
School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)


The school places significant emphasis on the development of novel products as well as the development of intellectual property. Between 2022 and 2024, the faculty members and students at the School of Mechanical Engineering have been awarded more than 72 patents. Some of these patents are the results of the Capstone Project or Dissertation works done by undergraduate and postgraduate students. To list a few granted patents, An automated hospital robot, a sliding vane internal combustion engine, an umbrella holder, an ergonomic patient transfer chair Seat position adjusting mechanism for lifting and shifting a wheelchair seat, household wheelbarrow, mixed mode solar dryer, intelligent urinary catheter bag support, a support tool for infant bath, walker assembly for hemiplegic patients, multi-purpose non-touch device for avoiding physical contact between a user and a surface, IOT-based smart incinerator for waste, and so on.

Sl No Acad Year Faculty Name Patent Title Appl. Number Date Filed Status
1 AY201920 Satyajit Ghosh , DibyaDarshi Ghosh, Nithish Chauvan Adjustable agricultural sprays 4164/CHE/2011 17-12-2019 Granted
2 AY201920 Akash Mohanty, Rahamathunnisa U Enhanced Machine Learning approach for the detection of IOT Cyber-attacks in the Smart Environment 202031025563 17-06-2020 Published
3 AY201920 Vincent Herald Wilson , Jose S Table top micro milling machine 26 2020 10-03-2020 Published
4 AY201920 Rajkumar E, Rahul Warghane Combined Harvester with Dry residue compactor 202041008778 02-03-2020 Published
5 AY201920 Rajkumar E, Praveen Kumar Semi-Automatic versatile Automatic car lifting mechanism 202041008780 02-03-2020 Published
6 AY201920 Rajkumar E, Praveen Kumar Blind stick for visually impaired 202041007445 21-02-2020 Published
7 AY201920 R Prakash, CG Mohan IBAS Vehicle: Intelligent Balancing Advanced Vehicle Structure 202041005033 A 12-02-2020 Published
8 AY201920 K Venkataraman, N Mani, Raghuram Pradhan, T Sampath Kumar Natural Fibre particle Reinforced Composites 201941052769 A 19-12-2019 Published
9 AY201920 A John Rajan, Jagadeesh Gopal, J Vellingiri Decentralized management of data for Mhealth using consortium Blockchain 201941049381 A 02-12-2019 Published
10 AY201920 John Rajan A Decentralized management of data for Mhealth using consortium Blockchain 201941049381 02-12-2019 Published
11 AY201920 D Elangovan, Peter K Joseph, Thundil Karuppa Raj R Current Fed Fuel Cell Powered High Voltage Charging 201941048472 11/26/2019 Published
12 AY201920 Somya Ranjan Gochhayat, Bhagtani Jay Laxman, Senthil Kumar.A Three Split Regenerative Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Power Cycle 201941033793 8/22/2019 Published
13 AY201920 I.S.Rajay Vedaraj, Abdul Rahim Abdul Wahid Design and Fabrication of Artificial Aggregate Manufacturing Machine 201941035014A 8/30/2019 Published
14 AY201920 Rajkumar.E. Design and Development of Diabetic Sole for Natural Remedy 201941030231 7/26/2019 Published
15 AY201920 C.Ramesh Kumar, A. Rammohan Lifetime Prediction Algorithm for High Power Light Emitting Diode based on Thermal aspects 201941033801 8/22/2019 Published
