
School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)


The School of Mechanical Engineering is the proud recipient of three FIST projects from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The first project was approved for the development of the Automotive Research Centre in 2003, with a budget of Rs. 0.57 crore. In 2011, the second project was approved for the establishment of the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Research, with a total cost of Rs. 2.57 crore. The third project was granted in 2022 to establish a high-temperature fatigue testing machine.

The DST has awarded the School of Mechanical Engineering Rs. 20.0 crores under the “Promotion of University Research for Scientific Excellence (PURSE) scheme” to establish a Centre of Excellence in Additive Manufacturing in 2021. The Centre of Excellence houses all of the unique facilities for advanced material processing, testing, and characterization.

The School has strong potential in the broad areas of Additive Manufacturing, Autonomous Vehicles, Bio-Fuels, Composites and Nano-Composites, Control Systems, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Circular Economy, Engineering Design, Industrial Engineering, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, Joining Technologies, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen Storage, Materials Characterization, Machine Learning & IoT, Non-Destructive Testing, Noise, Vibrations, and Harshness (NVH), Product Design Engineering, Robotics and Automation, Sustainable Energy, Vehicle Dynamics

The school has received a total of 79 research projects with a total outlay of 52.53 Crores in the last 5 years from 2019. The funding is being provided by various agencies such as DST – SERB, DST- CRG, AR&DB, ISRO, DAE–BRNS, DRDO-NRB, GTRE, and MOES The school has also attracted international funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering, British Council, Swedish Council for higher education, DST-NAWA, DST-IC IMPACT Indo- Canada, Indo-Hungarian Joint Research Scheme, DST – UKIERI etc. in the last 5 years.

1Mar-25A comprehensive analysis on forming behavior of L605 (Haynes 25) superalloy for developing impingement tube for gas turbine engine applicationPI: Dr. Vivek Kumar Barnwal, Co-PI: Dr. Ashish Kumar & Dr. Yazar K.UAR&DBMar-25Mar-283 Years52,40,900OngoingNational
2Mar-25Distinguished International AssociateCo-PI: Dr. B. Ashok & DR. V. Subramaniyaswamy (SCOPE) and PI:: V. Indragandhi (SELECT)Royal Academy of EngineeringMar-25Mar-283 Years11,20,000OngoingInternational
3Feb-25Skill Enhancement and Empowerment of Higher Education Students in AI-Based Semiconductor Industry 4.0 (SAISI 4.0)Co-PI: Dr. B. Ashok & Dr. Indira Gandhi [SELECT], PI: Dr. SubramanianBritish Council, UKFeb-25Mar-273 Years32,80,452OngoingInternational
4Jan-25Sustainable Power generation using biomass gasification for cold storage plant to preserve Agro-products of Tribal communities in Top Sengattuppatti Village, Pachamalai Hills, TiruchirappalliCo-PI: Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & PI: Dr. R. Anand, Professor, NIT TiruchirappalliDSTJan-25Mar-273 Years99,49,116OngoingNational
5Jan-25Geothermal-Assisted HVAC SystemCo-PI: Dr. K. Balji & PI: Dr. Gurubaran Annadurai, IITBIndian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)Jan-25Mar-273 Years13,00,000OngoingNational
6Dec-24A Deep Learning Based Framework for the Selection of Electric Vehicle Baterry Materials and their Manufacturability: An attempt towards sustainability capacity buildingPI: Dr. Chinmay Prasad Mohanty, CO-PI: Dr. Tapano Kumar Hota, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura & Dr. Bibhuti Bhushan Sahoo [UK partners: Dr. Jinoop Arackal Narayanan & Dr. Palat Meethale Ushasree from Teesside University, UK]British Council under Going Global Partnership SchemeDec-24Mar-273 Years32,00,000OngoingInternational
7Sep-24Design, Development and Demonstration of Scalable Smart Hybrid Solar/Biogas Stand-alone System for Energy Sustainable LivehoodCo-PI: Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & PI: Dr. N. Rajasekar (SELECT)DST/CEST (Climate, Energy and Sustainable Technology)19-09-20241-Sep-20273 Years1,23,58,955OngoingNational
8Aug-24Digital Twin and AI in Industry 5.0 for Intelligent and Resilient Industrial Systems (DICTATE 5.0)PI: Dr. R. Manoharan Co-PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan & Dr. B. Ashok ERASMUS-Jean Monnet ActionAug-24Aug-273 Years32,57,905Ongoing 
9Jul-24Design, Modelling, and Structural Integrity of Surface Modified Additively Manufactured Products for Aerospace ApplicationsPI: Dr Arivarasu M, Co-PI: Dr Vasudevan R, & Dr. GeethaARDB3-Jul-20242-Jul-273 Years22,16,000OngoingNational
10Jun-24Dexster – Deep learning X-Ray, Spectral, and Spatial feature Sorter for Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metal ScrapsPI: Dr. G.P. Sathish, Co-PI: Dr. R. Ramakrishnan R & Dr. R. VasudevanMinistry of Mines24-06-202425-12-202518 months52,31,000OngoingNational
11Jun-24High-temperature corrosion and mechanical behaviour of AM fabricated Haynes 282 alloyPI: Dr. Devasri Fuloria & Co-PI: Dr. Atul KumarCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)18-06-202417-06-20273 Years28,00,000OngoingInternational
12Jun-24Development of AI based framework for the prediction of Hydrogen Embrittlement failure on welded and 3D printed partsPI: Dr. S. Margret Anouncia (SCOPE), Co-PI: Dr. M. Anthony Xavior, Dr. P. Jeyapandiarajan & Dr. S. Rajkumar (SCOPE)SPARC-UKIERI20-05-202420-05-20262 Years59,50,000OngoingInternational
13Jun-24Research Capacity Building in Green Hydrogen – The Fuel of the Future PI: Dr. Sakthivadivel, Co-PI: Dr. S. Arulvel, Dr. B. Ashok & Dr.R. VasudevanSPARC-UKIERI20-05-202420-05-20262 Years43,92,000OngoingInternational
