School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)
The school has attracted international funding from Royal Academy of Engineering, Swedish Council for higher education, DST-NAWA, DST-IC IMPACT Indo- Canada, Indo-Hungarian Joint Research Scheme, DST – UKIERI etc. in the last 5 years.

Sl. No | Year | Title | Project Ref. ID | Emp ID | Principal Investigator | School | Funding Agency | Date of Com From | to End | Duration | Total Project Cost | Current Status | Collaboration if any (International/ National) |
1 | Jan-24 | Development of a Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material Based Wickless Heat Pipe: An Electronic Thermal Management Prospective | Dr. Tapano Kumar Hota | SERB | 9-Jan-2024 | 3 years | |||||||
2 | Jan-24 | Microstructure evolution during multiaxial fatigue behaviour of metastable ?-titanium alloy for aerospace application: An experimental and texture modeling study | Dr. Ashish Kumar | SERB | 9-Jan-2024 | 3 years | |||||||
3 | Jan-24 | Graphite carbon nitride coated carbonized wood evaporator for effective low-temperature thermal desalination: Removal of microplastics and geavy metals | Dr. R. Kamatchi | Ministry of Earth Sciences | 1/9/2024 | 3278000 | |||||||
4 | Jan-24 | Development of a low heat-input welding technique for armour steel joints to enhance high cycle fatigue behaviour by suppressing softening of the heat affected zone | Dr. M. Manikandan, Dr. Vinoth Jebaraj & Dr. N. Arivazhagan | DRDO | 1/4/2024 | 3 years | 3,368,000 | ||||||
5 | Dec-23 | Preparation and characterisation of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)/Nano-hydroxyapatite/ZnO nanocomposite coating for reducing bio-leaching and bio-film formation in SS316L orthopaedic implants | PI: Dr. Natarajan Chandrasekaran and Co-Pi’s: Dr. Jayakrishna, Dr. Arulvel of SMEC and Dr. John Thomas(CNBT) PI: Dr. Natarajan Chandrasekaran (CNBT) | Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) | 12/26/2023 | 1/14/2025 | 1 year | 61, 46, 546 | Ongoing | ||||
6 | Dec-23 | Empowering Young Engineers in Additive Manufacturing Industry for Future Growth, Innovation and Employability | Dr.M. Anthony Xavior & Dr. Ashwath (Alumni) | British Council, UK | 4,227,716 | Ongoing | Shree Rapid Technologies, Bangalore | ||||||
7 | Dec-23 | Development of a learning framework for renewable energy-based battery swapping station for electric vehicles: A young professional perspective for start-ups, business hubs and employibility | Dr. B. Ashok, Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta, Dr. Bibhuti Bhushan Sahoo & Dr.K. Palanisamy | British Council under Going Global Partnership Grant 2023, UK | 4,227,716 | Ongoing | Dr. T. Dhandapani (RRT Electro Power Ltd, India) | ||||||
8 | Dec-23 | BENEFIT: Combining TheoryaNd practicEFor Sustainable Manufacturing | Dr. A. Raja Annamalai, Dr. C. Pandivelan, and Dr. T.C. Kanish | Dr. K. Devendranath Ramkumar, Co-PI: Dr. A. Raja Annamalai, Dr. C. Pandivelan, and Dr. T.C. Kanish | British Council under Going Global Partnership Grant 2023, UK | 4,227,716 | Ongoing | Saint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai | |||||
9 | Nov-23 | Application of Hydrogen derived from Bio-Gas using BSR in Fuel Cell Vehicles | Dr. C. Ramesh Kumar | DST-ASEAN-India Collaborative R&D scheme | 11/6/2023 | 11/5/2025 | 2 years | 2,072,000 | Ongoing | National | |||
10 | Nov-23 | AI-Driven Adaptive Fast Charging for Electrical Vehicles- Empowering Skills and Curriculum Development | Dr.B.Ashok ( Co-PI), from SELECT Dr.Chitra A, (PI), Dr. Indragandhi, SELECT Dr.Thirumalaivasan R, Dr.Razia Sultana W, SELECT | Royal Academy of Engineering, UK | 11/15/2023 | 11/14/2025 | 2 years | 6,599,000 | Ongoing | International | |||