16 AY201920 M.Anthony Xavior, J.Joel, P.Jeyapandiarajan, P.Ashwath Laser assisted processing of Aluminium alloy composites for Automotive Brake Pad 201941038438 9/24/2019 Published
17 AY201920 R.Ramakrishnan, Shubham Gupta, Ankit Sharma Surface Leveling Reconfigurable Walker for Stair/ Ramp Climbing 201941030274 7/26/2019 Published
18 AY201920 Jose.S, M.Manoharan Car air quality monitoring and climatronic system for mild segment cars 42/2019 9/24/2019 Published
19 AY201920 E.Porpatham, Ramesh Turbulence enhancing combustion chamber for gaseous fulled spark ignition engines 201941034751 08-06-2019 Published
20 AY201920 D.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Ama Movalia, Abhisek Acharya Automative coupling de-coupling system with independent functional units implemented in railway transportation 201941035007 8/30/2019 Published
21 AY201920 K.Jayakrishna Smart Dentrifice Brush 201941038429 9/24/2019 Published
22 AY201920 I.Manjubala, G.Priya, U.Narendra Kumar Carboxymethyl cellulose porous scaffolds for bone regeneration application 201941034996 A 8/30/2019 Published
23 AY201920 Ashok.B, Jo Samuel An approach for carbon capture using chemical absorbents to control carbon-di-oxide (CO2) emission in Internal Combustion (IC) engines 201941030256 7/26/2019 Published
24 AY201920 S.Renold Elsen A novel mechanical waterless and odourless toilets 201941031719 08-06-2019 Published
25 AY201920 Bikash Routh Double inclined teethed harmonic driev with split circular spline and needle roller bearing 201941034997 8/30/2019 Published
26 AY201920 Bikash Routh Self-reservoir and self-pumping porous strain wave generating CAM 201941035003 8/30/2019 Published
27 AY201920 I.S.Rajay Vedaraj Walking wheeled robot chair using cooperative manipulators concept 201941038436 A 9/24/2019 Published
28 AY201920 I.S.Rajay Vedaraj Solar powered bi-cycle with zero energy consumption and loss 201941034995 A 8/30/2019 Published
29 AY201920 D. Vincent Herald Wilson Exhaust Fan for Car Cabin 320215-001 7/30/2019 Published
30 AY201920 M.Manikandan, N. Arivazhagan, M.Sathishkumar, Yash Jitendra Bhakat Development of technique to preclude the segregation in aerospace alloy UNS N06002 by conventional double pulse arc welding 201941046300 A 11/14/2019 Published
31 AY201920 M.Manikandan, N. Arivazhagan, Anivesh Chintala, Vishwa Teja Vasam, M.Tejaswi Kumar Wire + Arc additive Technology development for producing UNS N06625 alloy for conventional pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding 201941048015 A 11/25/2019 Published
32 AY202021 Thundil Karuppa Raj Rajagopal, D Elangovan A liquid-cooled battery thermal management system for a two-wheeler vehicle 202141005377 09-02-2021 Published
33 AY202021 Vanmathi C, Hemalatha S, Giriraj M, Pandivelan C Image Steganography System and method of Embedding Data 202041043403 06-10-2020 Published
34 AY202021 Vanmathi C, Navaneethan C, Giriraj M, Pandivelan C Virtual Vision System for visually impaired people and method thereof 202041038731 02-10-2020 Published