14May-24Development of Sustainable Model for the Lifetime Estimation of Thermal Barrier Coating SystemsPI: Dr. Akash Mohanty & Co-PI: Dr. Sitaram DashCRG-SERB26-04-202425-04-20273 Years31,95,000OngoingNational
15Feb-24Development of Marine Species-Derived Hydroxyapatite Based Scaffold using Robocasting for bone regeneration and Targeted drug delivery for Orthopaedic-related surgical site infectionsDr. Renold Elson, Dr. Sunita Nayak (SBST)Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)23-02-202422-02-20262 Years5,75,000OngoingNational
16Feb-24Impact Evaluation of Science and Technology Intervention in the Socio-economic Development of Eastern Ghats – A Case Study on Athanavur Village, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil NaduPI: Dr. SakthivadivelICSSR12-02-202412-02-20251 Year6,76,000OngoingNational
17Feb-24Model-Based Development of Domain ECU (DCU) and Validation through Hardware in Loop (HiL) Simulation for Commercial Vehicle ApplicationsCo-PI: Dr. B. Ashok, Dr Vijendran Venkoparao, Chair Professor, IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation, Dr. Om Kumar Krishnan, Professor, IIM Kozhikode PI: Albert SunnyIMPRINT, IIT Palakkad Technology IHUB foundation1/25/20241/24/20262 years60,00,000OngoingNational
18Feb-24Impact Evaluation of Science and Technology Intervention in the Socio-economic Development of Eastern Ghats A Case Study on Athanavur Village, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil NaduPI: Dr. SakthivadivelICSSR02-12-202402-12-20251 Year6,76,000OngoingNational
19Feb-24Development of Marine Species-Derived Hydroxyapatite Based Scaffold using Robocasting for bone regeneration and Targeted drug delivery for Orthopaedic-related surgical site infectionsDr. Renold Elson, Dr. Sunita Nayak (SBST)Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2/23/20242/22/20262 Years5,75,000OngoingNational
20May-24Development of Sustainable Model for the Lifetime Estimation of Thermal Barrier Coating SystemsPI: Dr. Akash Mohanty & Co-PI: Dr. Sitaram DashCRG-SERB4/26/20244/25/20273 Years31,95,000OngoingNational
21Jun-24Research Capacity Building in Green Hydrogen – The Fuel of the FuturePI: Dr. Sakthivadivel, Co-PI: Dr. S. Arulvel, Dr. B. Ashok & Dr.R. VasudevanSPARC-UKIERI5/20/20245/20/20262 Years43,92,000OngoingInternational
22Jun-24Development of AI based framework for the prediction of Hydrogen Embrittlement failure on welded and 3D printed partsPI: Dr. S. Margret Anouncia (SCOPE), Co-PI: Dr. M. Anthony Xavior, Dr. P. Jeyapandiarajan & Dr. S. Rajkumar (SCOPE)SPARC-UKIERI5/20/20245/20/20262 Years59,50,000OngoingInternational
23Jun-24High-temperature corrosion and mechanical behaviour of AM fabricated Haynes 282 alloyPI: Dr. Devasri Fuloria & Co-PI: Dr. Atul KumarCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)6/18/20246/17/20273 Years28,00,000OngoingInternational
24Jun-24Dexster – Deep learning X-Ray, Spectral, and Spatial feature Sorter for Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metal ScrapsPI: Dr. G.P. Sathish, Co-PI: Dr. R. Ramakrishnan R & Dr. R. VasudevanMinistry of Mines6/24/202412/25/202518 months52,31,000OngoingNational
25Jul-24Design, Modelling, and Structural Integrity of Surface Modified Additively Manufactured Products for Aerospace ApplicationsPI: Dr Arivarasu M, Co-PI: Dr Vasudevan R, & Dr. GeethaARDB03-Jul-2402-Jul-273 Years2216000OngoingNational
26Aug-24Digital Twin and AI in Industry 5.0 for Intelligent and Resilient Industrial Systems (DICTATE 5.0)PI: Dr. R. Manoharan Co-PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan & Dr. B. AshokERASMUS-Jean Monnet Action01-08-2024 3 Years3257905Ongoing 
27Sep-24Design, Development and Demonstration of Scalable Smart Hybrid Solar/Biogas Stand-alone System for Energy Sustainable LivehoodCo-PI: Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & PI: Dr. N. Rajasekar (SELECT)DST/CEST (Climate, Energy and Sustainable Technology)19-09-2024 3 Years12358955Ongoing 
2824-FebModel-Based Development of Domain ECU (DCU) and Validation through Hardware in Loop (HiL) Simulation for Commercial Vehicle ApplicationsCo-PI: Dr. B. Ashok, Dr Vijendran Venkoparao, Chair Professor, IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation, Dr. Om Kumar Krishnan, Professor, IIM Kozhikode PI: Albert SunnyIMPRINT, IIT Palakkad Technology IHUB foundation25-01-202424-01-20262 years60,00,000OngoingNational
2924-JanDevelopment of a Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material Based Wickless Heat Pipe: An Electronic Thermal Management ProspectiveDr. Tapano Kumar HotaSERB09-01-202408-01-20273 years18.30,000OngoingNational
3024-JanTransitional Education: Strategy Roadmap for Sustainable Development and Skill Enhancement towards Industry 5.0PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan, Co-PI: Dr. B. Ashok, Dr. R. Manohanran & Dr. D. Mallikarjuna ReddyBritish Council22-01-202421-01-20251 year4200000OngoingInternational
3124-JanDevelopment of a low heat-input welding technique for armour steel joints to enhance high cycle fatigue behaviour by suppressing softening of the heat affected zoneDr. M. Manikandan, Dr. Vinoth Jebaraj & Dr. N. ArivazhaganDRDO01-04-2024 3 years33,68,000  
3224-JanGraphite carbon nitride coated carbonized wood evaporator for effective low-temperature thermal desalination: Removal of microplastics and geavy metalsDr. R. KamatchiMinistry of Earth Sciences01-09-2024  3278000  
3324-JanMicrostructure evolution during multiaxial fatigue behaviour of metastable -titanium alloy for aerospace application: An experimental and texture modeling studyDr. Ashish KumarSERB09-Jan-24 3 years   
