
VIT School of Agricultural Innovations And Advanced Learning. (VAIAL)


1 Jha M.K., Shekhar A., Jenifer M.A. Assessing groundwater quality for drinking water supply using hybrid fuzzy-GIS-based water quality index Water Research 9.130
2 Lokeshwari. N.,Sonal omer.,Nishta. J., Annie Jenifer.M., Chandrasekaran. N.,Suraishkumar.G.K.,Amitava Mukherjee Eco-corona formation lessens the toxic effects of polystyrene nanoplastics towards marine microalgae chlorella sp. Environmental Research 5.714
3 Bhuma Mani Sahithi.,Kaukab Razi., Musa Al Murad., Avanthika.V., Saravanan.J., Lincy K.B., Byoung Ryong Jeong., Sowbiya Muneer Comparative physiological and proteomic analysis deciphering tolerance and homeostatic signaling pathways in Chrysanthemum under drought stress Physiologia Plantarum 4.099
4 Musa Al Murad Kaukab Razi Lincy. K.B., Jeong.H.L., Tae.H.K.,Sowbiya Muneer Ethylene regulates sulfur acquistion by regulating the expression of sulfate transporter genes in oilseed rape Physiologia Plantarum 4.099
5 Murad M.A., Khan A.L., Muneer S. Silicon in horticultural crops: Crosstalk, signaling, and tolerance mechanism under salinity stress Plants 2.632
6 El haddad N., Rajendran K., Smouni A., Es-Safi N.E., Benbrahim N., Mentag R., Nayyar H., Maalouf F., Kumar S. Screening the FIGS set of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) germplasm for tolerance to terminal heat and combined drought-heat stress Agronomy 2.6
7 Paul Mansingh.J., Nisha. A Sweeping reforms in farm sector: An Overview International Journal of Agricultural sciences 2.301
8 Harishkumar R., Manjari M.S., Rose C., Selvaraj C.I. Protective effect of Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) against H2O2-induced oxidative stress on H9c2 cardiomyocytes Molecular Biology Reports 2.107
9 Harishkumar R., Selvaraj C.I. Lotusine, an alkaloid from Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.), attenuates doxorubicin-induced toxicity in embryonically derived H9c2 cells In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Animal 1.645
10 Pandiselvam R., Mayookha V.P., Kothakota A., Sharmila L., Ramesh S.V., Bharathi C.P., Gomathy K., Srikanth V. Impact of Ozone Treatment on Seed Germination–A Systematic Review Ozone: Science and Engineering 2.081
11 Shin M.H., Muneer S., Kim Y.-H., Lee J.J., Bae D.W., Kwack Y.-B., Kumarihami H.M.P.C., Kim J.G. Proteomic analysis reveals dynamic regulation of fruit ripening in response to exogenous ethylene in kiwifruit cultivars Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology 1.530
12 Selvakumar S., Parasurama D.S. Maximization of micropropagule production in banana cultivars Grand naine (AAA) and Elakki (AB) In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant 1.454
13 Annamalai M., Gurumurthy K. Neural network prediction of bioleaching of metals from waste Computational Intelligence 1.2
14 Papitha R., Selvaraj C.I., Palanichamy V., Arunachalam P., Roopan S.M In vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic capacity of Kappaphycus alvarezii successive extracts Current Science 0.724
15 Ruthiran P., Selvaraj C.I., Palanichamy V., Madhumitha G Larvicidal and anti-bacterial efficacy of Kapppaphycus alverazii methanol extract from Mandapam coast Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 0
1 Annamalai, M., Gurumurthy, K. Enhanced bioleaching of copper from circuit boards of computer waste by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Environmental Chemistry Letters 4.617
2 Subramaniyan, V., Gurumurthy, K. Diversity of probiotic adhesion genes in the gastrointestinal tract of goats Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 3.448
3 Annamalai, M., Gurumurthy, K. Microbiological leaching of metals and its recovery from waste electrical and electronic equipment: A review World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 0.17
4 Sowbiya Muneer, Jun Ho Kim, Jeong Gyun Park, Mi Hee Shin, Gyeong Hwan Cha, Hong Lim Kim, Takuya ban, H.M. Prathibhani C. Kumarihami, Seong Hwa Kim, Goeum Jeong, Jin Gook kim Reflective plastic film mulches enhance light intensity, floral induction, and bioactive compounds in ‘O’Neal’ southern highbush blueberry Scientia Horticulturae 1.96
5 Krishnav Biyani, Durgesh Kumar Tripathi, Jeong Hyun Lee, Sowbiya Muneer Dynamic role of Fe supply on amelioration of Cd stress by modulating antioxidative pathways and peroxidase enzymes in mungbean AOB Plants 2.238
6 Adil Khan, Abdul Latif Khan*, Sowbiya Muneer, Yoon-Ha Kim, Ahmed Al-Harrasi Silicon and salinity: cross-talk in crop mediated stress tolerance mechanisms Frontiers in Plant Science 4.10
7 Theivasigamani Parthasarathi , Koothan Vanitha , Sendass Mohandass , Eli Vered Mitigation of methane gas emission in rice by drip irrigation F1000Research 1.24
8 Ricardo C Guerrero‐Ferreira, Mario Hupfeld, Sergey Nazarov, Nicholas MI Taylor, Mikhail M Shneider, Jagan M Obbineni, Martin J Loessner, Takashi Ishikawa, Jochen Klumpp, Petr G Leiman Structure and transformation of bacteriophage A511 baseplate and tail upon infection of Listeria cells The EMBO Journal 11.2
9 Ilanthenral Kandasamy, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Jagan M. Obbineni & Florentin Smarandache Indeterminate Likert scale: feedback based on neutrosophy, its distance measures and clustering algorithm Soft Computing 2.783
10 Saumya S1, Aberami J A1, P. Deepa Sankar2 Plastid Transformation – A Greener and Cleaner Technique for Overexpression of Proteins Research J. Pharm. and Tech 0
11 B Lincy Kirubhadharsini, K Gunasekaran and SV Krishnamoorthy Assessment of safety of flubendiamide 20 WG against non-target organisms Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies 0
12 Sonai Rajan Thangaraj, Graham A McCulloch, Subramanian Sabtharishi, Rahul Kumar Chandel, Sadhan Debnath, Chandrasekaran Subramanian, Gimme H Walter and Mohankumar Subbarayalu Genetic diversity and its structure in Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) across India – Implications for managing phosphine resistance Journal of Stored Product Research 1.954
13 A. Nisha, N. Vimal Rajkumar, N. Kumaravelu, T. Senthilkumar and Amal Sasi Identification of Determinants of Choice of Preferences in Attapadi Tribal Farmers for Alternative Livestock Enterprises International Journal of Livestock Research 0.667
15 Rajendran Harishkumar, Lakki Pramod Kumar Reddy, Shivam H. Karadkar, Musa Al Murad, Saravanan Sibi Karthik, Saravanan Manigandan, Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj, JohnSamuel Godwin Christopher Toxicity and Selective Biochemical Assessment of Quercetin, Gallic Acid, and Curcumin in Zebrafish Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1.54
16 S.Sivarajan, Mohammadmehdi Maharlooei, Herman Kandel, R.R. Buetow, J. Nowatzki and S.B. Bajwa Evaluation of OptRx™ active optical sensor to monitor soybean response to nitrogen inputs Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 2.464
17 Paul Mansingh, J., Firafis Haile and Tura Ganya Integration of Cyber Extension and Green Business Cooperatives: An Extension Model for the Improvement of Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Ambo District, Ethiopia International Seminar on “Innovative Extension Management for Uplifting Livelihood of Farmers -Status, Initiatives and Way Forward” 0
18 Teshitie Gemeda Geleto, Paul Mansingh, J., and Firafis Haile Factors Determining Information Communication Technology Usage in Agriculture by Smallholder Farmers in Tiyo District, Arsi Zone, Oromiua Region, Ethiopia Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 0.11
19 Paul Mansingh, J., and Jeyapandi, A. One Step Value Addition at Farm Gate to Augment/Double the Farmers’ Income-An Overview International Conference on “Extension for Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development” 0
20 Gomathy.k, Balakrishnan.M , Pandiselvam .R Nonlinear and multiple linear regression analysis of airflow resistance in multiplier onion Journal of Food Process Engineering 1.45
21 Singh, P., Mazumdar, P., Harikrishna, J.A. and Babu, S. Sheath blight of rice: a review and identification of priorities for future research. Planta 3.06
22 Babu, S., Chen, S-S. and Reddy, K.R. Book: Emerging technologies for agriculture and environment. Select proceedings of ITsFEW 2018. Springer Singapore
23 Jimmy, J.L. and Babu, S Variations in the structure and evolution of rice WRKY genes in Indica and Japonica genotypes and their co-expression network in mediating disease resistance Evolutionary Bioinformatics 2.203
24 Jimmy, J.L. and Babu, S. Gene network mediated by WRKY13 to regulate resistance against sheath infecting fungi in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science 3.785
25 Anupama, R., Sajitha Lulu, S., Madhusmita, R., Vino, S., Mukherjee, A. and Babu. S. Insights into the interaction of key biofilm proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 with TiO2 nanoparticle: An in silico analysis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 1.875
1 Mazumdar P., Singh P., Babu S., Siva R., Harikrishna J.A. An update on biological advancement of Jatropha curcas L.: New insight and challenges Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10.6
2 Muneer S., Lee J.H. Hazardous gases (CO, NOx, CH4 and C3H8) released from CO2 fertilizer unit lead to oxidative damage and degrades photosynthesis in strawberry plants Scientific Reports 4.01
3 Sankari M., Rao P.R., Hemachandran H., Pullela P.K., Doss C G.P., Tayubi I.A., Subramanian B., Gothandam K.M., Singh P., Ramamoorthy S. Prospects and progress in the production of valuable carotenoids: Insights from metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, and computational approaches Journal of Biotechnology 3.16
4 Sowbiya Muneer, Hai Kyoung Jeong, Yoo Gyeong Park, Byoung Ryong Jeong Proteomic analysis of aphid –resistant and –sensitive rose (Rosa hybrid) cultivars at two developmental stages. Proteomes 3.11
5 Rani A., Babu S. Environmental proteomic studies: closer step to understand bacterial biofilms World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2.65
6 Anupama R., Sajitha Lulu S., Mukherjee A., Babu S. Cross-regulatory network in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm genes and TiO2 anatase induced molecular perturbations in key proteins unraveled by a systems biology approach Gene 2.63
7 Manohar P., Babu S., Bozdogan B., Ramesh N. Identification of blaDIM-1 metallo-β-lactamase gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from Tamil Nadu, India Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2.470
8 Vijayalakshmi K., Selvaraj C.I. Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential of Sarcostemma brevistigma Wight & Arn. Using Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Murine Model Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2.14
9 Vijayalakshmi K., Selvaraj C.I. Cell line cytotoxicity, antiadipogenic and glucose uptake activity of Sarcostemma brevistigma Wight. & Arn. Molecular Biology Reports 2.11
10 Ganesamoorthy R., Vidya R., Sakthivel P. Synthesis and studies of bay-substituted perylene diimide-based SM acceptors for OSC and antimicrobial applications IET Nanobiotechnology 1.93
11 Jain S., Muneer S., Guerriero G., Liu S., Vishwakarma K., Chauhan D.K., Dubey N.K., Tripathi D.K., Sharma S. Tracing the role of plant proteins in the response to metal toxicity: a comprehensive review Plant Signaling and Behavior 1.64
12 Sruthilaxmi C.B., Babu S. Functional interplay of genes in prioritizing the responses of rice plants to fungal infection and abiotic stress Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1.61
13 Gunasekaran Shylaja., Kandasamy Sasikumar., Arunachalam Sathiavelu Antimycobacterial potential of resorcinol type lipid isolated from Chaetomium cupreum, an endophytic fungus from Mussaenda luteola Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 0.81
14 Gunasekaran Shylaja., Kandasamy Sasikumar., Arunachalam Sathiavelu Antimycobacterial and anti-oxidant potential of the bioactive metabolite isolated from the endophytic fungus Daldinia eschscholtzii Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 0.81
15 Gomati Padma Thilaga S., Deepa Sankar P. Prevalence of functional constipation in children-a systematic review Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 0
16 Sengupta S., Kizhakedathil M.P.J., Deepa Sankar P. Plant stem cells – Regulation and applications: A brief review Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 0
17 Vijayalakshmi K., Selvaraj C.I. Medicinal plants and their phyto-constituents with potential antidiabetic activity – A review Research Journal of Biotechnology 0
18 Tamilarasan M., Sathiavelu A. A review on the environmental and biological impacts of bifacial heavy metal chromium Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 0
19 Ashok Rao., Natarajan Ramakrishna., Sathiavelu Arunachalam., Mythili Sathiavel Isolation, Screening and Optimization of Laccase-Producing Endophytic Fungi from Euphorbia milii Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 0

