
School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)


The school has a very competitive and healthy publishing culture. The number of Scopus indexed publications of the faculty members of the school in the year 2017 is 315. The published journals include wear measurement, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Fuel, Renewable energy, Progress in Materials Science, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Materials and Design, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Ceramics International, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Heat and Mass Transfer, Composite Structures and Corrosion Engineering and Technology.


Sl. No Title of paper Name of the author/s Indexed In Scopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non Scopus ISSN number
1Biofunctional supramolecular injectable hydrogel with spongy-like metal-organic coordination for effective repair of critical- sized calvarial defectsChen Y., Qiu Z., Hu X., Wang T., Li G., Tang Z., Fang C., Sheng W., Zhao J., Yu F., Weng J., Udduttula A., Manivasagam G., Zeng H.WOS2221-285X
2A novel ensemble machine learning approach for optimizing sustainability and green hydrogen production in hybrid renewable-based organic Rankine cycle- operated proton exchange membrane electrolyser systemVignesh Kumar V., Madhesh K., Sanjay K., Guru Prasath P., Pavish Karthik A., Praveen Kumar G.WOS0960-1481
3Evaluation of machine learning algorithms on hydrogen boosted homogeneous charge compression ignition engine operation for performance and emission predictionSathishkumar S., Ibrahim M.M.WOS0957-5820
4Phosphorylated cellulose nanocrystals/polyvinyl alcohol-L arginine coating in facilitated transport membranes for biogas purificationNithin Mithra S., Ahankari S.S.WOS2666-8939
5Predictive modelling of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets yield through machine and deep learning: An ultrasonic exfoliation parametric evaluationVarughese J.J., M․S․ S.WOS2590-1230
6Mechanical and microstructural characterization of graphene reinforced Alumina Ceramic matrix compositeAnbazhagan M., Michael A.X.WOS2590-1230
7Fault classification in rotor-bearing system using advanced signal processing and machine learning techniquesR M., Mutra R.R.WOS2590-1230
8Impact load bearing and energy absorption in sandwich polymer composites: Projectile versus shock loadingsBalan G.S., Raj S.A.WOS2590-1230
9The synergistic effect of carboxymethylated cellulose nanocrystals – Polyvinyl alcohol- L Arginine in facilitated transport membranes for biogas purificationMithra S N., Ahankari S.S.WOS1226-086X
10Artificial Neural Network- Response Surface Methodology based multi- parametric optimization and modelling of biolipid production from Aspergillus flavusA.E S.S., Das K R., Manian R., Shanmugam V., Shankar V.WOS0961-9534
11Supervised Machine learning models for predicting mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded AA7075- AA5083 aluminum alloysMothilal M., Kumar A.WOS0263-2241
12Enhancing the flexural behavior of GFRP single-lap co-cure joints reinforced with multi-reinforcementsVenugopal A., Edwin Sudhagar P., Senthamizh Selvan S., Murugan R., Suthanthiraveerappa V., Hiremath V.S.WOS0272-8397
13Secondary bonded and co-bonded CFRP composite joints with innovative lamination technique: Flexural and failure analysisKarthikeyan N., Naveen J., Rajesh M., Reddy D.M.WOS0272-8397
14Enhancing the performance of CFRP composite joints through a hybrid approach: Geometric modification (stepped adherends) and adhesive modificationKarthikeyan N., Naveen J.WOS0272-8397
15Synthesis and Kinetics of Vanadium and Niobium Carbide coatings on Diamond nanoparticles using Vacuum-Assisted Molten Salt SynthesisVishnu M, A R.A., Muthuchamy AWOS0925-9635
16Air moisture harvesting in soil for indoor agriculture: A comparative study of moisture dynamics in shallow porous bedsChaudhari A.D.; Joshi V.V.WOS1089-7666
17Study of blood flow patterns in a stenosed artery through the combined effect of body acceleration and generalized womersley solutionUdupa M.C., Saha S., Natarajan S.WOS2045-2322
18Thermomechanical simulation and experimental validation of distortion and residual stress for LPBF additive manufactured Inconel 718Dinesh S, Sahu J.WOS2352-4928
19Microstructure and mechanical properties of functionally graded materials alloy 82 / AISI 304L by employing WAAMMuthu S.M., Senthur Prabu S., Sujai S., Sebastian J., Liyakat N.A.WOS2352-4928
20Experiencing Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling in Commercial Roofs with Ultrahigh-Temperature Reduction Using Micro/Nanoparticles-Distributed Porous Polymeric StructureLakshmanan R., Rajaram K.WOS2194-4288
21Numerical and experimental approach on vibration characterization of non-uniform hybrid sandwich platesElangovan H., Rajamohan V.WOS1537-6532
22Vibration and uncertainty analysis of MWCNT reinforced composite sandwich beam with a biomimetic dual coreThanikasalam N., Vasudevan M., Ramamoorthy M., Gunasegeran M.WOS1530-7972
23Additive Manufacturing of Pure Tungsten and Tungsten Heavy Alloys-State-of-the-Art ProcessesMudda S., Annamalai A.R., Muthuchamy A.WOS1598-9623
24An Experimental Investigation into the Enhancement of Surface Quality of Inconel 718 Through Axial Ultrasonic Vibration- Assisted Grinding in Dry and MQL EnvironmentsDas S.; Chinnaiyan P.; Jayaseelan J.; Paulchamy J.; Batako A.; Pazhani A.WOS2504-4494
25Experimental Thermal Assessment of a Trombe Wall Under a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate of MexicoHernández-Pérez I., Rodriguez-Ake Á., Sauceda- Carvajal D., Hernández-López I., Kumar B., Zavala-Guillén I.WOS1996-1073
26Optical performance of functionally gradient TiN multilayered thin films deposited through magnetron sputteringAtta S., Karthikeya S., Dash S., Mathew A.T., NarendraKumar U.WOS0921-4526
27Enhanced interfacial solar steam generation with CuO-decorated wood evaporator at indoor condition: A sustainable approach to desalinationGnanasekaran A., Rengasamy M., Eswaramoorthy N., Lakshmanan R., Nasinathan R., Rajaram K.WOS0167-577X
28Effect of 3-Aminopropyl-Trimethoxysilane Functionalization and Co-Cure Manufacturing on enhancing the Structure properties of GFRP Composite JointBalaji S., Rajesh M., Naveen J., Reddy D.M., Dhilipkumar T., Sathyaseelan P., Murali A.P.WOS0167-577X
29Enhancement of tensile and flexural strengths of carbon/ramie/epoxy hybrid composites using surface treatment technique: an experimental and artificial neural network studySenthamizh Selvan S., Rajay Vedaraj I.S.WOS1568-5616
30Optimizing process parameters for enhanced formability and fracture behavior in single point incremental forming of SS310 sheetsBalaji N.S., Sathiya Narayanan C., Pandivelan C., Sivakumar M., C P.R.WOS0954-4089
31Evaluation of microstructure, crystallographic texture, crystal orientation, grain boundary characteristics, and mechanical characteristics of dissimilar joints of ASTM A240 and alloy 625 in different welding techniques for high temperature applicationsSettu N., Kesavan G.K.WOS0954-4062
32Preliminary testing of a mechanism-based gait training device with able-bodied individualsClinton Wilson B.V., Mohan Varma D.S.WOS2398-6263
33Characterisation of dissimilar metal weldments of titanium alloys Ti-64 and Ti- 6246 made using electron beam and rotary friction weldingMurali A., Velu M.WOS2631-8695
34Multioptimization analysis of machining characteristics on spark electrical discharge machining of Al/SiC and Al/SiC/B4C compositesBharathi P., Kumar T.S., Anbuchezhiyan G.WOS2631-8695
35Next-generation cybersecurity strategies for 3D printing in high-intensity manufacturingMoulika G., Palanisamy P.WOS2631-8695
36Simulation and modeling of a robust cybersecurity system for next-generation manufacturing executionMoulika G., Palanisamy P.WOS2631-8695
37Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Burner Inclination Angle on Methane-Air Combustion in Multi-Regime BurnerHikkimath G.K.; Patel D.K.WOS0392-8764
38Machine Learning Approach To Predict And Compare The Air Quality Index In A Confined EnvironmentKumar S.H.; Kanish T.C.WOS0324-8828
39Utilizing Machine Learning for Optimizing Composite Materials Derived from Leather Trimming and HDPE WastePrabhu G.A., Tembhekar T.D., Gopal V., Bharanidaran R., Ramana V.V., Kumar H.M.A.SCOPUS2250-2130
40Molecular docking and in vitro evaluation of glucosamine sulfate targeting MMP-3, MMP- 9, and IL-4 for potential osteoarthritis treatmentSrinivasan V.; Kunjiappan S.; Palanisamy P.SCOPUS2363-8907
41Sustainable lithium-ion battery recycling: A review on technologies, regulatory approaches and future trendsSrinivasan S., Shanthakumar S., Ashok B.WOS2352-4847
42Performance Optimization Techniques on Point Absorber and Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter: A Comprehensive ReviewJariwala A.M., Dash S.K., Sahu U.K., Mohan H.M.WOS2169-3536
43Impact of sensible and latent heat energy storage combined on drying kinetics and quality of potato slices in a mixed mode solar dryer: Experimental and economic studyC.N D.; Behura A.K.WOS2352-152X
44Hydrogen powered reactivity controlled compression ignition engine operation with split injection regimens for combustion and performance prediction: Experimental analysis coupled with machine learning approachSathishkumar S.; Ibrahim M.M.WOS0360-3199
45Trustworthy and Human Centric neural network approaches for prediction of landfill methane emission and sustainable waste management practicesAmrita Dey; Denis Ashok S.WOS0956-053X
46Sustainable fuel production from waste ship oil sludge: A comprehensive technical and socio-economic analysis towards zero- waste dischargeSasidhar K.B.; Murugavelh S.; Ekambaram P.; Arumugam S.K.WOS0957-5820
47Solar flat plate collectors with internally grooved absorber tubes for enhanced efficiency: Application of eXplainable artificial intelligence using cooperative game theory-based Shapley valuesRaja Sekhar Y.; Chilambarasan L.; Sharma K.V.; Kanti P.K.; Sharma P.; Paramsivam P.; Dhanasekaran S.WOS2214-157X
48Synergistic effects of optimizing stir casting and friction stir welding for WC and Al2O3 based nano-particulates reinforced AA2014 and AA6061 alloys: Mechanical, weldability, corrosion, and microstructural morphological insightsYelamasetti B.; Aslesha C.L.; Sarathi T V.; Rajyalakshmi G.; Shelare S.; Sharma S.; Lozanovic J.; Ismail A.I.WOS2238-7854
49Perovskite structured LaCoO3 photothermal material decorated nanocellulose aerogel for efficient interfacial solar steam generationGnanasekaran A.; Paul J.; Rengasamy M.; Prakash R.; Lakshmanan R.; Nasinathan R.; Ahankari S.S.; Rajaram K.WOS2590-1230
50Activated biochar derived from Ricinus communis outer shell: Influence of KOH impregnation ratio on physicochemical properties and EMI shielding effectivenessPerumal R.S.; Muralidharan B.WOS2590-1230
51Pentagonal fuzzy fractional three-stage sustainable transportation network problem incorporating extension principleBaranidharan B.; Murali G.B.; Cao Z.; Mahapatra G.S.WOS2090-4479
52Experimental investigation and thermo- enviro-economic analysis of a novel biomass driven dual-bed vapor adsorption refrigeration system for a cold storage room and bulk milk chiller for rural applicationsC.K P.P.; D S.; Agarwal A.; Agarwal A.WOS2451-9049
53Hot corrosion behaviour and experimental investigation of Haynes 25 superalloyM.P.G K.; A R.A.; Mohanty C.P.; Chauhan A.S.WOS2522-5731
54A solar-powered, internet of things (IoT)- controlled water irrigation system supported by rainfall forecasts utilizing aerosols: a reviewBalamurali D.; Chakankar S.; Sharma G.; Pagey A.P.; Natarajan M.; Shaik S.; Gnanavendan S.; Arıcı M.WOS1387-585X
55Revisiting Yamaguchi-Ichikawa water hammer modelUrbanowicz K.; Di Nucci C.; Sharma B.K.; K․ A.; Kawiak M.; Krajewski S.WOS0577-9073
56Moderate temperature wear behaviour of Magnesium-Dicalcium silicate compositeKumaravelu P.; Arulvel S.; Kandasamy J.; Jeyapandirajan P.WOS1350-6307
57Evaluation and optimization of physical, mechanical, and biological characteristics of 3D printed Whitlockite/calcium silicate composite scaffold for bone tissue regeneration using response surface methodologyThangavel M.; Elsen S R.WOS1748-6041
58Enhanced water-induced shape memory and swelling characteristics of graphene oxide-cellulose nanofiber reinforced polyvinyl alcohol nanocompositesThomas L.M.; Sreekanth M.S.WOS1083-5601
59Quasi-static and dynamic response of open lattice structures for enhanced plateau stresses: Simulation and experiment validationDara A.; Mertens A J.; Gunji B.; Bahubalendruni M.V.A.R.WOS2352-4928
60Numerical prediction of residual stress and distortion for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) AM process of Ti-6Al-4VMohanraj J.; Sahu J.WOS1569-190X
61Cryo-laser synergy: Enhancing metallurgical and mechanical excellence in Inconel 59- AISI 904L jointsMuthukumaran N.; Arulmurugan B.; Manoharan M.WOS2405-8440
62Investigation of convective heat transfer in helically corrugated tubes with inserts using nanofluidsAnbu S.; Arunkumar P.; Kamatchi R.; Chellappan M.WOS1388-6150
63Mechanical and microstructural studies on the Inconel718-SDSS2507 A-TIG dissimilar welded jointsS A.; Giri A.WOS0268-3768
64The impact of graphene reinforcement on z-pin and adhesively bonded composite for enhancing flexural strength of co-cured single lap jointsVenugopal A.; Sudhagar E.; Rajamohan V.; Suresh V.; Karthikeyan N.; Naveen J.WOS0021-8464
65Different post-heat treatment responses on microstructure and mechanical characteristics of maraging steel 1.2709 samples produced by LPBFRaghuraman V.; Kumar T.S.WOS0031-8949
66Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of the Mg-Gd- Y-Er Alloy: An Experimental StudySudharsan S.; Raja Annamalai A.WOS1939-5981
67Mitigation of Shock wave boundary layer interaction using surface arc plasma energy actuators: A computational studyDinesan D.; John B.WOS0045-7930
68The effects of substrates on the structural, morphological, magnetic and electronic properties of V2O5 thin filmsGupta R.S.; Pandey S.; Ghosh A.; Sahoo S.K.; Rahaman A.; Goutam U.K.; Pandey S.; Singh V.R.WOS1573-4846
69Prediction of coating layer thickness and surface hardness in electric discharge coating process using RSM, ANN, and ANFIS with ANOVA optimizationKumaran V.; Muralidharan B.WOS0954-4089
70Unravelling the Potential of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Hydrogels for Articular Cartilage Repair: A Rat Model StudyAswathy S.H.; Thomas N.G.; Dalvi Y.B.; Balraman M.; NarendraKumar U.; Manjubala I.WOS2364-4141
71Nano-mechanical and condensed phase characterization of cylindrical magnetron sputtered self-assembled TiN nano-hill coatingAtta S.; NarendraKumar U.; Kumar K.V.A.N.P.S.; Yadav D.P.; Rai S.K.; Gupta P.; Dash S.WOS1572-896X
72Influence of Nanodiamonds on Mechanical, Acoustic, Vibration Damping and Flame Retardancy in Jute Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Panels Used in Indoor ApplicationsKanniyappan S.; Selvaraj S.K.WOS2523-3939
73Experimental Investigation and Diminution of Vibration and Acoustic Emissions in BLDC Motor through Efficient Energy Management Controller for Electric VehicleSaiteja P.; Ashok B.; Kavitha C.WOS2523-3939
74The effect of glow discharge air plasma surface treatment on mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced-epoxy sustainable biocompositesVarma M.; Chandran S.WOS0927-6440
75Vortex shedding control by a rotating control cylinder located near the flow separation regionDharmalingam B.; Sankaran S.; Rajagopal D.WOS1678-5878
76Outcome of pulse current parameters on the mechanical and metallurgical characteristics of P-GMA welded AA5086 alloyRajamurugan G.; Goyal V.K.; Ghosh P.K.WOS0256-2499
77Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental studyMUSTHAFA B.; SARAVANAN B.; Senthur PRABU S.; Asokan M.A.; SUJAI S.WOS2148-7847
78Selection of polymer extrusion parameters by factorial experimental design-A decision making modelRaja S.; Rajan Amaladas J.WOS1026-3098
79Improved Wear Characteristics Of Al- B4c Composites Fabricated By Ultra- Sonic Assisted Stir Casting TechniqueUday K.N.; Rajamurugan G.; Gogulraj G.; Senthilraj K.WOS0218-625X
80Impact of Carbon Fiber Reinforcement on the Performance of IPN-Based Elliptical Leaf SpringsVezhavendhan R.; Suresh G.; Muthukaruppan M.C.; Chandramohan P.; Madheswaran D.K.; Ganesamoorthy R.WOS2234-8077
81A Grey Wolf Optimization Approach For Evaluating The Engine Responses Of Various Biodiesel Blends In An Internal Combustion EngineOzule C.P.; Ogunmola B.Y.; Oluwo A.; Alozie N.S.; Rajan J.; Jose S.; Oke S.A.; Nwankiti U.S.SCOPUS2071-5528
82A Critic-Bpnn Approach To Friction Stir Welding Parametric Selection And Prediction Using Aa6082-T6 MaterialAbolarin M.A.; Ogunmola B.Y.; Alozie N.S.; Oluwo A.; Rajan J.; Jose S.; Oke S.A.; Agada A.I.; Ibitoye A.S.SCOPUS2071-5528
83Key drivers for the incorporation of artificial intelligence in humanitarian supply chain managementKaruppiah K.; Kandasamy J.; Rocha-Lona L.; Sánchez C.M.; Joshi R.SCOPUS2690-6090
84A technical review on controlling the Li-ion battery temperature through composite phase change materials and hybrid cooling techniquesP.T. M.S.; Bal D.K.; Sahoo B.B.WOS2352-152X
85Surface receptor-targeted protein-based nanocarriers for drug delivery: advances in cancer therapyTheivendren P.; Pavadai P.; Veerachamy S.; Palanisamy P.; Kunjiappan S.WOS1361-6528
86Advances in droplet microfluidics: a comprehensive review of innovations, morphology, dynamics, and applicationsSadasivan S.; Pradeep S.; Ramachandran J.C.; Narayan J.; Gęca M.J.WOS1613-4990
87Finite element modelling approaches for sheet metal joining: A review of techniques and applicationAbdullah N.A.Z.; Mohd Sani M.S.; Ghazali M.F.; Mutra R.R.WOS0954-4089
88Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys-A ReviewG D.B.; Moganraj A.; Muktinutalapati N.R.WOS0972-2815
89Critical review of heavy duty vehicle battery management systemRoshan K.; Ponnusamy B.WOS2631-8695


Sl. NoTitle of paperName of the author/sIndexed In Scopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1Analysis and multi-objective evolutionary optimization of Solar-Biogas hybrid system operated cascade Kalina organic Rankine cycle for sustainable cooling and green hydrogen productionMadhesh K., Devesh D.R., Vivin T., Praveen Raj M., Phelan P.E., Vignesh Kumar V., Praveen Kumar G.WOS0196-8904
2Experimental studies and comprehensive computational investigations on composites-based phase change material for battery thermal management systems in electric vehiclesSubramanian M., Solomon J.M., Raja V., Stanislaus Arputharaj B., Shaik S., Saleel C.A., Alwetaishi M., Cuce E.WOS2352-1538
3Analysis of the benefits of adopting roof sandwich panels integrated with PCM versus PUR to mitigate energy costs and carbon dioxide emissionsArumugam C., Shaik S., Roy A., Kontoleon K.J., Cuce E., Shaik A.H., Chakraborty S., Alwetaishi M., Cuce P.M., Gupta M.WOS2352-1538
4Sub-zero temperature flexural and flexural fatigue behaviour of glass fabric /epoxy composite tubular anti roll barsBhanage A., Padmanabhan K.WOS0266-3538
5Development of combustion control map for flex fuel operation in methanol powered direct injection SI engineSathish Kumar T., Ashok B.WOS0360-5442
6Estimation of assorted injection schedules on hydrogen-diesel dual fuel and reactivity controlled compression ignition modes in a medium duty automotive engineRameez P.V., Mohamed Ibrahim M.WOS0016-2361
7A novel g-C3N4 photocatalytic pretreatment for reducing silica and modifying the structure of rice straw for sustainable biofuel productionTamilselvan R., Selwynraj A.I.WOS0016-2361
8An experimental investigation in a CI engine for the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of liquid fuel produced through catalytic co-pyrolysisMohan I., Mandal S., Panda A.K., Prakash R., Kumar S.WOS0016-2361
9Thermocapillary convection in shallow liquid layers for moderate Prandtl number liquids using different cylinder configurationsJory K., Satheesh A.WOS0735-1933
10Modeling of thermal energy saving in commercial buildings of Australia by balanced tree growth optimizerBai X., Fouad Y., Chiranjeevi C., Alkhalaf S., Abdullaeva B.S., Alharbi F.S., Alzubaidi L.H., Jastaneyah Z., Garalleh H.A.WOS2214-157X
11Influence of high compression ratio on the performance of ethanol-gasoline fuelled lean burn spark ignition engine at part throttle conditionSuresh D., Porpatham E.WOS2214-157X
12Comprehensive analysis of the greenhouse solar tunnel dryer (GSTD) using Tomato, snake Gourd, and Cucumber: Insights into energy Efficiency, exergy Performance, economic Viability, and environmental impactDuraivel B., Muthuswamy N., Gnanavendan S.WOS0038-092X
13Numerical study of combined phase change material and water cooling in hybrid wavy microchannels for HCPV cellRathor S.K., Dubey V., Chakraborty A., Dugad S., Tiwari N.WOS1359-4311
14Investigation of machinability characteristics of Inconel 713C using new novel honeycomb and broken-parallel texture cutting inserts with graphene- based solid lubricantsBharath H., Venkatesan K.WOS1526-6125
15Unsteady wave drag reduction in hypersonic flows: Correlations and influences of pulsed energy magnitude and deposition locationJohn B., Geca M.J., Saravanan S., Rajasekhar Rao D.S.N.V.WOS1270-9638
16Enhancing interfacial solar steam generation using hybrid (Co3O4/perovskite structured NaTaO3) nanomaterials coated on cotton cloth with sawdust composite evaporatorRengasamy M., Rajaram K.WOS1873-4359
17Strength enhancement of a flame- retardant hybrid composite by incorporating graphene nanoparticles for structural applicationsThiyagu C., NarendraKumar U.WOS0967-3911
18Investigating the impact of heat treatment on the tribological behaviour of AZ80 magnesium alloy at high temperaturesTodkar U., M S., B S.P., NarendraKumar U., A M., A R.A.WOS2590-1230
19Nonlinear free vibration analysis of internal thickness-tapered multi-layered composite rectangular plates undergoing moderately large deflectionsPoojary J., Rajamohan V.WOS0022-460X
20Optimization of ultrasound-aided extraction of bioactive ingredients from Vitis vinifera seeds using RSM and ANFIS modeling with machine learning algorithmKunjiappan S., Ramasamy L.K., Kannan S., Pavadai P., Theivendren P., Palanisamy P.WOS2045-2322
21Development of an ammonia-biodiesel dual fuel combustion engines injection strategy map using response surface optimization and artificial neural network predictionElumalai R., Ravi K., Elumalai P.V., Sreenivasa Reddy M., Prakash E., Sekar P.WOS2045-2322
22Crystallographic texture and grain boundary character development of hot- press sintered tungsten heavy alloy: The effect of rhenium concentrationManikandan R., Raja Annamalai A.WOS0254-0584
23Experimental Studies to Reduce Usage of Fossil Fuels and Improve Green Fuels by Adopting Hydrogen-Ammonia-Biodiesel as Trinary Fuel for RCCI EngineRamachandran E., Krishnaiah R., Perumal Venkatesan E., Medapati S.R., Sabarish R., Khan S.A., Asif M., Linul E.WOS2470-1343
24Experimental and numerical analysis of the thermal performance of pebble solar thermal collectorNaik N.C.K., Priya R.K., Ağbulut Ü., Gürel A.E., Shaik S., Alzaed A.N., Alwetaishi M., Alahmadi A.A.WOS2405-8440
25Effect of spindle position on the performance and two-phase characteristics of controllable ejector for transcritical CO2 refrigeration systemR. J.C., Arumugam S.K., Sadasivan S., John B., Kanna P.R.WOS0896-8446
26Challenges, Solutions and Future trends in EV-Technology: A ReviewGnanavendan S., Selvaraj S.K., Jithin Dev S., Mahato K.K., Srii Swathish R., Sundaramali G., Accouche O., Azab M.WOS2169-3536
27Surface characteristics of 3D printed PEEK polymer using atomic force microscopyKarunanithi C., Natarajan S.WOS1751-6161
28Studies on Al-Si based hybrid aluminium metal matrix nanocompositesDinesh Kumar P.K., Darius Gnanaraj S.WOS2352-4928
29Novel approach in manufacturing aluminum- based alternate layered composite material via friction stir additive manufacturing routeVenkit H., Selvaraj S.K.WOS2352-4928
30Mechanical properties and microstructure of SS 316 L created by WAAM based on GMAWSasikumar C., Oyyaravelu R.WOS2352-4928
31Ni-Co co-doped SnO2 nanomaterial coated polyurethane foam as a cost-efficient interfacial evaporator for solar steam generationGnanasekaran A., Eswaramoorthy N., Rengasamy M., Elangovan V., Rajaram K.WOS0167-577X
32Effect of CFRP pin reinforcement and manufacturing technique on shear and dynamic properties of flat-joggle-flat composite jointsHiremath V.S., Reddy D.M.WOS0167-577X
33Enhancing the strength of adhesively bonded single-lap composite joints using fiber fabricsThirunavukarasu A., Sikarwar R.S.WOS0167-577X
34Effects of printing parameters on hardness and wear characteristics of 3D printed polyetheretherketone (PEEK) polymerChithambaram K., Senthilnathan N.WOS0167-577X
35Evaluation of metallurgical and mechanical characteristics of the ferritic stainless steel AISI 430 produced by GTAW-based WAAMMuthu S.M., Veeman D., Vijayakumar A., Senthur Prabu S., Sujai S., Arvind M., Gobinath E.WOS0167-577X
36Thermochemical Conversion Approach for Sustainable Bioenergy Production from Senna auriculata Biomass SourceKuppan B., Ganesan M.C.WOS2191-4281
37Tailoring the motion planning of humanoids in complex arena: A regression-firefly-based approachSahu C., Parhi D.R., Muni M.K., Kamat S.S.WOS0263-5747
38Analyzing microstructural, residual stress, and mechanical characteristics in dissimilar welds of Inconel 59 and AISI 904L through double-pulsed gas metal arc weldingMuthukumaran N., Arulmurugan B., Manikandan M.WOS1464-4207
39Reducing NOx emission from palm biodiesel/diesel blends in CI engine: A comparative study of cetane improvement techniques through hydrogenation and fuel additivesMusthafa B., Asokan M.A.WOS2041-3009
40Statistical modelling of depth milling in Ti- 6AL4V using abrasive water jet machiningMogul Y.I., Quadros J.D., Khan S.A., Agrawal M., Kumar I., Shaik S., Saleel C.A., Saxena A.WOS2041-3009
41A novel approach to suppression of reverted austenite in aerospace grade thick maraging steel weldments using the turbo-TIG welding processArunprakash R., Manikandan M.WOS1568-5616
42Bonding characteristics of aluminium laminates and aluminium-graphite composites processed by roll bondingBiradar A., Rijesh M.WOS1568-5616
43Investigation of Surface Residual Stress, Mechanical Properties, and Metallurgical Characterization of Inconel 625 Multilayer Thin-Wall Component Using Cold Metal Transfer TechniqueMahendiran S., Ramanujam R.WOS1568-5616
44Design of an internally cooled green tubular channel for turning applicationMurali T., Devendiran S.WOS1806-3691
45Experimental investigation and optimization with vegetable oil-based biodiesels as dielectric in EDM: green initiative towards sustainable manufacturingRakshaskar R., Kannan C.WOS1806-3691
46Influence of Joule heating and magneto- hydrodynamic on double diffusion mixed convection in a cavity with liquid sodium- potassium alloy and discrete thermosolutal sourceGnanasekaran M., Satheesh A.WOS1521-0634
47Sliding wear behaviour of micro-sized Kota stone dust reinforced epoxy composites using Taguchi method and Grey Wolf optimisation algorithmGupta G., Rajput V., Ayachit B., Satpathy M.P., Pati P.R., Mishra V., Agrawal A.WOS0954-4062
48Improvement Of Formability And Surface Finish Of Cupro-Nickel (70/30) Alloy During Single Point Incremental Forming Process Using Chrome Steel Laser Ablated BallPrasad M.A., Narayanan C.S., Varatharajulu M., Pandivelan C.WOS1793-6667
49Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 0.18%-C Steel Samples Processed Through Five Different Heat Treatment TechniquesKulkarni A.R., Raju P.V., Sarma P.P., Dewangan S., Selvaraj S.K.SCOPUS2250-2130
50Rational design of different interfacial evaporators for solar steam generation: Recent development, fabrication, challenges and applicationsGnanasekaran A., Rajaram K.WOS1364-0321
51A comprehensive review on the utilization of hydrogen in low temperature combustion strategies: Combustion, performance and emission attributesRameez P.V., Mohamed Ibrahim M.WOS1743-9671
52A comprehensive review of Trinitor components: A sustainable waste heat recovery polygenerative system for diesel vehiclesDuraivel B., Shaik S., Bansal R., Khanda S.D., Patel D., Natarajan M., Saleel C.A., Jilte R.D., Ağbulut Ü.WOS1588-2926
53A comprehensive review of Gum metals potential as a biomedical materialKanapaakala G.R., Subramani V.WOS1464-4207
54Enhancing biogas generation from lignocellulosic biomass through biological pretreatment: Exploring the role of ruminant microbes and anaerobic fungiTamilselvan R., Immanuel Selwynraj A.WOS1075-9964
55Thermal Analysis and Cooling Strategies of High-Efficiency Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors-A ReviewKonda Y.R., Ponnaganti V.K., Reddy P.V.S., Singh R.R., Mercorelli P., Gundabattini E., Solomon D.G.WOS2079-3197
56Analyzing the performance of a parabolic trough solar collector with advanced techniques adopted in the absorber- a reviewBhattacharya K., Paradeshi S., Karthik M., Sakthiraja V.R., Bibin B. S., Edison G.WOS2631-8695
57ChatGPT or LLM in next-generation drug discovery and development: pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies can make use of the artificial intelligence-based device for a faster way of drug discovery and developmentPal S.; Bhattacharya M.; Islam M.A.; Chakraborty C.WOS1743-9191
58Optimization of Printing Process Variables and the Effect of Post-Heat Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of Extruded Polylactic Acid-Aluminum CompositesGanapathy S.B.; Sakthivel A.R.; Kandasamy J.; Khan T.; Aloufi M.WOS2073-4360
59Effect of e-waste nanofillers on the mechanical, thermal, and wear properties of epoxy-blend sisal woven fiber-reinforced compositesImmanuel Durai Raj J.; Durairaj R.I.B.; John Rajan A.; Barmavatu P.WOS2191-9550
60Thermal and structural analysis of laser beam machining process on a Dual Phase 780 (DP780) workpieceMishra R.; Aneesh T.; Hotta T.K.; Mohanty C.P.; Shaik S.; Gupta M.WOS0129-1831
61Road segment and driving schedule effects in real-time operation on electric vehicle performance and operating cost analysisGurusamy A.; Ashok B.WOS0954-4070
62Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Hard Boring of AISI 4340 Steel Using Signal-to- Noise Ratio, Grey Relation Analysis and Analysis of VarianceGunaraj L.; Paul S.; Jazeel M.; Sudhagar E.; Thankachan T.WOS1587-379X
63Experimental and numerical analysis of vortex generators designed for utility vehiclesChidambaram R.K.; Kanna R.; Gopal P.; Arumugam S.K.WOS1231-0956
64A Comparative Study of Fuel Filterability, Performance, and Emission Characteristics in CI Engine Fuelled with a Dual Biodiesel Mixture Blended with Conventional DieselMusthafa B.; Asokan M.A.WOS0361-5219
65Design and Analysis of Light Weight Vehicle Suspension SystemVardhan G.H.; Yeshwanth A.M.; Isaac S.; Raghuraman D.R.S.SCOPUS0975-3060
66Influence of Wire Fin on the Performance of Heat Exchanger used in the Joule Thomson RefrigeratorKruthiventi S.S.; Nandhanagopal G.R.; Rao Y.V.H.; Kumar P.K.SCOPUS0975-3060
67LiDAR Sensor Perception System for Self- Driving CarsTirumalapudi R.; Vedaraj I.S.R.SCOPUS0975-3060
68Performance and Emissions Analysis of Juliflora Biodiesel Blends in Conventional and Low Heat Rejection Engines with Nano TiO2 Coated CylinderReddy S.V.K.; Premkartikkumar S.R.SCOPUS0975-3060
69AI-enabled ChatGPT or LLM: a new algorithm is required for plagiarism-free scientific writingPal S., Bhattacharya M., Islam M.A., Chakraborty C.WOS1743-9191
70AI-enabled ChatGPTs carbon footprint and its use in the healthcare sector: a coin has two sidesChakraborty C., Pal S., Bhattacharya M., Islam M.A.WOS1743-9191
71Local centric energy estimate model for clean and affordable power generation in a solar integrated passenger vehiclePochont N.R., Sekhar Y R.WOS0960-1481
72Alumina and titanium nanoparticles to diesel-Guizotia abyssinica (L.) biodiesel blends on MFVCR engine performance and emissionsAbishek M.S., Kachhap S., Rajak U., Verma T.N., Singh T.S., Shaik S., Cuce E., Alwetaishi M.WOS2213-1388
73Characterization of cassia fistula seed and shell co-pyrolysis yield optimization by response surface methodology and compositional analysisArumugam D.B., Ganesan M.C.WOS1744-3598
74Multi-objective optimization and analysis of chemical kinetics properties: Exploring the impact of different hydrogen blending ratios on LPG and methane-air mixturesAravindan M., Praveen Kumar G., Arulanandam M.K., Murali S., Sheoran N., Waykole N., Muthaiah R., Sharma P.WOS0196-8904
75Effect of load and sliding velocity on wear behaviour of magnesium AZ91D composites reinforced with Ca2SiO4 at ambient temperatureP K., Kandasamy J.WOS0301-679X
76Investigation on enhancement of filler dispersion and prediction of mechanical behavior of hexagonal boron nitride/epoxy nanocomposites through machine learning and deep learning modelsVarughese J.J., Sreekanth M.S.WOS0967-3911
77Influence of ZnO/MWCNTs based hybrid electrodes for boosting the performance of photovoltaic and supercapacitor devicesEswaramoorthy N., Rajendran S., Arjun Kumar B., Nallusamy S., Rengasamy M., Selvaraj Y., Sangaraju S., Krishnan T., Kumaresan G., Rajaram K.WOS0254-0584
78Different energy storage techniques: recent advancements, applications, limitations, and efficient utilization of sustainable energyKumar R., Lee D., Ağbulut Ü., Kumar S., Thapa S., Thakur A., Jilte R.D., Saleel C.A., Shaik S.WOS1588-2926
79Compatibility Effects of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blend on Fuel System Elastomers in Compression Ignition EnginesVenkatesan E.P., Krishnaiah R., Prasad K., Medapati S.R., Sree S.R., Asif M., Khan S.A., Linul E.WOS2470-1343
80Multicriteria Decision-Making Technique for Choosing the Optimal Ammonia Energy Share in an Ammonia-Biodiesel-Fueled Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition EngineRamachandran E., Krishnaiah R., Vellore Gangadharan S., Perumal Venkatesan E., Chandramurthy S.R., Medapati S.R., Shaik S., Saleel C.A., Alwetaishi M.WOS2470-1343
81Cobot selection using hybrid AHP-TOPSIS based multi-criteria decision making technique for fuel filter assembly processC S., Subramaniam S.K.WOS2405-8440
82An innovative pulsed current arc welding technology for armor steel: Processes, microstructure, and mechanical propertiesSathish Kumar K., Arivazhagan N.WOS2352-4928
83Mechanical, electrochemical corrosion, and high-temperature oxidation properties of stir-cast and heat-treated AZ80 magnesium alloyPargavi B S., Todkar U., Dassani S., Somasundaram M., Muthuchamy A., Annamalai A.R.WOS2352-4928
84Mechanical Property Comparison of Geopolymer Brick Dried by Electrical and Passive Solar Devices with Phase Change Material (Paraffin Wax)Ashok Kumar J., Muthuvel S., Issac Selvaraj R.V., Ramoni M., Shanmugam R., Pandian R.S.WOS2227-9717
85Effect of interpass temperature on austenite ferrite ratio of wire arc additive manufactured 2507 Super Duplex Stainless SteelPrathivraj S., Oyyaravelu R.WOS0167-577X
86Development and testing of silica gel with graphite powder composite adsorbent for cooling applicationsSatheeshkumar P., Immanuel Selwynraj A.WOS0167-577X
87Nonlocal nonlinear higher-order finite element model for static bending of curved nanobeams including graphene platelets reinforcementManickam G., Polit O., Mohamed H., Gupta P.WOS1537-6494
88A numerical study of wave baffles on sloshing reduction of rectangular containers under combined excitationV R.R., Palanisamy P.WOS1537-6494
89Comparison of ML Algorithms and Neural Networks on Fault Diagnosis of a Worm GearThamba N.B., Vanapalli V.T., Duraiswamy R.P., Sonnathi N., Illuri S.S.WOS2523-3939
90Causal analysis of the challenges to electric vehicles adoption using GINA: Implications to emerging economiesSuresh Kumar P., Shriram R.G., Rajesh R., Rammohan A.WOS2213-624X
91Arc-welded armour steel: A tailored and comparative study of its microstructure and mechanical propertiesSathish Kumar K., Arivazhagan N.WOS1464-4207
92Investigation and optimization of multiple objectives by hybrid evolutionary algorithms for turning of Nimonic 80A under nano MQL environmentArunkumar E., Devendiran S.WOS2374-0698
93Numerical analysis of turbulent flow characteristics with the influence of speed ratio in a double-sided cavityGnanasekaran M., Satheesh A.WOS2215-0161
94CoCAT: a new similarity coefficient for solving the machine-part cell formation problemPichandi R., Gupta N.S., Rajendran C.WOS0973-7677
95Influence of Fuel Filterability, Performance, and Emission Characteristics of Dual Biodiesel Mixture with Diesel Blends in Compression Ignition EngineMusthafa B., Asokan M.A.WOS2146 – 9067
96Effect of Al2TiO5 Particle on the Temperature Distribution of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Composites Using Response Surface MethodologySenthilraj K., Rajamurugan G.WOS0975-1645
97Effects Of High Entropy Alloys Coating (HEAC) And Their Property EvaluationBalaji V., Xavior A.M.WOS2708-9975
98Effect of Heat Treatment on Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Aluminum 5356 Alloy: Mechanical Properties and Microstructure CorrelationHarshavardhana N., Sivam S.P.S.S., Savio R.R., Honymon A., Apramayan V., Kumar G., Saxena A.K.WOS0031-918X
99Effect of Semi-elliptical Outer Blade-surface on the Savonius Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance: A Numerical InvestigationBabu G.V., Patel D.K.WOS1735-3645
100Hybrid thermal desalination systems for sustainable development – A critical reviewRajesh S., Chiranjeevi C.WOS0038-092X
101From machine learning to deep learning: Advances of the recent data-driven paradigm shift in medicine and healthcareChakraborty C., Bhattacharya M., Pal S., Lee S.-S.WOS2590-2628
102A comprehensive review on the machining and joining characteristics of natural fiber- reinforced polymeric compositesVarma M., Chandran S., Vijay Kumar V., Suyambulingam I., Siengchin S.WOS0967-3911
103Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printing in Precision Manufacturing for Biomedical Applications: A Comprehensive ReviewJoshua R.J.N., Raj S.A., Hameed Sultan M.T., Łukaszewicz A., Józwik J., Oksiuta Z., Dziedzic K., Tofil A., Shahar F.S.WOS1996-1944
104ChatGPT or LLMs can provide treatment suggestions for critical patients with antibiotic-resistant infections: a next- generation revolution for medical science?Chakraborty C., Pal S., Bhattacharya M., Islam M.A.WOS1743-9191
105Experimental study on effect of mild steel scrap vertical insert in charging and discharging process of NaNO3:KNO3 phase change materialJeyaseelan T.R., Vigneshwaran P., Saboor S., Kumar D.S., Saxena K.K., Arıcı M.WOS2352-152X
106Vibration analysis using wavelet transformation technique and performance characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with tamarind biodiesel- diesel blends and diverse additivesAsokan M.A., Prabu S.S., Khalife E., Sanjey K.A., Prathiba S.WOS0360-5442
107Experimental investigation, ANN modeling, and TOPSIS optimization of gasoline- alcohol blends for minimizing tailpipe emissions of a motorcycleBathala R., G H., Rajkumar S., S D.A., Jeyaseelan T.WOS0360-5442
108Double-diffusive mixed convection in an inclined square cavity filled with nanofluid: A numerical study with external magnetic field and heated square blockage effectsDevi N.R., Gnanasekaran M., Satheesh A., Kanna P.R., Taler J., Kumar D.S., Taler D., Sobota T.WOS2214-157X
109Experimental investigation and gray relational optimization of engine parameters to improve the output characteristics of an ammonia biodiesel powered dual fuel combustion engineElumalai R., Sumathy S., K R., Akhtar M.N., P V E., Khan S.A., Gupta M.S., Asif M.WOS2214-157X
110Experimental investigations on bi- symmetrical web flow water based photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) system: Energy, exergy, and entropy (3-E) analysisTirupati Rao V., Raja Sekhar Y., Arıcı M., Ralph Pochont N., Reddy Prasad D.M.WOS0038-092X
111Natural convective solar dryer powered by stepped fin plate integrated trough array solar air heater for agricultural produce preservationsPrakash R., Kamatchi R.WOS0038-092X
112Computational and Chemical Kinetics Analysis of Hydrogen-Blended LPG for Domestic Cook Stove BurnersAravindan M., Madhesh K., Praveen Kumar G., Arulanandam M.K., Murali S., Sheoran N., Waykole N., Muthaiah R., Sharma P., Anand A.WOS2590-1745
113Combustion performance and emission characteristics of aloevera diesel- emulsified fuel in a DI diesel engineManikandan R., Raja T., Raja K.V., Suresh G., Vezhavendhan R., Kumaresan G., Ganesamoorthy R.WOS0944-1344