3424-JanDevelopment of a Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material Based Wickless Heat Pipe: An Electronic Thermal Management ProspectiveDr. Tapano Kumar HotaSERB09-Jan-24 3 years   
3523-DecBENEFIT: Combining TheoryaNd practicEFor Sustainable ManufacturingDr. K. Devendranath Ramkumar, Co-PI: Dr. A. Raja Annamalai, Dr. C. Pandivelan, and Dr. T.C. KanishBritish Council under Going Global Partnership Grant 2023, UK   40,000 GBPOngoingSaint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
3623-DecDevelopment of a learning framework for renewable energy-based battery swapping station for electric vehicles: A young professional perspective for start-ups, business hubs and employibilityDr. B. Ashok, Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta, Dr. Bibhuti Bhushan Sahoo & Dr.K. PalanisamyBritish Council under Going Global Partnership Grant 2023, UK   40,000 GBPOngoingDr. T. Dhandapani (RRT Electro Power Ltd, India)
3723-DecEmpowering Young Engineers in Additive Manufacturing Industry for Future Growth, Innovation and EmployabilityDr.M. Anthony Xavior & Dr. Ashwath (Alumni)British Council, UK   40,000 GBPOngoingShree Rapid Technologies, Bangalore
3823-DecPreparation and characterisation of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)/Nano-hydroxyapatite/ZnO nanocomposite coating for reducing bio-leaching and bio-film formation in SS316L orthopaedic implantsPI: Dr. Natarajan Chandrasekaran and Co-Pi’s: Dr. Jayakrishna, Dr. Arulvel of SMEC and Dr. John Thomas(CNBT) PI: Dr. Natarajan Chandrasekaran (CNBT)Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)12/26/20231/14/20251 year61, 46, 546Ongoing 
3922-DecDesign and Development of Digital Twin of Industrial Series Elastic Actuator Unit for applications in Unmanned and Unstructured EnvironmentPI: Dr. Bikash RouthDST-SERB16-12-202215-12-20253 years18,10,000OngoingNational
4022-DecFatigue Testing MachinePI: Dr. A. Raja Annamalai Co-PI: Dr. K. Devendranath Ramkumar, Dr. R. Vasudevan,DST-FIST19-12-202218-12-20275 years92,00,000OngoingNational
4123-NovAI-Driven Adaptive Fast Charging for Electrical Vehicles- Empowering Skills and Curriculum DevelopmentDr.B.Ashok ( Co-PI), from SELECT Dr.Chitra A, (PI), Dr. Indragandhi, SELECT Dr.Thirumalaivasan R, Dr.Razia Sultana W, SELECTRoyal Academy of Engineering, UK11/15/202311/14/20252 years65,99,000OngoingInternational
4223-NovApplication of Hydrogen derived from Bio-Gas using BSR in Fuel Cell VehiclesDr. C. Ramesh KumarDST-ASEAN-India Collaborative R&D scheme11-06-202311-05-20252 years20,72,000OngoingNational
4323-OctPrompting European Union approach on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Product Development Techniques for Digital Green TransformationPI: Dr. Denis Ashok Co-PI: Dr. R. Vasudevan & Dr. B. AshokErasmus+ grant Jean Monnet Actions – EU-TRIPOD23-Oct26-Oct3 yearsEuro 30,000OngoingInternational
4422-OctPerformance Improvement of Darrieus Hydrokinetic Turbine using different J-shape blades and Vortex GeneratorPI: Anuj KumarDST-SERB06-10-202205-10-20253 years18,30,000OngoingNational
4523-SepHydrogen Energy for a Decarbonised Future (HEAD)PI: Dr. A. Sateesh, Co-PI: Dr. Saboor & Dr. M. Natarajan and team from UCLBritish Council under going Global Partnership Grant 2023Sep-23Sep-252 years39,810 GBPOngoingInternational
4623-JulAnti-thrombotic superhemophobic surfacesDr. Renold Elson, 50,2SPARC28-07-2023 2 years50,22,900OngoingNational
4723-JulFunctionalisation of new Titanium alloys after ECAP processing and surface treatmentDr. Geetha ManivasagamDST   39,13,000OngoingNational
4822-JulInvestigation of Characteristic Performance of Armour Weldments under Sub-Zero Temperature”Dr. Manikandan, Dr. K. Gokul Kumar & Dr. S. Senthil KumaranCVRDE- DRDO under the CARS Scheme  2 years9,77,040OngoingNational
4923-AprDesign and Development of Surface Engineered Solutions to Enhance the Corrosion Resistance of the solar Energy Storage ContainerPI: Dr. M. Manikandan Co-PI : Dr. Rajashekhar Y, Dr. C. Chiranjeevi & Dr. N. ArivazhaganDST28-03-2023 2 years48,85,000OngoingNational
5022-AprStudy of Cancer Cell Mechanics by means of compound droplet modelling in microfluidic systemsPI: Dr. Sreeja Sadasivan Co-PI: Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Director Co2 Centre Co-PI: Dr. Particia Sebastain, Oncology, CMCDST-SERB-Power Grant20-04-202219-04-20253 years2998000Ongoing 
5123-MarSeparation efficiency and distillate yield enhancement using advanced technologies in integrated ocean thermal energy conversion-low temperature thermal desalinationPI: Dr. S. Arulvel Co-PI: Dr. D. Dsilva Winfred Rufuss, Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & Dr. K. BalajiDeep Ocean Mission, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) Govt. of India  2 years1,98,48,896OngoingNational
5223-FebNumerical studies on start/unstart behavior of scramjet intakePI: Prof. P. Senthilkumar Co-PI:Dr. Bibin John, Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj, Dr.M.GanapathiAR&DB01-03-202328-02-20241 Year23,35,200OngoingNational
5322-JanDesign of concentrated solar receiver tube using inverse thermo-elastic analysis for improved efficiency and safe operation of solar power plantsPI: Dr. Sudhakar, IIT Goa Co-PI: Dr. N. SekapandianCRG-SERB31-01-202330-01-20263 Years12,18,000 (App.)OngoingNational
5422-JanDeisgn of concentrated solar receiver tube using inverse thermo-elastic analysis for improved efficiency and safe operation of solar power plantsPI: Dr. Somasundharam S Co-PI: Dr. N. Gnanasekaran (NIT Surathkal)CRG-SERB30-01-202329-01-20263 Years27,94,800OngoingNational
5522-JanShallow Geothermal integrated thermally activated building cooling system design – Pathway to nature-based free cooling (GeoTABS)PI: Dr. Balaji K, Co-PI: Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & Dr .G. Praveen KumarDST-SERB-CRG30-01-202330-01-20263 Years19,20,000OngoingNational