1. Abinaya, M., Prabhakaran, S., Sowbiya, M., HoKo, C. and Jeong, B.R. 2016. Silicon mitigates salinity stress by regulating the physiology, antioxidant enzyme activities, and protein expression in Capsicum annuum ‘Bugwang. BioMed Research International, Article ID 3076357.

2. Arun Bennet, S., and Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. 2016. Analysis of antibiotic resistance in Staphyloccocus aureus present in various environmental sources of Ambur Town, Tamil Nadu. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(3).

3. Ashok, R., Sathiavelu, A. and Mythili, S. 2016. Genetic engineering in biobutanol production and tolerance. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 59.

4. Avadhani, M.N.M., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Rajasekharan, P.E., Rao, V.K., Munirajappa and Tharachand, C. 2016. Genetic diversity and chemical profiling of Indian Acorus calamus accessions from South and North East India. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15: 560-567.

5. Bhuvaneswari, M., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Selvaraj, B. and Srinivasan, T. 2016. Assessment of psychological and psycho-physiological problems among visually impaired adolescents. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 10(1): e3895. doi:10.17795/ijpbs-3895.

6. Das, M., Patowary, K., Vidya, R. and H. Malipeddi. 2016. Microemulsion synthesis of silver nanoparticles using biosurfactant extracted from Pseudomonas aeruginosa MKVIT3 strain and comparison of their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. IET Nanobiotechnology, Doi:10.1049/iet-nbt.2015.0119.

7. Deepa Sankar, P. 2016. Parameters utilized in screening for salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(2): 430-435. 

8. Deepika, S and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2016. Anticancer mechanism of unexplored plant compounds – A review. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 11(11): 109-128-187.