114Systematic inspection on the interplay between MoNa-induced sodium and the formation of MoSe2 intermediate layer in CIGSe/Mo heterostructuresZaabar F.I., Doroody C., Soudagar M.E.M., Chelvanathan P., Abdullah W.S.W., Zuhd A.W.M., Cuce E., Saboor S.WOS0944-1344
115ChatGPTs scorecard after the performance in a series of tests conducted at the multi- country level: A pattern of responses of generative artificial intelligence or large language modelsBhattacharya M., Pal S., Chatterjee S., Alshammari A., Albekairi T.H., Jagga S., Ige Ohimain E., Zayed H., Byrareddy S.N., Lee S.-S., Wen Z.-H., Agoramoorthy G., Bhattacharya P., Chakraborty C.WOS2590-2628
116Improving changeover techniques in apparel manufacturing through single minute exchange of die: implications for benchmarkingAli S.M., Haque M.N., Sarker M.R., Kandasamy J., Vlachos I.WOS1463-5771
117A novel two-phase trigonometric algorithm for solving global optimization problemsBaskar A., Xavior M.A., Jeyapandiarajan P., Batako A., Burduk A.WOS1572-9338
118Influence of Cobalt content on the microstructure and texture evolution of hot-press sintered Tungsten nickel copper Alloy (W-Ni-Cu)Manikandan R., A. R.A.WOS1044-5803
119Effect of Mn addition in W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy processed through hot press sintering techniques on microstructure, microtexture and grain boundary character evolutionR M., A R.A.WOS1044-5803
120Numerical investigation of elastic stenotic arterial blood flow with a generalized Womersley inlet conditionUdupa M.C., Natarajan S., Saha S.WOS1089-7666
121Evaluating the flexural and vibrational response of carbon nanotube strengthened co-cured sandwich compositesDhilipkumar T., Arumugam S., Rajesh M., Venkatesan R., Sasikumar R., Al-Asbahi B.A.WOS2233-4998
122Environmentally Friendly Water-Based Reduced Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Nanofiber Ink for Supercapacitor Electrode ApplicationsNargatti K.I., Ahankari S.S., Dizon J.R.C., Subramaniam R.T.WOS2470-1343
123Techno-economic, energy, and exergy analyses of invasive weed gasification for hydrogen enriched producer gas productionV N., D S., Alaswad A., V S V.WOS2405-8440
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126Vibration analysis of bio-inspired sandwich composite beam under rotating environment based on the Internet of Things technologyDaniel R C., Sudhagar P.E.WOS1539-7742
127Development of a novel autogenous double pulse tungsten inert gas welding technique for joining IN625 in concentrated solar power plantsNandhakumar S., Gokul Kumar K., Jose B.WOS2352-4928
128Predictive modeling of phase transformation temperatures in NiTiCu shape memory alloys: Integrating electronic factors through artificial neural networkRadhamani R., Balakrishnan M.WOS2352-4928
129Experimental investigation of vibro-acoustic noise analysis in the switched reluctance motor through transient model-based multiphysics analysis for electric vehicles applicationsSaiteja P., Ashok B.WOS0003-682X
130Effect of post-heat treatment on the mechanical and surface properties of nylon 12 produced via material extrusion and selective laser sintering processesBalan G.S., Raj S.A., Adithya R.N.WOS0170-0839
131The effect of abrasive water jet peening and laser shock peening on the wear properties of direct metal laser sintered AlSi10Mg alloyJagadesh Kumar C.M., Ganesh Karthik A.R.G., Arulvel S., Prayer Riju R., Burduk A., Jeyapandiarajan P.WOS0167-577X
132Enhancing shear strength in 3D printed single lap composite joints: A multi-faceted exploration of GNP integration, print orientation, utilizing artificial neural networks, and dynamic analysisHiremath V.S., Reddy M.D., Reddy R.M., Naveen J., Chand R.P.WOS0021-8995
133Impact of fuel injection parameters and hydrogen enrichment on CI engine characteristics fueeled with Ceiba pentandra biodieselSaravanan B., Asokan M.A.WOS1556-7230
134Experimental investigations on PVT- integrated hybrid desalination system: Energy, exergy, and economic analysisRajesh S., Chalasani ChiranjeeviWOS1556-7230
135Development of Supervisory Self-Learning- Based Energy Management Controller to Control the Torque Ripples of Brushless DC Motor in Electric Vehicles ApplicationsSaiteja P., Ashok B.WOS1319-8025
136Investigation on the Compressive Characteristics and Optimization of Design Parameters of a Novel Functionally Graded Cell StructureGanapathy S.B., Sakthivel A.R.WOS2631-6331
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138Influence of Varied MWCNTs Dispersion on EMI Shielding, UV Absorption, and Surface Properties of Electroless NiP/MWCNT- Coated UHMWPE FabricBiradar A., Kandasamy J.WOS1229-9197
139Experimental investigation of 3D printed bio- inspired Xylotus lattice structure for energy absorption under quasi-static axial loading conditionsRamakrishnan R., Hemanth Kumar J., Titus F., Maharshi P., Nithish R.WOS2041-3076
140Fog harvesting efficiency analysis of biomimicking surfaces: A reviewUvarani A., Behura A.K.WOS0954-4089
141Comparative study on the influence of additives on interfacial adhesion strength between fibres and extruded polymer core via peel-off testBalan G.S., Aravind Raj S.WOS2053-1591
142New Friction Factor Correlation for Phase- Change Flow in Plate Heat ExchangersMukkamala Y., Dirker J.WOS0145-7632
143Comprehensive behavior of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) reinforced plasma sprayed nanostructured WC-Co coatingsSrikanth A., Venkateshwarlu B.WOS0145-7632
144Evaluating structural strength and vibrational characteristics of silicon carbide incorporated adhesively bonded single lap jointsDhilipkumar T., Rajesh M., Sathyaseelan P., Sasikumar R., Murali A.P.WOS 
145Exploring thermal dynamics of polyaniline- modified paraffin wax phase change material with varied PANI loadings (1-4% wt.)Janumala E., Govindarajan M., Reddi B.V., Manickam M., Venkatesan E.P., Saleel C.A., Alwetaishi M., Shaik S., Nur-E-Alam M., Soudagar M.E.M.WOS0947-7411
146Numerical Investigation on Thermal Performance of Nanofluid-Assisted Wickless Heat Pipes for Electronic Thermal ManagementJose J., Hotta T.K.WOS1948-5085
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152Optimized Distance-Based Algorithm for Cloud Space – Tourist Route Recommendation for Heritage Town, Pondicherry, IndiaLakshmanan L., Madhumathi A., Pandian R S., Subhashini S., Paraman S., Velmurugan K., Di Bona G.SCOPUS1563-5147
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158A comparative assessment of microbial biodiesel and its life cycle analysisE S.S.A., Sharma Y., J R., Shankar V.WOS0015-5632
159Mechanical and ballistic performance of ramie fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A reviewThiyagu C., Narendrakumar U.WOS0954-4062
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164Numerical and experimental investigation of performance and emission characteristics of hydrogen enrichment with prosopis juliflora biodiesel in CI engine using RSM and ANN optimizationMusthafa B., Asokan M.A.WOS0360-3199
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184Experimental investigation of turning AISI D2 steel using sillimanite (Al2SiO5)Srivathsa S.S.A., Chaudhari J.A., Muralidharan B.WOS1042-6914
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187A novel nanosecond pulsed laser textured moat configurations for enhancing surface wettability, corrosion and tribology behaviour of Ti6Al4V implant materialVelayuthaperumal S., Radhakrishnan R.WOS2352-4928
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193Sustainable energy enhancement strategy from Chlorella vulgaris microalgae biomass resourceShenbagamuthuraman V., Kasianantham N.WOS1556-7230
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202Optimizing extreme manufacturing framework: a secure and efficient 3D printing integration frameworkMoulika G., Palanisamy P.WOS2631-8695
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204Laminar flow and convective heat transfer characteristics of plain and wavy wall cross confined circular cylinderRajagopal D.WOS1521-0626
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212A critical review on biomaterials using powder metallurgy methodAbraham A.M., Venkatesan S.WOS2631-8695
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214A Study on the Residual Stresses in Tungsten Inert Gas and Laser Welded Nitinol Superelastic AlloyAayush S., Giri A., Anil Kumar S., Kumar R., Mahapatra M.M.WOS1544-1024
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217Graphene reinforced ceramic matrix composite (GRCMC) – state of the artMadhankumar M.A., Anthony Xavior A.X.WOS2631-8695
218Tribological performance of functional coated fiber reinforced additively manufactured polymer compositeBalan G.S., Aravind Raj S.WOS2631-8695
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220High temperature dry sliding wear behaviour of selective laser melted Ti-6Al- 4V alloy surfacesPraveenkumar K., Vishnu J., Samuel S C., Gopal V., Arivarasu M., Lackner J.M., Meier B., Karthik D., Suwas S., Swaroop S., Prashanth K.G., Yadav M.K., Manivasagam G.WOS0924-0136
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224Development and preparation of novel nano-enhanced organic eutectic phase change materials for low-temperature solar thermal applicationsC N D., Behura A.K.WOS1556-7036
226Viscoelastic modelling and analysis of two- dimensional woven CNT-based multiscale fibre reinforced composite material systemSwain A., Palani V., Francis S., Thomas B., Roy T.SCOPUS2731-9229
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232Characterization of Al-Si Alloy Reinforced with B4C and TiO2 NanoparticlesDinesh Kumar P.K., Darius Gnanaraj S.WOS1876-9918
233Spin-Coating Fabrication Method of PDMS/NdFeB Composites Using Chitosan/PCL CoatingPowojska A., Mystkowski A., Gundabattini E., Mystkowska J.WOS1996-1944
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237In-vitro fretting tribocorrosion and biocompatibility aspects of laser shock peened Ti-6Al-4V surfacesPraveenkumar K., Vishnu J., Raheem A., Gopal V., Swaroop S., Suwas S., Shankar B., Manivasagam G.WOS1984-2024
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243Optimization methods in powder metallurgy for enhancing the mechanical properties: a systematic literature reviewLingam D., Ananthanarayanan R., Jeevanantham A.K., Seenivasagam D.R.WOS2631-8695
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270Microstructure and mechanical assessment of Inconel 625 and AISI 904L dissimilar joints using high-density welding technique for pressure vesselsPrabu S.S., S M M., N B., Sujai S., M A., K K., Chandran P M M., Ramkumar S.WOS0308-0161
271Evaluation of improved tribo-performance characteristics of MoS2 functionalized MWCNTs hybrid reinforced epoxy composites for severe erosion conditionsVarghese A.S., M. S. S.WOS0301-679X
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273Investigation on Thermal Management of 18650 Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Nano- Enhanced Paraffin Wax: A Combined Numerical and Experimental StudyVyas D., Bhatt J., Rajput A., Hotta T.K., Rammohan A., Raghuraman D.R.S.WOS1319-8025
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281Effect of B4C and graphene on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Al6061 matrix compositesP B., M A.X.WOS2214-0697
282A numerical investigation of novel segmented PCM blocks filled with different phase change material cooling for Lithium- Ion batteryKumar Lokhande I., Tiwari N.WOS1359-4311
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329Development of a Fast Running Equivalent Circuit Model with Thermal Predictions for Battery Management ApplicationsDamodaran V., Paramadayalan T., Natarajan D., Kumar C R., Kanna P.R., Taler D., Sobota T., Taler J., Szymkiewicz M., Ahamed M.J.WOS2313-0105
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331Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of aluminum-graphite composites processed via accumulative roll bondingBiradar A., Rijesh M.WOS0925-9635
332Advancement in biomedical implant materials-a mini reviewS A.D., P S.P.A., Naveen J., Khan T., Khahro S.H.WOS2296-4185
333Experimental investigation on turning Inconel 713C under different cooling conditions using a new honeycomb- textured toolBharath H., Venkatesan K.WOS1042-6914
334Technology development of novel autogenous double pulse tungsten insert gas welding technique to evaluate the depth of penetration, micro segregation via machine learning and desirability function approachNandhakumar S., Gokul kumar K., Arivazhagan N., Manikandan M., Jose B., Renangi S.WOS2352-4928
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336Assessment of non-linear critical pressure of MWCNT reinforced hybrid sandwich semi-ellipsoidal dome under hydrostatic pressure: A numerical and experimental studyBarathan V., Gnanasekar S., Rajamohan V.WOS1049-4820
337Optimizing the Electrical Discharge Machining Process Parameters of the Nimonic C263 Superalloy: A Sustainable ApproachShastri R.K., Mohanty C.P., Mishra U., Hotta T.K., Patil V.V., Prashanth K.G.WOS2504-4494
338Silver nanoparticles incorporated polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposite film as hydrophobic infrared filtersCalolsa R.S., Sumangala T.P., Kalpathy S.K., Thomas T., Kahaly M.U., Rahaman A.WOS1099-1581
339Dynamic FEA Analysis of the Super Lightweight External Cryogenic Fuel Tank (SLWT) Made of Aluminium Alloy 2195- Graphene Nano Composite for Launch Vehicle Aerospace ApplicationPazhani A., Salman S.S., Venkatraman M., Patel A., Xavior M.A., Batako A., Paulsamy J., Jayaseelan J.WOS2504-477X
340A comparative investigation on the development of porous-structured Akermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7) via ball milling, sol-gel, and combination (hybrid) process for orthopedic applicationsGirija M., Kumar T.S.WOS0884-2914
341Mechanical, Microstructural and Wear Studies of a Ceramic Hybrid Reinforced ZE41 Magnesium Metal Matrix Composite Through Stir Casting RouteAnand N., Selvaraj S.K.WOS1939-5981
342Three-Dimensional Numerical Studies on Optimizing the Discharge Coefficient of Screech Holes Resembling that of an Afterburner Using CFD TechniqueIyengar S.Y., Ravi D., John B., Paramasivam S., Rajagopal T.K.R.WOS1319-8025
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344Enhancing building energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions through sustainable cement block admixturesMalkapur S.M., Falguni F., Iyengar A.S., Roy A., Shaik S., Kanna P.R., Jilte R.D., Alwetaishi M., Siddique M.J.WOS1756-2201
345Optimized electrophoretic zinc oxide coating on SS316L with enhanced hardness and scratch resistanceMurugan M., Kandasamy J.WOS0193-2691
346Investigation of slot parameters on the performance of Savonius hydrokinetic turbine: a CFD studyKumar R., Kumar A.WOS1806-3691
347A Numerical Investigation on Turbulent CH4- air Combustion Flames of a Multi-Regime BurnerHikkimath G.K., Patel D.K.WOS1563-521X
348Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in L- Shaped Cavity by Lattice Boltzmann Method: Numerical StudyKanna P.R., Satheesh A., Arumugam S.K., Öztop H.F., Devi N.R.WOS0145-7632
349Failure evaluation on tailor made aerospace aluminum alloys via underwater friction stir welding employing predictive machine learning technologiesArun Prakash S., Gokul Kumar K.WOS2631-8695
350Influence of Graphene/h-BN and SiC/h-BN reinforcing particles on microstructural, mechanical and tribological characteristics of Al7075-based hybrid nanocompositesTile P.S., Thomas B.WOS2631-8695
351Assessment of Degree of Sensitization of Cryo-rolled Standard Duplex Stainless Steel 2205Vinothkumar R., Srinivasan N.WOS2192-9270
352Prediction of coefficient of friction of solid powder lubricants under high pressure conditions using machine learning algorithms [Vorhersage des Reibungskoeffizienten von Festpulverschmierstoffen unter Hochdruckbedingungen mit Hilfe von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens]Jose J., Suryawanshi A., Behera N.WOS0933-5137
353Performance Estimation of Blended Nano- Refrigerants Thermodynamic Characteristics and Refrigeration EfficacyKatoch A., Razak F.A., Suresh A., Bibin B.S., Farina A.R., Cirillo L., Mystkowski A., Smierciew K., Dudar A., Gundabattini E.WOS1898-4088
354Flame stabilization and combustion enhancement in a scramjet combustor by varying strut injection anglesVanamamalai V., Panneerselvam P.WOS1231-0956
355HOT CORROSION STUDIES ON HVOF COATED ALLOY A-286 IN MOLTEN SALT ENVIRONMENTMuthu S.M., Arivarasu M., Jithesh K., Vignesh M., Dhinakaran V., Kumar P.S.WOS2300-1909
356Isolation, identification and screening of Polyurethane polymer degrading microbe isolated from contaminated siteAiswarya R., Vijayalakshmi S.SCOPUS0972-0626
357A CFD Analysis of the Flow Structure Inside an R141b Ejector to Identify the Internal Flow Variations in its Design and Off-Design Working ModesPatel D.K., Kumar M.A.SCOPUS2348-8360
358Advancements in 3D printing materials: A comparative analysis of performance and applicationsSubramani R., Mustafa M.A., Ghadir G.K., Al-Tmimi H.M., Alani Z.K., Rusho M.A., Rajeswari N., Haridas D., Rajan A.J., Kumar A.P.SCOPUS2578-2010
359Exploring the use of Biodegradable Polymer Materials in Sustainable 3D PrintingSubramani R., Mustafa M.A., Ghadir G.K., Al-Tmimi H.M., Alani Z.K., Rusho M.A., Rajeswari N., Haridas D., Rajan A.J., Kumar A.P.SCOPUS2578-2010
360Investigation on compressed air energy storage system for efficient utilisation of renewable power sourcesKarthika J., Annamalai T., Kumar P.V.S., Olana F.D., Rasu N.G.SCOPUS1757-1154
361Unveiling the relationships between enablers in resiliently sustainable supply chains using an integrated TISM-Fuzzy MICMAC approach: Study of Indian automobile sector post-COVID-19Khot S.B., Thiagarajan S.SCOPUS2675-1240
362Alcohol-alcohol-based draw solute minimizes the reverse solute flux in forward osmosis desalinationDey K., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D.SCOPUS0944-1344
363Microstructure and mechanical behavior of AXM Mg alloy systems-A reviewThanabal N., Silambarasan R., Seenuvasaperumal P., Basha D.A., Elayaperumal A.WOS2213-9567
364Large language model to multimodal large language model: A journey to shape the biological macromolecules to biological sciences and medicineBhattacharya M., Pal S., Chatterjee S., Lee S.-S., Chakraborty C.WOS2162-2531
365An overview of carbon-carbon composite materials and their applicationsAgarwal N., Rangamani A., Bhavsar K., Virnodkar S.S., Fernandes A.A.A., Chadha U., Srivastava D., Patterson A.E., Rajasekharan V.WOS2296-8016
366Critical Review on Advanced Cooling Strategies in Friction Stir Processing for Microstructural ControlPatel M.S., Immanuel R.J., Rahaman A., Khan M.F., Jouiad M.WOS2073-4352
367Advancing sustainability in the steel industry: the key role of the triple helix sectorsda Rocha A.B.T., Espuny M., Kandsamy J., Oliveira O.SCOPUS1614-7499
368Model performance evaluation of build time using geometric shape complexity and process parameters in material extrusionSrikanth M., Mathew A.T., Bhagchandani R.K.WOS2214-8604
369Fabrication of folic acid-conjugated pyrimidine-2(5H)-thione-encapsulated curdlan gum-PEGamine nanoparticles for folate receptor targeting breast cancer cellsKunjiappan S., Panneerselvam T., Pavadai P., Balakrishnan V., Pandian S.R.K., Palanisamy P., Sankaranarayanan M., Kabilan S.J., Sundaram G.A., Tseng W.- L., Kumar A.S.K.WOS0141-8130
370Contemporary roof pattern for energy efficient buildings: Air conditioning cost alleviation, CO2 emission mitigation potential and acceptable payback periodRoy A., Uddala S., Saboor S., Arıcı M., Saxena K.K.WOS2352-7102
371Innovate, insulate, integrate: Embracing circular economy in innovative insulations for reduced air conditioning expenses and carbon mitigation in fly ash brick buildingsShaik S., Roy A., Hussain Shaik A., Rehaan Chandan M., Arıcı M., Saxena K.K., Alam T.WOS0378-7788
372Numerical investigations on thermal performance of PCM-based lithium-ion battery thermal management system equipped with advanced honeycomb structuresSutheesh P.M., Jose J., Hotta T.K., Rohinikumar B.WOS0735-1933
373Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and high-temperature wear performance of additive manufactured IN718S. C.S., Prabhu T.R., Moganraj A., Samuel M.S., Praveenkumar K., Bobby S.S., Prakasam A.WOS1526-6125
374Exploring the machined surface characteristics of Haynes 25 superalloy: Cost mitigation and quality enhancement perspectiveM․P․G K., A R.A., Mohanty C.P., Chauhan A.S.WOS2468-0230
375Augmenting interfacial solar steam generation using 3D-printed hollow honeycomb structured pattern filled with rGO decorated natural fibresRengasamy M., Rajaram K.WOS0927-7757
376A study on: Impact on novel clay dispersion on mechanical, thermal and vibration properties of glass fiber-reinforced interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) hybrid compositesNaveen Kumar M., Vijaya Kumar K.R., Suresh G., Chinnathambi Muthukaruppan M., Vezhavendhan R., Chandramohan P., Rathinasabapathi G.WOS0272-8397
377Optical behaviour of magnetron sputtered nano-hilled TiN coatingsKarthikeya S., Atta S., Rao K.K., Dash S., NarendraKumar U., Mathew A.T.WOS0925-3467
378Experimental investigation of quaternary blends of diesel/hybrid biodiesel/vegetable oil/heptanol as a potential feedstock on performance, combustion, and emission characteristics in a CI engineJayanna V.B., Kulkarni V.M., Nanjappa K.K., Papanna S.C., Thippeshnaik G., Gowdru Chandrashekarappa M.P., Atamurotov F., Shaik S., Raja V., Alwetaishi M., Benti N.E.WOS2050-0505
379Intelligent Regenerative Braking Control With Novel Friction Coefficient Estimation Strategy for Improving the Performance Characteristics of Hybrid Electric VehicleGupta G., Sudeep R., Ashok B., Vignesh R., Kannan C., Kavitha C., Alroobaea R., Alsafyani M., Aboras K.M., Emara A.WOS2169-3536
380Pulsed directed energy deposition-arc technology for depositing stainless steel 309L: Microstructural, elements distribution, and mechanical characteristicsR M., M D B.K., N B.M., S N., N A., M M., K G.K.WOS2405-8440
381Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Characteristics of Thin-walled Hastelloy C-276 Manufactured Through Pulsed-Arc Additive Manufacturing TechniqueKumar M.D.B., Bhasith A.A., Kumar G.S.V., Ridhushan Y., Arivazhagan N., Babu N., Kumar K.S., Manikandan M.WOS1598-9623
382Optimization of friction stir welding process parameter in the joining of AA7075-T6/AA5083-O dissimilar aluminum alloy using response surface methodologyMothilal M., Kumar A.WOS0308-0161
383Structural assessment of electric two- wheeler battery enclosure: thermal and structural studyChidambaram R.K., Pedapati P.R., Kanna P.R., Taler D., Sobota T., Taler J.WOS1588-2926
384Strength and stability analysis of composite inverted conical structureGnanasekar S., Santhosh B., Rajamohan V., Raj V., Elangovan H., Barathan V.WOS1573-8841
385A comparative study on mechanical properties between linear and zigzag pattern holes reinforced with tialite particles during FSW of AA6082 alloyShiva Kumar G.N., Raja murugan G.WOS1464-4207
386Pressure feedback system for flow separation mitigation in scramjet intakesJohn B., Dinesan D., Geca M.J., Srijith M.S.WOS0045-7930
387Drilling performance analysis on super duplex stainless steel (AISI 2507) using scalable pulse power plasma TiSiN- and AlTiN-coated tools and optimizing machining parameters through Taguchi-Fuzzy approachAgrawal P., Kenche S., Kumar T.S.WOS2041-3009
388Impact of varying injection pressure on CI engine characteristics fuelled with Ceiba pentandra biodiesel and NOx reduction strategySaravanan B., Asokan M.A.WOS2041-3009
389Investigation of Corrosion Behavior of Wrought and Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Inconel 625 in Air and Molten Salts at High-Temperature EnvironmentsMahendiran S., Ramanujam R.WOS1544-1024
390Dynamic loading response of an additively produced bio-inspired nacre structure with foam and acrylic fillingAdithya R.N., Ganapathy S.B., Sakthivel A.R., Sultan M.T.H., Shahar F.S.WOS2041-4196
391Influence of topography on nano-mechanical properties of cylindrical magnetron sputtered TiN filmsAtta S., Mathew A.T., Dash S., Narendra Kumar U.WOS2051-672X
392Mechanical and microstructural investigation of three-dimensionally printed PEEK polymerKarunanithi C., Natarajan S.WOS0954-4062
393Corrosion resistance of hybrid plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on AZ31B magnesium alloy in simulated body fluidKumar C.V., Rajyalakshmi G.WOS1478-422X
394Dynamic wake behavior and aerodynamic characteristics of a custom airfoil under combined pitching and heaving motionVineeth V.K., Patel D.K.WOS0129-1831
395Effect of hybrid conductive fillers coating on woven jute fiber and its characterizationKrishnasamy P., Goudilyan M., Kannan C., Rajamurugan G., Ahamed M A., Krishna R., Vishwas R.WOS2631-8695
396Exploring the strength and durability of hemp fiber reinforced moringa bioresin composites for skateboard applicationsArockiasamy F.S., Logesh K., Rajan J.A., Ramesh M., Kannan S., Giri J., Alarfaj A.A.WOS2158-3226
397Experimental Study on Thermo, Water Quality and Economic Analysis of Hemispherical Solar Still Using Different Basin Materials with and without Internal ReflectorAttia M.E.H., Hussein A.K., Vaithilingam S., Shaik S., Younis O.WOS1021-9986
398Predictive Analysis on the Influence of Al2O3and CuO Nanoparticles on the Thermal Conductivity of R1234yf-Based RefrigerantsBibin B.S., Bhramara P., Mystkowski A., Gundabattini E.WOS1898-4088
399Influence of Nano Fuel Additives on Filter Blocking Characteristics Blended with Biodiesel-Bioethanol-Diesel BlendsNawaz I.S.S., Musthafa B., Srinivasan S.A., Asokan M.A.WOS0361-5219
402The influence of TiO2 nanoparticles on the performance, combustion, and emissions on ternary blends of n-heptane, mahua biodiesel and diesel-fuelled engine using response surface methodologyMuniyappan S., Krishnaiah R.SCOPUS2666-0164
403Triply periodic minimal surface based lattices for acoustic performanceChouhan G., Bidare P., Bala Murali G.SCOPUS0957-4565
404Coconut (Cocos nucifera) sheath-based polymeric composites – A reviewKhan T., Karthikeyan N., Naveen J., Anand S.P., Sebaey T.A.WOS2405-8440
405A Review on Reinforcement Learning in Production Scheduling: An Inferential PerspectiveModrak V., Sudhakarapandian R., Balamurugan A., Soltysova Z.WOS1999-4893
406Mechanical and tribological performance of ramie composite reinforced with perforated Al/Cu foilsRajamurugan G., Rithvik Athithya S., Krishnasamy P., Nadeem A., Kavinkumar L., Elayaraja R.WOS2631-8695
407Synergistic thermal management of lithium- ion batteries in electric two-wheelers: Critical analysis and ranking of multifaceted strategies and numerical validationMohanan A., Chidambaram K.WOS0954-4070
408Investigation on combustion instability of electronic fuel injected multi-cylinder radial piston engine through multifractal technique – A comparative analysisGęca M.J., Grabowski, Pietrykowski K., Litak G., Kasianantham N.WOS2214-157X
409Techno-economic feasibility of advanced aquaporin-based hollow fiber forward osmosis membrane in industrial wastewater treatmentDsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Hosseinipour E., Arulvel S., Davies P.A.WOS2214-7144
410Ballistic impact behavior of shear thickening fluid impregnated sisal fabricsBiradar A., Kandasamy J., S A., Naveen J., Rangappa S.M., Siengchin S.WOS2238-7854
411Modelling carbon capture from power plants with low energy and water consumption using a novel cryogenic technologyDe D.K., Oduniyi I.A., Sam A.A., Aneesh A.M., Akinmeji S.WOS1359-4311
412Adoptability assessment of HCDI and RCCI modes in plug-in parallel hybrid electric vehicles using sustainable fuels and model- based torque structure calibration strategiesR V., Tanay M., Samay G., C K., Ashok B., Senthil Kumar M., Szpica D.WOS2590-1230
413Experimental studies of activated carbon/graphite composite adsorbent for improved performance of packed and coated bed adsorption cooling systemP S., A I.S.WOS2590-1230
414Thermal performance analysis and optimization of a heat pipe-based electronic thermal management system using experimental data-driven neuro- genetic techniqueJose J., Kumar Hotta T.WOS2451-9049
415Synergistic impact of scan strategy and scan angles in laser powder bed fusion process on mechanical, tribological and cell viability properties of porous 316L SS structurePrayer Riju R., Arulvel S.WOS0254-0584
416Effects of spherical fillers reinforcement on the efficacy of thermal conductivity in epoxy and polyester matrices: Experimental validation and prediction using finite element methodPradhan P., Purohit A., Jena H., Singh J., Sahoo B.B.WOS0254-0584
417Extruded PLA-CF modeled after human DNA: Effects of thermal shock and structural design on tensile and flexural propertiesSakthi Balan G., Aravind Raj S., Adithya R.N.WOS1537-6494
418Deformation behavior of Mg-Zn-Y icosahedral quasicrystal phase in a magnesium matrix by high pressure torsion at room temperatureSingh A., Basha D.A., Hiroto T., Matsushita Y., Seenuvasaperumal P., Somekawa H., Tsuchiya K.WOS1573-4838
419Enhancing mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol films through cellulose nanocrystals derived from corncobDemewoz G.E., Tiruneh A.H., Wilson V.H., Jose S., Sundramurthy V.P.WOS2190-6815
420Property Evaluation of AA2014 Reinforced with Synthesized Novel Mixture Processed through Squeeze Casting TechniqueManokaran V., Michael A.X.WOS2504-4494
421Disintegration of lignocellulosic material through visible light SiO2/g-C3N4 photocatalyst for biogas generationRanganathan T., Selwynraj Arunodayaraj I.WOS0019-4522
422Alcohol fuels in SI engines: a comprehensive state-of-the-art review on combustion, performance, and environmental impactsSrikrishnan G., Shenbagamuthuraman V., Ağbulut Ü., Mishra I., Jain J., Balusamy S., Chinnadurai K., Chatterjee D., Shankar E., Shaik S., Hoang A.T., Saleel C.A., Khan S.A., Kasianantham N.WOS1388-6150
423Grain boundary behaviour and impact fractography of cryogenic treated AISI 316l manufactured by laser powder bed fusionVinothraj U.T., Anthony Xavior M.WOS0167-577X
424Study of mechanical and metallurgical properties of wire arc additively manufactured inconel 718 alloyRavi V.S., Nagaraju D.WOS0167-577X
425Parametric Optimization Study of Novel Winglets for Transonic Aircraft WingsPadmanathan P., Aswin S., Satheesh A., Kanna P.R., Palani K., Devi N.R., Sobota T., Taler D., Taler J., Węglowski B.WOS2076-3417
426Prediction of friction stir welding performances of dissimilar AA3003-H12 and C12200-H01 using machine learning algorithmsShinde G.V., Suryawanshi A., Behera N.WOS0954-4089
427Investigations on Energy Absorption Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion-Based 2D and 3D Multi-layered Sandwich Lattice StructuresDavid Rajasingh C.G.G., Palaniyandi K., Moganraj A.WOS1059-9495
428Hydroforming of nimonic 80 A sheet: a novel optimization based numerical simulationAhamed J F.A., Chinnaiyan P., Vashishta R.M.WOS1955-2505
429Investigation of mechanical properties, wear behaviour, and hole quality analysis of Al2014-ZrO2-Sn compositesNandhakumar R., Venkatesan K., Hirthikk B., Kawin Adhithya N.D.WOS2374-068X
430Assessing the potential and energy distribution calibration of ethanol-biodiesel based RCCI mode of compression ignition engine in a plugin parallel hybrid electric vehicleVignesh R., George D.R., Ashok B., Thulasi V., Szpica D.WOS0954-4062
431Effect of surface remelting on the characteristics of IN718 components fabricated using laser powder directed energy depositionThanumoorthy R.S., Jadhav S.V., Oyyaravelu R., Bontha S., Balan A.A.S.WOS2631-8695
432Optimization and tribological behavior of carbon nano tubes blended with POE oilRaghavulu K.V., Mahidhar Reddy V., Govindha Rasu N., Jani S.P., Sudhakar U., Godara S.S., Kumar A., Bhadauria A., Kaur K., Revathi V.WOS2631-8695
433A comprehensive review on crack detection schemes and modelling techniques in high- speed rotor systemsManikandan R., Mutra R.R.WOS1448-4846
434Improving the Evaporation Rate of Hemispherical Solar Still Yield Using Micro/Nano-Particles of Copper Oxide: Energy, Exergy, and Cost-Effective AnalysisAttia M.E.H., Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Vembu S., Kabeel A.E., Abdelgaied M., Saboor S.WOS1021-9986
435Reviewing Biopolymers: Pioneering Sustainable Alternatives to Traditional Plastics Using AlgaeVenkatesh S., Vijayalakshmi S.WOS1790-7632
436Empowering women in process safety: addressing challenges and promoting opportunities in BruneiTimbang A., Reddy Prasad D.M., Azri M.H., Raja Sekhar Y.WOS0019-4506
437Feasibility of autogenous welding simulation for enhancement of residual stressSettu N., Kesavan G.K., Subramanian A., Ramasamy M., Praveenkumar V., Shankar K.V., Bezawada S.WOS2059-8521
438Morphological studies of a composite coating comprising anatase TiO2, CeO2 and HAp on magnesium alloy AZ31B using the plasma electrolytic oxidation method for orthopaedic implantsKumar V.C., Gajjela R.WOS1862-5282
439Application of SMED to improve overall equipment effectiveness of die change over activities in a forging industry – a case studySundaramali G., Kandavel T.K., Santhosh Raj K., Anirudh S.SCOPUS1746-6482
440Enhancing the Structural Integrity and Performance of an Agricultural Robot with Caterpillar Tracks: A Comprehensive Deformation AnalysisKappagantula S., Mannayee G., Veerendra A.S., Dutta S., Flah A.SCOPUS2241-4487
441Evaluation of Performance of Different Optimizers of Convolutional Neural Network in the Classification of Images of Urban Domestic Solid WasteYogamadhavan V.K., Mannayee G.SCOPUS2182-2069
442Fabrication of Hair and Spider Silk Fiber- reinforced Polymethyl Methacrylate Composites and Evaluation of Their Mechanical Properties for Dental ApplicationsKukkila J., Ramesh P.K., Shetty K.H.K., Thopegowda N.B., Malayathodi R., Rao S., Hashim A.SCOPUS0976-6006
444Forward osmosis desalination: A critical review focussing on recent advancements in draw solution recovery techniques for enhanced efficiency and regenerationReddy S., Dey K., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Arulvel S., Akinaga T.WOS2213-3437
445Pathways to enhance the performance of adsorption cooling system: An overviewP S., Selwynraj A I.WOS2590-1230
446Modelling and harnessing energy from flow- induced vibration, particularly VIV and galloping: An explicit reviewFrancis S., Swain A.WOS0029-8018
447Fiber and matrix-level damage detection and assessments for natural fiber compositesNatesan R., Krishnasamy P.WOS1573-4838
448Recent Developments in Supercritical CO2- Based Sustainable Power Generation TechnologiesTamilarasan S.K., Jose J., Boopalan V., Chen F., Arumugam S.K., Ramachandran J.C., Parthasarathy R.K., Taler D., Sobota T., Taler J.WOS1996-1073
449Significance of wire mesh reinforcement on carbon and glass fiber composite – a reviewVekat Ramanan A., Rajamurugan G.WOS1402-4896
450Microstructural and Textural Evolution in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals: The Case of Zirconium, Magnesium, and TitaniumThool K., Yazar K.U., Kavimani V., Gupta A., Choi S.-H.WOS2073-4352
451A review on indoor air quality monitoring system: a mechatronics approachKumar S.H., Kanish T.C.WOS1573-3025
452An Analytical Review on the Degradation Mechanisms and Magnesium Alloy Protective Coatings in Biomedical ApplicationsVinothkumar C., Rajyalakshmi G.WOS0972-2815
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454Maximizing hydrogen utilization in CI engines: An investigation of dual fuel and RCCI combustion approaches under low and mid-load conditions in a medium duty automotive engineRameez P.V.; Mohamed Ibrahim M.WOS0196-8904
455Optimization of slot parameters for performance enhancement of slotted Savonius hydrokinetic turbine using Taguchi analysisKumar R.; Kumar A.WOS0960-1481
456Thermal analysis of packed bed thermal energy storage system with dimpled spherical capsulesYuvaaraj J.S.; Deepakkumar R.WOS2352-152X
457Digital technology adoption model for electric vehicle battery recycling supply chain – an influential relationship mappingVimal K.E.K.; Kandasamy J.; Vezhavendhan R.; Bose B.; Menon A.K.; Sivakumar K.WOS1936-9743
458An insight into the combustion analysis of low carbon alcohol infused ternary fuel blends operated by varying the compression ratiosAnanda Murugan M.; Ganesan N.WOS2214-157X
459Three-dimensional bioprinted materials in alginate-hyaluronic acid complex based hydrogel based bio-ink as absorbents for heavy metal ions removalSwathe Sriee A.E.; Shankar V.WOS2666-8939
460Innovation in sustainable composite research: Investigating graphene- reinforced MMCs for liquid hydrogen storage tanks in aerospace and space explorationAshwath P.; Venkatraman M.; Patel A.; Xavior M.A.; Batako A.WOS2238-7854
461Effect of scanning speed on mechanical, corrosion, and fretting-tribocorrosion behavior of austenitic 316L stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion processUva Narayanan C.; Daniel A.; Praveenkumar K.; Manivasagam G.; Suwas S.; Prashanth K.G.; Suya Prem Anand P.WOS1526-6125
462The influence of linear energy density on density, defect formation, residual stress, microstructure, and texture in 310 austenitic stainless steel by laser powder bed fusionManikandan P.; Venkatesan K.WOS1526-6125
463Valorization of Ricinus communis outer shell biomass to biochar: Impact of thermal decomposition temperature on physicochemical properties and EMI shielding performancePerumal R.S.; Muralidharan B.WOS2590-1230
464Effect of thermal shocks on the interfacial bond strength of sandwich composites built with rigid and soft materials produced through extrusion processBalan G.S.; Raj S.A.WOS2590-1230
465Influence of MoS2 nanoparticles on tribo- mechanical characteristics of stir-squeeze cast AA7075/MoS2 metal matrix compositesBeyanagari S.R.; Kandasamy J.; Arulvel SWOS2522-574X
466Influence of silane and polyethylene glycol functionalization of boron nitride nanosheets on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy nanocomposites: Machine and deep learning forecastingVarughese J.J.; Sreekanth M.S.WOS1548-0569
467An Experimental Investigation on Synthesis, Characterization, and Photothermal Conversion Efficiency of Stable Aqueous Nanofluids Containing Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Direct Absorption Solar CollectorsGeorge J.; Sreekanth M.S.WOS2194-4288
468Synthesis, characterization, quantum mechanical calculations and biomedical docking studies on curcumin analogs: 2, 6- (Difurfurylidene) cyclohexanone and 2, 6 – Bis (2,6-Dichloro Benzylidene) CyclohexanoneSathiyamoorthi S.; Chandrasekaran M.; Thiruppathi K.; Padmanathan P.; Subashchandrabose S.; Gomathi S.WOS2405-8440
469Micromechanical and Tribological Performance of Laser-Cladded Equiatomic FeNiCr Coatings Reinforced with TiC and NbC ParticlesOkulov A.; Iusupova O.; Liu K.; Li J.; Stepchenkov A.; Zavalishin V.; Korkh Y.; Kuznetsova T.; Mugada K.K.; Moganraj A.WOS1996-1944
470Enhanced shear and vibration behaviour of co-cured CFRP joints with innovative lamination techniquesKarthikeyan N.; Naveen J.WOS0021-8464
471Impact of electroless Ni-P coated pumice particles on the mechanical properties of scrap aluminium metal matrix compositesJeevanantham R.; Nagaraju D.WOS0167-577X
472Enhancing strength and stiffness of GFRP joint via 3-Glycidyloxypropyl- trimethoxysilane modified glass powder and co-cure manufacturing techniqueBalaji S.; Rajesh M.WOS0167-577X
473Characterization of robocasted graphene and graphene oxide reinforced scaffold structures for bone regenerationGayathri S.S.; Logeshwaran A.; Deepan K.; Puthillam U.; Prafulbhai Sinojiya F.; Nayak S.; Elsen R.WOS1144-0546
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475Functionally graded polymers and ceramic adhesives: dynamic, viscoelastic, and thermal stability analysisGanapathy S.B.; Sakthivel A.R.WOS1568-5616
476Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Using Equivalent Circuit ModelKaliaperumal M.; Chidambaram R.K.WOS2624-8921
477Analysis of laser power/scan speed combinations on constant energy density: Correlation of roughness-density and structure-property of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V alloyKumar D.P.; Jebaraj A.V.WOS2041-3009
478Innovative silica aerogel fiberglass walls and roofs: A path to lower carbon emissions and higher energy savingsRoy A.; Shaik S.WOS1556-7230