562021DYNAMIC OF CAGE FOR HIGH SPEED BALL BEARING – Analytical StudyPI: Dr. Sovan Sundar Dasgupta Co-PI: Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra Co-PI: Dr. M.Ganapathi Co-PI: Dr. R.VasudevanCVRDE, Chennai20.04.202119.04.202403 years1522000Ongoing 
572021Development of a Stable Machinability Investigation and Thermal Modelling of Aerospace MaterialPI: Dr. Chinmaya P. Mohanty Co-PI: Dr.A. Raja AnnamalaiAR & DB20.04.202119.04.202403 years1203950Ongoing 
582021Stress and Rotary Dynamics analysis of three types of Pumps for Aircraft ApplicationPI: Dr. R. Manoharan Co-PI: Dr. N. Govindha RasuCTTC- Bhubaneswar13.05.202112.05.202403 years1517480Ongoing 
592021DYNAMICS OF CAGE FOR HIGH SPEED BALL BEARING – ANALYTICAL STUDYPI: Dr. Sovan Sundar Dasgupta Co-PI: Dr.R.Vasudevan Co-PI: Dr.M.GanapathyCVRDE, Chennai06.July-202105.Jan.202318 Months1522200Ongoing 
602021Development of Direct Injection Technology for Hydrogen Enriched CNG and Biogas for Automobile and Stationary Power ApplicationsPI: Dr. E.Porpatham Co-PI: Dr. A. Senthil Kumar Co-PI: Dr. S. Murugavelh Co-PI: Dr. G. NatarajanDST30.09.202130.09.202436 Months14200000Ongoing 
612021Optimization of flux activated gas tungsten arc welding parameters for stainless steel AISI 304L to achieve maximum weld depth-to-width ratio and improved mechanical propertiesPI: Dr. A. John Rajan Co-PI: Dr. T. Sampath Kumar Co-PI: Dr. Vinoth JebarajISRO11.10.202110.10.202324 Months1632000Ongoing 
622021Development of Carrera Unified Formulation for the Large Deflection and Post Buckling Analysis of Variable Angle Tow Composite LaminatePI: Dr. Samukham SuryaDST-SERB13.11.202112.11.20232 years949200Ongoing 
632021Sustainable Biogasoline and Biocrude Fuels Production through Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass and its UtilizationPI: Dr.R. Prakash Co-PI: Dr. P. Padmanathan Co-PI: Dr. C.G. MohanDST-SERB (CRG)25.11.202125.11.20243 years2854000Ongoing 
642021Sorption hydrogen compressor for vehicular and power generation appliationsPI: Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma Co-PI: Dr. A. Satheesh Co-PI: Dr. R. PrakashDST-SERB (CRG)25.11.202125.11.20243 years4664000Ongoing 
652021A Novel and Cost-effective Biogas Purification Technology using Polyacrylamide Gel to Power Bio-methane in AutomobilesPI: Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo Co-PI: Dr. Dharmendra Kumar BalDST-SERB (CRG)25.11.202125.11.20243 years3345000Ongoing 
662021A Novel method of on-board hydrogen generation by methanol steam reforming with engine heat recovery strategy for direct injection of hydrogen in a CNG fuelled automotive SI enginePI: Dr. E.Porpatham Co-PI: Dr. A. Senthil Kumar Co-PI: Dr. Cheralathan Co-PI: Dr. G. NatarajanDST-SERB (CRG)25.11.202125.11.20243 years3663000Ongoing 
672021A Novel Energy Efficient Human-Robot Callaborative Disassembly Approach based on Human Perception for End of Life Products towards Industry 4.0PI: Dr. Gunji Bala MuraliTARE-SERB02-12-202101-12-20243 years1860000Ongoing 
682021Investigation on the role of residual stresses on shape memory effect and super-elasticity in shape memory alloy weldsPI: Dr. Anoj GiriTARE-SERB02-12-202101-12-20243 years1830000Ongoing 
692021Sustainable Design and Development of an eco-friendly multilayer control of abcterial infiltrationPI: Dr. K. Jayakrishna Co-PI: Dr. Aravind RajDean ship of Scientific Research, King Abdul Aziz University, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia24-12-202124-12-20232 years2997543Ongoing 
702021DST- PURSE Scheme Additive Manufacturing for Fostering Transdisciplinary ResearchDr.R.Vasudevan Dr.K.Devendrananth Ramkumar Dr.Raja Annamalai Dr.A.Nirmala Grace Dr.Raja SellappanDST -PURSE15.02.202114.02.2025420,00,00,000OngoingNil
712021Biomass driven trigeneration system for improving the livelihood of Scheduled Tribes at Athanavur village, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil NaduDr. D. Sakthivadivel Dr. G. Praveen Kumar Dr. Bibin JohnDST- STI HUB27.03.202126.03.202431,08,12,139Ongoing 
722020Bioconversion of CO2 to Biofuels through Microbial Catalyzed SystemsPI: Dr. G. Velvizhi Co-PI: Dr. A.Senthilkumar Co-PI: Dr.J.RanjithaDBT09-03-202008-03-202303 years4997782Ongoing 
732020Development and optimization of Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI,SI and Stirling Engine using Hydrogen Enriched Bio-CNG produced from Anaerobic Co-Digestion with Food waste, Tanery waste, Stubble waste and STP SludgePI: Dr.E.PorpathamDST under Proof of concept27-05-202026-11-202006 Months499950OngoingDr.P.Shanmugam, CSIR-PLRI Dr.P.Rajeeva Kumar, BIT Mesra
742020Design, fabrication and testing of portable, high-sensitivity aptasensors for one-step viral diagnosticsPI: Dr.Murugan RDST26-06-202025-06-20211 Year1500000Ongoing 
752020Functionally gradient inner cylinder TiN coatings for Vacuum chambersPI. Dr Sitaram Dash Co-PI: Dr.U.Narendra KumarDAE-BRNS17-07-202016-07-202303 years3321050Ongoing 
762020Development of coating parameters for two-source evaporation to create sequentially deposited EBC coatings by application of EB-PVD technologyPI-Dr. Arivarasu M, Co-PI- Dr. Arivazhagan N Co-PI- Dr. Nageswara RaoDST-NAWA-Poland26-07-202025-07-20222 Years950000OngoingDr. Andrzej Nowotnik, Rzeszow University of Technology,Poland
772020Development and Characterization of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cement Brake Pad with Nano Encapsulated Lubricant for Enhancing better Tribological and Braking PerformancePI- Dr. S.Senthilkumaran Co-PI. Dr. Renolds ElsenDRDO10-08-202009-08-202303 years4195190Ongoing 