9. Dinesh, M., Roopan, S.M. and Selvaraj, C.I. 2016. Photocatalytic degradation of nitrophenol using biologically active Phyllanthus emblica seed extract. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 161: 273–278.

10. Divya, K. and Vidya, R. 2016. A review on tannery pollution in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(3): 1380–1384.

11. Elizabeth, A., Shylaja, G., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2016. A review on use of plant extract for gold and silver nanoparticle synthesis and their potential activities against food pathogens. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 9(4).

12. Gomati Padma, T., Nithya, S., Rajasekhara, B. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2016. Internet addiction: Prevalence among engineering students and its impact on academic performance. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8(3): 18149-18158.

13. Irene, P.J. and Kalaichelvan, G. 2016. Dietary fibers in probiotics and human health. International  Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science, 7(3): 676 – 685. 

14. Jagan, M.O., Yamamoto, R. and Ishikawa, T. 2016. A simple and fast approach for missing-wedge invariant classification of subtomograms extracted from filamentous structures. Journal of Structura Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2016.08.003

15. Kraatz, S., Guichard, P., Jagan, M.O., Olieric, N., Hatzopoulos, G.N., Hilbert, M., Sen, I., Missimer, J., Gönczy, P. and Steinmetz, M.O. 2016. The human centriolar protein CEP135 contains a two-stranded coiled-coil domain critical for microtubule binding. Structure, doi:10.1016/j.str.2016.06.011. 

16. Lee, K.M., Lim, C.S., Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2016. Functional vascular connections and light quality effects on tomato grafted unions. Scientia Horticulturae, 201: 306-317.

17. Leelavathy, S. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2016. Curbing the menace of contamination in plant tissue culture. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(3): 2145-2152.

18. Leema, G.,Tamizhselvi, R., Sathiyanarayanan, K., Vidya, R. and Venkatraman, M. 2016. Novel phenanthridine PHE­4i) derivative inhibits carrageenan induced rat hind paw edema through suppression of hydrogen sulfide. Inflammopharmacology, 24: 173–180. Doi:10.1007/s10787-016-0273-4.

19. Lincy, K.B., Nakkeeran, S., Manoharan, T. and Gunasekaran, K. 2016. Pathogenicity of Indigenous Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin isolates against diamondback moth, Plutellaxyl ostella. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(62): 3512-3514. (

20. Mridul, D., Namrata, M., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2016. Application and future aspects of microbial biosurfactants – Review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(4): 2803-2812.

21. Neale, C.M.U., Jaworowski, C., Heasler, H., Sivarajan, S. and Masih, A. 2016. Hydrothermal monitoring in Yellowstone national park using airborne thermal infrared remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment,

22. Pal, T. and Sathiavelu, A. 2016. Production of bioemulsifier from microorganisms and its application – Review. The Journal of Bioprocess Technology, 102: 497-503.

23. Park, Y.G., Sowbiya, M., Prabhakaran, S., Abinaya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2016. Light quality during night interruption affects morphogenesis and flowering in Petunia hybrida, a qualitative long-day plant. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 57: 371-377.

24. Raksha, R.B., Siva, R. and Babu, S. 2016. Spacio-varietal differences of stigmasterol biosynthesis in tomato and over-expression of sterol desaturase gene for enhanced production. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant 52: 571-579.

25. Sankari, M., Hridya, H., Amirtha, A., Babu, S., Renata, R.M., Doss, C.G.P., Devanand, P.F. and Siva, R. 2016. Identifying a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 4a gene and its efficient Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in Bixa orellana L. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 179 (5): 697-714.

26. Sathiyapriya, M., Aswini, S., Lakshmi, M., Shoba, S., Shylaja, G., Sathiavelu, A. and Mythili, S. 2016. Antioxidant activity of aqueous and methanol extract of Barnyard millet. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 9(3).

27. Shanmugam, S. and Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. 2016. An overview of research trends in remediation of heavy metal Ion from polluted water. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 9(1): 90-96.

28. Shoba, S., Shylaja, G., Sathiavelu, A. and Mythili, S. 2016. A phytopharmacological review on Cassia species. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 8(5): 260-264.

29.Sowbiya, M., HoKo, C., Wei, H., Yuze, C. and Jeong, B.R. 2016. Physiological and proteomic investigations to study the response of tomato graft unions under temperature stress. PLoS One, 11(6): e0157439.

30. Sowbiya, M., Prabhakaran, S. and Jeong, B.R. 2016. Proteomic and antioxidant analysis elucidates the underlying mechanism of tolerance to hyperhydricity stress in in vitro shoot cultures of Dianthus caryophyllus. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 35: 667-679.

31. Swati, S., Paramita, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2016. Decisive factors controlling flowering. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(4): 1860-1867.

32. Vidhushi, C., Shylaja, G., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2016. Importance of waste food products and its antimicrobial activity against food spoilage. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(3): 1560-1564.


1. Abinaya, M., Prabhakaran, S., Arum, L.S., Ho Ko, C.H., Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Silicon-mediated enhancement of physiological and biochemical characteristics of Zinnia elegans ‘Dreamland Yellow’ grown under salinity stress. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 56: 721-731.

2. Aditi, M., Jagan, M.O., Bui, K.H., Shibata, K., Toyoshima, Y. and Ishikawa, T. 2015. α- and β-tubulin lattice of the axonemal microtubule doublet and binding proteins revealed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. Structure, 23(9): 1584-1595. (f1000 Article; Featured in Cell Press Blog:…)

3. Anantharaman, A., Priya, R.R., Hemachandran, H., Sivaramakrishna, A., Babu, S. and Siva, R. 2015. Studies on interaction of Norbixin with DNA: Multispectroscopic and in silico analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 144C: 168-169.

4. Anbarasan, P. 2015. A case study analysis on e-agriculture (e-velanmai): An ICT based technology transfer model in agriculture in Tamil Nadu state, India. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, III. 

5. Anbarasan, P. 2015. Constraints and suggestions experienced by the farmers in using mobile based technology, African Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, III. 

6. Anuradha, R., Apoorva, K.,. Sadhana, N.R, Hitendra, K., Siva, R. and Babu, S. 2015. Genomic insights into the TTSS island of enteropathogenic E. coli and Salmonella and its conjugational transfer. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology, 30 (4): 225-232.

7.Arun Bennet, S. and Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. 2015. Molecular epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(3).

8. Bharthi, S. and Chitra, K. 2015. A dip of tomato sauce- Nutraceutical. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 4(4): 219-227.

9. Deepa Sankar, P. 2015. Exploitation of heterosis in rice for yield improvement and salt tolerance in India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(6): 514-521.

10. Deepa Sankar, P. 2015. Genetics of salt tolerance in rice. Research in Plant Biology, 5(4): 28-34.

11. Deepa Sankar, P. 2015. In vitro screening for salt tolerance in rice. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 6(4): 1694-1699. 

12. Jimmy, J.L. and Babu, S. 2015. Role of OsWRKY transcription factors in rice disease resistance. Tropical Plant Pathology, 40: 355-361.

13. Malipeddi, M.,Lakhani, C., Chhabra, M., Paira, P. and Vidya, R. 2015 .An efficient synthesis and in vitro antibacterial evaluation of ruthenium–quinolinol complexes. Bioorgic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25: 2892–2896.doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.05.063.

