mechanical EngineeringGannon UniversitySt. Department of Mechanical Engineering Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania 16541 USAUSADevelopment and improvement of cooling system for various locomotives6
7Dr.Prof. Dato? Dr. Rosli Bin Abu BakarInternal Combustion EngineUniversiti Malaysia PahangFalkulti Kejuruteran Mekanikal, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan,PAHANG, MALAYSIAMalaysiaComputational and Experimental Investigation of IC Engine7
8Dr.Prashanth Konda GokuldossProfessorTallinn University of Technology, EstoniaPaldiski Maantee 42B, 10612 Tallinn, EstoniaEstoniaAdditive Manufacturing9
9Dr.Xizhang ChenSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wenzhou UniversityChashan Area, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, Zip Code 325035,ChinaChinaWelding Engineering, Material Processing, Additive Manufacturing and Laser Processing10
10Dr.Arvind ChandrasekaranAssistant Professor (Bioengineering)North Carolina A&T State University USANeutrophils Engineering and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), Acoustofluidics, Biomimetics, Organ-on-Chip Engineering, 3D Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials11
11Dr.Mohammad T KhasawnehProfessor, Department Chair, Graduate Director,Binghamton UniversitySystems Science and Industrial Engineering, Waston Institute for Systems Excellence (WISE)New Yorkhealthcare systems engineering, operations management, and data science12
12Dr.Dr. Vikas KumarDirector (Former), Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, HyderabadDefence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)HyderabadIndiaMechanical & Metallurgical Characterization13
13Dr.Sang Won YoonProfessorBinghamton UniversityState University of New YorkNew YorkSystem Science and Industrial Engineering14
14Dr.Steffen Gerhard ScholzProfessorKarlsruhe Institute of Tehcnology (KIT)Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 Eggenstein-LeopoldshafenGermanyManufcaturing15
15Dr.Abhijeet GhadgeAssociate ProfessorCranfield University, UKCranfield, UKUKSupply Chain Manangement16
16Dr.Supriyo GangulyProfessorCranfield University, UKCranfield, UKUKAerospace, Transport & Manufcaturing17
17Dr.Mohamed Emad FarraggProfessor, Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringGlasgow Caledonian UniversityGlasgow, UKUKSustainable Development Goals18
18Dr.Sunith BandaruAssociate Professor, Division of Intelligent ProductionUniversity of SkövdeHögskolevägen 1, 541 28 Skövde, SwedenSwedenKnowledge discovery, data mining and machine learning, multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithms, simulation-based optimization, and industrial optimization19
19Dr.Mikael EricssonProfessorUniversity West, SwedenUniversity West, SwedenSwedenResearch in Engineering and technology & production technology
20Dr.Eral BeleAssociate ProfessorUniversity College LondonUniversity College London, Torrington Place, London, UKUKFinite Element Analyses of Failure Mechanisms and Structure Property Relationships in Microtruss Ma20
21Dr.Kyu-Jung Kim California State Polytechnic UniversityBuilding 17, Room 2633, 3801 west Temple Avenue, Pomona, USAUSA  
22Dr.Andre Danonu Lignanmateh BATAKOFaculty of Engineering & TechnologyLiverpool John Moores University34 Seddon Road, L19 21J, LiverpoolUKMechanical & Manufacturing Process19
23Dr.Surya PrakashAssociate ProfessorUniversity of WarwickWMG, University of Warwick, UKUKMechanical & Manufacturing Process19
24Dr.Jose Arturo Garza ReyesProfessorUniversity of DerbyDerby, DE22 1GB, UKUKOperations management, Supply Chain Improvement19
25Dr.Hitesh D VoraAssociate ProfessorOklahoma State University599, Engineering North, Stillwater OK 74078OklahomaMaterials Engineering Technology & Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Technology
26Dr.Jose MachadoAssociate ProfessorUniversity of MonhoCampus of Azurem, 4800-058, Guimaraes, PortugalPortugalMechanical Engineering & Mechatronics 
19BMA0020Manav RohatgiManav Rohatgi (19BMA0020) has presented a research work on “Demand and Future prospects of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle” during a competition organized by Global Automotive Research Centre (GARC) and secured third position in the paper presentation competition.
19BME0694Kavin PrabhuKavin Prabhu (19BME0694) innovation was published in the New Indian Express. Mr. Kavin designed the cheapest and smallest four-axis Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) machine using locally-sourced scrap.
18BME0545Havish KaranamHavish Karanam (18BME0545), Madhumitha R (18BME0392) and Saiteja Erra (18BME0063) participated in TOYCATHON 2021 – GRAND FINALE (physical edition) and secured the “First Position and Winner”. The game has a holistic educational approach as per the NEP guidelines and is a 3D trading game aims to teach geographic features of India , Rivers of India, states and cities with their actual location. It also includes Vedic math’s, India’s Art, Ethos, History and Culture , science and technology.
18BME0392Madhumitha R
18BME0063Saiteja Erra
19BME0392Soham PhatarphodSoham Phatarphod (19BME0392) was offered the prestigious Mitacs Globalink Research Internship. He works at the Ontario Tech University under Dr. Atef Mohany. The work is related to energy harvesting from flow-induced vibrations and noise.