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480Quantification of feature shape complexity for the virtual prototypes and investigation of additive manufacturabilitySrikanth M.; Mathew A.T.; Bhagchandani R.K.WOS1955-2505
481Numerical Study of Sputter Deposited Ultra- Low Loaded Effective Platinum Electrocatalyst Utilization in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellKumar C.R.; Kanna P.R.; Boopalan V.; Jose J.; Arumugam S.K.; Taler D.; Sobota T.; Taler J.WOS1521-0537
482The effects of tool rotational speed and post-weld heat treatment of friction stir welded AZ31-B magnesium alloyKumaresh D.; Venkatesan S.WOS2631-8695
483Effect of nitrogen on high temperature dry sliding wear of 316L (N) stainless steelParthasarathi N.L.; Jose B.; Davinci M.A.; Arivazhagan N.; Vasudevan M.WOS1738-494X
484Reduction of the separation bubble size using the pressure feedback channel in supersonic °ow across a forward-facing stepKumar P.V.; Murugan J.N.WOS0129-1831
485Investigation of machining performance in SS904L alloy under hybrid cooling conditionsVenkatesan K.; Devendiran S.; Murali T.; Arunkumar E.; Hyder H.; Roshin M.F.; Thazim A.WOS0008-4433
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490Process Parameter Optimization for Friction Stir Welding Of Aa6061t6 Alloy Using Artificial Neural NetworksTamiloli N.; Ravichandran R.; Kalitchin Z.; Venkatesan J.; Kumar T.S.; Elangovan K.SCOPUS1310-4772
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512Fuzzy logic based qualitative indicators for promoting extended producer responsibility and sustainable food packaging waste managementDey A.; Ashok S.D.WOS2665-9727
513Multiple solutions and orbit change in energy harvesting system with a flag configurationMargielewicz J.; G?ska D.; Bucki S.; Litak G.; Sadasivan S.WOS1573-269X
514Effect of stacking sequence on the mechanical and tribological properties of hybrid natural fibers composites reinforced with nano-hBN and steel meshKumaravelu P.; Kandasamy J.; Kailasamani S.; Pillai U.T.G.WOS2522-574X
515Influence of ball milling on the evolution of microstructure and microtexture in hot- press sintered cobalt alloyPraneeth V.D.; Manikandan R.; Pranav A.S.; Annamalai A.R.; Muthuchamy A.WOS0966-9795
516A generalized mathematical model for the damped free motion of a liquid column in a vertical U-tubeKannaiyan A.; Raj T.K.R.; Sarno L.; Urbanowicz K.; Martino R.WOS1089-7666
517Investigation on CuO nanoparticle enhanced mahua biodiesel/diesel fuelled CI engine combustion for improved performance and emission abetted by response surface methodologyMuniyappan S.; Krishnaiah R.WOS2045-2322
518Optimizing dry milling of stir-cast and heat- treated AZ80 magnesium alloy using multiple criteria optimization technique: an experimental studyTamil Selvan M.; Somasundaram M.; Raja Annamalai A.WOS2045-2322
520Experimental Study on Dry Milling of Stir- Casted and Heat-Treated Mg-Gd-Y-Er Alloy Using TOPSISUpadrashta A.; Saravanan S.; Annamalai A.R.WOS2504-4494
521Development of Semi-Empirical and Machine Learning Models for Photoelectrochemical CellsSunderraj N.; Dhanushkodi S.R.; Chidambaram R.K.; W?glowski B.; Skrzyniowska D.; Schmid M.; Fowler M.W.WOS1996-1073
522Investigation on electronic and magnetic properties of Cr doped V2O5 thin films prepared by chemical solution deposition methodRitika M.; Gupta R.S.; Bhagat A.; Rahaman A.; Ghosh A.; Sahoo S.K.; Pandey S.; Singh V.R.WOS0921-4526
524Flexural and vibration behaviour of co-cured CFRP composite joints with MWCNT- modified adhesiveKarthikeyan N.; Naveen J.WOS0169-4243
525Predicting crack nucleation in commercially pure titanium using orientation imaging microscopy and machine learningJain J.V.; Barnwal V.K.; Kumar Saxena A.; Nair P.B.; Yazar K.U.; Suwas S.WOS0167-577X
526Microstructure, Microtexture and Grain Boundary Evolution in Heat-Treated Cast Haynes 25 AlloyMPG K.; Raja Annamalai A.; Mohanty C.P.; Chauhan A.S.WOS1939-5981
527The mechanics of extruded polylactic acid: an investigation into the effects of its multiple recycling and the inclusion of fly ashBalan G.S.; Raj S.A.WOS1402-4896
528Computational investigation of vortex- induced oscillation of two side-by-side cylinders at high Reynolds numbersSadasivan S.; Litak G.; Furquan M.; John B.; Jan G?ca M.WOS0997-7546
529Assessment of ternary blend ratio of diesel/mahua biodiesel with n-heptane/fusel alcohol on CI engine characteristics ? an experimental and statistical approachMuniyappan S.; Krishnaiah R.WOS0954-4089
530Effects of nanodiamonds on the mechanical properties, acoustic properties, vibration damping, and flame retardancy of ramie- fiber epoxy composite panels used for indoor applicationsKanniyappan S.; Selvaraj S.K.WOS0954-4089
531Laser Hybrid Welding?An Advanced Joining Technique for Welding of Thick Plates of Maraging SteelJose B.; Manoharan M.; Natarajan A.; Muktinutalapati N.R.; Reddy G.M.WOS1059-9495
532Performance of Hybrid Composites Fabricated by Flax/Hemp Fibers Using Wire Mesh Plain Weaving TechniquesElayaraja R.; Rajamurugan G.WOS1229-9197
533In vitro assessment of corrosion, antibacterial properties, and degradation behavior of zirconia-coated polyetheretherketone (PEEK)Karunanithi C.; Natarajan S.; Manivasagam G.; Sathiyanarayanan J.WOS0883-9115
536Prediction and analysis on the effects of different inlet diameters of a hydrogen gas tank during fast fill using ANN by the neurofit techniqueBhattacharjee S.; Hiremath V.S.; Reddy D.M.; Mutra R.R.; Poornima N.WOS2520-8179
537An experimental and analytical investigation to determine thermal conductivity of epoxy- filler composites for space applicationsKumar M.; Upadhyay S.; Bansal L.; Verma R.WOS0011-2275
538Parameter Optimization for Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys Joined Using Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing: A Screening StudyKumaran Selvaraj S.; Manoj A.L.; Mathew A.B.; Govind A.V.; Sundaramali G.; Chadha U.; Vajipeyajula B.; Patterson A.E.WOS2577-8196
539Effect of high pressure-low plasticity burnishing on the mechanical and microstructural behaviour of copper foil interlayered FSW aluminium alloysVignesh A.R.; Oyyaravelu R.WOS2631-8695
540Enhancing surface integrity of additively manufactured Inconel 718 through numerical modeling of hydrostatic ball burnishing parameters using TOPSIS and ANOVAVignesh G.; Oyyaravelu R.WOS2631-8695
542Parametric Analysis of Cooling of Air Inside a Ventilated Enclosure – A Convenient Solution to Achieve Single Room Multiple Thermal Zones for Indoor FarmingChaudhari A.D.; Bhupathi P.; Joshi V.V.WOS1735-3645
546Visible light driven g-C3N4 photocatalytic pretreatment of rice straw for enhanced biogas productionTamilselvan R.; Selwynraj A.I.WOS0971-457X
550A comprehensive review of advancements in solar and waste Heat-Based air Humidification-Dehumidification desalinationMohan C.C.; Chiranjeevi C.WOS0038-092X
552Nonlinear vibration analysis of composite and functionally graded material shell structures: A literature review from 2013 to 2023Palani V.; Swain A.WOS0020-7462
553Recent Advances in PVDF/Carbon-Based Nanocomposite Fibers for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting ApplicationsGowdaman R.; Deepa A.; Singla Y.K.WOS0361-5235
554Artificial neural network in optimization of bioactive compound extraction: recent trends and performance comparison with response surface methodologySubramani V.; Tomer V.; Balamurali G.; Mansingh P.WOS0910-6340
555Influence of 2D solid lubricants on mechanical and tribological behaviour of Al 7XXX series metal matrix composites: A comprehensive reviewBeyanagari S.R.; Sivalingam A.; Kandasamy J.; Katiyar J.K.WOS1751-5831
559Performance investigations on thermochemical energy storage system using cerium, aluminium, manganese, and tin-substituted LaNi5 hydridesChandra Mouli B.; Sharma V.K.; Sanjay; Paswan M.; Thomas B.WOS0360-3199
561Prompt engineering-enabled LLM or MLLM and instigative bioinformatics pave the way to identify and characterize the significant SARS-CoV-2 antibody escape mutationsChakraborty C.; Bhattacharya M.; Pal S.; Lee S.-S.WOS0141-8130
562Development of optimal engine control map for flex fuel application in ethanol powered direct injection spark ignition engineSathish Kumar T.; Ashok B.; Saravanan B.; Tamilvanan A.; Szpica D.WOS0016-2361
566Crack fault diagnosis in rotor bearing system by transient and study state time domain analysisMutra R.R., Mallikarjuna Reddy D., Babu Rao K.WOS0263-2241
568Computational study of dynamics of compound droplets in a straight micro channelSadasivan S.; John B.; Arumugam S.K.; Sebastian P.; S P.WOS0927-7757
569Analysis on the effect of sodium hydroxide treatment and graphene nano- particle?reinforcement on the shear behavior and modal analysis of glass fibre reinforced polymer flat-joggle-flat composite jointsHiremath V.S.; Reddy D.M.; Palaniappan S.K.; Mutra R.R.; Siengchin S.; Venkatachalam G.WOS0272-8397
570Enhanced flexural and vibration behavior of interleaved CFRP composite joints with modified multiwalled carbon nanotube adhesives for aerospace and aircraft applicationsKarthikeyan N.; Naveen J.WOS0272-8397
571Effect of selective laser melting process parameters of SS 310 on relative density,?surface roughness, and microstructure at different volumetric energy densityNandhakumar R.; Venkatesan K.WOS2363-9520
572Multilayered Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based Flexible Temperature SensorLi Z.; Sun F.; Rose L.; Nagesh G.; Shekar N.K.; Pedapati P.R.; Ansar A.; Kumar R.; Damodaran V.; Skaf D.; Rondeau-Gagne S.; Ahamed M.J.WOS1530-437X
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575Dynamic response of hybrid composite semi-ellipsoidal dome structure: Numerical and experimental investigationsElangovan H.; Gnanasekar S.; Barathan V.; Samuel S.S.; Reddy M.R.; Rajamohan V.WOS1598-6233
577Mechanical, machinability and water absorption properties of novel kenaf fiber, glass fiber and graphene composites reinforced with epoxyBabu T.N.; Singh S.; Prabha D.R.; Mishra S.; Pandey V.WOS2045-2322
578N2 selective membrane based hybrid cryogenic carbon capture process for coal- fired power plants: A techno-economic case studySreenath S.; Sam A.A.WOS0263-8762
579Dynamic characteristics of laminated composite sandwich plates with graphene- reinforced magnetorheological elastomerSelvaraj P.; Vemuluri R.B.WOS1537-6494
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585Integration of plain woven carbon fiber yarn with 304 wire mesh reinforcement on synthetic hybrid compositeVenkat Ramanan A.; Rajamurugan G.WOS0167-577X
586A Decision Framework for Selecting Highly Sustainable Packaging Circular Model in Mass-Customized Packaging IndustryRajendran R.; Ranjitharamasamy S.WOS2076-3417
587Experimental analysis and comparison of a packed bed thermal energy storage system using plain and dimpled spherical capsulesYuvaaraj J.S; Deepakkumar RWOS0891-6152
588Thermal performance of parabolic trough solar collector employing novel absorber tubes equipped with distinct heat transfer fluids: An experimental studyBasha S.K.; Behura A.K.WOS1556-7230
589Failure Characteristics of Extra-Formable Steel Sheet Exhibiting Inhomogeneous Deformation BandsBarnwal V.K.; Lingam R.; Choi J.; Kim J.-H.; Barlat F.WOS1059-9495
590Characterization of akermanite (AKT) and zirconia-infused PMMA bone cement composite with superior physicochemical, mechanical, and bioactive properties for enhanced orthopaedic performanceGirija M.; Sampath Kumar T.WOS0927-6440
591Envirowarranty: smart system for remanufactured electronicsVimal K.E.K.; Kandasamy J.; Gokhale A.V.WOS1955-2505
592Performance enhancement using novel hybrid rotary desiccant wheels having non- homogeneous mixture of multiple desiccant layersMuthu S.; Sekarapandian N.WOS1550-2287
594Unveiling Heat Treatment Effects on Hardness and Dimensional Properties of Power Bed Fusion-LB/M/18Ni300 Turning Tool with Transpiration Cooling ChannelsSundaram Sundararajan A.S.; Radhamani R.; Balakrishnan M.WOS1611-3683
595New Two-Phase Multiplier Model for Phase- Change Flows in Plate Heat ExchangersMukkamala Y.; Dirker J.WOS1521-0537
596Experimental and artificial neural network (ANN) study on the impact of three different metal oxide nanoparticle combustion enhancers enriched on mahua biodiesel- diesel fuelled CI engineMuniyappan S.; Krishnaiah R.WOS2631-8695
597Experimental study of physical, mechanical and tribological behaviour of polyester/kota stone dust compositeAwasthi T.; Bharti M.S.; Agrawal A.; Gupta G.WOS2631-8695
598Investigation of burnout effect in turbine blade tip leakage at transonic conditions: a numerical studyBoopalan V.; Jishnu Chandran R.; Arumugam S.K.; Rajesh Kanna P.WOS2631-8695
599Mechanical and dynamic response of epoxy based pineapple/flax fiber composites reinforced with steel and nylon wire meshesRajamurugan G.; Raja P.; Ramakrishnan; Krishna P.; Raj J.; Elayaraja R.WOS2631-8695
600Optimization and experimental investigation of compression ignition diesel engine performance and emission characteristics with gulmohar biodiesel/diesel blends using response surface methodologySyed Sadiq Nawaz I.; Asokan M.A.WOS2631-8695
601Towards sustainable machining: an experimental study of eco-friendly MQL and its impact on machinability and future opportunitiesRajasozhaperumal G.; Kannan C.WOS2631-8695
603Hydrogen driven HCCI engine combustion and performance indices: a numerical investigationGopinathan R.L.; Ibrahim M.M.WOS1448-4846
604Parametric appraisal and wear prediction of red brick dust filled epoxy composites using finite element method; [Parametrische Bewertung und Verschlei?vorhersage von mit rotem Ziegelstaub gef?llten Epoxidverbundwerkstoffen mit Hilfe der Finite-Elemente-Methode]Gupta G.; Purohit A.; Kumar S.S.; Ray S.; Mohanty C.P.; Pati P.R.WOS0933-5137
607Numerical Simulation of Novel Hybrid Solid Desiccant Bed for DryingMuthu S.; Sekarapandian N.SCOPUS2349-5359
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610Review of machine learning applications in additive manufacturingInayathullah S.; Buddala R.WOS2590-1230
612A review on the impact of volumetric energy density on morphological and mechanical behavior in laser powder bed fusion steel alloysVenkatachalam E.; Sundararajan D.WOS1878-6669
613Recent Trends on Additive Manufacturing Biomaterial Composites in Tissue Regeneration Future Perspectives, Challenges, and Road Maps to Clinics for Biomedical Applications?A ReviewMani G.; Thepperumal S.K.WOS2329-7670
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616An Assessment of Phase Change Material, Preparation Techniques And Containment Material With Different Molten Salts For Thermal Energy Storage SystemPrem Kumar M.; Manikandan M.WOS0218-625X


Sl. NoTitle of paperName of the author/sIndexed In Scopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1Optimizing the thermal performance of solar energy devices using meta-heuristic algorithms: A critical reviewAfzal A., Buradi A., Jilte R., Shaik S., Kaladgi A.R., Ar c M., Lee C.T., Ni eti S.WOS1364-0321
2Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a novel thermosyphon heat pipe with truncated cone for heat recovery systemsSakthi Priya M., Sakthivadivel D.WOS0196-8904
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4Sustainable energy development technique of vertical axis wind turbine with variable swept area An experimental investigationPietrykowski K., Kasianantham N., Ravi D., Jan G ca M., Ramakrishnan P., Wendeker M.WOS0306-2619
5Complete parametric investigation of a forward osmosis process using sodium chloride draw solutionDsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Hosseinipour E., Arulvel S., Davies P.A.WOS0011-9164
6Renewable heat powered polygeneration system based on an advanced absorption cycle for rural communitiesPraveen Kumar G., Ayou D.S., Narendran C., Saravanan R., Maiya M.P., Coronas A.WOS0360-5442
7Waste to fuel: Pyrolysis of waste transformer oil and its evaluation as alternative fuel along with different nanoparticles in CI engine with exhaust gas recirculationSathish T., Surakasi R., KishoreT L., Rathinasamy S., A bulut Ü., Shaik S., Park S.G., Afzal A.WOS0360-5442
8Enhancement of energy conversion and emission reduction of Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in diesel engine using reactivity controlled compression ignition strategy and TOPSIS optimizationTamilvanan A., Mohanraj T., Ashok B., Santhoshkumar A.WOS0360-5442
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27Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties for multi-layered Al-1100 strips and Al-Gr composites fabricated by accumulative roll bondingBiradar A., M R.WOS2352-4928
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30Insights into the surface behavior of Inconel 617 and Inconel 625 material in molten saltPrem Kumar M., Manikandan M.WOS0167-577X
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42Artificial immune system approach for optimizing abrasive water jet machining process on super alloysRajyalakshmi G., Gupta Y., Panigrahi S., Ahsan M., Manjunath S.P., Jayakrishna K.Scopus1955-2513
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161Investigation, optimising the MQL-Turning parameters of Nimonic 75 using weighted Mayfly algorithmArun Kumar E., Devendiran S.Scopus2374-068X
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300An Investigation on Enhancement of Tensile Strength of AZ91D Hybrid Magnesium Matrix Composites Reinforced with Nano-TiO2 and CeriumJayakrishna N., Nagaraju D.WOS0975-1645
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302An experimental investigation on the adhesive, shear strength, and failure modes of glass fibre reinforced polymer flat-joggle- flat composite joints over different bonding techniques [Experimentelle Untersuchung der Haftfestigkeit, der Scherfestigkeit und der Versagensarten von glasfaserverstärkten Polymer-Flach-Kniehebel-Verbundwerkstoff- Verbindungen mit verschiedenen Klebetechniken]Hiremath V.S., Reddy D.M.WOS1521-4052
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304Feasibility Analysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass Materials towards Sustainable Biofuel ProductionBaskaran K., Mohan C.G.WOS0361-5219
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306Study on Microstructure and Thermal Cycling Performance of the Plasma-sprayed YSZ Coating in Simulated Turbine EnvironmentMuthu S.M., Arivarasu M., Jang C., Viknesh S., Surya Prakash Reddy K., Venkateshkannan M., Vishnu Siddharth V.D., Ahmed Liyakat N.Scopus2731-8397
307Technologies for the fabrication of crosslinked polysaccharide-based hydrogels and its role in microbial three-dimensional bioprinting A reviewSharma Y., Shankar V.WOS0141-8130
308Integration of smart grid with renewable energy sources: Opportunities and challenges A comprehensive reviewKataray T., Nitesh B., Yarram B., Sinha S., Cuce E., Shaik S., Vigneshwaran P., Roy A.WOS2213-1388
309Effect of Regenerative Braking on Battery LifeChidambaram R.K., Chatterjee D., Barman B., Das P.P., Taler D., Taler J., Sobota T.WOS1996-1073
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311Evolution and Progress of Biologically Compatible Materials in Dental Field: A Descriptive ReviewKarunanithi C., Natarajan S.Scopus0976-6014
312Thermoeconomic and optimization approaches for integrating cooling, power, and green hydrogen production in dairy plants with a novel solar-biomass cascade ORC systemKarthikeyan B., Praveen Kumar G.WOS0196-8904
313Use of modern algorithms for multi- parameter optimization and intelligent modelling of sustainable battery performanceAfzal A., Buradi A., Jilte R., Sundara V., Shaik S., A bulut Ü., Alwetaishi M., Saleel C.A.WOS2352-1538
314Developing a Delphi assisted total interpretive structural model (D-TISM) for adopting the Industry 4.0 technologies within Lean Six Sigma frameworkVimal K.E.K., Rashmi D., Sivakumar K., Kandasmay J., Paranitharan K.P., Venkataraman B.WOS1366-5871
315Melting numerical simulation of hydrated salt phase change material in thermal management of cylindrical battery cells using enthalpy-porosity modelAfzal A., Jilte R., Samee M., A bulut U., Shaik S., Park S.G., Alwetaishi M.WOS2213-1388
316Optimization of flex fuel parameters to improve the characteristics of methanol powered direct injection spark ignition engineSathish Kumar T., Ashok B.WOS0016-2361
317Experimental and theoretical analysis of exhaust manifold by uncoated and coated ceramics (Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2)Sunil Kumar K., Suryaprakash Kalos P., Nishat Akhtar M., Shaik S., Sundara V., Fayaz H., Afghan Khan S., Asif M.WOS2214-157X
318Experimental performance assessment of a novel insulation plaster as an energy- efficient retrofit solution for external walls: A key building material towards low/zero carbon buildingsCuce E., Cuce P.M., Alvur E., Yilmaz Y.N., Saboor S., Ustabas I., Linul E., Asif M.WOS2214-157X
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321Split injection strategy control map development through prediction-based calibration approach to improve the biodiesel-fuelled diesel engine characteristicsBragadeshwaran A., Rajasekar V., Usman K.M., Ayyasamy T., Govindasamy K.WOS0944-1344
322Hydrophobic electroless nickel phosphorus-graphene carbon nitride coating on AISI 4140 steel with enhanced hardness and scratch resistanceArulvel S., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Kandasamy J., Kumaravelu P., Raychoudhury R., Raghul S.WOS0257-8972
323A semi-analytical inverse method to obtain the hyperelastic potential using experimental dataKulwant V., Arvind K., Prasad D., Sreejith P., Mohankumar K.V., Kannan K.WOS0022-5096
324Battery thermal management of a novel helical channeled cylindrical Li-ion battery with nanofluid and hybrid nanoparticle- enhanced phase change materialJilte R., Afzal A., A bulut Ü., Shaik S., Khan S.A., Linul E., Asif M.WOS0017-9310
325Engine vibration and noise characteristics of common rail direct injection engine fuelled with orange peel oil by response surface methodology based multi-objective optimizationAshok B., Tamilvanan A., Vignesh R., Saiteja P., Kumar P.V., Nikhil C., Nikhil D.WOS2590-1230
326Assessing low Reynolds number airfoil performance in microburst environments for micro/unmanned aerial vehicles: A numerical studySomashekar V., Immanuel Selwynraj A., Hariprasad V., Hiremath M.K.WOS1089-7666
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328The impact of short-duration precipitation events over the historic Cauvery basin: a study on altered water resource patterns and associated threatsGhosh S., Barik D.K., Renganayaki P., Kang B., Gumber S., Venkatesh S., Saini D.S., Akunuri S.WOS2045-2322
329Investigation on Ammonia-Biodiesel Fueled RCCI Combustion Engine Using a Split Injection StrategyRamachandran E., Krishnaiah R., Perumal Venkatesan E., Saleel C.A., Shaik S.WOS2470-1343
330High-temperature tribological performance of stir-cast and heat-treated EV31A magnesium alloy: Experiments and predictionsSomasundaram M., NarendraKumar U., Annamalai A.R., Muthuchamy A.WOS2405-8440
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338Influence of electroless NiP/graphene coating on treated woven ramie fiber and its characterizationMylsamy G., Krishnasamy P.WOS1402-4896
339Experimental and numerical investigation on 2.5-dimensional nature-inspired infill structures under out-plane quasi-static loadingAshok D., Bahubalendruni M.V.A.R., Mhaskar A., Choudhary V., Balamurali G., Turaka S.WOS0954-4089
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345Experimental and analytical investigation of bio-inspired lattice structures under compressive loadingDoodi R., Balamurali G.WOS2631-8695
346Influence Of The Aspect Ratio And Location Of An Isothermal Block On The Buoyancy-Induced Heat Transfer In An EnclosureNisrin J.J., Velkennedy R., Kalidasan K., Rajesh Kanna P.WOS1940-2554
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350Incorporation of graphene nanoplatelets with organic phase change materials Studies on thermal conductivity enhancement, and thermal and chemical stabilityVigneshwaran P., Shaik S., Arulmani S., Ar c M., Alam T., Shaik A.H.Scopus2666-2027
351Laser processing techniques for surface property enhancement: Focus on material advancementS.A., D. D.W.R., Jain A., Kandasamy J., Singhal M.WOS2468-0230
352Hydrogen towards sustainable transition: A review of production, economic, environmental impact and scaling factorsM A., G P.K.WOS2590-1230
353Performance enhancement of hydrokinetic turbine using augmentation techniques: a reviewKhan R., Kumar A.WOS1543-5075
354Tailoring polymer composites for critical thermal applications: a review on fibers, additives, coatings, aerogels, test methodologiesSakthi Balan G., Aravind Raj S., Shahar F.S., Hameed Sultan M.T.WOS2574-089X
355Future Potential of Quantum Computing and Simulations in Biological SciencePal S., Bhattacharya M., Dash S., Lee S.-S., Chakraborty C.WOS1073-6085
356Microwave irradiation pretreated fermentation of bioethanol production from Chlorella vulgaris Biomasses: Comparative analysis of response surface methodology and artificial neural network techniquesShenbagamuthuraman V., Kasianantham N.WOS1873-2976
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358Surface nanocrystallization enhances the biomedical performance of additively manufactured stainless steelGhosh S., Indrakumar S., Ghosh S., Gopal V., Nilawar S., Manivasagam G., Kesave J.S., Suwas S., Chatterjee K.WOS2050-7518
359Prediction of RCCI combustion fueled with CNG and algal biodiesel to sustain efficient diesel engines using machine learning techniquesRamachandran E., Krishnaiah R., Venkatesan E.P., Parida S., Reddy Dwarshala S.K., Khan S.A., Asif M., Linul E.WOS2214-157X
360Experimental investigation of TABS and all air system in tropical savanna climate: A thermal comfort and energy performance studyPai A., Kumar B.WOS0378-7788
361The impact of thermal insulation on the vulnerability of hollow masonry walls under elevated temperaturesKontoleon K.J., Saboor S., Mazzeo D., Pirouz B., Benzaama M.-H., Kotsovinos P., Ar c M.WOS0378-7788
362Experimental investigations on a sustainable cogeneration system for power and desalination with 4-E analysisRajesh S., Chiranjeevi C.WOS0038-092X
363Ultra-high-performance concrete with Iron ore tailings and non-metallic and hybrid fibers-A comprehensive experimental studySujitha Magdalene P., Karthikeyan B., Selvaraj S.K., Deepika S., Alqaryouti Y., Seif ElDin H.M., Azab M.WOS2214-5095
364Prediction modeling using artificial neural network (ANN) for the performance and emission characteristics of catalytic co- pyrolytic fuel blended with diesel in a CI engineMohan I., Das A.K., Prakash R., Kumar S.WOS1614-7499
365Prediction of pressure gradient and hold- up in horizontal liquid-liquid pipe flowAhmed S.A., John B.WOS1672-5107
366Vibrational behavior of a 3D printed biomimetic dual-core composite sandwich beam: An experimental and numerical studyThanikasalam N., Ramamoorthy M.WOS0272-8397
367Mechanical and vibrational study of raw and surface-treated ramie fiber hybridized carbon fiber epoxy compositesSamuel S.S., Issac Selvaraj R.V.WOS0272-8397
368Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of liquid fuel produced through catalytic co-pyrolysis of waste LDPE and Pongamia pinnata seeds: An experimental investigation in CI engineMohan I., Yao Z., Das A.K., Prakash R., Kumar S.WOS2590-1230
369Electrochemical corrosion of stir cast and heat-treated magnesium alloy EV31A in different electrolytes: Analysis via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopySomasundaram M., NarendraKumar U., Raja Annamalai A., Muthuchamy A.WOS0254-0584
370Assessment on the wear failure of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L with different scan pattern in simulated body fluid conditionPrayer Riju R., Arulvel S.WOS1350-6307
371Fast Pyrolysis of Tea Bush, Walnut Shell, and Pine Cone Mixture: Effect of Pyrolysis Parameters on Pyrolysis Crop YieldsKar T., Kaygusuz Ö., Güney M. ., Cuce E., Kele S., Shaik S., Owolabi A.B., Nsafon B.E.K., Ogunsua J.M., Huh J.-S.WOS2071-1050
372Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Combined Cooling Heating and Power System with RegenerationJose J., Parthasarathy R.K., Arumugam S.K.WOS2071-1050
373Studies on process parameter optimization and surface modification for joint strength enhancement of laser welded Aluminium 5754-Polyamide hybrid jointsAdarsh S.J., Natarajan A.WOS2352-4928
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381Fossil energy reduction for heating and cooling of buildings using shallow geothermal integrated energy systems a comprehensive reviewKUMAR B., KUMAR B.WOS2148-7847
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383Artificial Neural Network-Based Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox using Empirical Mode Decomposition from Vibration ResponseMutra R.R., Reddy D.M., Amarnath M., Rani M.N.A., Yunus M.A., Sani M.S.M.WOS2229-8649
384Double-diffusive mixed convection with four heated square blocks for different working fluids in a square cavityGnanasekaran M., Satheesh A.WOS1040-7790
385Applicability of double power law model for the statistical analysis of meteorological wind velocity time series dataBhardwaj S., Patil S., Joshi V.V.WOS1752-5055
386Synthesis and Empirical Analysis of the Thermophysical Characteristics of GO-Ag Aqueous Hybrid Nanofluid Using Environmentally Friendly Reducing and Stabilizing AgentsArmstrong M., Sivasubramanian M., Selvapalam N., Pavitra R., Rajesh Kanna P., Lenin H.Scopus1687-8434
387Additive manufacturing TPMS lattice structures: Experimental study on airflow resistivityChouhan G., Gunji B.Scopus2590-048X
388NANOFLUIDS IN PRODUCTION OF SUSTAINABLE BIOFUELS AND BIOPLASTICSVezhavendhan R., Kanakavalli P.B., Arigela S.H., Chandrashekhar A., Sathish R., Joshi S.K., Isaac J.S.Scopus0209-4541
389Numerical-Experimental Analysis of Solar Liquid Flat-Plate Collector with Different HTF and Internal Grooves Profiles in the Absorber DuctBalamurali D., Natarajan M.Scopus1934-9424
390Fuelling the future: A review of non- renewable hydrogen production and storage techniquesM A., V M.K., Hariharan V.S., Narahari T., P A.K., K M., G P.K., Prabakaran R.WOS1364-0321
391Nanocoatings for ballistic applications: A reviewBiradar A., Arulvel S., Kandasamy J., Hameed Sultan M.T., Shahar F.S., Najeeb M.I., Gaff M., Hui D.WOS2191-9089
392Transforming E-Waste into Opportunities: Driving Organizational Actions to Achieve Sustainable Development GoalsAnuardo R.G., Espuny M., Costa A.C.F., Espuny A.L.G., Kazanço lu Y., Kandsamy J., de Oliveira O.J.WOS2071-1050
393NiTi shape memory alloy: Unraveling the role of internal friction in passive damping A reviewRadhamani R., Balakrishnan M.WOS2352-4928
394A critical review on emulsion fuel formulation and its applicability in compression ignition engineDeepak B., Mohamed Ibrahim M.WOS1759-7269
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396Detailed experimentation and prediction of thermophysical properties in lauric acid- based nanocomposite phase change material using artificial neural networkThangapandian E., Palanisamy P., Selvaraj S.K., Chadha U., Khanna M.WOS2352-1538
397Combined mixture process design approach for flexible fuel maps development of ternary blends operated gasoline enginePattanaik S., Savant A.S., Srivastava H., Jeevanantham A.K., Ramakrishnan P., Kasianantham N., Sakthivadivel D., Alaswad A., Awotwee T.WOS0957-5820
398Optimization of the effect of sinusoidal phase shift heating on mixed convective in an enclosure: LBM approachSatheesh A., Moolya S., Al Jadidi S., Kanna P.R., Taler D., Sobota T., Taler J.WOS2214-157X
399Selective laser melting of a novel 13Ni400 maraging steel: Material characterization and process optimizationPatil V.V., Mohanty C.P., Prashanth K.G.WOS2238-7854
400Investigation on the effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in carbon fiber- reinforced epoxy composites manufactured using vacuum infusion process and hand layup process followed by vacuum baggingVarghese A.S., Sreekanth M.S.WOS0272-8397
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410Improvised energy management control through neuro-fuzzy based adaptive ECMS approach for an optimal battery utilization in non-plugin parallel hybrid electric vehicleRajasekar V., Ashok B.WOS0954-4062
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419A review on the recent applications of synthetic biopolymers in 3D printing for biomedical applicationsS S., R G A.P., Bajaj G., John A.E., Chandran S., Kumar V.V., Ramakrishna S.WOS1573-4838
420Tribocorrosion in biomaterials and control techniques: a reviewPuthillam U., Selvam R.E.WOS0334-6005
421A state-of-the-art review on advancements in phase change material encapsulation techniques for electronics coolingVenkatakrishnan P., Palanisamy P.WOS1402-4896


Sl NoTitle of paperName of the author/sIndexed In Scopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1A comprehensive review on the current trends, challenges and future prospects for sustainable mobilityJeyaseelan T., Ekambaram P., Subramanian J., Shamim T.WOS1364-0321
2Combined effects of composite thermal energy storage and magnetic field to enhance productivity in solar desalinationDsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Arulvel S., Anil Kumar V., Davies P.A., Arunkumar T., Sathyamurthy R., Kabeel A.E., Anand Vishwanath M., Sai Charan Reddy D., Dutta A., Agrawal M., Vilas Hiwarkar V.WOS0960-1481
3Building glass retrofitting strategies in hot and dry climates: Cost savings on cooling, diurnal lighting, color rendering, and payback timeframesShaik S., Maduru V.R., Kontoleon K.J., Ar c M., Gorantla K., Afzal A.WOS0360-5442
4Integration of artificial neural network, multi-objective genetic algorithm and phenomenological combustion modelling for effective operation of biodiesel blends in an automotive engineRajkumar S., Das A., Thangaraja J.WOS0360-5443
5State of art of valorising of diverse potential feedstocks for the production of alcohols and ethers: Current changes and perspectivesShenbagamuthuraman V., Patel A., Khanna S., Banerjee E., Parekh S., Karthick C., Ashok B., Velvizhi G., Nanthagopal K., Ong H.C.WOS0045-6535
6Multi-scale strengthening of co-cure joints through multiwall carbon nanotube modified adhesive and GFRP pinsDhilipkumar T., Rajesh M.WOS2452-2139
7Design and validation of additive manufactured catalytic converter for the control of regulated and unregulated emissions of a gasohol fuelled spark ignition engineSathish Sharma G., Sugavaneswaran M., Prakash R.WOS0016-2361
8Effect of bubble coalescence on two- phase flow boiling heat transfer in raccoon microchannel – A numerical studyBhuva V.J., Jani J.P., Patel A., Tiwari N.WOS0017-9310
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11Performance analysis of a novel thermal energy storage integrated solar dryer for drying of coconutsRadhakrishnan Govindan G., Sattanathan M., Muthiah M., Ranjitharamasamy S.P., Athikesavan M.M.WOS0944-1344
12The Impacts of Psychological Distress on Life Satisfaction and Wellbeing of the Indian General Population During the First and Second Waves of COVID- 19: A Comparative StudyLathabhavan R., Sudevan S.WOS1557-1874
13Effect of heat treatment on fatigue behaviour of stir-cast EV31A magnesium alloySomasundaram M., Narendrakumar U., Raja Annamalai A.WOS0167-577X
14An impact of emulsified cottonseed biodiesel with Nano additives on low heat rejection engineKautkar N.U., Premkartikkumar S.R.WOS1387-585X
15A critical evaluation of additive blended cashew nut shell liquid blended biodiesel performance in compression ignition engineSenthilkumar N., Raj P., Ranjitha J., Muniappan A.WOS1387-585X
16Scaling-up heterotrophic cultures of C. Pyrenoidosa microalgae for sustainable synthesis of low-density biodiesel mixtures and predict CI engine behavior at optimal proportionsJacob A., Ashok B., Ong H.C., Le P.T.K.WOS1387-585X
17Effect of manufacturing processes and multi-walled carbon nanotube loading on mechanical and dynamic properties of glass fiber reinforced compositesDhilipkumar T., Rajesh M.WOS1548-0569
18Influence of manufacturing process and GFRP pin loading on shear and dynamic behaviour of composite jointsDhilipkumar T., Rajesh M.WOS1545-5823
19Influence of heating modes on the microstructural and dielectric properties of calcium copper titanium oxide (CaCu3Ti4O12/CCTO) using conventional and microwave sinteringEvangeline T.G., Annamalai A.R.WOS0957-4522
20Numerical prediction of the operating point for the cryogenic twin-screw hydrogen extruder systemVerma S.K., Gupta V., Mukherjee S.S., Gangradey R., Srinivasan R., Arumugam S.K., Ravi Kumar P.S.WOS0011-2275
21Electropulsing-induced plastic deformation in an interstitial free steelRaut P., Fuloria D., Baka S., Chatterjee S., Ghosh C., Venkatramani N., Samajdar I.WOS0267-0836
22Determination of Discharge Distribution in Meandering Compound Channels Using Machine Learning TechniquesMohanta A., Pradhan A., Patra K.C.WOS1943-4774
23Effect of Compaction Pressure on the Physical, Mechanical, and Tribological Behavior of Compacted Crab Shell Particles Prepared Using Uniaxial Compaction RouteKhan M.W., Elayaperumal A., Prabhu M.S., Arulvel S.WOS1059-9495
24A Review on Machine Learning Models in Injection Molding MachinesSelvaraj S.K., Raj A., Rishikesh Mahadevan R., Chadha U., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8434
25Advances in joining technologies for the innovation of 21st century lightweight aluminium-CFRP hybrid structuresSandeep R., Natarajan A.WOS0954-4089
26A crystal plasticity based approach to establish role of grain size and crystallographic texture in the Tension Compression yield asymmetry and strain hardening behavior of a Magnesium Silver Rare Earth alloyMishra S., Khan F., Panigrahi S.K.WOS2213-9567
27A comprehensive review on mechanical and surface characteristics of composites reinforced with coated fibresArulvel S., Mallikarjuna Reddy D., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Akinaga T.WOS2468-0230
28A Cutting-Edge Survey of Tribological Behavior Evaluation Using Artificial and Computational Intelligence ModelsSelvaraj S.K., Raj A., Dharnidharka M., Chadha U., Sachdeva I., Kapruan C., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8434
29Recent Advancements in the Field of Ni-Based SuperalloysSelvaraj S.K., Sundaramali G., Jithin Dev S., Srii Swathish R., Karthikeyan R., Vijay Vishaal K.E., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8435
30Thermal Comfort Optimization in an Electric VehicleJose S.S., Chidambaram R.K.SCOPUS0392-8764
31Wear Based Lifetime Estimation of a Clutch Facing using Coupled Field AnalysisKulkarni A., Mahale R., Kannan C.SCOPUS2229-8649
33Finite Element and Experimental Analysis of Residual Stresses in Electron Beam Welded Nickel-Based SuperalloysSaju T., Velu M.SCOPUS2642-2085
34Design optimisation and development of thresher machine using artificial intelligence and machine learningWarghane R.S., Pillai R.E.SCOPUS1755-9758
35Model-based injector control map development to improve CRDi engine performance and emissions for eucalyptus biofuelAshok B., Usman K.M., Vignesh R., Umar U.A.WOS0360-5442
36Insights into the surface and biocompatibility aspects of laser shock peened Ti-22Nb alloy for orthopedic implant applicationsVishnu J., Ansheed A.R., Hameed P., Praveenkumar K., Pilz S., Andrea Alberta L., Swaroop S., Calin M., Gebert A., Manivasagam G.WOS0169-4332
37A framework for the sustainability implications of 3D bioprinting through nature-inspired materials and structuresWhenish R., Ramakrishna S., Jaiswal A.K., Manivasagam G.WOS2096-5524
38Circular economy adoption challenges in medical waste management for sustainable development: An empirical studyKandasamy J., Kinare Y.P., Pawar M.T., Majumdar A., K.E.K. V., Agrawal R.WOS1099-1719
39A review of techniques for increasing the productivity of passive solar stillsChaurasiya P.K., Rajak U., Singh S.K., Nath Verma T., Sharma V.K., Kumar A., Shende V.WOS2213-1388
40Additive manufacturing of dental material parts via laser melting deposition: A review, technical issues, and future research directionsSelvaraj S.K., Prasad S.K., Yasin S.Y., Subhash U.S., Verma P.S., Manikandan M., Dev S.J.WOS1526-6125
41Production of biodiesel from phoenix sylvestris oil: Process optimisation techniqueVaidya G., Nalla B.T., Sharma D.K., Thangaraja J., Devarajan Y., Sorakka Ponnappan V.WOS2352-5541
42Thermo-hydraulic and entropy generation investigation of nano-encapsulated phase change material (NEPCM) slurry in hybrid wavy microchannelDoshi S., Kashyap G., Tiwari N.WOS0961-5539