14. Mohan Ganesh, G., Santhi, A.S., Elumalai, A. and Kalaichelvan, G. 2015. Experimental investigation of bacterial concrete to improve compressive strength: A microbiology and civil engineering approach. Indian Concrete Journal,  89: 24-30.

15. Moni, K., Jacob, P., Ali, M.A., Vishnu, H., Shylaja, G., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2015. Evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Garcinia gummigutta. International Journal of Drug Development and Research, 7(3): 62-64. 

16. Moonjit, D., SudhirBabu, G.V., Vidya, R. and Himaja, M. 2015. GC-MS analysis, antimicrobial and insecticidal activity of the leaves of Ipomoea eriocarpa. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 92: 542-544.

17. Nikita, R., Sheha, S., Jabez, O. and Babu, S. 2015. Co-aggregation of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis in culture and co-colonization in black gram (Vigna mungo L.) roots. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 4: 304-308.

18. Nithya, A. and Babu, S. 2015. Population dynamics of enteropathogenic bacteria in pulp of salad vegetables. Plant Pathology Journal, 14 (2): 65-71.

19. Park, Y.G., Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Morphogenesis, flowering, and gene expression of Dendranthema grandiflorum in response to shift in light quality of night interruption. International Journal of Molecular Science,16: 16497-16513.

20. Prabhakaran, S., Abinaya, M., Park, Y.G., Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Silicon alleviates salt stress by modulating antioxidant enzyme activities in Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Tula’. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 56: 233-239.

21. Priya, R., Sumitha, R., George Priya Doss, C., Rajasekaran, C., Babu, S., Seenivasan, R and Siva, R.  2015. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics to identify a novel human immunodeficiency virus inhibitor from alkaloids of Toddalia asiatica. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 11: 414-422.

22. Raksha, B., Priya, R., Siva, R. and Babu, S. 2015. Comparative computational analysis of stigmasterol biosynthetic genes and proteins in plants. Plant Omics, 8: 1-8.

23. Ravikumar, R., Rameshkumar, S. and Anbarasan, P. 2015. An economic inquiry into adoption of non-conventional bio-pesticides and fungicides. Research in Environment and Life Sciences. 

24. Reshma, R., Vidya, R., Saranya, S., Deepalakshmi, V., and Arunai Nambi Raj, N. 2015. In vitro development of Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate crystal by single diffusion method and study of its anti-microbial activity. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 92: 699-701.

25. Sairam, V., Sarang, S., Shalini, S. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2015. Standardization of friable callus development in Catharanthus roseus L. G. Don. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(3): 111-113.

26. Sangeetha, S., Archit, R., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2015. Regulation of alpha amylase activity and blood glucose levels in diabetic Sprague dawley male rats by the aqueous extract of Andrographis paniculata. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 9(2): 67-70.

27. Shoba, S., Shylaja, G., Uma, A., Sathiavelu, A. and Mythili, S. 2015. Endophytes for antimicrobial activity- A review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8(6): 280-285.

28. Shylaja, G., Shoba, S., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2015.The genus Mussaenda: A pharmacological review. Journal of Chemical and Pharmacological Research, 7(7): 1037-1042.

29. Shylaja, G., Shoba, S., Uma, A., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2015. Endophytic fungi with antioxidant activity- A review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8(6): 280-285.

30.Singh, P., Swetha, R., Mohanapriya, A., Sudandiradoss, C., Siva, R., Gothandam, K.M. and Babu, S. 2015. Homotypic clustering of OsMYB4 binding site motifs in promoters of rice genome and cellular –level implications on sheath blight disease resistance. Gene, 561: 209-218.

31. Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Proteomic analysis of salt-stress responsive proteins in roots of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants towards silicon efficiency. Plant Growth regulation, 77(2):133-146.

32. Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Silicon decreases Fe deficiency responses by improving photosynthesis and maintaining composition of thylakoid multiprotein complex proteins in soybean plants (Glycine max L.). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 34(3): 485-498.

33. Sowbiya, M., and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Genotypic variation under Fe deficiency results in rapid changes in protein expressions and genes involved in Fe metabolism and antioxidant mechanisms in tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.). International Journal of Molecular Science, 16: 1-16.

34. Sowbiya, M., and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Proteomic analysis provides new insights in phosphorus homeostasis subjected to Pi (inorganic phosphate) starvation in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.), PLoS One, 10(7): e0134103.

35. Sowbiya, M., Ho Ko, C., Prabhakaran, S., Abinaya, M., Park, Y.G. and Jeong, B.R. 2015. Proteomic study related to vascular connections in watermelon scions grafted onto bottle-gourd rootstock under different light intensities. PLoS One, 10(3): e0120899.

36. Srinivasan, R., Kumar, V.A., Kumar, D., Ramesh, N., Babu, S. and Gothandam, K.M. 2015. Effect of dissolved inorganic carbon on B-carotene and fatty acid production in Dunaliella sp. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175: 2895-2906.

37. Sumathi, S., Nehru, M. and R. Vidya. 2015. Synthesis, characterization and effect of precipitating agent on the antibacterial properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 74: 79-82.

38. Tharachand, C., Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Abraham, Z. (2015). Evaluation and characterization of Malabar tamarind [Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr.] seed oil. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(9): 5906-5913.

39. Tharachand, C., Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Abraham, Z. (2015). Molecular insights into the genetic diversity of Garcinia cambogia germplasm accessions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 58(5): 765-772.

40. Tharachand, C., Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Abraham, Z. 2015. Comparative evaluation of anthelmintic and antibacterial activities in leaves and fruits of Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) desr. and Garcinia indica (Dupetit-Thouars) choisy. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 58(3): 379-386.

41. Venkatesan, K., RajanBabu, D., KavyaBai, M.P., Supriya, R., Vidya, R., Madeswaran, S.; Anandan, P., Arivanandhan, M. and Hayakawa, Y. 2015. Structural and magnetic properties of cobalt-doped iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by solution combustion method for biomedical applications. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 10: 189-198.

42. Venkatesan, K., Supriya, R., Kavya Bai, M.P., Madeswaran, S., Vidya, R. and Rajanbabu, D. 2015. Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles for evaluation of antibacterial activity. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 92: 637-639.

43. Vidya, R. and Venkatesan, K.. 2015. Preparation and characterization of zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) nanoparticles using self-propagated combustion route and evaluation of antimicrobial activity. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(1): 537- 542.

44. Vidya, R., Keerthika, B., Divya, K., Venkatesan, K. and RajanBabu, D. 2015. Evaluation of fungal growth (Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma sp.) using cobalt ferrite (Co x Fe 3-x O) magnetic nanoparticles. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6: 503-506.

45. Vidya, S., Vuruputoor and Chitra, K. 2015. Role of nutrition in cancer. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1(6): 58-63.

46. Vijayalakshmi, K., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Sindhu, S. and Arumugam, P. 2015. In vitro investigation of antidiabetic potential of selected traditional medicinal plants. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research, 6(4): 856-861.


1. Anantharaman, A. Subramanian, B., Chandrasekaran, R., Seenivasan, R. and Siva, R. 2014. Colorants and cancer: A review. Industrial Crops and Products, 53: 167-186.

2. Anbarasan, P. and Bhardwaj, N. 2014. Willibgness to pay behavior of farmers for the mobile based extension services through Reuters Market. International Journal of Farm Sciences, V. 

