School of Social Sciences and Languages (SSL)

Funded Projects And Consultancy

The faculty of SSL have carried out funded projects and given consultancy services to various funding agencies and corporations. The details are given below. Our school has a vibrant research culture.Our faculty members have secured funded projects and are also regularly involved in conducting faculty training programmes.

1 FY202324 15973 – Prof. RASHMI M (PI) Exploring the socio-cultural constructions of the Kattunayakan Tribal Community through Indigenous Art and Dance Forms ICSSR 01-09-2023 3 900000 900000
2 FY202324 11617 – Prof. USHA S (PI) Trade Mark Protection of Colours in India and the United Kingdom: Cross-cultural Approaches, Advantages, Obstacles, and Practical Utilities SPARC 28-07-2023 3 5098030 5098030
3 FY202223 10675 – Prof. RUBAN N (PI)11579 – Prof. MARY MEKALA A (CoPI)13314 – Prof. THENMOZHI M (CoPI)10510 – Prof. PRABHAKAR KARTHIKEYAN S (CoPI)11817 – Prof. MONICA SUBASHINI M (CoPI)11226 – Prof. VARALAKSHMI M (CoPI) Development of an interdisciplinary approach for the diagnosis and correction of the emotional sphere disorders of children using artificial intelligence methods:a cross-cultural study. DSTIR 30-12-2022 3 3710016 3710016
4 FY202223 10531 – Prof. SUBASHINI R (PI)10793 – Prof. VELMURUGAN G (CoPI) Narrowcasting Applications for Community Development. UNDP 05-08-2022 1 186000 186000
5 FY201920 15973 – Dr. Rashmi M Career Inventory Tool VIT 27-08-2019 1 100000 100000
6 FY201718 13314 – Dr. Thenmozhi Womens Empowerment through environment conservation activities A case study of women self help groups in vellore district VIT 14-09-2017 1 30000 0
7 FY201718 12009 – Dr. Prashant Kumar Imparting descriptive writing skills to higher secondary school students of vellore district VIT 14-09-2017 1 25000 0
8 FY201718 11617 – Dr. S. Usha The Effectiveness of Environmental and Associated Legislations Concerning Beedi Rolling Industry in Vellore District VIT 14-09-2017 1 50000 50000
9 FY201516 11193 – Dr. N SUNDARAM Are Rural Consumers aware of their rights A study with special reference to Vellore Dist of Tamil Nadu Economically most backward district ICSSR 20-11-2016 2 300000 240000
10 FY201516 00000 – Dr. Haleema Social Cognitive Theory in Evaluating Service Quality and Adoption on Internet Banking Services in Vellore district, Tamil nadu, India ICSSR 20-05-2015 2 800000 800000
11 FY201516 11193 – Dr. N. Sundaram Enhancing Research Amoung faculties by motivation with ICT-AN Investigatioin in arts and science Universities of Tamilnadu. India VIT 01-04-2015 1 300000 300000
12 FY201415 13390 – Dr. N SAVITHA A Study on Occupational Health Hazards and the Role of Health Care Finance and Health Insurance among Leather Industrial Workers in Vellore Dist ICSSR 20-10-2014 2 1000000 400000
13 FY201415 10793 – Dr. G. Velmurugan Social Awareness about herbal food products and its TOXIC Effects. VIT 01-04-2014 1 280000 280000
14 FY201415 11971 – Dr. N.P. Hariharan An Analysis of Corner Shop Economy of Vellore ICSSR 11-06-2013 1 800000 0
15 FY201415 11193 – Dr. N. Sundaram Financial Inclusion in Rural India-A Study with special Reference to Vellore District of TamilNadu (Industrially most Backward District). ICSSR 10-02-2012 3 798725 0
16 FY201415 10365 – Dr. V. Selvam Micro Credit to Self Help Groups: A Boon for Empowerment of Rural Women. ICSSR 25-01-2011 5 590175 0
Criteria 3.5.3 – IQAC Portal Login – IIS-IQAC Portal
Sl No Faculty Training Program Agency Sanctioned Date Revenue Generated
1 Dr. J. Karthikeyan Platform skills – PMKVY-NSDC Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. 12.12.2019 15,000
2 Dr. J. Karthikeyan, Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. 23.06.2017 25,000
3 Dr. J. Karthikeyan, Dr. K. Revathi, Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training The Mufide AAM Educational Society 03.02.2017 15,000
4 Dr. J. Karthikeyan, Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. 19.01.2017 88,000
5 Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Bharat Silks 16.11.2015 47,943
6 Dr. J. Ramola Premalatha, Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Nasar Bali Gloves Pvt. Ltd. 08.12.2014 2,04,748
7 Dr. A. Dunstan Rajkumar HR Training Bharat Silks 19.11.2014 45,000
8 14798 – Sunitha V TRAINING SESSION K H EXPORT INDIA LIMITED 01.03.2020 50000
9 11318 – Adaikalam Arulanandam OFFERING CERTIFICATE COURSE OUTSIDE VITIANS 01.03.2019 7000

Criteria 3.5.2 – IQAC Portal Login – IIS-IQAC Portal

Sl NoConsultancy AgencyDate of CommencementRevenue GeneratedFacultyConsultancy Project
1Aries Science and Technology LLc, United States of America6/9/2023622936Dr. MEENAKSHI S (Co PI)Research on sustainable approach for developing advanced functional materials for various applications.
2Schwing Stetter India Pvt Ltd, India4/2/202342480Prof. VIJAYAKUMAR M (PI), Prof. GANDHIMATHI S.N.S, Prof. SENGUTTUVAN MCommunication Training for employees
3Chota Dhobi Laundry Service Pvt Ltd, India1/6/202250000 Dr.PrabakarS (Co PI)Application Development
4Director Non Formal Education Vaniyambadi Muslim Educational Society, India20-02-202293000Prof.KarthikeyanJ (PI),Prof.Md.SahulHameedMA, Prof.DunstanRajkumarA,Prof.PrasanthaKumarNS, Prof.GarathriNMid Intensive Program – Supported by US Consulate
5ELCOT, India22-12-2021140400 Prof.MariahSebastianA (Co-PI)Rediscovering Thamizh Kalvettu Ezhuthukkal with Advanced Computational Models.
6Farida Shoes Private Ltd, India29-01-202088500 Prof. Velmurugan G (PI) ,Prof. Muthumeenakshi M (CoPI)A Report on Feasibility study on Employmnet Mapping in the identified aread of research.
7Methods NSDC Project for Apparel Industry17.08.201825,000Dr. J. KarthikeyanConsultancy Skill development and Training
8The Mufide Aam Educational Society04.02.20171,50,000Dr. K. RevathyInstitutional Development for Madarasa-E-Mufide-Aam School, Vaniyambadi.
9Power Mech Projects Ltd07.04.20161,75,000Dr. K. MeenakshiSupport in the development skills for the rural background students.
10Bharat Silks21.11.201492,943Dr. A. Dunstan RajakumarTraining Programs – Human Resource Development.

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