19BME0495Pranav ShrikantPranav Shrikant (19BME0495) got selected for a fully funded research internship in Canada under MITACS GRI from University of Sasktchewan. Mr. Pranav will work with Prof. Jerzy Szpunar for a project entitled “Role of texture of pipeline steels in optimizing performance in hydrogen and corrosion environment”.
19BMA0024Kathan Jigarbhai BhavsarKathan Jigarbhai Bhavsar (19BMA0024) and Jessica kartha (20BME0082) attended the 7th edition of the Bengaluru Space Expo 2022 – An International conference and Exhibition at the Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre and represented VIT, Vellore as a delegate in the 3- Day conference with theme “Nuturing the New Space in India.
20BME0082Jessica kartha
21BMM0030Darsh KansagaraDarsh Kansagara (21BMM0030) has presented a Research paper on “Voice Interaction and other Technologies” in a National Conference
20BME0685Dhruv Kumar DhimanDhruv Kumar Dhiman (20BME0685) has presented his research work on “Analysis ofd Composite Levele Gears” during ICRAIT 4.0 organized by NIT Puduchery which has been accepted for the publication in AIP (Scopus) publication.
19BME0514Chinmay KapuranChinmay Kapuran (19BME0514) has received India Glory Award at IGA conference held on 11-09-2021.
20BME0358Madhura V ShettyMadhura V Shetty (20BME0358) has brought laurels to VIT by wininng the Gold Medal in the Vellore District Junior Athletic Championship held on 01.10.2022. She has been selected to participate in the Tamil Nadu Junior Athletic Championship
19BMA0018Aditya LadAditya Lad (19BMA0018) has participated in the 13th International Conference on “?Redefining Business Strategies: New Age Business Models” held at Acharya Bangalore B-School (ABBS), Bengaluru, Karnataka on January 05-06, 2023 and bagged the “Best Paper Award”.
19BME0963Azam AliAzam Ali (19BME0963) has successfully completed the Stanford SeedSpark South Asia Cohort – 5 where around 200 startups from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka participate. At the end of the cohort, a pitch competition is held to reveal the top 5 winners who are judged by Industry veterans all over the world on the basis of the Pitch Video, Pitch Deck and the Business Model Canvas. The top 5 pitches are also showcased on the official SeedSpark website.
20BME0358Madhura V ShettyWon Gold in 1500 Mts & 800 Mts Athletis for women in the District Level Inter Collegiate tournaments for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Trophy.
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been appointed as Guest Editor in the journal titled “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ( Impact Factor: 7.632), Elsevier Publications” for the Special Issue “Reshaping the built environment in the light of renewable and sustainable energy technologies”.
Dr. SakthivadivelBest Chapter Newsletter – VIT Students Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) led by Dr. Sakthivadivel has won the International Division: extending its wining run by being one of the renowed AEE Student chapters worldwide.
Dr. B. AshokDr. B. Ashok has sucessfully completed the post – doctoral fellowship at the Biofiels Engines and Emission Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He worked on the thesis titled “Calibration Pedagogy for Vehicle Powertrain System and Consumer Perception towards Future Electric Mobility”for receiving this post doctoral fellowship.
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been awarded with the “BRICS Young Scientist” from BRICS Forum 2022 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) , New Delhi to harness knowledge for solving common societial challenges through research and innovations.
Dr. SakthivadivelDr. Sakthivadivel has been awarded with the “BRICS Young Scientist” from BRICS Forum 2022 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) , New Delhi to harness knowledge for solving common societial challenges through research and innovations.
Dr. Gunji Bala MuraliDr. Gunji Bala Murali has received the “Distinguished Paper Award at the IPDIMS – 2022 conference held at NIT Rourkela on 25 and 26 November 2022.
Dr. S. VijayalakshmiDr. S. Vijayalakshmi has been awarded the NAWA Ulam fellowship by the Polish National Agency forAcademic Exchange (Ref.No.BPN/ULM/2022/1/00123). The maximum amount of fellowship is PLN 94000. This fellowship will enable Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi to carry out collaborative research in the field of biofuel at the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland for a period of six months.
Dr. S. SaboorDr. S. Saboor has been appointed as “Editorial Board Members” of the Internal Journal titled “Advances in Building Energy Research” from Taylor and Francis.
Dr. Bibin johnDr. Bibin john has been awarded the NAWA Ulam fellowship by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The maximum amount of fellowship is PLN 104000. Through this fellowship Dr. Bibin will be carrying out collaborative research in the field of aerodynamics at the Lublin University of Technology in Poland for a period of six months.
Dr. Gunji Bala MuraliDr. Gunji Bala Murali has received a guest appreciation plaque at the ICOFT held at NIT Puducherry.
Dr. P. PadmanathanDr. P. Padmanathan has been awarded The prestigious Bharatheeya Vikas award by Institute of Self Reliance, Odisha, for his contributions in teaching and research.