35 AY202021 John Rajan A, Mayuresh Pranav Joshi, Jose S, Sampath Kumar T Trazor (Travel Razor) 202041039350 11-09-2020 Published
36 AY202021 M. Natatajan, Y. Raja Sekhar, C. Chiranjeevi A Food Disposal Device 202041036255 22-08-2020 Published
37 AY202021 G V Sriramakrishnan, k Anusha, N Manikandan Design of IOT and FOG based system for remote elderly health monitoring 202041032536 29-07-2020 Published
38 AY202021 S Renold Elsen, S Zubair Ahamed, A Mohammed Rilwan, S Mohammed suhail Linear hydro impulse energy to torque converter device 5215/CHE/2015 03-07-2021 Granted
39 AY202122 Dr Arun Tom Mathew, Dr Devendiran S, Dr Venkatesan K, and Dr Rajeswari C Educational Toy for Teaching Basic Malayalam Language 342488-001 01-01-2022 Granted
40 AY202122 Dr Devendiran S, Dr Arun Tom Mathew, Dr Venkatesan K, and Dr Rajeswari C Educational Toy for Teaching Basic Tamil Language 336361-001 01-02-2022 Granted
41 AY202122 Dr. Fathima Patham K A Laundry ball to Trap Microfibers 202041033962A 11-02-2022 Published
42 AY202122 Dr. Renold Elson Three Dimensional (3D) Printer a Multi-Layer and a Multi Material 202141057146′ 18-02-2022 Published
43 AY202122 Dr. R. Subashini Dr. G. Velmurugan Mr. J. Giriraj Dr. Paul Effect of adequate staff welfare package n worker productivity 202241007996A 25-02-2022 Published
44 AY202122 Dr. M. Natarajan Integrated Driver Behaviour and Battery Optimization Techniques Using Machine Learning 202221010283A 11-03-2022 Published
45 AY202122 Dr. K. Venkatesan, Dr. S. Devendiran, Dr. Arun Tom Mathew & Dr. Rajeswari C Educational Toy for Teaching Basic Hindi Language 342376-001 19-03-2022 Granted
46 AY202122 Dr. C. Pandivelan, Dr. M. Giriraj and Mr. Rohit Magdum Design of Multi-point tools with up to twelve balls of different diameters for incremental sheet metal forming using CNC machines 343824-001 22-04-2022 Published
47 AY202223 Dr. Y. Rajasekhar BI-Symmetrical Web Flow Thermal Absorber for Photovoltaic Thermal system 202241030388A 10-06-2022 Published
48 AY202223 Dr. Vincent Herald Wilson & Dr. Jose S GPS Module (SET) for Children’s Safety Shoe 332682-001 03-09-2022 Granted
49 AY202223 Dr. C. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Chirag Garg & Dr. Aditya Chetty Atomized Spark Ignition (ASI) 391067 Nov.-2022 Granted – 03-03-2022
50 AY202223 Dr. Arun Tom Mathew A Mobile Vehicle Garage Assembly 411634 16-11-2022 Granted
51 AY202223 Dr. R. Vasudevan, Ms. Raunika Anand (17BME0220) & Mr. Arijeet Nath (17BME0234) Automated Hospital Robot 351605-001 16-12-2022 Granted
52 AY202223 Dr. Niranjana Behura Coconut grater attachement for household mixer grinders 331287-001 16-12-2022 Granted
53 AY202223 Dr. Renold Elson Vision Enchanced Source Seeking Microphone 202241064115 A 02-12-2022 Published
54 AY202223 Dr. A. John Rajan, Mr. Aditya Lad (19BMA0018) Mr. Ayush Gupta (19BMA0037), Mr. Karthikeya Thadani (19BMA0029), Ms. Aarushi Maity (19BPI0032), Mr.Kathan Jigarbhai Bhavsar (19BMA0024) & Mr. Parth Shah(Team Leader)(19BMA0022) Water Body Cleaning Machine 365683-001 Dec.-22 Granted
55 AY202223 Dr.Renold Elson A Machine Vision System 416448 02-01-2023 Granted
56 AY202223 Dr. John Rajan Care Port For COVID 19 365681-001 04-01-2023 Granted
