School of Civil Engineering (SCE) - Projects
School of Civil Engineering (SCE)
Funded Projects and Consultancy
Research at SCE covers most of the disciplinary lines. It includes major branches such as Environmental, Soil, Material Science, Computing, Software applications Structural and Heritage field and Engineering. Special attention is being paid to understand the impact of these different engineering aspects on social life. Researchers from SCE are involved in many national, international and industrial collaborations, namely DST, SERB, Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission, DRDO, state and central archaeological department, etc.
Funded Projects
1 | Dr. Hareesh M | Development of DSM based design rules for cold-formed steel columns undergoing shift of centroid | 18.30 | 2023 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
2 | Dr. Bhaskar Das | Sustainable Hydrogen production from wastewater through Hybrid Microbial-Photo-Electrochemical System and Purification through Metal Hydride Technology. | 39.07 | 2023 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
3 | Dr. Thirumalini S and Dr. Shanmuga Priya T | Impact of particle size on the calcination process and quality of Clay | 32.00 | 2023 | FLSmidth Private Limited |
4 | Dr. Thirumalini S and Dr. Shanmuga Priya T | Mining Tailings as SCMs:From calcination to complete integration to a cement plant. | 32.00 | 2023 | FLSmidth Private Limited |
5 | Dr. Sofi A | Investigation on utilization of waste tire rubber and recycled concrete fines in concrete- A multiscale Approach – TARE | 18.30 | 2022 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
6 | Dr. Muthukumar M, Dr. Jayaprakash J, Dr. Thirumalini S and Dr. Bala Murugan S | Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities (FIST) | 94.00 | 2022 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) |
7 | Dr. Uma Shankar M, Dr. Velvizhi G and Dr. Sujatha R | IoT-LoRA enabled detection and prediction of pollutants in an open dumping yard and modelling the fate and transport of the pollutant. | 34.79 | 2020 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
8 | Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran | Development of forewarning system for landslides in the Nilgiris | 50.00 | 2020 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) |
1 | Dr. S. Shantha Kumar, Dr. K. M. Gothandam | Development of Two stage treatment for Municipal solid Waste Landfill leachate: An Oxidation and Phycoremediation approach. | 19.53 | 2018 | Department of Biotechnology(DBT) |
2 | Dr. S. Parimala Renganayaki | Feasibility of river bank filtration for rural water supply around check dam in non-perennial rivers. | 22.54 | 2017 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
3 | Dr. Bhaskar Das, Mrs. Vidhya | Investigation of the complete pathway of chromium from tannery effluent to soil in different particle sizes and their probable mitigation through phytoremediation. | 38.94 | 2017 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
4 | Dr. S. Parimala Renganayaki | Spatial distribution of U and water quantity parameter in Dakshina kannada,Hassan and tumkuru region. | 27.52 | 2017 | Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) |
5 | Dr. S. G. Nirmala | Enhancement of CO2 capture on biomass based carbon through surface activation and modification. | 8.25 | 2017 | UTKP |
6 | Dr. S. Venkatesh, Dr. Sarat Kumar, Dr. S. Thirumalini | Protection of Heritage Monuments and Landmarks of National and International importance in india and srilanka due to Direct Lightning strikes Scientific Methods. | 24.04 | 2017 | Indo-Srilanka Project, Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
7 | Dr. Dipesh S. Patal | In Situ Biodiesel Production from Microalgae using Ultrasonic Reactor. | 9.71 | 2017 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
8 | Dr. Venkata Ravibabu Mandla, Dr. Kancherla Suresh | Spectral library generation and comparison of various rice crops using Hyperspectral and Multispectral sensor in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. | 10 | 2016 | Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)-RESPOND |
9 | Dr. S. Shantha Kumar(PI) | Development and Evaluation of Phycoremediation Technology for Treatment of Rice Mill Effluent | 20.74 | 2016 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
10 | Dr. Neeraja(PI) | Study on Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints with FRP Wrapping. | 0.78 | 2016 | ISTRE |