43Proactive Maintenance Model Using Reinforcement Learning Algorithm in Rubber IndustrySenthil C., Pandian R.S.WOS2227-9717
44An experimental and modelling analysis of cloud droplet growth from vehicular emissions with non-ideal microphysics over an Asian mega-cityGumber S., Ghosh S.WOS1530-261X
45A Comparative Analysis by Experimental Investigations on Normal and Ground Ultrafine Mineral Admixtures in Arresting Permeation in High-Strength ConcreteKarthikeyan B., Selvaraj S.K., Dhinakaran G., Sundaramali G., Muthuswamy N., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8086
46Friction stir welding of dissimilar alloy combinations A ReviewShivaKumar G.N., Rajamurugan G.WOS0954-4062
47Phase Change Materials in Metal Casting Processes: A Critical Review and Future PossibilitiesChadha U., Selvaraj S.K., Pant H., Arora A., Shukla D., Sancheti I., Chadha A., Srivastava D., Khanna M., Ram Kishore S., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8434
48Performance of air plasma sprayed Cr3C2-25NiCr and NiCrMoNb coated X8CrNiMoVNb16-13 alloy subjected to high temperature corrosion environmentSubramani P., Sathishkumar M., Manikandan M., Selvaraj S.K., Sreenivasulu V., Arivazhagan N., Rajkumar S.WOS2053-1591
49Exploring Casting Defects of AA7075 Alloy in the Gravity Die Casting Simulation of an IC Engine BlockAneesh T., Pawan K., Mohan L., Hari Krishna P., Hotta T.K., Mohanty C.P., Gupta M.WOS0954-4089
50A review of the function of using carbon nanomaterials in membrane filtration for contaminant removal from wastewaterChadha U., Selvaraj S.K., Vishak Thanu S., Cholapadath V., Abraham A.M., Zaiyan M M., Manoharan M., Paramsivam V.WOS2053-1591
51Irreversibility analysis of various components in a supercritical thermal power plantKumar G.N., Gundabattini E.WOS1742-8297
52Performance optimization of preheated palm oil-diesel blends using integrated response surface methodology and analysis of varianceNagaraja S., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D.SCOPUS1878-8181
53Modelling the strategies for improving maturity and resilience in medical oxygen supply chain through digital technologiesK.E.K V., Nadeem S.P., Meledathu Sunil S., Suresh G., Sanjeev N., Kandasamy J.SCOPUS2398-5364
54Simulation and experimental study on effect of surface residual stresses in dry orthogonal micro turning sampleKiran B., Nagaraju D.SCOPUS1448-4846
55Experimental investigation of methane gas generation using textile effluentsSathish S., Vijay Samuel G., Balaji K., John Presin Kumar A.SCOPUS2162-8246
56Advances in materials and fabrication of separators in supercapacitorsAhankari S., Lasrado D., Subramaniam R.SCOPUS2633-5409
57Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Current ProgressRajagopal S., Pulapparambil Vallikkattil R., Mohamed Ibrahim M., Velev D.G.SCOPUS2410-3896
58Performance evaluation of 3D printing technologies: a review, recent advances, current challenges, and future directionsChadha U., Abrol A., Vora N.P., Tiwari A., Shanker S.K., Selvaraj S.K.SCOPUS2363-9512
59Influence of post-injection parameters on the performance of continuous regeneration trap to mitigate greenhouse gas and particulate emissions from CI engineJacob A., Ashok B., Usman K.M., Kulla D.M.WOS0360-5442
60Towards motion planning of humanoids using a fuzzy embedded neural network approachMuni M.K., Parhi D.R., Kumar P.B., Sahu C., Kumar S.WOS1568-4946
61Enhancement of biofuel engine characteristics through cyclic variation and multi-variate effect of split injection parametersVignesh R., Ashok B.WOS0016-2361
62Impact of exhaust gas recirculation and split injection strategy combustion behavior on premixed charge compression ignition engine fuelled with moringa oleifera methyl esterRamalingam S., Babu D., Santhoshkumar A., Deepakkumar R., Ravikanth D.WOS0016-2361
63Split injection strategies based RCCI combustion analysis with waste cooking oil biofuel and methanol in an open ECU assisted CRDI engineGanesan N., Viswanathan K., Karthic S.V., Ekambaram P., Wu W., Vo D.-V.N.WOS0016-2361
64Production of Chlorella pyrenoidosa biodiesel by heterotrophic pathway to improve CI engine output characteristics using statistical approachesJacob A., Ashok B., Usman K.M.WOS0957-5820
65Selective laser melting of Al Si 10Mg alloy: microstructural studies and mechanical properties assessmentAshwath P., Xavior M.A., Batako A., Jeyapandiarajan P., Joel J.WOS2238-7854
66Analysing the drivers for adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in a functional paper cement sugar circular sharing networkVimal K.E.K., Churi K., Kandasamy J.WOS2352-5509
67Experimental based comparative exergy analysis of a spark-ignition Honda GX270 Genset engine fueled with LPG and syngasGanesan N., Sahoo B.B., Ekambaram P., Elumalai P.V., Samuel O.D., Enweremadu C.C., Afzal A., Saleel C.A.WOS2050-0505
68Influence of aspect ratio on the wake dynamics of a pitching wingVineeth V.K., Patel D.K.WOS1070-6631
69Facile eco-friendly synthesis of rare- earth cobaltite-based perovskite nanostructures as electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reactionNandhakumar E., Selvakumar P., Sasikumar A., Prem kumar M., Vivek E., Kamatchi R.WOS0167-577X
70Fatigue and corrosion resistance of low modulus Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta-0.35O beta Ti alloy for orthopedic implant applicationsVishnu J., Manivasagam G., Rao N., Rack H.J.WOS2352-4928
71Numerical and experimental investigations of novel nature inspired open lattice cellular structures for enhanced stiffness and specific energy absorptionDara A., Bahubalendruni M.A.R., Johnney Mertens A., Balamurali G.WOS2352-4928
72Floating PVs in Terms of Power Generation, Environmental Aspects, Market Potential, and ChallengesCuce E., Cuce P.M., Saboor S., Ghosh A., Sheikhnejad Y.WOS2071-1050
73Experimental and numerical study of transverse shear modulus for bioinspired glass fiber-reinforced polymer sandwich coreGunasegeran M., Sudhagar P. E.WOS0272-8397
74Investigation of physical, flexural, and dynamic mechanical properties of alumina and graphene nanoplatelets filled epoxy nanocompositesKesavulu A., Mohanty A.WOS0272-8397
75Investigations into the Combined Effect of Mahua Biodiesel Blends and Biogas in a Dual Fuel EngineKshatriya A.S., Tiwari P., Sreekanth M., Yunus Khan T.M., Khadar S.D.A., Mansour M., Feroskhan M.WOS1996-1073
76Quick Predictions of Onset Times and Rain Amounts from Monsoon Showers over Urban Built EnvironmentsGumber S., Ghosh S.WOS2073-4433
77Crack detection methodology in rotor bearing system by DWT based adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemsBabu Rao K., Mallikarjuna Reddy D.WOS0003-682X
78The Effects of Electroless Ni P- Coated SiC and Al2O3 on Wear Behaviour and Thermal Stability of AMMCsChandrasekar P., Nagaraju D.WOS2191-4281
79On the importance of non-ideal sulphate processing of multi- component aerosol haze over urban areasGumber S., Ghosh S., Bera S., Prabhakaran T.V.WOS0177-7971
80Residual Stress Distribution, Phase Transformation, and Wettability Characteristics of Laser Peened Austenitic Stainless SteelPraveenkumar K., Swaroop S., Manivasagam G.WOS1059-9495
81The Effect of Electroless Ni P-Coated Al2O3 on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Scrap Al Alloy MMCsChandrasekar P., Nagaraju D.WOS1939-5981
82Performance analysis of nano- refrigerants used in the vapor compression refrigeration system using MATLAB-SimulinkKatoch A., Razak F.A., Suresh A., BS B., Gundabattini E.WOS0954-4062
83Complex Nanomaterials in Catalysis for Chemically Significant Applications: From Synthesis and Hydrocarbon Processing to Renewable Energy ApplicationsChadha U., Selvaraj S.K., Ashokan H., Hariharan S.P., Mathew Paul V., Venkatarangan V., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-8442
84Hot corrosion behaviour of constant and pulsed current welded Hastelloy X in Na2SO4, V2O5, and NaCl salt mixture at 900 °CSathishkumar M., Manikandan M., Arivazhagan N., Arulmurugan B., Kumaran Selvaraj S., Vignesh M., Rajakumar S., Rajkumar S.WOS2053-1591
85Performance analysis of lauric acid embedded with nanoparticles as phase change materials in heat transfer applicationsElangovan T., Palanisamy P.WOS0954-4089
86Nanomaterials for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applications: A ReviewTiwari A., Tiwari A., Bhatia A., Chadha U., Kandregula S., Selvaraj S.K., Bhardwaj P.WOS1793-2920
87Critical analysis on the implementation barriers and consumer perception toward future electric mobilityChidambaram K., Ashok B., Vignesh R., Deepak C., Ramesh R., Narendhra T.M.V., Muhammad Usman K., Kavitha C.WOS0954-4070
88Numerical study of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in dry microburst environment using large eddy simulation (LES) modelSomashekar V., Immanuel Selwynraj A.WOS22667
89Effect of Rhenium and Gadolinium Additions on the Mechanical Properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Sintered Through Spark Plasma SinteringSrikanth M., Siva T., Annamalai A.R.WOS1573-9325
90Advantages of Taguchi Method compared to Response Surface Methodology for achieving the Best Surface Finish in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM)Kandala A.V.U.K., Solomon D.G., Arulraj J.J.SCOPUS1823-5514
91General practice to enhance bast fiber composite properties for state of art applications-A ReviewKrishnasamy P., Rajamurugan G., Muralidharan B., Krishnaiah R.SCOPUS2631-8695
92Graphene and g-C3N4-Based Gas SensorsKotbi A., Imran M., Kaja K., Rahaman A., Ressami E.M., Lejeune M., Lakssir B., Jouiad M.SCOPUS1475-7435
93Studies on Parameters affecting Flow Behaviour of High-Concentration Ash Slurry: Effect of a Natural Drag reducing Agent on Pumping Power during Pipeline TransportationSenapati S., Mohanty A.SCOPUS2250-0545
94Polymer dispersed liquid crystal retrofitted smart switchable glazing: Energy saving, diurnal illumination, and CO2 mitigation prospectiveShaik S., Nundy S., Maduru V.R., Ghosh A., Afzal A.WOS0959-6526
95Biofuel powered engine characteristics improvement through split injection parameter multivariate optimization with titanium based nano- particle additivesSathish Kumar T, Ashok B., Senthil Kumar M., Vignesh R., Saiteja P., Ramachandra Bhat Hire K., Harshal Tote M., Pandey R., Jadhav A., Gupta A., Rastogi D., Ayyasamy T.WOS0016-2361
96Precise prediction of performance and emission of a waste derived Biogas Biodiesel powered Dual Fuel engine using modern ensemble Boosted regression Tree: A critique to Artificial neural networkSharma P, Sahoo B.B.WOS0016-2361
97Evaluation of performance, emissions and combustion attributes of CI engine using palmyra biodiesel blend with distinct compression ratios, EGR rates and nano-particlesPerumalla Vijaya Kumar, Ashok B., Kumar M.S., Vignesh R., Bhasker J.P., Kumar A.N.WOS0016-2361
98Building energy analysis using EC and PDLC based smart switchable window in OmanChidubem Iluyemi D., Nundy S., Shaik S., Tahir A., Ghosh A.WOS0038-092X
99Synergistic effect of post injection and CART unit in extenuating Tail-Pipe pollutants in CI engine using C. pyrenoidosa microalgae biodieselJacob A, Ashok B., Muhammad Usman K., Bupesh Raja V.K., Jino L.WOS2213-1388
100Numerical analysis and machine learning for battery thermal performance cooled with different fluidsAfzal A., Kumar R., Jilte R.D., Samee M., Shaik S., Abdul Razak R.K., Manokar A.M., Saleel C.A.WOS0363-907X
101Planar perovskite solar cells: Plasmonic nanoparticles-modified ZnO as an electron transport layer for enhancing the device performance and stability at ambient conditionsEswaramoorthy N., Rajaram K.WOS0363-907X
102Experimental investigation of erosion corrosion performance and slurry erosion mechanism of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co coatings using design of experiment approachRibu D.C., Rajesh R., Thirumalaikumarasamy D., Kaladgi A.R., Saleel C.A., Nisar K.S., Shaik S., Afzal A.WOS2238-7854
103Instability attenuation and bifurcation studies of a non-ideal rotor involving time-delayed feedbackDasgupta S.S.WOS0924-090X
104Vibration and tribological behaviour of flax/wire mesh/hemp composite reinforced with WCFC particlesSingh C Q.J., Rajamurugan G.WOS1526-6125
105Vibration analysis of composite exhaust manifold for diesel engine using CFDRamesh Kumar R., Razak A., Alshahrani S., Sharma A., Thakur D., Shaik S., Saleel C.A., Afzal A.WOS2214-157X
106Ultrasonication time optimization for multi-walled carbon nanotube based Therminol-55 nanofluid: an experimental investigationKumar P.G., Prabakaran R., Sakthivadivel D., Somasundaram P., Vigneswaran V.S., Kim S.C.WOS0022-5215
107Effect of Prosopis Juliflora Thorns on Mechanical Properties of Plastic Waste Reinforced Epoxy CompositesGanapathy S.B., Sakthivel A.R., Sultan M.T.H., Shahar F.S., Shah A.U.M., Khan T., Sebaey T.A.WOS2073-4360
108Energy and environmental analysis of a solar evacuated tube heat pipe integrated thermoelectric generator using IoTManivannan S.P.,( TRA- 16771) Gunasekaran D.L.,(TRA -17209) Jaganathan G., Natesan S., Muthusamy S.M., Kim S.C., Kumar B., Poongavanam G.K., Duraisamy S.WOS0944-1344
109A review on ferrofluids with the effect of MHD and entropy generation due to convective heat transferDevi N.R., Moolya S., Öztop H.F., Abu- Hamdeh N., Padmanathan P., Satheesh A.WOS2190-5444
110Performance Analysis of Three Side Roughened Solar Air Heater: A Preliminary InvestigationBehura A.K., Mohanty C.P., Singh M.R., Kumar A., Linul E., Rajak D.K.WOS1996-1944
111Comparative Analysis on Dehumidification Performance of KCOOH LiCl Hybrid Liquid Desiccant Air-Conditioning System: An Energy- Saving ApproachKumar K., Singh A., Shaik S., Saleel C.A., Aabid A., Baig M.WOS2071-1050
112Free and forced vibration analysis of 3D printed bioinspired sandwich beam using HSDT: Numerical and experimental studyGunasegeran M., (TRA- 16766) Edwin Sudhagar P.WOS0272-8397
113Biosynthesis of Amyl Alcohol From Scenedesmus quadricauda Microalgae for Light Commercial Vehicle Compression Ignition Engine Using Prediction ModelsJacob A., (TRA- 16066) Ashok B.WOS0195-0738
114Bioinspired Techniques in Freeze Casting: A Survey of Processes, Current Advances, and Future DirectionsChadha U., Selvaraj S.K., Ravinuthala A.K., Maddini Y., Arasu K., Yadav S., Kumari O., Pant S., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-9422
115Influence of glass fibre reinforced polymer composite pin reinforcement on shear and dynamic behaviour of composite joint manufactured through co-cure techniqueDhilipkumar T., (TRA-16639) Rajesh M.WOS0021-9983
116Prevalence of Thanatophobia and Necrophobia in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic Due to Black Fungus InfectionsShekhar S.K., Jose T.P.WOS0033-2747
117Fault Diagnosis in Bevel Gearbox Using Coiflet Wavelet and Fault Classification Based on ANN Including DNNBabu T.N., Ali P.S.N., Prabha D.R., Mohammed V.N., Wahab R.S., Vijayalakshmi S.WOS2193-567X
118An optimization-based identification study of cylindrical floating ring journal bearing system in automotive turbochargersMutra R.R., Srinivas J.WOS0025-6455
119Machining of Y2O3 reinforced magnesium rare earth alloys using wire electrical discharge turning processVignesh M., Ramanujam R., Parande G., Gupta M.WOS1091-0344
120Influence of process parameters and its effects on friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminium alloy and its composites a reviewUday K.N., (TRA-16643) Rajamurugan G.WOS0169-4243
121Surface and subsurface investigation of Al-Mg-MoS2composite on performing wire electrical discharge machiningSenthil Kumar S., Sudhakara Pandian R., Pitchipoo P., Narayanasamy P., Senthilkumar T.S.WOS2051-672X
122In-Situ Surface Roughness Evaluation of Surfaces Machined with EDM by Image ProcessingAli J.M., Jailani H.S., Murugan M.WOS1573-4862
123Effect of Passive Flow Control Devices on Base Pressure for Mach Numbers Between 0.5 and 1.4Jayaprakash Narayan M., Chutkey K., Sri Raghu R., Verma S.B.WOS0098-2202
124Steady-State and Bifurcation Analysis of Nonlinear Jumps in a Non-ideal Rotor System Using Magnetorheological Fluid DampersJha A.K., (TRA- 15661) Dasgupta S.S.WOS2523-3920
125A Review on the Role of Tunable Q- Factor Wavelet Transform in Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element BearingsAnwarsha A.,(TRA- 19PHD0258) Narendiranath Babu T.WOS2523-3920
126Influence of hot corrosion on pulsed current gas tungsten arc weldment of aerospace-grade 80A alloy exposed to high temperature aggressive environmentSubramani P., Arivazhagan N., Selvaraj S.K., Mancin S., Manikandan M.SCOPUS2706-9885
127Yaw Stability Analysis of a Tractor Semitrailer Using Yaw Plane ModelArjunkumar, Paramhans R., Palanivelu S.SCOPUS0975-3060
128Taguchi optimization of process parameters used for improving tribological behaviour of graphene nanoparticle dispersed nanolubricantRaghavulu K.V.,(TRA-13976) Govindha Rasu N.SCOPUS2631-8695
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130Anisotropy of Additively Manufactured Co-28Cr-6Mo Influences Mechanical Properties and Biomedical PerformanceAcharya S., Gopal V., Gupta S.K., Nilawar S., Manivasagam G., Suwas S., Chatterjee K.WOS1944-8244
131Coupling wastewater valorization with sustainable biofuel production: Comparison of lab- and pilot-scale biomass yields of Chlorella sorokiniana grown in wastewater under photoautotrophic and mixotrophic conditionsQurat-ul-Ain, Javid A., Ali S., Hasan A., Senthilkumar N., Ranjitha J., Hussain A.WOS0045-6535
132Lotus seedpods biochar decorated molybdenum disulfide for portable, flexible, outdoor and inexpensive sensing of hyperinRao L., Zhu Y., Duan Z., Xue T., Duan X., Wen Y., Kumar A.S., Zhang W., Xu J., Hojjati-Najafabadi A.WOS0045-6536
133Enhancement of engine characteristics through zirconium nano particle addition and split injection parameter optimization for the adaptability of eucalyptus biofuel in diesel engineSathish Kumar T., (TRA- 16783) Ashok B., Senthilkumar M., Saiteja P(TRA-13339)., Vignesh R (TRA – )., Karthick C (TRA-16423)., Nithin P.S., Durairaj K., Saju N., Agarwal C., Bhutani S., Gadwe J.WOS0016-2361
134Progress on compatibility issues of alcohols on automotive materials: Kinetics, challenges and future prospects- a comprehensive reviewMuthuraman V.S (TRA-17222)., Patel A., Shreya V., Vaidyanathan A., Reshwanth K.N.G.L., Karthick C (TRA-16423)., Jacqueline P.J., Jan G ca M., Ashok B., Sivagami K., Nanthagopal K.WOS0957-5820
135Application of machine learning and Box- Behnken design in optimizing engine characteristics operated with a dual-fuel mode of algal biodiesel and waste- derived biogasSharma P., Sahoo B.B., Said Z., Hadiyanto H., Nguyen X.P., Ni eti S., Huang Z., Hoang A.T., Li C.WOS0360-3199
136An ANFIS-RSM based modeling and multi- objective optimization of syngas powered dual-fuel engineSharma P., Sahoo B.B.WOS0360-3200
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140Green microalgal strain Chlorella vulgaris isolated from industrial wastewater with remediation capacityRajivgandhi G., Ramachandran G., Chelliah C.K., Maruthupandy M., Quero F., S V., AL- Mekhlafi F.A., Wadaan M.A., Ranjitha J., Li W.-J.WOS2352-1864
141Statistical analysis of fuidized dense phase conveying of fine particlesJS S (TRA-13618)., Behera N.WOS0032-5910
142A neem oil-based biodiesel with DEE enriched ethanol and Al2O3nano additive: An experimental investigation on the diesel engine performanceSakthivadivel D., Ganesh Kumar P., Prabakaran R., Vigneswaran V.S., Nithyanandhan K., Kim S.C.WOS2214-157X
143Time domain and frequency domain of coated milling inserts using FFT spectrumTamiloli N., Venkatesan J., Raja Raghu Vamsi Krishna P., Sampath Kumar T.WOS1042-6914
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148Navigational strategy of a biped robot using regression-adaptive PSO approachSahu C., Parhi D.R.WOS1432-7643
149Evaluation of Microstructure, Residual Stress, and Mechanical Properties in Different Planes of Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Nickel-Based SuperalloyKumar M.D.B(TRA – 16776)., Manikandan M.WOS1598-9623
150Real-Time testing of novel robust digital pitch controller for digital hydraulic pitch system in wind turbineNarayanan V.L., Ramakrishnan R., Rengaswamy R.WOS1556-7036
151Investigation of Dual Pass Inclined Oscillating Bed Solar Dryer for Drying of Non-Parboiled Paddy GrainsArul G.P., Thulasi S., Kumar P., Arunprasad V., Shaik S., Abbas M., Rajendran P., Khan S.A., Saleel C.A.WOS2071-1050
152Assessment of the Thermo-Hydraulic Efficiency of an Indoor-Designed Jet Impingement Solar Thermal Collector Roughened with Single Discrete Arc- Shaped RibsKumar R., Cuce E., Kumar S., Thapa S., Gupta P., Goel B., Saleel C.A., Shaik S.WOS2071-1051
153Tool life and surface integrity characteristics in milling of SLM and C&W inconel 718 in dry and MQL conditionPeriane Natarajan S., Vaudreuil S., Chibane H., Morandeau A., Xavior M.A., Cormier J., Leroy R., Duchosal A.WOS0268-3768
154Prediction of influences of size and locations of delamination on dynamic characteristics of laminated composite plate using particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networkArun Kumar K (TRA-14461)., Arumugam A.B., Mallikarjuna Reddy D., Edwin Sudhagar P., Anbumani P., Kassa M.K., Agarwal D.WOS1548-0569
155Resilience strategies to recover from the cascading ripple effect in a copper supply chain through project managementK.E.K V., Nadeem S.P., Ravichandran M., Ethirajan M (TRA-14802)., Kandasamy J.WOS1936-9735
156Partial Substitution of Binding Material by Bentonite Clay (BC) in Concrete: A ReviewAhmad J., Kontoleon K.J., Al-Mulali M.Z., Shaik S., Ouni M.H.E., El-Shorbagy M.A.WOS2075-5309
157Structural-Acoustic Response Analysis of Variable Stiffness Laminates with Inherent Material DampingGunasekaran V., Gulhane S., Gupta S., Pitchaimani J., Rajamohan V., Manickam G.WOS0219-4554
158Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Bamboo and Coconut Fiber with Epoxy Hybrid Polymer CompositeRaman V.V., Kumar P.S., Sunagar P., Bommanna K., Vezhavendhan R., Bhattacharya S., Prabhu S.V., Sasikumar B.WOS0730-6679
159Review on the advancements and relevance of emerging joining techniques for aluminium to polymers/carbon fibre- reinforced polymer lightweight hybrid structuresAdarsh S.J (TRA-16782)., Natarajan A.WOS1464-4207
160Investigation of graphene nanoplatelets- deposited textured metal matrix composite plates for improved mechanical properties: a numerical approachSinghal M., Jain A., Thomas B., Swain A.WOS1678-5878
161Influence of filler content and surface modification on physical and mechanical properties of epoxy/walnut shell particulate compositesShejkar S.K., Agrawal B., Agrawal A., Gupta G., Pati P.R.WOS0169-4243
162Review – Chemical Structures and Stability of Carbon-doped Graphene Nanomaterials and the Growth Temperature of Carbon Nanomaterials Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition for Electrochemical Catalysis ReactionsChadha U., Sinha S., Jonna J., Goswami M., Ghani H., Nair K., Pandey N., Kataray T., Selvaraj S.K., Bhardwaj P., Banavoth M., Sonar P.WOS2162-8769
163Characterization of Welded Joints of Dissimilar Nickel-Based Superalloys by Electron Beam and Rotary Friction WeldingSaju T(TRA-16637)., Velu M.WOS1059-9495
164A thermophysical modelling of electric discharge coating processKumaran V., Muralidharan B.WOS0954-4062
165Experimental and Mathematical Studies for Optimality of GTAW Parameters on Similar and Dissimilar Steel SubstratesKiran B., Nagaraju D., Selvaraj S.K., Molla B.WOS1687-8434
166Experimental Investigation of Sorghum Stalk and Sugarcane Bagasse Hybrid Composite for ParticleboardAdefris Legesse A., Desalegn D., Selvaraj S.K., Paramasivam V., Chadha U.WOS1687-8435
167A novel nature inspired 3D open lattice structure for specific energy absorptionAshok D., Raju Bahubalendruni M.V.A., Johnney Mertens A., Balamurali G.WOS2041-3009
168Mental Health Concerns of Dowry Harassment Survivors in India: A Multi- Level Mixed Method StudyLathabhavan R., Joy G.V., Sudevan S.WOS1532-5024
169Computational study of combined effects of tip leakage jets and wetness on the performance of steam turbine exhaust system using actuator disc modelSadasivan S., Arumugam S.K., Aggarwal M.C.WOS1468-4349
170Austempering of PM HSS ASP2030 for improved fracture toughnessFirouzi A., Yazdani S., Tavangar R., Shakerifard B., Mohammad F.K.WOS2271-3646
171Aerodynamic study of low Reynolds number airfoil and mini-unmanned aerial vehicle in simulated rain environmentV S (TRA-14747)., A I.S.WOS0002-2667
172Dental composite resin: a review of major mechanical properties, measurements and its influencing factors [Zahnmedizinischer Kompositharz: Eine Übersicht über wesentliche mechanische Eigenschaften, Messungen und ihre beeinflussenden Faktoren]Suryawanshi A (TRA-17PHD0269)., Behera N.WOS1521-4052
173Machinability of Titanium alloy 6242 by AWJM through Taguchi methodPerumal A., Kailasanathan C., Wilson V.H., Sampath Kumar T., Stalin B., Rajkumar P.R.SCOPUS2214-7853
174Experimental Modal Analysis of Radiator Fan Module to Predict its Influence of Structural Characteristics on Vibration and Noise ContributionVenugopal K., Halder P., Susarla V., Palanivelu S.SCOPUS1735-9244
175A Survey of Applications of MFC and Recent Progress of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques and Applications, with competing fuel cellsGyaneshwar A., Selvaraj S.K., Ghimire T., Mishra S.J., Gupta S., Chadha U., Manoharan M., Paramasivam V.SCOPUS2631-8695
176Enhancing the energy efficiency of a supercritical thermal power plant through improved plant load factor, and optimized performance of auxiliary equipmentGavirineni N.K (TRA-14PHD0278)., Gundabattini E.SCOPUS1755-7437
177A computational investigation for the impact of particle size on the mechanical and thermal properties of teak wood dust (TWD) filled polyester compositesPradhan P., Purohit A., Sangita Mohapatra S., Subudhi C., Das M., Ku Singh N., Bhusan Sahoo B.SCOPUS2214-7853
178Application of integrated environmentally failure modes and effects analysis and environmentally conscious quality function deployment for sustainable product designVimal K.E.K., Mathiyazhagan K., Manojkummar M., Rajyalakshmi G., Rajan A.J., Kandasamy J.SCOPUS1758-9398
179Investigation on elevation of sloshing liquid in the square tank under excitation using CFD and RSMBageerathan T., Rajagopal T.K.R.SCOPUS1466-2132
180Investigating the effect of carbon tax on sharing network participationK.E.K V., Raja S., Yendeti V.S.P(17BME0457)., Kancharla A(17BME0828)., Kandasamy J.SCOPUS1746-5664
181qA review of Thermal, Physical, electrical properties of spider silk and their experimental setupsMaithani A(18BME0775)., Sahni I(17BME0899)., Joshi V.V.SCOPUS2214-7855
182Comparative studies on weldability and mechanical characteristics of semi- killed steel using different arc welding techniqueMuthukumaran N., Kathiresan G., Shree Raam M.N., Chandru G., Dineshkumar S., Chiranjeevi K., Rajkumar S., Manikandan M., Arulmurugan B.SCOPUS2214-7855
183Experimental Study of an Eco-friendly Turning Process of Nimonic 75 Combining Minimum Quantity Lubrication and Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Enhanced Neem and Jatropha Oil NanofluidsKannan V.SCOPUS2250-0545
184Development of SS 304L composite coatings on mild steel substrate using friction surfacing and wear characterizationRajoria V(18BME0022)., Nain G(18BME0692)., Vijayan S., Prasad C.H., Damodaram R., Karthik G.M., Khan F.SCOPUS2214-7855
185Physical and mechanical characterization of marble Dust/Wheat straw fiber filled polymer compositesGirge A., Goel V(18BME0708)., Amish A (18BME0694)., Gupta G.SCOPUS2214-7855
186Additive Manufacturing of Supercapacitor Electrodes-Materials, Methods and DesignNargatti K., Ahankari S.SCOPUS1013-9826
187Improvements on hot corrosion behaviour of HVOF coated CO2laser beam and pulsed gas tungsten arc weldments in 2.5% sulphur gas plus molten salt in industrial waste incinerator environmentRoshith P., Arivarasu M.SCOPUS2631-8695
188Advances in forward osmosis (FO) technology for enhanced efficiency and output: A critical reviewDsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Kapoor V., Arulvel S., Davies P.A.SCOPUS0959-6526
189Study on interactive effects of CRDi engine operating parameters through RSM based multi-objective optimization technique for biofuel applicationSaiteja P., Ashok B.SCOPUS0360-5442
190Application of statistical approaches in IC engine calibration to enhance the performance and emission Characteristics: A methodological reviewSathish Kumar T(TRA-16783)., Vignesh R., Ashok B., Saiteja P., Jacob A(TRA-16066)., Karthick C(TRA-18943)., Jeevanantham A.K., Senthilkumar M., Muhammad Usman K.SCOPUS0016-2361
191Investigation on the thermal management of solar photo voltaic cells cooled by phase change materialSheik M.A., Aravindan M.K., Beemkumar N., Chaurasiya P.K., Jilte R., Shaik S., Afzal A.SCOPUS2352-152X
192UV coated acrylics as a substitute for generic glazing in buildings of Indian climatic conditions: Prospective for energy savings, CO2 abatement, and visual acceptabilityRamana Maduru V., Shaik S., Cuce E., Afzal A., Panchal H., Mert Cuce P.SCOPUS0378-7788
193Phase change material incorporation techniques in building envelopes for enhancing the building thermal Comfort- A reviewSuresh C., Kumar Hotta T., Saha S.K.SCOPUS0378-7788
194A Review on Natural Plant Fiber Epoxy and Polyester Composites Coating and PerformancesMylsamy G(TRA-17202)., Krishnasamy P.WOS1544-0479
195Experimental research on waste and inedible feedstock as a partial alternate fuel: environmental protection and energy-saving initiativeS G., Munuswamy D., Subbiah G., Devarajan Y., Mishra R., Thangaraja J.WOS2190-6815
196Performance enhancement of selective layer coated on solar absorber panel with reflector for water heater by response surface method: A case studyRamesh C., Vijayakumar M., Alshahrani S., Navaneethakrishnan G., Palanisamy R., Natrayan L., Saleel C.A., Afzal A., Shaik S., Panchal H.SCOPUS2214-157X
197Dielectric properties of conventional and microwave sintered Lanthanum doped CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics for high- frequency applicationsGecil Evangeline T(TRA-17829)., Raja Annamalai A.SCOPUS0272-8842
198Dynamic characterization of tapered composite sandwich plate with honeycomb core: Numerical and experimental investigationsElangovan H(TRA-16068)., Rajamohan V.SCOPUS0263-8231
199Future refrigerants with low global warming potential for residential air conditioning system: a thermodynamic analysis and MCDM tool optimizationPrabakaran R., Sivalingam V., Kim S.C., Ganesh Kumar P., Praveen Kumar G.WOS1614-7499
200Effect of multiple laser peening on microstructural, fatigue and fretting-wear behaviour of austenitic stainless steelPraveenkumar K(19PHD0419)., Swaroop S., Manivasagam G.SCOPUS0257-8972
201Investigation of free and forced vibration of GFRP corrugated bio-inspired sandwich beam with HSDT: Numerical and experimental studyGunasegeran M (TRA-16766)., Edwin Sudhagar P.WOS1537-6494
202Stability of a laminar pipe flow subjected to a step-like increase in the flow rateKannaiyan A., Natarajan S., Vinoth B.R.WOS1070-6631
203Optimal Response Prediction of Composite Honeycomb Sandwich Plate: Theoretical and Experimental VerificationRajamohan V., Sudhagar P.E., Praveen A.P., Topal U., Panda S.K., Vo-Duy T.WOS1758-8251
204Developments in Nanoparticles Enhanced Biofuels and Solar Energy in Malaysian Perspective: A Review of State of the ArtFayaz H., Khan S.A., Saleel C.A., Shaik S., Yusuf A.A., Veza I., Fattah I.M.R., Rawi N.F.M., Asyraf M.R.M., Alarifi I.M.WOS1687-4110
205Importance of WCFC particle on the mechanical and tribological performance of flax/hemp epoxy compositeSingh C Q.J., Rajamurugan G.WOS0272-6351
206Prediction of flow mode transition in pneumatic conveying of fine particles using CFDJS S., Behera N.WOS0272-6351
207A study on microstructure and recrystallization kinetics on low deformed pure ETP copperHarshavardhana N., Sundar Singh Sivam S.P., Kumar G., Saxena A.K.WOS1464-4207
208A Cost Effective Approach to Explore the Electrical Discharge Machined Surface Characteristics of Nimonic C263 SuperalloyShastri R.K., Mohanty C.P.WOS1059-9495
209Optimization of Fused Deposition Modeling Process Parameters and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of 3D Printed Polycarbonate/Acrylonitrile- Butadiene-Styrene Composite Loaded with Tetrabromobiphenol-A and Microcrystalline CelluloseKumar M.N.V.R.L., Ramakrishnan R.WOS1059-9495
210Achieving an Optimal Balance of Strength and Elongation in AA 1050 Aluminum Alloy via Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Intermediate Annealing, and Post-RollingAhmadian P., Akbarzadeh A., Asadi P., Saxena A.K.WOS1059-9495
211Prediction of abrasive wears behavior of dental composites using an artificial neural networkSuryawanshi A.S(TRA-17PHD0269)., Behera N.WOS1025-5842
212Application of machine learning approaches to predict joint strength of friction stir welded aluminium alloy 7475 and PPS polymer hybrid jointSandeep R(TRA-16778)., Natarajan A.WOS0954-4062
213Review on latest trends in friction-based additive manufacturing techniquesVenkit H(TRA-17844)., Selvaraj S.K.WOS0954-4062
214Review on Li-Ion Battery with Battery Management System in Electrical VehicleRamkumar M.S., Reddy C.S.R., Ramakrishnan A., Raja K., Pushpa S., Jose S., Jayakumar M.WOS1687-8434
215Optimizing wear analysis of plasma sprayed Linz-Donawitz slag-Al2O3 coatings using experimental design and neural networkPati P.R., Satapathy A., Gupta G., Ray S.WOS1350-6501
216Metal additive manufacturing of commercial aerospace components A comprehensive reviewKumar G.R., Sathishkumar M., Vignesh M., Manikandan M., Rajyalakshmi G., Ramanujam R., Arivazhagan N.WOS0954-4089
217Melting and Solidification Behaviour of Some Organic Phase Change Materials Applicable to Low Temperature Heat Storage ApplicationsUma Maheswararao G., Jaya Krishna D., John B.WOS0195-928X
218Experimental and numerical study on heatwave effect over an airfoil for unmanned aerial vehicle applicationsSomashekar V (16PHD0601)., Immanuel Selwynraj A.WOS0002-2667
219Experimental investigation of turning process parameter under several cutting conditions for duplex steels for minimization of cutting temperatureArun K.K., Navaneeth V.R., Prabhu S., Ramesh kumar M., Giriraj M.SCOPUS2214-7855
220Design and analysis of brake system for FSAE race carGupta E., Bora D.K.S., Rammohan A.SCOPUS2631-8695
221Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility on friction stir welded aluminium 6061/Cr2O3compositeUday K.N(TRA-16643)., Senthilraj K(TRA-17203)., Rajamurugan G.SCOPUS2631-8695
222Investigation of the Performance of a 660-MW Supercritical Boiler in Terms of NOx Emission and Enhancing the Thermal Efficiency by Optimizing the Air Distribution SystemGavirineni N.K(14PHD0278)., Gundabattini E.WOS2250-0545
224Complex Assembly Analysis for Geometric and Dimensional Tolerance to Obtain Selective Assembly from Partitioned Bins Using a Multi-objective Approach to Control Clearance Variation of IC EngineChaitanya S.V., Dhande D.Y., Jeevanantham A.K.WOS2250-0545
225Model-based design optimisation of digital hydraulic pitch actuator for a large-scale wind turbineLakshmi Narayanan V., Ramakrishnan R.WOS0143-0750
226Investigation of chatter prediction in end milling using morphological studies on aluminum alloy (Al6061)Shaik J.H., Mutra R.R., Galal A.M., Tanneeru S.R.WOS0957-4565
227Investigation on the density of Al2O3/R1234yf, TiO2/R1234yf and CuO/R1234yf nano-refrigerantsBS B (TRA-16779)., Gundabattini E.WOS2397-7914
228Impact of Physicochemical Parameters on Effective Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources: An OverviewSelvaraj K., Theivendren P., Pavadai P., Sureshbabu R.K.P., Ravishankar V., Palanisamy P., Gopal M., Dharmalingam S.R., Sankaranarayanan M.WOS1573-4072
229A Survey of Machine Learning in Friction Stir Welding, including Unresolved Issues and Future Research DirectionsChadha U(18BME0748)., Selvaraj S.K., Gunreddy N., Sanjay Babu S., Mishra S., Padala D., Shashank M., Mathew R.M., Kishore S.R., Panigrahi S., Nagalakshmi R., Kumar R.L., Adefris A.WOS2577-6576
230Solvent-free green synthesis of nonflammable and self-healing polymer film electrolytes for lithium metal batteriesGuo C., Cao Y., Li J., Li H., Kumar Arumugam S., Oleksandr S., Chen F.WOS0306-2619
231Second-generation bioethanol production from corncob A comprehensive review on pretreatment and bioconversion strategies, including techno-economic and lifecycle perspectiveGandam P.K., Chinta M.L., Pabbathi N.P.P., Baadhe R.R., Sharma M., Thakur V.K., Sharma G.D., Ranjitha J., Gupta V.K.WOS0926-6690
232Insights on Spark Plasma Sintering of Magnesium Composites: A ReviewSomasundaram M., Uttamchand N.K., Annamalai A.R., Jen C.-P.WOS2079-4991
233A study on retention of MWCNT in robocasted MWCNT-HAP scaffold structures using vacuum sintering technique and their characteristicsRavoor J., S R.E.WOS0272-8842
234Accumulation of biomedical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic: concerns and strategies for effective treatmentKuppusamy P.P., Bhatia A., Verma A., Shah N.R., Pratyush P., Shanmugarajan V., Kim S.C., Poongavanam G.K., Duraisamy S.WOS0944-1344
235Chitosan: A Sustainable Material for Multifarious ApplicationsHameed A.Z., Raj S.A., Kandasamy J., Baghdadi M.A., Shahzad M.A.WOS2073-4360
236Mechanical Properties of PALF/Kevlar- Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Hybrid Composite LaminatesBakhori S.N.M., Hassan M.Z., Bakhori N.M., Rashedi A., Mohammad R., Md Daud M.Y., Aziz S.A., Ramlie F., Kumar A., Naveen J.WOS2073-4360
237A multi-criteria decision making approach to evaluating the performance of Indian railway zonesJose E., Agarwal P., Zhuang J., Swaminathan J.WOS0254-5330
238Critical review on optimal regenerative braking control system architecture, calibration parameters and development challenges for EVsSaiteja P., Ashok B., Wagh A.S., Farrag M.E.WOS0363-907X
239Nanoscale interfacial engineering of 1D g- C3 N4 enables effective and thermally stable HTL-free carbon-based perovskite solar cells with aging for 100 hoursEswaramoorthy N., Arulraj A., Mangalaraja R.V., Pitchaiya S., Rajaram K.WOS0363-907X
240Current Developments in the Effective Removal of Environmental Pollutants through Photocatalytic Degradation Using NanomaterialsSivaraman C., Vijayalakshmi S., Leonard E., Sagadevan S., Jambulingam R.WOS2073-4344
241Effect of Low Concentration of SiO2 Nanoparticles on Grape Seed Essential Oil/PBAT Composite Films for Sustainable Food Packaging ApplicationArumugam S., Kandasamy J., Thiyaku T., Saxena P.WOS2071-1050
242Social Marketing Plan to Decrease the COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Senior Citizens in Rural IndiaShekhar S.K.WOS2071-1050
243Current Trends and Future Perspectives of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging ApplicationChadha U., Bhardwaj P., Selvaraj S.K., Arasu K., Praveena S., Pavan A., Khanna M., Singh P., Singh S., Chakravorty A., Badoni B., Banavoth M., Sonar P., Paramasivam V.WOS1687-4129
244An Experimental Study of ZrO2- CeO2Hybrid Nanofluid and Response Surface Methodology for the Prediction of Heat Transfer Performance: The New CorrelationsVidhya R., Balakrishnan T., Kumar B.S., Palanisamy R., Panchal H., Angulo-Cabanillas L., Shaik S., Saleh B., Alarifi I.M.WOS1687-4129
245A Review on the Effect of Fabric Reinforcement on Strength Enhancement of Natural Fiber CompositesArumugam S., Kandasamy J., Venkatesan S., Murugan R., Narayanan V.L., Sultan M.T.H., Shahar F.S., Shah A.U.M., Khan T., Sebaey T.A.WOS1996-1944
246Attainment of favorable microstructure for residual stress reduction through high-temperature heat treatment on additive manufactured inconel 718 alloyKumar V.P., Jebaraj A.V.WOS0268-3768
247An experimental and numerical study to enhance the thermal characteristics of LA/CuO/Al2O3 nanocomposites as a phase change material for building cooling applicationsThangapandian E., Palanisamy P.WOS1548-0569
248Physical, mechanical, and sliding wear behavior of epoxy composites filled with surface modified walnut shell particulateShejkar S.K., Agrawal B., Agrawal A., Gupta G.WOS1548-0569
249Variable stiffness composite laminated beams – nonlinear free flexural vibration behavior using a sinusoidal based shear flexible structural theory accounting for Poisson’s effectBarathan V., Rajamohan V., Haboussi M., Manickam G.WOS0020-7462