57 AY202223 Dr. V.G. Sridhar Design and Development of IntelligentErgonomic Chair 373175-001 06-01-2023 Granted
58 AY202223 Dr. Vijesh Joshi A System and a method to nullify radiation error using multi thermocouple technique 201941011055 20-03-2023 Granted
59 AY202223 Dr. Devendiran S Ergonomic Intergrated Laptop Keypad 380346-001 17-05-2023 Granted
60 AY202223 Dr. R. Bharanidharan Multi-DOF Soft Actuator Design 366874-001 25-05-2023 Granted
61 AY202223 Dr. Devendiran S Ergonomic Computer Mouse 380345-001 17-05-2023 Granted
62 AY202324 Dr. Devendiran S Adjustable Ergonomic Table 380344-001 01-06-2023 Granted
63 AY202324 Dr. Devendiran S, Dr. Venkatesan K & Dr. Arun Tom Mathew Fluid Cooled Tool Holder 367994-001 01-06-2023 Granted
64 AY202324 Dr. M. Arivarasu Bicopter with Honeycomb Frame 366875-001 01-06-2023 Granted
65 AY202324 Dr. Aravind Raj S, Mr. Aayush Bhat & Mr. Anubhav Anurag Modular Filteration System for Harvesting Pure Rainwater 202141017620 15-06-2023 Granted
66 AY202324 Dr. Niranjana Behura Self-Lubricating crowned roller follower system in locomotives 369244001 07-06-2023 Granted
67 AY202324 Dr. R. Ramakrishnan Recongrav – seat lifting and center of gravity shifting mechanisms for a wheelchair 201641002700 09-06-2023 Granted
68 AY202324 Dr. Thundil Karruppa Raj, Dr. Elangovan D& Mr. Peter K Joseph Current Fed Fuel Cell Powered High Voltage Charging Circuit for Electric Vehicles 201941048472 03-08-2023 Granted
69 AY202324 Dr.Bibhtui Bhusan Sahoo & Mr. Kaleb Kassa (student) Portable Wind Energy Generator 366876-001 14-09-2023 Granted
70 AY202324 Dr. Tapano Kumar Hota Granted
71 AY202324 Dr. Venkatesan K, Dr. Devendiran S & Dr. Arun Tom Mathew Foldable Wasing Machine 382465-001 05-10-2023 Granted
72 AY202324 Dr. Ramakrishnan, Mr. Shubham Gupta & Mr. Ankit Sharma (Alumni) Surface Leveling Reconfigurable Walker for Stair/ Ramp Climbing 466467 07-11-2023 Granted
73 AY202324 Dr. Arun Tom Mathew, Mr. Kovalan Sandiyappan (Alumni) Sliding Vane Internal Combustion Engine 467129 08-11-2023 Granted
74 AY202324 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra, dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Mr. Methil Vivek Shankar (Alumni) Umbrella Holder 395751-001 15-11-2023 Granted
75 AY202324 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra, dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Mr. Methil Vivek Shankar (Alumni) Non-Spill Cup 395752-001 16-11-2023 Granted
76 AY202324 Dr. Darius Gnanaraj S, Dr. g. Edison, Dr. S. Senthil Kumar, Dr. DRS Raghuraman & Mr. Sabareesh M (Student) Ergonomic Patient Transfer Chair 390925-001 16-11-2023 Granted
77 AY202324 Dr . R. Ramakrishnan, Mr. Saransh Chhawchharia, Mr. Anirudh Parmar, Mr. Akshay Bhaskar (Students) Seat position adjusting mechanism for lifting and shifting a seat of a wheelchair 201841034478 20-11-2023 Granted
78 AY202324 Dr. Sharan Chandran M Household Wheelbarrow 203596 23-11-2023 Granted
79 AY202324 Dr. Sekarapandian N & Mr. Selvaraji Muthu A Solar assissted close coupled hybrid desiccant wheel system with a catalytic combustion unit 469784 16-11-2023 Granted