11 | Oct-23 | Prompting European Union approach on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Product Development Techniques for Digital Green Transformation | PI: Dr. Denis Ashok Co-PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan & Dr. B. Ashok | Erasmus+ grant Jean Monnet Actions – EU-TRIPOD | Oct-23 | Oct-26 | 3 years | 2,711,670 | Ongoing | International | |||
12 | Oct-23 | Prompting European Union approach on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Product Development Techniques for Digital Green Transformation | PI: Dr. Denis Ashok Co-PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan & Dr. B. Ashok | Erasmus+ grant Jean Monnet Actions – EU-TRIPOD | Oct-23 | Oct-26 | 3 years | Euro 30,000 | Ongoing | International | |||
13 | Sep-23 | Hydrogen Energy for a Decarbonised Future (HEAD) | PI: Dr. A. Sateesh, Co-PI: Dr. Saboor & Dr. M. Natarajan and team from UCL | British Council under going Global Partnership Grant 2023 | Sep-2023 | Sep-2025 | 2 years | 4,207,634 | Ongoing | International | |||
14 | Mar-23 | Development of fuel cell three-wheeler for urban green transportation in India | PI: Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj Co-PI:Dr. D. Elangovan (Tifac-Core) & Dr. S. Denis Ashok | Royal Academy of Engineering -UK, DIA Round III | 10,19,226 | Ongoing | International | ||||||
15 | Dec-22 | Development of CDIO (Conceive, design, Implement and operate course module on Electric Vehicle Power trains) | PI: Prof. Tabbi Awotwe, Co-PI: Dr. K. Nantha Gopal, Dr. R. Prakash & Dr. Sakthivadivel | SMEC | British Council, UK | 01-01-2023 | 31-12-2023 | 1 year | 40,16,917 | Ongoing | Going Global Partnership Industry-Academiaia Collaborative Grant | ||
16 | Nov-22 | Modelling and Analysis of Structural Dynamics | PI: Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra Co-PI: Dr. D. Mallikarjuna Reddy | SMEC | Strategic Research Partnership (SRP) with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) Shah Alam, Malaysia | 16-11-2022 | 16-10-2024 | 2 years | 5,40,000 | Ongoing | International | ||
17 | Jun-22 | Skill Enhancement in Additive Manufacturing and Challenges involved in Occupational Health and Safety: Transport, Energy and Health Care Applications | PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan Co-PI: Dr. B. Ashok, Dr. Bibin John, Dr. Denis Ashok S, Dr. Soloman Bobby S & Dr. Sreeja S | SMEC | Royal Academy of Engineering -UK | 77,00,000 | Ongoing | International | |||||
18 | Feb-22 | Adaptive Thermal Management and Additively Manufactured Chassis with Sustainable Polymers for E-Scooters | PI: Dr. B. Ashok Co-PI: Dr.C. Kannan Co-PI: Dr. T. Vijaya Kumar Co-PI: Dr. Byron Mason, Loughborough University, UK | SMEC | Royal Academy of Engineering -UK | 3000000 | Ongoing | ||||||
19 | 2021 | Capacity Building in Collaborative Research, Academic Curriculum Development and Outreach towards Additively-Manufactured Electric Scooter for Addressing Sustainability Challenges in India and UK | RAE – T2I\100100 Contract | PI: 11106 | PI: Dr. A. K. Jeevanantham Co-PI: Dr. Mohamed Emad Farrag, Professor, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, (PI – UK) Co-PI: Dr. Ashok B Co-PI: Dr. Kannan C Co-PI: Dr.Rani C Co-PI: Dr. Rajesh Kumar M Co-PI: Dr. Thirumalaivasan R Co-PI: Dr. Raja P, NIT-Trichy | SMEC | Royal Academy of Engineering -UK | 08.03.2021 | 07.03.2024 | 03 Years | 8100000 | Ongoing | Prof.Mohamed Emad Farrag, Professor, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, (PI – UK) Dr. P.Raja, NIT Trichy |