3. Anbarasan, P. and Karthikeyan, C. 2014. Evaluating the effectiveness of e-velanmai (e-agriculture) model of extension through mobile telephony. Trends in Biosciences, VII.

4. Anbarasan, P., Bhardwaj, N. and Ravikumar, R. 2014. The mobile based extension services through Reuters market light. Journal of Communication Studies, XXXII.

5. Babu, S., Ghosh, A.R., Siva, R., and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2014. An in silico model for rapid identification of multiple bacteria in resource limited laboratories. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 6: 1-3.

6. Babu, S., Ghosh, A.R., Siva, R., Immanuel Selvaraj, C.I. 2014. An in silico model for rapid identification of multiple bacteria in resource limited laboratories. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 6(4): 300-302. Doi:10.1007/s12539-012-0058-4. 

7. Haymanti, S., Mahasweta, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2014. Oxidative stress and approaches to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5(6): 724-734.

8. Jacob, K.M., Ashitha, G., Manjusha, Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. Isolation and screening of cellulose degrading microorganism from the gut of composting earthworms and its industrial applications. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5(3): 501-507. 

9. Kumari, J., Kumar, D., Mathur, A., Naseer, A., Kumar, R.R., Chandrasekaran, T., Chaudhuri, G., Pulimi, M.,. Raichur, A.M., Babu, S., Chandrasekaran, N., Natarajan, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2014. Cytotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles towards freshwater sediment microorganism at low exposure concentrations. Environmental Research, 135: 333-345.

10. Lee, B.R., Sowbiya, M., Jung, W.J., Avice, J-C., Ourry, A. and Kim, T-H. 2014. Partitioning of newly absorbed and previously stored nitrogen and sulfur under sulfate deficient nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37: 1702–1716.

11. Nandita, D., Shivendu, R., Saleh, M.A., Pradeep, S.J, Samuel, S.M., Annie, D.H., Arkadyuti, R., Chakraborty and Ramalingam, C. 2014. Extraction based blood coagulation activity of marigold leaf: A comparative study. Comparative Clinical Pathology, Doi:10.1007/s00580-014-1943-5.

12. Neethu, K., Christy, G., Ishani, B., Mythili, S., and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. Earthworm mediated bioremediation of phenol. Asian Journal of Microbial Biotechnology and Environmental Science, 16(2): 447-451.

13. Niladri, S., Pattanayak, Rajdeep, R., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. Bioremediation of chromium (VI) by Bacillus aerophilus VIT SN strain. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5(3): 533-545. 

14. Nithya, A., Gothandam, K.M. and Babu, S. 2014. Alternate ecology of human pathogenic bacteria in fruits and vegetables. Plant Pathology Journal,

15. Raksha, B., Pooja, S. and S. Babu. 2014. Bioactive compounds and medicinal properties of Aloe Vera L: An update. Journal of Plant Sciences, 3: 102-107.

16. Ravikumar, R., Anbarasan, P. and Rameshkumar, S. 2014. Perception of farmers about symbion K biofertilizer. Journal of Communication Studies, XXXII. 

17. Rebecca, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2014. Comparison of major secondary metabolites quantified in elicited cell cultures non-elicited cell cultures, callus cultures and field grown plants of Ocimum. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(2): 102-106.

18. Samiksha, D., Avani, M., Nimisha, A. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2014. Transgenics in phytochemical defence. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5(4): 763–774.

19. Sangeetha, S., Archit, R. and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. Phytochemical testing, antioxidant activity, HPTLC and FTIR analysis of antidiabetic plants Nigella sativa, Eugenia jambolana, Andrographis paniculata and Gymnema sylvestre. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 9(9): 65-72.

20. Sangeetha, S., Archit, R., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. A detailed analysis of the antioxidant activity of the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata. International Journal of Drug Development and Research, 6(1): 231-238. 

21. Sangeetha, S., Deepa, M., Sugitha, N., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2014. Antioxidant activity and phytochemical analysis of Datura metal. International Journal of Drug Development and Research, 6(4): 280-285. 

22. Shalini, S. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2014. Alternative low cost technology implications in plant tissue culture. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 9(7): 93-98.

23. Shanmugam, S. and Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. 2014. FTIR Spectroscopy XRD, SEM EDX and AFM studies on natural biomaterial. International Journal of Chemical Techology Research, 6(6): 3307-3309.

24. Shivendu, R., Amod, K., Nandita, D., Sathiavelu, A. and Ramalingam, C. 2014. Production of dextran using Leuconostoc mesenteroides NCIM-2198 and its media optimization by response surface methodology. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8(3): 2359-2367. 

25. Sivakumar, U. and Kalaichelvan, G. 2014. Enrichment and Isolation of bluish purple pigment produced by bacterium. Journal of Soil Biology Ecology, 34: 17-24.

26. Sowbiya, M. and Jeong, B.R. 2014. Proteomics: method for studying vascular connection proteins between scions grafted on rootstock. Aperito Journal of Recent Trends in Genomics and Proteomics, 1(1): 101. (Editorial).

27. Sowbiya, M., Hakeem, K.R., Mohamed, R. and Lee, J.H. 2014. Cadmium toxicity induced alterations in the root proteome of green gram in contrasting response towards iron supplement. International Journal of Molecular Science, 15(4): 6343-6355.

28. Sowbiya, M., Jeong, B.R., Kim, T-H., Lee, J.H. and Prabhakaran, S. 2014. Transcriptional and physiological changes in relation to Fe uptake under conditions of Fe-deficiency and Cd-toxicity in Vigna radiata L. Journal of Plant Research, 127: 731-742.

29. Sowbiya, M., Kim, E.J., Park, J.S. and Lee, J.H. 2014. Influence of green, red and blue light emitting diodes on thylakoid multiprotein complex proteins and photosynthetic metabolism under different light intensities and wavelengths in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa L). International Journal of Molecular Science, 15(3): 4657-4670.

30. Sowbiya, M., Kim, T.H., Choi, B.C., Lee, B.S. and Lee, J.H. 2014. Effect of CO, NOx and SO2 on ROS production, photosynthesis and ascorbate glutathione pathway to induce Fragaria × annasaas a hyperaccumulator. Redox Biology, 2: 91-98.

31. Sowbiya, M., Lee, B.R., Kim, K.Y., Park, S.H., Zhang, Q. and Kim, T.H. 2014. Involvement of sulphur nutrition in modulating iron deficiency responses in photosynthetic organelles of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Photosynthesis Research, 119: 319-329.

32. Sowbiya, M., Park, Y.G., Abinaya, M., Prabhakaran, S. and Jeong, B.R. 2014. Physiological and proteomic analysis in chloroplasts of Solanum lycopersicum L. under silicon efficiency and salinity stress. International Journal of Molecular Science, 15: 21803-21824.

33. Srinath, R., Siva, R. and Babu, S. 2014. Bacillus anthracis-like strain carrying Pseudomonas FPVA gene occurs as endophytes in vegetables. Journal of Food Safety, 34: 57-61.

34. Vimala, V., Rebecca, M., Deepa Sankar, P. and Kalaivani, T. 2014. Phytochemical analysis in Ocimum accessions. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(1): 555-557. 


1. Anbarasan, P., Bhardwaj, N. and Kumar, B. 2013. Information utilization behavior of farmers. Journal of Communication Studies, XXXI. 