80 AY202324 Dr M. Anthony Xavier, Dr. Kalainathan S Method for surface modification in graphene-alumnium alloy non-composites using low energy laser shock peening 483040 14-12-2023 Granted
81 AY202324 Dr. D. Sakthivadivel, Ms. G.S. Divya Laxmi (Scholar) Mixed Mode Solar Dryer 398094-001 27-12-2023 Granted
82 AY202324 Dr. Niranjana Behera, Dr. Raja Singh (ARC) & Dr. Shishir Kumar Behura (Scheme) Intelligent Urinary Catheter Bag Support 390923-001 27-12-2023 Granted
83 AY202324 Dr. S. Devendiran Support Tool for Infant Bath 390140-001 29-12-2023 Granted
84 AY202324 Dr. Sekarapandian N, Mr. Selvaraji Muthu (Scholar) System and Method for HVAC Device using a Hybrid Rotary Desiccant Wheel 492903 01-01-2024 Granted
85 AY202324 Dr. Arun Tom Mathew & Mr. Prahlad Rajhans (Student) Walker Assembly for Hemiplegic Patients 494365 04-01-2024 Granted
86 AY202324 Dr. S. Devendiran, Dr. Venkatesan K & Dr. Rajeswari C (SCORE) Closet Cleaning Brush 368174-001 04-01-2024 Granted
87 AY202324 Dr. S. Aravind Raj & Mr. G. Sakthi Balan (Scholar) DNA Structured Sandwich Composite for Automobile Chassis 396225-001 18-01-2024 Registered
88 AY202324 Dr. Bikash Routh Asymmetric Strain Wave Gearing System 502998 24-01-2024 Granted
89 AY202324 Dr. R. Kamatchi & Dr. R. Prakash Through Step Serrated Fin Solar Dryer 378449-001 25-01-2024 Registered
90 AY202324 Dr. Akash Mohanty & Dr. Rahamathunnisa U Multi-purpose non-touch Device for Avoiding a Physical Contact of a user with a surface 500697 18-01-2024 Granted
91 AY202324 Dr. M. Anthony Xavior, Dr. Joel. J, Dr. P. Jeyapandiarajan & Dr. Ashwath Laser Assisted Processing of Alumnium Alloy Composites for Automotive Brake Pad 506384 01-02-2024 Granted
92 AY202324 Dr. Tapano Kumar Hota & Dr. Niranjana Behera IOT-Based Smart Incinerator for Waste 396851-001 02-02-2024 Granted
93 AY202324 Dr. Devendiran S Semi Circular Finishing Trowel 380343-001 09-02-2024 Granted
94 AY202324 Dr. Soumen Pal, Dr. Sitaram Dash Octagonal Circuit Box for the Drone 384617-001 09-02-2024 Granted
95 AY202324 Dr. G. Praveen Kumar & Dr. Praveen Kumar G Portable Solar PV Kettle 402492-001 12-02-2024 Granted
96 AY202324 Dr. G. Praveen Kumar & Dr. Praveen Kumar G Multi-Purpose Cabinet Solar Dryer 398719-001 12-02-2024 Granted
97 AY202324 Dr. S. Aravind Raj, Mr. Vedant Rajesh Rasal & Prateek Yash (UG Students) Hourglass Structure for Automotive Parts 390636-001 2/21/2024 Granted
98 AY202324 Dr. S. Aravind Raj, Ms. Nekin Joshua R (Scholar) Double Arrowhead Auxetic Structure 396227-001 2/23/2024 Granted
99 AY202324 Dr. Denis Ashok, Mr. Harshil Takka, Mr. Siddharth Jain A Scanning Device for Inspecting and Sorting High Aspect Ratio Objets and Method Thereof 521978 3/7/2024 Granted
100 AY202324 Dr. S. Devendiran, Dr. Venkatesan K & Dr. Arun Tom Mathew An Integrated Multi-Cooling Tool Holder Apparatus 522971 3/11/2024 Granted
101 AY202324 Dr. R. Ramakrishnan TURNNTORQ A High Torque & Differential drive mechanism for a wheelchair 560450 3/27/2024 Granted
102 AY202324 Dr. Thundil Karuppa Raj, Dr. Elangovan D & Dr. Arjun Singh Modular Portable Solar Power Station 406099-001 3/28/2024 Granted
103 AY202324 Dr. Arun Tom Mathew Luggage Handling Device 201941018299 4/1/2024 Granted
