School of Civil Engineering (SCE)


S.No Authors Title of the Patent Application No Date of Filing Filed / Published / Granted
1 Dr. I.S.RJay vedaraj
Dr. Abdul Rahim Abdul Wahid
Design and fabrication of artificial aggregate manufacturing machine 201941035014A 30-08-2019 Published
2 Dr.  A. Sofi Precast fibre reinforced wall panels 201941046295A 14-11-2019 Published
3 Dr. S. Thirumalini
Dr. Ravi. R
and Dr. S.K. Sekar
Development of Eco-Bacterial Lime Mortar Using Kadukai and Jaggery 4631/CHE/2014 23.09.2014 Granted
4 Dr. Ravi. R,
Dr.S. Thirumalini
and Dr. S. K. Sekar
Aleo Vera on Lime Mortars 4630/CHE/2014 23.09.2014 Granted