VIT School of Agricultural Innovations And Advanced Learning.
VIT School of Agricultural Innovations And Advanced Learning.

Core activities of the school revolves around teaching in Agriculture, training of students, organizing farmers training programmes, outreach and field programmes for the farmers as well as research in agricultural and allied sectors on a techno-commercial scale.
Integrated and self sustainable organic farming is the main focus of the school . The School is strengthened with qualified faculty in various fields of agriculture including Agronomy, Soil Science, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Microbiology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Crop Physiology, Agro Processing, Agricultural Engineering, Geoengineering, Horticulture, Water Technology and Agricultural Extension. Many of our faculty are trained abroad either for Ph.D. or Postdoctoral Research in countries like USA, UK, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, South Korea, France and Switzerland.
The current research strength of VIT in agriculture and allied subject areas includes microbial biotechnology, tissue culture technology, crop genomics research, molecular markers for crop improvement, Hi-Tech horticulture, remote sensing applications in agriculture, management of problem soils, medicinal plant research, food quality and processing, fermented food and food product development, renewable energy for agriculture and design of cost-effective farm machinery. For our research, we collaborate with multiple institutes in the country and abroad including Agricultural Universities and Research Institutes in addition to Agricultural organizations and multinational companies.
The School has facilities for teaching, research and extension activities in agriculture. Some of the facilities include teaching labs with high-end equipment and analytical instrumentation, smart classrooms, conference halls, research labs for multi and trans-disciplinary research, sufficient space of agricultural and horticultural land, botanical garden, medicinal plant garden, composting units, irrigation facilities, farm office and farm machinery. VAIAL also enjoys the facilities of other Schools and various branches of Engineering, Science and Technology of VIT. The School also has reasonable number of farm staff to monitor and execute day-to-day farm activities. Crops such as rice, vegetables, pulses, coconut, millets etc are grown in the farm and are marketed to the VIT faculty, staff and students at a reasonable cost on regular basis. Excess farm produce is supplied to VIT guest house and student hostels.
To be a forerunner in developing and demonstrating sustainable smart agriculture to combat the global challenges of next-generation farming.
To offer world class learning and training experience to the students in science, technology and business aspects of agriculture.
To serve the farming community with custom-designed technologies for improved agricultural production and enhanced productivity.
To innovate eco-friendly technology for uplifting the agro-industry.

Dr. Rajendran R
VIT School of Agricultural Innovations And Advanced Learning (VAIAL)
Welcome to VIT School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning (VAIAL). The phoneme VAIAL in Tamil language refers to productive agricultural field. This is indicative of the essence of our School activities which focuses on field orientation in agricultural education, training, research and farmers outreach activities.
Our vision is to be a forerunner in developing and demonstrating next-generation sustainable smart agriculture at the global level. Our mission doesn’t end with offering world class learning and training experience to the students in science, technology and business aspects of agriculture. We intend to serve farming community with custom-designed technologies for improved agricultural productivity, and to keep evolving globally competent new technologies, through our cutting-edge research for the development of agro-industry.
Custom designing of technologies for the farmers and industries, with national and international collaborative initiatives is the prime strategy of the centre to improve agricultural production and productivity of the country. Enabling the evolution of young agriculturists with innovative minds, that are tuned to address the challenges of current and future agriculture, is one of the central objectives of the centre. Development of scientifically sound and economically viable bio-products as alternative novel inputs for better performance of agricultural crops remains an indispensable activity of the centre.
From the date of inception, VAIAL is continuing to work collectively and with programmes to address any field level problems arising with farmers, to safeguard soil health, improve crop performance and enhance their earnings. We offer quality training to promote and follow-up implementation of organic and sustainable agricultural technologies for the health and sustainable income of small farm families. Integration of components like farm animals, poultry, fishery, mushroom, apiary, sericulture, composting, farm machinery for processing and value addition of produce etc are the need and resource based components of the training on farming systems. Our basic objectives in farmers training will continue to be the improvement of their competitiveness in agricultural business sector, environmental protection and the overall improvement of quality of life of farming community.
We sincerely value your interest, suggestions and comments.Dr. Rajendran R
VIT Centre for Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning (VAIAL)
Vellore Institute of Technology
- VIT School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning (VAIAL) is engaged in Agricultural education, research and extension.
- The School has facilities for teaching, research and extension activities in agriculture.
- The School is strengthened with qualified faculty in various fields of agriculture.
Academic Faculties
Number of students
No. of Programmes Offered
Events Conducted