2. Anuradha, R., Naveen Prasanth, C., Vidhya Parkavi, A., Kavitha, S.M. and Babu, S. 2013. Modified colony PCR using genome level common primers for differential detection of five bacteria. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7(3): 2411-2416.

3. Anuradha, R., Raveendran, M. and Babu, S. 2013. Bowman-Birk inhibitor-like protein is secreted by sprouted pea seeds in response to induced colonization by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 10: 938-943.

4. Basavaraj, H., Shyama, V.S., Pallavi, P. and Arabi Mohammed Saleh. M.A. 2013. Production of polyhydroxyalkanoate from Paenibacillus durus BV-Isolated from oil mill soil. Journal of Microbial Biochemistry and Technology, 5(1): 13-17.

5. Deepa Sankar, P., Arabi Mohamed Saleh, M.A., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Palanichamy, V. and Rebecca, M. 2013. Progress of Biorefinery in India. Research in Biotechnology, 4(2): 26-35.

6. Deepa Sankar, P., Arabi Mohamed Saleh, M.A., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Palanichamy, V. and Rebecca, M. 2013. Progress of bio refinery in India. Research in Biotechnology, 4(2): 26-35.

7. DeepaSankar, P., M.A. Arabi Mohamed Saleh, C. Immanuel Selvaraj, V. Palanichamy and Rebecca Mathew. 2013. Progress of Biorefinery in India. Research in Biotechnology, 4(2): 26-35

8. Deepthi, V., Raksha, B., Pooja, S., Subashkumar, R., Vivekanandhan, G., Siva, R. and Babu, S. 2013. Differential response of cultivated rice to pathogen challenge and abiotic stresses with reference to cationic peroxidase. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 47: 1390-1399.

9. Divya, G., Gajalakshmi, S., Bhuvaneshwari, M., Aswini, R., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2013. Quantitative analysis of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Mentha arvensis L. and Coriandrum sativum L. International Journal of  Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 3(3): 1-10.

10. Geetha, T. and Kalaichelvan, G. 2013. A study on the fermentation pattern of common millets in Koozh preparation – a traditional South Indian food. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 12: 512-517.
11. Ghosh, P., Poornima Devi, G., Priya, R., Amrita, A., Bhakta, D., Sivaramakrishna, A., Babu, S. and Siva, R. 2013. Spectroscopic and in silico evaluation of interaction of DNA with six anthraquinone derivateives. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 170: 1127-1137.

12. Jaworowski, C., Heasler, H., Neale, C., Sivarajan, S. and Masih, A. 2013. Temporal and seasonal variations of the hot spring basin hydrothermal system, Yellowstone National Park, USA. Remote Sensing, 5(12): 6587-6610. doi:10.3390/rs5126587.

13. Lee, B.R., Sowbiya, M., Park, S.H., Zhang, Q. and Kim, T.H. 2013. Ammonium induced-proline and -sucrose accumulation, and their significance in antioxidative activity and osmotic adjustment. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 35: 2665-2664.

14. Madhurima, P., Priyanka, S., Srinath, R., Nithya, A. and Babu, S. 2013. Unusual occurrence of Staphylococcus warneri as endophytes in fresh fruits along with usual Bacillus spp. Journal of Food Safety 33: 102-106.

15. Mohanraj, B and Immanuel Selvaraj C.2013. Psychological issues among hearing impaired adolescents. GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2(24): 16-27

16. Mythili, A., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Rajasekharan, P.E, Rajasekaran, C, Tharachand, C., Rao, V.K. and Munirajappa, H. 2013. HPLC profiling of Β-asarone content and cytogenetic studies of medicinally important Indian Acorus calamus L., accessions. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.

17. Mythili, A., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Rajasekharan, P.E. and Tharachand, C. 2013. The sweet and bitterness of Sweet Flag [Acorus calamus L.], A review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4(2): 598–610.

18. Natarajan, K., Jagan, M.O. and Senapati, S. 2013. Relating nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in free tubulin dimers to tubulin assembly. Biopolymers, 99: 282-291. (Cover Page Article).

19. Nitish, K., Vijay, M., Rebecca, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2013. Protoplast fusion studies in Ocimum species. Research in Biotechnology, 4(4): 25-29.

20. Pooja, S., Siva, R., Gothandam, K.M. and Babu, S. 2013. Naturally existing levels of Osmyb4 gene expression in rice cultivars correlates with their reaction to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Journal of Phytopathology, 161: 730-734.

21. Pradeep, K., Rajdeep, R., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2013. Study of probiotic and antioxidant activity of Lactobacillus sp. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4(4): 809-819.

22. Rajasankar, R., Manju, G. and Sathiavelu, A., Ramalingam, C. and Saravanan, V.S. 2013. Pesticide tolerant and phosphorus solubilizing Pseudomonas sp. strain SGRAJ09 isolated from pesticides treated Achillea clavennae rhizosphere soil. Ecotoxicology, 22: 707-717.

23. Rajashree, H., Ananya, R., Shreya, Tharachand, C., Mythili, A. and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2013. Extraction and quantification of antioxidant lutein from various plant sources. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 22(1): 152-157.

24. Raksha Bawankar, Deepti, V.C., Pooja Singh, Subashkumar, R. and S. Babu. 2013. Biochemical analysis and evaluation of bioactive potentials of Aloe vera phytogel extract. Phytotherapy Research, 27: 864-868.

25. Rebecca, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2013. Plant cell culture technology and its entree into the world of Ocimum. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5(2): 6-13. 

26. Saravanan, S., Nagarajan, M. and Sivasamy, R. 2013. Spatial variability analysis of soil properties using raster based GIS techniques. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 68-78. doi:10.3923/ajaps.2013.68.78. 

27.Sathiavelu, A., Sangeetha, S., Rastogi, A. and Mythili, S. 2013. In vitro anti-diabetic activity of aqueous extract of the medicinal plants Nigella sativa, Eugenia jambolana, Andrographis paniculata and Gymnema sylvestre. International Journal of Drug Development and Research, 5(2): 323-328. 

28. Siva, R., Dipita, B., Jayaraman, G. and S. Babu. 2013. Binding of plant pigment Brazilin with synthetic and natural DNA: spectroscopic and in silico perspective. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 5: 1-7.

29. Sowbiya, M., Ahmad, J. and Qureshi, M.I. 2013. Involvement of Fe nutrition in modulating oxidative stress and the expression of stress responsive proteins under Cd stress in leaves of Vigna radiata L. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(9): 1333-1342.

30. Sowbiya, M., Lee, B.R., Bae, D.W. and Kim, T.H. 2013. Changes in expression of proteins involved in alleviation of Fe deficiency by sulfur nutrition in Brassica napus L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 35: 3037-3045.

31.Tharachand, C., Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Mythili, A. 2013. Medicinal properties of Malabar tamarind [Garcinia Cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr.] – A review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review and Research, 19(2): 101-107. 


1. Anbarasan, P., Karthikeyan, C. and Rathore, S. 2012. Benefits and expectations of the farmers from e-velanmai (e-agriculture) model of technology transfer process in Tamil Nadu. Journal of Communication Studies, XXXI. 

2. Anbazhagan Mageswari, Parthiban Subramanian, Suganthi Chandrasekaran, Karthikeyan Sivashanmugam, Babu, S. and Gothandam, K.M. 2012. Optimization and immobilization of amylase obtained from halotolerant bacteria isolated from solar salterns. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 10, 201-208.