250The influence of exhaust gas recirculation on the characteristics of compression ignition engines powered by tamanu methyl esterSenthilkumar P.B., Parthasarathy M., Afzal A., Saleel C.A., Cuce E., Saboor S., Gera T.WOS1748-1325
251Effect of Silicon Segregation in the Argon Arc Welded Incoloy 20 SuperalloyNatesh M., Selvaraj S.K., Arivazhagan N., Manikandan M., Tofil S., Radek N., Mistry Y., Sm M.WOS1876-9918
252An enhancement in diesel engine performance, combustion, and emission attributes fueled with Eichhornia crassipes oil and copper oxide nanoparticles at different injection pressuresKhan O., Khan M.Z., Khan E., Bhatt B.K., Afzal A., A bulut Ü., Shaik S.WOS1556-7036
253Part Tailoring in Metal-Additive Manufacturing: A Step towards Functionally Graded Customized Stainless-Steel Components Using Laser Powder Bed FusionElkaseer A., Charles A., Schneider S., Scholz S.G.WOS2076-3417
254Fluidized dense phase pneumatic conveying: a reviewBehera N., Alkassar Y., K. Agarwal V., Pandey R.K.WOS1548-0046
255Thermal Performance Study of Solar Air Dryers for Cashew Kernel: A Comparative Analysis and Modelling Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)Huddar V.B., Razak A., Cuce E., Gadwal S., Alwetaishi M., Afzal A., Saleel C.A., Shaik S.WOS1687-529X
256Water Absorption Behavior of Teff (Eragrostis tef) Straw Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite: RSM-Based Statistical Modeling and Kinetic AnalysisPrabhu S.V., Wilson V.H., Anand K.T., Jose S., Sivamani S., Gomadurai C., Kifetew M.WOS0730-6679
257Engineering properties of Teflon derived blends and composites: a reviewShindalkar S.S., Humbe S.S., Joshi G.M., Kumar C.R.WOS2574-089X
258Effect of Fused Filament Fabrication Parameters and Tetrabromobisphenol- A/Microcrystalline Cellulose Additives on the Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Polycarbonate/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Blends for Precision StructuresKumar M., Ramakrishnan R.WOS1059-9495
259Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured Hybrid Auxetic StructureBagewadi S.S., Sugavaneswaran M., Bhagchandani R.K.WOS1059-9495
260AI-driven techniques for controlling the metal melting production: A review, processes, enabling technologies, solutions, and research challengesChadha U., Selvaraj S.K., Raj A., Mahanth T., Praveen Vignesh S.T., Lakshmi P.J., Samhitha K., Reddy N.B., Adefris A.WOS2053-1591
261Experimental analysis of latent heat thermal energy storage system using encapsulated multiple phase-change materialsSingh S.K., Verma S.K., Kumar R., Sharma A., Singh R., Tiwari N.WOS2041-3009
262Effect of n-butanol on cotton seed oil biodiesel: an approach for improving the emission behavior of DI diesel engineAsokan M.A., Prabu S.S.WOS1091-6466
263A Decision-Making Model for Selection of the Suitable FDM Machine Using Fuzzy TOPSISRaja S., Rajan A.J.WOS1024-123X
2643D printing for ceramic based PLA composites: Development, security, potential and challengesMoulika G., Ponnusamy P.WOS1229-9162
265Microstructural analysis and optimization of welding parameters for AA1100 welded platesThirumalai R., Karthick S., Giriraj M.WOS1229-9162
266Optimization of stir casting process parameter using response surface methodologySenthilkumar K.M., Sivakumar A., Shivaji R.M., Tamang S.K., Giriraj M.WOS1229-9162
267Dynamics of a Non-Ideal Gyroscopic Rotor System with Translational- Rotational Coupling Effect of External and Internal DampingSundar Dasgupta S.WOS1934-7936
268A brief review on the Tube-to-Tube plate welding processSrivastava D., Chadha U., Gunreddy N., Saini N.K., Matara N.N., Machindar O., Mishra U.V., Khanna M., Ram Kishore S., Selvaraj S.K.SCOPUS2214-7853
269A comparative study on the thermal and dynamic analysis of a disc brake using AnsysKalipada Sau S., George Pulinat K., Noel Moss P., Ranjeet P., Senthur Prabu S.SCOPUS2214-7853
270A Study on the Online-Offline and Blended Learning MethodsSharma D., Sood A.K., Darius P.S.H., Gundabattini E., Darius Gnanaraj S., Joseph Jeyapaul A.SCOPUS2250-2106
271Deep learning and machine learning neural network approaches for multi class leather texture defect classification and segmentationMoganam P.K., Sathia Seelan D.A.SCOPUS2524-7859
272Hybrid fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework on human error factor analysis: Implications to developing optimal maintenance management system in the SMEsVelmurugan K., Saravanasankar S., Venkumar P., Sudhakarapandian R., Bona G.D.SCOPUS2666-1888
273Impact response of a partially filled fuel tank subjected to high-velocity projectilesPurbey A., Selvaraj R., Ramamoorthy M.SCOPUS1448-4846
274Integrated Design for Assembly Approach for Optimal Reduced Levels of Assembly Sequence Generation using Enhanced Fruit Fly AlgorithmMurali G.B., Deepak B.B.V.L., Bahubalendruni M.V.A.R.SCOPUS0973-1318
275Investigation on thermal analysis of disc brake using Autodesk Fusion 360Mugilan M., Devendra K.S., Danish M., Senthur Prabu S.SCOPUS2214-7853
276Mechanical and thermomechanical characterization of Ni50-x Ti50Cux(x = 2, 5, 10at%) with morphological studiesRajeshkannan R., Muralidharan B., Pandi Rajasabai S., Naveenkumar R.SCOPUS2214-7853
277Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Geometric Shape and Outlet Angle of a Bladeless Fan for Flow Optimization using CFD TechniquesRavi D., Rajagopal T.K.R.SCOPUS2666-2027
278Structural analysis and simulation of solid microneedle array for vaccine delivery applicationsS.B.V.J. C., Mannayee G.SCOPUS2214-7853
279Transition to Electric Mobility in India: Barriers Exploration and Pathways to Powertrain Shift through MCDM ApproachAshok B., Kannan C., Usman K.M., Vignesh R., Deepak C., Ramesh R., Narendhra T.M.V., Kavitha C.SCOPUS2250-0545
280Tribology analysis and the effect of molybdenum disulphide lubricant additive on the performance of VCR systemRaghavulu K.V., Rasu N.G., Jani S.P.SCOPUS2374068X
281Hot corrosion and air oxidation behavior of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welded and CO2 laser beam welded SMO 254 at 800 °CP R., M A.SCOPUS0950-7116
282An overview on microalgae as renewable resources for meeting sustainable development goalsOliveira C.Y.B., Jacob A., Nader C., Oliveira C.D.L., Matos Â.P., Araújo E.S., Shabnam N., Ashok B., Gálvez A.O.WOS0301-4797
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299Machine learning approach for predicting the peak temperature of dissimilar AA7050-AA2014A friction stir welding butt joint using various regression modelsAnandan B., Manikandan M.WOS0167-577X
300A review on metal additive manufacturing for intricately shaped aerospace componentsMadhavadas V., Srivastava D., Chadha U., Aravind Raj S., Sultan M.T.H., Shahar F.S., Shah A.U.M.WOS1755-5817
301Thermal buckling analysis of tapered laminated composite beam: Numerical and experimental investigationArumugam A.B., Rajendra C.O., Edwin Sudhagar P., Rajamohan V., Kumbhar S.G., Perumal A.WOS1548-0569
302A Review on Geothermal Renewable Energy Systems for Eco-Friendly Air- ConditioningGreco A., Gundabattini E., Solomon D.G., Singh Rassiah R., Masselli C.WOS1996-1073
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316Numerical modelling of dry-out in pulsating heat pipe using VOF modelPalani K.C., Rajagopal D.WOS1738-494X
317Duplex aging of metastable beta titanium alloys: A ReviewKirthika A.M.A., Rao M.N., Manivasagam G.WOS0975-1645
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328Experimental and parametric studies on the effect of waste cooking oil methyl ester with diesel fuel in compression ignition engineRajak U., Subhaschandra Singh T., Nath Verma T., Kumar Chaurasiya P., Shaik S., Afzal A., Cuce E., Rajhi A.A., Ahamed Saleel C.WOS2213-1388
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343Experimental and numerical damage analysis of low-velocity drop weight impact of polyethylene self-reinforced composite laminates for transportation applications a Vertical Plate with RadiationChandran Maniyamparambil S., Vadivel G.K., Krishnan P.WOS1530-7980
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345Influence of Fatty Acid Composition on the Tribological Performance of Methyl Esters Under Boundary Lubrication RegimeRajasozhaperumal G., Kannan C.WOS2191-4281
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347A review on application of biomaterials for medical and dental implantsAbraham A.M., Venkatesan S.WOS2041-3076
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353Coated Natural Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite: Mechanical, Thermal, and Acoustic PerformancesThangamani J., Krishnasamy P.WOS0972-2815
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376Experimental study on abrasive water jet machining of WCFC reinforced flax/wire mesh/hemp compositeSingh Q.J., Rajamurugan G.WOS1528-0837
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408Hydrogen and dual fuel mode performing in engine with different combustion chamber shapes: Modelling and analysis using RSM-ANN techniqueKhandal S.V., Razak A., Veza I., Afzal A., Alwetaishi M., Shaik S., A bulut Ü., Rashedi A.WOS0360-3199
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411Experimental investigation on the performance characteristics and emissions of a CI engine fueled with enhanced microwave-assisted Karanja seed bio-oilAnbu M., Balakichenin R., Muthaiyan P., Sundaramoorthy S., Amesho K.T.T., Subramani V.WOS1614-749
412Computational fluid dynamics based parametric study on the performance of solar air heater channelBurye N.N., Sathyamurthy R., Rajagopal D.WOS1614-749
413The Frontiers of Functionalized Nanocellulose-Based Composites and Their Application as Chemical SensorsNorrrahim M.N.F., Knight V.F., Nurazzi N.M., Jenol M.A., Misenan M.S.M., Janudin N., Kasim N.A.M., Shukor M.F.A., Ilyas R.A., Asyraf M.R.M., Naveen J.WOS2073-4360
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415Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Nonlinear Buckling Response of a Laminated Composite ShellGnanasekar S., Rajamohan V.WOS1758-8251
416Novel Technique for Design and Manufacture of Alternating Gradient Composite Structure of Aluminum Alloys Using Solid State Additive Manufacturing TechniqueVenkit H., Selvaraj S.K.WOS1996-1944
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424A New Two-Phase Multiplier for Flow Pressure Drop in Multiport Minichannel Condensers and EvaporatorsMukkamala Y., Dirker J.WOS1521-0537
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431Investigation of corrosion behaviour on Ni Cr Co and Ni Cr Mo alloys exposed to molten salt for thermal energy storage applicationsPrem Kumar M., Manikandan M.WOS1478-422X
432A Combined Liquid Cold Plate and Heat Sink Based Hybrid Cooling Approach for the Temperature Control of Integrated Circuit ChipsPatil N.G., Hotta T.K.WOS1948-5093
433Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Ni-Based Superalloy 825 and AISI 321 Dissimilar Laser Weldment in K2SO4 60% NaCl Molten Salt Environment at 650°CMuthu S.M., Arivazhagan N., Rao M.N., Arivarasu M.WOS0031-918X
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435Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range A ReviewJose S.S., Chidambaram R.K.SCOPUS2032-6653
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438Quasi-Static and Fatigue Reliability Analysis of C45 Automotive Leaf Spring Beam Under Flexural Loads in Sub-Zero TemperatureBhanage A., Padmanabhan K.SCOPUS1864-1245
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446Microwave sintering and characterization of robocasted HA, CNT-HA scaffold structures for bone regeneration applicationsRavoor J., Selvam R.E.WOS0272-8842
447Performance and emission analysis of blends of bio-oil obtained by catalytic pyrolysis of Argemone mexicana seeds with diesel in a CI enginePandey S.P., Upadhyay R., Prakash R., Kumar S.WOS1614-7499
448Technical assessment of novel organic Rankine cycle driven cascade refrigeration system using environmental friendly refrigerants: 4E and optimization approachesBhuvaneshwaran K., Govindasamy P.K.WOS1614-7499
449Quantitative Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Panel Performance with Size-Varied Dust Pollutants Deposition Using Different Machine Learning ApproachesTripathi A.K., Aruna M., Venkatesan E.P., Abbas M., Afzal A., Shaik S., Linul E.WOS1420-3049
450Heat Transfer Characteristics of Fullerene and Titania Nanotube Nanofluids under Agitated Quench ConditionsDennis Quadros J., Khan S.A., Prashanth T., Iqbal Mogul Y., Hanumanthraya R., Abbas M., Saleel C.A., Shaik S.WOS2470-1343
451Energy analysis and carbon dioxide mitigation potential of biomass-driven combined power, cooling, and cooking systems for rural applicationsPavithiran C.K.P., Sakthivadivel D., Kumar G.P., John B., Jaganathan V.M., Iniyan S.WOS2190-6823
452Characterization and thermo-chemical conversion of invasive biomass by varying gasifying agents for hydrogen rich producer gas using ASPEN PlusNivash V., Sakthivadivel D.WOS2190-6823
453Development of Multipass Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Technique for Aerospace Grade 18% Ni-Co-Mo Based Maraging Steel to Improve the Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties by Reducing Austenite PoolsArunprakash R., Manikandan M., Meshram S.D.WOS1087-1357
454Optimization of Performance and Emission Characteristics of the CI Engine Fueled with Preheated Palm Oil in Blends with Diesel FuelMohamed I.S., Venkatesan E.P., Parthasarathy M., Medapati S.R., Abbas M., Cuce E., Shaik S.WOS2071-1050
455Investigation of Supercritical Power Plant Boiler Combustion Process Optimization through CFD and Genetic Algorithm MethodsKumar G.N., Gundabattini E.WOS1996-1073
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457Influence of Injection Pressure on the Dual-Fuel Mode in CI Engines Fueled with Blends of Ethanol and Tamanu BiodieselParthasarathy M., Elumalai P.V., Murunachippan M., Senthilkumar P.B., Shaik S., Sharifpur M., Khalilpoor N.WOS1687-8078
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463Investigation of stress and tribological properties of dental composite materials using FEMGupta A., Mohan I., Jude R.R., Suryawanshi A., Behera N.WOS2041-305X
464Fault diagnosis in rotors using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemsBabu Rao K., Reddy D.M.WOS2041-2983
465Investigation of TiO2 Nano Filler in Mechanical, Thermal Behaviour of Sisal/Jute Fiber Reinforced Interpenetrating Polymer Network (IPN) CompositesGopal K.V., Kumar K.R.V., Suresh G., Rajasekharan, V., Nagarajan P.K., Meenakshi C.M.WOS2053-1591
466Comparative analysis of indirect, direct, and hybrid cryogenic machining of Nimonic C-263 superalloyJadhav P.S., Mohanty C.P.WOS2307-1877
467PREDICTION of NANO-COATED TOOL WEAR USING BAT and WHALE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMSSelvaraj S.K., Kaliappan J., Kumar S.R., Prakash C., Buddhi D., Gupta L.R., Hadidi H.M.WOS0218-625X
468Virtual Fatigue Life Prediction of Back Strip Butt Weld Joint under Bending and Torque Load ConditionsGopalan V., Narayanaswamy H.B., Deshmukh A.R., Natarajan S., Munusamy A., Subramanian J., Chinnayan P.WOS1392-1320
469Performance Evaluation of a Photovoltaic-Thermal Collector Coupled Stepped Solar Still for Indian Climatic ConditionsNarang A., Roy S., Kataray T., Bonde V., Rajesh S., Chiranjeevi C., Chadha U., Hirpha B.B.SCOPUS1687-5605
470Identification and severity assessment of challenges in the adoption of industry 4.0 in Indian construction industrySingh A., Kumar V., Verma P., Kandasamy J.SCOPUS1029-3132
471Numerical investigations on the testing and selection of different phase change materials for peak load reduction in buildings of Indian climatesDhayanithi J., Gupta M.K., Hotta T.K., Das T.SCOPUS2214-7853
472Modeling and Simulation of Brake Disc Using Lightweight MaterialsBheda T., Joshi D., Dinesh Kumar P.K., Darius Gnanaraj S.SCOPUS2250-2130
473Quasi-Static and Fatigue Reliability of Glass/Epoxy Composite Automotive Leaf Spring Beams Under Flexural Loads at Sub-Zero TemperaturesBhanage A., Padmanabhan K.SCOPUS1864-1245
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475Design and Development of Hot Vapour Polishing System and Optimization of It s Process Parameters for FDM Printed PartsKishore S.R., Mathew A., Tomy A.T., Sugavaneswaran M., John Rajan A.SCOPUS0354-8996
476Review of Physical, Mechanical, and Biological Characteristics of 3D-Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering ApplicationsThangavel M., Elsen Selvam R.WOS2373-9878
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480Understanding the effect of particle reinforcement on friction stir weldment: A reviewShivaKumar G.N., Rajamurugan G.WOS2041-3076
481A review on -Ti alloys for biomedical applications: The influence of alloy composition and thermomechanical processing on mechanical properties, phase composition, and microstructureKanapaakala G., Subramani V.WOS2041-3076
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4Performance optimization of mild hybrid passenger vehicle by dual control strategy for city driving cycleShanu P.N., Senthilkumar S.EnergyWOS0360-5442
5In situ differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells into functional cardiomyocytes on a coaxial PCL- gelatin nanofibrous scaffoldSridharan D., Palaniappan A., Blackstone B.N., Dougherty J.A., Kumar N., Seshagiri P.B., Sayed N., Powell H.M., Khan M.Materials Science and Engineering CWOS0928-4931
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8Clean Karanja methyl ester compatibility study on long term tribological behavior of a compression ignition engineSudan Reddy Dandu M., Nanthagopal K.FuelWOS0016-2361
9A comparative evaluation of cetane enhancing techniques for improving the smoke, NOx and BSFC trade-off in an automotive diesel engineChacko N., Johnson C., Varadarajan P., Sai Srinivas S., Jeyaseelan T.FuelWOS0016-2361
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11A critical insight review on homogeneous charge compression ignition engine characteristics powered by biofuelsSaiteja P., Ashok B.FuelWOS0016-2361
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14Effects of cryo-FSP on metallurgical and mechanical properties of stir cast Al7075–SiC nanocompositesKumar A., Pal K., Mula S.Journal of Alloys and CompoundsWOS0925-8388
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19Optimization strategies for improved biogas production by recycling of waste through response surface methodology and artificial neural network: Sustainable energy perspective researchGopal L.C., Govindarajan M., Kavipriya M.R., Mahboob S., Al-Ghanim K.A., Virik P., Ahmed Z., Al-Mulhm N., Senthilkumaran V., Shankar V.Journal of King Saud University – ScienceWOS1018-3647
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21Energy, Exergy, and Economic analysis of low thermal conductivity basin solar still integrated with Phase Change Material for energy storageVigneswaran V.S., Kumar P.G., Sakthivadivel D., Balaji K., Meikandan M., Dinakar B.V., Kamal K.K., Kumaresan G.Journal of Energy StorageWOS2352-152X
22Property evaluation of hot extruded aluminum alloy – Graphene nanocompositesPrashantha Kumar H.G., Anthony Xavior M., Simon Lobo L.Materials LettersWOS0167-577X
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32Effect of Y2O3 on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Fe and Fe-Ni Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Followed by Spark Plasma SinteringArora A., Kumar A., Mula S.Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceWOS1059-9495
33Investigation of Double-Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding Technique to Preclude Carbide Precipitates in Aerospace Grade Hastelloy XSathishkumar M., Bhakat Y.J., Kumar K.G., Giribaskar S., Oyyaravelu R., Arivazhagan N., Manikandan M.Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceWOS1059-9495
34Developing a strategic sustainable facility plan for a hospital layout using electre and apples procedureK.e.k V., Kandasamy J., Nadeem S.P., Kumar A., Šaparauskas J., Garza- Reyes J.A., Trinkūnienė E.International Journal of Strategic Property ManagementWOS1648-9179
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36Heat transfer characteristics of high heat generating integrated circuit chips cooled using liquid cold plate-a combined numerical and experimental studyPatil N.G., Hotta T.K.Journal of Thermal Science and  Engineering ApplicationsWOS1948-5085
37Plectranthus amboinicus Leaf Extract Synthesized Spherical like-TiO2 Photoanode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell ApplicationRajendhiran R., Deivasigamani V., Palanisamy J., Pitchaiya S., Eswaramoorthy N., Masan S.SiliconWOS1876-9918
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44Ergonomic Assessment of Postural Loads in Small- and Medium-Scale Foundry UnitsQureshi A.M., Solomon D.G.Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series CSCOPUS2250-0545
45Quantifying wind-driven rain on a heritage facade through computational fluid dynamicsGhosh S., Dugar Y., Kakoti N., Shah C.International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and TechnologySCOPUS1757-2665
46Thermodynamic and experimental analysis of turbocharger for a downsized LPG fuelled automotive SI engineAlexander J., Porpatham E.International Journal of Energy and Environmental EngineeringSCOPUS2251-6832
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48Surface Modification and Biological Approaches for Tackling Titanium Wear-Induced Aseptic LooseningVishnu J., Manivasagam G.Journal of Bio- and Tribo-CorrosionSCOPUS2198-4220
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52Transforming Waste Disposals into Building Materials to Investigate Energy Savings and Carbon Emission Mitigation PotentialChelliah, A., Saboor, SEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchWOS0944-1344
53Impact of Inlet Angle on Cooling of a Continuously Variable Transmission in a BAJA SAE VehicleAmitabh Das, Tarashekhar Padhy, Kannan ChidambaramLecture Notes in Mechanical EngineeringSCOPUS978-981-15-7778-9
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133Sensitization of Austenitic Stainless Steels: Current Developments, Trends, and Future DirectionsSrinivasan N.Metallography, Microstructure, and AnalysisSCOPUS2192-9262
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137Enhanced electrical conductivity and structural, mechanical characterization of standalone poly(vinyl alcohol)-graphite nanoplatelets composite filmsG. M. Janeesh, V. Meera, A. M. Shalom, D. Rajan Babu, N. Arunai Nambi Raj, M. S. Sreekanth, V. Samba Siva, T. P. SumangalaJournal of Applied Polymer ScienceWOS1097-4628
138Investigation on the effect of injection schedule and EGR in hydrogen energy share using common rail direct injection dual fuel engineS. Sathishkumar, M. Mohamed IbrahimInternational Journal of Hydrogen EnergyWOS 
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141Vibration characteristics and optimal design of composite sandwich beam with partially configured hybrid MR-ElastomersRajeshkumar Selvaraj, Mageshwaran Subramani, Manoharan RamamoorthyMechanics Based Design of Structures and MachinesWOS 
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144Modelling and thermodynamic analysis of ejector flow for application at design and off design operating conditions in an ejector air conditionerAnoop Kumar M, Devendrakumar PatelTurkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education  
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163Development of Cryogenic Extrusion Techniques and Modelling of a Twin Screw Extruder: A ReviewRavikumar P.S., Arumugam S.K., Gangradey R., Mukherjee S., Srinivasan K., Sadasivan S., Gupta V., Aggarwal M.C.Journal of Fusion EnergyWOS0164-0313
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168Pitch Control of a Digital Hydraulics Pitch System for Wind Turbine Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Digital Pitch ControllerNarayanan V.L., Ramakrishnan R.International Journal of Renewable Energy ResearchSCOPUS1309-0127
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174Design and value engineering of a high temperature high pressure multifunctional compression moulding unit to manufacture zero defect partsKV Gopinath, K PadmanabhanIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringSCOPUS 
175Exergy Studies on a Hybrid Desalination and Cooling PlantChalasani Chiranjeevi, Yendaluru Raja Sekhar, Muthuswamy Natarajan, Tangellapalli Srinivas, Mehran Hashemian, Vinod AdityaTheoretical, Computational, and Experimental Solutions to Thermo-Fluid Systems: Select Proceedings of ICITFES 2020SCOPUS 
176Experimental Study on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to Harness Wind Power from Rapidly Moving Railway LocomotivesYendaluru Raja Sekhar, Muthuswamy Natarajan, Chalasani Chiranjeevi, Roy Sukanta, Patil YugandharTheoretical, Computational, and Experimental Solutions to Thermo-Fluid Systems: Select Proceedings of ICITFES 2020SCOPUS 
177Smart Reader for Visually Impaired Using Raspberry PiS Sarkar, G Pansare, B Patel, A Gupta, A Chauhan, R Yadav and N BattulaIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and EngineeringSCOPUS 
178Performance analysis of asymmetric toothed strain wave gearBikash Routh , Vineet Sahoo and Andrzej SobczykProc IMechE Part C:
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180A comprehensive review on ecological approaches of waste to wealth strategies for production of sustainable biobutanol and its suitability in automotive applicationsKarthick C., Nanthagopal K.Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS0196-8904
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182Review on the effect of different processing techniques on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of AZ31 Magnesium alloyRakshith M., Seenuvasaperumal P.Journal of Magnesium and AlloysWOS2213-9567
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1Experimental investigation of pomegranate oil methyl ester in ceramic coated engine at different operating condition in direct injection diesel engine with energy and exergy analysisKarthickeyan V., Thiyagarajan S., Ashok B., Edwin Geo V., Azad A.K.Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
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3An assessment on injection pressure and timing to reduce emissions on diesel engine powered by renewable fuelKarthic S.V., Senthil Kumar M., Nataraj G., Pradeep P.Journal of Cleaner ProductionWOS9596526
4Engine’s behavior on hydrogen addition of waste cooking oil fueled light duty diesel engine – A dual fuel approachRaju P., Masimalai S.K., Ganesan N., Karthic S.V.EnergyWOS3605442
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6A study on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of diesel engine powered by nano-emulsion of waste orange peel oil biodieselKumar A.M., Kannan M., Nataraj G.Renewable EnergyWOS9601481
7Validation of performance and emissions of a CI engine fueled with calophyllum inophyllum methyl esters using soft computing techniqueSaravanakumar L., Prakash R.FuelWOS162361
8Experimental study on the effect of cetane improver with turpentine oil on CI engine characteristicsJeevanantham A.K., Madhusudan Reddy D., Goyal N., Bansal D., Kumar G., Kumar A., Nanthagopal K., Ashok B.FuelWOS162361
9Effect of manifold injection of methanol/n-pentanol in safflower biodiesel fuelled CI engineThiyagarajan S., Sonthalia A., Edwin Geo V., Prakash T., Karthickeyan V., Ashok B., Nanthagopal K., Dhinesh B.FuelWOS162361
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34Investigations of hot corrosion resistance of HVOF coated Fe based superalloy A-286 in simulated gas turbine environmentMuthu S.M., M A.Engineering Failure AnalysisWOS 13506307
35Dynamic analysis of laminated composite sandwich beam containing carbon nanotubes reinforced magnetorheological elastomerSelvaraj R., Ramamoorthy M.Journal of Sandwich Structures and MaterialsWOS15307972
36Transient numerical analysis of thermophoresis and particle dynamics in a nanofluid – pool boiling conditionsKarthikeyan C.P., Kalpana G., Krishnamoorthy V., Samuel A.A.Journal of Molecular LiquidsWOS1677322
37Immobilization of Cu3(btc)2 on graphene oxide-chitosan hybrid composite for the adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blueSamuel M.S., Suman S., Venkateshkannan, Selvarajan E., Mathimani T., Pugazhendhi AJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyWOS 10111344
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135Taguchi Grey Relational Approach for Optimizing Process Parameters of Laser Peening on Titanium Alloy to Induce Enhanced Compressive Stress based on Finite Element SimulationRanjith Kumar G., Rajyalakshmi G.Journal of Advanced Manufacturing SystemsScopus 
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147Investigation on the effect of injection schedule and EGR in hydrogen energy
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153Utilization of plant-derived Myricetin molecule coupled with ultrasound for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles against breast cancerMohan U.P., Sriram B., Panneerselvam T., Devaraj S., MubarakAli D., Parasuraman P., Palanisamy P., Premanand A.,
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154First case of student suicide in India due to the COVID-19 education crisis:
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156A case study focusing on investigating the tribological performance of Cu-Sn sintered brake pad of off-high road
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157Damage Identification in Hemp Fiber (Cannabis sativa) Reinforced Composite Plates Using MAC and
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158Static and dynamic performance characteristics of powder lubricated symmetrical three-lobed bearingJose J., Behera N.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J:
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160Experimental investigation on the filtration characteristics of a commercial diesel filter operated with raw and processed karanja-diesel
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162Taguchi Grey Relational Approach for Optimizing Process Parameters of Laser Peening on Titanium Alloy to Induce Enhanced Compressive Stress
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163Development and analysis of FRP based composite fibreWilson V.H., Agrawal A., Wadhwa A., Chawla S.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and
164Ranking of supplier performance using machine learning algorithm of random forestWilson V.H., Prasad A.N.S., Shankharan A., Kapoor S., Rajan J.A.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and
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167Sustainable performance of cargo bikes to improve the delivery time
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Journal of Materials Research and Technology  
176Thermal and cost assessment of various polymer-dispersed liquid crystal film smart
windows for energy efficient buildings
Shaik S., Gorantla K., Venkata Ramana M.,
Mishra S., Kulkarni K.S.
Construction and Building Materials  
177Investigations on the Mechanical properties of glass fiber/sisal fiber/chitosan reinforced hybrid polymer sandwich composite scaffolds for bone fracture fixation
Arumugam S., Kandasamy J., Md Shah A.U., Sultan M.T.H., Safri S.N.A., Majid
M.S.A., Basri A.A.,
Mustapha F.
178Novel residual stress measurement
technique to evaluate through thickness residual stress fields
Taraphdar P.K., Thakare
J.G., Pandey C., Mahapatra M.M.
Materials Letters  
179Sensor-assisted assessment of the tribological behavior patterns of AA7075 hybrid MMC reinforced with multi-wall
carbon nanotubes and pulverized fuel ash
Selvaraj S.K., Srinivasan K., Ramesh Kumar S., Hu Y.-C.Materials  
180Investigation on thermodynamic performance analysis and environmental effects of various new refrigerants used in
air conditioners
Shaik S.V., Shaik S., Gorantla K., Mahapatra D., Setty A.B.T.P.Environmental Science and Pollution Research  
181Experimental investigation and optimization of micro-drilling parameters on Inconel 800
Venkatesan K., Devendiran S., Bhupatiraju S.C.S.R.,
Kolluru S., Pavan Kumar C.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes  
182Methane production from anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of kitchen waste and sewage sludge: synergy study on cumulative methane production and
Varsha S.S.V., Soomro A.F., Baig Z.T.,
Vuppaladadiyam A.K., Murugavelh S., Antunes E.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery  
183Electrochemical Detections of Tea Polyphenols: A ReviewSaikrithika S., Senthil Kumar A.Electroanalysis  
184Features of the biochemistry of Mycobacterium smegmatis, as a possible
model for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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Journal of Infection and Public Health  
185Dynamic buckling of classical/non-classical curved beams by nonlocal nonlinear finite element accounting for size dependent effect and using higher-order shear flexible
Sarthak D., Prateek G., Vasudevan R., Polit O., Ganapathi M.International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics  
186Nonlinear supersonic flutter study of porous 2D curved panels including
graphene platelets reinforcement effect
Ganapathi M., Aditya S., Shubhendu S., Polit O.,
Zineb T.B.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics  
187Experimental and finite element vibration analysis of CNT reinforced MR elastomer
sandwich beam
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188Statistical analysis and investigation of tensile test data of coir composites reinforced with graphene, epoxy and carbon fibreKuclourya T., Jain M.K., Mudliar S., Thamba N.B.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal
of Materials: Design and Applications
189Drilling and mechanical performance
analysis on flax-sisal hybrid composite embedded with perforated aluminum foil
Rajamurugan G., Sanjay
A.P., Krishnasamy P., Muralidharan B., Jain S.
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites  
190Particulate-Reinforced Tungsten Heavy Alloy/Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Composites Sintered Through Spark Plasma SinteringMuthuchamy A., Boggupalli L.P., Yadav D.R., Naveen Kumar N., Agrawal D.K.,
Raja Annamalai A.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering  
191Non-Newtonian and non-isothermal numerical modelling of a twin screw hydrogen extruder with slip imposed
boundary condition on the screw surface
Ravi Kumar P.S., Arumugam S.K.Fusion Engineering and Design  
192Thermal transport properties of carbon- assisted phase change nanocompositeKim S.C., Prabakaran R., Sakthivadivel D., Thangapandian N., Bhatia
A., Ganesh Kumar P.
Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures  
193Optimization of electroless bath process parameter for improving the tribology behavior of Ni-P/CaBr2composite coating against the hardened EN-31 steelPremkumar A., Elayaperumal A., Arulvel S., Jagatheeshwaran M.S., Ramesh B., Sivanesh
Prabhu M.
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties  
194Significance of tribolayer on the friction and wear resistance of FSPed AA6082/SiCpcomposite at various load
Sivanesh Prabhu M., Elayaperumal A., Arulvel S., Wasim Khan M.Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties  
195A Case Study on Assessing Cumulonimbus Induced Flight Vulnerabilities Over the Nepalese
Himalayan Terrain
Chandra A., Ghosh S., Doshi N., Deshpande S., Gumber S.Pure and Applied Geophysics  
196Modal analysis of cylindrical panels at elevated temperatures under nonuniform heating conditions: Experimental investigationTwinkle C.M., Nithun C., Pitchaimani J., Rajamohan V.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal
of Mechanical Engineering Science
197Tribological behavior of dental restorative composites in chewable tobacco environmentSuryawanshi A.S., Behera N.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal
of Engineering in Medicine
198Effect of pilot and post fueling on the combustion and emission characteristics ofChacko N., J T.Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and  
199Influence of fatty acid composition on process optimization and characteristics assessment of biodiesel produced from waste animal fatSrinivasan G.R., Shankar V., Chandra Sekharan S., Munir M., Balakrishnan D.,
Mohanam A., Jambulingam R.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects  
200Convective heat transfer and laminar flow characteristics of flow over a circular
cylinder in presence of control plates
Hemanth A.V.S.S., Malaikannan G.,
Deepakkumar R.
Fluid Dynamics Research  
201An alternative numerical model for investigating three-dimensional steamSadasivan S., Arumugam S.K., Aggarwal M.C.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics  
202Selective laser melting of nanostructured Al-Y-Ni-Co alloyWang Z., Scudino S., Eckert J., Prashanth K.G.Manufacturing Letters  
203Antimicrobial activity of chemical, thermal and green route-derived zinc oxide
nanoparticles: A comparative analysis
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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering  
204Theoretical prediction of thermo-physical properties of beef tallow based biodieselSrinivasan G.R., Jambulingam R.FME Transactions  
205A comparative study on the performances of flat plate and evacuated tube collectors deployable in domestic solar water heating
systems in different climate areas
Greco A., Gundabattini E., Gnanaraj D.S., Masselli C.Climate  
2062D dynamic spindle radial error motion
analysis using fourier series in polar domain
Chellappan K., Sathiaseelan D.A.Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie  
207An experimental investigation on regulated and unregulated emissions of a gasohol fueled SI engine with a novel three way
catalytic converter
Sharma Gunasekaran S., Manivannan S., Ramakrishnan P.Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises  
208A review on characteristics of cold sprayed coatingsSrikanth A., Bolleddu V.Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
209Study of shock wave-boundary layer
interaction using high-speed Schlieren imaging
Murugan J.N., Govardhan R.N.Journal of Flow
Visualization and Image Processing
210Investigating the relationship between age
and smart phone usage patterns: Evidences from indian smart phone users
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Moovendhan V., Heggde G.S.
International Journal of Business Excellence  
211Design and testing of a compliant mechanism-based XYθ stage for
SP B., Bharanidaran R.Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
212Optimization of process parameters in CNC milling of P20 steel by cryo-treated
tungsten carbide tools using NSGA-II
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Production and Manufacturing Research  
213Modelling and analysis of flow of powders through long pipelinesJ.S S., Behera N.World Journal of Engineering  
214Comparative analysis of process parameters in wear properties of coated and uncoated tool inserts during machining
of hastelloy C-276
Kiran B., Nagaraju D.FME Transactions  
215Structural and thermal analysis of butt joint GTAW of similar and dissimilar materials
with distinct groove angles through simulation and mathematical modelling
Kiran B., Mishra K., Singh Y.R., Nagaraju D.FME Transactions  
216Microstructure, mechanical properties and machinability studies of Al7075/SiC/h-BN hybrid nanocomposite fabricated via
ultrasonic-assisted squeeze casting
Soni S.K., Thomas B.FME Transactions  
217An experimental investigation of thrust force, delamination and surface roughness
in drilling of jute/carbon hybrid composites
Margabandu S., Subramaniam S.World Journal of Engineering  
218An experimental investigation and modelling for travelling wire
electrochemical machining of Monel 400 alloys
Kalaimathi M., Venkatachalam G., Sivakumar M.International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management  
219SOME STUDY on FATIGUE LIFE of OPEN COIL SUSPENSION SPRINGSTilahun S., Velmurugan P., Senthil Kumaran S.Journal of Critical Reviews  
220South India projected to be susceptible to high future groundnut failure rates for future climate change and geo-
engineered scenarios
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Science of the Total Environment  
221Analysing the risks of adopting circular
economy initiatives in manufacturing supply chains
Ethirajan M., Arasu M T.,
Kandasamy J., K.E.K V., Nadeem S.P., Kumar A.