782020Simultaneous laser annealing and doping technique to improve the energy density of LiFePO4 electrodes deposited on textured current collectorsPI: Dr. Nammi SrinagalakshmiDST08-10-202007-10-202303 years2706755Ongoing 
792020Development and Performance Evaluation of Fouling Resistant Heat ExchangersPI: Dr.Lalit Kumar BansalDST-SERB09-10-202008-10-202303 years1950000Ongoing 
802020Design, Development and Characterization of Nanocellulose / PVA Nanocomposite Facilitated Transport Membranes for Efficient CO Separation from BiogasPI: Dr.Ahankari Sandeep SureshraoDST-SERB09-10-202008-10-202303 years1236401Ongoing 
812020Harnessing the potential of renewable energy (Solar/Wind) for sustainable building energy management through Compressed Air Energy StoragePI: Dr.V. GayathriDST-IC IMPACT Indo- Canada09-10-202008-10-202303 years3864000OngoingProf. Fariborz Haghighat Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University
822020Non- linear Dynamic Characterization of Multi Functional CNT Reininforced Honeycomb Tapered Composite Sanwich Plates under Thermal EnvironmentPI: Dr.R.Vasudevan Co-PI: Dr.A.Andanda babuAR&DB03-11-202002-11-20222 Years1560700Ongoing 
832020IR reflective polymer/PCM encapsulations for rendering perovskite photovoltaics environmentally robust aging, durability and efficiency studies through solar simulations, spectroscopy and ab initio simulationsPI: Dr.Tiju Thomas (IIT M) Co-PI: Dr. Ariful Rahaman (SMEC) Co-PI: Dr. Sumanagala T.P. (SAS)Indo -Hungarian Joint Research Scheme10-11-202009-11-202303 years6058000OngoingPI Dr. Mousumi Upadhay Kahaly (ELI-HU Research and Development Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited Liability Company) Co- Principle Investigator(s) : Dr. Subhendu Kahaly (ELI-HU) CO-PI Dr. Laszlo Ovari (ELI-HU)
842020To study the effect of momentum flux ratio on discharge coefficient of the screech holesPI: Dr.Thundil Karuppa Raj R, Co-PI: Dr. Bibin John and Co-PI: Prof. P. Senthil KumarGTRE Bangalore20-10-202019-10-202202 Years958600Ongoing 
852020Effectiveness of Leading Edge Film Cooling Applied to First Stage Stator blade Row of Gas Turbine Engine- A Numerical StudyPI: Dr. Bibin John, Co-PI: Dr. Thundil Karuppa Raj Co-PI: Dr.SreejaSadasivanGTRE Bangalore20-10-202019-10-202202 Years968600Ongoing 
862019Sustainable Production of Fourth Generation Bio-butanol from Municipal Solid Waste Biomass and its Air Quality Assessment Using Direct Injection Spark Ignition EnginePI: Dr.K.NanthagopalDST-SERB01-01-201901-01-202203 years3729000Ongoing 
872019Controlled drug delivery to prevent bacterial adhesion and enhace ossteoconduction of Ti alloys used in spinal application by tailoring the surface with nanopores.PI: Dr. Geetha ManivasagamDST- INDO-AUSTRIA03-01-201902-01-20212 Years648500OngoingDr.Juergen M Lackner Materals – Institute – Surface Technologies- Austria
882019Design and development of a four-wheeled electric vehicle for research, teaching and outreach in Tamil Nadu, IndiaPI: Dr. R.Thundil Karuppa Raj Co-PI: Dr. Denis AshokRoyal Academy of Engineering -UK20-02-201920-02-20212 Years4632000OngoingInternational – Loughborough University, UK Prof. Rui Chen National: Valueo India Pvt Ltd, Chennai
892019Enhancing research based learning and teaching on advanced materials and manufacturing technologies for aerospace sectors in India and UKPI: Dr. Devendranath Ramkumar Co-PI: Dr.T.C.Kansih Co-PI: Dr. A. Raja AnnamalaiRoyal Academy of Engineering -UK – 18/19 – IAPP18-19\161 – Successful20-02-201920-02-20212 Years4633000OngoingInternational – Cranfield University,UK Dr. Supriyo Ganguly Mr. K. Madhusudhana Sankar – TASL
902019A Gradient Approach for Engineering Interfacial Tissue Constructs using mesenchymal stem cells suitable for OsteochondralPI: Dr. Murugan RamalingamDST-SERB24-06-201923-06-202203 years2658120Ongoing 
912019Sustainable fourth generation bio-fuel from micro-algae and its characterization for automotive application as future bio-energyPI: Dr.B.Ashok Co-PI: Dr. K.NanthagopalDST-ASEAN-INDO (AISTDF)04-07-201903-07-20212 Years1342000OngoingInternational- University of Malaya -Dr.H.C.Ong Dr.Phung Le Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Vietnam
922019Enhancement of Biocompatibility and wear resistance of orthopaedic beta titanium alloy Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta By nanosurface modification.PI: Dr. Geetha ManivasagamCSIR25-07-201924-07-202203 years2321000Ongoing 
932019Design and Development of an jaffordble gait training device.PI: Dr. Mohan VermaDST-SERB14-08-201913-08-202203 years2515270Ongoing 
942019Comparative evaluation of Joints produced by GTAW and PAW in 12 mm thick plates of maraging steel MDN 250 for microstructure, microsegregation, strength and fracture toughnessPI: Dr. M. Manikandan Co-PI : Dr. Arivazhagan Co-PI : Dr. Nageswara Rao MAR & DB02-09-2019 03 years1416600Ongoing 
952019Development of criteria for estimating dynamic magnification factor of mistuned bladed disk under forced vibrationPI: Dr.Mallikarjuna Reddy Co-PI: Dr.R.Vasudevan Co-PI: Dr.M.GanapathyGTRE Bangalore24-09-201923-09-20212 Years950000OngoingNil
962019Experimental Investigations on crossworthiness of carbonPI: Dr.P.PonnusamyTamilnadu State Council of Science and Technology, Tamilnadu04-11-201903-11-20212 Years415000Ongoing 
972019Extreme Learning Machine based Pitch Angle Prediction for Uniform Power Generation and Load Mitigation using HIL Simulator of Digital Hydraulic Pitch System in Wind TurbinePI: Dr.RAMAKRISHNANRDST-TARE25-10-201924-10-202203 years1830000OngoingProf. Dr.Raghunathan Renqasamy,IIT Madras
982019Design and Development of CNT Reinforced ceramic composite scaffold by Additve Manufacturing Technique for Bone Tissue RegenerationPI: Dr.Renold ElsenDST-SERB26-11-201925-11-202203 years3114690OngoingNil
