Social Outreach

Social Outreach


Vriksh is the initiative taken by the student community of VIT to create awareness among people regarding the importance of trees and highlight the advantages of a green society. To create a powerful impact on an ignorant community our immediate vision is to build a strong base of students who can come up with innovative strategies to promote the growth and plantation of trees. With such a large population of students, we can easily spread awareness regarding environmental health and form partnerships with local communities to sustainably conserve our surroundings. To create a powerful impact on an ignorant community our immediate vision is to build a strong base of students who can come up with innovative strategies to promote the growth and plantation of trees.


Anokha, the inception of change, is a non-profit organisation that works towards welfare of the underprivileged kids. Their basic aim is to reach out to the children of Vellore and to teach English as well as speaking and communication skills to the children in the orphanages. Baisc aim is to reach out to school and college going students and mould them to become better speakers and leaders of tomorrow. Think of the successful leaders you know. They probably have one trait in common – the ability to communicate effectively. Kids need these skills so they can grow to meet the challenges of adulthood and leadership successfully. These sessions will help young people build their communication and leadership skills so they may become tomorrow’s leaders in business, industry and the community.


Ayuda is a youth led organization working for improved health of masses, eradication of illiteracy and providing assistance to old. We at Ayuda proceed forward with the common goal to work for the upliftment of the society and bring sustainable changes in the lives of old and under privileged children. We also conduct various health related campaigns and teaching workshops in underprivileged schools and villages on regular basis. We firmly believe that “Every life is a blessing and a hope for mankind” and thus we strive to nurture the seeds of growth. The NGO conducts 5 projects which include: Project Gyaan- Educational Outreach, Project Muskaan- Spread Joy, Project Sudhaar- Accessible Healthcare, Project Nirmaan- Infrastructure Development in Schools, Project Go Green- Planting Trees for a Cleaner Future.


Becoming I Foundation

Becoming I Foundation is an internationally recognized youth led organization that mobilizes young people into engaging with community development issues. Through projects in the fields of women empowerment, trafficking, primary education, alternate sources of employment, leadership training, life skills development and youth empowerment. We derive our energy from our corpus of dedicated volunteers who have an equal say in the design and implementation of every project. It is our core belief that a democratic structure is necessary to inculcate a sense of ownership and automatic commitment and dedication towards the project. We at Becoming I believe in stable, sustainable change. We love what we do and with each project, campaign and event that we have been a part of, we have grown and reshaped our goals.




Becoming I Foundation


FEPSI was conceived with the vision of redefining change starting from a small scale and then increasing its momentum. FEPSI’s vision to transform the world into an ideal place to live sustainably by empowering the people is through innovative methods. FEPSI is a youth driven organization working towards a fairer, more egalitarian society. As an active organization of students of VIT, FEPSI has reached out to hundreds of children and the emerging youth-approaching-adulthood. We at FEPSI bridge the gap between entertainment and social service. Through our innovative ideas we are able to connect with hundreds of youths making them help the society indirectly via keeping them involved in the things which interests them


5th Pillar, a non-profit organization that aims to encourage, enable, and empower every citizen of India to eliminate corruption at all levels of society. The main objective of 5th Pillar is to strengthen democracy by way of preparing the next generation youth to be dutiful and patriotic citizens in all aspects- following traffic rules, adhering to better environment friendly practices, helping fellow citizens to live a bribe-free life by educating them on the procedures they learn. In order to sensitize the young generation to become socially responsible individuals, to be informed about the various laws governing their functioning as part of the society, 5th Pillar organises awareness programs. 5th Pillar has acquired a special consultative status from the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council in New York and has taken part in the UN’s Global compact program in India.


Juvenile Care VIT is a charitable trust that works for the welfare of underprivileged kids and provide complete child education. It helps college students, to utilise their time to work for orphanage workshops, Microsoft Office workshops in schools and orphanages, medical camps in slums and villages and teacher training programmes. The mission of the organisation is to give a platform to the youth to come forward and work for an alleviation of society. Project EHSAAS is an initiative working towards eradicating child labour and poverty. Project KAGAZ helps recycles paper by binding it to make registers for schoolchildren. Project UNIED is a teaching workshop that implements new teaching methodologies for primary school teachers. They also have a handful of other projects like Sparsh, Vidhya, Muskaan Save the Girl Child.