Business Strategy and the Environment  
222Prediction of behavior of triangular solar air heater duct using V-down rib with multiple gaps and turbulence promoters as artificial roughness: A
CFD analysis
Misra R., Singh J., Jain S.K., Faujdar S., Agrawal M., Mishra A., Goyal P.K.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  
223Role of magnetic field and cavity inclination on double diffusive mixed
convection in rectangular enclosed domain
Moolya S., Satheesh A.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer  
224Effect of selective laser melting process parameters on microstructural and mechanical properties of TiC–NiCr
Aramian A., Sadeghian Z., Razavi S.M.J., Prashanth K.G., Berto F.Ceramics International  
225An integrated approach of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and dimension theory for diagnosis of
rolling element bearing
Kumbhar S.G., Sudhagar P E.Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement
226Electron-beam welding of high-entropy alloy and stainless steel: microstructure and mechanical propertiesSokkalingam R., Mastanaiah P., Muthupandi V., Sivaprasad K., Prashanth K.G.Materials and Manufacturing Processes  
227A Comprehensive Review on CNTs and CNT-Reinforced Composites: Syntheses, Characteristics and
Soni S.K., Thomas B., Kar V.R.Materials Today Communications  
228Micro Cellulose Grewia Optiva Fiber- reinforced Polymer Composites:
Relationship between Structural and Mechanical Properties
Karakoti A., Aseer J.R., Dasan P.K., Rajesh M.Journal of Natural Fibers  
229Non-isothermal conversion of wheat husk and low-density polyethylene for energy dense fuel productionRajkumar P., Somasundaram M.Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery  
230Experimental investigation of substrate board orientation effect on the optimal distribution of IC chips under forced
Mathew V.K., Hotta T.K.Experimental Heat Transfer  
231Frictional wear and corrosion behavior of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy
coatings synthesized by atmospheric plasma spraying
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Ma X., Jia Y., Xu Y., Jia Y., Wang G.
232Effect of reformulated fuel strategy on compression ignition engine compatibility using antioxidant additive
and clean Karanja methyl ester
Dandu M.S.R., Kasianantham N.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy  
233Spark plasma sintering and characterization of Al-TiB2 compositesAnnamalai A.R., Srikanth M., Muthuchamy A., Acharya S., Khisti A.,
Agrawal D.K., Jen C.-P.
234Mechanical behaviour and microscopic analysis of epoxy and E-glass reinforced banyan fibre composites with the application of artificial neural
network and deep neural network for the automatic prediction of orientation
Shyam S., Kaul S., Kalsara N., Babu T.N.Journal of Composite Materials  
235Development of Pulsed Current Arc Welding to Preclude Carbide
Precipitates in Hastelloy X Weldment Using ERNiCr-3
Sathishkumar M., Manikandan M.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance  
236A Comparative Study of Structural Changes in Conventional and Unconventional Machining and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Polypropylene Based Self Reinforced
Deepa A., Kuppan P., Krishnan P.Science and Engineering of Composite Materials  
237Prediction based traffic management in a metropolitan areaChavhan S., Venkataram P.Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)  
238Impact of polymeric changes on mechanical and structural properties of polyethylene self reinforced polymer compositesDeepa A., Kuppan P., Padmanabhan K.UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering  
239Experimental Analysis and Energy Balance on Thermal Barrier-Coated Piston Diesel Engine Using BiodieselGangula V.R., Nandhana Gopal G.R., Tarigonda H.Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C  
240Matrix-based tolerance analysis for multi-component selective assembly with geometric and dimensional features using genetic algorithmJeevanantham A.K., Chaitanya S.V., Ananthanarayanan R.International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management  
241Effect of FDM process parameters on mechanical properties of 3D-printed carbon fibre–PLA compositeKamaal M., Anas M., Rastogi H., Bhardwaj N., Rahaman A.Progress in Additive Manufacturing  
242Experimental study on structural parameters of wire arc additive manufacturing on nickel based alloy
using argon arc welding
Kiran B., Rajyalakshmi G.UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering  
243An overview of dynamic modeling of rolling-element bearingsKumbhar S.G., Sudhagar P E., Desavale R.G.Noise and Vibration Worldwide  
244Scratch resistance of high velocity oxy-
fuel sprayed wc-20% co coatings reinforced with carbon nanotubes
Mohammed Thalib
Basha G., Venkateshwarlu B.
Journal of Surface Science and Technology  
245Investigation on tensile strength of cellulose microfibril reinforced polymer
Pragasam V., Reddy D.M.Cellulose Chemistry and Technology  
246Case Studies on the Applications of Phenolic Resin-Based Composite Materials for Developing Eco-Friendly Brake PadsPraveenkumar B., Darius Gnanaraj S.Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D  
247Robotic manipulator trajectory
optimisation using an improved modified bat algorithm
Sahu P.K., Balamurali G., Biswal B.B.International Journal of
Mechatronics and Automation
248Compressive strength evaluation of nanodiamond/ mwcnt/graphene reinforced novel hybrid polymer nano compositesSingh B., Mohanty A.Journal of Surface Science and Technology  
249Selective laser manufacturing of Ti- based alloys and composites: impact of process parameters, application trends, and future prospectsSingh N., Hameed P., Ummethala R., Manivasagam G., Prashanth K.G., Eckert
Materials Today Advances  
250Evaluation of small wind turbine blades with uni-vinyl foam alignments using static structural analysisVeludurthi A., Bolleddu V.Energy Engineering: Journal of the
Association of Energy Engineering
251An optimal approach for improving the machinability of Nimonic C-263 superalloy during cryogenic assisted
Jadhav P.S., Mohanty C.P., Hotta T.K., Gupta M.Journal of Manufacturing Processes  
252Microstructure and properties of
nano-SiO2 activated flux TIG (A-TIG) welding of Incoloy 925 joints
Sujai S., Devendranath Ramkumar K.Journal of
Manufacturing Processes
253Nonlocal strain gradient finite element analysis of nanobeams
using two-variable trigonometric shear deformation theory
Merzouki T., Houari M.S.A., Haboussi M.,
Bessaim A., Ganapathi M.
Engineering with Computers  
254Sliding mode controller-based voltage source inverter for power
quality improvement in microgrid
Rajakumar V., Anbukumar K.,
Immanuel Selwynraj A.
IET Renewable Power Generation  
255High index facets-Ag nanoflower enabled efficient electrochemical detection of lead in blood serum and
Swetha P., Chen J., Kumar A.S., Feng S.-P.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry  
256Sensible desalting: Investigation of sensible thermal storage materials in solar stillsArunkumar T., Wang J., Dsilva Winfred Rufuss D., Denkenberger D.,
Kabeel A.E.
Journal of Energy Storage  
257Next-Generation Smart Electric Vehicles Cyber Physical System for Charging Slots Booking in Charging StationsChavhan S., Dubey N., Lal A., Khetan D., Gupta D., Khanna A., Rodrigues J.J.P.C.,
Pinheiro P.R.
IEEE Access  
258Privacy and Security Management in Intelligent Transportation SystemChavhan S., Gupta D., Garg S., Khanna A., Choi B.J., Shamim Hossain
IEEE Access  
259Design and analysis of metal hydride reactor embedded with internal copper fins and external water
Gupta S., Sharma V.K.International Journal of Energy Research  
260Estimation of residual stress in air
plasma sprayed MWCNT-reinforced 8YSZ–alumina composite coating
Thakare J.G., Mulik R.S., Mahapatra M.M.Archives of Civil and
Mechanical Engineering
261Effect of diethyl ether and ethanol as an oxygenated additive on Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in CI engineTamilvanan A., Balamurugan K., Ashok B., Selvakumar P., Dhamotharan S., Bharathiraja M.,
Karthickeyan V.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research  
262Effect of oil palm leaf-based carbon quantum dot on nematic liquid
crystal and its electro-optical effects
Rastogi A., Hegde G., Manohar T., Manohar
Liquid Crystals  
263A review of particulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by selective laser meltingWANG P., ECKERT J., PRASHANTH K.-G., WU M.-W., KABAN I., XI L.-
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
(English Edition)
264Impact damage assessment in carbon fiber reinforced composite using vibration-based new damage index and ultrasonic C-scanning
Patil S., Mallikarjuna Reddy D.Structures  
265Comparative assessment of biogas and producer gas with diesel in a twin cylinder dual-fuel diesel engineNayak C., Sahoo B.B.Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical
Sciences and Engineering
266Experimental investigation on photothermal conversion using solar glycol/MWCNTs based nanofluidsGanesh Kumar P., Vigneswaran V.S., Sakthivadivel D., Meikandan M.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical
267Multi-wall carbon nanotubes coating on a copper substrate using airbrush spray coatingMeikandan M., Ganesh Kumar P., Sakthivadivel D., Vigneswaran V.S., Malar Mohan K.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical
268Automating smart Internet of Things
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Muthu S.M., Anant R.V., Raghul D., Ishwarya M., Arivazhagan N., Arivarasu M.Surface Review and Letters  
270Fault analysis of worm gear box using symlets waveletTHAMBA N.B., VENKATA K.K.T., NUTAKKI S., DURAISWAMY R.P., MOHAMMED N., WAHAB R.S., MANGALARAJA R.V.,
Archives of Acoustics  
271Dental pulp stem cells in neuroregenerationMohan S.P., Ramalingam M.Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences  
272Exosomes in the oral and maxillofacial regionLakshmi J.S.J., Nallusamy J., Manivasagam G.,
Ramalingam M., Sunil P.M., Tom A.
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences  
273A novel method to estimate the damage severity using spatial
wavelets and local regularity algorithm
Arun Kumar K., Mallikarjuna Reddy D.Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale  
274Application of artificial immune system algorithm for simultaneous minimisation of multiple objectives
in single row facility layout problems
Nagarajan L., Mahalingam S.K., Kandasamy J., Gurusamy S.International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering  
275Vitamin B12-Immobilized Graphene Oxide for Efficient Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction ReactionSaravanan N., Balamurugan M., Shalini Devi K.S., Nam K.T.,
Senthil Kumar A.
276Decanol proportional effect prediction model as additive in palm biodiesel using ANN and RSM technique for diesel engineKumar A.N., Kishore P.S., Raju K.B., Ashok B., Vignesh R., Jeevanantham A.K., Nanthagopal K.,
Tamilvanan A.
277Vibration analysis of a multifunctional hybrid composite honeycomb sandwich platePraveen A P., Rajamohan V., Arumugam A.B.,
Mathew A.T.
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials  
278Thermodynamic simulation of
hydrogen based thermochemical energy storage system
Choudhari M.S., Sharma V.K.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  
279Dissimilar friction stir welding of AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 304L austenitic
stainless steels
Emami S., Sadeghi- Kanani S., Saeid T., Khan
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering  
280Scalable Biomimetic Coaxial Aligned Nanofiber Cardiac Patch: A Potential Model for “Clinical Trials in a Dish”Kumar N., Sridharan D., Palaniappan A., Dougherty J.A., Czirok A., Isai D.G., Mergaye M., Angelos M.G.,
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Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  
281Different interface delamination effects on laminated composite plate structure under free vibration analysis based on classical laminated plate
Arun Kumar K., Mallikarjuna Reddy D.Smart Materials and Structures  
282Microstructure characterization and tensile properties of CMT-based wire
plus arc additive manufactured ER2594
Nikam P.P., Arun D., Ramkumar K.D., Sivashanmugam N.Materials Characterization  
283A comparative turbulent flow study of unconfined orthogonal and oblique slot impinging jet using large-eddy
Pawar S., Patel D.K., Bisoi M., Roy S.Physics of Fluids  
284Characterization of hybrid oil palm empty fruit bunch/woven kenaf fabric-
reinforced epoxy composites
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285Epithelial distribution of e-cadherin, p63, and mitotic figures in apotome images to determine the oncogenic
potentiality of oral submucous fibrosis
Nag R., Paul R.R., Pal M., Chatterjee J., Das R.K.Microscopy and Microanalysis  
286Selective laser melting of aluminum and its alloysWang Z., Ummethala R., Singh N., Tang S., Suryanarayana C.,
Eckert J., Prashanth K.G.
287Multi-objective evolutionary optimization with genetic algorithm for the design of off-grid PV-wind-
battery-diesel system
Rathish R.J., Mahadevan K., Selvaraj S.K., Booma J.Soft Computing  
288Powder metallurgy of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloySokkalingam R., Tarraste M., Surreddi K.B., Mikli V., Muthupandi V., Sivaprasad K., Prashanth
Journal of Materials Research  
289A review on methods of finding losses and cooling methods to increase efficiency of electric machinesGundabattini E., Kuppan R., Solomon D.G., Kalam A., Kothari D.P., Abu
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Ain Shams Engineering Journal  
290Grinding characteristics during ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding of alumina ceramic in selected dry and
MQL conditions
Das S., Pandivelan C.Materials Research Express  
291Mechanical, DMA and Sound Acoustic behaviour of Flax woven fabric reinforced Epoxy compositesVinu Kumar S.M., Senthil Kumar K.L., Siddhi Jailani H.,
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Materials Research Express  
292Studies on mechanical property of squeeze cast and heat treated
Annamalai A.R., James J., Kuppan P.,
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Materials Research Express  
293Free vibration modes of rectangular plate under non-uniform heating: An
experimental investigation
Twinkle C.M., Pitchaimani J.,
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294Effect of Cryogenics-Assisted Low- Plasticity Burnishing on Laser-Clad Stellite 6 over SS420 SubstrateAnirudh P.V., Kumar B., Girish G., Shailesh S., Oyyaravelu R., KannanC., Balan A.S.S.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance  
295Analysis of thermal stresses and its effect in the multipass welding process of SS316LVemanaboina H., Akella S., Uma Maheshwer Rao A.C., Gundabattini E., Buddu R.K.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical
296Numerical modelling and experimental validation of crater formation in WEDM hybrid turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloyVignesh M., Ramanujam R.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical
297Numerical investigation of sloshing in
a three-dimensional square tank under excitation using CFD code
Thirunavukkarasu B., Rajagopal T.K.R.Ships and Offshore Structures  
298Mathematical modeling and optimization of tribological behaviour of Al 7075 based hybrid nanocompositesKannan C., Ramanujam R., Balan A.S.S.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
299Engine characteristics study on beef tallow biodiesel produced by ethanol based co-solvent transesterificationSrinivasan G.R., Palani S., Munir M., Saeed M., Thangavelu L., Mohanam A.,
Jambulingam R.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects  
300Emission reduction strategies for small single cylinder diesel engine using valve timing and swirl ratioJain A., Porpatham E., Thipse S.S.International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B:
301Small Molecule–Mediated Enhanced Osteogenesis of Human Mesenchymal
Stem Cells: a Probable Alternate for BMP-2
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302Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells in treating both types of diabetes mellitus and associated
Goenka V., Borkar T., Desai A., Das R.K.Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders  
303Design and analysis of cooling co- generation cycle using aqua-ammonia
as working fluid
Shankar R., Srinivas T., Anand B., Murugavelh
S., Rivera W.
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress  
304Integrated polygeneration system for coastal areasGovindasamy P.K., Rajagopal S., Coronas A.Thermal Science and Engineering Progress  
305Determination of fatigue limit of coir/CNT/Fly ash reinforced epoxy
polymer matrix composite
Gopalan V., Bhardwaj P., Satonkar N., Pragasam
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering  
306Evaluation of small wind turbine blades with Uni-vinyl foam alignments at low wind speeds for optimum
energy development
Ajay V., Venkateshwarlu B.Journal of Green Engineering  
307Impact of carbon nanotubes reinforcement on microstructural and tribological characteristics of air plasma sprayed conventional alu- mina-titania (Al2 o3-3wt%tio2)
Thalib Basha G.M., Bolleddu V.Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering  
308Inverse analysis for simultaneous estimation of temperature dependent thermal properties of isotropic
Somasundharam S., Reddy K.S.Thermal Science and Engineering Progress  
309Investigation on Different Thermal Barrier-Coated Piston Engines Using
Mahua Biodiesel
Gangula V.R., Nandhana Gopal G.R., Tarigonda H.Journal of The Institution of Engineers
(India): Series C
310Lubrication capability of solid powder lubricants in high-pressure situationsJose J., Behera N.Jurnal Tribologi  
311Microstructural and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded 316 Stainless Steel
and Pure Copper Joint
Thomas N., Mathew A., George K., Thomas N., Thampi S., Biradar A.,Rijesh M.Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis  
312Multi-response optimisation of electrochemical machining process parameters by harmony search-
desirability function optimiser
Kalaimathi M., Venkatachalam G., Sivakumar M., Ayyappan
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and
313Psychological aspects of women’s career growth constraints and outcomes: A longitudinal study from
Lathabhavan R.Australian Journal of Career Development  
314Studies on surface quality of stainless steel implant material while machiningSivakumar S., Adam Khan M., MuralidharanInternational Journal of Machining and  
315Vacuum hot pressing of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic
stainless steels: effect of al addition on the microstructure and properties
Ganesan D., Sellamuthu P., Prashanth K.G.Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing  
316Biodiesel production from novel non- edible caper (Capparis spinosa L.) seeds oil employing Cu–Ni doped ZrO2 catalystMunir M., Ahmad M., Saeed M., Waseem A., Nizami A.-S., Sultana S., Zafar M., Rehan M., Srinivasan G.R., Ali A.M.,
Ali M.I.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews  
317Critical review on third generation micro algae biodiesel production and its feasibility as future bioenergy for IC
engine applications
Jacob A., Ashok B., Alagumalai A., Chyuan O.H., Le P.T.K.Energy Conversion and Management  
318Tailoring biocompatible Ti-Zr-Nb-Hf-Si
metallic glasses based on high-entropy alloys design approach
Calin M., Vishnu J.,
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319Calibration of engine parameters and fuel blend for vibration and noise characteristics in CRDI engine fuelled with low viscous biofuelAshok B., Jeevanantham A.K., Vignesh R., Bhat Hire K.R., Prabhu K., Raaj Kumar R.A.,
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322Strain hardening analysis and modelling for sintered Al-Cu-TiC preforms with varying process parameters during cold upsettingJeevanantham A.K., Seenivasagam D.R., Ananthanarayanan R.Journal of Materials Research and Technology  
323High-resolution combinatorial 3D printing of gelatin-based biomimetic
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324Nanocellulose in biomedical and biosensing applications: A reviewSubhedar A., Bhadauria S., Ahankari S.,
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326Performance investigation of a multi- stage sorption hydrogen compressorGupta S., Sharma V.K.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  
327Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of cefazolin sodium
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328Analytical evaluation and experimental validation of energy harvesting using low-frequency band
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329Transforming waste disposals into building materials to investigate energy savings and carbon emission
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330Cellulase immobilized magnetic nanoparticles for green energy production from Allamanda schottii L: Sustainability research in waste
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331Study on Flexural Properties of Lotus, Eucalyptus Composites Reinforced with Epoxy and E-glass Fibers in
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332Vibration and Wear Characteristics of Aloevera/Flax/Hemp Woven Fiber Epoxy Composite Reinforced with
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333Development of biofuel from Nigella sativa biomass and its suitability for energy applicationMuniappan S.K., Bragadeshwaran A., Kasianantham N., Rajasekar V., Chinnadurai K.,
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334Experimental analysis of higher alcohol–based ternary biodiesel blends in CI engine parameters through multivariate and desirability approachesKumar A.N., Ashok B., Nanthagopal K., Ong H.C., Geca M.J., Victor J., Vignesh R., Jeevanantham A.K.,
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3353D printing-assisted combinatorial approach for designing mechanically- tunable and vascular supportive nanofibrous membranes to repair
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336Preliminary investigation of the performance of an engine equipped with an advanced axial turbocharger
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337Formulation and evaluation of rutin- loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for the treatment of brain tumorPandian S.R.K., Pavadai P., Vellaisamy S., Ravishankar V., Palanisamy P., Sundar L.M., Chandramohan V., Sankaranarayanan M.,
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338Augmenting the potable water produced from single slope solar still using CNT-doped paraffin wax as energy storage: an experimental approachChamkha A.J., Rufuss D.D.W., Kabeel A.E.,
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339Improvement in hot corrosion resistance of dissimilar alloy 825 and AISI 321 CO2-laser weldment by HVOF coating in aggressive salt environment at 900°CMuthu S.M., Arivarasu M., Krishna T.H., Ganguly S., Prabhakar K.V.P., Mohanty S.International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials  
340Experimental Investigation and Parametric Optimization on Hole Quality Assessment During Micro-drilling of Inconel 625 SuperalloyVenkatesan K., Nagendra K.U., Anudeep C.M., Cotton A.E.Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering  
341Development of Pulsed Cold Metal Transfer and Gas Metal Arc Welding Techniques on High-Strength Aerospace-Grade AA7475-T761Kumaran T.A.V., Reddy S.A.N.J., Jerome S.,
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342Enhancement of mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy matrix laminated composites
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343Design and implementation of an intelligent digital pitch controller for digital hydraulic pitch system hardware-in-the-loop simulator of
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344Thermal and Weld Bead Characteristics of Bead-on-Plate
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345Estimation of fuel properties and characterization of hemp biodiesel using spectrometric techniquesJohn C.B., Solamalai A.R., Jambulingam R., Balakrishnan D.Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization
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346Mechanical, thermal, and water absorption behaviour of jute/carbon
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347Significance of Tungsten disulfide on the mechanical and machining
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348Dynamic modeling and operation strategy of natural gas fueled SOFC- Engine hybrid power system with hydrogen addition by metal hydride
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351Study on effect of diverse air inlet arrangement on thermal management
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352A review on electrodeposition of hard chrome platingJeeva P.A.Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering  
353Optimal robotic assembly sequence planning using crab shell search
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354Machine learning based prognostic model and mobile application software platform for predicting infection susceptibility of COVID-19 using healthcare dataSrivatsan R., Indi P.N., Agrahari S., Menon S., Ashok S.D.Research on Biomedical Engineering  
355Additive manufacturing of a martensitic Co–Cr–Mo alloy: Towards circumventing the strength–ductility trade-offWang Z., Tang S.Y., Scudino S., Ivanov Y.P., Qu R.T., Wang D., Yang C., Zhang W.W., Greer
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356Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V: Effect of laser re-meltingKarimi J., Suryanarayana C.,
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357Potential of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) and sugarcane bagasse fibers for thermal insulation application
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358Agent Pseudonymous Authentication- Based Conditional Privacy Preservation: An Emergent Intelligence
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360Characterisation of La0.9Ce0.1Ni5 alloy for the development of single- stage thermally driven sorption hydrogen compressorGupta S., Sharma V.K.International Journal of Energy Research  
361Performance comparison of advanced ceramic cladding approaches via solid- state and traditional welding processes: A reviewSelvaraj S.K., Srinivasan K., Deshmukh J., Agrawal D., Mungilwar S., Jagtap R., Hu Y.-C.Materials  
362Ballistic Performance of Natural Fiber Based Soft and Hard Body Armour- A Mini ReviewNaveen J., Jayakrishna K., Hameed Sultan M.T.B., Amir S.M.M.Frontiers in Materials  
363Endothelial progenitor/stem cells in engineered vessels for vascular transplantationMuniswami D.M., Reddy L.V.K., Amirtham S.M., Babu S., Raj A.N., Sen D., Manivasagam G.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine  
364Processing of spark plasma sintered fe alloy and enhancing its surface properties by alcrn monolayer coating by cathodic arc plasma physical vapor
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365Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered manganese addition on Ti- 48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloysAnnamalai A.R., Srikanth M., Varshney R., Ashokkumar M.Y., Patro S.K., Jen C.-P.Metals  
366A study of silicon carbide reinforced W- Ni-Cu based heavy alloys sintered with different heating modesAnnamalai A.R., Chaurasia J.K., Srikanth M., Agrawal D.K., Jen
Materials Research Express  
367Surface receptor-mediated targeted drug delivery systems for enhanced cancer treatment: A state-of-the-art reviewKunjiappan S., Pavadai P., Vellaichamy S., Ram Kumar Pandian S., Ravishankar V., Palanisamy P., Govindaraj S., Srinivasan G., Premanand A.,
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368Evaluation of hot corrosion performance of HVOF coatings on PCGTA welded Fe-based alloy A-286 in Na2SO4%-7.5%NaVO3%-5%NaCl
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369Tribological performance of nanolubricants dispersed with graphene oxide and detonation nanodiamondJaveed A., John B.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering
370A numerical study on the single pulsed energy addition based unsteady wave drag reduction at varied hypersonic flow regimesRajasekhar Rao D.S.N.V., John B.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering  
371Ergonomic evaluation of the risk factors causing pain in the upper part of the body among IT professionals in
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372Influence of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforcement on Characteristics of Thermally Sprayed Ceramic CoatingsMohammed Thalib Basha G., Venkateshwarlu B.Surface Review and Letters  
373Drag and Heat Flux Reduction using Counterflow Jet and Spike – Analysis of their Equivalence for a Blunt Cone Geometry at Mach 8John B., Bhargava D., Punia S., Rastogi P.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics  
374A Numerical Investigation on the Equivalence of Shock-Wave/
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375Residual stress analysis, mechanical and weldments metallurgical of Monel properties 400 and of AISI dissimilar 316Yelamasetti B., Rajyalakshmi G.International Journal of Materials Research  
376Application of MQL for developing sustainable EDM and process parameter optimisation using ANN and
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377Automotive Headlamp High Power Led Cooling System And Its Effect On Junction Temperature And Light IntensityChidambaram R.K., Arunachalam R.Journal of Thermal Engineering  
378Comparative investigation of fly ash- coated semi-adiabatic diesel engine on performance and emission characteristics by using cotton seed
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379Biocompatible High Entropy Alloys with Excellent Degradation Resistance in a Simulated Physiological EnvironmentShittu J., Pole M., Cockerill I., Sadeghilaridjani M., Reddy L.V.K., Manivasagam G., Singh H., Grewal H.S., Arora
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Sl NoTitle of paperName of the author/sName of journalIndexed InScopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1An investigation on CRDi engine characteristic using renewable orange-peel oilAshok B., Nanthagopal K., Arumuga Perumal D., Babu J.M., Tiwari A., Sharma A.Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
2Investigation on diethyl ether as an additive with Calophyllum Inophyllum biodiesel for CI engine applicationNanthagopal K., Ashok B., Garnepudi R.S., Tarun K.R., Dhinesh B.Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
3Functionally graded graphene reinforced porous nanocomposite curved beams: Bending and elastic stability using a higher-order model with thickness stretch effectPolit O., Anant C., Anirudh B., Ganapathi M.Composites Part B: EngineeringWOS13598368
4Effects of n-octanol as a fuel blend with biodiesel on diesel engine characteristicsAshok B., Nanthagopal K., Anand V., Aravind K.M., Jeevanantham A.K., Balusamy S.FuelWOS162361
5Effect of n-butanol fumigation on the regulated and unregulated emission characteristics of a diesel engineGowtham M., Mohan C.G., Prakash R.FuelWOS162361
6Effect of biodiesel, biodiesel binary blends, hydrogenated biodiesel and injection parameters on NOx and soot emissions in a turbocharged diesel engineRajkumar S., Thangaraja J.FuelWOS162361
7Study on decanol and Calophyllum Inophyllum biodiesel as ternary blends in CI engineNanthagopal K., Ashok B., Saravanan B., Ramesh Pathy M., Sahil G., Ramesh A., Nurun Nabi M., Golam Rasul M.FuelWOS162361
8Study on isobutanol and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel as a partial replacement in CI engine applicationsAshok B., Nanthagopal K., Saravanan B., Azad K., Patel D., Sudarshan B., Aaditya Ramasamy R.FuelWOS162361
9Investigation of thermo-elastic buckling of variable stiffness laminated composite shells using finite element approach based on higher-order theoryAditya Narayan D., Ganapathi M., Pradyumna B., Haboussi M.Composite StructuresWOS2638223
10Axial Suspension Plasma Spraying: An ultimate technique to tailor Ti6Al4V surface with HAp for orthopaedic applicationsHameed P., Gopal V., Bjorklund S., Ganvir A., Sen D., Markocsan N., Manivasagam G.Colloids and Surfaces B: BiointerfacesWoS0927-7765
11A review on injectable chitosan/beta glycerophosphate hydrogels for bone tissue regenerationSaravanan S., Vimalraj S., Thanikaivelan P., Banudevi S., Manivasagam G.International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesWoS0141-8130
12Mesoscopic analysis of MHD double diffusive natural convection and entropy generation in an enclosure filled with liquid metalArun S., Satheesh A.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersWOS18761070
13Degradation behavior of metastable β Ti-15-3 alloy for fastener applicationsTiyyagura H.R., Kumari S., Mohan M.K., Pant B., Nageswara Rao M.Journal of Alloys and CompoundsWOS09258388
14Microstructure and properties of inconel 718 and AISI 416 laser welded jointsK. D.R., Sidharth D., K.V. P.P., Rajendran R., K. G.M., Narayanan S.Journal of Materials Processing TechnologyWOS9240136
15Argon and argon-hydrogen shielding gas effects on the laves phase formation and corrosion behavior of Inconel 718 gas tungsten arc weldsAnbarasan N., Jerome S., Arivazhagan N.Journal of Materials Processing TechnologyWOS9240136
16Transient characteristics of fine powder flows within fluidized dense phase pneumatic conveying systemsAlkassar Y., Agarwal V.K., Behera N., Jones M.G., Pandey R.K.Powder TechnologyWOS325910
17Effect of La2O3 addition and sintering mode on the mechanical properties and microstructural evolution on an 8YSZ ceramic alloyMuthuchamy A., Nagaraju N., Agrawal D.K., Annamalai A.R.Ceramics InternationalWOS2728842
18Engine parameter optimization of palm oil biodiesel as alternate fuel in CI engineKumar A.N., Kishore P.S., Raju K.B., Kasianantham N., Bragadeshwaran A.Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchWOS16147499
19Enhancement of low cycle vibration induced fatigue life of composite beam having central hole using CNT reinforcement: An experimental studyVarma V., Rajamohan V.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresWOS1537-6532
20Evaluation of microclimates and assessment of thermal comfort of Panthera leo in the Masai Mara National Reserve, KenyaGhosh S., Arvind D.G., Dobbie S.International Journal of BiometeorologyWOS14321254
21NOx emission reduction using permanent/electromagnet-based fuel reforming system in a compression ignition engine fueled with pine oilThiyagarajan S., Edwin Geo V., Ashok B., Nanthagopal K., Vallinayagam R., Saravanan C.G., Kumaran P.Clean Technologies and Environmental PolicyWOS16189558
22Statistical analysis of different machining characteristics of EN-24 alloy steel during dry hard turning with multilayer coated cermet insertsDas A., Patel S.K., Hotta T.K., Biswal B.B.Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement ConfederatioWOS2632241
23Experimental and numerical procedure for studying strength and heat generation responses of ultrasonic welding of polymer blendsNatesh M., Yun L., Arungalai Vendan S., Ramesh Kumar K.A., Gao L., Niu X., Peng X., Garg A.Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement ConfederatioWOS2632241
24Attenuation of Sommerfeld effect in an internally damped eccentric shaft-disk system via active magnetic bearingsJha A.K., Dasgupta S.S.MeccanicaWOS15729648
25Failure evaluation of SA 210C riffle water wall tubes in 70 MW CFBC boilerSenthur Prabu S., Choudhary A., Mittal N., Gupta S., Ramkumar D., Natarajan A.Engineering Failure AnalysisWOS13506307
26Drilling performances and wear characteristics of coated drill bits during drilling reinforced concreteSathish S., Ramkumar S., Geetha M.International Journal of Applied Ceramic TechnologyWOS17447402
27Effect of chilled air on delamination, induced vibration, burr formation and surface roughness in CFRP drilling: A comparative studyMannoj Rajkumar G., Bhardwaj D., Kannan C., Oyyaravelu R., Balan A.S.S.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
28Hot corrosion studies of HVOF sprayed carbide and metallic powder coatings on alloy 80A at 900 °cSreenivasulu V., Manikandan M.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
29Effects of plastic strains on passivation behavior of different austenitic stainless steel gradesSrinivasan N., Kumaran S.S., Venkateswarlu D.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
30Effects of in-grain misorientation developments in sensitization of 304 L austenitic stainless steelsSrinivasan N., Kumaran S.S., Venkateswarlu D.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
31An investigation of mechanical properties of madar fiber reinforced polyester composites for various fiber length and fiber contentGaneshan P., Kumaran S.S., Raja K., Venkateswarlu D.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
32Mechanical and abrasive wear behavior of cenosphere filled carbon reinforced epoxy composites using Taguchi-Grey relational analysisVinu Kumar S.M., Suresha B., Rajamurugan G., Megalingam A.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
33Dynamic Characterization of a Bistable Energy Harvester Under Gaussian White Noise for Larger Time ConstantDasgupta S.S., Rajamohan V., Jha A.K.Arabian Journal for Science and EngineeringWOS21914281
34CFD analysis of aerodynamic drag effects on Vacuum Tube TrainsGillani S.A., Panikulam V.P., Sadasivan S., Yaoping Z.Journal of Applied Fluid MechanicsWOS17353645
35Hot Corrosion Studies on Detonation-Gun-Sprayed NiCrAlY and 80Ni–20Cr Coatings on Alloy X22CrMoV12-1 at 600 °CSubramani P., Padgelwar N., Shetty S., Pandit A., Sreenivasulu V., Arivazhagan N., Duoli W.U., Manikandan M.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
36Effect of Nickel Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Spark Plasma Sintered Ti–6Al–4V AlloyMuthuchamy A., Rajadurai M., Annamalai A.R., Agrawal D.K.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
37Effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of electron-beam-welded 21st century nickel-based super alloy 686Arulmurugan B., Modi K., Sanjay A.P., Yashwant P.A., Rickwith N., Mohan C.G., Subramani P., Agilan M., Manikandan M., Arivazhagan N.Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesWOS9737677
38Estimation of manufacturing systems degradation rate for residual life prediction through dynamic workload adjustmentManupati V.K., Panigrahi S., Ahsan M., Lahiri S., Chandra A., Thakkar J.J., Putnik G., Varela M.L.R.Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesWOS9737677
39Nuclear energy-driven Kalina cycle system suitable for Indian climatic conditionsGanesh N.S., Srinivas T.Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental EffectsWOS15567230
40Knowledge management based supplier selection of wind turbine manufacturer supply chainKumar P., John Rajan A.International Journal of Knowledge Management StudiesScopus17438276
41A joint two-echelon inventory model coupled with credit period and quadratic price dependent demandKrugon, S., Nagaraju, D.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus09766359
42Design and fabrication of an automated seat pan and armrest height adjustable chairSahu, M., Vijay, S.J., Masepogu Wilson Kumar, S., Gnanaraj, D.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus09766359
43Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of juliflora biodiesel fuelled DI diesel engineAsokan M.A., Senthur Prabu S., Bade P.K.K., Nekkanti V.M., Gutta S.S.G.EnergyWOS3605442
44Dynamic characterization of a CNT reinforced hybrid uniform and non-uniform composite platesLakshmipathi J., Vasudevan R.Steel and Composite StructuresWOS15986233
45Techno-economic assessment of coconut biodiesel as a potential alternative fuel for compression ignition enginesThangaraja J., Srinivasan V.Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchWOS16147499
46Nonlinear axisymmetric dynamic buckling of functionally graded graphene reinforced porous nanocomposite spherical capsHaboussi M., Sankar A., Ganapathi M.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresWOS15376532
47Dynamic characterization of CNT-reinforced hybrid polymer composite beam under elevated temperature—an experimental studyJakkamputi L.P., Rajamohan V.Polymer CompositesWOS15480569
48Laser shock peening wavelength conditions for enhancing corrosion behaviour of titanium alloy in chloride environmentRanjith Kumar G., Rajyalakshmi G., Swaroop S., Arul Xavier Stango S., Vijayalakshmi U.Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringWOS18063691
49Development of gas tungsten arc welding using current pulsing technique to preclude chromium carbide precipitation in aerospace-grade alloy 80ASubramani P., Manikandan M.International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and MaterialsWOS1869103X
50Flexural properties of multiscale nanocomposites containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes coated glass fabric in epoxy/graphene matrixMani A., Tambe P., Rahaman A.Composite InterfacesWOS15685543
51Behaviour of Alloy 617 OCC Under Hot Corrosion Conditions Encountered in Boilers in A-USC Power PlantsHari P.R., Arivazhagan N., Nageswara Rao M., Pavan A.H.V.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
52Hot Corrosion Demeanour of Alloy 80A Weldments Fabricated Through Tungsten Inert Gas Welding TechniqueSubramani P., Manikandan M.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
53Influence of Shot Peening on Residual Stress Distribution and Corrosion Resistance of Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel AISI 316LVinoth Jebaraj A., Sugavaneswaran M.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
54Analysis of performance and emission characteristics of TBC coated low heat rejection engineReddy G.V., Rasu N.G., Prasad T.H.International Journal of Ambient EnergyScopus21628246
55Application of fuzzy QFD for improving the process sustainability characteristics: A case studyVimal K.E.K., Vinodh S., Jayakrishna K.International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementScopus17442389
56Dataset on optimization of EDM machining parameters by using central composite designSoundhar A., Zubar H.A., Sultan M.T.B.H.H., Kandasamy J.Data in BriefScopus23523409
57Ergonomic design and RULA analysis of a motorised wheelchair for disabled and elderlyPaul B.P., Darius Gnanaraj S., Paul S.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus09766359
58Re-designing door handles to reduce aerodynamic drag in road vehiclesGautham Ramchadran, Archana Nepak, Yagnavalkya Mukkamala,32ns AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference  
59Surface properties and cytocompatibility of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated using Laser Engineered Net ShapingA R., Mitun D., Balla V.K., Dwaipayan S., D D., Manivasagam G.Materials Science and Engineering CWOS9284931
60An experimental analysis on the effect of n-pentanol- Calophyllum Inophyllum Biodiesel binary blends in CI engine characteristcisAshok B., Jeevanantham A.K., Nanthagopal K., Saravanan B., Senthil Kumar M., Johny A., Mohan A., Kaisan M.U., Abubakar SEnergyWOS3605442
61Comparative assessment of hexanol and decanol as oxygenated additives with calophyllum inophyllum biodieselAshok B., Nanthagopal K., Darla S., Chyuan O.H., Ramesh A., Jacob A., Sahil G., Thiyagarajan S., Geo V.E.EnergyWOS3605442
62Performance analysis of metal hydride based simultaneous cooling and heat transformation systemMohan M., Sharma M., Sharma V.K., Kumar E.A., Satheesh A., Muthukumar P.International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyWOS3603199
63Deformation characteristics of sinusoidally-corrugated laminated composite panel – A higher-order finite element approachKarakoti A., Kar V.R.Composite StructuresWOS2638223
64Studies on thermodynamic performance of three stage sorption heat transformerMohan M., Sharma V.K.Applied Thermal EngineeringWOS13594311
65A catholically pre-treated low cost screen-printed carbon electrode surface for metal compounds electrocatalyst like hydrogen evolution activityChen Y.-J., Yang T.-H., Chang J.-L., Cheng W.- L., Kumar A.S., Zen J.- M.Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryWOS15726657
66Processing of titanium-based human implant material using wire EDMkumar S., Khan M.A., Muralidharan B.Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15322475
67Effect of electromagnet-based fuelreforming system on high-viscous andlow-viscous biofuel fueled in heavyduty CI engineThiyagarajan S., Sonthalia A., Edwin Geo V., Ashok B., Nanthagopal K., Karthickeyan V., Dhinesh B.Journal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryWOS15882926
68Electric discharge texturing of HSS cutting tool and its performance in dry machining of aerospace alloySingh B., Sasi R., Kanmani Subbu S., Muralidharan B.Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringWOS18063691
69Tribological performance evaluation of fused mullite-reinforced hybrid composite brake pad for defence applicationVineeth Kumar V., Senthil Kumaran S., Dhanalakshmi S., Sivaramakrishnan R.Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringWOS18063691
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206Vibration analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube-reinforced composite shell: An experimental studySubramani M., Ramamoorthy M.Polymers and Polymer CompositesWOS9673911
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208Influence of cutting condition on machinability aspects of inconel 718: A review paperJeyapandiarajan P., Anthony X.M.Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait)Scopus23071885
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211Experimental study on thermal properties and electrical conductivity of stabilized H2O-solar glycol mixture based multi-walled carbon nanotube nanofluids: developing a new correlationGanesh Kumar P., Sakthivadivel D., Meikandan M., Vigneswaran V.S., Velraj R.HeliyonScopus24058440
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215Crystal growth behavior and phase stability of rare earth oxides (4 mol.% GdO1.5-4 mol.% SmO1.5) doped zirconia nanopowdersMahendran R., Manivannan S., Kumaran S.S., Vallimanalan A., Murali M., Raj S.G., Babu S.P.K.Journal of Materials Research and TechnologyWOS22387854
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221Effect of hot corrosion on the bimetallic joints employed in the coal-fired boilerPrabu S.S., Ramkumar K.D., Arivazhagan N.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
222Flexural properties of areca nut, sunn hemp and e-glass fibers reinforced with epoxy compositesThamba N.B., Kuclourya T., Jain M.K., Mangalaraja R.V.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
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242An experimental approach on Cu/CuO-Sn/SnO with graphene/MWCNT composites as a novel primary cell with an extended life spanDinakaran R., Karthikeyan S.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
243Corrosion behaviour of novel molten salt processed aluminium nanocomposites under different treated conditionsKannan C., Ramanujam R., Ghosh R., Kumar V., Balan A.S.S.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