992019Linnaeus PalmePI: Dr.K.Jayakrishna Co-PI: Dr.A.K.JeevananthamSwidish Council for higher education03-12-201902-12-20191 Year592000OngoingUniversity of Skovede
1002019Development of Flex-Fuel Engine Map and Multi-Mode Combustion Strategy for Ethanol-Gasoline Fueled Direct Injection Motorcycle EnginePI: Dr.B.AshokDST-SERB19-Dec-1918-12-202203 years4400000OngoingPI(IIT)- Dr.B.Saravanan
1012019Ultrafine Grain refinement through Low Plasticity Burnishing on WAAM Mgalloy for Aerospace and Automotive ApplicationsPI: Dr. A.S.S.Balan Co-PI: Dr.R.RamanujamDST -SEED27-12-201926-12-202203 years1745000OngoingDr.A.S.S.Balan NIT Surathkal, Karnataka
1022019A New Master Course in Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics” on establishing a New InternationalPG Degree Program in the Area of Computational Fluid Dynamics throughDr.R.Vasudevan Prof. Satyajit Ghosh Prof. Bibin John Prof. Thundil Karuppa Raj R Prof. Satheesh E Prof.Devendrakumar Patel Prof. Ashok K Prof. Sekarapandian N Prof. Padmanathan PErasmus+ Scheme” under “Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019 (CBHE2019)07.08.201906.08.2022376751152OngoingChiang Mai University , Thailand Cranfield University, UK Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain University of Malaya, Malaysia ReadLab-Research Innovation Development Lab, Athens, Greece Chiang Mai University , Thailand Naresuan University, Thailand UiTM, Sarawak, Malaysia University of Patras, Greece Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India EEOGroup, Ethens
Sl No Financial Year Type Faculty Consultancy Project Consultancy Agency Revenue Generated (Rs.)
1 FY201819 Consultancy 14472 – Balan A.S.S Image Process Algorithms For Sorting System, Prototype Development, Testing And Implementation ITC INDIA 920000
2 FY201819 Consultancy 10316 – Solaman Bobby S Printing Of Test Parts Christian Medical College Vellore 50000
3 FY201819 Consultancy 15850 – JOSE S Designing A Low Cost Harvest Machine For Eid Parry EID Parry 50000
4 FY201819 Consultancy 15850 – Jose S Product Development Gemini Cooling Systems Projects Private Limited 60000
5 FY201819 Consultancy 15850 – Dr. Jose Swaminathan Implementaion Of Aquality Management System And Process Improvement. Gemini Cooling Systems projects Pvt Ltd 60000
6 FY201819 Consultancy 11259 – Sakthivel P Quantification Of Engine Timing Gear Noise Of Same Deutz Fahr Tractor Engines On Test Bed Same Deuz Fahr India P LTD 95000
7 FY201819 Consultancy 11259 – Sakthivel P Quantification Of Engine Timing Gear Noise Of Same Deutz-Fahr Tractor Engine Variants Same Deutz Fahr India P LTD 20000
8 FY201819 Consultancy 10531 – Subashini R Toma AIL 300000
9 FY201819 Consultancy 12481 – Denis Ashok S Itc Agarbatti ITC 920000
10 FY201819 Consultancy 13377 – Padmavathy C Breast Cancer Screening Beliefs – Development Of Empirical Model In Social Marketing. J V Gokal Charity Trust 200000
11 FY201819 Consultancy 15190 – Sovan Sundar Dasgupta Training Program For Matlab And Dynamic Analysis Of Turbocharger Turbo Energy Limited 766100
12 FY201819 Consultancy 12449 – Prof. R.Thundil Karuppa Raj Development Of Innovative Techniques For Cabin Noise Reduction In Hvac System Valeo India Private Limited 402800
13 FY201819 Consultancy 14868 – Nageswara Rao M Improving Fatigue Life Of X70 Plates TATA Steel R D 850000
14 FY201819 Testing 11198 – P.M.Anil Reciprocating Wear Testing NIT Tricy 2950
15 FY201819 Testing 11198 – P.M.Anil Reciprocating Wear Testing NIT Trichy 2950
16 FY201819 Testing 12802 – R.Oyyaravelu Utm Testing Research Labs 16988
17 FY201920 Consultancy 14789 – Arivarasu M High-Temperature Corrosion Testing Equipment Development & Testing FLSMIDTH 975000
18 FY201920 Consultancy 12481 – Dr. Denis Ashok S Filament Extruder Euro Exim Bank 385000
19 FY201920 Consultancy 13976 – Dr. N. Govindha Rasu Mathematical Modelling Of Centrifugal Pump For Combat Aircraft Fuel System Applications. Central Toom Room Training Centre 941640
20 FY201920 Consultancy 10316 – Dr. Solaman Bobby S Consultancy Work A Foundry Laboratory. Other 19000
21 FY201920 Consultancy 11149 – Dr. R. Manoharan Damage Tolerance Analysis, Life Prediction Etc Of Carious Fuel Jet Pump Configuration. Central Tool Room Training Centre 566000
22 FY201920 Consultancy 13528-Dr. Senthilkumar P Cfd / Mould Flow Analysis Of Cylinder Block Crank Case Srivari Enterprises 200000
23 FY201920 Consultancy 12803 P A Jeeva, S Karthikeyan D Rajagopal Trouble Shooting On Electrodeposition Of Precious Metal And Trimetallic Coatings On Rf Connectors Srinar Electronics pvt Ltd 94000
24 FY201920 Consultancy 12803 P A Jeeva, S Karthikeyan D Rajagopal Recovery Of Gold From Spent Plating Baths / Rinse Water Using Metal Finishing Processes Srinar Electronics pvt Ltd 1000000
25 FY201920 Consultancy 10531 – Subashini, G.Velmurugan Sway Of Vark Among Millennials Pearson India 115640
26 FY202021 Consultancy 15768 – Dr. Renold Elsen S Development Of Autonomous Seed Planting Bot System For Agriculture Application AUTODESK 120000
27 FY202021 Consultancy 12481 – Dr. Denis Ashok S Study Of Smart Parking Management System. Honey Well 100000
28 FY202021 Consultancy 12449 – Prof. Thundil Karuppa Raj R, 14032 – Prof. Bibin John, 13582 – Prof. Senthilkumar P, 11345 – Prof. Ganapathy G.P Effect Of Multiple Rows Of Screech Holes, Hole Size And Momentum Flux Ration On Discharge Coefficient Of The Screech Holes In Parallel Flows. DRDO 958600
29 FY202021 Consultancy 15850-Dr. Jose S and 16380-Dr. Vincent Herald Modify Water Cooler And To Develop A Sustainable Business Model Effectus Eco PTE Ltd. 27289
30 FY202021 Consultancy 17049-Dr. Samukham Surya Development of Carrera unfield formulation for the large deflection and post-buckling analysis of variable angle tow composite laminate DST-SERB Startup Research Grant 9,49,200