Leo Club, the youth organziation of Lions Clubs International, has been established to develop and nurture the youth of this world, so as to ensure a better tomorrow, by serving the needy. The prosperity of LEO club is the prosperity of Lions club International. LEO stands for something, ie, Leadership, Experience and opportunity. We make use of every opportunity to serve the needy and make sure that every experience improves our leadership qualities through social service. We provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.” Leo club members around the world fulfill this objective every day.


5th Pillar

Juvenile Care

Leo Club


National Cadet Corps (NCC) helps to develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure & sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens. Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces. Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country. We regularly participate in the Republic day and Independence Day parade of VIT.


National Service Scheme (NSS) do service to understand the community in which they work; To understand themselves in relation to their community; To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process. To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility; To utilise their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems; To develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities: To gain skills in mobilising community participation; To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude; To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters; and To practice national integration and social harmony. NSS VIT conducts yearly camp in selected villages in and around VIT.

NSS Cell Activity

Nature Lover's Club, harboring the institute’s most ardent nature enthusiasts aim to spread awareness about the importance of nature and its conservation in developing a better tomorrow. The club aims at increasing awareness among the students and providing freedom to participate in various environmental activities. In the process of conserving ecology and promoting sustainable development. Protecting and sustaining the environmental conditions in and around the campus and inspiring others to do on a large scale all around the nation.


Rotaract club: Dedicated student community who share a passion for community service and friendship and focusses on to improve the lifestyle of the under privileged. Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18-30 to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. From big cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities like yours. Rotaract plan and carry out activities and service projects. Rotary club sponsors offer guidance and support and work with your club as partners in service.

National Cadet Corps


Nature Lover's Club

Rotaract club


Red Ribbon clubs (RRC) are envisaged to instill among all the students the values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy by promotion of regular voluntary blood donation. RRC aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on Mental Health, Substance abuse, Nutrition and reproductive & Sexual health and building their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment. OBJECTIVES: To reduce new occurrences of HIV infection among youth by raising their risk perception through awareness on HIV prevention methods, To induce the spirit among youth to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against PLHWAs, To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation, and team building, To promote voluntary blood donation among youth.


Uddeshya is a social outreach organisation bound by its motto in "Empowering Youth - Fueling Change", is the motto the members of Uddeshya abide by on their journey to achieve long lasting change. Uddeshya strives to motivate the youth to take up the mantle of change by empowering them and engaging them to tackle and address multifaceted subjects including Public Policy, Civic Rights and Duties, Sustainable Development, Education, HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse Awareness, Electoral Integrity, Peer Pressure, Bullying, Child Abuse, et cetera. With the help of volunteers spread across various chapters, Uddeshya actively works for and with the youth, aiming to provide a platform for potential change-makers to implement their ideas and work as community leaders to address various issues. Having pioneered conferences including Impact and Parliament Direct, Uddeshya reaches out to thousands of youngsters every year.


Universal Higher Education Trust (UHET) Club - HEARTS

HEARTS (Higher Education for All to Realize Transformation of Students) A club under UHET- Universal Higher Education trust, the purpose of higher education: To create prepared minds. The focus of higher education should be on creating prepared minds in their graduates, and government-sponsored research and development in higher education institutions is a great way to enrich the education of future engineers. To create awareness on the importance of higher education at a various level. To increase Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) by assisting all eligible higher secondary students in access to higher education. Events are organised yo promote higher education for the underprivileged and marginalized communities.


Youth Red Cross – VIT

The Youth Red Cross Society (YRC) is the most important constituent of its parent organization Indian Red Cross Society. The main objectives of the YRC movement is based on the principles of protection of health and life, service to the sick and suffering, promotion of national and international friendship to develop the mental and moral capacities of youth. Objectives of Youth Red Cross: To inculcate in the Youth of our country, Awareness on the care of their own health and that of others, Understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfil the same, To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth, To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination. YRC organizes blood donation camps and health camps periodically.

YRC Office Bearers


Red Ribbon clubs



Youth Red Cross Society

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.