3. Asha Devi, S., Deepak Ganjewala and Babu, S. 2012. Anthelmintic activity of rhizome extract of Acorus calamus L. in comparison with beta and alpha asarone. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 7(4): 112-113.

4. Asish, J., Rao, S.M. and Chitra, K. 2012. Effect of cooking on amylase content of rice. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2(2): 385- 388.

5. Emerson, A. And Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2012. Nucleic acid and protein sequences. In: Bioinformatics -Tools and Applications Ed. JMS Rana  ISBN No: 978-81-923296-3-5, published by Uttarkhand State Biotechnology Department (Ministry of Science and Technology & Biotechnology).

6. Gajalakshmi, S., Bhuvaneshwari, M., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Pharmacological activities of Calotropis gigantea: A prospective International Journal of Pharma Reviews, 2(2): 19-23.

7. Gajalakshmi, S., Iswarya, V., Aswini, R., Bhuvaneshwari, M., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Secondary metabolite production by endophytic fungi isolated from Andrographis paniculata. International Journal of Biosciences and Technology, 5(3): 12-17. 

8. Gajalakshmi, S., Iswarya, V., Divya, G., Bhuvaneshwari, M., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. (2012). Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Spinacia oleracea, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1-4.

9. Gajalakshmi, S., Iswarya,V., Aswini, R., Divya, G., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Evaluation of heavy metals in medicinal plants growing in Vellore district. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2(5): 1457-1461.

10. Harsha Payal, Nandhini, S., Kavya, M., Divyalakshmi, V., Sowmya, R., Thayumanavan, Tha. and Babu, S. 2012. Comparative evaluation of rice and sunhemp root inhabiting Pseudomonas fluorescens for optimized glucanase production. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, 4: 50-56.

11. Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Emerson, A. 2012. Sequence analysis and computational models of biological data. In: Bioinformatics -Tools and Applications. Ed. JMS Rana  ISBN No: 978-81-923296-3-5, published by Uttarkhand State Biotechnology Department (Ministry of Science and Technology & Biotechnology).

12. Iswarya, V., Aswini, R., Divya, G., Bhuvaneshwari, M., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Comparison of antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of Amaranthus tristis and Celosia argentea var spicata. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1-4.

13. Iswarya, V., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Pharmacoreview of Teucrium polium. International Journal of Life sciences and Technology, 5(2): 8-19.

14. Jaworowski, C., Heasler, H.C., Neale, C.M.U., Sivarajan, S. and Masih, M. 2012. Monitoring the dynamic geohydrology of the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park: an integration of airborne thermal infrared and LiDAR Imagery In: Remote Sensing and Hydrology, Neale CMU and Cosh MH (Eds.), IAHS Publ.352 (2012), ISBN 978-1-907161-27-8, pp. 54-58.

15. Kshitija, I., Gajalakshmi, S., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Microbial bioremediation- A review. International Journal of Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology, 4(2): 4-13.

16.Lee, B.R., Sowbiya, M., Jung, W-J., Avice, J-C., Ourry, A. and Kim, T.H. 2012. Mycorrhizal colonization alleviates drought-induced oxidative damage and lignification in the leaves of drought-stressed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Physiologia Plantarum, 145: 440-449.

17. Lee, B.R., Sowbiya, M., Jung, W-J., Avice, J-C., Ourry, A. and Kim, T-H. 2012. S-deficiency responsive accumulation of aminoacids mainly due to hydrolysis of the previously stored proteins – not to de novo synthesis in Brassica napus. Physiologia Plantarum, 147: 369-380.

18. Lee, B.R., Sowbiya, M., Jung, W-J., Avice, J-C., Ourry, A. and Kim, T-H. 2012. Mycorrhizal infection and P-supplement effects on N uptake and N assimilation in perennial ryegrass under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. Mycorhizza, 22: 525-534.

19. Mythili, A., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Tharachand, C. and Rajasekharan, P.E. 2012. Molecular characterization of medicinal and aromatic plants by 5S rRNA NTS and PCR RFLP- A mini review. Research in Biotechnology, 3(2): 41-48.

20. Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. High performance thin layer chromatography profile of Cassytha filiformis, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1-6.

21. Nandhini, S., Sendhilvel, V. and Babu, S. 2012. Endophytic bacteria from tomato and their efficacy against Fusarium sp, the wilt pathogen. Journal of Biopesticides 5: 178-185.

22. Nandita, D., Shivendu, R., Proud, S., Rahul, J., Swati, M. and Arabi Mohamed Saleh, M.A. 2012. Antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Mexican Marigold (Tagetes erecta) against different Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial strains. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 5(8): 4201-4203.

23. Palanichamy, V., Reddy, N.N., Babu, S., Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Aranganathan and Bhaskar, M. 2012. Determination of time period of fruit-bud-differentiation and the associated histological and biochemical changes in mango hybrids. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 3(2): 271-290.

24. Rebecca, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2012. Effect of methyl jasmonate and chitosan on growth characteristics of Ocimum basilicum L., Ocimum sanctum L.  and Ocimum gratissimum L. cell suspension cultures. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(21): 4759-4766.

25. Sahu, B.S., Jagan, M.O, Sahu, G., Prasanna, K.R., Allu, Subramanian, L., Parshuram, J., Sonawane, Singh P.K., Sasi, B.K., Senapati, S., Maji, S.K., Bera, A.K., Gomathi, B.S., Mullasari, A.S. and Mahapatra, N.R. 2012. Functional genetic variants of the catecholamine-release-inhibitory peptide catestatin in an Indian population: Allele-specific effects on metabolic traits. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287: 43840-43852. (Featured in Nature India: 177.html).

26. Sahu, B.S., Jagan, M.O., Sahu, G., Singh, P.K., Sonawane, P.J., Sasi, B.K., Allu, P.K.R., Maji, S.K., Bera, A.K., Senapati, S. and Mahapatra, N.R. 2012. Molecular interactions of the physiological antihypertensive peptide catestatin with the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Journal of Cell Science, 125: 2323-2337.

27. Sangeetha, Umashankar, M.E., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2012. Antimicrobial activity of Cassia auriculata and Tylophora indica. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences. 2(2): 8-14.

28. Siva, R., Subha, K., Bhakta, D., Ghosh, A.R. and Babu, S. 2012. Characterization and enhanced production of prodigiosin from the spoiled coconut. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 166: 187-196.

29. Sowbiya, M., Ahmad, J., Bashir, H. and Qureshi, M.I. 2012. Proteomics of nitrogen fixing legume nodules under various environmental stresses. Plant Omics, 5(2): 167-176.

30. Sowbiya, M., Kim, T.H. and Qureshi, M.I. 2012. Fe modulates Cd-induced oxidative stress and the expression of stress responsive proteins in the nodules of Vigna radiata. Plant Growth Regulation, 68: 421-433.

31. Tharachand, C., Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Mythili, M.N. 2012. Molecular markers in characterization of medicinal plants: An overview. Research in Plant Biology, 2(2): 1-12. 


1. Anbarasan, P. and Bhardwaj, N. 2011. Scale to measure students attitude towards role playing in agriculture. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.

2. Ashwini, R., Gajalakshmi, S., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Terminalia chebula-A pharmacological review. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4(9): 2884-2887.

3. Babu. S. 2011. Pseudomonas fluorescens mediated biocontrol: from lap to lab to land. Biotechnology Journal, 6: 488-491.

