Plan to reduce energy consumption

Conventional Lights to LED Lights, Window AC to Chiller & VRV/VRF, IE5 pumps and HNS system, VFD based lifts, solar water heater-based heat pump system for hot water requirement and individual UPS to modular UPS are planned for the old buildings in a phased manner.

The following crucial actions are part of a methodical approach to energy consumption reduction:

A chiller plant which uses recycled water from the sewage treatment plant was constructed during this year(2022-2023). The chiller plant was able to provide air conditioning for more rooms while consuming half the power of its predecessor. Two separate chiller plants were established one for Men’s hostel and one for ladies hostel. About 70% of the light fixtures were converted to LED. Seeing the performance of the LED, it was decided to convert all the Lighting systems in Library to LED during the next year and the same was replaced during 2019. In November 2018, an agreement was signed between VIT and Bharat enterprises, a wind energy company. According to the agreement, Bharat enterprises agreed to provide 95 lakh units power and BBK shoes to provide 27 Lakhs to VIT during 2022 via TANGEDCO Grid.

Scope for the further improvement:

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