104 AY202324 Dr. Ashok B, Dr. Yagna S Mukkamala & Mr. Abinav Shankar S (Student) Rotating Radiator For Improved Heat Transfer In Motor Vehicles 524462 3/13/2024 Granted
105 AY202324 Dr. K. Jayakrishna, Dr. S. Aravind Raj, R. N. Adithya & G. Sakthi Balan Graphene Structured Sandwich Composite 396226-001 4/19/2024 Granted
106 AY202324 Dr. S. Aravind Raj, Dr. Aditya Abhijit Kunte Portable Solar-Powered Ultrasound Pest control Device 408765-001 4/23/2024 Granted
107 AY202324 Dr. Raja Sekhar Y & Mr. Vangapandu Tirupati Rao (Scholar) Bi-Symmetrical Web Flow Thermal Absorber For Photovoltaic Thermal System 535025 4/25/2024 Granted
108 AY202324 Dr. Aravind Raj, Ananya Raj, Ananya Singh & Ruben Ghosalkar Disinfection Apparatus using UV Ray 399184-001 4/25/2024 Granted
109 AY202324 Dr. Suya Prem Anand, Ashish Daniel S Patient Specific Customizable Lattice Implant for Long Bone Segmental Defects 408766-001 4/26/2024 Granted
110 AY202324 Dr. M. Gethamanivasagam, Sathya Swaroop & A. Revathi Process of Manufacturing A TI-Based Implant with Improved Surface Properties 536846 5/3/2024 Granted
111 AY202324 Dr. Renold Elson S A Novel Mechanised Waterless and Odourless Toilets 528566 3/15/2024 Granted
112 AY202324 Dr. S. Aravind Raj, Dr. B. Ashok, Mr. Dhiya Dhanesh, Mr. Adithya RN & Mr. Atharva Arun Vaidya (Students) Battery Pack case for Electric Vehicle 409264-001 5/5/2024 Granted
113 AY202324 Dr. Shobha Rekh, Dr. A. Deepa, Mr. Aayush Gupta & Mr. Manu Chauhan Robot for the Elderly Patients 411599-001 5/10/2024 Granted
114 AY202324 Dr. Kamatchi R, Mr. Aryan Arora, Kumar Aniket, souvik Mukherjee & Harshit Chitransh (Students) Multi-Utility Access Card 386608-001 5/10/2024 Granted
115 AY202324 Dr. D. Sakthivadivel, Mr. C.K. Pon Pavithran (Scholar) & Mr. Praveen Bharathwaj (Student) Portable Bio-Digestive Burner 400579-001 5/16/2024 Granted
116 AY202324 Dr. Soumen Pal, Dr. Sitaram Dash, Mr. Om Adikrao More, Mr. Adesh Mahaveer Chougule, Mr. Yatin Pundalik Kinare, Mr. Yogesh Bhagwat Gavhar (Student) Press-Fit Mechanism of the Drone Arm 396853-001 5/22/2024 Granted
117 AY202324 Dr. Ramesh Babu V & Mr. Manan Jariwala & Mr. Harin M Mohan Multi Gas Sensor Housing 412709-001 5/30/2024 Granted
118 AY202425 Dr. Niranjana Behura, Ria Singhal, Dillip Kumar Barik Greywater Filter Mechanism 409269-001 6/7/2024 Granted
119 AY202425 Dr. N. Arivazhagan, Mr. Harsh Umang, Mr. Harshal Tikare & Mr. S Madhukumar S An Automated System for Sanitizing a Pre-defined Vicinity 543160 6/26/2024 Granted
120 AY202425 Dr.Ramesh Babu Vemuluri, Vyas Jeet Brijeshbhai Educational Toy For Teaching Gujarati Language 412707-001 5/30/2024 Granted
121 AY202425 DR.Bikash Routh Slotted And Porous Strain Wave Generating Bearing 417595-001 Granted
122 AY202425 Dr. Sakthivadivel D, Ms. Divya Laxmi & Mr. Pon Pavithiran (Scholars) Solar Concentrator Chimney Dryer 381619-001 4/5/2024 Granted
123 AY202425 Dr. John Rajan A, Mr. Arjun Singh K & Mr. Sri Hari S Ergonomic Wearable Anestheia Monitor for Patients 417922-001 7/10/2024
124 AY202425 Dr. R. Kamatchi & Dr. G. Arulmurugan, Marimuthu Solar Interfacial Evaporator Based Freshwater Generator 417925-001 7/11/2024 Granted