1 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Drones in Agriculture | 25-02-2020 | 25-02-2020 | 120 |
2 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Water resource management | 22-02-2020 | 22-02-2020 | 60 |
3 | AY201920 | National | FDP | 2D Resistivity Imaging A Plausible solution for Engineering and geological problems | 20-02-2020 | 20-02-2020 | 30 |
4 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Significance of Hydrological intervention in Groundwater Studies | 19-02-2020 | 19-02-2020 | 30 |
5 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Patenting your inventions | 24-01-2020 | 24-01-2020 | 40 |
6 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Wise Personal Investments Portfolio Management | 13-09-2019 | 13-09-2019 | 20 |
7 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Precision Agriculture Technologies and Challenges | 08-08-2019 | 08-08-2019 | 25 |
8 | AY201920 | National | Training Programme | Agripreneurship | 17-12-2019 | 17-12-2019 | 238 |
9 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Patenting your inventions | 24-01-2020 | 24-01-2020 | 40 |
10 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Serological and PCR based detection of Plant viruses | 03-10-2019 | 04-10-2019 | 20 |
11 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Quality assurance and testing of tissue culture plants | 17-07-2019 | 17-07-2019 | 17 |
12 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Water resource management | 22-02-2020 | 22-02-2020 | 60 |
13 | AY201920 | National | FDP | Significance of Hydrological intervention in Groundwater Studies | 19-02-2020 | 19-02-2020 | 30 |
14 | AY201920 | National | FDP | 2D Resistivity Imaging A Plausible solution for Engineering and geological problems | 20-02-2020 | 20-02-2020 | 30 |
15 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Lab Biosafety | 07-12-2019 | 07-12-2019 | 30 |
16 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Soil Health Water Quality and Remediation | 05-12-2020 | 05-12-2020 | 50 |
17 | AY201920 | National | Workshop | Drones in Agriculture | 25-02-2020 | 25-02-2020 | 120 |
18 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Agripreneurship | 17-12-2019 | 17-12-2019 | 238 |
19 | AY201819 | National | Workshop | Lab Biosafety | 07-12-2019 | 07-12-2019 | 30 |
20 | AY201819 | National | Workshop | Soil Health Water Quality and Remediation | 12/5/2019 | 12/5/2019 | 50 |
21 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | AgriExpo | 11/1/2019 | 11/2/2019 | 3500 |
22 | AY201819 | National | Workshop | Serological and PCR based detection of Plant viruses | 03-10-2019 | 04-10-2019 | 20 |
23 | AY201819 | National | FDP | Precision Agriculture Technologies and Challenges | 08-08-2019 | 08-08-2019 | 25 |
24 | AY201819 | National | Workshop | Quality assurance and testing of tissue culture plants | 17-07-2019 | 17-07-2019 | 17 |
25 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Coconut Day | 20-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | 95 |
26 | AY201819 | National | Thons | Water week | 18-03-2019 | 22-03-2019 | 88 |
27 | AY201819 | National | Thons | INIAC Ideathon | 14-03-2019 | 14-03-2019 | 125 |
28 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | AgriExpo | 08-10-2018 | 09-10-2018 | 2000 |
29 | AY201819 | National | Thons | AgriIdeathon 18 | 13-10-2018 | 13-10-2018 | 100 |
30 | AY201819 | National | Thons | INIAC Ideathon | 14-03-2019 | 14-03-2019 | 125 |
31 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Mango Day | 05-07-2018 | 05-07-2018 | 104 |
32 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Coconut Day | 20-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | 95 |
33 | AY201819 | National | Thons | Water week | 18-03-2019 | 22-03-2019 | 88 |
34 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Apiculture | 23-01-2018 | 23-01-2018 | 60 |
35 | AY201819 | National | Training Programme | Water conservation techniques | 02-06-2018 | 02-06-2018 | 81 |
36 | AY201718 | National | Thons | AgriIdeathon 18 | 13-10-2018 | 13-10-2018 | 100 |
37 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | AgriExpo | 08-10-2018 | 09-10-2018 | 3500 |
38 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | Mango Day | 05-07-2018 | 05-07-2018 | 104 |
39 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | Water conservation techniques | 02-06-2018 | 02-06-2018 | 81 |
40 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | Pest and Disease Management | 08-05-2018 | 08-05-2018 | 120 |
41 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | One cent one garden | 03-04-2018 | 03-04-2018 | 57 |
42 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | Apiculture | 23-01-2018 | 23-01-2018 | 60 |
43 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | Pest and Disease Management | 08-05-2018 | 08-05-2018 | 120 |
44 | AY201718 | National | Training Programme | One cent one garden | 03-04-2018 | 03-04-2018 | 57 |
45 | AY201617 | National | FDP | Genes to genomes What we Learn from Flies | 18-11-2016 | 18-11-2016 | 40 |
46 | AY201617 | National | Workshop | National Workshop on Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology | 20-10-2016 | 21-10-2016 | 150 |
47 | AY201617 | International | Conference | Iinternational conference on algals in biotechnology | 10-08-2016 | 12-08-2016 | 500 |
48 | AY201617 | International | Conference | International Conference | 08-12-2016 | 10-12-2016 | 500 |
49 | AY201415 | National | FDP | Genetically Modified Organisms Basics | 24-11-2014 | 24-11-2014 | 40 |
- Upcoming Event
- Past Event
Upcoming Events
Past Events
The Light-Emitting Diodes Precision Agricultural Technology
Horticulture and Molecular Physiology Lab, School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning (VAIAL) has developed the Light-emitting Diodes Precision Agricultural Technology. LED systems and spectral wavelengths have already made amazing effects, including: creating bigger yield in a plant, produce more marketable crops, change in the flavour of food and also increase the early flowering in closed environment.
This technique is going to be expanded in VIT at a larger scale to grow greens to taste better, look better and even make healthier.

One day Agri Entrepreneurship camp organized by VAIAL and VITTBI
VIT School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning (VAIAL) & VIT Technology Business Incubator (VITTBI) jointly organized a One Day Agri Entrepreneurship camp for students of VAIAL. Experienced agri entrepreneurs, business consultants and Industry experts including Mr. R. Sivarajah, Founder of Native Lead Foundation, Dr. R.M. Lakshmanan, Agronomist & Chairman, Indian Institute of Rural Development, Chennai, and Mr. S. Santhosh B.S., CEO of Tiruchirappalli Agri Business Incubation Forum were the resource persons.
Dr. Rajendran R
Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT),
Vellore – 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India.
- 0416-220 2656 / 2657