11 | Dr. S. K. Sekar (PI) Dr. S. Thirumalini (CO-PI) | Characterisation of Ancient Mortar and Simulation of New Mortar at Naganathaswamy Temple Kumbakonam and Thanjavur Palace for Restoration. | 8.6 | 2015 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
12 | Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran(PI) | Geotechnical Investigation on Landslide in Nilgiris district of Tamilnadu. | 21.54 | 2014 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
13 | Dr. Venkata Ravibabu Mandla | Development of Geospatial data module for crop production suitability index. | 17.88 | 2013 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
14 | Dr. A. Sofi (PI) | Effect of pond ash and steel fiber in concrete. | 4.32 | 2012 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
15 | Dr. S. Shantha Kumar(PI) | Flowing and depository profiling of contaminants through domestic water supply system and health risks assessment. | 2 | 2012 | The State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu |
16 | Dr. Sivakumar A (PI) | Studies on the curing regime, rate of hydration, toughness properties and long term durability of glass fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete | 6.48 | 2012 | Department Of Science & Technology(DST) |
17 | Dr. Sivakumar A (PI) | Characterization and performance evaluation of FIBREXTM (Glued steel fibres) Reinforced concrete | 5 | 2012 | Onward chemicals private limited |
18 | Dr. Santhi A S (PI) | Utilizing bottom ash of Thermal power Plants for construction activities as substitute of fine aggregate | 45 | 2011 | NLC –VIT R&D |
19 | Dr. S. Thirumalini | Mineralogical studies on clay shale as supplementary cementing material: Investigation on thermal temperature, grinding, pigmentation, pozzolanic activity and strength | 14 | 2020 | FLSmidth Private Limited |
20 | Dr. B. Srimuruganandam | Assessment of size Segregated airborne particulate matter and its health Effects. | 38.54 | 2019 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
21 | Dr. S. S. Chandrasekaran | Urban Seismic risk assessment. | 19.88 | 2019 | Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)-RESPOND |
22 | Dr. S. Parimala Ranganayaki | Fate and transport of pesticides during bank filtration from managed aquifer recharge. | 6.86 | 2019 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) |
23 | Dr. Sreevalsa K, Dr. Ramesh | lmpounding of River floocl waters along Dakshina Kannacla Coast, A sustainable strategy for water resource Development. | 20.88 | 2018 | Department of Science & Technology(DST) |
Consultancy Projects
Consultancy and Testing Services
Providing consultancy and other services to various organisations
Consultancy is one of the major activity by which the School of Civil Engineering avails its knowledge and expertise to various governmental, public sector organisations, and private enterprises. This also benefits the school, bringing back insights and experiences from the field, and long-term collaboration and relationships. The School has expertise in highly specialised areas of Civil Engineering and have cutting edge instrumentation and facilities which are difficult to find elsewhere. Some of our major clients are Tamilnadu Department of Archaeology, Tamil Nadu water supply and drainage Board, Shapoorji Pallonji and Co Pvt Limited, ASWE Constructions and Engineering Ltd Bangalore, B and B Developers Builders Pvt Ltd, Vellore.

The School offers quality service for technical problems at reasonable and affordable rates as a service to Society in the areas listed below
Testing and Consultancy Services
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation
- Surveying
- Environmental Engineering
- Building Materials
- Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, Surveying
- Soil Mechanics
- Heritage structures
Some of our major consultancies and services to clients include
- Undertaking technical and feasibility studies and site investigations.
- Developing detailed designs of residential, commercial, industrial building.
- Testing of construction and highway materials
- Report on soil testing.
- Surveying using total station
- Testing of water and waste water samples
- Thinking both creatively and logically to resolve design and development problems
- Reviewing and approving project drawings
- Using computer-aided design (CAD) packages for designing projects