31 FY202021 Consultancy 10597-Dr. Geetha Manivasagam, Dr. 13690-Dr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal Research Personnel and Technical Information Exchange Next Big Innovation 1,06,200
32 FY202122 Consultancy 11149 – Prof. Manoharan R, 13976 – Prof. Govindha Rasu N Stress And Rotary Dynamics Analysis For Three Types Of Pumps. CTTC 151748
33 FY202122 Consultancy 12246-Prof. Edison Gundabattini Design, Develop And Produce A Leak Proof Weld Joint Made By Laser Weld Technique For The Efficient Transfer Of Refrigerant-To Analyze The Residual Stresses Akella Systems, Hyderabad 16520
34 FY202122 Consultancy 14789- Dr. M. Arivarasu, 11234-Dr. N. Arivazhagan and 14868-Dr.M. Nageswara Rao Thermit Welding As An Additive Manufacturing Technique For Refurbishing Worn Parts M/S FLSmidth Pvt. Ltd. 1018000
35 FY202122 Consultancy 14785-Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma Polymer Testing in Hydrogen Environment Dover India Pvt. Ltd. 366000
36 FY202122 Consultancy 14470-Dr. Stephan Thangaiah & Dr. S. Jose Designing of heating system for drying rubber latex project S.M.J & Company 50000
37 FY202122 Consultancy 14769-Dr. R. Ramakrishnan & Dr. Sathish G.P Digital number lock for gas and electrical appliances M/S Haplet, USA 560500
38 FY202122 Consultancy Dr.P. Sakthivel Investigation of engine noise Same Deutz Fahr India P LTD. Ranipet 220000
39 FY202122 Consultancy 17102-Dr. Mohan Kumar KV Modeling and experimentation of multiaxial fatigue behaviour of tyre rubber Apollo Tyres Ltd. Global R&D Centre – Asia 21,24,000
40 FY202122 Consultancy 12507-Dr. Akash Mohanty & Dr. Rahamathunnisa U Geometric dimesion measurement of indutrial products through image processsing techniques. STRYDO Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 29,500
41 FY202122 Consultancy 12507-Dr. Akash Mohanty & Dr. Rahamathunnisa U Visual-based defect detection using the machine vision approach SI Tech. Chennai 26,550
42 FY202122 Consultancy Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra & Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy Design and Development of Aortic valve replacement in heart surgeries AutodeskINDIA PVT. LTD. Bangalore 1,00,000
43 FY202122 Consultancy Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra & Dr. Arun Tom mathew Design and Development of Digital Twin for rotating machinery fault diagnosis in smart manufacturing AutodeskINDIA PVT. LTD. Bangalore 1,00,000
44 FY202122 Consultancy Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma Polymer Testing in Hydrogen Environment (Phase – 2) Dover India Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru 1,24,000
45 FY202122 Consultancy Dr. Sakthivadivel D Experimental investigation on solar concentrated chimney dryer for agro products Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology(TNSCST) 7500
46 FY202122 Consultancy Dr. P. Sakathivel Quantification & Investigation of Gear Train Whining Noise on SDF Tractor Engine SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA PVT. LTD. 55,000
47 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali & Dr. Ranjeet Kumar To develop a custom 3D printer for printing polymer composite AITAM college of Engineering Tekkali, Andra Pradesh 30,000
48 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Ponnusamy P & (SCOPE) – Dr. Lokesh Kumar R, Dr. Jothi R, Dr. Balakrishna P Academic Certificate Registration and Verification using Blockchain Roni Analytics LLP., Chennai 88,500
49 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali, Dr. Paul Mansingh J (VAIAL) & Dr. Balaji To develop the automated neem seed plucking machine Coromandel International Limited 6,50,000
50 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma Polymer Composite Testing in Hydrogen environment-Trail 3 Dover India Pvt. Ltd. 70,800
51 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. R. Subashini, Dr. G. Velmurugan (SSL) UAV and its application for precision agriculture Agro Fresh Life, A unit of West Mount Agri Tech. Coimbatore 3,00,000
52 FY202223 Consultancy Dr.Deepakkumar R (17043) andDr. Naveen J (17046) WTG Blade & Tower Cleaner ReyNa Buildmat, Pudukottai 614622, Tamilnadu 40,000
53 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Balaji K, Dr. Kamatchi R, Dr. Immanuel Selwyn Raj A & Dr. Prakash Ramakrishnan Energy Savings Calculator GeoPotential Consulting, LLC (GPC), USA USD 5000
54 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Balaji, Dr. G. Praveen kumar, Dr. D. Sakthivadivel & Dr. Bibin John Cooling for a electrical control room Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. 70,000
55 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Balaji & Dr. K. Palanisami Priliminary Energy Audit Malladi drugs and Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. 58,000
56 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Sampath Kumar, Dr. P.A. Jeeva & Dr. S. Karthikeyan Finding the root cause for the problems encountered with the rose gold coating Titan Company Ltd. Chennai 94,000
57 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali, Dr. K. Balaji & Dr. Paul Mansingh Multi-Directional Neem seed harvesting machine Coromandel International Limited 6,50,000
58 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. G. Praveen Kumar, Dr. K. Balaji & Dr. K. Palanisamy Designing a steam condensate return system on a boiler, Scintin Leather factory Sunbest Pvt. Ltd. 15,000
59 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Saboor. S Testing of Energy Efficient Concrete Blocks ALADWA MUTHAMAYAZA TRD & CONT. CO. Oman 2,00,000