4. Deepa Sankar, P., Arabi Mohamed Saleh, M.A. and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2011. Rice breeding for salt tolerance. Research in Biotechnology, 2(2): 1-10.

5. Deepa Sankar, P., Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2011. Rice breeding for salt tolerance review. Research in Biotechnology, 2(2): 1-10. 

6. Divya, G., Gajalakshmi, S., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Pharmacological activities of Acorus calamus: A review. Asian  Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(1): 57-64.

7. Divya, N., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antimicrobial activity of Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae), Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4(7): 2140-2142.

8. Gajalakshmi, S., Divya, R., Divya, V., Deepika, Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Pharmacological activities of Withania somnifera-A review. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 1(3): 18-32.

9. Gajalakshmi, S., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Pharmacological activities of Annona squamosa: A review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 10(2): 24-28.

10. Immanuel Selvaraj, C. and Nagarajan, P. 2011. Interrelationship and path-coefficient studies for qualitative traits, grain yield and other yield attributes among maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 5(3): 209-223. Doi:10.3923/ijpbg.2011.

11. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Babu, S., Deepa Sankar, P., Nagarajan, P. and Sabesan, M.  2011. Genome scanning for identification of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in a highly durable blast resistance rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar, Moroberekan. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(34): 6418-6433.

12. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Babu, S., Nagarajan, P. and Sabesan, M. 2011. Genome scanning for identification of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in a highly durable blast resistance rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar, Moroberekan. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(34): 6418-6433. 

13. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Nagarajan, P., Thiyagarajan, K. and Bharathi, M. 2011. Genetic diversity analysis aiding in selection of parents revealed by molecular markers in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Electronic Journal of Breeding, 2(2): 165-178. 

14. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Nagarajan, P., Thiyagarajan, K. and Bharathi, M. 2011. Identification of microsatellite (SSR) and RAPD markers linked to rice blast disease resistance and other quantitative traits in rice by single marker analysis (SMA). African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(17): 3301-3321.

15. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Nagarajan, P., Thiyagarajan, K., Bharathi, M. and Rabindran, R. 2011. Studies on heterosis and combining ability of well known blast resistant rice genotypes with high yielding varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 5(2): 111-129. Doi:10.3923/ijpbg.2011.

16. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Nagarajan, P., Thiyagarajan, K., Bharathi, M. and Rabindran, R. 2011. Marker assisted selection for leaf blast disease resistance and other yield traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using RAPD markers. Electronic Journal of Breeding, 2(1): 8-23. 

17. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., Nagarajan, R., Thiyagarajan, K. and Bharathi, M. 2011. Genetic parameters of variability, correlation and path-coefficient studies for grain yield and other yield contributing traits among rice blast disease resistant genotypes of rice. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(17): 3322-3334.

18. Immanuel Selvaraj, C., S. Babu, Nagarajan, P. and Sabesan, M. 2011. Genome scanning for identification of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in a highly durable blast resistance rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar, Moroberekan. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10: 6418-6433.

19. Jayashree, S., Rajendran, R., Kalaichelvan, G. and Gunasekaran, P. 2011. Improvement of riboflavin production by Lactobacillus fermentum isolated from yoghurt. Food Biotechnology, 25. 

20. Joyce Nirmala, M., Samundeeswari, A. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2011. Natural plant resources in anti-cancer therapy-A review. Research in Plant Biology, 1(3): 1-14.

21. Kshitija, I., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Economy perspective of biofuel – A comprehensive review. International Journal of Biosciences and Technology, 4(8): 50-66. 

22. Kshitija, I., Poonam, P., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Micro algae-A review on its commercial potential. International Journal of Life sciences and Technology, 4(4): 19-30. 

23. Lazar Mathew and  Babu, S. 2011. Phytotherapy in India: Transition of Tradition to Technology. Current Botany, 2: 26-30. 

24. Monica, S., Karthik, L., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Formulation of effective microbial consortia and its application for sewage treatment. Journal of Microbial Biochemistry Technology, 3(3): 51-55. 

25. Mythili, S., Gajalakshmi, Sathiavelu, A. and Sridharan, T.B. 2011. Pharmacological activities of Cassytha filiformis: A Review. Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 1(1): 77-83.

26. Mythili, S., Sathiavelu, A. and Sridharan, T.B. 2011. Antimicrobial activity of selected Indian folk medicinal plants, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4(6): 1894-1898.

27. Mythili, S., Sathiavelu, A. and Sridharan, T.B. 2011. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of cassytha filiformis. International Journal of Applied  Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(2): 380-385.

28. Mythili, S., Sowmya, V. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Analysis of heavy metal content in Andrographis paniculata. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 10(1): 165-166.

29. Nandakumar, R., Babu, S. and Zeng-Yu Wang. 2011. DNA delivery systems. In:  Yinghui Dan and David W. Ow (Eds.), Historical technology developments in plant transformation Plant Transformation Technology Revolution, Bentham Science Publishers, USA. pp 3-24.

30. Palanichamy, V., Bhaskar, M., Arabi Mohammad, S. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2011. Studies on fruit-bud differentiation in Mango (Mangifera indica). Research in Plant Biology, 1(4): 55-67.

31. Palanichamy, V., Bhaskar, M., Arabi, M.S. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2011. Studies on fruit-bud differentiation in Mango (Magnifera indica). Research in Plant Biology, 1(4): 55-67.

32. Rebecca, M. and Deepa Sankar, P. 2011. Growth characteristics of cell suspension cultures for secondary metabolite production in Ocimum basilicum L., Ocimum sanctum L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. Journal of Pharmacy Research,  4(10): 3323-3326.

33. Revathy, T., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Assessing the growth of probiotic bacteria in selected prebiotic foods rich in oligosaccharides. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(1): 483-487.

34. Saleh, A.M., Dhar, D.W. and Singh, P.K. 2011. Comparative pigment profiles of different Spirulina strains. Research in Biotechnology, 2(2): 67-74.

35. Sankar, P.D., Arabi Mohammed Saleh, M.A. and Immanuel Selvaraj, C. 2011. Rice breeding for salt tolerance. Research in Biotechnology, 2(2): 1-10. 

36. Sathish Kumar, S.R., Sakthivel, K.M., Karthik, L., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. In vitro micropropagation and antimicrobial activity of Solanum trilobatum. Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 1(1): 48-56.

37. Sathyanarayanan, J., Kunthala, J. and Kalaichelvan, G. 2011. Optimization of MRS media components using response surface methodology for the riboflavin production by Lactobacillus fermentum isolated from yoghurt sample. International Food Research Journal, 18: 149-158.

38. Sowbiya, M., Ahmad, J., Bashir, H., Moiz, S. and Qureshi, M.I. 2011. Brassica juncea as a hyperaccumulator to combat Cd-stress under Fe-deficiency. International Journal of Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1: 321-338. 

39. Sowbiya, M., Qadri, T.Z., Mahmooduzaffar and Siddiqi, T.O. 2011. Cytogenetic and biochemical investigations to study the response of Vigna radiata to cadmium stress. African Journal of Plant Science, 5(3): 183-193 (Cover Page).

40. Swadhini, S.P., Santhosh, R., Uma, C., Mythili, S. and Sathiavelu, A. 2011. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of five medicinal plants against Myrothecium sp. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2(1): 272-279.


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