125 AY202425 Dr. Renold Elsen S, Mr. Prathmesh Bhalekar & Mr. Sujith Prasanna Foldable Mouse 406098-001 7/11/2024
126 AY202425 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra, dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Mr. Aravind Anallur, Mr. Mustafa Irfan Mr. Ahsan Mohd & Mr. Qamar Alam Mechanically Operated Prosthetic Hand 418882-001 7/18/2024
127 AY202425 Dr. Akash Mohanty & Mr. Mayank Mishra Lift-Ease Dispenser Bottle 419546-001 7/19/2024
128 AY202425 Dr. Sampath Kumar, Mr. Ridhushan Yasodharan, Mr. Vishaal Kumar & Mr. Abdul Bhasith A Bionic Piston 421318-001 30-07-2024 Granted
129 AY202425 Dr. Akash Mohanty & Mr. Kartik Mittal (Student) ERGO-GRIP Water Bottle 419545-001 05-08-2024 Granted
130 AY202425 Dr. P. Suresh Kumar & Mr. Aayush Gupta Tri-Exit Twin-Fluid Nozzle for Bottom-up Spray of Pesticides 421321-001 08-08-2024 Granted
131 AY202425 Dr. Aravind Raj S, Mr. Kuruvilla George Pulinat, Mr. Pratik Noel Moss, Mr Sau Sumit Kalipada Automobile Chassis Structure 390635-001 14-08-2024 Registered
132 AY202425 Dr. Akash Mohanty, Dr. DRS Raghuraman Beverage Can with Improved Grips 419544-001 22-08-2024 Registered
133 AY202425 Dr. S. Devendiran Torque Wrench for Oil Filter 424151-001 30-08-2024 Registered
134 AY202425 Dr. Raja Annamalai & Dr. U. Narendra Kumar, Mr. S. Sudharshan & Mr. Somasundaram (Scholar) Electrochemical Cell 425496-001 12-09-2024 Registered
135 AY202425 Dr. Akash Mohanty & Dr. Rahamathunnisa U (SITE) Fluid Energy Empowered Jewellery Device 202441080473′ 23-10-2024 Registered
136 AY202425 Dr. Jeyapandiarajan P, Mr. Mihir Manoj Dixit, Mr. Shreyas Devesh, Mr. Shashank Shekhar Khandelwal (Students) Mounting System For Rc Aircraft Propulsion Components 431294-001 04-11-2024 Registered
137 AY202425 Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra, Dr. D. Mallikarjuna Reddy & Mahidhar Tanay Ramayanam(Student) Coconut Harvesting Device 418881-001 14-11-2024 Registered
138Dec-24Dr. Renold Elsen S, Mr. Dhruv Kumar Dhiman & Mr. Someshwar Kedar Shenoy [Student]Steering Knuckle for off-road buggies434602-00111-12-2024Registered
139Jan-25Dr. R. Prakash, Dr. R. Deepak Kumar, Dr. C. G. Mohan & Mr. M. Santhosh Kumar Vertical Elliptical Multi-Tube Spiral Tapered Finned Heat Exchanger437739-00127-12-2024Registered
140Jan-25Dr. D. Sakthivadivel, Mr. C. K. Pon Pavithiran [Scholar] & Mr. Aryan Manan Jariwala [Student]Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal Collector For Power Generation432533-00106-01-2025Registered
141Jan-25Dr. D. Sakthivadivel, Mr. C. K. Pon Pavithiran [Scholar] & Mr. Aryan Manan Jariwala [Student]Vehicle Muffler-Mounted Portable Water Heater435385-00108-01-2025Registered
142Jan-25Dr. S. Aravind Raj & Mr. G. Sakthi Balan [Scholar]Herringbone Strain Wave Gear434603-001 07-01-2025Registered
143Feb-25Dr. S. Renold ElsenVision Enchanced Source Seeking Microphone202241064115′19-02-2025Granted
144Feb-25Dr. G. Rajamurugan, Mr. R. Elayaraja & Mr. A. Venkatramanan (Scholars)Frill for Vehicle431295-00117-02-2025Registered

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