244Experimental evaluation and numerical validation of bending and impact behaviours of hybrid composites with various stacking arrangementsMargabandu S., Subramaniam S.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
245Oxidation and hot corrosion studies on Fe-based superalloy A-286 pulsed current GTA weldments in gas turbine environmentMuthu S.M., Arivarasu M.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
246Studies on the effect of filler wires on micro level segregation of alloying elements in the alloy 617 weld fusion zoneMageshkumar K., Arivazhagan N., Kuppan P.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
247Multi-objective optimization for multi-stage sequential plastic injection molding with plating process using RSM and PCA-based weighted-GRASreedharan J., Jeevanantham A.K., Rajeshkannan A.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering ScienceWOS20412983
248Mechanical, Chemical and Morphological Analysis of Crab shell/Sisal Natural Fiber Hybrid CompositesSoundhar A., Kandasamy J.Journal of Natural FibersWOS1544046X
2493D printed polycarbonate reinforced acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene composites: Composition effects on mechanical properties, micro-structure and void formation studyKumar M., Ramakrishnan R., Omarbekova A.Journal of Mechanical Science and TechnologyWOS19763824
250Influence of moving plate velocity on conjugate heat transfer due to the impingement of an inclined slot jetPawar S., Patel D.K.International Journal of Modern Physics CWOS17936586
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252A conceptual framework for the assessment of sustainability indicators using IF-THEN rules approach: A case studyJayakrishna K., Vinodh S., Vimal K.E.K.International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementScopus17442389
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254A Review on Electromagnetic Sheet Metal Forming of Continuum Sheet MetalsSatonkar N., Gopalan V.SAE International Journal of Materials and ManufacturingScopus19463987
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256Surface hardening and wear correlations studies when turning inconel 718Jeyapandiarajan P., Xavior M.A., Sasidharan N.C., Duchosal A.MM Science JournalScopus18050476
257Comparison of hot corrosion performance of bare and nicocraly-coated austenitic stainless steel aisi 347 in aggressive waste heat incinerator environment at 6 5 0CMuthu S.M., Anant R.V., Raghul D., Ishwarya M., Arivazhagan N., Arivarasu M.Surface Review and LettersWOS17936667
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262On the microphysical processing of aged combustion aerosols impacting warm rain microphysics over Asian megacitiesGumber, S., Ghosh, S., Orr, A., Sathish Kumar CR, Pope, J.Theoretical and Applied ClimatologyWOS14344483
263Experimental investigation on engine parameters variation in common rail direct injection engine fueled with biodieselNanthagopal K., Ashok B., Susanth Kishna R., Srinath R., Pranava Kumar M., Karthickeyan V.Clean Technologies and Environmental PolicyWOS16189558
264Comparative study of conjugate heat transfer in a single-phase flow in wavy and raccoon microchannelsTiwari N., Moharana M.K.International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid FlowWOS9615539
265Optimization and analysis of ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive polyphenols from Garcinia indica using RSM and ANFIS modeling and its anticancer activityKunjiappan, S., Panneerselvam, T., Govindaraj, S., Kannan, S., Parasuraman, P., Arunachalam, S., Sankaranarayanan, M., Baskararaj, S., Palanisamy, P., Ammunje, D.N.Journal of the Iranian Chemical SocietyWOS17352428
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267Comparative analysis on the influence of antioxidants role with Pistacia khinjuk oil biodiesel to reduce emission in diesel engineKarthickeyan, V., Ashok, B., Thiyagarajan, S., Nanthagopal, K., Geo, V.E., Dhinesh, B.Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und StoffuebertragungWOS14321181
268Experimental investigation on stir and squeeze casted aluminum alloy composites reinforced with grapheneVenkatesan S., Anthony Xavior M.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
269Study on the thermal, dielectric, and dynamic mechanical properties of graphene decorated with graphene quantum dots (GDGQD) reinforced epoxy nanocompositesGeorge M., Mohanty A.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
270Hot corrosion behaviour of continuous and pulsed current gas tungsten arc welded Hastelloy X in different molten salts environmentSathishkumar M., Manikandan M.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
271Influence of plasma sprayed zirconia coating on surface properties of additive manufactured austenitic stainless steel 316 LBhagade A., Gupta E., Jebaraj A.V.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
272Forming, fracture and corrosion behaviour of stainless steel 202 sheet formed by single point incremental forming processVignesh G., Narayanan C.S., Pandivelan C., Shanmugapriya K., Tejavath B.N., Tirupathi L.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
273Compressive performance and thermal stability of alumina – Graphene nanoplatelets reinforced epoxy nanocompositesKesavulu A., Mohanty A.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
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278The Impingement Heat Transfer Data of Inclined Jet in Cooling Applications: A ReviewPawar S., Patel D.K.Journal of Thermal ScienceWOS1993033X
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284An investigation on hot corrosion and oxidation behavior of cobalt-based superalloy L605 in the simulated aero-engine environment at various temperaturesJithesh K., Arivarasu M.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591


Sl NoTitle of paperName of the author/sName of journalIndexed InScopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1CFD study and experimental investigation of piston geometry induced in-cylinder charge motion on LPG
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Ravi K., Pradeep Bhasker J., Alexander J., Porpatham E.FuelWOS162361
2Molten salt reactors and their development over the years – a reviewSaraf N., Devarajan A., Mokashi S.S., Rao G., Dalal V., Premkartikkumar S.R.International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and DevelopmentScopus22498001
3Effects of water diesel emulsion on dieselengineDatta Sai K., Gopidesi R.K., Premkartikkumar S.R., Nagarjuna K.International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and DevelopmentScopus22498001
4Numerical investigations on a biogas powered homogeneous charge compression ignition engineAdhavan K., Sathishkumar S., Mohamed Ibrahim M.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus9766340
5Influence of sintering temperature on mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered prealloyed
Ti-6Al-4 v powder
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6Effect of Sn addition on the microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of the
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7Microstructural Evolution of Iron Based Alloys Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering MethodMuthuchamy A., Annamalai A.R., Karthikeyan M., Thakur A., Nagaraju N., Agrawal D.K.Physics of Metals and MetallographyWOS0031918X
8Machinability study of developed composite AA6061-ZrO2 and analysis of influence of MQLJames S.J., Annamalai A.R.MetalsWOS2075-4701
9Recent developments in investigation on buckling and post buckling responses of laminated composite
Praveen A P., Rajamohan V., Mathew A.T.Polymer CompositesWOS2728397
10Assessment of drilling-induced damage in CFRP under chilled air environmentAbish J., Samal P., Narenther M.S., Kannan C., Balan A.S.S.Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesWOS1532-2475
11Effect of La2O3 addition and sintering mode on the mechanical properties and microstructural
evolution on an 8YSZ ceramic alloy
Muthuchamy, A., Nagaraju, N., Agrawal, D.K., Annamalai, A.R.Ceramics InternationalWOS0272-8842
12Structural optimization of tapered composite sandwich plates partially treated with
magnetorheological elastomers
Vemuluri R.B., Rajamohan V., Sudhagar P.E.Composite StructuresWOS2638223
13Optimal pricing and inventory decisions in a centralised and de-centralised two-echelon inventory
system under nonlinear price dependent demand
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14Integration of lean, Six Sigma and theory of constraints for productivity improvement of mining
Rajini J., Nagaraju D., Narayanan S.International Journal of Productivity and Quality ManagementScopus17466474
15Biochemical responses from biomass of isolated Chlorella sp., under different cultivation modes:
Non-linear modelling of growth kinetics
Praveen K., Abinandan S., Natarajan R., Kavitha M.S.Brazilian Journal of Chemical EngineeringWOS1046632
16Performance investigation of Kalina cooling cogeneration cyclesShankar R., Srinivas T.International Journal of RefrigerationWOS0140-7007
17A human whole blood chemically modified electrode for the hydrogen peroxide reduction and sensing:
Real-time interaction studies of hemoglobin in the red blood cell with hydrogen peroxide
Amreen K., Kumar A.S.Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryWOS15726657
18In-situ electrochemical immobilization of [Mn(bpy)2(H2O)2]2+ complex on MWCNT modified electrode and
its electrocatalytic H2O2 oxidation and reduction reactions: A Mn-Pseudocatalase enzyme
bio-mimicking electron-transfer functional model
Saravanan N., Mayuri P., Huang S.-T., Kumar A.S.Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryWOS15726657
19Bio-electrocatalytic reduction of dissolved oxygen by whole blood chemically modified electrode and
its application
Amreen K., Kumar A.S.Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryWOS15726657
20Novel cooling augmented cogeneration cycle [Nouveau cycle de cogénération à refroidissement
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21A blood-serum sulfide selective electrochemical sensor based on a 9,10-phenanthrenequinone-tethered
graphene oxide modified electrode
Shalini Devi K.S., Senthil Kumar A.AnalystWOS32654
22A bipotentiostat based separation-free method for simultaneous flow injection analysis of chromium
(III) and (VI) species
Nellaiappan S., Kumar A.S.Electrochimica ActaWOS134686
23A new organic redox species-indole tetraone trapped MWCNT modified electrode prepared by in-situ
electrochemical oxidation of indole for a bifunctional electrocatalysis and simultaneous flow
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Mayuri P., Huang S.-T., Mani V., Kumar A.S.Electrochimica ActaWOS134686
24Selective amperometric and flow injection analysis of 1,2-dihydroxy benzene isomer in presence of
1,3- and 1,4-dihydroxy benzene isomers using palladium nanoparticles-chitosan modified ITO electrode
Nellaiappan S., Kumar A.S.Sensors and Actuators, B: ChemicalWOS0925-4005
25Selective electrochemical polymerization of 1-napthylamine on carbon electrodes and its pH sensing
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26Detoxification of dyes by aspergillus Niger isolated from dye contaminated soil effluent from the
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27Investigation of Solar Cooling Cogeneration PlantShankar R., Srinivas T., Reddy B.V.Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika)Scopus0003701X
28Effect of Inlet Air Humidity on Performance of Solar Hybrid Combined Cycle Power PlantSamuel V., Srinivas T., Reddy B.V.Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika)Scopus0003701X
29Biodiesel production from waste animal fat using a novel catalyst HCA immobilized AuNPS amine
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30A review on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with
various vegetable oil
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31Effect of TiC Addition and Heating Mode on the Electrochemical Response of Powder Metallurgy
Processed Corrosion-Resistant Austenitic and Ferritic Steels
Muthuchamy A., Raja Annamalai A.Metal Science and Heat TreatmentWOS1573-8973
32Experimental investigation of mixed convection and surface radiation heat transfer from protruding
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Hotta T.K., Harsha P.S., Venkateshan S.P.Heat Transfer ResearchWOS2162-6561
33Optimization of cryo-treated EDM variables using TOPSIS-based TLBO algorithmMohanty C.P., Satpathy M.P., Mahapatra S.S., Singh M.R.Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesWOS0973-7677
34Thermal Stability of Cathodic Arc Vapour Deposited TiAlN/AlCrN and AlCrN/TiAlN Coatings on Tungsten
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35Multi Response Optimization and Experimental Investigations into the Impact of Wire EDM on the
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36Investigation of metallurgical and mechanical properties of 21st century nickel-based superalloy 686
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37Surface modification technique to enhance metallurgical and mechanical properties of alloy C-276
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38Role of working fluids on the cooling of discrete heated modules: a numerical approachPatil N.G., Hotta T.K.Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesWOS0973-7677
39Microstructural and electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloy composites produced using different
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40Characterization of TiCN coating synthesized by the plasma enhanced physical vapour deposition
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Kumar T.S., Jebaraj A.V., Sivakumar K., Shankar E., Tamiloli N.Surface Review and LettersWOS0218625X
41ENHANCEMENT of EXFOLIATION CORROSION RESISTANCE of ALUMINIUM ALLOY 5083 by SHOT PEENINGJebaraj A.V., Ajaykumar L., Deepak C.R., Aditya K.V.V.Surface Review and LettersWOS0218625X
42Tribological behaviour and wear fashion of processed AA6061/ZrO2 compositeJames J., Raja Annamalai A.Industrial Lubrication and TribologyWOS368792
43Effect of particle size distribution on rheology of high concentration limestone–water slurry for
economic pipeline transportation
Senapati S., Pothal J.K., Mohanty A.Particulate Science and TechnologyWOS‎0272-6351
44Studies on testing and modelling of formability in aluminium alloy sheet formingSubramani K., Alagarsamy S.K., Chinnaiyan P., Chinnaiyan S.N.Transactions of FamenaWOS13331124
45Improvement of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Gas Tungsten arc Weldments of Alloy 686 by
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46Investigation of Structure Property Relationship of the Dissimilar Weld Between Austenitic Stainless
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47Application of EMD ANN and DNN for self-aligning bearing fault diagnosisNarendiranath Babu T., Aravind A., Rakesh A., Jahzan M., Rama Prabha D.Archives of AcousticsWOS0137-5075
48Characterization of microfiber isolated from Hibiscus sabdariffa var. altissima fiber by steam
Karakoti A., Biswas S., Aseer J.R., Sindhu N., Sanjay M.R.Journal of Natural FibersWOS15440478
49Mesoscopic analysis of heatline and massline during double-diffusive MHD natural convection in an
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50Co-combustion analysis of lignite coal and groundnut shell using TGASakthivel C., Gopal P., Rameshkumar C., Suresh Kumar B.Journal of Applied Fluid MechanicsWOS17353572
51Dynamic characterization of the thickness-tapered laminated plant fiber-reinforced polymer composite
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52Analysis of structure property relationship of super duplex stainless steel AISI 2507 weldments for
severe corrosive environments
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53Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel based superalloy 617 by
pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding technique
Mageshkumar K., Kuppan P., Arivazhagan N.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
54Mechanical and tribological behaviour of molten salt processed self-lubricated aluminium composite
under different treatments
Kannan C., Ramanujam R.Materials Research ExpressWOS20531591
55Drilling performances and wear characteristics of coated drill bits during drilling reinforced
Sathish S., Ramkumar S., Geetha M.International Journal of Applied Ceramic TechnologyWOS1546542X
56Investigations on pool boiling critical heat flux, transient characteristics and bonding strength of
heater wire with aqua based reduced graphene oxide nanofluids
Kamatchi R., Kumaresan G.Chinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringWOS1004-9541
57The role of perceived benefits and personality traits on mobile instant messaging users’ responsesPadmavathy, C., Lee, S., Pattusamy, M., Dey, M.K., Swapana, M.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and LogisticsWOS1355-5855
58Experimental investigations on nucleate boiling heat transfer of aqua based reduced graphene oxide
Kamatchi R.Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und StoffuebertragungWOS0947-7411
59Dynamic behaviour of woven bio fiber compositeRajesh M., Sultan M.T.H., Uthayakumar M., Jayakrishna K., Shah A.U.M.BioResourcesWOS19302126
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13-D stochastic finite elements for thermal creep analysis of piping structures with spatial material inhomogeneitiesY Appalanaidu, Sayan Gupta, Anindya Roy,Acta MechanicaWOS16196937
2A Comparative study on the effect of oil Pocket Distribution on Coefficient of Friction at the Liner-Ring interface with Coated Piston RingsGeorge Elias Kurien, P M Anil, Evelyn George, Vishal U,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
3A cyber-physical system based collaborative distributed manufacturing system architecture for intelligent manufacturingAbhishek Thakur, V K Manupati, Nishant Chaudhary, Piyush Tilokani, V K Manupati, Eric Costa,Regional Helix PortugalNon-Scopus 
4A futuristic fuel – HydrogenPremkartikkumar SR, Gopidesi Radha Krishna, Nitin Uttamrao Kautkar,International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering Science and TechnologyNon Scopus23939877
5A genetic algorithm-based artificial neural network model with TOPSIS approach to optimize the engine performanceSakthivel G, Senthil Kumar S, Ilangkumaran M,BiofuelsScopus17597277
6A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm approach for handling sequence- and machine dependent set up times in unrelated parallel machine scheduling problemV K Manupati, Rajyalakshmi G, FTS Chan, J J Thakkar,Journal of SadhanaWOS9737677
7A Methodology for Transformation of Small Scale Enterprises Using Simple ToolsVezhavendhan R, S Narayanan,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
8A modified post-processing technique to design a compliant based microgripper with a plunger using topological optimizationBharanidharan, T Ramesh,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyWOS14333015
9A new approach to spindle radial error evaluation using a machine vision systemKavitha, S Denis Ashok,Metrology and measurement systemsScopus8608229
10A Review and Comparison of Dugoff and Modified Dugoff Formula with Magic FormulaAkshay Bhoraskar, Sakthivel Palanivelu,International Conference on Nascent Technologies in the Engineering Field IEEE conference publications  
11A Review on Application of Acoustic Emission Analysis in Friction Stir WeldingSenthilkumar S, M Boopathi, Srivani A, Giriraj Mannayee,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
12A Review on Medicine System Through AgesVenugopal Pulidindi, Sivaji Jinka, Swamy TNVR,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus9766359
13A Review on Nano Coatings for IC Engine ApplicationsS Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Premkartikkumar SR, Radha Krishna Gopidesi, Nitin Uttamrao Kautkar,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus9776359
14A review on natural convection heat transfer problems by Lattice Boltzmann MethodS Arun, Satheesh A, C G Mohan, P Padmanathan, D Santhosh kumar,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
15A Review Paper on Design and CFD Analysis of Fan and Casing for Street Vacuum Cleaning machineNitesh Patel, Akash Mohanty, Nitesh Panchal,International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering Science and TechnologyNon Scopus23939877
16A simulation study of dust transport on an ancient amphitheatre The Delphi exampleSat Ghosh et al,Journal of Cultural HeritageWOS12962074
17A Statistical Analysis On The Wear Behaviour of An Epoxy Resin Reinforced With Biaxial Glass Fibers Silicon Carbide And Aluminium OxideNarendiranath Babu T, R V Mangalaraja, Mayank Agarwal, Ram Prabha D,Journal of Chemical Technology and MetallurgyScopus13147471
18A Study on Ionanoliquids Review PaperRaghuraman DRS,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical ResearchNon Scopus9757384
19A Study On The Online Shopping Habits Among the Consumers With Special Reference To The Vellore Cityshikhar gupta, Ravikumar B,International Journal of Management StudiesScopus14676486
20A Survey On Fault Detection Techniques In Different Machines –
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21Activated sintering of tungsten alloys through conventional and spark plasma sintering processN Senthilnathan, A Raja Annamalai, G Venkatachalam,Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesScopus15322475
22Active Vibration Control of Laminated Composite Plates by using External PatchesN S Sunil Varma, Ramesh Babu Vemuluri, S S Vamsi Krishna,International Journal of Engineering Research and ApplicationNon Scopus22489622
23Adopting analytic hierarchy process to prioritise banks based on CRM effectiveness he customers perspectivePadmavathy, padmavathy, Sivakumar,International journal of Business Innovation and ResearchScopus17510260
24Aerothermodynamic considerations for energy deposition based drag reduction techniqueDesai, V Kulkarni, Gadgil, Bibin John,Applied Thermal EngineeringScopus13594311
25Alterations in Critical Radii of Bluntness of Shock Wave Boundary Layer InteractionBibin John, V Kulkarni,Journal of Aerospace EngineeringScopus19435525
26An assessment of calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel fuelled diesel engine characteristics using novel antioxidant additivesAshok B, Nanthagopal K, Jeevanantham AK, Pathikrit Bhowmick, Dhruv Malhotra, Pranjal Agarwal,Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
27An effective hybrid multi objective evolutionary algorithm for solving real time event in flexible job shop scheduling problemM B S Sreekara Reddy, V K Manupati, Ch Ratnam, Rajyalakshmi G, V K Manupati,MeasurementsWOS2632241
28An innovative method of ocular prosthesis fabrication by bio-CAD and rapid 3-D printing technology A pilot studyAlam S, Sgugavaneshwaran M, Arumaikannu G, Mukerjee B,ORBITWOS17445108
29An Integrated Pedal Follower and Torque Based Approach for Electronic Throttle Control in a Motorcycle EngineB Ashok, S Denis Ashok, C Ramesh Kumar,Engineering JournalWOS20958099
30An investigation on the effect of sintering mode on various properties of copper-graphene metal matrix compositeAyyappadas C, Raja Annamalai, Muthuchamy, Dinesh K Agarwal,Advanced Powder TechnologyWOS9218831
31Analysing Critical Success Factors for Supporting On-line ShoppingM L R Varela, Goran Putnik, Maria do Sameiro Carvalho, Luis Ferreira, V K Manupati,International Journal of Web PortalsScopus19380208
32Analysis of hydraulics actuator speed control using digital hydraulicsKalaiarassan G, Giriraj Mannayee, Boopathi M, Somanadh Mayakoti, K Krishnamurthy,International Journal Of Mechanica
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33Analysis of infinitely short and infinitely long hydrodynamic journal bearings under micro-polar fluid by direct integration methodBikash Routh, Bikash routh,Proceedings of the Gas Turbine Conference IndiaScopus 
34Analysis of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Continuous and Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Alloy C-276 with Duplex Stainless SteelManikandan M, Arivazhagan N, Arivarasu M, Mageshkumar K, Rajan D N,Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
35Analysis Of Stress Distribution On Different Sections Under Different Loading And Machining ConditionsKLN sandeepa sharma, B Venkateshwarlu, Jacob Thottathil Varghese,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyScopus9776359
36Analysis of the Double Wishbone Front Suspension SystemAkshay Bhoraskar, Sakthivel Palanivelu, Ankur Fartyal,International Conference on Nascent Technologies in the Engineering Field IEEE conference publications  
37Analysis on Project Accelaration and its impact along with profitable solutionVenugopal Pulidindi, Harshavardhana Balaji,International Journal of Civil Engineering and TechnologyScopus09766316
38Analytical Investigation of Fan Shroud on a Thermal Heat Exchanger for Automotive ApplicationsK Nantha Gopal, B Ashok, Rishabh Bahuguna, Tanmay Prasad,SAE Technical SeriesScopus1487191
39Applications of MultiMaterial Systems A ReviewM Velu, Sunil Bhat,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
40Assessing environmental impacts of aviation on connected cities using environmental vulnerability studies and fluid dynamics an Indian case studyS Ghosh, G Ramchandran, J Nagawkar, K Ramaswamy, A Goenka and A Verma,AI and SocietyWOS14355655
41Assessment of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Al 2024-SiC-Graphene Hybrid CompositesPrashantha Kumar H G, M Anthony Xavior,Procedia EngineeringScopus18777058
42Augmented Desalination with Cooling IntegrationC Chiranjeevi, T Srinivas,International Journal of RefrigerationWOS1407007
43Calophyllum inophyllum methyl ester biodiesel blend as an alternate fuel for diesel engine applicationsB Ashok, K Nanthagopal, D Sakthi Vignesh,Alexandria Engineering JournalScopus11100168
44CFD Analysis of a Compact Heat Exchanger as a Dehumidifier of a Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination PlantC Chiranjeevi, Srinivas T, Shankar R,Proceedings of ICRAME  
45Characterization of air plasma-sprayed yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings deposited with nitrogenV Bolleddu, P P Bandyopadhyay, V Racherla,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyWOS14333015
46Characterization of Microstructure Tensile Strength and Corrosion Behavior of Autogenous GTA Welds of Inconel X750 With and Without Activated Compound FluxRamkumar K D, Paul N Chungath T Ali I M Vishnu C, Sujai S, Arivazhagan N,Metallography Microstructure and AnalysisWOS21929270
47Comparative Analysis on the Effect of Zinc Oxide and Ethanox as Additives with Biodiesel in CI EngineAshok B, Nanthagopal K, Aravind Mohan, Ajith Johny, Tamilarasu A,EnergyWOS3605442
48Comparative Evaluation of Performance of TiAlN AlCrN AlCrN-TiAlN coated carbide cutting tools and uncoated carbide cutting tools on turning En24 alloy steelSampath Kumar T, Balasivanandha Prabu S, Sorna Kumar T,Journal of Advance Manufacturing SystemScopus2196867
49Comparative Studies on Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Bimetallic Combination on Incoloy 800 and SS 316L Fabricated by Gas Metal and Shield Metal Arc WeldingManikandan M, Gunachandran R, Sudhakar S, Srikanth A, Arivarasu M,Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
50Comparative study on the mechanical and microstructural characterisation of AA 7075 nano and hybrid nanocomposites produced by stir and squeeze castingKannan C, Ramanujam R,Journal of Advanced ResearchWOS20901232
51Comparison of electrochemical behavior of hydroxyapatite coated onto WE43 Mg alloy by electrophoretic and pulsed laser depositionMagesh Sankar, GEETHA MANIVASAGAM, Satyam Suwas, Subramanian Balasubramanian,Surface and Coatings TechnologyWOS2578972
52Computational fluid dynamics analysis of MQL spray parameters and their impact on superalloy grindingBALAN A S S, Tejas Kullarwar, Laxmanan Vijayaraghavan, Ramaligam Krishnamurthy,Machining Science and TechnologyWOS15322483
53Computational investigation of double diffusive mixed convective flow in an enclosed square cavity with Soret effectC G Mohan, Satheesh A,Frontiers in Heat and Mass TransferScopus21518629
54Concentrated energy addition for active drag reduction in hypersonic flow regimeAshwin Ganesh, Bibin John,Acta AstronauticaWOS945765
55Contemporary trends in thermo-hydraulic testing and modeling of automotive radiators deploying nano-coolants and aerodynamically efficient air-side finsYagnavalkya Mukkamala,Renewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsWOS13640321
56Conventional and microwave assisted sintering of Copper-Silicon Carbide metal matrix composites A comparisonAyyappadas, Muthuchamy, Raja Annamalai, Dinesh K Agrawal,Metallurgical Research TechnologyScopus22713654
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58CORA – a heuristic approach to machine-part cell formation in the presence of alternative process plansN Sowmiya, N Srinivasa Gupta, B Valarmathi, Ponnambalam S G,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyWOS14333015
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67Degradation mechanisms and future challenges of titanium and its alloys for dental implant applications in oral environmentA Revathi, GEETHA MANIVASAGAM, Alba Dalmau Borras, Anna Igual Munoz, Caroline Richard,Materials Science and Engineering CWOS2638223
68Degradation Modeling To Predict the Residual Life Distribution of Parallel Unit Systems on Benchmark InstancesAkshay Chandra, V K Manupat, Muneeb Ahsan, Somnath Lahiri, Suraj Panigrahi, V K Manupati,Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering  
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104Effect of fillers on the microstructure mechanical properties and hot corrosion behavior of Nb stabilized austenitic stainless steel weldsDevendranath Ramkumar K, Anirudh S Singh S Goyal S Gupta SK, Arivazhagan N,Journal of materials researchScopus8842914
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109Effect of spark timing on the performance of a spark ignition engine running on biogas hydrogen blendsE Porpatham, A Ramesh, B Nagalingam,BiofuelsWOS17597277
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272Structural Analysis On Wing Box Spliced Joint For An Aircraft Using Finite Element MethodT Narendiranath Babu, RajKumar E, Prasanth,International Journal of Civil Engineering and TechnologyScopus9766316
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274Study Of Sensitivity Of Mode Shapes In Damage Identification
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276Surface Micro Patterning of Aluminium Reinforced Composite through Laser PeeningG Ranjith Kumar, G Rajyalakshmi, Vijaya Kumar Manupati,International Journal of Manufacturing Materials and Mechanical EngineeringWOS21561672
277Surface modification of metastable beta Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn alloy using dual shot peeningS Sudhagara Rajan, Geetha Manivasagam, Nageswara Rao M,Annual Technical Meeting organised by Indian institute of Metals  
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287The Role of Employee Engagement in the Relationship between Emotional and Social Competencies and Employee Intent to Quit A Conceptual PerspectiveRamaseshan H, Syed Khalid Perwez,Man in IndiaScopus251569
288The study on force surface integrity tool life and chip on laser assisted machining of inconel 718 using NdYAG laser sourceVenkatesan,Journal of Advanced ResearchWOS20901232
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290Thermal stability of TiAlN-AlCrN and AlCrN-TiAlN coatings synthesized by the cathodic arc vapour deposition process on a tungsten carbide toolSampath Kumar T, Balasivanandha Prabu S, Madhavan S, Padmanabhan KA,Transaction of Indian Institute of metalsWOS9751645
291Thermodynamic analysis of novel multi stage multi effect metal hydride based thermodynamic system for simultaneous cooling heat pumping and heat transformationVinod Kumar Sharma, E Anil Kumar,International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyWOS18793487
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301Vernacular architecture as an idiom for promoting cultural continuity in South Asia with a special reference to Buddhist monasteriesS Ghosh, A Goenka, M Deo, D Mandal,AI and Society SpringerScopus14355655
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1A 3-d computational model for optimum design and analysis of vertical take-off in aircraftJain, U., Mukkamala, Y.AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2016Scopus978-1-62410-429-9
2A case study on effect of grouping technique in a multi-stage hybrid flow shopR Pugazhenthi, M Anthony Xavior, R saravanan,International Journal of Computing Science and MathematicsNon- Scopus9739769
3A cointegration analysis of price diffusion amid ADRs and dually listed Indian stocksVisalakshmi S, Lakshmi P, Kavitha Shanmugam, Kesava Prasad,International Journal of Business Innovation and ResearchScopus2322083X
4A Comprehensive Review on Computer Aided Fixture Design Optimization and VerificationRaj Kumar E,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
5A geoengineering approach toward tackling tropical cyclones over the Bay of BengalS Ghosh, A Sharma et al,Atmosheric Science LettersWOS1530261X
6A multi-perspective integrated framework of critical success factors for supporting on-line shoppingM L R Varela, Ferreira M F, Vieira G G, V K Manupati, Manoj K,Iberian Conference on Information Systems and TechnologiesScopus21660727
7A new hybrid approach to optimize the end milling process for AL/SiC composites using RSM and GAVamsi Krishna, M., Anthony Xavior, M.Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
8A new inhibitor cum sealant for anodized aluminium surfacesS Karthikeyan,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus14668858
9A new method for designing a compliant mechanism based displacement amplifierBHARANIDARAN R, Srikanth SA,IOP Conference Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
10A Paper Review on Finite Element Analysis with Fatigue Characteristics of Composite Multi LeafNitesh Panchal, Akash Mohanty,International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering Science and TechnologyNon- Scopus23939877
11A Review Of Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction In Banking Services Global ScenarioR Subashini, G Velmurugan,Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 12045357
12A review on black coatings for solar energy storaging systemsP A Jeeva, S Narayanan, S Karthikeyan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
13A review on Chemical Processes for Plastics substrates used in engineering industriesKumar Raja,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559556
14A review on control system architecture of a SI engine management systemAshok B, S DenisAshok, C Ramesh Kumar,Annual Reviews in ControlWOS13675788
15A Review on Effect of Thermal Factors on Performance of High Power Light Emitting Diode -HPLEDA Rammohan, C Ramesh Kumar,Journal of Engineering Science and Technology ReviewScopus17912377
16A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Epoxy Resin SiO2 TiO2 BaSO4 Al2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O Fe2O3 Reinforced with Basalt FibresNarendiranath Babu T,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559556
17A study on scaled up proton exchange membrane fuel cell with various flow channels for optimizing power output by effective water management using numerical techniqueSaco, S. Arun, R. Thundil Karuppa Raj, and P. Karthikeyan.EnergyWOS3605442
18Absorber tube with internal hinged blades for solar parabolic trough collectorKalidasan B, Srinivas T,Energy ProcediaWOS18766102
19Absorber Tube with Internal Pin-Fins for Solar Parabolic Trough Collectorkalidasan b, srinivas t,MATEC Web of Conferences  
20Advanced oxidation of catechol in reverse osmosis concentrate generated in leather wastewater by Cu–graphite electrodeMaharaja, P., Boopathy, R., Karthikeyan, S., Mahesh, M., Komal, A.S., Gupta, V.K., Sekaran, G.International Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyWOS17352630
21Ameliorating heat transfer performance of absorber tube for single axis concentratorskalidas b, srinivas t,Energy proceediaWOS18766102
22An Assessment on performance combustion and emission behaviour of a diesel engine powered by ceria nanoparticle blended biofueAnnamalai M, Dinesh B, Nanthagopal K, SivaramaKrishnan P, Isaac JoshuaRamesh Lalvani,Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
23An eco-friendly studies on the controlled dissolution of Mild steel in acidic mediumS Karthikeyan, P A Jeeva,Der Pharma ChemicaNon- Scopus0975413X
24An experimental assessment on the performance of different lubrication techniques in grinding of Inconel 751Balan ASS, Vijayaraghavan L, Krishnamurthy R, P Kuppan, R Oyyaravelu,Journal of Advanced ResearchWOS20901232
25An Experimental Study on Performance and Emissions of a Direct Ignition Diesel Engine with Crude Pongamia Pongamia Methyl Ester and Diethyl Ether Blended with DieselJohn Samuel K, Thundil Karuppuraj R, Sreenajsekhar YRivasulu N, Edison Gundabattini, Arun Saco S,International Journal Of Renewable Energy ResearchWOS13090127
26An Integrated Tribological and Vibration Signal Behaviour of TiN and AlCrN based PVD Coatings for Roller BearingsNiranjan Hiremath, D Mallikarjuna Reddy,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
27An integration of virtual experimental Hardwaren Loop simulation techniques for an effective assessment of DTC FOC motor control algorithms for Hybrid Electric Fuel Cell Vehicle applicationS S Ramadasi, A Senthil Kumar, Thipse Sukrut Shrikant, Marathe Neelkanth V,International Journal of Control Theory and ApplicationsScopus9745572
28An Intelligent feature based process planning for rotational partsReddy S, V K Manupati, Manidhar D V, Raj H, Ali A, V K Manupati,IEEE  
29An investigation of the parametric effects of cutting parameters on quality characteristics during the dry turning of inconel 718 alloyvenkatesan, vetrivel Murugan,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
30An Investigation on Effect of Heating Mode and Temperature on sintering of Fe-P alloysMuthuchamy, Raja Annamalai, Rajeev Kumar, Anish Upadhyaya,Material CharacterisationWOS10445803
31Analysis of Coning and Lubrication at Flexspline cup and Cam Interface in Conventional Harmonic DrivesBikash Routh, Rathindranath Maiti, Ray A K,Industrial lubrication and Triboology UKScopus368792
32Analysis of dimensionality effect on shock wave boundary layer interaction in laminar hypersonic flowsBibin John, V Kulkarni,International Journal of Heat and Fluid FlowWOS0142727X
33Analysis Of Mechanical Behaviour Of Hybrid Fiber Jute-Gongura Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Matrix CompositesP Prabaharan graceraj, Gopalan venkadachalam, C Pandivelan, A Gautham Shankar, Chandan byral,UPB Scientific Bulletin Series D Mechanical EngineeringNon- Scopus14542358
34Analysis on Multi Linkage Brake System with Variable Pedal RatioDeepa A, Yashwant Singh D, Mukesh Varma, Pranshu Khakhar,Materials preceedingsScopus22147853
35Analyzing the Influence of Parameters of Delay Time Analysis on Down Time using Taguchi MethodBabu Chellappa Chetty, M Mohamed Ibrahim,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
36Angular torque methodology for Cylinder Head bolted joint and validation by FE and experimental workMarathe, A.V., Marathe, N.V., Venkatachalam, G.International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical EngineeringScopus21561672
37Animal fat methyl ester as a fuel substitute for DI compression ignition engineB Ashok, R Thundil Karuppa Raj, K Nanthagopal, Tapaswi A, Jindal A, Hari Subbish Kumar S,International Journal of ThermodynamicsScopus21461511
38Anodic electrochemical performances of MgCo2O4 synthesized by oxalate decomposition method and electrospinning technique for Li-ion battery applicationDarbar, D., Reddy, M.V., Sundarrajan, S., Pattabiraman, R., Ramakrishna, S., Chowdari, B.V.R.Materials Research BulletinWOS255408
39Application of firefly algorithm for design optimization of a shell and tube heat exchanger from economic point of viewMohanty, D.K.International Journal of Thermal SciencesWOS12900729
40Application of frequency response curvature method for damage detection in beam and plate like structuresArun Kumar, Mallikarjuna Reddy,IOP Conference Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
41Application of reverse engineering and impact analysis of motor cycle helmetAmit Waghmare, Raj Kumar E,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
42Application of virtual Reality in Side clamp fixture assemblyRaj Kumar E,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
43Assessing environmental impacts of aviation on connected cities using environmental vulnerability studies and fluid dynamics: an Indian case studyRamchandran, G., Nagawkar, J., Ramaswamy, K., Ghosh, S., Goenka, A., Verma, A.AI and SocietyWOS14355655
44Bearing fault prediction using filter based feature selection methods and data mining techniquesS Devendiran, N Harsha Teja, D N Praveen, Hoshima Reddy,International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringScopus2077124X
45Building Lateral Thinking Strategies to Impart English Speaking SkillsNageswari R, Ravikumar B, Jayamani,Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 22318534
46Centralised and decentralised three echelon inventory model for optimal inventory decisions under price dependent demandDega Nagaraju, A Ramakrishna Rao, S Narayanan,International Journal of Logistics Systems and ManagementScopus17427975
47CFD Analysis On epoxy Filled With Glass Fiber Aluminium Oxide Silicon Carbide Composite Journal BearingNarendiranath Babu T, Rama Prabha D,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
48Characterization of air plasma-sprayed yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings deposited with nitrogenBolleddu, V., Racherla, V., Bandyopadhyay, P.P.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyWOS14333015
49Characterization of tensile strength and impact toughness of autogenous PCGTA weldments of aeronautical steel and austenitic stainless steelArivarasu M, Ramkumar K D, Arivazhagan N,Kovove MaterialyWOS13384252
50Comparative analysis of helically grooved and circumferentially grooved labyrinth sealKishore Kumar, L., Behera, NInternational Journal of Engineering and TechnologyNon- Scopus2227524X
51Comparative evaluation on the performance of nanostructured TiAlN, AlCrN, TiAlN/AlCrN coated and uncoated carbide cutting tool on turning En24 alloy steelSampath Kumar, T., Balasivanandha Prabu, S., Sorna Kumar, T.Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials SciencesScopus9751017
52Comparative study of air plasma sprayed and high velocity oxyfuel sprayed nanostructured WC17Co coatingsV Bolleddu, PPBandhyopadyay, V Racherla,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyWOS14333015
53Comparative study on corrosion behavior of plasma sprayed Al2O3 ZrO2 Al2O3 ZrO2 and ZrO2 Al2O3 coatingsS Sathish, Geetha Manivasagam,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaWOS10036326
54Comparison of recast-layer on die-steel machined with Al powder-mixed distilled water and kerosene dielectric fluidKhalid Hussain Syed, Kuppan P,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
55Comparison Of Surface Roughness Effects On Fiber Matrix And Metal Matrix Composite Journal BearingNarendiranath Babu T,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
56Contolling of servomotors according to pitch and yaw and roll motions of accelerometerGiriraj, M., and Pudi AnveshIn Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS)  
57Cooling System Optimisation of a Multi – Point Fuel Injection EngineVadivelu Ma, Naiju CD, Kumar CRSAE Technical PapersScopus1487191
58Current advances in enhancement of wear and corrosion resistance of titanium alloys a reviewREVATHI A, GEETHA MANIVASAGAM, MAGESH S, Vamsi Krishna Balla, Mitun Das,Materials TechnologyWOS17535557
59Deformation behaviour of alpha beta brass at high temperature and at different strain ratesPraveen Kumar, B P Kashyap,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
60Design analysis of solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicleSri, K.R.B., Aneesh, P., Bhanu, K., Natarajan, M.Journal of Aerospace Technology and ManagementScopus21759146
61Design and analysis of gear system for turboshaft aero engine reduction gearboxRitu Jacob Boby, Raj Kumar E,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
62Design and analysis of latch access panel of aero engine componentsThomson Manoj B, Raj Kumar E,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
63Design and fabrication of high strength, high modulus polymer reinforced metal matrix composites for light weight applicationsKumaran, D., Rajadurai, A., Padmanabhan, K.Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
64Design considerations and overview of an engine exhaust manifold gasketK Nanthagopal, B Ashok, R Thundil Karuppa Raj, Sabloke H, Agarwal A,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
65Design Development And Testing Of Novel Remote Controlled Electrically Operated Hydraulic JackDeepa A, Naveen Krishna Baru, Sagarnath G,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus18196608
66Design for a Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial VehicleDeepa A, Shashank, Vishnu G, sumit,IEEE AERO CONF 1095323X
67Design of axle and disc brakes for installation in a trolleyGaurav Sevda, RajKumar E,American Eurasian Journal of Sustainable AgricultureNon- Scopus19981074
68Determination of Optimum Tool for Efficient Rock CuttingSamui, P., Kumar, R., Kurup, P.Geotechnical and Geological EngineeringWOS15731529
69Determination of stress intensity factor of banana fibre reinforced hybrid polymer matrix composite using finite element methodSuryawanshi, R.T., Venkatachalam, G., Vimalanand, S.V.Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical EngineeringScopus1587379X
70Development and experimentation on a new power free solar tracking mechanismAffan M, srinivas t,Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability 978-3-03785-782-3
71Development of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding technique for dissimilar joints of marine grade alloysDevendranath Ramkumar K, Naren S V Karthik Paga V R Tiwari A, Arivazhagan N,Journal of Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15266125
72Drugs antibiotics as potential corrosion inhibitors for metals- a reviewS Karthikeyan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
73Dynamic analysis of tapered laminated composite magnetorheological elastomer sandwich platesRamesh Babu V, Vasudevan R,Smart Materials and StructuresWOS9641726
74Dynamic characterization of tapered laminated composite sandwich plates partially treated with magneto rheological elastomerRamesh Babu Vemuluri, Vasudevan R, Ananda Babu A,Journal of Sandwich Structures and MaterialsScopus15307972
75Dynamic characterization of thickness tapered laminated composite platesAnanda Babu Arumugam, Vasudevan R, Edwin Sudhagar P,Journal of Vibration and ControlScopus10775463