Team UTTEJIT Participated in the static and Dynamic Event FORMULA IMPERIAL 2022 organized by ISIE India, and Secured second place in the points table under the Cost and Business Plan, stood 4th in the Design round of the competition and won 3rd place overall.


Team ROVERX participated in the 7th Bangalore Space Expo held at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre from 5th – 7th September 2022 and had interaction with ISRO Team RoverX, one of the technical teams working in the Projects Lab under the Office of Students’ Welfare, participated in the 3rd International Rover Design Challenge conducted by Space Robotics Society(SPROS) and secured 1st position worldwide among 24 teams from various countries. Chairman


TEAM VIMAANAS Inc, completed for the annual SAE Aero design competition held in US and were ranked 5th in the Design Report Category.

Team RoverX

Team RoverX participated in the 3rd International Rover Design Challenge conducted by Space Robotics Society at Presidency University, Bangalore from 27 January 2023 to 31 Januaruy 2023. Tne team Bagged the Second Position among 18 different countries from across the globe.

Team Assailing Falcons

Team Assailing Falcons participated in the SAE Aero Design East 2023 Competition in the Advanced Class Category held in Lakeland, Florida, USA. The event was conducted between March 10-12, 2023. They secured 3rd rank worldwide in the Design Report and 10th rank worldwide in Technical Presentation and 7th rank in overall world rankings.


Team ALBATROSS participated in the 7th Aero Design Challenge SAE India (Southern Region) held at SRMIST Chennai and won the 3rd position in Best Design Report Award in Regular Class, SAE India Southern Section from 01-03 September 2022.


“VIT SAE Team RotorFPV” for their achievement in Asia D1 X IDRL Championship qualifier held online using Velocidrone (simulator) during 29 June 2020 – 03 July 2020.

Team RotorFPV: It sounds great to know the achievement! Congratulations!

Team Kshatriya

Team Kshatriya, SAE Baja Team participated in All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) organised by BAJA SAE India. The achievements of student members are as follows:

Team Curtiss R/C

Aero-modelling team, under the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in VIT. Placed in the

Team RC Corsa

Team RC Corsa is the only RC Nitro Racing team in VIT Vellore under SAE, founded in the year 2016.The following are the achievements of the student members of this team.

ASME Projects Team

ASME Projects Team mainly focuses on designing and building RC airplanes, quadcopters & small-scale robots to take part in various student competitions across the country. Some of the accomplishments of the team include-:

Team Albatross

Team RC Corsa is the only RC Nitro Racing team in VIT Vellore under SAE, founded in the year 2016.The following are the achievements of the student members of this team.