60 FY202223 Consultancy Dr. Renold Elson, Dr. Arunkumar (CBCMT) & Dr. Sunita Nayak (SBST) Development of Bio-ceramic 3D scaffolds by extrusion-based printing technique using Cellink BIO X System ALTEM Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 38,822
61 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy , Dr. Edwin Sudhagar P, Dr. Arun Tom Mathew & Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy M Composite Butt Joint Knockdown Factor Estimation Honeywell Technology solutions Lab Pvt.Ltd. 17,84,750
62 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Thangaraj J & Dr. S. Babu Oil Cocking Estimation 11,08,492
63 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. G. Praveen Kumar, Dr. k. Balaji & Dr. K. palanisamy Designing a vacuum dryer thermal study Sunbest Pvt. Ltd. 15,000
64 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. P. Sakthivel Quantification & Investigation of Oil Pump Gear Noise of SAME DEUTZ-FAHR tractor engine variants at Engine Test Bed SAME DEUTZ-FAHR India Pvt. Ltd. 2,20,000
65 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. K. Balaji and Prof. Palanisamy K(SELECT) Energy Audit atCaplin Point Pvt. Ltd. Puducherry 50,000
66 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. K. Jayakrishna and Dr. G. Rajyalakshmi Circular Product Development Strategies for Responsible Consumption, Production, and End-of-Life Disposal AICTE – ATAL scheme 3,50,000
67 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Benedict Thomas Development testing lab for high pressure hydrogen tribometer and conduct wear testing of composire samples Dover India Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru 11,56,800
68 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura, Dr. Bibuti Bhusan Sahoo & Dr. Chinmaya Prasad Mohanty Emissivity Test of Alumina-Based Refractory Material Carborundum Universal Ltd. 41,500
69 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. P. Sakthivel Development of Active Suspension and its Control algorithm for OnRoad Vehicles – BOSCH Bosch Global Software Technologies Private Limited 300000+ 100000 (Corporate Training)
70 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Deepak Kumar Biswal, Dr. Nishant Tiwari & Dr. Lalit Kumar Bansal TPMS-based Heat Exchanger Design Model and Simulation Honeywell Technology solutions Lab Pvt.Ltd. 6,94,100
71 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. A. Satheesh, Dr. P. Padmanathan & Dr. C. Ramesh Kumar Computational Studies of Exhaust Gas of inline “Centri Air Flow” for IC Engines M/s Nakshathra Energy Pvt. Ltd. 3,54,000
72 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali Developing the Neem Fruit Collector mechanism Coromandel International Ltd. 4,99,553
73 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Jambeswar Sahu Elemental Amalysis of Materials Sprint Testing Solutions, Nagpur 59,000
74 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Akash Mohanty (Co-consultant) Prognostic monitoring and analysis of hydrogen storage vessel using AI techniques SI Tech. Chennai 501,500
75 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. Bibin John, Dr. Tundil Karuppa Raj, Dr. Sreeja Sadasivan & Dr. M. Ganapathi Aerodynamic Analysis of Modified A321 Aircraft: A Comprehensive Study on Dorsal Unit Interface DRDO (CARS – Centre for Airborne Systems) 392,320
76 FY202324 Consultancy Dr. P. Sakthivel Characterization & Investigation of resonance frequencies Exhaust Manifold SAME DEUTZ FAHR Tractor Engine for its vibration exposure SDF Ranipet 440,000
77 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali Elephant Intrusion Avoidance System Laxmi Precision Technologies, Coimbatore 396,999
78 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. Gunji Bala Murali Tamarind Processing Machineries development Vivekananda Trust, Tiruvannamalai 650,000
79 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. G. Edison Churning lass mathematical model development due to motor cooling system Trane Technologies (India) Ltd. Bangalore 795,320
80 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. G.P. Sathish & Dr. Chinmay Sahu Detection of fan’s rotation direction for Trane Technologies Products Trane Technologies (India) Ltd. Bangalore 375,664
81 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. Atul Kumar & Dr. Gaurav Gupta Analysis and Beneficial Reuse of Slag Produced From Thermal Power Plants Utilizing Agriculture Waste As Fuel Ecofav Services Pvt. Ltd. 100,000
82 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. Jambeswar Sahu Micro-CT Analysis for Cake samples ITC LTd. 1,06,200
83 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. Bibin John & Dr. Gopi R (SAS) Dynamic Analysis of Warer Flow through the Bead Filter, Simulation, and Optimization of the Airlift Design for Water Flow between the Filter and Source Tank International Centre for Clean Water (ICCW), IIT Madras, Chennai 1,41,600
84 FY202425 Consultancy Dr. P. Sakthivel Characterization & Investigation of resonance frequencies of Turbocharger oil Feed Pump of SAME DEUTZ FAHR Tractor Engine Variants for its Vibration Exposure During Run-Up and Run-Down Conditions SAME DEUTZ FAHR India Pvt. Ltd. 4,40,000
85FY202425ConsultancyDr. KV Mohan KumarElastomer Seal Technology DevelopmentFMC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad19,11,600
86FY202425ConsultancyDr. Gunji Bala MuraliDesigning and Fabricating the HarvesterCoromandel International Ltd.4,55,775
87FY202425ConsultancyDr. Gunji Bala MuraliCarbon CountingCoromandel International Ltd.59,000
88FY202425ConsultancyDr. Gunji Bala Murali [Co-PI], Dr. K. Balaji [Co-PI] & Dr. P. Suresh Kumar [Co-PI]Smart ManipulatorLakshmi Precision Technologies Ltd. Coimbatore14,75,000

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