76Dynamic instability analysis of rotating delaminated tapered composite plates subjected to periodic in-plane loadingAnanda Babu A, Vasudevan R,Archive of Applied MechanicsWOS14320681
77Effect of ceramic reinforcements on microwave sintered metal matrix compositesP Ashwath, M Anthony Xavior,Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15322475
78Effect of Di-Tertiary Butyl Peroxide on the performance combustion and emission characteristics of ethanol blended cotton seed methyl ester fuelled automotive diesel engineK Senthil Kumar, R Thundil Karuppa Raj,Energy Conversion and ManagementWOS1968904
79Effect of exhaust gas recirculation on advanced diesel combustion and alternate fuels A reviewThangaraja J, Kannan C,Applied EnergyWOS3062619
80Effect of Hygrothermal Loading on Laminate CompositesDeepa A, A Deepa, K Padmanabhan, G Raghunadh,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
81Effect of multiple laser shock peening on the mechanical properties of ETP copperAyush Bhattacharya, V K Manupati, Siddharth Madan, Chirag Dashora, S Prabhakaran, V K Manupati,Internternatioanl Conference on Mechanics Materials Science and Engineering  
82Effect of Ni3Al Addition and Heating Mode on the electrochemical response on Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless SteelsRaja Annamalai, Anish Upadhyaya, Dinesh K Agrawal,Powder metallurgy and metal ceramicsWOS15739066
83Effect of pongamia oil methyl ester-diesel blend on lubricating oil degradation of di compression ignition engineK Nanthagopal, R Thundil Karuppa Raj,FuelWOS162361
84Effect of post weld heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of activated flux TIG welds of Inconel X750Ramkumar K D, Ramanand R Ameer A Simon K A, Arivazhagan N,Materials Science and Engineering AWOS9215093
85Effect of winglets induced tip vortex structure on the performance of subsonic wingsGautham Narayanan, Bibin John,Aerospace Science and TechnologyWOS12709638
86Effective boundary conditions and turbulence modeling for steam turbine exhaust hood analysisA Senthil Kumar, K Veerabathraswamy,Applied Thermal EngineeringWOS13594311
87Effects of filler metals on the segregation mechanical properties and hot corrosion behaviour of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welded super austenitic stainless steelDevendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N, Chandra S Dev S, Chandrasekhar A Srivastava A Preyas H,Journal of Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15266125
88Effects of organizational justice on teachers job satisfaction An empirical research at self financing arts and science colleges in Vellore districtRajkumar, Suganya, Ravikumar B,Man In IndiaScopus251569
89Effects of oxygen enriched combustion on pollution and performance characteristics of a diesel enginebaskar P, Senthilkumar A,Engineering Science and Technology an International JournalWOS22150986
90E-glass fibers coated with Nickel Phosphorous by electroless deposition techniqueAriful Rahaman, K K Kar,Composite InterfacesScopus15685543
91Electro-Pneumatic Shifting System and Gear Control Unit for a Sequential GearboxSiddharth Dahiya, B Ashok, Adithya Asok Sharma, Kamalkishore Vora, Ritesh Tekriwal, C Kavitha,SAE Technical SeriesScopus1487191
92Elucidating the effect of Cu nanoparticles in a porous medium vis a vis heat transfer phenomenaA Satheesh, S A Raj,Heat Transfer Asian ResearchNon- Scopus15231496
93Enhancing diesel engine combustion using hydrogen enriched fuels A ReviewPremkartikkumar SR,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
94Establishing Temperature Dependency of the Aerodynamic Drag using CFD and Experimental AnalysisAjinkya Krishnakumar, Parth Sharma, Yash Tambi, B Ashok,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
95Evaluating the effect of side grooving parameters on critical SZWChaitali Nalawade, Sanjeev Saxena, Akash Mohanty,Engineering Fracture MechanicsWOS137944
96Evaluating the machinability of Ti-6Al-4V using coated carbide insertsR Vinayagamoorthy, M Anthony Xavior,International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementScopus17442389
97Exergy analysis of dehumidifier in a combined two stage desalination and cooling plantC Chiranjeevi, T Sriniva,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
98Experiment and statistical analysis of end milling parameters for Al/SiC using Response Surface MethodologyVamsi Krishna, M., Anthony Xavior, M.International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyScopus2227524X
99Experimental investigation and optimization of machining parameters using grey-relational analysis approach and fuzzy based taguchi loss function methodvenkatesan, vetrivel Murugan,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
100Experimental investigation of machining parameter under MQL milling of SS304Gatade VT, Patil V T, P Kuppan, Balan, R Oyyaravelu,Materials Science and EngineeringWOS9215093
101Experimental Investigation on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics using Pongamia Orange Oil BlendsSreenivasuliu N, Govindarajulu K, John Samuel K, Rajsekhar Y, Edison G,International journal of Renewable Energy researchScopus‎13090127
102Experimental investigation on performance characteristics of a diesel engine using diesel-water emulsion with oxygen enriched airBaskar, P., A. Senthil KumarAlexandria Engineering JournalScopus11100168
103Experimental studies on drying of orange peel in solar tunnel dryer using sensible heat storage materialBukke, S., Basant Kumar Pillai, B., Karthikeyan, A.K.2016 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, ICEETS 2016  
104Experimental studies on the combustion characteristics and performance of a DI diesel engine using kapok oil methyl ester diesel blendsM A Asokan, R Vijayan, S senthur prabu, N Venketesan,Int J Oil Gas and Coal TechnologyScopus17533317
105Experimental studies on two phase flow patterns of air-water mixture in a pipe with different orientationsV Jagan, Satheesh A,Flow Measurement and InstrumentationWOS9555986
106Exploring the Usage of Econometric Techniques in Non Linear Machine Learning and Data MiningLakshmi P, Visalakshmi S,International Journal of Mathematics in Operational ResearchScopus17575869
107Fabrication of cellulose based scaffolds for bone regeneration applicationPriya Ganesan, I Manjubala, Amruta P Barhanpurkar, Mohan R Wani, U Narendra Kumar,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
108Fatigue and wear behavior of Al6061 graphene composites synthesized by powder metallurgyPrahsnatha Kumar H G, M Anthony Xavior,Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
109Finite element analysis of electrically enhanced friction stir weldingM BOOPATHI, Giriraj Mannayee,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
110Finite Element Analysis on a Composite FlywheelNarendiranath Babu T, Karnam Abhishek,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
111Finite element vibration analysis of rotating laminated composite beam with varying cross-section using HSDTArumugam, A.B., Rajamohan, V., Pandey, A., Sudhagar, P.E.International Journal on Interactive Design and ManufacturingWOS19552505
112Flexural Behaviour of Jute-Reinforced Hybrid polymer matrix compositeGraceraj, Venkatachalam, Garg, Vimal, Afsan,Composites Mechanics computations applicationsScopus21522073
113Flow Analysis Effect On N700 Shinkansen Bullet Train Using Fluent SoftwareNarendiranath Babu T,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
114Formal to Casual- Usage of Laptop Among Students- An Eye OpenerS Paul Silvian, Priyanka G, Sayeda Begum, Gemini V Joy, S Senthil Kumar,Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in HealthcareNon- Scopus23938544
115Fuzzy Logic based Speed Control of BLDC Motor on Sensorless Technique for Space ApplicationsK Neethu, Giriraj Mannayee, M Boopathi, T C Kanish,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
116Gaseous alternative fuels for SI engines – A technical reviewRavi K, Porpatham E, Pradeep Bhasker J, Mathew S,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
117Gravitational search algorithm for economic optimization design of a shell and tube heat exchangerMohanty, D.K.Applied Thermal EngineeringWOS13594311
118Green inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in acid mediumP A Jeeva, S Karthikeyan,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus14668858
119High Temperature Corrosion studies on Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Alloy C-276 in Molten Salt EnvironmentManikandan M, Arivarasu M Arivazhagan N, Puneeth T Sivakumar N, Arul Murugan B Sathishkumar M, Sivalingam S,IOP Conference Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
120High Temperature Wear Behaviour of Nano/Micro B4C Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites Fabricated by an Ultrasonic Cavitation-Assisted Solidification ProcessHarichandran, R., Selvakumar, N., Venkatachalam, G.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
121Hygrothermal Loading on Laminate CompositesDeepa A, K Padmanabhan, Raghunadh,ICDAMS  
122Impact Damage Hardness And Tribology Characterization Of Epoxy Resin Based Composites Reinforced With Basalt Fibers In Combination With Tio2 Baso4 And SicNarendiranath Babu T, R V Mangalaraja, S Saravanan, Rama Prabha D,Journal of Chemical Technology and MetallurgyScopus13147978
123Impact of initial partial sequence in the makespan, in permutation flow shop scheduling heuristic algorithms – an analysisBaskar, A., Anthony Xavior, M., Dhanasakkaravarthi, B.Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
124Impact On Structural And Mechanical Properties Of Composites During Machining And Cutting A ReviewDeepa A, Padmanabhan K, Kuppan P,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus18196608
125Impacts of climate warming on atmospheric phase transition mechanismsVarotsos, C.A., Ghosh, S.Theoretical and Applied ClimatologyWOS14344483
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128Improvement of Machinability using Laser Aided Hybrid Machining for Inconel 718 AlloyVenkatesan K, Ramanujam R,Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15322475
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132Influence of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) on morphology, crystallization, mechanical and thermal behaviour of PP/ABS blends and its composites in presence and absence of dual compatibilizerKubade, P., Tambe, P.Composite InterfacesScopus15685543
133Influence of laser peening on the tensile strength and impact toughness of dissimilar welds of Inconel 625 and UNS S32205Ramkumar, K.D., Kumar, P.S.G., Krishna, V.R., Chandrasekhar, A., Dev, S., Abraham, W.S., Prabhakaran, S., Kalainathan, S., Sridhar, R.Materials Science and Engineering AWOS9215093
134Influence of vapour absorption cooling on humidification dehumidification HDH desalinationC Chiranjeevi, Srinivas T,Alexandria Engineering JournalScopus11100168
135Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling using Mobile-Agent based approach in a Networked Manufacturing EnvironmentV K Manupati, Manuela Cunha, Paulo Avila, Goran Putnik, M K Tiwari,International Journal of Computers and Industrial EngineeringWOS3608352
136Interlaminar shear stresses in laminated composite plates under thermal and mechanical loadingMurugesan N, Vasudevan R,Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresWOS15376532
137Investigating structure generated turbulence using an unmanned aerial vehicle: A prelude to optimal ventilation strategies in India’s upcoming smart citiesGhosh, S., Kochhar, K., Sharma, A., Kaushal, S., Agrawal, J., Garg, A., Kumar, A., Dugar, Y.Smart and Sustainable Built EnvironmentScopus20466099
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142Investigations of the mechanical properties of bi-layer and tri-layer fiber reinforced compositesK Jayakrishna, K Balasubramani, M T H Sultan, S Karthikeyan,IOP Conference Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
143Investigations on tensile strength of banana fibre reinforced hybrid polymer matrix compositesvenkatachalam, Renjith, Renjith, Nilay, Vasan, Rajaannamalai,Engineering ReviewScopus13309587
144Investigations on the effect of Piston Squish Area on Performance and Emission Characteristics of LPG Fuelled Lean Burn SI EngineRavi K, Porpatham E, Pradeep Bhasker J,SAE Technical PapersScopus1487191
145Investigations on the machinability of Waspaloy under dry environmentDeepu J, Kuppan P, Sbalan AS, R Oyyaravelu,Materials Science and EngineeringScopus9215093
146Lift And Drag Analysis on Polyethylene Aerokote Silk Polyester Fabric Coated Aircraft WingNarendiranath Babu T,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
147Light weight BIW solutions for improving functional properties A reviewShinde P, Ravi K, Nehru N, Pawar S, Balakrishnan B, Nair V,SAE Technical PapersScopus1487191
148LPG gaseous phase electronic port injection on performance emission and combustion characteristics of Lean Burn SI EngineJ Pradeep Bhasker, E Porpatham,IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental ScienceScopus17551307
149Machinability studies on INCONEL 718Xavior, M.A., Patil, M., Maiti, A., Raj, M., Lohia, N.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
150Mahalanobis distance-the ultimate measure for sentiment analysisB Valarmathi, N Srinivasa Gupta, Palinisamy V,International Arab Journal of Information TechnologyWOS23094524
151Mechanical and wear properties of copper-lead alloy prepared by powder metallurgy processing techniqueMuthuchamy Ayyapan, Raja Annamalai, Nardendrakumar,Journal of Chemical Technology and MetallurgyScopus13147978
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153Metallurgical and mechanical properties of laser welded high strength low alloy steelArivazhagan N, Oyyaravelu R, Kuppan P,Journal of Advanced ResearchWOS20901232
154Microstructure observation and analysis on hybrid composite of basalt fiber with titanium oxide, barium sulphate and silicon carbideNarendiranath Babu, T.International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
155Modeling and multi-objective optimization of WEDM of commercially monel super alloy considering multiple users preferencesRajyalakshmi G,Source of the Document Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and ResearchScopus9751459
156Modeling the process parameters of RP-FDM using ANOVA and RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY for PC-ABS materialsD Devika, N Srinivasa Gupta,International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Optimization Techniques ICEEOT  
157Modelling and multi objective optimization of WEDM of commercially Monel super alloy using evolutionary algorithmsBhargav Bal Reddy, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, Sajja Varun, Rajyalakshmi G,IOP Conf. Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
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159MR damper characterization for implementation of semi-active suspension controlTrikande M W, Vasudevan R,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
160Multipass Welding On Inconel Material with Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingHarinadh, V., Edison, G., Akella, S., Reddy, L.S. and Buddu, R.K.Materials Today: ProceedingsScopus22147853
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162Nanofluid heat transfer under mixed convection flow in a tube for solar thermal energy applicationsY Raja Sekhar, K V Sharma, Subash Kamal,Environmental Science and Pollution researchWOS16147499
163Neural network based approach for the generation of road feel in a steer-by-wire systemJayachandran, Ashok, D.Engineering JournalWOS20958099
164Numerical analysis of CI engine to control emissions using exhaust gas recirculation and advanced start of injectionM Senthil Kumar, C Ramesh Kumar, P Kashyap Chowdary, Prabhakara Rao Ganji, S Srinivasa Rao,Alexandria Engineering JournalScopus11100168
165Numerical characterization of compact pipe specimen for stretch zone width assessmentG Mahajan, Akash Mohanty, S Saxena,Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and StructuresWOS14602695
166Numerical modelling of thermal phenomenon in friction stir welding of aluminum platesVignesh R V, Padmanaban R, Arivarasu M, Thirumalini S, Gokulachandran J, Ram M S S S,IOP Conference Series Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757899X
167Numerical Prediction of NOx in the Exhaust of a CI Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel Using In-Cylinder Combustion Pressure Based VariablesAnand Krishnan Manoharan, B Ashok, Saravanan Kumarasamy,SAE Technical SeriesScopus1487191
168Numerical simulation of a scramjet intake with micro-cavitySenthilkumar P, Kamalraj Thiyagaraja,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
169Numerical Study on Performance of Scramjet Intake with Boundary Layer BleedRajat Gupta, Senthilkumar P,International Science Press  
170Opinion mining using an intuitive scoring approachN Srinivasa Gupta, B Valarmathi,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
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173Optimality of Cycle Time and Inventory Decisions in a Two Echelon Inventory System with Price Dependent Demand under Credit PeriodSeelam Krugon, Dega Nagaraju,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9746846
174Optimisation of machining parameters in laser aided hybrid machining of Inconel 718Venkatesan K, Ramanujam R,International Journal of Machining and Machinability of MaterialsScopus1748572X
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176Optimizing and Validating the Engine Performance and Emission Parameters on Engine Dynamometer through 1D Simulation of a Multi-Cylinder CNG EngineJadhav, V., Kanchan, S., Thipse, S., Kavathekar, K., Dsouza, A., Sonawane, S.SAE Technical PapersScopus1487191
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182Performance evaluation of honeycomb structured PVC packed humidifier in a Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination Plantamrit raj, rohan bajaj, srinivas t,Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability 978-3-03785-782-3
183Performance of nanostructured TiAlN-AlCrN coated carbide cutting tool on turning En24 alloy steelSampath Kumar T, Balasivanandha Prabu S, Sorna Kumar T,Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials SciencesWOS9714588
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186Post-buckling behaviour of shear deformable functionally graded curved shell panel under edge compressionVishesh Ranjan Kar, Subrata Kumar Panda,International Journal of Mechanical SciencesWOS207403
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189Pressure And Velocity Distribution on Remote Controlled Aircraft Wing Using Finite Element MethodNarendiranath Babu T, Rama Prabha D,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
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193Productivity Improvement on Assembly Line Through Reduction of Down Time Using Autonomous MaintenanceNarendiranath Babu T,International Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus0975766X
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195Protein and Carbohydrate Biopolymers for Biomedical ApplicationsSudhanshu Verma, U Narendra Kumar, I Manjubala,International Journal of PharmTech ResearchScopus24559563
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198Recent Developments in Heat Treatment of Beta Titanium Alloys for Aerospace ApplicationsSanthosh, R., Geetha, M., Nageswara Rao, M.Transactions of the Indian Institute of MetalsWOS9751645
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200Review on Micro Incremental Sheet FormingJeevanantham AK,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
201Review on various experimental methods in Warm Hydroforming of Sheet MetalsC Pandivelan,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
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Sl NoTitle of paperName of the author/sName of journalIndexed In Scopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1A Case Study on Improvement of a Cellulose Fibre Reinforced Mill Board Industry through a Quality Initiative and Simple Enterprise Transformation MethodologyVezhavendhan R, S Narayanan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
2A Comparative Study Of Port Injected And Carbureted Type Lpg-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine Using CFD AnalysisK Peda Chowdaiah, K Somasundaram, U B Gokulraj, B Ashok, S Denis Ashok,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesScopus23498552
3A Comparative Study on the Tribological Performance of Lubricating Oils with Nanoparticles as AdditivesArchit Bimal Shah, P M Anil, Karan Kothari,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
4A Critical Review on Role of prison Environment on Stress and Psychiatric Symptoms among PrisonersMohammad Mansoor, Syed Khalid Perwez, Ramaseshan h,Mediterranean Journal of Social SciencesScopus20392117
5A green approach on the corrosion studiesof al-siccomposites in sea waterS Karthikeyan, M Anthony Xavior, P A Jeeva, K Raja,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
6A model of solids friction factor for fluidized dense phase pneumatic conveyingNiranjana Behera, V K Agarwal, Mark Jones, K C Williams,Powder technologyWoS325910
7A Parametric Optimization on Cutting Force during Laser Assisted Machining of Inconel 718 alloyVignesh M, Venkatesan K, Ramanujam R, Kuppan P,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsScopus16627482
8A review on the methods for solving the generalized group technology problemN Srinivasa Gupta, B Valarmathi, N Sowmiya,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
9A stochastic approach towards cycle time reduction for aircraft manufacturing assemblyVasantharaju C, Ashok B, Naiju CDInternational Journal of Product Lifecycle ManagementScopus17435129
10A study of waste heat recovery from diesel engine exhaust using phase change materialS Senthur prabu, M A Asokan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus24559555
11A Study on the Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at a Private Sector Bank VelloreG Velmurugan, Selvam, Subashini R,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
12AMMA Free Laptop Scheme For The Student Community Its Reach and Its Impact On Rural DevelopmentVarunkumar M, Venugopal P,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
13An Analysis of Appointment of Directors under the Companies ActG Velmurugan, R Subashini,International Journal of scientific research and managementNon- Scopus23213418
14An analysis on the influence of oil pocket shape and distribution on the reduction of friction in hydrodynamic lubricationDileep P Menon, P M Anil, Prakash S Kulkarni,Annual CFD Symposium  
15An early bearing fault diagnosis using effective feature selection methods and data mining techniquesDevendiran S, Manivannan K,International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyNon- Scopus 2227524X
16An empirical study on the issues and challenges faced by HR professionals in an IT company in Karnataka IndiaP Saravanan, Vasumathi, R Subashini,International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementScopus17442389
17An Exploratory Study On The Effective Utilization Of Tacit Knowledge For Organizational CompetenciesR Subashini, LourthuRaj,International Journal of ManagementNon- Scopus9766510
18An Improved Artificial Neural Network Approach for Product Life Cycle Cost EstimationSiva Prasad Darla, S Narayanan,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
19An improved feed forward PWM control for MPPT of solar PV systems under varying atmospheric conditionsSathya P, R Natarajan,International Journal of Renewable Energy ResearchScopus13090127
20An Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis Based On Wavelet Packet Transform Information Gain And Multiclass Least Squares Support Vector MachinesRajeswari C, Sathiyabhama, Devendiran, Manivannan K,International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus9739769
21An intelligent gear fault diagnosis model based on EMD and evolutionary algorithmsDevendiran S, Manivannan K,International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringScopus2077124X
22An investigation on secondary force contacts of tooth pairs in conventional harmonic drives with involute toothed gear setBikash Routh, Rathindranath Maiti, Ray A K, Sobczyk A,Proc IMechE Part C J Mechanical Engineering Science UKWoS20412983
23Analysing the Effect of Grouping Subsystems for Periodic Maintenance Inspection of Equipment using Delay Time Methodology to Minimize the Downtime per Unit TimeBabu Chellappachetty, Raju R,Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyScopus9745645
24Analysis and Machinability of Self Reinforced CompositesDeepa A, Padmanabhan K, Kuppan P,NASAS XIX  
25Analysis of flow behaviour in a two sided lid driven cavity using lattice boltzmann techniqueS Arun, Satheesh A,Alexandria Engineering JournalScopus11100168
26Analysis of job insertion technique for different initial sequences in permutation flow shop scheduling problemsA baskar, M Anthony Xavior,International Journal of Enterprise Network ManagementScopus17481260
27Analysis of Low temperature Flashing Stage Desalination SystemRamesh Kumar VK, Edison Gundabattini, Rajkumar P, Rajendran PR,International journal of Applied Engineering researchScopus9739769
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186Structure-property relationships of PCGTA welds of Inconel X750 in as-welded and post-weld heat treated conditions – A comparative studyRamkumar K D, Krishnan S R Ramanand R, Logesh S Satyandas T Ameer A, Arivazhagan N,Journal of Manufacturing ProcessesWOS15266125
187Studies on behaviour of a DI diesel engine fuelled with bio oil biodiesel emulsionsR Prakash, R K Singh, S Murugan,International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal TechnologyWoS17533317
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190Studies on microstructure and mechanical properties of keyhole mode NdYAG laser welded Inconel 625 and duplex stainless steel SAF 2205Devendranath Ramkumar K, Kuppan P, Kothari K Sridhar R, Kumar P, Sai Radhakrishna V,Journal of Materials ResearchWOS20445326
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193Studies on the weldability microstructure and mechanical properties of flux assisted Nd YAG laser welds of AISI 904LK Devendranath Ramkumar, Gangineni Chaitanya, Jelli Lakshmi Narasimha Varma, N Arivazhagan, R Oyyaravelu,Journal of Materials ResearchWOS20445326
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212Tribological and corrosion behaviors of warm-and hot-rolled Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloys in simulated body fluid conditionsTaekyung Lee, Geetha Manivasagam, Eshaan Mathew, Santhosh Rajaraman, Ashok Kumar Singh, Chong Soo Lee,International journal of nanomedicineWoS11782013
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Sl NoTitle of paperName of the author/sName of journalIndexed InScopus / WOS/Pub Med / ICI / Non ScopusISSN number
1A CFD investigation on fluid dynamic gaugingBharani Kumar K V, R Thundil Karuppa Raj, Dhyan Shankar M P,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
2A comparative study on analytical and experimental buckling stability of metal matrix composite columns with fixed & hinged endsNarasimha, G. Bala, M. Vamsi Krishna, Anthony M. XaviorInternational Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchScopus0973-9769
3A Conceptual Framework of Mentoring on Career SuccessSeema A, Sujatha S,International Research Journal of Business And ManagementNon- Scopus2322 083X
4A Fuzzy Logic based Model to predict the improvement in surface roughness in Magnetic Field Assisted Abrasive FinishingKanish T C, Kuppan P, Narayanan S, Denis Ashok S,Procedia Engineering Elsevier publisherScopus1877-7058
5A Gear fault identification using wavelet transform rough set based GA ANN and C4 5 algorithmRajeswari C, Rajeswari c, Sathiyabama, S Devendiran, manivannan K,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
6A questionnaire survey of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease in IndiaMalathi Sathiyasekaran, Sumathi Bavanandam, Srinivas Sankaranarayanan, Neelam Mohan, M Geetha, Nishanth Wadhwa,Indian Journal of GastroenterologyScopus2548860
7A review on conventional and laser assisted machining of aluminium based metal matrix compositesvenkatesan, Ramanujam, kuppan,Engineering ReviewScopus13309587
8A Study On Aluminum Matrix And Various Reinforcements Of Composites Processed By Stir Casting MethodS Venkatesan, M Anthony XAvior,International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering StudiesNon- Scopus2349-8862
9A Survey on Occurrence of Critical Machines in a Manufacturing EnvironmentR Pugazenthi, M Anthony Xavior,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
10A Two Stage Finite Element Analysis of Electromagnetic Forming of Perforated Aluminium Sheet MetalsN Senthilnathan, G Venkatachalam, Nilesh N Satonkar,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
11A typical manufacturing plant layout design using CRAFT algorithmHari Prasad N, Rajyalakshmi G, Srinivasula reddy A,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
12Aerodynamic study of formula SAE carSneh Hetawal, Mandar Gophane, B.K. Ajay, Yagnavalkya Mukkamala,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
13Air oxidation and molten salt corrosion studies on bimetallic boiler steel at elevated temperaturesManikandan M, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivarasu M, Arivazhagan N, Appala Naidu A, Kumaresh Babu S P,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
14AlON A-pillars: Enhancing passenger safety and driver visibilityRawat, S., Das, S.K.SAE Technical PapersScopus1487191
15An Experimental Investigation and Performance Evaluation of 1 5 TR Window Air Conditioner by Using R 22 R 407C and R 410A by Varying the Capillary PitchJohn Samuel Koppula, Dr Govindarajulu K, Edison Gundabattini,World Applied Sciences JournalScopus1991-6426
16Analysis of cutting forces and temperature in laser assisted machining of inconel 718 using taguchi methodVenkatesan K, Ramanujam R, Kuppan P,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
17Analysis of strain hardening behaviour of cast aluminium alloy 354 subjected to artificial ageing at various temperaturesEswar A, M Nageswara Rao, Babu GD, Gupta A,Advanced Materials ResearchScopus1662-8985
18Analysis of tool life during turning operation by determining optimal process parametersCJ Rao, D Sreeamulu, Arun Tom Mathew,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
19Analysis on the load carrying mechanism integrated as heterogeneous Co-operative manipulator in a walking wheelchairVedaraj, I.S.R., Jain, R., Rao, B.V.A.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringScopus1757-899X
20Analyzing the profile modification of truck-trailer to prune the aerodynamic drag and its repercussion on fuel consumptionChaitanya Chilbule, A. Upadhyay, Yagnavalkya Mukkamala,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
21Application of hybrid MCDM techniques for prioritising the gaps in an agile manufacturing implementation projectS Aravind Raj, S Vinodh, WS Gaurav, S Shiva Sundaram,International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementScopus1744-2389
22Assessment of corrosion behaviour of Aerospace materials in marine environments by Tafels potentiodynamic polarization studiesRajkumar V, Arivazhagan N,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
23Assessment of mechanical properties of AISI 4140 and AISI 316 dissimilar weldmentsArivazhagan N, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Kumar SNS, Prashanth MM, William AAS, Reddy MP,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
24Assessment of mechanical properties of PCGTA weldments of inconel 625Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N, Narayanan S, Bhushan M, Korrapati PK Avasarala VK,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
25Assessment on the Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of SA 210 A1 Rifle Tubular JointsS Senthur Prabu, K Devendranath Ramkumar, N Arivazhagan, S Narayanan, Saurabh Garg, Rahul Dayal,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
26Azithromycin A potential corrosion inhibitor for aluminum 2024 in acidic mediumLakshmi N V, Karthikeyan S, Arivazhagan N,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
27Bacterial adherence and biofilm formation on medical implants a reviewSuganthan Veerachamy, Prasad KDV Yarlagadda, Tejasri Yarlagadda, Geetha Manivasagam,Journal of Engineering in MedicineWOS9544119
28Bearing fault diagnosis using wavelet packet transform hybrid PSO and support vector machineDevendiran S, Manivannan K,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
29Biodegradable Mg and Mg based alloys for biomedical implantsG Manivasagam, S Suwas,Materials Science and TechnologyWOS1743-2847
30Carbon nanomaterials grown on E-glass fibers and their application in compositeAriful Rahaman, K K Kar,Composites Science and TechnologyWOS0266-3538
31CARI – A heuristic approach to machine-part cell formation using correlation analysis and relevance indexN Srinivasa Gupta, B Valarmathi, D Devika,International Journal of Production ResearchWOS1366-588X
32CFD analysis of a kerosene fuel tank to reduce liquid sloshingSingal, V., Bajaj, J., Awalgaonkar, N., Tibdewal, S.Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
33Characterization of metallurgical and mechanical properties of commercially pure copper and AISI 304 dissimilar weldmentsChethan Roy, Arivarasu M, Hari P R, Manikandan M, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N,Procedia Materials ScienceScopus2211-8128
34Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of inconel 625 and AISI 304 dissimilar weldmentsArivazhagan N, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Narayanan S, Gokul Kumar K, Mithilesh P Varun D, Reddy Gopi Reddy A,ISIJ InternationalWOS1347-5460
35Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of Super Ni 718 alloy and AISI 316L dissimilar weldmentsPrabaharan P, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N,Journal of Materials ResearchWOS2044-5326
36Characterization of microstructure strength and toughness of dissimilar weldments of inconel 625 and duplex stainless steel SAF 2205Sridhar R, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N,Acta Metallurgica Sinica English LettersWOS2194-1289
37Characterization of oxide scales to evaluate hot corrosion behavior of ZrO2 and Al2O3-TiO2 plasma sprayed superalloyArivarasu M, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N, Manikandan M, Hari P R, Katiki K Yadlapati S Chidepudi S N S,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
38Characterization of weld strength and impact toughness in the multi-pass welding of super-duplex stainless steel UNS 32750Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N, Thiruvengatam G, Sridhar R, Sudharsan SP Mishra D,Materials and DesignWOS1873-4197
39Combined two stage desalination and cooling plantC Chiranjeevi, Srinivas T,DesalinationWOS1873-4464
40Combustion and Performance Characteristics of a Small Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with HCNGC Ramesh Kumar, Ankit Sonthalia, Udit Sharma, Anirudh Punganur, Sohail Abbas,Journal of Engineering Science and TechnologyScopus1823-4690
41Comparative assessment on microstructure and mechanical properties of continuous and pulse-current GTA welds of AISI 304 and Monel 400N. Arivazhagan, S. Narayanan,Kovove MaterialyWOS1338-4252
42Comparative high temperature corrosion studies on Zirconium Dioxide coated inconel 625 in air and molten salt environmentKatiki K, Hari P R, Arivarasu M, Manikandan M, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
43Comparative studies of high and low frequency pulsing on the aspect ratio of weld bead in gas tungsten arc welded AISI 304L PlatesArivarasu M, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivarasu M,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
44Comparative studies on the Corrosion and Scratchbehaviors of Plasma sprayed ZrO2 and WC-Co coatingsS Sathish, R Asokamani, M Geetha,Procedia Materials ScienceScopus2211-8128
45Comparative study of composites reinforced with SiC and TiB2Johny James, kuppan, venkatesan, Ramanujam,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
46Comparative study on mechanical and metallurgical properties of AA6061 aluminum alloy sheet weld by pulsed current and dual pulse gas metal arc welding processesMathivanan A, Devakumaran K, A senthil Kumar,Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesWOS1532-2475
47Comparision of TiAlN AlCrN and AlCrN-TiAlN Coatings for Cutting Tool ApplicationsSampath Kumar T, Balasivanandha Prabu, Geetha Manivasagam, Padmanabhan KA,International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and MaterialsWOS1869-103X
48Comparison on cyclic air oxidation and synthetic molten salt corrosion for bimetallic compound employed in power plant environmentGokulkumar K, Devendranath Ramkumar K, Arivazhagan N,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
49Computational Analysis Of Two Phase Flow Distribution In AHorizonatal PipeJagan V, Satheesh A, Mohan Babu K, Santhosh kumar D,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsScopus1662-7482
50Computational investigation of glare with several cracks and delaminations under monotonic and cyclic loads of constant amplitudeBhat, S., Patibandla, R.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresWOS1537-6532
51Computational studies of swirl ratio and injection timing on atomization in a direct injection diesel engineManimaran R, R Thundil Karuppa Raj,Frontiers in Heat and Mass TransferScopus2151-8629
52Control of Yaw Disturbance Using Fuzzy Logic Based Yaw Stability ControllerKrishna, Narayanan, Denis Ashok,International Journal of Vehicular Technology  
53Controlled dissolution of aluminum 2024 in acidic mediumN V Lakshmi, S Karthikeyan, N Arivazhagan,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
54Corrosion and hardness characteristics of metalized ABS plastics prepared by FDM rapid prototyping processK Raja, S Karthikeyan, C D Naiju, S Narayanan, P A Jeeva,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
55Corrosion and hydrogen orrosion permeation investigations of Stainless steel 304 in acidic solutionsN V Lakshmi, S Karthikeyan, P A Jeeva,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
56Corrosion resistance studies of SS316L surface generated by magnetic field assisted abrasive finishingT C Kanish, P Kuppan, S Narayanan, S Karthikeyan,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
57Corrosion studies of trimetallic material in synthetic sea water environmentArivarasu M, Arivazhagan N, Devendranath Ramkumar K,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
58Corrosion tensile and hardness studies of autocatalytic Nickel Coating on Al 2024A Sankar Kumar, S Karthikeyan, G Venkatachalam, P A Jeeva,Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
59Degumming of Pongamia Pinnata by Acid and Water Degumming MethodsVinayak Kulkarni, Sanchit Jain, Faizan Khatri, Vijayakumar T,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
60Design and analysis of a centrifugal absorber for suppression of helicopter blade vibrationAmburay K, Vasudevan R, Po SS,International Journal of Structural EngineeringScopus1758-7336
61Design and analysis of an automotive vacuum pumpThaslim A A, Kumar S J, Jayachandran A, Damodaran D, Vasudevan R,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsScopus1662-7482
62Design and development of stamping dies for online maintenanceJai Hindus, S.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
63Design and development of XY micro-positioning stage using modified topology optimization techniqueRAMESH T, BHARANIDARAN R, GOPAL V,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsScopus1662-7482
64Design and Simulation of Automotive Seat Height Adjuster Driving Mechanism Based on Multi Body DynamicsRahul Dilip Nandurkar, Akash Mohanty, P Barath,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsScopus1662-7482
65Design and simulation of bore well rescue robot – advancedNithin, G., Gowtham, G., Venkatachalam, G., Narayanan, S.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
66Design for fatigue and simulation of glass fibre/epoxy composite automobile leaf springBhanage, A., Padmanabhan, K.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
67Design of fuel tank baffles to reduce kinetic energy produced by fuel sloshing and to enhance the product life cycleBageerathan T, R Thundil Karuppa Raj, G Edison,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
68Design of low Temperature Flashing System Desalination Plant using Brine Solution Heat LoadRamesh Kumar VK, Rajkumar PR, Baskar P, Edison Gundabattini,Research Journal of Recent SciencesNon- Scopus2277?2502
69Design Strategy for Improving the Energy Efficiency in Series Hydraulic Electric Synergy SystemR Ramakrishnan, Somashekhar S Hiremath, Singaperumal M,The International Journal of EnergyWOS0360-5442
70Development and analysis of a new integrated power and cooling plant using LiBr H2O mixtureShankar r, Srinivas t,Sadhana Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesWOS0973-7677
71Development of Acoustic Emission and Motor Current Based Fuzzy Logic Model for Monitoring Weld Strength and Nugget Hardness of FSW JointsSenthil Kumar S, Senthil kumar S, Denis Ashok S,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
72Dry sliding wear behaviour of Industrial semi-crystalline and crystalline polymersS Senthur Prabu, Saurabh Garg, Kuldeep Deshmukh, G Manikandan, C Sriram,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
73Dynamic characterization of a laminated composite magnetorheological fluidManoharan R, Vasudevan R, Jeevanantham AK,Smart Materials and StructuresWOS1361-665X
74Effect of carbon nanotubes on the curing and thermomechanical behavior of epoxy carbon nanotubes compositesAriful Rahaman, Akash Mohanty,Polymer CompositesWOS1548-0569
75Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour on ASTM A36 mild steelRavikirana, K., Rajasekhar, B., Laxmi Bhavani, P., Pavithra, O., Devi, E.L.P., RajaAnnamalai, A., Siva, T.Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
76Effect of heat treatment, mechanical properties studies and corrosion response on Manganese bronzeNeeraja, D., Prasad, B., Raja Annamalai, A., Siva, T.Journal of Corrosion Science and EngineeringScopus1466-8858
77Effect of laser scan speed on surface temperature cutting force and tool wear during laser assisted machining of AluminaP Kuppan, A senthil kumar, Venkatesh Kannan M, Ramesh Kumar K, John Rozario Jegaraj J,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
78Effect of Lubricating Oil on the Performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration SystemKiranmai, John Samuel Koppula, Edison Gundabattini,World Applied Sciences JournalNon- Scopus1991-6426
79Effect of measurement parameters on hydrogen storage and thermodynamic properties of La based metal hydridesVinod Kumar Sharma, E Anil Kumar,International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyWOS1879-3487
80Effect of non-conventional aging treatments on the tensile properties and Quality indices of hipped components made of cast aluminum alloy 354Dinesh babu G, M Nageswara Rao,Advanced Materials ResearchScopus1662-8985
81Effect of optimal weld parameters in the microstructure and mechanical properties of autogeneous gas tungsten arc weldments of super-duplex stainless steel UNS S32750Devendranath Ramkumar, K., Mishra, D., Ganesh Raj, B., Vignesh, M.K., Thiruvengatam, G., Sudharshan, S.P., Arivazhagan, N., Sivashanmugam, N., Rabel, A.M.Materials and DesignWOS1873-4197
82Effect of pongamia biodiesel on emission and combustion characteristics of di compression ignition engineK Nanthagopal, R Thundil Karuppa Raj,Ain Shams Engineering JournalScopus2090-4479
83Effect of sky scrapers on natural ventilation patterns and human comfort index in low-risebuildings – a CFD analysis over central MumbaiNagawkar, J., Ghosh, S., Kataria, R., Nashit, A., Deora, A.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
84Effect of sodium alginate modification of graphene (by ‘anion-?’ type of interaction) on the mechanical and thermal properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanocompositesThayumanavan, N., Pankaj Tambe, Girish Joshi, Mukul ShuklaComposite InterfacesWOS1568-5543
85Effect of various pretreatment methods on osmotic dehydration of fruits for qualitative and quantitative advantageJosephine Selvi, N., Baskar, G., Singh, A.International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
86Effective Conversion of Kapok Seed Ceiba Pentandra Oil into Biodiesel and Investigation of Effects of Catalyst concentrations and Chromatographic CharacterizationM A Asokan, R Vijayan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
87Effective Health care management in India- The role of knowledge managementKartik Balkumar, Resmi Ann Thomas, S P Anbuudayasankar, S Paul Silvian, Gemini V Joy,International Journal of Value Chain ManagementScopus1741-5365
88Electrochemical and Quantum Mechanical Aspects of Electroless Copper Plating ProcessSundaramali, Karthikeyan S, Jeeva P A,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
89Electroless copper deposition- An experimental and theoretical approachS Rekha, S Karthikeyan, P A Jeeva, D Kumaran, K N Srinivasan,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
90Enterprise Transformation A Need For Survival And Growth InSmall Scale Fabrication UnitsVezhavendhan R, Chinmoy Sarkar,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
91Evaluation of properties for Al-SiC reinforced metal matrix composite for brake padsR Abhik, V Umasankar, M Anthony Xavior,Procedia EngineeringScopus1877-7058
92Examination of the lattice boltzmann method in simulation of manufacturingPerumal D A, R Thundil Karuppa Raj, Agarwal L, Harshan A, K Nanthagopal,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesScopus1819-6608
93Executives Perception on the Outcomes of Inhouse and Outdoor Training ProgrammesGiasuddin Bellary, Venugopal P, Ganesan P, No, No, No,Asian Social ScienceNon- Scopus1911-2025
94Experimental and theoretical studies on static and dynamic pressure concentration isotherms of hydrideVinod Kumar Sharma, E Anil Kumar, M Prakash Maiya, S Srinivasa Murthy,International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyWOS1879-3487
95Experimental evaluation of the influence of processing parameters on the mechanical properties of SiC particle reinforced AA6061 aluminium alloy matrix composite by powder processingV Umasankar, M Anthony Xavior, S Karthikeyan,Journal of Alloys and CompoundsWOS1873-4669
96Experimental investigation on static mechanical properties of glass carbon hybrid woven fabric composite laminatesMurugan, R., Ramesh, R., Padmanabhan, K., Jeyaraam, R., Krishna, S.Advanced Materials ResearchScopus1662-8985
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146Investigation on Adhesive Wear Behaviour of Industrial Crystalline and Semi Crystalline Polymers against Steel CounterfaceS Senthur Prabu, S Prathiba, Ashu Sharma, Saurabh Garg, G Manikandan, C Sriram,International Journal of ChemTech ResearchScopus2455-9555
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