Team RC Corsa

Team Albatross is the Official Regular Class Aero Design Team of VIT, Vellore. We participate in the International and National level competitions such as SAE Aero Design East

Team ALBATROSS participated in the 7th Aero Design Challenge SAE India (Southern Region) held at SRMIST Chennai and won the 3rd position in Best Design Report Award in Regular Class, SAE India Southern Section from 01-03 September 2022.

Team Celerity

Team Eco Titans

Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams around the world to design, build, test and drive ultra-energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events being held in America, Europe and Asia, team compete internationally to travel the farthest on one litre of fuel. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspires young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency.


Team RC Corsa is a team of car enthusiasts dedicated to the design and fabrication of 1:8 ratio RC nitro car from scratch to race in competitions . Participated and achieved various awards in competitions like Full Throttle Techfest, IIT Bombay , Manipal Institute of Technology and many other events.

Team Curtiss RC

Team Curtiss R/C secured the first place in technical presentation for micro class in SAE-ADC 2021.

We also bagged the podium for TechCrio, organised by aeroclub NITTE and Team Infitude. With our innovative drone applications we were able to achieve both the first and the second place in the competition.

Mech-7 Team

The final year mechanical engineering team (Mech-7) of VIT have successfully designed, developed and manufactured an Electric Go-Cart Vehicle at our institute’s workshop within a period of 6 months. Funded by the prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering, UK & Loughborough University, this is the first time in India, that the students have manufactured & assembled an e-gokart vehicle within the campus.

This e-gocart vehicle can run at a speed of 50 km per hour within the battery range of 75–80 km per charge.

Tech Connections

Ph.D. scholars Ms. Gecil Evangeline (20PHD0037) and Mr. D. Sachin (20PHD0117) have participated in the Johnson Controls Tech Connections 2022 Global Event – White paper contest. Scholars were presented the white paper titled “Effective recycling of waste printed circuit board through Small molecule approach”. They have been declared as “WINNERS” after iterative rounds of this contest



Team titled “TECH BADGERS” comprising Mr. Havish Karanam (18BME0545), Ms. Madhumitha R (18BME0392) and Mr. Saiteja Erra (18BME0063) had participated in TOYCATHON 2021 – GRAND FINALE (physical edition) and secured the “First Position and Winner”.

Soham Phatarphod

Mr. Kavin Prabhu


Mr. Kavin Prabhu’s (19BME0694) innovation has been published in the New Indian Express. He has designed the cheapest and smallest four-axis CNC machine using locally-sourced scrap. CNC machines, used in the manufacturing industry, carve objects out of plastic, metal, and wood, among others by following a piece of computer code.

Mr. Kavin Prabhu

Three students from SMEC attended the Summer School organized through the British Council, UK under “Going Global” by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and the University of Edinburg in partnership with VIT-Vellore, on the course “Responsible Research and Innovation in India’s Energy-Water-Food-Health Nexus” from 13th June – 1st July 2022 (3 weeks) in IITKGP

Mr. Shaik Rahaman Sharif

Mr. Pranav Joshi

Mr. Debdoot Ghosh

Mr. Debdoot Ghosh (19BME0398) presented his research at the 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar (ADSTCS), Toulouse, France held during 16-19 May 2022. He presented his work titled “Design and Numerical Investigation of a Hypersonic Wave Rider based Entry, Descent, and Landing Architecture Assisted by Supersonic Retro-Propulsion” He was one of the finalists in the Student Paper Competition and received a prize worth USD 1,250 from the AIAA.

Mr. Azam Ali

Mr. Azam Ali (19BME0963) and his team representing a brand by Unlearners Tech Pvt Ltd, incubated in VITTBI has received the First Place and bagged a cash award of Rs.20,000/- in the Business Ideation Challenge held during the E-Summit at Mahindra University, Hyderabad on 28th and 29th April 2022.

Mr. Arth Chowdhary

Mr. Arth Chowdhary (18BME0449), Founder & CEO at Insidefpv Ventures Private Limited featured in robotics India. The team received 10 Lakhs from NIDHI Prayas


Dr. Devendranath Ramkumar

Professor Higher Academic Grade & Dean
School of Mechanical Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT),
Vellore – 632 014,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.